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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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here is the first announced topic, we cannot but ask you, of course, and we want to hear your opinion, that before the assassination attempt on trump, well, in particular , presidential candidate donald trump, he stated in an interview that he miraculously survived the assassination attempt at a campaign event in pennsylvania, he stated that i should not have been here, i should have been dead by luck. or god, how do you assess this particular situation, and whether it can really change the coming months, whether it will give donald trump those, those, maybe the percentages that he needs in order to to win the election race, yes, this case has already added interest to him, well, in different ways. well
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, every such sensational event, especially such a tragic one, let's say so, or with a hint of tragedy, it adds interest in the news, in the mass media, it contributes to raising the rating. on the other hand, you know, these are the statements made by the acting president biden that, well, he asked for his election. and to stop any anti-trump narrative, let's say, because he perfectly understands that the situation in the country, that is, such a confrontation between two candidates, but rather between their camps, uh, it does not contribute to the further development and preservation of stability in the united states of america, on the other hand, i would not exaggerate... the importance of this situation, because
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there is still a lot left before the actual elections time, a few more months, by the way , the congresses that will officially nominate candidates have not yet taken place, well, tell me that trump and biden will be there, although there are various conversations about biden, but nevertheless, i think that in this situation in ukraine, we need to keep calm, well , in the end, we are by no means going to these elections affects and it would be a huge mistake to somehow, you know, comment on these events, or even more so to choose one or the other side, by the way, we already took care of this during the previous elections, and in no case do we need to get involved whose side e.
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especially since ukraine has very solid, such stable, long-term, bipartisan, bicameral support in the us congress, we have very serious support among the us population, that is, all polls show that much more than half of americans up to 75% support continuation of assistance of ukraine, so this is exactly what we need to focus on, and the rest... issues will be solved by the american people, i think that the system of democracy that exists in the usa will allow them to overcome these problems, well, similar situations have occurred in the history of the usa, and that no less, there have always been democratic elections, the president of the united states was elected, and, by the way, i would not commit any tragedy in the event that mr. trump is elected as the next president, because... that, even his
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pre-election rhetoric, it is not cancels what he did for ukraine earlier, during his time of the previous presidency, he has a normal relationship with the authorities of ukraine, what he says, now it is pre-election, as a president, i am absolutely sure, i will do completely different or opposite things, because we have to remember that historically always the republican party, which there... it turns out, it has always been much more negative, well, first towards the former soviet union, and now towards the russian federation before the current one, so i think that we have nothing to fear, mr. volodymyr, i would like us to live now we heard the acting president of the united states , joseph biden, who very carefully commented on the situation after the assassination attempt on trump, we are watching, we are listening. yesterday's shooting at
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a donald trump rally in pennsylvania calls for all of us to take a step back, assess where we are and how we should move forward. disagreements. are inevitable and american democracy is a part of human nature, but politics should never be a literal battlefield, or god forbid, a killing field. this is actually a call to lower the temperature in the election race, we we understand how polarized american society is at the moment, and it's actually hard to imagine. how will this polarity of public opinion be transformed by november, nevertheless, even donald trump resorted to certain completely adequate steps after the assassination attempt, and today the convention of the republican
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party in the state of milwaukee is starting, before this convention he actually called his rival within the republican party niki heli to join and... thus showed in principle understanding and desire to de-escalate the situation, as in the very to american society, and for sure, purely in the political field, but in your opinion, mr. volodymyr, is this field not alien to the nature, the political nature of donald trump himself, because he is a character who , indeed, plays at high emotions, on the emotions of those people who are ready... to vote for populist slogans for him in this case, and in principle he proves this with his political career. you know, no matter how extraordinary a politician or personality trump is, or such an unconventional politician, nevertheless he is not
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he may not understand, and if he personally does not understand, then he has probably already been told about this by his advisers, who have more political experience, that... he cannot continue in this way, you know, with a negative attitude towards everything that is his surrounds and to everything that opposes him, and so, uh, by the way, i'm very pleased, let's say, with this statement about nick haley, because this is a person that i know personally, this is a person that was in the middle of the united states at the un, together with me, for more than two years, believe me. she is not just very positive for me is sympathetic to ukraine, she is a true patriot of ukraine, and i am absolutely sure that whatever position she takes, if trump naturally invites her to his team in the event of his election to the post of president, she will bring a lot of benefit to ukraine, and i
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think that the very votes that stand for nikki haley today are within those voters who are already ready to vote anyway. for a republican, and this is from 25 percent or more, this is exactly what trump lacks for a final advantage over candidate from the democratic party, so i really hope and i sincerely believe that nikki haley gets a serious offer, well , i would like to see her for the position of vice president or vice presidential candidate, or at least for the position of secretary of state of the united states, yes or ? otherwise, any position that she can get, it will only be for the benefit of ukraine, and this, by the way, also, well, many times reduces all possible concerns about, about trump's course, about ukraine, although i think that and and without her, this corner
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will be normal, but she will add a lot more positivity in the relations between the united states and our country, mr. vladimir, i would also like to... talk about the subject of biden, despite the fact that now most of the western analysts and the western media are discussing the assassination of trump, but we we remember that for three weeks in a row virtually the entire united states of america, the entire information space was shaken by the possible withdrawal of the current us president joseph biden's candidacy from this... presidential race, we heard more than 20 statements, or about 20 representatives of the house of representatives democrats. we heard a huge number of statements from both journalists and experts , we also heard statements from financial donors of the democratic party. at the moment
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, you see the possibility that joe biden will still be forced to withdraw his candidacy and the democrats. they will find someone else, or will all this die down and biden will continue to quietly slog for his second possible term from the democratic party. you know, i would really like to get inside american politics, but unfortunately it is very difficult, because on the one hand, you know, there are different opinions, i can share them or not, but it doesn't change much, there is an opinion that any new, younger candidate instead of biden, he, well, almost one hundred percent will win from trump, because he will not have this tail behind him, some... there are accusations or there physical condition and so on, on the other hand, there is very little
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time left in principle for such a candidate, well, as they say, to promote and american traditions are that without personal consent, personal decision biden, well, to leave this position, that is , to stop... or not to run for the next term, it is impossible, that is, it is possible to change the candidate only if biden himself decides so, today i do not see such grounds, i repeat once again, what should we gain, well, from any comments on this matter on this matter, because these are very sensitive things, and even more so when they concern not only the most powerful country in the world, but also a country that, well, let's say.. let's say, is the biggest and strongest friend of ukraine, the country from which
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depends, well, i am not mistaken, i will say, our future, and the matter here is not only in military support, but also in everything else, that is, we should be grateful to this country for its support, and no matter what happens, no matter what decisions are made, no matter who becomes a candidate or becomes a candidate or becomes a candidate, not much will change from this, except that... you know, our government will start entering these elections and make some statements that will absolutely not help, you know, americans don't like anything more , when someone gets into their business, and so i think we just need to comment less on it, be sure of because no matter who is in power there, and this country, as a state, as a country, as an establishment, it will continue to support ukraine, well, i would probably like to briefly... and temporarily summarize this topic with a quote from the president of ukraine volodymyr
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zelenskyi, who actually talked to the media today, in particular after his visit to the united states of america, regarding the end of the war, what is the vision of a potential president or one of the candidates for this position, donald trump, the general things are clear to me, i think, if trump will become president, we will work, i'm not afraid of that, we're at war, we're emotional, and when... there's uncertainty, and really the republican party, it's different, and there are message hawks who are more right-wing or more radical, for sure , but i want to tell you that the majority of the republican party supports ukraine and the people of ukraine. well, mr. volodymyr, i can’t ask, i can’t ask, last monday andrii and i actually spent our new week anticipating the nato anniversary summit and the presence of ukraine at it summit, well... and maybe your comment is kind of an aftertaste after this important event,
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is there a sense that we got maybe a little more than we were told publicly, i'm not talking about some kind of invitation, there's an open door, no, we know about the bridge, but maybe there are things that of records are much stronger than what is publicly known now, i would really like to hope so, i don't have the inside in... information, but i think that's the way it is, we got that , which could realistically be received, and maybe even a little more, because what about the lack of an invitation to membership in nato was already clear long before this summit, well, there were such, let's say maximal or maximalist things that maybe someone hoped for, to close the sky over ukraine there, or to sign an agreement. on security guarantees between nato as an organization and ukraine, which could actually replace, well, for a certain
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period, membership in nato, that is, article five, but on the other hand, and the program, and 40 billion dollars for the next year, and the opening of a special the nato center in ukraine, the new appointment of a special representative, and how are you? they said correctly, there are many other things about which we may never even know, or we will already know based on the results. the situation at the front, i think it was, and, well, i repeat once again that i want to believe it, we are all fine, you know, there is no one to turn to except for nato, because neither the un nor the osce , nor any other organization will help us, only nato or some countries, its members are the most influential, will help us, and the main thing is to continue reforms, because both membership in nato and, by the way, membership in the european the union, which is now less talked about,
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because supposedly everything is in order there, but in fact, everything is in order, but a lot more needs to be done with... and what needs to be done for membership in the european union, needs to be done for membership in nato, and war, by war, but this should not prevent the continuation of the reform course, or even, i would say, stop talking about reforms, talk more and do less, mr. oleksandr, here is another topic that i would like to discuss with you to speak briefly, it concerns china, in particular the mass media. foreign reports that china has set up so -called unofficial police stations abroad in order to monitor the diaspora, that is, those representatives of china living in other countries, this is specifically stated by the canadian media, and canada says that china
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actually created these so-called parallel bodies abroad. not a policeman, so to speak, surveillance. how do you assess this situation and , most importantly, how should the western civilized world react to such an intervention of its authorities in the activities of of other states, in fact, what other states are doing and, in fact, what activities are being conducted , including the citizens of china. and not on the territory of other states, isn't this essentially a violation of the national legislation of these states? you know, it's quite difficult for me to comment on this, because i don't have such information, well, at least some kind of confirmation for this, but nevertheless, i am sure that if this is true, then
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the countries where there is a significant number of chinese diaspora have react to it precisely. as well as for similar actions, relatively speaking, of the same russia itself, because, uh, you remember, there was such a whole wave of expulsions of so-called russian diplomats who, under the roof of the embassy of the diplomatic institutions of russia, were simply engaged in false activity primarily in european countries, the united states, canada and so on, if china is also doing it, but we have to remember that... one of china's doctrines, well, i don't remember the exact name, you know , this is roughly so, the more the chinese diaspora will be around the world, the more the easier it will be for china to conquer this world, eh, don't forget that in fact in every capital, and maybe even in every big city of western europe and north america,
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i'm not talking about the southeast. asia is what we call chinatown, that is, these are entire districts, and districts in which tens, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of chinese live, who actually do not, do not assimilate, that is, they live their own lives, and they create such peculiar enclaves, and what is done there in those enclaves, but i can remember just in new york, in manhattan - that's... well , over a million people who live very compactly, and who actually don't communicate with the outside world, i'm not talking about the huge, well, simply colossal number of chinese students who study in higher than all the leading countries of europe and north america, this is also a kind of fifth column,
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which of course china can use, i am not saying that it uses it, i have no evidence of this, but at least... such suspicions have all the reasons in order to exist and be true. mr. volodymyr, thank you for joining the live broadcast, the new week project, it was volodymyr yelchenko, a diplomat, ex-representative of ukraine at the un and former ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2020-21, so trump is not as scary as it is drawn, at least we should prepare for this, and understand that you... in the united states will have an effect on a very large number of processes in the world and on the confrontation with the russian federation of our country is also not excluded, although, again... emphasizes volodymyr yelchenko, it is not necessary get into hysteria prematurely, in principle, the world is familiar with the experience of the presidency of donald
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trump, and i think that the blind man said, let's see how he will dance without a leg, well, at least yes, now we will talk about the situation at the front, but before that, let's remind what we are asking you today is do you think trump can win the election in the... states if so please dial free 0800 211 381 if you don't think he will win then 0800 211 382. again i emphasize, all your calls are free, but yours opinion is priceless to us. and traditionally in the new week we talk about the situation at the front, about the security situation, about the situation from the air, and of course. but just as traditionally , we invite experts, in particular oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, mr. oleksandr,
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we are happy to welcome you, good evening, good evening, mr. oleksandr, let's probably start with these statements of yesterday's kyril budanov and today's statements of volodymyr zelenskyi . yesterday, budanov announced what could happen another attack. in the north, in particular, he said that, in fact, he said that there is no catastrophe, but of course there is such a possibility, that there could be an attack, and it will certainly not be possible to ignore it, today the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said that at the moment , currently, according to his information, such an attack is not yet possible, and... and he said that serious work has been done, in particular in kharkiv oblast, in order to make such an attack impossible. how do you comment on these statements and are
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they really possible, at least provocative the actions of the russian occupiers in the northern direction, and in particular, what we mean by the northern direction, yes, because some people yesterday, our citizens were scared yesterday that it could be chernihiv region and sumy region, for example, well and... of course kharkiv region, there, in principle, provocative actions on the border take place all the time. mr. oleksandr, please. well, provocative events on the border are constantly happening in sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast. it all depends on which contingent, which forces and means are concentrated precisely at the enemy, near this or that area, near one direction or another. if we quote mr. budanov in particular, then it should be understood here that he was not speaking according to... the act to date, he was already speaking in the format of consideration of various scenarios that may occur in the future, this is exactly what
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intelligence is needed for, after all, this is the analysis and planning of the situation, and one of the situations that may arise in the future is a threat in one of the northern directions, in turn , mr. president spoke directly about the situation today, as of today there is no such threat. why because the russians have not formed strike groups near chernihiv oblast, nor near sumy oblast, there are now the former so -called kursk and bryansk military groups, each of which has a maximum of 10,000 personnel, the bulk of human resources is concentrated in the belgorod oblast, this is the former so-called the belhorod troop group, and it is the largest. there are a little more than 40 of them in all, about 45 thousand personnel, this is the schedule, but the belgorod group of troops,
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it was always one of the largest, and we see the result of the offensive that they staged on may 10 and what did they come to, they drove themselves into a trap, that to our northern bridgehead, which is the border with belarus, the threat from belarus will remain until... will persist as long as the war with russia continues, this is the first moment, and as long as the so-called president of belarus is oleksandr lukashenko, who is nevertheless a dangerous personality, and in principle, as of today, there are no strike groups on the territory of belarus either, neither belarusian troops, nor russian troops, in turn, it is not means that as early as tomorrow , deliveries to the territory of belarus may begin...first , material and technical support, then human resources will accumulate, and a strike group of thousands will be formed somewhere there.
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50, 60, 80, this will already be a threat, but for now, such phenomena are not replaced. mr. oleksandr, if you take such aggregated statistics, it becomes clear that russian losses, just in the current period, are at a colossally high level, the russians are also resorting to using their, very conventionally speaking, know-how, we are talking about the confirmed case of fap-3000, and in general it seems that they are now trying at any cost, using any, probably, except for the nuclear component, tools to apply, in order to achieve at least some victories before the fall of this year, and maybe it is connected, not excluded with our previous topic of elections in the united states, in case they do not achieve.
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let's say, the corresponding political effect in america after the election, can we talk about some kind of decrease and de-escalation of a purely military nature on the battlefield, de-escalation is disadvantageous for us in this case, no matter how strange it sounds, because when the russians are forced to advance, they lose much more than when they are on the defensive, that is, for us you... advantageous defensive tactics , the defensive strategy of waging war, as it exhausts the enemy, and the russians are here, i myself have repeatedly drawn the following conclusions, that they are now fighting to the bone, and they are now fighting to the bone with the resources that remain in them as of the 24th year, the situation with the russians is, well, mild to say, not the best, we talked a lot about
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its infinite, many talked about... there is an infinite resource, but this resource has an end, maybe not a human resource, so i can agree with that, but they have less and less technology and less, and warehouses and storage centers with soviet tanks, with soviet bbms, they are devastated, and the 24th year exactly in er, exactly in the sense of compensation for monthly losses to zero, this is a critical year for them, because... this year, compensation for losses will no longer be zero every month, but will gradually increase minus. this is precisely the period when irreversible losses will not be able to compensate for their stocks of equipment left over from the soviet union. and the russians understand this very well, the russian command understands this, so they try to capture as much as possible at any
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cost, while they still have it. this resource, because then there will be a period, or they will try to incline us to peace through all their pocket puppets in the world of political representatives, and they will try to stop the active phase of hostilities by all means, because the active phase, intense the phase of hostilities will not just inflict what we say on them, well, we say record losses by one or another indicator. they will have record losses in one metric or another that they will not be able to make up, and what does that mean? this means that the first stage, they can no longer advance, the second stage - they cannot hold the defense and gradually they will leave their positions, which they will not be able to hold. mr. oleksandr, i wanted to talk to you about the f-16,
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edition... bloomberg announced that until by the end of the summer, ukraine will receive six planes, and by the end of the year there will be a total of 20, everyone says that this is a rather small number of planes, well at least six planes, that's for sure, but what do you think, if we talk about this number of planes in general , firstly, why is it still such a small quantity, why our international partners cannot deliver us a larger quantity. boards, and secondly, if we still have 20, will it change the situation in our favor at least on some part of the front? well, why can't they send 20 to me right away it is difficult to answer this question, most likely it is related to the fact that how the first batch will be used, most likely the first batch will be six units used a lot.


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