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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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happy ukrainian statehood day. greetings to all viewers. preso, yana yavomelnyk and news for your attention. two people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. in the morning , the invaders attacked the village of sadove. the gas pipeline was damaged. a 70-year-old woman was injured. later , a 43-year-old man sought medical help. previously, he had a landmine-explosive injury. the mayor of kherson, roman mrochko, informed. he also added that doctors are examining another man in the regional center. he was wounded on july 11 during an attack. russians on the dnipro
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district of the city. they are afraid of escalation. nato does not approve of poland's idea of ​​shooting down russian drones and missiles in the sky over ukraine - stated the secretary general of the alliance jen stoltenberg, despite the fact that the north atlantic alliance is ready to further strengthen ukraine's air defense and provide our defenders with f-16 fighters and air defense systems. at the same time , nato will not take direct part in the war without..., at the same time, stoltenberg confirmed his position that ukraine has the right to attack legitimate military targets on the territory of the russian federation. governors the united states will take over the patronage of ukrainian regions, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy announced this at a meeting with the heads of the military-civilian administrations. from the words of the head of state.
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the initiative was shown by the governors themselves, according to zelenskyi, we can interact in energy, education, medicine, rehabilitation and providing shelters. there is a great desire to work at the level of regional structures, they are ready to work also with energy, and with education, and with bomb shelters, well, with shelters, with medicine, with rehabilitation, many such questions of different me... that it would help you too, well, everyone. today, the last patrol ship of the black sea fleet of the russian federation left crimea, said the spokesman of the ukrainian navy, dmytro pletenchuk. he noted that the ship was moving accompanied by support ships. the spokesman also added that currently the enemy's tactics in the black sea are limited to inter-base transitions. the government has simplified the procedure for obtaining
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the status of a participant in hostilities. this was reported in the ministry of veteran affairs. now you can apply at center for providing administrative services, regardless of the place of residence. and soon the status will be issued in action. the veteran's id will also be available in the application in electronic format. uah 10,000 for time off on land. state bureau of investigation. the wing of the ship's commander, who did not let subordinates ashore without a bribe. the money the sailors had to pay for their legal days off. according to operational data, the suspect earned at least uah 150,000 per month. the commander was arrested red-handed while receiving another tribute. prime minister of estonia kaya kalas resigns along with the entire government. she will soon replace joseph borel as the head of the diplomat. eu. kalas
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will lead the government until a new one is formed. kristen michal is expected to become the next prime minister of estonia. he currently holds the position of minister for climate affairs. according to experts' forecasts, the country's foreign policy towards ukraine will not change, because michal is one of the fiercest critics of russia's aggressive war. the us has put several military bases in europe on high alert. the reason is the threat of terrorist attacks, cnn reports. such a level of danger has not been observed for at least 10 years, an official stationed at one of the bases told the newspaper. journalists suggest that this may be related to statements about a potential terrorist threat on the eve of the olympic games in france, as well as during the european football championship. earlier, the media wrote that the special services of european countries warned their governments about the threat of sabotage from russia.
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danced at a concert with a folk dance ensemble, went on an expedition to antarctica, and also dreams of jumping with a parachute, and all this on prostheses military serviceman oleg slyvar and from the lviv region lost his leg in the war. we watch the incredible story of titan with an electronic knee. oleg slyvar, a 25-year-old military man from drohobych, has been engaged in folk dancing for more than 12 years, but in 2018 he changed his costume to camouflage and joined the army. oleg met a full-scale russian invasion in his native drohobych, but from the first days he was looking for the possible. to be transferred to a combat unit, i tried to transfer to kyiv, they did not want to take me, i also tried in 43.08 they didn't take me, and then somewhere in the middle of summer , an order came to send the personnel to a unit in slovyansk. since the end of the summer, oleg
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has been working in the donetsk region, where he was wounded already in november 2022. during one of the assaults, he came under heavy mortar fire and received a shrapnel. and leg injuries. oleg lost consciousness and woke up already in the hospital. the boy learned from his mother that he had lost his right leg. when i woke up, i didn't know that i didn't have a right leg, because i felt a phantom pain in it, and i thought that i actually had a leg. i vote yes i didn't worry about my leg, because i knew that now there are prostheses, that you can walk and run with them. oleg's girlfriend, sofia, found the news about the opening of the new super humans prosthetics and rehabilitation center. i'll drop it right away. literally 10 days later they call me and say that we are ready to take you to
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rehabilitation, well, at first i didn't believe it, because it was something from the role of fiction, oleg was measured and within a week he received his first protest, for the first time.. . day the guy started walking on crutches, he admits, he didn't believe it when he saw two sneakers again, i don't know the feeling how, well, it cannot be expressed in words. later, the boy switched to an electronic knee, which, according to oleg, completely replaced the lost limb. from the role of fantasy to have an electronic knee, because firstly, it is expensive, not everyone can afford it, but with the help of volunteers, as well as superhumans, we managed to achieve this. to support this protest, we can always fold our hands and do nothing, we need to try, we need something to fill out, not only one questionnaire, you can
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even fill out 10, and everywhere you can accept, and you need to try everything, because it is always a new chance, a new challenge, and you do not know what will be waiting for you in each center, in january... in 1024, oleg went to antarctica for 21 days. during the expedition, he jumped into the icy water from the yacht, however, for such an extreme test , he protested in order not to lose it in the waters of antarctica. after realizing one dream, oleg decided to work on the realization of another, to dance again. with his team. in june, this dream became a reality. the 25-year-old warrior took the stage again and performed a choreography. humans, titans.
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ahead, says oleg, definitely. jump with a parachute. ema stednyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel and meet my wonderful colleagues, marta oliyarnyk and antin brukovsky on the air. the information day of the tv channel continues, glory to ukraine, i am glad to see you, how should there be such mutual contact, maybe we
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do not see you, but we read your comments exactly on our youtube, so we will inform you about all the most important things, and we will talk, of course, first of all about the situation at the front. alexei the hetman, a military expert, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, is in touch with us, glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy, glory to the heroes, good day, well, the pokrovsky direction, that is... the situation has been difficult for several months, maybe it doesn't get any simpler like that, and accordingly the turkish direction, in particular the enemy's advance or the enemy's attempt to advance there. how would you rate it now? menacingly, here is the story, what concerns both the pokrovsky direction and the turkish one? well , the pokrovsky, turetsky and chesovyarsky directions can be conditionally combined into one direction, called konstantinovsky. direction, because our railway passes there , we have discussed it many times, and there,
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we use the railway like any army, especially in wartime, and the russians want to impair our logistical capabilities, and therefore most likely we can expect , that this promotion comes from exactly three sides, there from at the time it was up to 15, well less than 15 km, from the teretsk and pokrovsky directions, there somewhere up to 20 km, directly to kostiantynov. of course, the most intense battles are going on there, the enemy is trying, whether the tactics are new or not, there are always some new tactics, they don’t have that many new tactics, they are a creeping occupation, they want to take small steps, small groups, i.e. capture 10, 20 m , 30 m, our territory, to gain a foothold there and thus try to slowly but steadily advance deep into our territory. well, where on we can do it, a lot depends on ours, well, on the amount of forces and means
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used by the russians, on our capabilities, mobilization capabilities, well , of course, on equipment and weapons, well, shells, the situation with the environment cannot be such a risk, if the enemy, for example, will actively advance in the direction of new york and at the same time in the direction of the iron south. so will they not be able to shut down their offensive activities there? well, first of all, new york is a well- fortified place, and since the 14th year they have tried to do something there many times, in they didn't do it very well, well, trying to attack, well, this is of course a field action tactic, of course , trying to attack from the flank in order to attack the group, there is no such thing here, whether they will succeed or not, well , this is the performance you are showing there now on the map, this is also a certain danger for them, because he is also
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cut off by side blows, flank blows, so they will strive, they will try, well, firstly, we will not let them move, secondly, if such a threat arises , god forbid, then well, you will have to leave, no one will will leave people surrounded so that it is clear to them how to hold the defense or continue the hostilities, so the situation is unpleasant, but it is predicted, we said at the beginning of the year that the enemy would concentrate very much, collected a very large number of technical manpower, everything they had there, they continue to mobilize, well, sign contracts, recruiting, there is information that they will start either direct or partial mobilization by august, because they do not have enough people for such and such an option offensive act as they do, that's why we said that it is possible that there will be some promotion. well, there have never been such wars in the history of mankind, so that the attacking army did not advance a step anywhere.
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as far as we are, after some time we will get it back again. mr. oleksiy, look, we would like to discuss with you again, since you are a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, and the moral right to evaluate those military men who are currently serving, in my opinion, only those who fought themselves have the right. it is about a scandal, the 29th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuka, that is, the paramedic who was in captivity, kateryna polishchuk, better known as the bird, called on zelensky, as the supreme commander, to conduct an audit of the actions of the commander of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade in which she served. it is about the fact that the command does not count on losses, it is known to send people to such operations that cannot be carried out, and there is already a reaction from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi, he says that there will be... a relevant commission, which will investigate all these circumstances, we understand that
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there is a reaction from our command, but we also understand that this is not the first such situation in the last period of time, and it looks like, well, i would like you to give your assessment, whether these things, they happened in us , it was simply customary to keep it quiet, and now people have already got impatient and everyone has already decided that if some non-public means of communication do not help, then this whole... story should be transferred to the public plane and in general, how do you assess the situation and do you think is correct now during the war such things on take out the public? well, i think it's worth it, if people... military servicemen start doing it, it's worth it, we really have certain teams that try, well, you know, it's not only in us, it's in any army, even in the most modern armies , there in the united states, i don’t know yet, in countries, other nato countries, there are such commanders who are trying to get themselves some awards or some kind of promotion by performing,
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as it were, performing some combat operation, regardless of losses, or trying to perform . this operation to get some certain preferences, well, do we have such commanders, well , of course there are, er, well, and these are not mass cases, the vast majority of our commanders, well , they conduct battles in a different way, but there are such cases, about this, well, listen, there is a lot of talk about this in society, not only in the media space, but among themselves, as they say, on the street or there, as they once said, they used to say in the kitchens, so these issues must be taken under... and an official investigation must be carried out investigation, first of all, in order to understand what is happening there, how the military personnel have certain mechanisms, how you can complain about the actions of the commander, it is written down, there are hotlines, that is, both the ministry of defense and the national guard, you can contact them, there are journalists, you can contact the fourth power directly, so here,
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if there are such cases, if there are no such cases, well , sometimes it happens, you know, the commander and the subordinate have a fight, because the commander is demanding, the subordinate does not like him very much, and he then starts, as they say, rolling the barrel on the commander, accusing him of all mortal sins, because he does not want to follow those commands that are fair teams, such as are necessary, well, he wants it in his own way, as they say, they see how to fight, how to serve, well, we have such, well... there were many such cases, when her people began to start some, well movements against some commanders, but not because they are bad, but because they were uttered, there is also such a thing, so if such a case and it received publicity, well, it should be investigated, not wrongly investigated there for years there, just
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conduct an official investigation , it happens quite quickly, there the moon seems to be on the maximum that... start and finish, especially if it will be under the attention of the mass media, then everything will become clear very quickly, if there is a fact that a person really gave illegal commands or, well, look, mr. oleksiy, well, here is a very important, essential question, the criteria for determining whether this or that command or this or that order is legitimate and relevant, we understand that... war is actually, in particular, about death, yes, about very difficult situations, and fighters take responsibility, their commanders take on responsibility, and situations are even more complicated than they seem, so, well, that 's how to deal with such things, we understand that a person from the outside, well, serhiy tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th
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brigade, commented on this statement, in particular a public one. to the public and said that kateryna polishchuk did not serve in the brigade, she cooperated with it as a volunteer, that is , at what level should there be a commission that would determine whether this or that order was given correctly or incorrectly, well, in any case, syrsky now sent the head of the military service of law and order to the place deployments of the 59th brigade, somehow, well , listen to analyze everyone on... so you can get to, well, the order, for example, i don’t know, clean the weapons, well, let’s check whether the order is correct or incorrect, no, that’s not what we’re talking about, it’s it's about cases when people, as they say, girls send death, when they don't take them there, when people leave,
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listen there's a lot to explore, so let's go anyway... what will they do in usp, how will they look there, here to analyze whether they were right or wrong, whether these were orders or actions, well, that's a lot it's easier than it seems, there are certain e, well, there are combat statutes, there are other statutes, and there are when, well, for each, for each action in defense or offensive, it is prescribed what should be, and... against what kind of forces can conduct combat operations, for example, there is a company, a brigade or a brigade or a battalion, if a battalion is sent for an assault, for example, well, it is prescribed in combat operations. if some actions are not according to the combat statutes, at your own discretion, that is, on you, well, a stick, relatively speaking, go, break a tank, well, here it is,
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this person was sent to kill him, we are it we understand, that is, it is not as difficult as it seems to check whether there were any serious actions on the part of this comprige that lead to losses that could have been avoided, you know, since the beginning of the war, i have seen from my acquaintances where they serve, the commanders of the brigades change quite often there, well, they are not satisfied, well, not so that directly en masse, but the commander of the battalions, the commanders of the brigades, there is a serious company, well, in the brigade in which i was in the 14th year and in the 22nd -th year, there have already been four changes of cambriga, i.e. brigade commanders, it is not because they did some criminal actions, and... they didn't meet that level, maybe i don't know what it was, what was written in the order, but most likely they did something
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not exactly as it is necessary, and the leadership replaced them, well, usually more such, let’s say, professional commanders came, this happens all the time, so if some brigade or unit would take some actions, er... such that they lead to losses and even senseless losses, then believe me, well, it is unlikely that the general staff or any other leading units would this commander was covered and they would let him continue to serve, i say once again, in the brigade that i served in, there was nothing like that, well, let's say, criminal cambrigi, but they were also replaced, because they believed that they were not effective enough, effectively . well , look, in any case, any, well, i won’t say even any, well, but a more or less qualified people’s deputy or public activist there can find something for which you can criticize this or that commander,
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what the higher the commander, the more it can be critics, and it may even be justified in its essence, yes, but the situations are difficult, and if one or another commander starts or is forced to constantly justify himself, we understand what irreparable losses this causes to his reputation. so, well, now we understand that this does not refer specifically to the 59th, i do not know what actually happened inside, yes, but there is also a story about our tireless mp maryana bezuglu, and the head of masyrsy, let's summarize the previous question so that somehow it somehow hung in the air. some will try to criticize the commanders for just that, because they want to criticize, or they don't like this commander, teams that make mistakes and do unprofessional actions,
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it is very important that the upper management monitors it, and well, ask yourself a simple question , if the combrich is bad, and he sends people to their deaths, they suffer excessive losses, lose positions, out of which fear his general staff will keep him in office, well, what, that is, it won't happen. we are this, we are this, we understand this that's why sometimes you have to be very careful with such criticism and really check the official investigation, and there it will show, once again no one, no one, i repeat, four cambrigs were changed from my brigade, there is a rotation, if a person does not, does not meet the requirements that now there is, he is being replaced, there is no panifraternity there, that they will keep a person, he will kill people, destroy, and he will be kept in office, for some reason. and on the head, look, the president of ukraine was even forced to comment, so on press conference, zelenskyi about the replacement of the chief of staff, it is difficult to say what would have happened if
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the leadership of the army had not changed, and zelenskyi does not believe that anyone would be able to prevent the breakthrough of the russians in the kharkiv region, that is, on the one hand, this is a serious pass, in the direction head of commissar's office, yes, on the other hand, well, that's a rather cautious answer. well, here the replacement of the chief of staff and the replacement of the head of the general staff seems to me to be more of a political component than a military one, well, it seems so to me, because here a little everything looks different, we saw what movements there were, how it all changed, well, it can hardly be considered that the commander was a bad commander. because when he was released, he was awarded the title of hero of ukraine from the hands, from the hands of the president of ukraine, well, because, well, how, uh,
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a person, if a person. can't cope with his duties, he is removed from his post, it's normal, it was understood during the war, but at the same time he is awarded a higher award, well, listen, here, as they say, there were other reasons, that is, most likely, well we we will find out about this, i think, after the war, when we thank you, thank you oleksiy hetman, a reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, was on our airwaves, now we will have a pause, after it we will continue the information day. espresso so please stay. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we we offer you a light bulb that shines even
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in pharmacies, travel to you and savings. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analysis program, a clear understanding of the key events of the previous week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final evening with us on... and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day
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by phone. turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. svoboda live frankly and not biased you draw your own conclusions. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi gave an order to find out the circumstances of the recent losses of 50 personnel.


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