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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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de-escalation is not advantageous to us in this case, as strange as it may sound, because when the russians are forced to advance, they lose much more than when they are on the defensive, that is, defensive tactics, a defensive strategy of warfare, is advantageous to us, because it exhausts the enemy, and the russians here, i myself have repeatedly drawn the following conclusions, that they are now... they are fighting all the way, they are now fighting all the resources they have as of the 24th year. the situation with the russians is, to put it mildly, not the best, we talked a lot about its infinite, many people talked about its infinite resource, but this resource has an end, maybe not human, so i can agree with that, but they have less and less equipment, and warehouses and storage centers with by the soviets...
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tanks with soviet bbms, they are devastated, and the 24th year precisely in the sense of monthly loss compensation is zero, this is a critical year for them, because this is the year that the loss compensation will no longer be zero every month, and gradually going into the red, this is exactly the period when irreversible losses cannot be compensated, their stocks of equipment left over from the soviet union, and the russians understand this very well, the russian command understands this, so they try to capture as much as possible at any cost, while they still have this resource, because then and there will be a period, or they will try to incline us to peace through all their kishinka puppets in the world of political representatives, and they will try to stop
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the active phase of the hostilities, because the active phase, the intensive phase of the hostilities is already it's not just going to be inflicted on them by what we 're saying, well we're saying it's record losses on one metric or another, they're going to have record losses on one metric or another that they can't make up for, and what does that mean? it means that the first stage, they can't advance anymore, the second stage, they... can't hold the defense and gradually they will leave the positions that they won't be able to hold. mr. oleksandr, i wanted to talk to you about the f-16, the bloomberg publication stated that until the end ukraine will receive six planes this summer, and by the end of the year there will be a total of 20, everyone says that this is a rather small number of planes, well, at least six planes. yes
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exactly, but what do you think, if we are talking about this number of planes in general, firstly, why is it still such a small number, why can't our international partners deliver us a larger number of planes, and secondly, if we will still have 20, will it change the situation in our favor at least on some part of the front, why can't they immediately. send 20, it's difficult for me to answer this question, most likely it has to do with how the first batch will be used, most likely the first batch will be six units used very specifically, ah, what will allow them to be placed, well, for example, on the territory of ukraine in a very specific format, in very specific places, but when there are already 20 units, for this you need some... more or less protected base,
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the same airfield, and if we are talking about an airfield protected for well zf-16 airfield, which must have appropriate protection, then this protection must be at the level of the echeloned air defense of kyiv and the kyiv region, that is , a strategic object of the level of a strategic object with such a serious protection, it is quite possible that by the time we receive 20 units, there will be ... such a strategic place has been formed with such and such protection, what about the use, the f-16 has quite a diverse range of weapons, and they, they are called multi-purpose fighters for a reason, and they can perform various functions, they can strike with subsonic cruise missiles of the aviation type, agm 158 jasm, just like su-24 our front bombers on...
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strike with storm shadow and skalpg missiles. that is, for that matter, if we get the gm-158 missiles, we will use those aircraft, just as we used the 124, which have. there are also not many of us, and these planes have the ability to destroy enemy aircraft at long distances, due to the im-120 dm missile, i.e. 180 km, and we can use them in this way in areas where it is risky to use air defense systems patriot, we can use there f-16s to destroy russian tactical aircraft before they even get into position to strike our positions, and they... even have im-119 anti-ship missiles with a range of 50-55 target value km plus, and in this case we can even use them to strike surface objects, that is
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, the functionality here is diverse. mr. oleksandr, as we understand it, the issue of gripans, that is, other types of aircraft from our partners that we can potentially receive. still not removed, despite the fact that we understand different aircraft, different maintenance conditions, different basing conditions, and i suppose many other different things that are difficult to ensure when all your airfields are sweet targets for russian missiles. however, to strengthen the f-16, how important is it to get other types of aircraft and how seriously can we talk about it now? and the gripen, just like the f-16, is a light fighter, multifunctional, and each of them has its pros and cons, for example, the gripen's minus is that there are not so many of them in maintenance will be more of a problem than with
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the f-16 due to the fact that they are not so widespread, and the range of weapons they have is much less than that of the f-16, but on the other hand , the gripens have no problems. can use taurus missiles, if of course we get them, on the other hand, if we talk about other aircraft in general, it seems to me that we need to look for a different functionality, that is, a light fighter, a light fighter, a multi-purpose fighter, so a multi-purpose fighter, let's have them in there will be two of us, but no, we have to look for each completely different types of aircraft with different functionality, for example, we have a problem with the su-25. and this is an attack aircraft important for infantry support during infantry operations of an offensive and defensive nature. we don't have so many of them, they, we need to replace them, what should we replace them with? in this case, the a10 thunderbolt,
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also american, is very similar in its functionality to the su-25, almost identical, and therefore we must talk about this moment, besides everything else, there is... another, there are other types of aviation, light aviation, the same light aviation itself excellently demonstrated in odesa and odesa region to destroy reconnaissance uavs, it is like the 52nd. we can make requests from our partners for light turboprop aircraft, for example, it can be bronco turboprop attack aircraft, which the usa has in large numbers, even if they are decommissioned, or the supertoka. it would also be possible to buy them in brazil through third countries and transfer them to ukraine, or transfer those that are available in other countries through some third country, that is , there are various options, so it seems to me that it is necessary not diverse, not so much a variety of
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single-functional aircraft, monofunctional, but precisely different functional ones, yes, mr. oleksandr, the nato summit, its results, today the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy at a press conference in connection with, in particular, his visit to the united states states, noted that in addition to drones, we are also working on other systems that will allow us to be more long-range. this was his answer to the question about the possible development of ukraine's own long-range weapons, except drones, since, well, how do we understand any public one. we never received permission to strike, for example, on russian airfields, from where their planes take off and fire at ours, in particular children's hospitals, i will not go on the record to ask what, but in the event that these are purely ukrainian developments in the event if
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this is our property, can we talk about the exclusion of any restrictions from our partners, or are they still for political reasons, in particular... they can continue to hold our initiative, well, our weapon - this is our weapon, we have questions with our partners only regarding the west. weapons, what we develop independently, we can use as we, we see it for ourselves, according to our, according to our tactics, strategy of use, and we, by the way, have such a serious acquisition, i will remind you that before a full-scale in the invasion , such projects were interesting as otrk, grim-2, this is not a bad operational-tactical missile complex, which is a ballistic missile that had a flight range of up to 500 km. and had the possibility of even increasing this flight range. r-360 is it
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pkrk neptune missile. we can see that it perfectly performs both surface targets and land, ground targets, and at the same time , future development with increased flight range was also laid in it. despite the fact that this is actually a subsonic missile, but nevertheless it was quite possible to implement, increase it. flight range up to more than 300 km, so the question is whether we have the necessary safe base for such developments and for such mass production, the question lies precisely in this, because to introduce such developments and implement them, testing them and engaging in their production is very difficult in the conditions in which we have to exist and survive today. i would say yes, mr. oleksandr, we are sincerely grateful to you for your analysis, your thoughts,
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oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political columnist of the information resistance group, was just on the live air of the espresso tv channel, and we are moving on, but before that we will remind you of our survey , a poll on an extremely hot topic: do you think trump can win the election in the united states of america. can you take your phones or smartphones and vote absolutely free, if you think yes, please dial 0800 211 381, if you think no, then pick up the phone, also dial 0800-211382, again, all your calls are absolutely free and we let's continue now with no less resonant topics, we already have oleksiy koshel, doctor of historical sciences, political scientist, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, on direct contact.
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mr. oleksiu, good evening, glad you joined us. good evening. mr. oleksiy, this is probably the first topic i would like to talk about to talk to you, these are possible personnel rotations. today, the president of ukraine held a meeting with the heads of regional military administrations and discussed the situation in each region. we have also seen rumors circulating in the mass media that there will be personnel rotations in the government, in particular this applies to the prime minister of ukraine, mr. shmygal, do you think that we should really expect, at least in the near future, in the coming weeks, perhaps a month of certain personnel reshuffles in the government, and not only in the government, in principle in the entire vertical. of the presidential and executive authorities, i would like that before we give the floor to mr.
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oleksiy to answer, we heard the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, yes, direct speech, what is it about, please, regarding government changes, if there will be any, if they will happen, of course, you will know about it, and we, if we cannot simply talk about the replacement of the prime minister, this indicates that there may be changes in the government. probably, maybe, we are engaged in this process, i don't have much time for this, to be honest with you, but for all details, but we are talking with some ministers about certain changes, well , that's exactly what president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said, well, actually, let's move on to our question, i'll finish. 100% that there will be changes, and it will be in the next few weeks, whether in the next few days or the next
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few weeks, well, depending on how the weather on the bank will turn out. the second question: what will be the resignation of the prime minister of ukraine. why i doubt it, because actually in recent weeks the prime minister has shown miracles obedience, the miracle of obedience, the miracle of what can be called that more... in the history of ukraine, there simply will not be, but i will remind you that during the tragic events, when the russians shelled okhmadit, on the day of the great tragedy on... even on the day of the great tragedy , the prime minister publicly said that he was carrying out the president's order to evacuate the children. well, you know, it goes beyond both morality and common sense, that is, this automatic decision should be the ministry of health, the government, do not wait for a mandate president and not report publicly. therefore,
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actually, for volodymyr zelensky , there will obviously not be a more tame minister, a more tame prime minister, and i... think that none of his predecessors had such a thing, so i do not rule out that mr. shmyhal can stay, i do not completely rule out the second, in fact, this is already the third or fourth wave of possible resignations in the cabinet of ministers, this story began back in march of this year, but it has been going on for 4.5 months, when lists, candidates were made public, discussed, and it all came together to one, who whose person, which clan in power will get more pluses, less pluses, well , i really don't like this discussion, by the way, i didn't like today's words of the head of state, i.e. he didn't clearly say what are the claims to the cabinet of ministers, there are quite a lot of complaints, but they need to be voiced so that the new prime minister or
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the new government understands what the problem was, what needs to be fixed, what needs to be worked on. well, in fact, there are also big problems in this, but i suspect that once again some of the members of the government will be removed blindly, and will appoint, well, i am not sure what others, but i mean by characteristics, meaningful characteristics, that is, i, for example, now see several key remarks about the government: first, the government is profoundly not independent, does not make decisions independently, does not implement independently, cannot cough without examination. to dunabank, it slows down his work, this is a big minus. question number two: the government committed a very big problem in working with the parliament. this has led to many serious system failures. i will pay attention to the draft law on the mobilization of six months considered in the parliament, holes were patched.
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i'm sorry, this is a legislative development of the cabinet of ministers. and this... the draft law should have been developed only by the cabinet of ministers, it was also delayed in its development by at least one and a half years, and the failure in mobilization is entirely the credit of our government, well, this must be remembered, ugh, these are the key claims, this deep lack of independence, this is a failure in key directions, this is the absence of any systemic strategic vision, these are key problems, whether the new government will be able to be more independent, well, we'll just see. on candidates, but for some reason i think that the main candidacy for the head of the cabinet of ministers and key positions in the government will be a manual mode of operation, this will be the main wish of the banks, and the last thing is the lack of collective work, so i have the impression that denys shmyhal himself worked by himself, lived his
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life, the cabinet of ministers lived his life, as a whole, they did not work, that was it. well, in many questions, i will not dwell on the details, the team did not work out, mr. oleksiy, having the opportunity, we would still like to touch be careful about the topic of politicization in the armed forces, it is so, to put it very generally, paraphrasing yuri butusov, i.e. the question of the influence of political decisions on decisions in the armed forces, well... well, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrskyi , instructed to check the situation in to the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk and to find out the circumstances of the recent losses among the personnel of the brigade. there are signals from the 41st brigade, there are signals from the 24th brigade that certain things are happening, who are on the ground, those who carry out these
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the orders are not fully understood, and they do not look rational to our military themselves. in fact, yuriy butusov suggests that the armed forces of ukraine carry out certain political, well, so to speak, orders, yes, to keep something at any cost, or to achieve a certain political effect through the actions of the armed forces of ukraine. are we really observing something like this? why i drew attention to the caution of discussing this topic, because we understand that we are at war, and in no way comment. of our military command, military expediency we do not we can, but where is this fine line, when we, as a civil society, have to... get involved in processes that have been causing systemic anxiety for a long time, let's say so. you very accurately noted that
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the border is extremely thin, it is very difficult to see, feel and understand what is important, what can be crossed, what cannot. i would divide into two categories: criticism of the military by civilians and criticism of the military by people who are in the armed forces or before... that is, by the military themselves, by military journalists who may be deep into the topic, from the side of well-known volunteers who have shown effective work, but it is worth listening to their criticism, here, of course, you also need to draw a line, because criticism can destroy many serious processes, including trust in the armed forces, you need to be careful here, in order not to fall into the format of russian propaganda, but if this criticism of... allows you to save at least one life or the health of our soldiers, then it is quite natural that it is justified. at least i carefully read all the critical statements,
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well, i get the impression that they allowed saving more than one life and correcting many mistakes of the military, because let's be honest, everything is not perfect in the army, and all the representatives of the command are also not a perfect picture. a lot of people with savvy thinking. a lot of people, not professional managers, failed leaders, we also need to give credit here, and we have already seen examples when at least there military journalists or the military themselves drew attention to the problem, the problem was solved, that is, it is one sided medals, so i think that 99% of the criticism can be justified, it is quite difficult to find this limit, i actually count this limit, health, life, more valuable. we can't, issue number two is criticism from civilians, ugh, that's the process that i don't like, and actually, it's a wave of criticism that
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has been raised by, excuse me for mentioning it once again, maryana bezuglai, well , after all, she is the deputy head of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, that is, she represents the profile committee of the parliament, from which a lot depends on... who determines the speed of passage of military bills, on whom the order of passing of these bills depends, priorities, and by the way, a bill that has a lot of sins and a lot of things that i personally do not followed the topic carefully, but i can name up to 10 bills that were delayed by months, and some by years, due to actual failures in work. of this committee, some did not even appear, mr. oleksiy, if we are talking about demobilization, some did not appeared, and therefore there are a lot of problems there,
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and by the way, the life of our military also depends on these steps, the amount of equipment depends, and there, by the way, to be honest, i think that the joint failure of the cabinet of ministers is there and the profile committee, but i think that they did not complete the work in the same way and worked equally hard in quotes. well, actually, but returning to bezuglai, i really don't like the new wave of bezuglai's criticism of general silsky, and there is criticism, you know, blows like in sports below the belt, there is just rude criticism, and again, i believe that the materials that she is currently publishing are not only worthy of the attention of the security service of ukraine, but the sbu, even by the fact that they appeared in the media... the materials would automatically have to open criminal proceedings, what the sbu does not open, for me this is enough of an alarm signal, and
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you know, i have one opinion so far, i think that this package of personnel changes in the government, at least one of the parts of the powerful teams, the powerful team examines the issue of syrskyi, i'm not saying, he's good, he's bad, i don't give characteristics, but i get the impression that this wave of criticism of the army from the side of civilians is clearly narrowed down and aimed at the resignation of the commander, under the noise, under the general noise, this resignation, maybe, maybe we will see the resignation of the secretary of defense, deployment, anything else, but it is very unpleasant that this has come out in the public plane, and that kind of political games around resignations, they go through criticism of the armed forces, so that this is not just a personal criticism, not just good or bad, such criticism from civilians undermines confidence in the armed forces, including mobilization, the consequences are quite serious. mr. oleksiy,
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one more topic that i would not like to raise, but it has to be raised, because one way or another, in ukraine, which is moving towards the european union and nato, there should be freedom of speech and pluralism of opinions. the publication detector media, in particular, after conducting its monitoring, published information that after exiting the marathon, edyni news of the public broadcaster, in fact, from... the airwaves opposition deputies have disappeared, in particular from the european solidarity faction, i.e. we have a situation where in fact, in the marathon, in which five tv channels, the five largest broadcasters of our country are currently participating, de facto people's deputies from one of the largest opposition parties are not present political forces, how do you assess this situation and... and is
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this generally normal in a country that in particular is moving towards european institutions? we literally have a few minutes, we are asking for your comment, i am asking for about two minutes before the end, well, i will tell you that such a situation we have been observing since the beginning of the 19th year, but everything accumulated and accumulated, that is, i do not recall there with the exception, it seems, of one case when the president met with ... leaders of deputy groups and factions, but this did not exist at all, that is, in our country, the government generally tries not to notice the opposition, and now, under the guise of war, it is very convenient to do this, to throw out opposition channels, we throw out, we throw out the position from political life, we prohibit business trips abroad, well , i apologize, this is not just funny, it is harmful for a state in war conditions, it disrupts quite
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a lot of international events. actually, it exposes us as savages in front of europe and the united states, but i don't know how to explain in the west why the members of the delegation do not come to this or that international forum. and this, well, the practice, i don't know what it 's like, it's more like some of these initial forms of monarchy, when no opposition was allowed at all, but what we're going to get as a result, we're going to get, first of all, serious reputational blows, which i mentioned , and the second, as far as i'm concerned, it's just... kind of absolutely strange dependence of the authorities on the former pro-russian parties, well, for example, the opposition platform for life, they are now actually the third members of the coalition, we conducted an analysis of the work of the parliament for six months, and i have reason to say that now decisions in the verkhovna rada are made by three political parties forces, the servant of the people did not pass any bill solely by the number of its votes, and two
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unions are working. the first trust group and the second - two groups of the former opposition platform for life, that is, the price of such ignoring the opposition, here not only european solidarity, here is also part of the voice and homeland, but the price of ignoring the opposition is dependence on the opz. this is a risk i consider quite serious. thank you, mr. oleksiy. oleksiy koshel, doctor of historical sciences, political scientist, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, joined the new week project. we remind you that... today we ask you, do you think trump can win the election in the united states? right now, i understand 58% of our viewers think that 's how he can win, and 42% don't think it's maybe. we will now hand over to our colleagues from the bbc, we will be back on the air in 15 minutes.
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the assassination attempt on donald trump, where the special services were looking, how the shooting was allowed, what america will be like after all these events, a small spoiler, experts say, completely different. this is what we are talking about in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polamaryuk. two days after the shooting in pennsylvania, there are more questions than answers. what were the motives of strelka, why the secret service of the dukans during the next election campaigns. but for sure one thing is clear: for the united states, the events of the past weekend will have inevitable consequences. we will talk about them, too, and what is happening today. donald trump is currently in wisconsin, there for the duration.


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