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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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will talk about something similar in his rhetoric, he says, and this is actually, first of all, to the credit, probably, it will be said to donald trump, but most of all to the credit of america, american society, which has also sobered up a little bit, i think this is the episode with an attempt on one of the candidates. so, the gop dinner in milwaukee, which is happening right now, while we're talking how much. i understand plus-minus, he is to be nominated for office by the republican party, he has already changed his speech earlier than planned, after survived in terms of an assassination attempt, he has already called for this convention and in general for the communication of nikki haley, who was his opponent for a long time, in these primaries within the republican party, and donald trump. turns to the rhetoric
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of a responsible politician, which is not his field at all, to be honest, for now and at least for the species, at least we will see in reality, because it is hard for me to believe that there can be such instant metamorphoses, but why do they do that and by the way, not only trump, but also biden, but in fact, they are, as it were, politically shook hands. talked on the phone, now they spoke quite adequately about each other finally, what, what, what, unfortunately, we did not observe during the last months, and maybe even years, that is, the american politicians, at least temporarily understood that the situation was brought to a point boiling, that the division in the country has been brought to a boiling point, that... that at any moment
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the irreparable could happen, the irreparable almost happened in 2020, when the mob almost took over, or rather took over the capitol, when the constitutional system was almost overthrown in the world's largest democracy, and now, especially in recent months. the heat of separation, the heat of scandals, constant provocations, constant, well, in essence, in essence, the rhetoric of hatred, it has reached its peak, why did this happen with trump, why did this attempt happen in general, because politicians, as well by the way, irresponsible very often. politicians, they are in any
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country, did not understand that the election campaign, the election rhetoric, the fight for the seat or for the seats, should never go beyond the limits such an understanding as preservation of the state and legality in the state, well, it must be understood, well, it is not only in this situation, it must be understood in ukraine as well. very often, we must take this for the future as such a passive experience, why we had an active experience, it must be taken now as an example for some european states, in which, unfortunately, we also see a certain intensity of political debates , one must understand that the civilized western world, like this... it
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divides itself with such actions, and it gives trump cards into the hands of outright terrorists, outright authoritarians states, those who want to destroy the civilized world. i think that, at least for now, the united states of america will really have this balance for a while, then we 'll see, as they say, uh, because after all, well ... trump won't be donald trump if he really abandons his expressive rhetoric, but again we have to understand that his rhetoric is also changing because he wants to win, he understands that he has a much better chance of winning now, and he wants to retain those voters who may be ready now for him to vote, he wants to, that, we understand, there are still 3.5
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months left before the election, and in those 3.5 months , anything can happen that will change this picture, when someone says that everything is 100 % trump is going to win, let's not be, ugh. let's not claim that it will be like that, we don't know what will happen, but the task, as far as i understand, is to keep trump's technologists as much as possible now at the peak of their popularity, maybe at the peak of attracting neutral voters, these voters, and so his rhetoric is understandably changing, further, i repeat once again, we'll see, but, i don't know how i feel... there is little in the information space here in ukraine, when they discuss the issue of future elections in the states, they talk about a kind of project 2025. from this project, by the way, donald trump literally distanced himself at the beginning of july, i know nothing about the 2025 project, trump wrote
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on his twitter page. i have no idea, i don't know what's behind it, i don't agree with some of the things they say and some of the things they say. funny and terrible whatever they do i wish them luck but i have nothing to do with them. project 2025 is a plan to expand, in fact, presidential power, provides for a significant expansion of the president's powers, outlines a plan to fire 50,000 civil servants, replace them with trump supporters. biden's campaign staff is trying to draw more attention to this 2025 project, especially because biden is trying to deliver. the support of his fellow democrats after his unsuccessful debate, and it should also be noted that this plan was developed by longtime allies and by former officials of the administration of donald trump, a few days after
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the head of the think tank responsible for the program suggested that there will be a second american revolution, this is the kind of story from which donald trump, once again , is still ... shrinking, although the language here it is about things that may, perhaps, already have their beginnings. what i mean is the recent decisions regarding donald trump at the supreme court. in fact, we talked about it, by the way, with you, i will remind andriy, with ours respected experts that, well, in fact , the supreme court, by its decision, removed any responsibility from anyone who would be the president of the united states... of the united states for crimes just because he is the president of the united states. we are not talking about an outright crime, we are talking about crimes related to the political activities of the us president. many would caution the supreme court against such
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a decision, but it has been made and many are calling it almost the enthronement of any future president of the united states. it's hard to imagine what would happen if it... was donald trump. well, in the meantime, our new week program is slowly coming to an end, but we still have a few important minutes to share what i think is very, very, very important news. the court in the case of roman chervinskyi, a former serviceman of the main directorate of intelligence and special operations forces, allowed the suspect to be released on bail in the amount of uah 9 million. lawyer kostyantyn globa reported this. according to globa, there are 27 people's deputies. separately, another 51 people expressed their desire to take chervinskyi as a surety. but we have the result of a deposit of 9 million. well , now we will watch whether
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it will be paid, how it will be collected and who exactly will pay it. what kostyantyn globa writes: 7 hours of continuous trial discussed the issue of how the court of first instance, the speech of the lawyers against... for three days displayed its decision on half of the a4 page, the representative of the four victims announced his withdrawal from the case, and more and more are beginning to be heard from victims of the position that they are not victims. prosecutor everything is more nervous and justifies his failures with fictitious pressure from lawyers. it is increasingly difficult for the prosecutor to hide and deny the key role of the security service of ukraine in this operation. one of the representatives of the victims today questioned the subject of the investigation of the case for... he writes that the sbu is investigating a case in which they are also involved, it is increasingly difficult for judges to provide justification for rejecting the arguments of chervinskyi's defense, the controversy reflexively boils down to the primitive silent reaction of judges, and 27 people's deputies, 51 people who wanted to take for chervinsky's bail, as a result we have 9
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million bail, and very briefly, no one doubted that this case would eventually collapse, that is, a bail of 9 million for... in your opinion, this is about the collapse, i believe that this is the beginning of the collapse of this mr. advocate quite rightly characterized all these things. why bail, because in fact it is increasingly difficult for judges to argue why chervinskyi should be kept in custody, ugh, that is, they do not have a direct argument why this person without only judges, without prosecutors and judges, without solid evidence, should be under arrest worth, that's all, and as for bail, i think it will be made, because many people support mr. chervinskyi. i think a lot of people will be ready to bail, no, well, well, frankly, that will be the case with marchenko, of course,
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that is, i think that the people's deputies, those who are ready to take him on, are ready to take him on bail, and those people who are ordinary people, not people's deputies, who are ready to take him as bail, i think that ordinary citizens of ukraine are also ready, so this is actually a question. in my opinion a few days, the thing is after all, it will most likely fall apart, judges, it's just a pity that the ukrainian judicial system and the ukrainian law enforcement system in this case are a little bit chasing the wrong ones, uh, who is needed, well, we hope and we will see, let's remind that roman chervinskyi is accused of uncoordinated actions and by the security service of ukraine during a special operation to recruit a russian pilot and, according to the indictment of the russians, chervynskyi had information about the kanatovy airfield in the kropyvnytskyi district, which the russians
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attacked on july 23 and before and after they also struck this airfield. the results of our poll: today we asked you whether you think trump can win the election in the united states, and the results are now on our screens. show me, please, colleagues: 58% of those who called us believe that yes, it is quite likely that he will become president, and ... 42% are more optimistic about the democrats and their representative, think that trump will not win. thank you for your activity, thank you, thank you khrystyna yatskiv, and during the week we will continue to follow all the events, we will meet with you next monday, at the same time, we will analyze, talk, discuss, and thank you to everyone who watched the new week and who watches the espresso tv channel, don't switch, see you soon. there are discounts
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east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us ukraine should get the right to start negotiations. stepping into the eu vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. premium sponsors. represents the national team.
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united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. we counter with informational ones. russians in the information war chronicle project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdyk with serhiy rudenko, from
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tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. see this week in the collaborators program. sales bloggers. as a resident of makiivka, the stavos of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but how did propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? everyone makes their own choice. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday, july 16 at 5:45 p.m. outside of the national olympic center of ukraine , there are still sandbags left over from when russian troops stood at the gates of kyiv. today, thanks to the capital's anti-aircraft defenses, the bomb shelters are rarely used, but air alarms still affect those who train here.
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especially when their families live in the east of the country, like elizaveta lytvynenko. if you know that a missile is flying, you can't concentrate on training, you think about what might happen to your relatives, while the russians can train calmly and safe, and not worry that their families are in danger. the most difficult thing for me is that my father is currently serving, he is a combat medic, he helps evacuate the wounded, that is, he does not directly participate in hostilities, but every day his life is in danger. bohdan yadov, like all ukrainian athletes, is against the russians taking. participation in the olympic games, even under a neutral flag, and especially when it comes to judo, putin's favorite sport, and bohdan and elizaveta are skeptical of the claims the russian dictator that he has a black belt. has anyone even seen him wrestle, i'm 100% sure that he doesn't have a belt, he just occasionally
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flaunts a white kimono for pr. i don't know how good an athlete he is, i 've never watched him. but judo has several basic principles, one of which is respect for people. it seems to me that even if he practiced judo, he never mastered these main rules. georgy ivanytskyi agreed to meet at the stadium closest to the front line, where he is fighting. in fact, everything is cool. that's probably the most the former world shooting champion can do this summer to get closer to the olympics, opting instead to serve in the national guard. if it were not for the war, i would have participated in international competitions, but today i understand that i am needed here. i defend my country, i've been given the military call sign cupid, but i try not to advertise my athletic background too much, because sometimes it's embarrassing when people google me and
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say this guy really won something. he agrees that athletic... success can be important to a country's morale. i wish success to everyone who tries to show that ukraine is strong not only on the battlefield, but also in sports. in fact, i root for all athletes from all countries, except you know who. and he returns to the trenches. not all ukrainian servicemen were forced to put an end to their sports careers. we are going to the mountains of southern poland to meet with... a team of ukrainian wrestlers who are training here. most of them are military personnel. not so long ago volodymyr yakovlev here in siny was dressed like this. when the war started, we were taken to the base to train in machine gun shooting. we stayed there for about five months, and then they started letting us go again for sports training and meetings. the ukrainian military allows
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athletes to go on long vacations, which shows that the country values ​​sports. for the same reason, zhanno beleniuk, who won gold at the last olympics, was allowed to rest from his main work in the verkhovna rada. athletes now use the olympics as a platform to promote pro-ukrainian narratives and can do much more than deputies in the parliament. beleniuk, whose rwandan father died in the rwandan genocide in 1994, was one of the most active fighters against participation. russians in the olympics. this whole idea of ​​neutrality is just fake. there are no neutral athletes in russia. they live on the territory of russia and do not have any independence. everything that the kremlin dictates to them, this is the whole essence of the regime. two russian wrestlers who participated in a pro-military rally attended by putin were expelled, but 10
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others qualified. the ukrainians hope that they won't compete by choice, but if not, they'll just do everything they can to beat them. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the spresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war. about the military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets, and how does the world live? yuri fizer is already in front of the me, and time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, dobryvech, two hours to keep up with economic news,
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time to talk about money during the war, oleksandar morshchevka next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen to the conversation pastukhova, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chykhchenina, our art viewer, is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become a kind of movrodnidenko to many, who is already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for... this weekend, as well as distinguished guests studio mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, contact us. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. good evening, we are from ukraine. the day of ukrainian statehood, and the 873rd day of the russian war against us. 800. the 73rd day of our heroic resistance, the ukrainian onslaught. greetings, my name is yuriy fizar, and today, as well as for the next two weeks, i will be on the air with you. after all, these are all the changes
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that will be waiting for you, because my colleagues will help me as always. serhiy zgurets with the military results of the day. the world at war is me. oleksandr morshevka will tell the latest news from the world of money. well , natalka didenko will tell us how much longer the heat will be in ukraine. well , experts will be included, with whom i will talk among other things about the attempted assassination of donald trump, the press conference of volodymyr zelensky, to which the espresso tv channel was not invited, and how to behave in the heat, how to escape in the heat, well, let's start with the military results days from serhiy zgorts. serhii, congratulations, you have a word. greetings to you, yuriy, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will... talk about swedish gripens for ukraine in addition to f-16 fighter jets, about why commander sirsky will personally check the 59th
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separate motorized infantry brigade and about the pokrovsky direction, where the defense is held by 47 separate mechanized brigade, more on that in a moment. a strange intrigue unfolds around. the transfer of fourth -generation swedish gripen fighters to ukraine, because the other day the minister of foreign affairs of sweden, tobias björstrom reported that all measures were suspended at the request of the ukrainian side, and this decision was made because it is difficult to have two f-16 and gripen fighter systems at the same time, and for this it requires too much effort, but now the experts have actually been put in a dead end by such a statement . the deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine ihor zhovkova, he said that he had never heard that ukraine gave up the gripin fighters, and vice versa, this is a topic that
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the president constantly raises before the leadership of sweden. previously, the ministry of defense of sweden announced the probable transfer of 16-18 gripen fighters to ukraine, then this topic disappeared from the information radar, but with ... later sweden took a sharp step and decided to transfer two acc 890 long-range reactive detection aircraft based on aircraft to us saab, and actually these two planes significantly strengthen our air force , much more powerful even than the gripens, but with regard to the gripens, it can be argued that then and later kyiv and stockholm are ready to talk about the possible transfer of the gripens, but with on the other... side of the question is the expediency of disrupting efforts and opportunities, because we know that against the background of the nato summit, ukraine announced its desire to receive 128...
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f16 fighters. ideally, we will receive up to 20 aircraft for these fighters by the end of the year, but we know that we have 20 pilots trained so far, and it is precisely personnel issues, technical issues there and maintenance issues that are the main ones in order to expand the fleet of f aircraft -16, and just such problems apply to gripens and it looks irrational now. push through often two types of aircraft, and most likely this will be done consistently, and it will be quite logical, but this logic is violated by today's statement, by the way, by the french ambassador to ukraine, who said that france is still clearly following the plan regarding the transfer we have mirage 2000 aircraft, there are 27 such aircraft in france , not all of them are in good condition, but in any case, the french ambassador said that...
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france is speeding up the transfer of such machines to ukraine, and this may happen within a few months. why am i talking about this, because linguistically speaking, we know what problems there were with a motley fleet of armored vehicles for the armed forces of ukraine, and now this history is repeating itself with aircraft, although aircraft are a much more expensive type of weaponry, of course, the concentration on the f-16 would seem to me to be a more logical and more correct step, but time will tell who was right in this story. next, we will talk about why commander syrsky is going to visit the 59th motorized infantry brigade, the point is that we have seen a number of statements by military, former military volunteers that, relatively speaking, the command of this brigade acts so that the brigade suffers significant losses on the contact line, we know that the 59th brigade
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is defending krasnohorivka. we saw a number of posts about this, and syrsky decided that he would personally go to the area of ​​responsibility of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade, and a commission with the head of the military law and order service would work there. a trend when, relatively speaking, at the expense of public pressure, it is possible to influence... a change in the command of military units, as if this there is public control, but on the other hand, in my opinion, it would still be much better if the recruitment for certain positions took place earlier, and it took place with sufficient quality, so that such situations as we have now with regard to 509- th brigade, although i repeat, until the commission's work is completed,
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there are any conclusions. premature, although in general, if you look there and collect various data, at least seven brigade commanders have been changed in a short period of time recently, so i hope that in fact not all of them were implemented due to changes due to public pressure, but in any case the need to select commanders who can really ensure the conduct of hostilities with the aim of destroying the maximum number of enemies and ensuring the preservation of personnel, this is the challenge that today... faces almost every commander in a situation where the enemy has the advantage of numbers on the front line. and then we will talk about the front itself, what is happening there. first of all, we have the most saturated, of course, the pokrovsky direction, if we if we take a look at the general staff, then almost half of the combat missions fall on this section of the front, and there are several directions. with
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which the enemy is trying to advance, by the way, today we have an interesting guest, but before that we will show a video from the 47th separate mechanized brigade of magura, where the press service of the brigade showed how the soldiers of the special battalion sqval prove their effectiveness on the battlefield . why is there such attention to this video, because the shkval battalion itself consists of citizens who served their sentences in places deprivation of liberty and formed from volunteers who themselves made the decision to defend our country, and this video shows how quickly the fighters mastered the equipment and what they say, on the bradley infantry fighting vehicle there they are clearing areas where the enemy tried to hold, this battalion operates separately in staff of the brigade, as i understand it, although in some brigades, in particular in the third...


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