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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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spheres, well, i will say this, on this crazy jump of cortisol, a nationwide jump, it would probably hardly be possible to go far, so this is a matter of total unity, universal love for each other, my lord, i remember these feelings, as now, in a moment , any disagreements, any shortcomings, anyone, that everyone would survive, that everyone would be whole, and in general it was difficult to imagine. so that any fight of unhealthy meaning with each other could appear again in our country, but no, we see that it appears and that it has become normalized, this state of stress that we entered in february 2022 has normalized, and even in this state, in order to survive, we have to continue to change, because andrew, when we talk about our approach to the nordic ...
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alliance, or our approach with the european union, in the perspective of joining both there and there, even in this studio we regularly emphasize, no matter how difficult it may be, but in parallel with the resistance to russian aggression, we must also change, standardize with these organizations in order not to stop their progress, therefore, it is very important to exchange and discuss, and it is very important for... the ukrainian army, i would like these discussions to take place within the ukrainian army itself, but what to do if this communication does not develop properly, what to do when on the one hand tomorrow is july 16, and this is the deadline for all conscripts to update their details in the context of the recently passed mobilization law, on the other side of the world. we understand
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that someone can probably afford decisions that cause people to get lost on that or that another part of the front, and in some places we are already talking about a kind of systematicity, again, i am now referring to those authoritative opinions that have just been actually quoted to you on the air, there are other opinions, for example, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, a participant in the revolution of dignity, a public figure viktor mishchyshyn believes that criticism of the military leadership. must have its limits, so as not to play along with the enemy, our tolerance in the information and social space of that wave, which can be conventionally called the marcos wave without corners, to which some new public figures join, this is a direct road to defeat, and so the golden mean should be, should be in this situation, when on one side the command hears its fighters, on the other side the fighters understand what is going on... extremely exhausting
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struggle with the russian federation, and civil society fulfills its role without interfering in any way in the issue of the military, this is ideal, but yuriy bytusov believes that there is a politicization of processes in the armed forces, when certain political motives are somehow achieved and dealt with through orders in the armed forces, is it? well, it's impossible to tell maryana exactly. who is bad, who is good, because there have already been so many scandals, i apologize, on her political path, and how many absolute lies have been poured out on many ukrainian military leaders, it is definitely not here, no, it is not up to mariani to tell who is bad and who is good , i emphasize once again, in my opinion...
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only those people who understand this and who are directly in this process, because it is a process that is, well, it is not open, it is normal, this is the army, if all this is open, this process will be open, in that case the enemy will know absolutely everything, so those people who ... know about it, so they have the right to speak, and they should speak if there are any problems, but when it is said by certain kinds of dirty politicians who add to this political overtones, moreover, i am convinced that these politicians are not , no, it is not their independent voice, well, never me i believe that maryana bezugla can independently carry out this kind of activity, which she has been conducting for almost a year . i believe that this is a person who
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most likely does this by some arrangement. look, actually, after all the mud she threw at her. er, the ukrainian military leadership, she continues to hold the important, essentially, positions in the verkhovna rada of ukraine in which she is now, and there are no questions for them, there are no questions for her, and to exclude her from the faction, we well, we remember what the process was, if i'm not mistaken, her so far it has not been finalized there, it is this exclusion, it will be necessary, it will have to be looked at, because there were certain legal nuances. that is, a person is purposeful, purposefully engaged in a certain political killing, or what to do with that, well, at this stage, at this stage, what
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ms. bezugla writes about is basically confirmed by other people who, well, let's say, have authority and among the military and have experience in general. in general, in the coverage of military topics, and some of them are direct military c i think that such people have the right to speak, i already said about it, these people have the right, if this issue is not resolved internally, they have the right to speak that there is a certain problem, uh, no, well, we have to understand that there cannot be complete silence of course, well, there cannot be such a thing, because this is a question of human lives, a question of human lives, it is inevitable, if it is not solved... inside anything, inside the armed forces of ukraine, inside some subdivision or within some authority, inside some law enforcement agency, of course, there are people who have the right, who specifically have the facts, they come out with these facts and they speak, they can
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file an official complaint with some law enforcement agency, and they can report it, and i will not consider , that this is a political attack on someone, because these are people who... have proven by their actions, and they have the right, because of these actions, because of their direct participation in these units, they have the right to say that, and if people who don't well, which are not related to this, which were engaged in constantly political provocations, then these people most likely just use it for their political points, uh, and maybe for the sake of some other political point. goals, including those people behind them, simply, if we speak in general, when we first started, in general , we have a colossal lack of communication, about laws, we have a huge lack of communication about
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the actions of citizens, what citizens should do , we have a huge lack of communication regarding certain algorithms, but we just mentioned the law. about mobilization, but there is a frenzy here lack of communication, when every day there are dozens of messages from different structures, from different representatives, and very often these messages do not even correspond to each other, and people do not know, we apologize, but how to interpret the law in such a case, here is andrei, i want a little it would be good for people to eventually learn to sometimes open and read and understand what our laws, at least the ones that have already been adopted, i am not saying, are about. ukrainians do not read about individual draft laws that are being prepared for adoption or voting in general laws that then importantly regulate their lives and bear the disadvantage of all of us, but the other side of the coin, how these laws are implemented, absolutely, the other side, but now in this
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context that we are talking about, it is important how this or that law is implemented, and is it implemented, or is there a different interpretation of this law in our country? this is a long-standing problem of ukraine, that we take, that we take one law, we read it, we read it, we read it, someone sees something else, the ministry of defense sees one thing, the tsk sees another, the border guards see a third, some people do not see, people do not see, someone, there are many lawyers, for example, who are also cut. they see it all, and everything, and we see, we, we get a million opinions, a million different interpretations of the same law, that is, the first is the issue of implementation, and the second issue is the issue of the imperfection of legislation very often, and the creation of certain loopholes in
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this legislation , when it can really be interpreted in one way, in the second way, or in the third way, and then... the question for the legislators is, what have you, dear gentlemen, been doing for so long that you did not create legislation that, well, ideal legislation is not exist, but which will be at least comprehensible, close to the question, in general, legal processes, and one that will meet, well, if not modern challenges, then meet the spirit of the law, although, this is also a big problem that we will get today, adopted laws of various kinds over the past six months, and very often these laws do not have, or rather have. kind of collision, then what is being done, for example, now we often see the situation there
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, for example, even with mobilization, the government already issues by-laws, because this law very often is not complete, additional by-laws need to be issued, and these by-laws are hundreds of pages, if not thousands of pages, and there is also very often no correspondence, no answer to the question of what to do in option a, what to do in option b, what to do in the variant? and again, everyone is starting to interpret these by-laws in their own way, this is also a problem. i understand that war, i understand that people are not electrified, i understand that there is often not enough time to finish something, but for that we have a huge army officials, deputies, their assistants in order to do all this. well, at least close to the ideal, well, and at least, and
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at the very least, then control the authorities that implement these laws or by-laws, because what we see in the information space recently is very often violations of current legal norms and different interpretations of these legal ok, something needs to be done about this, well, i apologize, because really, from july 16 , the situation in society will become more and more electrified, if, if not, you know, everything is written clearly, clearly, explained, and the main thing is to be carried out, clearly, clearly and understandably, and this applies to any sphere, absolutely any sphere, because we have a big problem with this in ukraine. you know, you and i talked about unity in the context of the ukrainian state, and that it is possible for us. only at critical moments in the united states is the same thing happening
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, just these days, and it's about unity again, you know, and that's nice, nice, whatever that sounds like, because the situation with the assassination of donald trump could be used for political purposes by trump himself and the magician of his association that supports him and all the voters who are ready to give him votes under any circumstances to ... to drown, drown, drown, as a healthy wing of the republicans, yes and actually, of course , the democrats, because they actually oppose them, but after the assassination attempt on, as i understand, the soon-to-be official candidate for the presidency from the republican party, donald trump, the current president, joseph biden, demonstrated his composure, his maturity and his truly political weight . who urged the country to unity, who called for taking a few steps back to understand that
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such a high degree of polarization is too much, no matter how intense the political battles are, it cannot turn into an act of violence, and few of the critics and skeptics of mr. trump was counting on the fact that he, in his rhetoric... will talk about something similar, he says, and this is actually, first of all, to the credit, probably, donald trump will be told, but most of all to the credit of america, the american society, which is also a little, i think, this episode with an attempt on one of the candidates sobered up. so, the republican convention in milwaukee, which is happening right now, as we speak, plus or minus, as i understand it. he is to be nominated for office by the republican party, he has already changed his
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speech from earlier planned, after experiencing the assassination plan, he has already called for this convention and in general for the communication of nikki haley, who has been his opponent for a long time in these ot the primaries are within the republican party, and donald trump is coming to the… the rhetoric of a responsible politician is not his field at all, to be honest, for now and at least for the sake of it, we'll see, in fact, because to me. it is hard to believe that there can be such instant metamorphoses, but why do they do that, and by the way, not only trump, but also biden, but in fact, if they shook hands with each other politically, they spoke on the phone, now they expressed themselves quite adequately finally about each other, what, what, what, what,
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unfortunately, we have not observed during the last months, maybe even years. that is, american politicians, at least temporarily , understood that the situation was brought to a boiling point, that the disunity in the country was brought to a boiling point, that at any moment the irreparable could happen, the irreparable almost happened in 2020, when the mob almost took over, or rather captured. the capitol, when the constitutional order in the world's largest democracy was almost overthrown, and now, especially in recent months, there is a fever of disunity, a fever of scandals, constant
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provocations, constant, well, essentially, essentially , hateful rhetoric. he reached his peak why did this happen to trump, why did this attempt happen in general, because politicians, by the way, very often irresponsible politicians, they are in any country, did not understand that the election campaign, election rhetoric, struggle for those who want to destroy the civilized. world, i think that, at least for now really, in the united states of america there will be this balance for a while, then we will, as they say, see, uh, because after all, well, donald trump will not be donald trump if he refuses really from such expressive rhetoric, but again, we have to understand that his
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rhetoric is changing as well because he... wants to win, he understands that he has a much better chance of winning now, and he wants to keep those voters who might be willing to vote for him now , he wants that, we understand that there are still 3.5 months left before the election, and in those 3.5 months anything can happen that will change this picture, when someone says that everything is 100% trump will win, let's not, uh, let's not... what's going to happen, we don't know what's going to happen but the task, as far as i understand, is to keep trump’s technology as much as possible at the peak of its popularity, perhaps at the peak of attracting neutral voters, these actual voters, and that is why his rhetoric is clearly changing,
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i will repeat again, let’s see, and i i don't know how much information is available to me. here in ukraine, when discussing future state elections, they talk about a kind of project 2025. from this project, by the way, donald trump literally at the beginning of july distanced myself, i know nothing about the 2025 project, trump wrote on his twitter page. i have no idea, i don't know what's behind it, i don't agree with some of the things they say, and some of the things they say are absolutely ridiculous and horrible, whatever they are... i wish them luck, but i don't i have nothing to do with them. project 2025 is a plan to expand the actual power of the president, provides for a significant expansion of the president's powers, outlines a plan to fire 50,000 civil servants and replace them with trump supporters. electoral biden's staff is trying to draw more
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attention to this 2025 project, especially as biden tries to secure the support of his fellow democrats after. a successful debate for him, and it should also be noted that this plan was shared by longtime allies and former officials of the donald trump administration a few days after the head of the think tank responsible for the program suggested that a second american revolution would take place. this is the kind of story from which donald trump, again, is far from it recoils, though and... we're talking about things that maybe, maybe already have their beginnings now, which i mean, the recent decisions regarding donald trump in the supreme court. actually. we talked about this, by the way, with you, andriyu will remember, with our respected experts, that in fact, by its decision , the supreme court removed any responsibility
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from anyone who will be the president of the united states for crimes, just because he is the president of the united states. we are not talking about outright criminality, we are talking about crimes, which are related to the political activities of the us president. many would caution the supreme court against such a decision, but it has been made and many are calling it almost the enthronement of any future president of the united states. it's hard to imagine what would happen if it were donald trump. well, in the meantime, our new week program is slowly coming to an end, but we still have a few important minutes to share what i think is very... very, very important news. court in the case of a former serviceman of the main administration intelligence and special operations forces of roman chervinsky gave the suspect the opportunity
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to be released on bail in the amount of uah 9 million - lawyer kostyantyn globa reported this. according to globa, there are 27 people's deputies. separately, another 51 people expressed a desire to take chervinskyi as bail, but we have the exact result. a deposit of 9 million. well, now we will observe whether it will be paid, how it will be collected and who exactly will pay it. what kostyantyn globa writes: 7 hours of continuous trial were discussed the question of how the court of first instance, the speech of the lawyers for three days reflected its decision on half of page a4, the representative of the four victims announced their withdrawal from the case, and the position of the victims that they are not victims is also increasingly beginning to be heard, the prosecutor is getting more and more nervous and you. .. is justifying its failures with fictitious pressure from lawyers, it is increasingly difficult for the prosecutor to hide and deny the key role of the security service of ukraine in this operation. one of the representatives of the victims today
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questioned the subject of the investigation of the case, stating that the sbu is investigating a case in which they are also involved. it is increasingly difficult for judges to provide justification for rejecting the arguments of chervinsky's defense. the polemic is reflexively reduced to a primitive silent reaction of judges. well, 27 on... there were 51 people who wanted to take chervinsky as bail, as a result we have 9 million bail. and very briefly, well, no one doubted that this case would eventually collapse, that is, he pledged 9 million, in your opinion, is this about collapse? i believe that this is the beginning of the collapse of this case, mr. advocate quite rightly characterized all these things, why bail, because on... in fact , it is increasingly difficult for judges to argue why chervinsky should remain in custody, ugh, that is, they do not have a direct argument why this person
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is without, without without prosecutors and judges, without solid evidence, the woman must be in custody, that's all, and as for bail, i think that it will be made, because many people support mr. chervinskyi, i think that many people will be ready and... to give, no, well, well , frankly, it will be so, it was with marchenko, of course, that is, i think that both and people's deputies, those who are ready to take him on, are ready to take him on bail, and those people who, ordinary people, are not people's deputies, who are ready to take him on bail, i think that ordinary citizens of ukraine are also ready, therefore this question will actually be on my mind for a few days. in the end, the case will most likely fall apart with the judge, it's just a shame that the ukrainian judicial system and the ukrainian law enforcement system in this case are a little bit
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chasing the wrong ones roman chervinskyi is accused of uncoordinated actions by the security service of ukraine during a special operation to recruit a russian pilot, and according to the indictment, the russians received information from chervinskyi about... the kanatovy airfield in the kropyvnytskyi district, which the russians attacked on july 23, and before and after they also struck this airfield. the results of our poll, today we asked you if you think trump can win the election in the united states, and the results are now on our screens. please show colleagues, 58% of those who called us believe that yes, it is quite likely that he will become president, and 42% are more optimistic. are disposed towards the democrats and their representative, think that trump will not win. thank you for your activity, thank you. thanks to khrystyna yatskiv, and
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we will follow up during the week. follow all the events, we will meet with you next monday, at the same time, we will analyze, talk, discuss, and thank you to everyone who watched the new week and who watches the espresso tv channel, do not switch, see you, snow, physical activity. sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, feminost uro helped me, thanks to the natural ingredients feminost uro helps to restore control over urination, feminost uuro - urination under control. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estezefin, 20% in travel pharmacies, memory and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. an interview with evstratiem zorya about the challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation is
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actively overcomes bleeding gums and gives fresh breath. lakalut aktiv++ - an action that you feel it right away. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on exoderl 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the air of the tv channel. the west studio program will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular , we will analyze high-level international politics, separately we will analyze putin's medvedev ultimatums. our guests today are roman bezsmertny and mark fegin. our first guest is the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations you, mr. antin. well, a lot of events actually fit into a certain pattern.


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