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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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employees, that is, the direct reporting of the federal prosecutor's office to the president, so that the president can appoint special prosecutors and investigate anything that replaces him, and so on and so forth, this is very little discussed, in fact, we need to discuss political programs, i think, discuss personality does not make sense, because with personalities everything, well, everything is more or less clear, it is necessary to discuss the programs. and the elections, they expressed it, it seems, even today on their youtube channel, or or the other day that this election is, in a big way , a referendum on whether or not donald trump can lead the country, i absolutely agree with you because, because who will be the democratic nominee, it doesn't matter in that case, and it it really is, because it is a choice between where... america will go, or
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whether it will build this far-right authoritarian state, and among other things, in this 2025 project, it is assumed that america should withdraw its troops from europe and only to provide assistance with nuclear weapons to the europeans nato countries, if necessary, and the european nato countries must defend themselves against possible russian aggression, it is written there simply in black and white, so will america... be like this, will america be different, will it remain the leader free world? the choice is between these two platforms, and it doesn’t even matter who represents them, just another thing is that trump is very popular, so he has become an icon among several tens of millions of people who believe in him almost like a god, and therefore his voters, the unity among them is guaranteed to him, that is, they will all come to the elections, and so... the discussions in the liberal
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political camp that are happening now, they do not contribute to the unity of the camp, so what the new york times wrote sanders, what oleksandria kazivates said is important in order to ensure the unity of the liberal forces on the eve of these elections, and in this way we can say that today's story, in a week, may not be so important either part of this pre-election struggle, as before... the debates became such a significant part of the pre-election struggle that we are simply witnessing such a tough pre-election campaign, maybe an unprecedented tough prediction, i agree with you, and and and and on, on and on, we will witness many more things that will overshadow what happened yesterday, what happened the day before yesterday, that is , this is really going to be a very tough fight, it is tough and it will continue to be tough, these are elections with...
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which are very difficult to combine with each other, unfortunately this struggle is beginning to spill over into what we saw yesterday, this is of course, that is unacceptable, absolutely, i agree 100 times with everyone who publicly condemned this attempt, this is absolutely unacceptable in a civilized country, in a civilized world. thank you, thank you, mr. igor, igor aydzme, professor of new york. we were in touch, we talked with him about what was happening in the united states at that time, the main event of the day, which is written about by all the world media, is the situation related to the attempt on donald trump, and it is obvious that this is such an important political story, which will be talked about for a long time, about the circumstances of this story.
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about what happened. now you and i will move to another country, to poland from ukraine, mykola knyazhytskyi, co-chairman of the group on inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland. congratulations. congratulations. so, the polish sejm recognized the deportation of ukrainian atars in 1944 as genocide. what is the political significance of this? is this a decision at all today? well, actually, first of all, it has a historical significance, because... i i remember when in 2015, i don't know if you can hear me now, so hear, yes, uh, it was a great honor for me to be the author of this resolution, when we recognized the deportation of the genocide, we were simply restoring historical justice, because if we if we want the world to recognize the holodomor as genocide, then obviously we cannot close our eyes. for the genocide of our
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compatriots, ukrainians of crimean tatar origin, and the fact that the whole world now supports it is very important, the whole world is starting to support it, because lithuania and latvia, canada have already supported it. now here is poland, and we will ensure that this support continues, of course, this is also important for our future, because when we say whose crimea and answer that crimea is ours, the question is whether it is ours, of course, ukrainian crimea , but crimea and crimean tatars, because these are the indigenous population, the indigenous people of crimea, who do not see themselves as separate from ukraine, who have a huge history, a common history with us, which was simple and not... we were very allies, and were enemies, but we fought together against today's aggressor, who is one of us is now destroying, and the crimean-teper people have already almost perished, we just have to think about the fate of these people who were resettled in the 44th year, to central asia, to central asia, to
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other countries that lost more than half of their population, over which the occupier is mocking now, and when we talk about the future of crimea, to ensure the rights of this people to me... it seems to me that this is one of the most important principles and ways to convince the world to support us even more strongly in the deoccupation of crimea, and the deoccupation of crimea is exactly what the plan is and zelensky, when we talk about ukraine in borders of 1991, this is what the whole world is talking about now, and this is what should happen from the point of view of justice, not violation of borders in relation to us ukrainians, but also from the point of view of her justice. in relation to the crimean tatar people. now a lot of people talked about the agreement that was signed, the security guarantee agreement, the security guarantee agreement, the security agreement between ukraine and poland, and they talked about the fact that there is a moment in this agreement that allows poland to destroy russian
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missiles, as if even in ukrainian skies , what are they flying towards poland, well , now we have a refutation, aren't we relying too much on the texts of these documents? no, we do not have a denial, we have a denial from stoltenberg, who says that for nato, this may pose a certain threat, but this is not a denial, poland wants it, and poland even now, after the signing of the agreement and stoltenberg's words, says , which will try to convince nato to help ukraine by shooting down missiles and drones on the territory of ukraine. it is extremely important for us. the agreement makes it possible to do this in in the future so much of what we promise now actually manifests for us in the future. we used to talk about the patriots as something unattainable, then about the f-16. now it is written in the agreement, this norm is written in the agreement. and it is obvious that this
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is, firstly, extremely important, and secondly, it is something that can be implemented, and if there is such a need, it will definitely be implemented by nato countries in the future. "as far as, in principle, it is now possible to talk about the fact that poland can somehow take a special position in its relations with ukraine regarding this war, they talked, they talked, let's say about the creation of the so-called ukrainian legion in poland, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, mr. sikorskyi already says that there are people who are ready to join this ukrainian legion, no other nato countries are doing the same, however, no are forming such legions on their territory?". well, i think that they will be formed, this is an initiative of the ukrainian side, the ukrainians turned to the poles because there really are a lot of ukrainians here, and the poles are simply helping this ukraine, now we
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will connect again and find out , as it looks this ukrainian legion is in... what are the procedures for its creation, how do people join it, because it is such an interesting initiative, of course, which is aimed at ukrainian citizens who are currently in the territory of nato countries, in the territory of european union countries, countries, who, as you know, finance ukrainian opportunities, finance their own participation in helping ukraine, because... they also give money, as you know, to their own enterprises of the military-industrial complex, which make weapons on the order of their governments, for it is very important for ukraine, and of course for these countries as well, to see that ukrainians actively want to participate in the defense of their own country,
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that the money of western taxpayers is not just some kind of, relatively speaking, desire and not just some kind of procedure.' that this really corresponds to the request of the ukrainian society to protect its country. this is a very important point, as we perfectly understand, in this situation as well. you and i should also realize how important the moment is, primarily related to ukraine's cooperation with poland, and cooperation of ukraine with the baltic countries, as well as neighboring countries, firstly, and secondly, we should know what this situation looks like, of course, precisely from the point of view of the neighboring countries, because these countries, unlike the countries of the west, on unlike the countries in... europe, unlike the countries of southern europe, they have their own experience of coexistence or existence in the soviet
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empire, in the russian empire, and part of poland, the baltic countries, they were part of the russian empire. later, as we know, the baltic countries were occupied by the soviets union in 1940, and poland became part of the so-called socialist camp, and therefore they have a clear understanding of what... what they are dealing with when it comes to moscow, and to what extent moscow generally understands the language of common sense and as far as respecting the language of power, all this is their very important experience, and it is absolutely obvious, it seems to me that we now perceive these states as the most serious lobbyists of our interests in the european union, in nato. despite any polemic there on historical issues, on economic issues,
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as much as we have talked about these economic issues with poland, and we understand that the european integration of ukraine will naturally take place in such discussions that poland, and society, and the government will protect their own economic interests, by and large this may all take additional time, even with the european integration of ukraine, and this must also be understood of course. but along with this is the awareness, if you will, the awareness of this understanding of the situation, it is there, and it is this understanding of the situation that must be used, because we see that public opinion in neighboring countries is aimed at supporting ukraine, which is a large part. societies in neighboring countries, which understands all the dangers of moscow, even in those countries whose governments, as you know, often talk
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about russian politics, we often talk here about the role of the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, who recently visited not only with a visit to kyiv, but also to moscow and beijing, and by the way, met with the united states with donald trump, who was the main character of our conversation just a few minutes ago, and... of course, all this is about ukraine agreeing to the russian terms for the end of the war. we understand this very well. but at the same time, on the day when orbán met with trump there, the leader of the hungarian opposition party tisza, peter madzir, who has now become the main opposition figure in hungary, he came to kyiv just in time to express the support of the ukrainian people on behalf of hungarian society . a small part of the leading hungarian politicians is there, the mayor is there budapest always expresses solidarity with
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ukraine, that is, it cannot be said that orbán , in his policy of orientation towards putin , expresses the position of the entire hungarian society. no it is not. the same applies to slovakia. we saw that during the change of power in slovakia, the current prime minister of slovakia, robert fitza, he was such a supporter. reducing aid to ukraine, but this is not the opinion of the entire slovak society, it is the opinion of only a part of that part, which today is simple won the parliamentary and presidential elections. so, mr. mykola, let's go back to the history of the ukrainian legions and the prospects of such formations. the ukrainian legion is, as i said, an initiative of the ukrainian side, and the fact that the poles help it is of course a good thing, because there are a lot of men on the territory of poland who... return to ukraine for one reason or another, but would like to to protect ukraine, this is
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a certain guarantee for them that they will be in such a joint, own community, and that is why they go there are recorded, i think the same will be the case in other countries, which will allow creating such regions and teach ukrainians, and then these ukrainians will come to fight in ukraine in one way or another, that is, if they themselves wish or how it should look, it is necessary to ask from... the ministry of defense, but there is no other point in training and training ukrainians abroad in parts of the ukrainian army if they will not defend ukraine, right? well, obviously, yes, i understand that. and how are polish-ukrainian relations with this new government of donald tusk today... can we talk about any significant changes, or rather about the continuation of the policy? no, there are definitely changes, maybe they are not as fast as before, there were pluses in the previous pis government, because when the full-scale invasion just began, we remember that the polish government supported us, accepted a
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lot of ukrainians, then in the pre-election period, blockades at the border began and began. it is a confederation, but peace has done nothing to try to put future responsibility for what is happening on the future tusk government. tusk's government had it is difficult to understand this, now it will be key in our admission to the european union, because poland, together with germany and france, are actually becoming the pillars of the european union, especially when we cannot predict what will happen in the united states of america and great britain after the change . supports the european union in great britain, special relations with poland as well, then the role of poland in the eu will be very large, and therefore tusk will help us in the defense sphere, but in the economic sphere there may be problems, and of course there are various provocateurs, for example, when they voted on the issue of recognizing the resettlement of the crimean tatars as genocide, both the coalition and
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the opposition, the largest opposition, peace , supported this decision, they all voted for it, but the party... the confederation, for example, showed its completely pro-russian face and everyone voted against it, so these pro-russian forces inside poland, of course, we will still hear about their existence, especially since the confederation in the european union entered, formed a joint party group with an alternative for germany, which orbán's supporters did not even accept, so of course there will be problems in polish society, but we have to say that in general... polish society supports ukraine, will support ukraine in the european union, the largest political parties will support ukraine, we need to be friends with poland, but agree on economic cooperation in the eu, defending our own interests , and here problems will arise. well , in fact, these same problems have not been resolved to this day. we see how from time to time the borders are blocked again, from time
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to time certain ones will be presented again claims of an economic nature to the export of ukrainian products. or through poland, i'm not saying, even to poland, well, yes, there is an embargo, that's all, and, oddly enough, in the situation of this debate, the ukrainian side is right, because eh, if we limit our right to be in the european union, or to accept us there with various quotas, then the question arises, why is it the european union for ukraine at all, but at the same time, poland is definitely our biggest. an ally in the defense sphere, and given that the defense policy the european union will grow, here poland will support ukraine, and do it almost the most out of all the other countries that are in the european union, so we need to conduct negotiations, work with the poles a lot, and i hope that it will be so, but the day after tomorrow begins the visit of the ukrainian group
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of parliamentarians, which cooperates with polish parliamentarians, is the first such visit to poland after the elections. we will have a lot of important meetings with the leadership of the government, parliament, commissions, and ministries, so that at all levels and at the parliamentary, there should be cooperation at the government, at the presidential level, and we are working for this. and tell me, please, in principle, we can now talk about the fact that the societies of the central countries of central europe are already tired of this war, or is it different from what we see, say, in the west and in the south of europe. well , once again we lost contact, and this is also an important topic, because of course, support for ukraine depends on public support, and this is very important for understanding
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what the interests of the allies are, and mr. mykola, please, i don't know. hear me now, the connection disappeared during our conversation, i started the beginning of your question, is fatigue felt from the war, well, from the support of ukraine, how does it differ in central europe and in western, let's say, well, you know, you see, in our this connection disappeared again. but we will break now for a few minutes and continue after the break. her discounts are the only discounts. you will save 10% at travel pharmacies. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel cheerful in the morning and productive in the afternoon. and with
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toloksen strong 10% in the pharmacies of planar pam and ochad great ether vasyl winter two hours of air time. two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as respected guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what
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should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the program legal examination on espresso tv channel. see this week in the collaborators program. sales bloggers. as a resident of mykyivka, the stavosom of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but how did propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? everyone makes their own choice. on tuesday, july 16, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the tv channel. espresso. we continue the political club on the espressa tv channel. and now to another european
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country, to france, where parliamentary elections were held election. and, maria oleksa, journalist, editor of state television in france, will be in touch with us. we will talk about the consequences of these elections, about how the situation is developing. now. congratulations, mr. maria. congratulations. well, so what's going on now? how does emmanuel macron cope with a parliament in which no one has a majority? complete chaos ensues. in my opinion, france is entering an era, probably the most unstable political era in the last 10 years to be exact. macron has the feeling that he is a little detached from reality, and he has been for a long time could not accept the results of these elections. first, he was silent for a long time, relatively long. we learned the results last sunday. the president only addressed the french on wednesday and he didn't do it in a televised address as usual, he wrote a letter that was then released to the press, and in that letter
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he says that... no party won, that's a fact, but he also hints at the fact that the government should be formed by republican forces, and by this he, well, actually points to the unconquered, that is, the ultra-right, ultra, sorry, ultra-left a party that belongs to the alliance of left-wing forces, and uh, it is an integral part of it, because they took the most seats, like... the ultra-left, the ultra-left party within this alliance, and macron in his letter actually rejects the possibility their participation in the future government, and this is a very big problem, because in fact france finds itself in a situation where there is really no one to lead, no party has this magic number of 289 seats, and therefore france has weeks, if not months, so many ahead of it. .. serious, well,
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first the french will go on vacation, but with in september, serious parliamentary battles will begin in the parliament, and it may simply end with the fact that no laws will be passed in the country, the country will not function, this is now the scenario we are approaching, in principle, how will this situation develop into the non-functioning of the country, i.e. not there will be a government, who will rule the country then? the scenario is as follows: now, in any case , the national assembly must be operational by july 18, on july 18 the first, first plenary session of the new assembly, at which the president of the national assembly is to be elected, and from this dates are counted from the moment when france needs a government, it seems they have two weeks to form the first proposal, and the olympics are starting in the country, that is, it is also a very specific moment when er... postpone
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the formation of the government to september or august quite difficult, so you need to decide quickly, and the calendar now is that the alliance of left forces, which came as a result of the race, is still the first, even if they do not have an absolute majority, they have 182 deputies, this is the most number, they have to offer emmanuel macron a person for the position of prime minister. so far , neither the left can agree among themselves, nor does macron express great enthusiasm for the next prime minister to be someone from the left. the second scenario is if macron decides that macron has 168 seats in parliament, his forces have 45, and the republicans have 45. he can unite with the republicans, they won't have the magic number of 289 either, but they will have
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more than the left alliance. it is technically possible to do it and do the macron government together with republicans, but the legitimacy of this government, if you imagine ministers from the republicans, in which there are only 45 seats, well, this is a very illegitimate government, because the french voters obviously slapped the republicans, they said: here you have 45 seats, it is many times less than it was earlier, so if it wasn't, well, such a scenario is quite specific, that's why macron you... he is waiting for proposals from the left forces, and they are quarreling among themselves according to the french tradition and cannot offer a name yet. well, that is, i understand that the leftists were able to unite among themselves only in order to to stop the far right. that's all, their understanding ended. absolutely, and the most problematic part of this alliance still remains the unconquered, this is the party of jean-luc mélenchon, who
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is considered in france. a left-wing politician by his statements, by his ideology, by his, well, traditionally historical interests and closeness to venezuela, closeness to putin, he is quite such an odious figure who in france evokes a lot of emotions and very little compromise, and precisely the role the unconquered in the left alliance will win this role of a lighter that ignites all discussions, it is impossible to get rid of the unconquered, because they have... 74 seats out of 182 seats of the entire alliance, 59 seats for the socialists, that is, it is the largest party in the ranks of the left alliance, to ignore them just like that, at that time, how the voters still gave them these mandates is very difficult, and this is where the biggest conflict is right now, both among the leftists themselves and in the relations between macro'.


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