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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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tried to kill her, to release her from responsibility for crimes that were already confirmed by the prosecutor's office, in one case, even the jury voted for the fact that trump is guilty on all charges, that is , now this is trump's attempt to play on the emotions of the victim, who said that they tried to kill me, sorry me and drop the charges against me. as we've heard, even house speaker mike johnson has made the same statement that from his point of view it would be logical if now, while trump is in such a terrible state, it would be good to remove him all. because why torture a person even more like this, but as we can see, manipulation, distortion of information takes place here, but in principle, this is what the trumpists, unfortunately, did quite often. well, there was also information that joe biden's headquarters in the democ - in the headquarters of democratic president joe biden have already decided to change their tactics in this election race. do you think that's really necessary right now, so what do they want, do they want joe biden to be less,
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well, let's say, run over trump? in fact, it is necessary now because trump himself completely occupied the information space. that is, now, for the next few weeks, the conversations will be exclusively about trump, about this attempt, about the possibility of a repeat attempt, about other events that will simultaneously develop about the demands of the republicans, to remove the charges from him and complete the entire investigation, that is, trump is firmly keeping all the information behind him field, and biden doesn't just need to change his rhetoric about trump. in order not to anger the americans, biden needs to understand how to return his part of this information space to him it is necessary to understand how and what he should say now, because it will clearly be difficult for him to break through all this flow of information that is related to trump, although on the other hand, this partly gives him more time to make some decisions, including, to things and decisions about whether he will be ready to continue the campaign in such conditions now or not, but what are they saying right now in democratic circles? are they ready to give
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him this mandate to represent the democratic party in the elections? well, in fact , the democratic party can't directly yet to influence biden's decision, until the democratic party convention takes place, which i will remind you will be in august, in no way can the party influence biden's decision, of course there are conversations with him, of course we see the statements of some democratic senators and congressmen, but for now this decision is exclusively can approve only joseph ba, we must understand that a replacement is being sought for him, that active work is underway to understand who the new candidate can be, how he can work, with what messages he should go out to people, and so on, because really biden and physically and politically, he may no longer be able to withstand competition with trump, especially now that trump has strengthened his own ideological positions so much. and don’t you think, mr. oleksandr, that now biden is just wasting time, that is, he , i get the impression that he has already made this... decision, this is his
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joking, when he speaks and gets confused in words, behavior, i personally get the impression that he has already made this decision for himself, there just has to be some moment when he will announce this decision about him. in fact, it is very a possible scenario, if only because it is more profitable, even if such a decision has already been made, to drag it along and pass it at the last possible moment, just to be in the republican party. there was no chance to pounce on a potential replacement, on a potential new candidate, so that the republican party would not have the opportunity to develop its own black pr company and essentially choke him with some information, and in the event that trump really goes down the path of provocation, toxicity and becomes for the party , even for his own party more dangerous, so that the republicans, relatively speaking, do not have the chance and the opportunity to replace their candidate in time, because even this, even this... the scenario was considered that both
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parties would go to replace their own candidates, so yes, delaying on the part of biden may take place, that kind of delay will really do them more benefit than trouble, and so we can really talk about potentially biden already playing this game, just knowing that it will help both him and the party better get out of this race and give a better, easier road to a potential new candidate, oh how it's all spinning, mr. oleksandr, please tell me, now the main thing is for... this trump, if trump wins the elections in november this year, this will win, trump is a victorious martyr for ukraine, he will be an even worse trump than he is now, or not? well, actually, he's going to be a trump who's going to be more focused on domestic politics, he 's going to be a trump who, if he gets into power, he's going to start looking for his opponents anyway, he's going to start trying to imprison them, try to prosecute them, that's trump, who wants take revenge one moment or another, it is trump who
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will feel that he has carte blanche, essentially a mandate from the population to make any reforms and any internal changes in the state that he wants, he wants a lot, let's not forget , he wants to completely ... reform the department of justice, essentially making it an advisory body to the white house. he wants to censor the press, he wants to reform the supreme court, he wants to review the powers of congress in relation to the powers of the president. that is, trump the martyr, which trump moreover, the person who wants to take revenge is a person who will clearly be focused on domestic political problems, much more than on foreign political problems, and this is an issue not only for ukraine, this is an issue for israel, this is an issue. for taiwan, this is a matter for nato, and all of nato, all allies and partners will feel it for themselves, that trump will essentially focus exclusively on internal political issues, including his personal issues, and not on issues of geopolitics as such. you said about trump's revenge, but i'm curious about yours
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opinion, the list of people who will have to take revenge on trump may include joe biden, or is that all he said, that biden committed a lot of crimes there, it was just like that blah blah? well, actually, i think that 's already in his plan, if only because, as you recall, he said that, say, joseph biden has a lot of criminal cases that need to be investigated, he said that it would one of his first steps is to try to get to the truth about hunter biden, about joseph biden, as he says, their corrupt devices, although so far the prosecutor's office has not found any violations on the part of joseph biden himself, while they were investigating hunter biden, but it seemed to me. i think more specifically, if we even read the memoirs of trump's advisers, especially the most recent ones that came out, he clearly says that i've had two impeachments and that joseph won't have one, no, i've got to fix that, so it's already, you know, paraphrasing mario pusz's famous stepfather phrase, it's not business, it's
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personal, it's definitely personal, well it really is personal, and also considering that it is trump's personal, it is cautious, and the last question for you, but please, very briefly, or at all or? am i at all to blame for what happened? here is the question, i personally have three candidates for this fault, but again, until the investigation, we cannot say clearly: either it is the local police, which forms the outer circle of fencing such events, or it is the personal protection of the president, which is provided to him by the state, or it trump's bodyguards. one of these three institutions did not listen to warnings, did not fully check all the buildings nearby, did not carry out the entire set of measures and definitely failed, therefore... so far, until we have additional information, the culprits must be sought among the three agencies that should have warned of similar cases. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for participating in the program. as always, details about what is happening in the united states of america, including the attempted assassination of donald trump. well, what
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can await the united states of america, and ukraine, of course, as well. oleksandr kraev, expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism. well. further news: the premium sponsor of the national team presents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live attacks political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svobodalai's shot is frank and impartial, you draw your own conclusions,
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the war is ongoing, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds, we are dealing with... russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday friday at 22:00. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, i remind you that we are already entrance. in the second hour of our work, the second hour of the big broadcast, and today, i remind you, i am yuriy fizar on the air again, for two weeks i will be working for you. well well, news. they start with this: representatives of russia should be present at the second
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peace summit, - said president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. he confirmed that ukraine plans to hold this meeting before the us presidential election, and also added that the summit should be preceded. three consultation meetings at the level of ministers and defense advisers. the first meeting, it will most likely be in qatar, is about energy security. security, and there will be a fully prepared plan regarding energy security, in august there will be a meeting in turkey regarding free navigation, and there it will be a matter of food security, and there will be a fully prepared developed plan, in september there will be a meeting in canada regarding the humanitarian direction of the exchange of prisoners and the return of children, and there the plan will be developed. "i believe that the way we went, we will continue to go according to this plan, after these
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three points, if they work, the plan of all the points, the implementation of all the points, will be fully ready, and i set the task that in november we will have a fully ready a plan, well, of course, it's good if there are such plans carried out, but it seems to me personally that they are. not implemented, given, in my opinion, the failure of the first peace summit held in switzerland, well, i think that people just gathered there, came, talked, put forward good theses, but still did not agree on anything, now they still want to call on russia , to invite, and russia is already saying that it is not going to. well, we'll see, but i would really like something like that to happen. let's go further. two people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. in the morning the occupiers attacked the village of sadove, damaged a gas pipeline, and injured a 70-year-old woman.
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later , a 43-year-old man sought medical help. previously, he had a landmine-explosive injury, informed the mayor of kherson, roman mrochko. he also added that doctors are examining another man in the regional center. he was wounded on july 11 during the russian attack on the dnipro district of the city. in myrnograd, donetsk region , a rescue service. continue to search under the rubble of a high-rise building for a couple, a 67-year-old woman and 69-year-old man. canine experts were involved in the search, the regional police reported. the day before, the occupiers dropped two aerial bombs on the residential sector of the city, targeting a five-story building. a 40-year-old woman died, seven more people were injured. seven residents were rescued from the locked apartments. where. month. within a week, the head of nabu promises to complete an official investigation
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into the pressure on detectives. in two or three weeks , the disciplinary commission will review it, and in a month, the head of nabu, maksym kryvonos, must make a final decision regarding the persons involved. this became known after an on-site meeting of the anti-corruption committee, from which head anastasia radina. she also said that the person involved in the investigation, the first deputy director of nabo gizo uglava. he did not appear for the polygraph organized by the bureau, instead he passed it in another place. the deadline for the results of the official investigation is the next month at most, and the director of the anti-corruption bureau must make a decision on applying disciplinary sanctions to the people involved in violations of the rules of the anti-corruption bureau, this is its discretion, its responsibility. and he must show that he is fighting for the independence of the anti-corruption court, well
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, how can this be, there is a criminal proceeding, a person is summoned to some kind of investigation, this person does not undergo this investigation where he is summoned and decides, well, let me go there, where i want to go through it, well, i don't understand it. spain is handing over 10 leopard-2 a4 tanks to ukraine after overhaul. all cars have a previ'. technical serviceability, it is noted on the website ministry of defense of the kingdom. the aid package also includes anti-tank missiles and excavators. the equipment should arrive at the polish port by the next weekend, and from there it will be delivered to the territory of ukraine. yes, now, now a minute, we are looking. yes, and july 15 is
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the day of the ukrainian peacemaker. during the years of our independence, more than 45,000 ukrainian servicemen performed defense and combat tasks in more than 25 international operations in different regions of our planet and in 18 different countries of the world. protected the important ones objects, accompanied convoys with humanitarian aid. destroyed snipers and evacuated civilians. where are our peacekeepers now and what were their most difficult missions? let's see. i... as an independent state, ukraine first joined peacekeeping missions in 1992. in just three weeks , the 240th separate special battalion was formed from volunteers. the first mission took place on the territory of the former yugoslavia, where a civil war was raging. ukrainian peacekeepers arrived in bosnia on july 15, 1992. they
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found themselves in difficult conditions, there was little food and fuel, besides... the rosnii serbs staged provocations and demanded to lay down their arms. in may 1995, nato planes bombed several bosnian serb military depots. in response, they en masse took peacekeepers hostage, used them as human shields. ukrainians were among them. the rescue of the bosnian serbs is considered one of the most successful operations of ukrainian soldiers. july 24, 199'. in 1995 , the serbs began mass shelling of the region, then ukrainian peacekeepers began evacuation. in three days, it was possible to remove 5 to 10 people from the city thousands of people during the three years of the peacekeeping operation in the balkans, 15 ukrainian soldiers died. another major operation of ukrainian
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peacekeepers was the mission in iraq, where all tasks were combat. ukrainians were fighters of the international militia, against which the guerrilla war of islamic militants continued. in general, more than 600 servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine passed through iraq. 18 of them died. in the early 2000s, ukraine joined the operation in sierra leone, which is located in western africa. civil war continued in the country a war between central government forces and a paramilitary group. ukrainians exclusively helped the victims of... the consequences of military operations. however, six of our citizens died during the mission. the ukrainian mi-8 helicopter fell into the ocean. the entire crew died. in november 2018 , ukrainians were involved in the large-scale scorpion combat operations to destroy units of militants, jihadists, who invaded the territory
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of the democratic republic of the congo. for a long time , the ukrainian helicopter detachment was a single unit. who performed flight tasks in region, the detachment transported dignitaries, medical and critical cargo, carried out evacuation, aerial reconnaissance and search and rescue operations. ukrainian helicopter crews spent more than 50,000 hours in the sky. lchiki transported almost 2,000 passengers and about 700 tons of cargo. in 2021 , representatives of the ukrainian main intelligence directorate joined special operations in... afghanistan. the mission began on march 16. at that time , american troops left afghanistan. however, ukrainians did not leave the region. operation with saving people almost collapsed. in the end, our scouts managed to find and evacuate not only citizens
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of ukraine, but also rescue employees of international organizations. september 23. successfully landed in kyiv with rescued people. before the full-scale invasion, ukraine continued to participate in peacekeeping operations on the african continent, in the countries of the near and middle east, in the caucasus, and in many other regions of the world. 58 ukrainian soldiers died during the tasks. since 2014, most of ours peacekeepers became participants in the anti-terrorist operation. operations in donbas, the obstacle to participation in the peacekeeping mission in ukraine for foreign battalions was russia, which was a member of the un security council and had the right of veto. already at the end of february 2022 , president volodymyr zelenskyi recalled all ukrainian peacekeeping missions. despite this, ukraine joined the rescue of people in
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turkey, where a powerful earthquake occurred in february 2023. due to a natural disaster , more than 50,000 people died, tens of thousands were injured, ukraine sent there its rescue team, humanitarian aid, sterling terminals and drones, although our country suffered daily from russian shelling, now ukrainian peacekeepers have to defend their native land from russian invaders. and a big thank you to the ukrainian peacekeepers for what... they did before the full-scale invasion in different parts of the world, and for what they continue to do in ukraine, trying to return, speeding up the return of peace to our territories, great to all of them. thanks, well, now the world is at war with me, yuri fizer, in particular today i will tell you about the assassination attempt on donald trump, the 45th president of the united
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states of america, the nato air defense system will not shoot down russian missiles in the sky of ukraine, and lukashenko let it go, he is no longer waiting for an attack from the side of ukraine. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: donald trump was assassinated during his meeting with supporters in the small town of butler, pennsylvania, on the east coast of the united states. the moment of the attempt was caught in the lenses of television cameras, a bullet hit the 45th president of the united states of america in the ear. he immediately sat down behind the podium, and was immediately surrounded by law enforcement officers. a few minutes later, when trump appeared again in the cameramen's lenses, the security took the ex-president off the stage, while his right ear was so bloody. later, law enforcement officials reported that the attack was committed by 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks from
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pennsylvania. well, it was eliminated. he fired from the roof of the building, which is located near the place where donald trump met with supporters. during one of the people present was killed in the shooting. two more people were critically injured at the meeting. well , american doctors are now fighting for the lives of these two people, and the interesting fact is that the shooter shot at donald trump from a distance of only 150 m, that is, they are among those who could have missed all this and who could have been guilty of attempt of such an attempt, there may still be policemen, law enforcement officers who did not provide security, forgive the ex-president of the united states of america. well, the incumbent reacted to it president joe biden: sharp political differences in the united states should be overcome through elections, not violence. this
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was stated by the president of the united states, democrat joe biden, speaking on sunday evening in the white house with a televised address to his fellow citizens in connection with the assassination attempt on his rival in the upcoming elections in november , republican donald trump. at the same time , the current owner of the white house emphasized that political expedients. passions, then quote: it needs to subside, violence should not become the norm, it has no place in the usa. well, and joe biden added to this. quote: yes, there are differences between us and the stakes in this election are extremely high, this is inevitable in a democracy, but politics should never turn into a battlefield in the literal sense of the word. well, something like that is really happening there, i will follow it as it develops. this situation, how will the 45th president continue to react, joe, i'm sorry, donald trump, who has every chance to be in the white house once again,
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and how will he change his campaign tactics joe biden's team is racing, you will be the first to know about it, well, we are going further: the leadership of poland is considering an option under which the country's air defense forces will shoot down russian missiles over ukraine, the minister of... foreign affairs of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, radoslav sikorsky said during a speech at the american institute of entrepreneurship in washington. at the same time , he added that at the moment it is only an idea that needs further research, although he also noted that the official warsaw in detail will study this issue because, below is a short quote from the head of the polish foreign policy department. ukrainians would not mind if poland shot down russian missiles over it. their territory, well , the ukrainians really don't mind, the ukrainians would like it, and the ukrainians were very happy, in particular i, when i heard this news and presented it to you, it seemed that
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everything was this agreement, if the minister of foreign affairs of poland speaks about it, then it means an agreement exists, but it did not happen as it was supposed to, to the great regret of another opinion, the secretary general of nato said jens stoltenberg, the troops of the north atlantic alliance will not be shot down. russian missiles and planes over the territory of ukraine. he said this on the air of the novyn television service. according to him, nato will continue to provide the ukrainian defense forces with all the help they need to repel russian attacks. in particular , providing means of air defense. but, here is a short quote from jens stoltenberg. nato's policy is unchanged. we will not take part in this conflict. we will support ukraine in destroying russian planes, and... but nato will not be directly involved in this. it just occurs to me, well , the thought is this, but purely hypothetically, if...
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the russian missile goes off course like that, not just flies a few meters into the territory of poland, but also flies far away, will they shoot down and will they be in in this case , to believe that nato troops are participating in the conflict, as they unfortunately called it, is simply interesting: ukraine should not join nato, this was the statement made by the prime minister of hungary on the sidelines of the summit in washington viktor orban, with reference to his own... bloomberg journalists reported. according to them, during the plenary session in the presence of ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi, orban not only refused to join the promises of military support for ukraine from the alliance, but also stated that ukraine should not join nato at all. at the same time, again , according to the published information, in response to this statement, some leaders of the member countries of the north atlantic alliance said
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that the history of hungary itself. proves perfectly the fact why ukraine must become a member of nato. of course, sitting in hungary, knowing that your country is a member of the north atlantic alliance, you can make any statements, knowing that you have this protection of the collective security of the fifth article of nato, well, it seems that he does, makes these statements and knowing that no one will attack him, and if he does, it will be for him... all the countries that are part of the alliance. and one more statement from hungary: russia and ukraine will sit down at the negotiating table, if they are the main ones the political centers of the world, namely the usa, the european union and china, will jointly advocate for a peaceful settlement of the ukrainian conflict. the minister of foreign affairs of this country, peter sijarto, said about this on the air of viktor orban's favorite radio station, koshut. he emphasized that there are three main ones in world politics. players
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who can bring about an end to the ukrainian, again, word of conflict. china, which offered its peace plan for regulation, the united states of america, which is currently in the chaos of the election campaign, and the european union, which did not did nothing but copy american policy. it was a quote from peter sijarta, and he summed it up like this, another short quote from him: if two, or better, all three main players took a peace-making position, there would be a chance that the opposing sides, which are currently seeking to intensify military operations , will also show a willingness to show that they themselves are moving in the direction of de-escalation, not escalation. well, here it is also interesting that, for example , peter sijarto said that there are three players who could influence and accelerate the return of peace to the territory of ukraine, this is the united states of america, this is china and this is the european union, but today
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information appeared. that the prime minister of hungary viktor orbán himself proposed to the leadership of the european union, as well as to the leaders of the countries, the members of the european community, his plan to settle the situation in ukraine, well, as he called it again, the end of the conflict, well , for now, there is some information there is no detailed information about what is included in this plan, although what the plan might be, but i really want to hope that in the near future, well, not... by tomorrow, by the day after tomorrow, some information about this will appear, and i will tell about this plan, again, about this plan in the column world about ukraine, well, but it seems to me just talk, he, i will remind you, went on such a world tour, he went to ukraine, then he went to russia, after that he went to china and finished it with the united states of america, where he was at the nato summit and where he met with trump and
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everywhere he spoke about how in order ... for peace to return to ukraine, it is necessary to stop shooting, and for this we need to stop giving ukraine weapons, well, which ones we can peace plan to continue talking. yes, now we are moving further from ukraine geographically. if south korean intelligence sees that military-technical cooperation and arms exchange between russia and north korea will reach a certain level, then seoul reserves the right to revise its policy regarding support for ukraine. this was stated by the national security adviser of the president of south korea, jang go-jin, during the briefing. according to him , this may also be influenced by moscow's decision to transfer military technology to pyongyang and strategic resources. the councilor did not provide more information on this issue. at the same time, he also stated that the development of south korea's relations with russia will depend precisely on moscow's actions.


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