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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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it is institutionally very difficult, from what they want to the result, a very long time passes, sometimes, this time affects the spirit, affects the tactics, affects what you have on the battlefield, you lost during this time, for example , heights there, when you military controlled some territory, moved back somewhere and are no longer in such an advantageous position, etc. , many, many things, and they also have internal issues, and also... they have elections, and they are also fighting, and someone else ruined their society and says that we give ukraine a lot of money, and it affects ours economy, and the third said that because of this, our food and energy have become more expensive, you understand, yes, it is not, it is not going exactly as we want, and we want it today and now, and it is all, everything is working out, it is not working out yes, there are many different... challenges
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in countries, and russia, unfortunately, works very hard, disinforms, influences, bribes, etc. i don't see us being pushed anywhere. certainly, there are leaders who would like to push us. of course, today they are afraid of political responsibility. if they do it out loud, their society can... not to support them, but to demolish some, where, for example, there is very strong support for ukraine, within this or that state, yes, of course, there are coalition governments, and you negotiate, for example, with the leader, and he supports you, and there somewhere someone from ministers, he is from another party that is against ukraine, and he is blocking, and imagine that this is, for example, the minister of defense, and imagine, you signed.
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documents, you all voted, the majority of the country supported it in that country, in that country, or, for example, the minister of defense blocked, and there are a lot of such things, this is such management, maybe and it can be called micromanagement, it is daily, this is poland, it is daily, and it is not easy, and we have to work on it, is it enough, you know, but... are we being helped enough? enough for what? enough to win? not enough we would have won, and there would have been much less losses. not enough hold on enough? yes, for today, i think so. and therefore, when we say: what, and how do you see? as we see, well we are from...
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we know, as we see, but not everything depends on us, we will see the end of the war as it should be just, here depends not only on us, this justice, you see, it depends not only on people and our desire, but also on finances, on weapons, on political support, on unity in the eu, in nato, in the world. yes thank you, next question is freedom, yes, third row on the right. greetings, mr. president, larisa petruk, freedom tv channel, i have a question about mr. orban's visit to kyiv, this is his peace-making, let's say, tour, there have already been similar attempts, efforts, last summer, if i'm not mistaken, a delegation came to you from countries of africa also this type of peacekeeping
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tour, but are these trips at all beneficial, do you see any, well, any of this, do you see anything positive, thank you, thank you, for sure, just like most of the iceberg is not visible, so is most of the work, especially with those countries that are very skeptical, but were. skeptical, or against, balanced between us, or were on the side of russia, how it changes, sometimes we do not pay attention, all this has a great influence on the end of the war and a great influence on the fact that we live and fight. we had 12 african countries at the peace summit, i think 11 or 12 have joined kaminike today. everything started. since their
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visit they were very skeptical, after that they went to russia, some changed their position when we talked, then we talked some more. then we sent grain, then we found diplomatic sites and exchanged some things, i'll tell you frankly, quietly behind the scenes, and then you have a set of countries that are already pro-ukrainian, so does it have an impact, i don't compare it now with a visit, by the way, viktor orban came to us, the fact that the visit was to ukraine is good. in any case, because, well, we did not specifically have relations, we are neighbors, we are not at war with the hungarians, we have one enemy, i want us not to forget, russia, and unfortunately, they too
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dragged belarus into this war, from whose territory we were also attacked, yes, but we are not at war with the hungarians, we must have... strong, friendly, at least we must first build at least pragmatic relations, there are many of our people there, so i believe , his visit to ukraine was correct if he used ukraine to make it convenient for him to go to russia after that, about his visit to russia, by the way, i didn't know when he was in kyiv, if he used it like that, it's wrong, i think. i do not support his visit to russia, but this is his, as you say, this is his decision, eu countries condemned him on this matter, nato countries also, at
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the meeting of our council, even though it was closed, i will not speak in detail , who said what he said, etc., but it is clear that there was a... very serious conversation, so mature talk about the fact that no nato member can have a pro-russian policy. therefore, i honestly believe that we should try to build relations between our countries, we must. please try cnn, mr. president, there are discussions in the united states, particularly in the democratic party, about the possibility of the current president of the united states running for office again. tell me,
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please, do you feel that these discussions affect ukrainian-american relations, their effectiveness, and have you met with mr. biden, with the delegation, or? do you think that there is reasons to worry about his ability to run again? we are at war and we have to worry in general every day so that we don't miss anything, that's right, as for president biden, well, he supports ukraine, as for the democrats, they support as well as the republicans, yes, as i said, the republicans have some people radical enough, but in their ... majority, we have bipartisan support, otherwise we wouldn't have this package, that's a fact, but the turbulence of the election process has a big impact, starting with a package that's been delayed for so long was and it was not voted for so long, i believe
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that this decision weakened, the long delay of this decision weakened our position on the battlefield, we gave the initiative, no... regardless , you simply have the initiative when you are supported by weapons, both equipment and money, so you are morally stronger, and when a military man sits in a trench and knows that there is no support there, who does support, well, now they decide there, a month, two, three, four, you don't need to be some kind of politician there , to understand if the main partner is procrastinating with the decision regarding support with weapons, well, the military will definitely not be positive. the story is clear, now we have to take the initiative, it's not easy, to say the least, it's not easy, now there is a solution, and so in general, if we talk about the election,
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it has an effect on us with all due respect to the united states, we have no positive, positive influence. was not, yes after, now we are reviving this confidence, now the package has been voted, but it will take some time for these weapons to come, sorry, it will take some time for the guys to train on these... weapons, and again sorry, as they are not training here, training abroad, it also takes time, next please reuters, good day, maxim gundar reuters, questions about mobilization, mobilization campaign in two parts, the first part, how do you assess now two months after nailing it in action? of the new law, how do you assess the mobilization campaign now, are enough new people being recruited
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to fill the deficits that existed and to fulfill further plans, and the second part of this question is whether ukraine has, to what extent ukraine has the capacity for all these new recruits to train, and accordingly, as far as it is necessary to involve western partners with the help of training, the military say that everything is going according to their plan. as for the training grounds, they are not enough, as for whether they can be expanded, there is already an expansion, as for whether the base can be expanded abroad, yes, this is one of the solutions of our bilateral agreement with poland, all right, bbc please , at the very end. anna chornomuts bbc. mr. president, despite the progress
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we have heard about the announcement of additional aid packages since your visit to the united states, still, you didn't get everything you wanted, that is , this air defense, as they said today, and the lack of specifics regarding nato membership. is there anything you are disappointed about after your trip to the usa and after the nato summit. and also a small additional question, or? have you spoken to trump after the events of this weekend, if so what did you say to him? with donald trump, i did not communicate , and if i do, i will say exactly what i wanted to say, as far as air defense is concerned, we got a serious result, very serious result. at this summit, well, you know what is enough or not enough, well, i said what
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volumes ukraine needs, ukraine is a large territory, a large country, and therefore such protection must be powerful. as for what we didn't get, we didn't get at this summit what ukraine can't get if it's at war, without populism, without chatter. ukraine will receive an invitation to nato and membership in nato quickly as soon as the war ends. partner countries cannot extend an invitation to our country in full if, or any the state, well, we are talking about ukraine, if it is at war, they need a consolidated decision for an invitation. of all nato members, so i believe that at this nato summit ukraine got the maximum that ukraine could
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get, that we could get, i would already like to have 25 patriot systems, this is not a matter for nato, because among all nato members , ah, approval is given by the united states of america. and the europeans gave us as much as they could, a couple of countries, to be honest, still left, which could give us additional systems, and i will tell you honestly, simply, why i said that we got everything we could and even with those couple of countries we've had conversations and they're positive, i just don't want to talk about something when there's no final solution, but if you cover... completely cover the need for the ppu, it's impossible without the united states , because such a number
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of relevant systems are only on the territory of one country, the united states of america, the nato summit has nothing to do with it, it can simply be a bilateral agreement. thank you, lastly for the last question, please. the row on the right is ukrainform, so sorry, good of the day, yuliya gorbanyuk renform. yesterday , kirill bodanov made a statement that a russian offensive is being prepared from the north, but i will still ask what direction it is going, is it kharkiv or not kharkiv or another, and is ukraine preparing, and what is needed for this to be successful in reflections of this offensive? thank you. i
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called general budanov after this statement. and he said that he was a little misunderstood, that is, we understand that offensives can happen, you and i are at war with the russians, an offensive can just happen, i think that the most difficult situation is in the east, in my opinion and in the opinion of the command of the armed forces of ukraine. we believe that serious work has been done in the kharkiv region, i would say so, to make a powerful offensive from the north impossible, due to the fact that it was stopped there, this stop was delayed, and the troops from different
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corners, which were stationed along our border, were dragged there in vain, which made it impossible.. . of their strong grouping, the presence of a strong grouping, on the other hand, this is what i receive as information and share with you, what i have, from the development, from the development of various development of our state, well let's give one more, ok, and this will be the last one associated press, congratulations anna argyrova sist, you mentioned today that ukraine has its own developments, and it's not just a drone. does ukraine have its own development of a long-range missile, and if so, what can you tell about it, and maybe you can tell what is the current number of bohdan sau that ukraine produces per month? thank you, today we produce a powerful
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number of sau bohdan per month. i think that is very powerful. from factories in europe, i would say , the largest number of artillery systems per month is produced by our company. as for, in addition to drones, we are engaged in other systems that will give us the opportunity to be more long-range. development... thank you, dear, thank you, dear colleagues, it's nice to see that i was able to answer all your questions for the first time, seriously, except for the squeal, we'll come back to that later, thank you, dear colleagues, it's next time, thank you, mr. president , thank you very much,
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goodbye, the press conference has come to an end. what, extremely meaningful press conference of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, he who has ears will hear. well, the information day continues. anatoliy khrapchynskyi, deputy director of the company dealing with reb, will now work live on the air. aviation expert. glory to ukraine, mr. anatoly. well, reb. the situation and the disparity that exists on the front line. yes, we understand that the enemy was seriously preparing. before the invasion, as well as the conclusion of hostilities, and with reb from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, they were much better than us, but more than two years of a large-scale war have already passed, and there are already some very optimistic signals that come from some or other units, well , without getting into secret
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information, so to speak, share, be kind, what is the strength of the enemy reb, and where do we manage... to create our own very adequate radio electronic warfare systems. here it is necessary to understand that in fact russia was preparing and purposefully developing this direction. ah, indeed, for the foundation of development, they mostly had old soviet systems that worked in the direction of suppressing navigation, in the direction of suppressing radio communication between units, and there we heard certain creating an imitation of a missile launch, well, other means, i.e. suppression. radar systems that limit the work of air defense, radar systems that are on the plane, and in terms of countermeasures commercial ones that have become weapons, because the fpv drone is a normal racing drone, the mavic reconnaissance drone was a standalone, so you could buy it yourself , to purchase and shoot
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some personal video there, but as we can see, it has become a weapon, that is, the democratization of technology, which has turned into a weapon, and so with this challenge, not russia, not ukraine, was not ready to fight at the beginning of a full-scale invasion in full volume, therefore, in principle , we started in parallel. to develop the direction, to thank the fact that, in principle , a large number of companies have now appeared in ukraine that are engaged in radio-electronic warfare, create them and directly supply them to the front line, that is, in matters of protecting our military, at the level of the trench, at the level of the vehicle, we can say that a large number of companies produce very good ones there are high-quality products, there are expensive ones, and there are cheaper ones due to scaling, that is, to produce. everyone is producing, but scaling to ensure the proper number of units, what about that? the issue of scaling depends on
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the capacity of the order, and this is the state, this is the state, i will give an example not of my industry, but of fpv drones, when i was interested in finding a certain number of fp drones and in warehouses in kyiv i found about 40 thousand fp drones, buy, ship immediately, therefore in principle. it is not a problem for us to scale up and start active production a large number, there is an understanding of the projected procurement, when we know that the government over the next two to three years provides me with a certain amount of procurement, i will of course procure some elements that i cannot procure without a government contract, i will procure them, because in i have a contract under which i can purchase dual-purpose goods for the realization of the creation of rediculous means. combat or other means that help protect our military, so in principle there is interaction, now the ministry of digital is actively helping with this, the ministry of strategy and industry helps, there is the
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breivan initiative, but still we face a certain limitation, and this is what i call what we are currently financing, most of our development, which we plan to implement in the future on the front line, is financed. at the expense of the developers themselves, practically all developers understand that it is necessary to go three steps forward, three steps, and understand that there are new challenges, a change in frequency ranges, complicated protocols for exchanging information between the pilot and bepola directly, this creates certain problems, it is necessary decide now to no, it is better than yesterday, and that is why we are saying that it is necessary to create an opportunity for our manufacturers to receive certain financing for development, etc. projects in advance, yes, but ukrainian legislation cannot ensure the creation of such a system as, for example, in in the united states there is darpa, which
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finances the development of the military direction to ensure the security of the state, the european food, the united system, which also provides financing for some developments, in principle , ukraine could join the european one, but we are planning european integration, the creation of a single interaction with a european country, and this... it would be very appropriate and now it would actually be a very good solution to a large number of problems, because in principle, if we were financed , r&d projects would be very well financed by the state, we would say that when questions arose regarding the involvement of russian eagles in intelligence, we already had an answer, because we, for example, had certain developments that we financed with our own funds back in december to counter such means as eagles , zava, lancet, that is, means that work on a long distance, both at the expense of means of fradi-electronic warfare, i.e. by destroying certain possibilities, and at the expense of
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kinetic destruction. mr. anatoly, i would like to clarify, the other day in the edition of economic truth, i saw information that the state is now able to contract with our manufacturers for three times less than they are able to produce, that is , there is exactly three times less money in our state budget than in principle . military-industrial facilities can produce, if we are talking specifically about the enterprise at which you work, then whether there is even now an export of your products abroad, because there are certain, well , production capacities that can allow to produce much more than the state can contract, and actually, are there certain steps regarding export abroad? there is no export abroad, because now it is impossible to do it, because now everything goes to the front line, it would definitely be nice if there was a supply. could be done, because this is an additional incentive for some manufacturers to fill both the company budget for the same garandi-developments and the state budget, therefore that we leave the taxes here, but...
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nevertheless, it should be noted that in principle there are good initiatives from other states. denmark offers financing to ukrainian manufacturers of military equipment in order to purchase weapons and immediately hand them over to the military. we have examples of meetings, i had a meeting in brussels, when there was an interest in equipping us with some weapons, so in principle there is a movement in the right direction, and thanks for the fact that everyone. busy and takes care of this issue, and private business, i think, for we manage this very well. we would also like to discuss with you the situation with our western fighters, so we are waiting for them, we hope that the f-16 will come to us soon, but we also understand that there are certain others, for example, sweden has gripens, which ukraine does not receive now, because sweden said that now is not the time, but there are certain reasons, different, by the way, there are reasons,
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last week. we also spoke with one aviation expert, he says that it is difficult to master two different types at the same time fighters when we need to study at least one. what is your position, should we try to master several variants of western fighters at the same time, or should we wait for this f16, and after it , master the others little by little? well, let's start by saying that in principle, i agree that we should focus on one fighter, but the reason is not that we can't. to train for several planes, because we have a bunch of pilots who are allowed to fly several types of planes, the issue here is that the president said that in order to protect ukraine, we need at least 128 planes. if we show about gripens, then sweden could provide ukraine with gripens only one squadron, this is about 18 to 24 aircraft according to the nato standard, that is, it is not enough for the tasks facing our air force, so
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it was... focused the main direction of attention on the f-16 as the most widespread aircraft. again, let's go back to the gripens themselves, regarding the gripens, we've been talking since '15 about implementing them into the air force, because it's inevitable, light and inexpensive to maintain aircraft. f-16, it is much more, it also has certain components that poland can help us with, and in principle, the weapons that are supplied are also in sufficient quantity, so in principle it was done. the uagi vector on the f-16, but sweden also helped us very well by providing two saab long-range radar detection aircraft, which will significantly strengthen our air defense forces. look, mr. anatoly, i would like to ask you in general about the proportion of what will now happen with the protection against the russian airstrikes, yes, we are talking about specific air defense systems, very good signals were received, so they were given at the official level by both representatives of the united
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states and our representatives. so that there are more different air defense systems, not only single patriots, so on the other hand we understand that the number of attack aircraft of the enemy and strategic aviation of the enemy is also quite large, and accordingly the key story is how to simultaneously close cities and simultaneously close our military airfields, we, well, i personally have a lot of hope for what is called the polish-ukrainian security agreement, yes, because there was... a very important, well, from what was made public, there was a very significant point regarding the possibility of closing part of the facilities in western ukraine by the air defense forces, nato countries, in particular, poland, and polish prime minister donald tusk all went to the united states with that case, and there they said that they will consider this case, i do not know whether it was possible to finalize it, or whether this story will function in closed mode , but we understand that aviation is
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very good and very cool. but the key story is for this aviation to feel safe, so we understand that a military airfield is not only the aircraft itself, a hangar and so on, that is, it is a very delicate structure that also needs to be protected, and here we come to the number of air defense systems, again, of course, and if we talk about the number of air defense systems that ukraine needs, it is a minimum of 25 systems only, such as the patriot, and additionally small systems and... cuts, hawks, which would cover both these patriots and smaller strategic ones, there are strategic objects that and cities in order to create a reliable airspace shield. undoubtedly, the planes will be directly used as protection for the airspace. and here we are talking about the fact that in the event of a certain threat, certain systems will work on quick targets, planes take off, disperse to other airfields, are in the airspace and
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defend the same airspace. space regarding the polish initiative a


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