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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhiy rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analysis is objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda live is frank and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi gave an order to find out the circumstances of the recent losses of personnel of the 50th ninth separate
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motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, and he sent the head of the military law and order service of the armed forces to the zone of responsibility of the unit, the general staff reported. i quote: a decision was made to go to the area of ​​responsibility, to join a complex working group headed by the head of the military service of law and order of the armed forces of ukraine. well, let's wait for the results. well, in the meantime, zelensky spent a meeting with the heads of regional military administrations. we discussed the issue of fortification and not only that, we also talked about energy, in more detail about energy, in particular in the kharkiv region, now we will talk with bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, mr. bohdan, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good day, well , let's go let's start with energy, i.e. the heat all over the country, the fat is unworldly, what is the situation in kharkiv oblast, actually with electricity, yes, because we understand that electricity is not only about lighting, it's about... functioning
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bridge as such, in principle, you have my word, the situation with electricity is like this, last week and already this monday , the lights go out for 3-4 hours in the districts of different places of the city of kharkiv, of course you can endure 3-4 hours, it is possible, it is not like that a disaster, but still there are inconveniences, what else can be added about the occasion. electricians, the forecasts for the whole week are not very encouraging, except for outages, let's say according to the schedule, being outages, so- called emergency, and let's see how it will look, there was information that from 12 o'clock today, well, it has already been working, for example, there is no light in my house now, it was turned off on the 12th, i hope that around three, four , it will be restored, that is , we are now on generators and
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we are communicating with you, that is, the internet, everything else works from the generator, as for the whole city of kharkiv, yes, we are already used to it, the traffic lights are not working, let's say, various institutions are not working, generators are running all over the city, well, it's all clear, i think, in kyiv there is approximately the same situation as those concerning the news from this, let's say, the front is in the clutches of the energy sector... today the information arrived that the city of kharkiv was handed over, the country of france handed over 13 new powerful generators, i looked at the photos, they are from 100 kw each somewhere to 200, such serious help is enough , because such a generator can provide its own, let's say, power there to a power unit that supplies water. hot
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heating, pumps that work and all this can work, that is, a lot of them are usually needed, but in a critical situation in winter frosts, if it works, then immediately behind it is some neighborhood that remains inflamed, or some other medical institution, look, well, we understand that the story about july, no matter how hot it is, there is also august, no matter how it wasn't hot either, well, it might be nothing compared to the situation. which may come in the fall, yes, when it gets colder, we will have to gradually work with the heating and so on, and so on, and the enemy, the enemy is insidious, the enemy is methodical, yes, we understand that the situation can worsen, yes and accordingly, we understand that this may have consequences for very specific urban infrastructure, i don't want to scare anyone, but there should always be a plan b, perhaps some auxiliary additional scenarios. which are currently
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being developed by municipal officials of both cities and regions, so you as a local deputy, i think, may be oriented in this matter, everything that is not secret, make it public, be kind. a difficult question, not a secret, so it is all secret, what can i say, i spoke with profile, let's say, our specialists in the city, who deal with this, mr. tyrikhov, talked with them, met, what can i say, you know, to make a new structure, absolutely in six months, well, it is a little more impossible, that is, to immediately move away from the big theses, which are broken, and in our country... two were bombed, and to move, let's say, to small power stations there, boilers, which need to be installed a lot around the city, and territorially, the city is large and has many buildings, well, that is, it is extremely difficult, but it is being done, we are engaged in, we are also engaged in the restoration
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of some other capacities that we had, all this, well, how, in my opinion, will give the city an opportunity not for... such an understanding is shared by utility workers, representatives of budget commissions of the city, region, representatives of some or other, i don’t know, additional services that have to coordinate their work, so for so that there are no surprises later, that is, now
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is the time when we need to start the processes in order to be in time, well, for the specific cold weather, so we understand that the story is not only about... it is also a story about water , drainage and so on and so on, that is, it must be taken out on an additional one level, further, this is also a question of mobile communication, so we must understand that some schemes should be proposed that would allow us to pull this burden on additional batteries or some mini-generating some capacities, so that kharkiv, well there all-ukrainian, but... at the kharkiv level, mobile operators have provided this whole thing, that is, we have to be ready, well , accordingly, if we are talking about local funds, we understand that local communities are not the richest now, there is no longer any desire to mention this
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personal income tax transferred to the state budget, but there must surely be some targeted additional subventions for kharkiv, at least, so something for the region, i think it's just that... i'm done with your competence, what will happen to the money? ah, at the last session, financial issues were discussed, the distribution of money, including subventions from the state budget for the city of kharkiv, they are allocated, it is about several billion hryvnias in different tranches, in different directions, and we, as deputies , voted about their money is what i see let's say in the city of kharkiv. there is not a surplus of them, but still there are enough of them in the main articles and the issues are closed, but it cannot be said that the budget is a failure, let's say, we have a process in kharkiv, no, it will not be a lie, money is allocated, money is from taxes, money there are, well , i won't list all the articles, but the budget
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of ukraine lists there, i repeat, several tranches for and for the city of kharkiv, and we have already put them aside for various needs there, including reconstruction. restoration of heat generation, repairs and so on as for communication, well, the question is that the city of kharkiv, then here, well, using the example of our, say, internet providers, i can say that they have already adapted, that is , they have batteries and a distributor installed at their points, there are also generators, there are people who do it, that is, it is under control. and with those people who try to steal, this equipment is not cheap, it needs to be protected, installed, there are a lot of points, and here there is a problem with this, let's say, in the city of kharkiv it is smaller, here it is more protected,
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there is more control, there is security, the police work, that is, video surveillance, all this is easier, but there outside the city of kharkiv, i repeat, there is a problem with this, as far as, i wanted to add... about individual individual houses, you hear me, yes ugh, yes, yes, yes, mr. bohdan, we hear perfectly, and we see, no worse, thank you, look, i was also thinking about my house, i am still the head of the condominium. about installing a gas boiler house, we, my house on elektriky, is a fairly large complex, let's say, for 250 apartments, but, but nothing has come of it yet, i repeat, the problem with the gas industry, which is rolling out very large sums, the second issue is, this, what shmyhal promised to allocate, let's say, first 3 million, then 5 million for each, for each usb, and called on the heads of usb to apply to the cabinet, to the fund. i applied for financing and so on to get these, i monitored this situation and i will tell you, well, nothing
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will come of it, because they allocate loans, not just money, even interest-free loans, 70, for example, the state pays 30% of condominiums, this on solar panels, it's on different batteries there for this complex, for pumps, heating and so on, these, let's say, these things, if installed, they supported life. a house in critical situations, it would be very cool, maybe it didn't save 100%, but still they didn't allow the frost to fall there, mr. bohdan, we apologize, unfortunately, we have to end with you, because the press conference of president zelenskyi is ongoing, bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, was on our airwaves, now we are going to broadcast the press conference of president zelensky, let's watch together, in all things, you have to be strong, strong. and brave, in order to be reckoned with and in order for you to be able to win something important for ukraine, something, albeit
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important, daily, desirable, and therefore the question of strikes inside, that is , we used some things along the border, i believe that in kharkiv oblast, the people are stopped, or not the people of the russian federation are stopped, their offensive failed, all experts admit. the russian offensive on kharkiv failed, i would say that it was stopped by our soldiers and the appropriate weapons, we will still appreciate it highly the service of our guys, and that's why it's still difficult to perceive today, although some positive signals regarding the use of long-range things, we started to get some, it's... we also need to push, we need to, because it's absolutely fair, there is a point from which
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the rocket takes off, or aa in the corresponding bomb, guided bomb, yes and we understand where it came from, and it's unfair that we can't answer from where it flew, it's an absolutely fair answer that we have the right to, that's why we started. understanding that this process will be slowed down, and that you will not be given permission, or as fast as we need to survive, they will not give permission, we have started our respective developments, and there is success in them, there are drones, and there are not only drones, unian, please, thank you, senka, vitaly , onyan, mr. president, during... bilateral meetings , you repeatedly raised with our international partners the issue of the fact that
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too much time passes from the moment military aid packages are announced to the moment when this aid directly reaches the front, even in in one of the interviews, you said that you are in ukraine 14 brigades have been formed, which are not armed at all from the point of view of armament, at the same time , during the nato summit, a decision was made to strengthen the coordination of nato's role in the issue of delivery from... in your opinion, this will solve all these logistical problems, so that the weapons will arrive much faster front, and i also want to, regarding these 14 brigades, they were created for the future counteroffensive, thank you, they were created a long time ago, a different number, i will tell you frankly, a reserve was created, but the reserve, in order for it to be working, yes, combat, it is necessary to he was. not only with weapons, but it is desirable that he should also train with these weapons, with which he will later fight, i.e. reserve, reserve
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performing reserve, this is already a task on the front of the military command, this is defense, or offensive actions, the main thing, that you have a reserve, and first of all it is in order to carry out rotations, that was the task, i had such a task, we needed rotations so that the guys had rest, we needed... the reserve, we looked at which, what amount of reserve, what number of suitable brigades should to be, and all that we constantly asked for these 14 brigades to be staffed is not... new brigades, they were very often mistaken when they said, ukraine wants new brigades, these are not new brigades, they are brigades without weapons, already well, if we talk about whether they fought or did not fight, then it may be so, they are fresher, these brigades, it is so, but they are also formed a long time ago, but without weapons, and this is
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wrong, not not completely without weapons , - first... something has started to arrive, it is positive, there is artillery, etc., but there is still a long time before a positive result. second, what regarding coordination, i would like us to understand what this decision is regarding coordination and regarding the 40 billion, that, to be honest, this compact that was signed in nato is very important. imagine that... this or that country gives you military aid, you agreed, the united states or other countries, and there is a serious amount, and you and i as a society see it, and the society of the country that allocates this amount also they see it, and they want to understand how it is, i allocated such an amount, i voted, these are my taxes, and why did it come
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more slowly, and why didn't everything come, huh? where there is money, and this coordination, it is very important, if nato manages this, well, it will be a breakthrough, because they are their main thing, which we agreed with jens stoltenberg, it is very important for us, for me, that the money allocated for weapons to ukraine, came in the form of weapons to ukraine, not in the form of transport, something else. what rubber packages, etc., these are separate things, if we are talking about humanitarian aid, thank you, it is important, but if you have 40 billion military aid written in the package, then it is very important that this 40 billion in types of weapons, anti-aircraft defense, or any weapon, from artillery to atgm, etc., so that it comes, and
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not later you find out that you got 7 billion, everything else... somewhere there, well, on the way to those or other things have been spent, it is very important, that is why this coordination, it is important, not only in time, but so that everything reaches, not smeared, so public, the first row, congratulations, mr. president, and as other public broadcasting, in relation to these 40 billion, that you 're talking about, about half of them oblige the united states to... give the united states, what are the risks to that aid if we win in the presidential election by donald trump? and one more question, you dismissed glavkom zaluzhnyi, explaining it by the fact that the system needs to be rebooted, what changes do you see now, with the change of glavkom, how do you evaluate the work of oleksandr syrskyi, in particular
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, taking into account the may breakthrough of the russians in the kharkiv region. thank you. syrsky has a serious challenge, we have been waiting for weapons and a vote on the package, well, for almost 8 months, and this is a very serious challenge, i do not want to compare, i treat everyone with the appropriate respect, everyone performs or performed their task on their own place, but... it is difficult to say what would have happened if the leadership of the army had not changed, it is difficult for me to say today, and frankly i do not want to talk about it, and these questions and conversations are post-war, we must respect everyone and be grateful to everyone , who works and fights for
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ukraine and protects our state, i would stop there. i don't think that if anyone had been in syrskyi's place, there wouldn't have been a corresponding breakthrough, i think there would have been, because the russians wanted it, their task was to go in, occupy kharkiv, a big plus in this situation regarding syrsky in that he knows kharkiv. and that’s a lot, he won back it, won back that region, and the successful operation was in kharkiv oblast under his command, which is a plus, but... again, it’s hard for me to compare, they stopped, well done, they didn’t let us occupy kharkiv without a package, well done ,
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and then we will deal with the details when we have a break, and what does this mean as far as the army is concerned, and before that you are for 40 billion, if trump wins, is there a threat of receiving. i think, i think, that we have such a solution, it is absolutely fair, regarding the 40 billion that whoever is at the head of the united states of america is not going to stop this aid, there may be a review of the policy of the united states of america, well, it's difficult to say now, you know, you still have to understand that this is a coordination of money. for example, you and i signed treaties without the united states of america for 30 billion more, this is such a serious, very serious
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support and a serious foundation, and as i recall, one of the arguments of trump, donald trump, when he was president, about his relations and proportions with nato, was precisely because i, if i... the united states of america gives a dollar, europe should also give a dollar, the question was that, and if you look at how much europe is giving now, in terms of contribution to nato, in terms of support ukraine, if europe will give 30 billion, we are satisfied with such a proportion, army tv, please, thank you, mr. president, leonid matsievsky army. tell me, please, during the nato summit, ukraine was promised to transfer five more patriot air defense systems, this is such a unique system, how many more do we need
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so that they perform their tasks to the maximum? thank you. i can tell you how many of them we need, the patriots, although this system is not the only one we need, and the complex works in defense. because not only patriot, patriot alone will not be able to work, and patriot is the most important in this generalized system, the most powerful, because ballistics, no one works with ballistics, and if i tell you how much more we need, it will be clear how much we have there are already, i can tell you how many patriots we need in general, from the point of view of the structure of ours air defense. in order to completely close ukraine, according to our military, we need 25 systems, that is, to completely close
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the sky of ukraine, well, i can’t tell you how many we have or will have, i’m sorry, obos, please, but at the same time, you understand that you already understand that when there is a decision... at the nato summit on the contribution to the five systems, you understand what a serious, very serious contribution this is, good afternoon, lesya gasych, obsua publication, poland expressed its readiness to shoot down missiles flying in their side over our territory, nato opposed this, these are again some red lines, and whether there are any moves for a positive solution to this issue, from the very beginning it was, it was... there were red lines for the relevant partners, some partners in the alliance, not everyone in nato believe that this is a red line, but nevertheless, the decisive
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vote should still have been united, although we began to work on bilateral relations, on a bilateral level, because it is primarily not only the security of the nato country poland, but simply the security of people in poland, therefore that just a rocket... can hit there, or has already hit there, because we just have different opinions on this direction, let's put it this way, and i think that it was fair, even for the security of the western part of our country, where the gas storage is, and for poland, as it is one, the same direction of the russian missile, i thought it was absolutely fair if poland would help us. to shoot down missiles that are going exactly in the direction of poland, we are talking about exactly this direction, the direction of gas storages of ukraine, where
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it often flies. by gas, it is interesting that there are countries, you you know, skeptics in nato, in principle, towards us, so it is very important that these countries use this gas, which is in our gas storage, it is interesting, and it seems to me that this skepticism of countries should decrease, because if we do not protect our gas storage, then these countries. will be without gas in the heating season, our closest neighbors, we have signed bilateral security guarantees with poland, where a technical review of this issue is being considered, we have raised this topic and raised it legally, i cannot guarantee you
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today that... 100%, but i believe we are the first step was taken, then there are nuances, there are nuances, then, please, ictv, at the end, good afternoon, natali lutsenko, the ictv facts program, mr. president, in your opinion, does our state continue to work on it.. for the united states of america to recognize russia as a sponsor of terrorism, because after the attacks on the clinics and on and after what they are doing to the armed forces, well, this is more than justified. thank you. you know that the majority of congress is in favor of such a decision. and it's true, absolutely, they are very close, is it me? thank you. they are very
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close to this solution. but they cannot vote for him in any way, they cannot for internal reasons, for internal issues, they believe that it is very dangerous for their politics, not all of them. the high offices think so, i can't add anything more to this, yes, please, this is ard, right at the very end of the hall, thank you, maria fedorova, come to germany, mr. president, this is a question about the nato summit, ukraine received help, but not enough, experts say, you said, we communicated with kyiv residents of the past
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week and... one woman said: they are just talking in washington, do you think this insufficient aid is some kind of attempt by western countries to incline ukraine to negotiations with moscow, thank you, i will tell you frankly, we had a meeting of the leaders of our ukraine-nato council, and there are 90... 9% of countries, they are completely on our side, well, at least that's how it sounds, they really want to help, they really, what else can we do so that a new page appears in this struggle to bring about the end of the war, etc., i believe what they really want, but the institutional is very
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difficult. it takes a very long time from what they want to the result, sometimes this time affects the spirit, affects the tactics, affects what you have on the battlefield, during this time you lost, for example, the heights there, when you military controlled some territory, moved back somewhere and are no longer in such an advantageous position, etc., many, many things, and they also have internal issues, and they also have elections, and they are still fighting, and... did someone rescue them society and says that we give ukraine has a lot of money, and it affects our economy, and the third said that because of this, our food and energy have become more expensive, you understand, yes, it is not, it is not going exactly as we want, and we want today and now, and it all works out, it doesn't work out that way, there are many different challenges in
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the countries as well. and russia, unfortunately, very much.


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