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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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i can bring peace to ukraine. god, bless our soldiers, defenders and all our ukrainian people. men who are conscripted have a term of service. necessarily updated data, what will happen if this is not done, we will discuss. almost half of ukrainians believe that it is not a shame to be a dodger, and it is worth sitting down at the negotiating table with russia, on what terms? the usa is recovering from the assassination attempt on donald trump. can the ex-president use this against a political opponent and win the election? about this and other things just now at svoboda life me my name is serhiy stetsenko. july 16 is the deadline for renewal. military registration
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data for ukrainian men of conscription age, this norm came into force after the adoption of the new law on mobilization, according to which all conscripts and conscripts, which is actually all men aged 18 to 60, had to update their military registration data, 60 days were set aside for this, it was possible to do it in person at territorial recruitment and social support centers, administrative service centers or online through the application reserve++. there has been a lot of buzz around the data update in the two months since, with people complaining about the poor performance of the app and huge queues at the kiosks. radio svoboda correspondent rokselana bychay spent the last few days filming near various tsc and administrative service centers to find out exactly how the data update has been going on in recent days. on the clock, 5:30 in the morning is dawn in kyiv. and next to one of the snaps
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of the centers for the provision of administrative services , a queue of men with the nickname vikutra was already sought after, who came here for four hours, and how commandant, well, there are no rules, no exceptions , you keep lists, yes, well, i just look and everything is here without any difference, who can you be when you came here at four o'clock with a penny, well, somewhere after the 15th, i guess , but what about the commandant's office? well, if you want to join the queue, you need to be a little earlier. there is a fine for not renewing this 5:00 p.m., for violating the curfew, there is a fine of uah 150-550, well, if so, what queue are you in? 13th, t, that is, someone else came earlier? someone was sleeping in the car, you can update the data in the tsnapa, in the tsc or in the reserve plus, why did you choose this particular one way? there are nuances in the other two options: and the reserve plus, well, to put it mildly, a leaky thing, a raw thing from the fact that i... in tsk, well, in
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principle, the same queues, so as of 5:30 in the morning in this about 150 people signed up for such an improvised queue at the center for providing administrative services. at the administrative services center in another district of kyiv, around six o'clock in the morning , more than 100 people had already signed up. there is also a queue and they say that it is possible in a day. there are about 200 people in tsnapu, for example, more than 200 were accepted yesterday, so everyone who is here is already now, they they expect to be able to update the data today, i spent the night in the car, seriously, seriously, i arrived at 4:37 and i was already the fourth, show me your place to spend the night today, let’s go, i came once, i came the second time, i realized that only that way i can somehow achieve. of the result, i slept,
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it was very hot, i got up, made an appointment, i'm waiting for mcdonald's to open to eat, several times, i spent several hours here, well, it costs me a lot, i already remember the time better in the morning, what will i do to miss work, besides, i thought about using it when i sit and tell me, you didn't think to update earlier, just now there are such queues in the last days before july 16, there were a couple of attempts, well, when it was really crowded, then you already had to spend the night, did you come to update the data? yes, why did you decide to do it now? well, there is time, and don't you worry that you won't have time to do it by july 16? well, who got up earlier, so god gave, so i will make it, everything is fine, well, i am from the occupied territory, so i have already changed my place of residence three times this month, so here, and who are you in line now? 97th, what do you think today it will be possible to update the data to
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200, they are passing above, no, yesterday 210 or 30 were launched and they said everything, and what happened to the others, who did not make it? home and come again in the morning to stand in line again? yes, i took a vacation, yes, in order to finish all my work, and i took a vacation specifically for this, yes, there are no queues where there is no civilization, apparently, where people are climbing in crowds and everything, well, probably a sign of a civilized country, it seems to me that this service has to be available, well, if there were no queues and a little more free and convenient, why did you decide on tsnap go, not to the tcc or not to the reserve plus? i probably don't trust the tcc very much, and i don't know the reserve plus, it's the same base, what's the difference, and even on saturday morning , conscripts in kyiv continue to update their data in the tcc. we came here on a weekend to see how many people there will be in the queues, and we can see that
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quite a lot of conscripted men have gathered, we can't show the building for security reasons, but even here there was such a huge queue nearby, well here. .. more or less organized, then there are people who come, sign up, stand in line, and what time did you come to join the line? 7:15, well, there are many people, there are many people who want it, i have already updated the data, you just need to pick up a military cat, patience, the main thing here is patience and that’s all, then this is a short period of time, and then there are many people, and even more so, many people are not knows, for example, a man came and did not know what was needed...
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how does the electronic queue work here, and we know that there is an opportunity to take a ticket at midnight, so for this queue, does it work in general? maybe it works, but when you go to the site, where you can take a coupon, it is either lying there, or it is at eight or nine, or even until two
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o'clock in the day, you can't take anything from any coupon, everything is very slowly, tsk cannot cope with such and such a mass of people. and i am not sure that i will be able to today, and if i even come in, then they can tell me again, well, come on another day or sign up for a queue, and what will you do if, for example, you do not have time to update the data and get the relevant documents about this will be a complaint to begin with, write to the regional tsk, well, what about my tsk, i fulfilled all their requirements, but they didn't do anything, they didn't have time to issue you the documents, well, yes, they are stupid. and i'm not the only one like that, you see how many people there are. i will also note that as of july 14, the ministry of defense of ukraine reported that slightly more than 4 million citizens had updated their data.
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we are talking about the mobilization in ukraine and what will happen to those who do not update their credentials after july 16. we are talking live with the people's deputy of ukraine, the secretary of the national security committee, defense and intelligence roman kostenko. roman, i congratulate you. good day. let's start with... those basics, what changes are in store for those who don't update their details after july 16? well, we remember that there is a law on mobilization and in particular they will be able to bring them to administrative responsibility for not updating their data, so there is still time, i call on everyone, either reserve plus, or through tsc directly , it is necessary to update the data so that people do not have questions later, especially now there were more. the question is that people who update their data, their there sent to the vlk, we saw that today the ministry of defense clarified that this is not a mandatory procedure, the data can be updated without going through the vlk, so if there is through snap or through the reserve plus, then here it is
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all done quite easily quickly, of course, those who have never been there in tsc, or somehow took off there, were not registered, no, or who have a reserve plus... says that they need to go and update, they need to physically go and update this data , unfortunately, i agree here, our tscs do not always work correctly, there are large ones queues, but this is probably due to the fact that many... people left it all there on the last day, so the data must be updated, roman, obviously, and we just showed the material that there really are queues and obviously a certain number of people, even if they wish, but will not have time to simply update them for the reasons that they came there late or for any other reasons, but there will still be such people, but if they come, for example, on july 17 to tsnap or to the ccc or there... they register through reserve plus, they leave automatically and are already received fine? see how the ministry
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of defense explains that the fines go to those who they can't, even if the person hasn't updated by the 16th, who they can't find any information on in the general registers, unless they pull up there in the reserve or somewhere, then they will impose fines if automatically this information, that is , a person somewhere, let's say this, had these data in electronic registers, they will pull it up and will not receive a fine, explains the minister. defense, as it will be in reality, we we will see, in particular, in a few days, but we also spoke at the committee as much as possible about the fact that even this data recovery time, which was provided for two months, so that, let's say, well, society, when we adopted the law on mobilization, accepted it as such , well, excuse the amnesty, yes from fines, that the process of updating data is like such a contract between society and the state, that those who did not even update. you come in, you upgrade, and you don't pay any fines for it. it happened from time to time that the tsc, there, gave people
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fines, but, but then they clarified, that those who come and update so as not to pay these fines, the ministry of defense once again told me about this today, but as far as i understand, it will be considered by the tsc itself, whether to issue or not to issue, they have such, they have such powers. according to the new legislation, what is to be brought to administrative responsibility, and i understand that they will also be charged with the function of notifying about fines, and issuing them in essence, well, this is already a question , there will be a mechanism, it is written in the law and will be there prescribed also under by legal acts, how is this process itself going to take place, ugh, and what i will also discuss a lot... the topic with men abroad who updated their data through was essentially one
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of the few methods, this is a reserve plus online, and that was the point about that, there was a lot of speculation about the fact that subpoenas may come later or a subpoena on the vlk, after that to the same e-mail or in the application, whether it is planned or not, well, these questions should be asked by the ministry first of all. defense, but what we have today, to things, there was a committee and representatives of the ministry of defense came there for another application, there is the army plus this is the digitalization of the army and directly, let's say, the transfer from a paper army to such an to an electronic one, when the soldiers will be able to write reports and all the questions will be electronic , the document flow will be through different applications eh, that's why this issue was not raised here, and what we saw was the last thing they said, that so far there is no... there is a proposal to send subpoenas or, well , let's put it this way, to send subpoenas in
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electronic form, if we are talking about vlk, then right away, what is the story, that now, if you have been updated in the reserve, then you already have a code, and if you want to go to the vlk, or you need to, you have to go to the military, then very often, when you go to the lk , you don't return from military service, because you are recognized as fit and you are taken into the army. uh, mr. roman, very briefly, please, do we still have mr. roman on the line? mr. roman, briefly, if possible, did you consider at the committee, perhaps today, the question of the restructuring of tsc as such, after such, well, let's say, not very successful in public, yes, i understand, we don't have, roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was a secretary at radio svoboda. to the national security, defense and intelligence committee, we talked about the
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july 16 deadline for all men ages 18-60 to update their data. almost 44% of ukrainians believe that the time has come for official peace talks between ukraine and russia. these are the results of the razumkov center poll. 35% of respondents believe that the time for negotiations is not yet came, and 21 is difficult to decide. the center of ukraine, as noted in the study, is the closest to the average indicator, and almost there. half calmly accepts the information about the start of official negotiations with russia, but what is interesting is that it is not the country to the west, but the east, in particular, does not want negotiations with moscow the most. according to the research, a third of the residents of the east are ready for negotiations, a third are against and almost as many are undecided. in the south of ukraine , the sociology is different, there 60% of the residents of the south
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believe that it is time for official negotiations with russia came. at the same time, the majority. believe that it is not necessary to agree to the fulfillment of the conditions put forward by vladimir putin on the eve of the peace summit. in particular, 83% of respondents do not agree to the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from the territory of donetsk, luhansk, kherson and zaporizhzhia regions. 84% of respondents are against giving these regions to the aggressor, and 77 percent of ukrainian residents cannot agree that all western sanctions against russia should be in place. the study says, well, are ukrainians really ready to talk about peace with russia, if yes, under what conditions, we are talking about this right now on svoboda live, political scientist yevhen magda joins in, yevhen, i congratulate you, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, here are the 44% who are not against negotiations with russia, in your
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opinion, this is already a critical mass that can, say, demand these negotiations from the authorities. you know, according to the results of a sociological study, it is very difficult to demand negotiations from the authorities in the conditions of martial law, when mass demonstrations are prohibited by law, and operate accordingly, can you and i, for example, discuss it on the air, so i think it's a pretext for similar, let's say, operations, but i think it's... it's quite a wake-up call for the authorities, i'll explain why, it's quite a high number in a situation where what he wants to negotiate is constantly says vladimir putin, that's why, and believe me, these data will be used by russian
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propagandists already today, at most tomorrow, in what way, well, they will say that practically... half of ukrainians want negotiations with russia, and they will emphasize, well, we we understand that any numbers can be used in your own interests, it is simply evidence that there is no clear information policy of the authorities, there is no clear position regarding the fact that the war will not last two or three weeks, that is, after this thesis about the war disappeared for two or three weeks, the authorities did not... manage to create an informational component that would show that the war will continue for a long time, that we need consolidation, that we need, well , changes are necessary, but pay attention to something else, to the events of a week ago, to how the people of kyiv rushed to disassemble its wreckage in okhmadite, to save
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children, to help them, that is, i think that the stability of ukrainian society is somewhat higher than... we see according to the data of this study, uh, well, returning to how the authorities communicate, again, last week there was information in zma that zelenskyi and the president's office will invite russia for the next peace summit, zelensky said the same thing at the press conference today, and you can compare the data from this study with the fact that, despite the decree of zelensky himself, that there are no specific talks with vladimir putin yet... here it is, again russia will probably be invited to the next peace summit. firstly, we still do not know when the next peace summit will be, secondly, we do not know whether russia will accept this invitation, thirdly, we do not know the agenda of the next peace summit, we only know one thing: in the world there is a sufficiently large request to end the russian-ukrainian
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war, this is a fact, this is an objective reality, we have an answer to it. give by strengthening our own positions, and not by the fact that we will talk about something in some way, it just seems to me that the thesis that sounded there, for example, in the publication of the bloomberg agency with citing an unnamed ukrainian source, that we will try to hold a peace summit before the presidential elections in the united states, and why, say, not before the presidential elections in poland? or before the bundestag elections in germany, well, obviously because, obviously because there is a probability that donald trump can probably take over. the place of the head of the white house, and therefore, well, then we need to form a position within the state regarding this, we need to explain, we need to spend these
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almost four months before the presidential elections in the united states in order to talk about how to help us, how we should act, what we need, and instead we see how poroshenko and european solidarity were not allowed to the republican convention in... blocs where they will nominate trump as a candidate for president, that is, we conduct a dialogue about bipartisan support in this way, i correctly understand the logic of our government, if we have an opportunity, we will definitely ask their representatives about it, we will return a little to the survey itself, at least negotiations according to people from the east want him ukraine, and doesn't it look strange in your opinion, because there is obviously 10 years of war there. people suffered tremendously, they could actually get tired of the war. yes, people there are obviously the most tired of the war, but
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they are the best aware of the possible version of the development of events. that is, you are aware that their driving force was the assumption that ukraine will be forced to give up part of its territories, so people will have to leave theirs. houses, i think this is the only possible logic, there is no other, ugh, the same in the south the figures of this poll are quite interesting, 60% of residents believe that the time for official negotiations with russia has not come, what can this mean? i think that there are actually a number of factors here, well, because the south, despite the fact that... the situation there, well, first of all , the situation is difficult with shelling from crimea, once, and secondly, anonymous, various russian
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telegram channels constantly provide information are bombarding this territory, that is, this is first of all evidence of the fact that we lack adequate informational messages for the regions and for the country as a whole. in in this case, that is, we lack stories of military successes, of military achievements of our defenders at the regional level. conventionally speaking, we did not meet viktor orbán on the way from transcarpathia to kyiv, with portraits of hungarians who distinguished themselves or, god forbid, died in the struggle for ukraine, and this is also our information puncture in this case. ugh, at the same time as 44% who are positive about the start of official negotiations with russia, 83% of ukrainians,
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that is, the vast majority, will not agree, according to the question again the so-called russian peace, or putin's plan, whatever you want to call it, with the condition that the armed forces of ukraine withdraw from the territory of donetsk, luhansk, kherson and zaporizhzhia regions. which they can then agree to, if it is not the border administrator of the 91st? i think that this is an extremely difficult question, because it is possible to take this question with sociological tools, but how to implement it in the conditions of war, when it is forbidden to hold, for example, an all-ukrainian referendum, is unknown, i personally do not have a clear answer to this question. that is, it is a question that will be left hanging in the air, it is very good that... more than 80% of ukrainians do not accept peace, the so-called plan of putin, it is wonderful, it shows that this plan, it is nothing, that is, it does not have any
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significant support inside ukraine, well, that is, me it does not scare me that there is no figure of 98 or 100%, because such a figure can only be in south korea, but the vast majority of ukrainians realize that this proposal by putin will mean... the free death of the ukrainian state, and they do not want to be involved in this . uhu, well, but again, some formula, well, we have a formula for peace zelenskyi, the one that talks about the administrative borders of 1991, but some alternative, which can be in the middle, relatively speaking, between what putin wants and zelenskyi's peace formula, has not yet emerged, as far as i understand. i am missing a survey in this, in fact, the question about the awareness of people, our fellow citizens, about zelenskyi's peace formula, i have, well, let's say, serious doubts about the fact that the citizens of ukraine
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are well... and what do you mean that they do not understand what is written in it, or do not understand the concept of victory, i just wanted to ask you the next question, 66% of respondents believe that a military victory of ukraine over russia is possible, again, what it might look like and this is how you can comment on these numbers, do not forget that we live with you in a country that was a part of the soviet union, where there was... the cult of victory, and we somehow broadcast the cult of victory in the second world war to ourselves, and this finds its manifestations in very different positions, on the one hand, on the other hand, well, what can i say now that we are ready to stop there, relatively speaking, not at point a, c to point b, this means causing a fairly serious level of dissatisfaction within
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ukrainian society, i think this is also... absolutely clearly needs to be understood, so we need clear strategic communications on the topic of the future victory, and on and we must remind that what ukraine has survived to this day, as a state, this is already a very significant success, our joint success, because by february 24, 2022 , more than 90% of observers, experts, anyone, from among our western... partners predicted to us that that we will fall apart as a result of the russian strike, right? but this did not happen and will not happen again. i will ask you one more question from this study, if i may briefly: 46% of ukrainians believe that it is not a shame to be a dodger, what this may indicate, considering that the deadline for updating your data is coming to an end, and dodger has already become such a word, most likely
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offensive this shows that the four months that the verkhovna rada spent on the adoption of the mobilization law were wasted in the informational sense, and this is bad for all of us, and we will still feel it in our everyday life in the conditions of the russian-ukrainian war. evgeny magda, a political scientist, was at svobodalai, we talked about a sociological study that was conducted by the rozovkov center about the probable... peace talks with russia. thank you. thank you. world leaders, as well as leading us politicians, including president joe biden, have condemned the attempted assassination of republican candidate donald trump this weekend. the gunman took aim at trump during a speech at a rally in pennsylvania, but the bullet grazed his ear. wounding him. and today in milwaukee, wisconsin, the three-day convention
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of the republican party of the united states begins, which ... is likely to confirm trump as a candidate for the presidential election, which will be held in november. also, the intrigue remains, who will trump ask to be his vice president or vice president? president volodymyr zelenskyi previously called the attempt on trump's life a terrible crime, violence in any form and anywhere should not prevail - said zelenskyi, at a press conference on monday , he stated that ukraine is ready to cooperate with by any political force in the united states, in particular the republican party in the council. and coming to power, the general things are clear to me, i think that if mr. donald trump is, will become the president, we will work, i am not afraid of it, ukraine, simply, we are at war, we are emotional, and when there is uncertainty, but indeed , the republican party is different, there are such hawks who, what messages, what kind of messages they... more
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right-wing or more radical, probably, but i want to tell you, the majority of the republican party supports ukraine and the people of ukraine. an attempt on donald trump can to cause either a wave of violence in the us by inciting the supporters of the presidential candidate, to attack opponents, or to transfer politics to a new, more constructive plane, when each candidate will focus on his own achievements, and not on the mistakes of the opponent, political observers believe. how exactly the attack on us presidential candidate donald trump took place last saturday, who the shooter was and what reactions it caused in the review by our colleague elena abramovych. the attempt on the 45th president of the united states, donald trump, took place during an election rally in the small town of butler in pennsylvania.


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