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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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an attempt on donald trump, where the special services were looking. how was the shooting allowed, what will america be like after all these events? a little spoiler, experts say, completely different, that's what we're talking about in today's edition of the bbc, i'm olga polomaryuk. on the second day after the shooting in pennsylvania, there are more questions than answers, what were the motives of the shooter, why did the secret service stop during the next election campaigns, but one thing is already clear: for the united states, the events of last weekend will have inevitable consequences, we will talk about them by... we are also talking about what is happening
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today. donald trump is currently in wisconsin, where the congress of the republican party will continue for four days. the meeting was planned in advance and after the shooting they even wanted to cancel it. but trump changed his mind: no shooter or would-be assassin can change my schedule. this is what he wrote on his social network. why is this convention important? because it is on it that the republicans have to officially nominate their candidate for the presidential elections of the united states. bbc correspondent. not a few days have passed since the attempt on his life and donald trump do not stop. he arrived in milwaukee, where he will be formally endorsed as the republican presidential candidate this week. his bloodied and unruly photos are likely to determine the course of an already fractious election. president biden, who is under scrutiny because of doubts about his physical ability to run, took the moment to call on ...
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americans to settle their differences with votes, not violence. we cannot allow violence to become the norm. you you know that the political rhetoric in our country has become very heated, it is time to cool it down. we are all responsible for this. yes, we deeply feel strong differences. the stakes in this election are extremely high. prayers and words of support were heard at the local meetings addressed to the former president. people are shocked by what happened to donald trump. there are dozens of his supporters here, they were going to vote for him anyway, but now this desire has only increased. look at what we do, every time something happens we raise even more money. i saw how our the leader rose, despite the horror, he was wounded and said: "fight, now, more than ever, we must fight for."
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much is still unknown about the attacker's motives, 20-year-old thomas crooks from pennsylvania is dead. during the attempt, 50-year-old koriy komperatori, who covered his relatives with his body, saving them from bullets, died. president biden ordered an independent investigation to find out what happened. and at a time when the national erosion of the republican party begins, america's political rivals will have to adapt to radically changed presidential race. yes, well, in the united states, an investigation has been launched, the fbi is dealing with the assassination attempt, it was reported there that the shooter acted alone, but his motives are currently unknown, they are currently collecting all the evidence and testimonies. joe biden addressed americans, said that there is no place for violence in america and ordered a thorough and independent investigation. world leaders also reacted, my thoughts are with the americans, wrote justin trudeau, prime minister of canada. shocked by the news of the attack , the chief diplomat of the european union, joseph borel, president of ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyi
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said that violence should never win. but what do we know about the attack itself? trump spoke at a pre-election rally in pennsylvania, the town of butlers on the map. there was a stage, behind and around the audience, snipers of law enforcement agencies were on duty on the building. eyewitnesses say they saw a shooter on the roof of a building 130 meters from the scene. it was from there that he took aim at trump. according to safety standards, the line of sight from the roof to the stand had to be blocked. in the video , shots are heard and the shooter is killed immediately. it 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks of the state, what is known for certain, acted alone without accomplices, but what his purpose was, is still a question, as is why secret service agents missed the shooter and how the assassination was carried out. according to american law, trump, as a former us president, must be protected by the secret service for life. here's what us service veteran robert macdonald thinks about it. apparently. a lot of things went right here
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, but it is important to understand that a lot went wrong. i think the secret service will have to do everything seriously and deeply analyze to understand exactly what happened there, why... it happened and more importantly, how did it happen and how do we continue to work to prevent such actions from happening again? the secret service trains every day for such events. i have personally been in the service for 21 years, and i have never had to respond to gunshots or similar situations. the agents who were there that day worked hard to provide security for this outdoor event, which is very difficult. this is their answer to the arrow, who injured the former... president will be examined in detail. i believe that the bodyguards who worked near the ex-president did a very good job. there is no playbook or script for them to follow. it's just a matter of muscle memory and good communication. i am a bit confused by some of the reports, including yours on the bbc,
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that there were some eyewitnesses who allegedly saw the attacker climb onto the roof and that they wanted to alert the security guards, i am concerned and would like to know more. about whether this information eventually got to of the presidential guard and the main thing is whether it is on time, because information is the main thing and it is very important that it reaches the right people as soon as possible, so in this regard i have some reservations about communication, and about whether this case will have any changes in the protection politicians, i think the basic methodologies we use in the us to protect our elected officials are very good, despite the incident that happened this weekend. agency and agents should not relax, we should go to every day work, give 110%, provide a solid security platform to protect and continue to be vigilant, we have no room for error and must pay attention to every little thing, every detail, and when we see
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something strange at work or during a visit like this , we must not forget how to respond to them, and even today , two days after the assassination attempt ... for donald trump, nothing is known about what made the 20-year-old american take such a step, his father refuses to speak to the press , he should be interrogated by investigators, and what do they say about crooks in his hometown? the bbc's tom bateman went there. the morning for the residents of this quiet suburb in the state of pennsylvania began with the news that one of their neighbors tried to kill donald trump. 20-year-old thomas crooks lived here with his parents, who were told that their son... was no longer alive. the fbi and state police searched the area overnight, trying to understand tomos' motives and whether he had accomplices. how did you feel when you found out that he was from this street? so. probably, too, anyone else in a similar situation. i trust this neighborhood, i trust
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the people, and nothing has ever happened here that would bring the police here. he went to school with my son. what were you told about what happened? the police came to us, said that there was a state of emergency due to a bomb outside and that we had to evacuate. police have not confirmed claims that explosives were found in the family's home. however , it is known that thomas crooks was interested in weapons and explosives on the internet. the fbi is still searching the house. they spent the whole night here trying to find answers about his motive, and whether his political views played any part in it. according to the documents. it appears he was a registered republican, but he donated $15 to a progressive or liberal campaign group the day joe biden took office. in the school photo album, thomas looks like a smiling teenager. his former classmate summer is surprised by what
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this recently diligent student has done. he always got good grades in his classes, he was diligent, he was very fond of history, never didn't behave he was a nice kid and i never had any negative experience with him. he was always kind and we always had friendly relations. american suburbs like this have always decided the fate of elections. however, society is now engulfed in fear and anger, not because of elections, but because of lethal weapons. yes, it was a report from crooks' hometown. and how will trump use the assassination attempt in the election campaign? it is known for certain that he is already rewriting the speech he had. to speak at the party congress, he had to speak about the shortcomings of joe biden's policies, will now apparently focus on something else, on uniting the country, at least that's what trump said in his first post-assassination interview. what's next, political commentator eric ham analyzes.
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president biden addressed the americans the day before: i think trump will do the same, but we have already started to hear very inflammatory rhetoric from our politicians, and we see that political violence is becoming the norm in the united states. we remember the attack on the husband of the former speaker of the house of representatives nancy polosi in her house, about the attack on the capitol on january 6 , 2021, and what happened over the weekend with the ex-president... this is the culmination, and one of the issues that is related to this discourse of violence is the proliferation of weapons and related shooting cases. and now let's see what happened and what is most impressive. the secret service that protects donald trump is one of the most effective in the united states. so it begs the question, if even donald trump can't be protected from such attacks, then who can feel safe in the us? and of course, when polarization changes from aggressive. i have biden, together with their associates
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, hope that both politicians, trump will be able to calm the unstable situation that we are currently observing in the united states. donald trump rewrote his speech, and it seems that one of the reasons for this is that his political opponent during the primaries, former governor and us ambassador to the united nations, nikki haley will speak at the convention. so it is added. which he not only tries to unite his party, but hopes and intends to use this moment, this platform, this convention, which is now focused on, to try to unite the country as well. joe biden and donald trump are currently under scrutiny. even if you look at the last 48 hours, we 've seen one president who's been pressured to drop out of the race, and now we 're seeing another candidate whose life has been made. so both are in danger now in my opinion. it is also known that there is a lot of misinformation around that affects
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this campaign. the american people too sees that they are under enormous pressure. in my opinion, this is very tiring for voters who are losing confidence, both in the future and in the present. an attempt on the life of donald trump will have not only a political, but also a social effect, analysts predict. and what is noticeable now is the sympathy for trump because they are praying for him in the temples and the main question now is what will trump himself say in general? it is predicted that he will speak at the congress of republicans already on thursday. the bbc's neda tofik on the atmosphere in milwaukee. although only two have passed days after the assassination attempt, when a bullet flew so close to him, trump insisted he would attend the festivities here at the republican national convention, saying he would not let the would-be assassin change his plans. if we look at what is planned today, they assure us that everything will go according to plan, there will be a runoff vote
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where the states in alphabetical order, which is 2,400 delegates, will officially name donald trump as their candidate. and yes, it will certainly be a moment of increased support. but the big question is whether we will hear donald trump at this convention ahead of his big speech on thursday, where he will officially announce that he is accepting the nomination as the nominee. he already said that he gave up his. his version of the speech, which took aim at the biden administration and said he wanted to unite the country, although he acknowledged that it might not be possible given how divided the people are, but of course, his campaign seems to believe that changing the tone of this historic moment, may win him some support among the few american voters who aren't already decided of course, we are also waiting for him to announce his choice for vice president. it was rumored that it could happen today, but was it not affected? recent events on this remain under a question mark. we know his tone will be very different
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given recent events. i have also spoken to other senior republicans who have said that donald trump is in a great mood. he is happy to be here. they are quite confident in the security measures and it is remarkable that even the protesters opposing the national convention of the republican party say they are not changing their plans in light of the shooting. a large march by a liberal group is planned nearby. they say they are going to be here with their families and even small children, and they think it is safe here, so at the moment it feels like everything is going according to plan. yes, well , if you are interested in quality analytics, be sure to subscribe to our social media pages so you don't miss the most important news. in addition, we are on facebook, instagram, as well as on tiktok, on youtube you can watch our releases if sometimes they were missed on the air. well, that's all for today, more stories anyway. stay tuned to our website and we'll be back on the air tomorrow at 9 p.m., good luck, take care,
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a new week, we're... back to live on the espresso channel, and now we 'll have 45 minutes of analysis, discussion, conversation on topics that here... concern society, that are important for our country and that ultimately need to be talked about, even if you don't want to talk about it, even if you want to avoid these topics or turn a blind eye to them, that's all one thing about them, we need to talk about them, we need to discuss them, because we are a democratic country, we are a democratic society, and there are topics that we should talk about, including you,
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and i will remind you, before we start, there is an ongoing survey on our tv channel, it reads as follows: do you think that trump can win the elections in the united states of america, you can take your smartphones, phones, dial 0800 211 381 absolutely free if you think that trump can win the elections in the united states of america, and if you believe no, you dial 0.800 211 380. i remind you once again, all this is absolutely free, at the end of this hour we will tally up the results of your voting and see your opinions, as you think, and now khrystyna, i will give you the floor, khrystyna, i will talk about one of those topics, which i consider important for our country. thanks
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to andrii, and it really came together. reactions, reflections from quite, quite competent sources, which indicate that we are slowly crossing the border that was talked about with oleksiy koshel, the border where civil society begins to join in the same way a very sensitive topic, processes in the defense forces, especially when these processes in view of... a large number of testimonies have certain destructive characteristics, which is what it is about, i would like to refer again to today's press conference of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, at which he stated , which will not yet evaluate the work of the commander of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi in the context of the russian breakthrough in the kharkiv region. let's listen to
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the president. i don't think that if... who was in syrsky's place, there wouldn't have been a corresponding breakthrough, i think he would have been stopped, well done, they didn't let us occupy kharkiv without a package, well done, and then we will deal with the details when we have a pause, a pause, says the president, not the end of the war, a realistic view, judging by everything the situation, a war of insane intensity, a war of attrition continues and it continues, but it would be nice if members of his own team listened to the president's words about the appropriateness of discussing certain issues, well, for example, maryana bezugla, who still, let's say, declares her commitment to the president's decisions and opinions , but systematically
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systematically criticizes the command of the armed... forces of ukraine, the defense forces of ukraine, and in some places, unfortunately, this does not lead to any really useful for the armed forces themselves, shifts, changes and so on. yuriy butusov, a military journalist, i will remind you that, for some reason, the quality of decision-making in the army is generally deteriorating, not improving , every month. why is our leadership... not correcting the mistakes and scaling up the successful experiences necessary to win the war, because in order to give the right answers, our leaders must correctly formulate the questions: what are the main questions asked by the combat brigades, why are the positions lost, what is being done to restore the position, how many people are left in the squad, why have they not been used yet, what are the main questions asked by the generals from the combat brigades, why the positions are lost, what is being done to restoration
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of the position, who will be responsible for the losses to the sbi investigator, and so on... yuriy cites his own questions, which are determined exclusively by the point of view, the point of sitting of this or that personality in the relevant position, there are problems that are already characterized in absolutely specific brigades. recently, the commander of the 206th battalion of the 41st tro brigade, roman kulyk, spoke on social networks about the great losses due to the decisions of the command, which, i quote, is fantastic. tasks without assessing the real capabilities of the personnel. as a result of such short-sightedness, stupidity or criminality, carelessness, fantastic tasks are not fulfilled, people die, fall out. with the formation, and sometimes appetites decrease and it comes to realistic tasks, and then there is no one to perform them anymore, writes kulyk. similar, similar yes
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the pictures themselves are also described by the journalist, war veteran anna kalyuzhna. she reported that the combrig of the 24th ombr, fighting during oemyarom , was removed from the position precisely because of the refusal to fulfill the unrealistic tasks of the command. and here i would like to quote anya: the line has only barely stabilized, as the brigade is given fantastic tasks, and the teams that try to come out of reality, not fantasy, are removed, fantastic tasks, so no one canceled them. and, if we talk about the 59th legendary brigade named after yakov handziuk, volunteer paramedic kateryna polishchuk, the bird that defended azovstal, was in captivity and returned from it with... appeals to the president, due to the inhumane and unprofessional attitude of commander shevchuk, i am forced to stop cooperation with this famous brigade, and not everyone has such an opportunity to resist the criminal order that
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is directed exclusively for the acquisition of additional stars by this person. alina mykhaylova, who with her ulf now also cooperates with the 59th brigade, also wrote something similar the other day and says that it is quite difficult to communicate. with command, in particular purely even medically, there are problems, the ukrainian army is a large army, and it is difficult to imagine that there would be no problems in such a living organism, on the other hand, when and at what moment the degree of tension increases so much, and the soldiers are so inaudible, who are forced to turn to civil society, that... that finally civil society has to get involved a little, well, if even mr. sternenko came out with a stream on youtube today with a problem that is precisely related to the 59th
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brigade, the 41st brigade , well, we can talk about the fact that even volunteers cannot stand aside, what this story is about for you, andrei, at this stage, this story testifies to the fact that the flower-bouquet period about... in the war, the great war, which continues from 24 february 22 , and the real war in our country has been going on since february 20, i want to remind everyone of 2014, that is , it will soon be 11 years, yes, but unfortunately, i will make a little digression here, unfortunately, the first seven years, so for eight years, the majority of the population did not feel it, did not see the war, for most of the war there were no politicians themselves, well, there is no war somewhere, and there is no for the majority of the population, well, they did not
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pay attention to the war, we saw the consequences of the fact that a lot of people did not pay attention to the war. the 22nd year is a huge elation, a huge desire of people to help, to unite, to finally understand that we have... an enemy, an ancient enemy, and this unity, in fact, it was at almost all levels of ukrainian society, from the lowest to of the highest, even in power structures, even in matters of power, opposition, various political forces for some period, some for a short period there was this unity, why i call it the ticket-bouquet period, because there was a certain consensus in... society, in society's vision of its role, the role of the army in society, we, unfortunately, as of now,
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as of now we see that this period, it actually ended, uh, it ended with the things that we talked about on our past programs, when we talked about the separation of certain people, the absolutely destructive things that are happening, but unfortunately, these destructive . things spread now and on ukrainian army, why? because the ukrainian army, it will not be, cannot be separated from society. ukrainian army, ukrainian armed forces, defense forces of ukraine, it is a component of ukrainian society, it is a component of the ukrainian state, it is also a reflection of the ukrainian state, it is a reflection of ukrainian society. we cannot pull away and say that we are sorry, the army is a separate state. it is separate, and the people who live in ukraine are separate, so we really need approaches, approaches, professional approaches to prevent this from
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happening. these processes, unfortunately, did not begin now, they began back in 2003 in 2023, when maryana bezugla joined the struggle against zaluzhnyi, we remember that in general, where did it all begin, when all autumn and all in the winter of 23-24 years, we saw just open frank harassment, harassment of the top military leadership in our country. we see that no conclusions can be drawn from this in many aspects, on the other hand, we see that there are problems that the military is signaling, because, for example, we, sitting here in the studio, we are civilian people, it is difficult for us to evaluate, and in general we should not give any evaluations to that, those, those decisions made by the military
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leadership, because we do not know, we do not... see, we we cannot feel the whole picture, but when the military speaks, when the volunteers speak, when the people who are nearby speak and they point out mistakes, problems, extraordinary things of such a semi-catastrophic nature that affect human lives, then of course we must to reflect, we must help these people convey. their position towards the leadership of the state, towards the leadership of the ministry of defense, well , because if our military, who have problems, are not heard, then it will affect what, it will affect first of all at the front, it will affect people's motivation, that is we now have a big problem in that, and sociological polls, by the way, which were conducted, just today society
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saw, there is a huge... demotivation of people regarding the armed forces of ukraine, this is, this is a problem, and these are mistakes that, unfortunately, were not laid down yesterday and not today, which were laid down back in the 22nd, 23rd year by the authorities that did not communicate, that did not explain, laws that were not adopted, necessary, necessary base, which was supposed to be accepted back in the 22nd year, all this... was postponed for some reason, again, why? for political reasons, for the reasons that someone needs to score political points, or not to lose them, or not to lose them, someone needs to show their face, someone is still preparing one way or another for the elections, and there is, there is a big the problem now is that society, and the army, and the state, they are slowly starting
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from each other. move away russia is actually here in this case, well, glad, because, well, well, that's what they need. why ukraine persevered in the 22nd year. why did ukraine fight back against these moscow terrorists. because we united in one fist. because we have overcome some of our differences. because we, because it was burning, let's say so. that ukrainians, well , ukrainians in general have such a trait, when at such an extreme moment, at the most terrible moment to unite quickly, take everything into a fist and not allow ourselves to be destroyed, but as soon as we let go a little somewhere, a little somewhere, everything starts, how many there are two, two cossacks, three hetmans, here we are very often, this not only applies to this situation, it applies to political and social in general.
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the situation in our country in many areas, well , i will say this, on this crazy jump of cortisol, nationwide restraint , it would probably hardly be possible to go far, so this is a question of total unity, all love to each other, lord, i remember these feelings, as now, in the moment any disagreements, any shortcomings, anyone, may all survive, may all be whole. and in general it was difficult to imagine that any kind of unhealthy struggle with each other could reappear in our country, but no, we see that it appears and that it has normalized, this state of stress in which we are entered in february 2022, and even in this state, in order to survive, we must continue to change, because andrei, when
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we are talking about... our approach to the north.


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