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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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chit, we must win. all the most important things every thursday at 21:15 in the " great lviv speaks" project on espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head. beyond its borders, who then is china, my heart aches. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic news.
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and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. we return to the air, remind you that as soon as on the screen a qr code appears and the card number under it, which means that we are together with the irynikov foundation. we are collecting for mavics, at the same time, professional, special ones, such as for bombers, as well as 3t mavics, we need to raise a lot of money there, so as a whole community , let's help the 100th brigade in the eastern direction so that they get these eyes and effective means of destruction as soon as possible , a good investment in our future, there are no small donations, so keep donating and we will continue to collect houses for you. and information from our guests.
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yes, nikopolshchyna is already in touch. dmytro bychkov, acting chairman of the nikopol district council. contact us. mr. dmytro, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good morning. well, tell me how the previous day passed, how the night passed, how the morning is in nikopolshchyna? unfortunately, nikopol and the nikopol district have been around for more than two years. and precisely such a sad date... it can be said that such an event has already happened that for two years nikopol and nikopol district have been under daily fire from the enemy and terrorists who seized the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and military facilities were built around it, and the nikopol district is shelled daily from there, and i can say that the last few days have not been an exception, such shelling occurs constantly both in the morning and during the day and at night, that is why these destructions... of the private
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sector, high-rise buildings, the shelling of the central part, large enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses, this is what is today the reality of daily life in nikopol, but we are always very grateful to our nikopol citizens, large, small, medium-sized businesses that continue to live, to work, to support the armed forces of ukraine, to support such important meetings as the ones you are holding, it is very important, and therefore... power transmission, i.e. it is every day, respectively, do they have time to restore critically important things, but if the shelling happens every day, well, for example, the same ones fired today, there is no electricity, they restored it, they fire again, there is no again, i.e. do you have time with all this, so we very grateful utilities and critical infrastructure workers. which quite quickly renews and
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restores the necessary critical infrastructure that people need in order for them to have the appropriate service, especially in those terrible times of war, so of course those objects that fall or are under constant enemy fire, they are very hard and quickly restore, of course that people who lost their house, they can't get it back quickly, repaired, so it takes from... some time, but if we talk about what the authorities do local self-government and critical infrastructure workers, the emphasis is, of course, these are the services that people need, which are water, electricity, gas, all of this is being restored quite quickly, and where, where are they from the left bank, mainly along the dnieper districts, novopavlivka, dolgalivivka, do they spank all over... well, i would
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say that they strike in the vast majority, of course, on the territory, which is the coastal territory, which is around nikopol, but before... actually with a very high nevertheless frequency of repetition, they they also hit the central parts of the city of nikopol, and this happens very often, it's simple, when you go to a high-rise building, a building, and algrad or a drone flies there, this is all a reality of life, and i remind you that hail can pour out in approximately 10 seconds , 10-14 seconds, and when a person with a daughter or a boy somehow goes, for example, to the doctor, her. shelling can be found just in the central part of the city, and so, unfortunately, there have already been cases where people died. mr. dmitry, we crossed our fingers three times, it was a swiss peace summit, then it was on the fields, at the nato jubilee summit, and at the un, three times it was about the collective
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good that the radio, nuclear, radar, actually security, in relation to the gift of energy. zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and the call to transfer it to ukraine, we are in favor of this, but after these three cases, at least something did you see that changed on the side of it near the energy source, actually it is the occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, maybe the troops there cleaned up a little , maybe they calmed down a little with those cunning shelling from left to right, maybe they reacted somehow, because this already three or three summits, three three pieces of paper. of deep concern and solidarity, well , we can say that nothing of the sort has changed, the shelling continues in nikopelshchyna, and we can say that the intensity sometimes increases for these shellings, and moreover, the number of drones there has increased, which
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after a certain time there they started more apply to the nikopol district, that is , we are talking about the fact that the zaporozhye nuclear metro station and everything around it are... military facilities of the russian terrorist federation today, which conducts the corresponding terror of nikopol region and keeps military-logistics equipment in the premises of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, but it has long been historically impossible for russians to believe and trust any followers of terrorists and criminals, so i can say that of course only help the armed forces of ukraine, more expansion of the volunteer movement, supporting our guys who defend. our country, this is the only step in order to, er, be more secure in ukraine, and we understand that only victory, and only then, after that, nikopol will become peaceful in part, because when terrorists are there, it is terror again and the constant
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possibility of this terror repeating itself. well, here we would like to remind you about the qr code that appears in the corner of the screen in order to go in, check, always our... viewers have this opportunity, use it, mr. dmytro, please tell me how the situation looks now with water and light in your region, the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, serhiy lysak, said that water tariffs in nikopol, marganka and the covers will remain unchanged. this is very important information for local residents, because the potential tariff that was due after launch. of the state water supply and those logistical and these investments made by the state, and of course, it significantly changes the water supply of the nikopol district, and this tariff was, of course, very difficult for the residents of our region and for
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the local self-government bodies, which were supposed to, let's say, help residents to cover these opportunities at a flat rate, so this is very important information, we are very... let's say so, we waited a lot and are very grateful to all those who, in order for the tariffs to remain at the level that they are, and regarding the return of water, as you know, that already a year ago terrorists destroyed the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant, and a year of the authorities of mi, let's say so , residents of the nikopol district in different parts had different water situations, some did not have drinking water from the tap at all, some had technical water, some had potable water, and this is a very large number, it is hundreds of thousands of people, people were deprived of normal conditions to drink drinking water from faucet, so now this launch of the state water supply system, he is resuming the restoration of water supply to people living in the villages and towns of the nikopol district. some communities are the last
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to be included a little later, but they are included in this state water supply system. i think that with a short period of time, all communities of the nikopol district ... will return to receiving potable centralized water supply. just yesterday they said that dnipropetrovsk region broke temperature records, but we found out already this morning that... the heat affects everything, such as the communal economy, even equipment and military equipment, in particular, as you have, these temperature effects are now on in nikopol region, that is, it affects the lives of the townspeople, as in general in the region, to see how it affects the well, because it should be the harvest, such heat , farmers, what they say. well , it can be said that it is very difficult, of course, especially for farmers who are in the field, where there is such a big hot sun, at this
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time we will have it, but i can say that the harvest continues and i can say that we are very grateful to all those farmers , which today are in less than favorable conditions, because the price policy, it is not the same, let's say, the same level, let's say, which was before for what we are going to say, people had the appropriate income part, which continued. all the same, it is difficult to take care of your fields, grow crops and harvest them, so of course it is very difficult, this heat affects not only the equipment, but also the minds of people in general, because it is difficult, let's say, to be in such a huge heat outside, and it is difficult , let's say, take it accordingly, well , it's true, especially for those who have the corresponding chronic diseases relevant difficulties, but let's not forget that... the guys who protect the guys in the hands of weapons, the armed forces of ukraine, it
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's much more difficult for them in the trenches, they don't have the same opportunities as we don't have in our houses to go and , of course, just wash under hran, then i can say that do not forget that there are boys and girls for whom it is much more difficult and to support such gatherings as you do is very important. thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro bychkov, acting. the head of the nikopol district council was in touch with us, they talked about the situation on nikopolshchyna, in particular, there are problems with water and extreme heat, as in the whole of ukraine. a short pause in the espresso broadcast, then we will continue. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on normoven, 10% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. attention, total sale, garden trimmers! kors unpack tv with a discount of only 799 uah, only 799 for
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pharmacies plantain to you and save. vasyl winter's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company is a favorite. presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. in the evening! on espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga
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len. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00. the live broadcast continues on the espresso tv channel, 8:46 on the broadcast clock, good morning to everyone who joins in, you can traditionally see the qr code on on your screens, scan, join our gathering, and we invite serhii sgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express, to join our broadcast. good morning, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. slava, good morning, i greet you, i greet our viewers. we started the morning with the fact that the point of invincibility was moved to kursk on russian territory, you can now heat there, and this is the kursk plant of low-voltage equipment, so it burns, the local authorities talk about 400 m2, of course that's all they stirred, but everything is on fire, and what does it matter, except, of course, some
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transformers there, which logically should be manufactured at a low-voltage equipment factory. well, actually you said the main thing is what is happening in kurshchyna after the strikes of ukrainian drones, an attack was indeed made on this plant of the enemy's power equipment, copters were used, which the enemies write there, and in general, if we sum it up like this, it is about the fact that there is such a systemic depletion of industry of the enemy, which... is related there to the military, to civilian or dual purpose, and in any case, of course, it fits into such a long-term strategy of exhausting the enemy's industrial capabilities. i think that later we will receive more details about this event, but the same thing happens and strikes on other objects of the enemy, yesterday i saw reports about the crimea, certain capes, fellents, where they also tried
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to hold the enemy with their air defense complexes, and here i am just waiting for confirmation of data on these... military facilities where air defense systems are located, and kurssk, well, it will be further so wards and create, as you say, points of indomitability, where the enemy can warm up. mr. serhiy, our european partners continue to send aid to ukraine, for example, spain has already sent 10 leopard tanks and other aid, what difficulties may arise with the delivery of this aid to ukraine, that is, there are weapons that have already been formally transferred. but not yet in ukraine, which, what delay time are we talking about? well, in fact, when we talk about the supply of western aid there or american aid, we know that even at the nato summit a new command was formed there, which will deal with ensuring the supply of weapons
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to ukraine, the training of our military, but in the context of the supply, we note that... despite the optimistic promises of our partners about the allocation of one or another number of samples of armed equipment, this equipment it is repaired for a certain time, it is repaired sometimes for quite a long time, then it is sent to ukraine, and here are the delivery schedules, they are sometimes so long that they do not coincide with the preparation schedules of our brigades, let's recall the story of those 14 brigades, which the president of ukraine repeatedly mentioned. and these days are waiting for artillery, armored vehicles from our western partners and the arrival of these key weapons, really does not allow turning these brigades into full-fledged combat units. now, coming directly to the tanks, last year there were received, if i'm not mistaken, within 100 leopard tanks, this
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year these deliveries from spain are actually the first in... tank deliveries, although officially these tanks were already u.s transferred, the spanish government announced about them, but now it is only the turn to complete their restoration, this is the first batch, there are 10 tanks, next month there will be nine and there will be 19 tanks 2 a4 from spain, and now the stage of delivery after a long restoration and repair , so supply is another component of these problems, it consists in the fact that spain first transported them there to sivili there to... its port from the port from the port of myysk it will then be supplied to poland, then in poland through certain transit routes quite safely it will go to ukraine. this long chain is also characteristic of many supplies of european weapons, because first of all it is necessary to ensure transportation, especially there from poland to
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ukraine, in order to avoid understanding, so that the enemy does not know where and how these supplies are made, although there are indeed bases on in which western equipment is located and then the enemy tries to use it to hit the object there. in fact, for a long time, i will say that there were no such blows. but there were attempts by the enemy to find them with cruise missiles in western ukraine to strike these facilities where they expected western equipment to be stored, but in fact the equipment there is coming quickly and immediately delivered to the military units, so the main problem so far is the repair time and the delivery time, it's not us saying, this politician tells us this morning, there is a candidate for vice president and it is vance, and he is... usa. trump has made up his mind, and wentz has made up his mind. he actually says that
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any support for ukraine should be stopped. in fact, functionally, ukraine is destroyed, it does not exist. he is a big fan of helping under a special direct strategic agreement between the usa and israel. yes for israel. he says. there is an accomplished goal, and israel has an accomplished goal, ukraine, not. so, if we see such a vice president, and we understand now that there is a greater chance that trump's policy, if he returns to the oval office, will be precisely about ending military aid to ukraine, or the packages that our european allies give us will be able support defense forces and compensate. this american package, well actually, let's wait until later of the integral policy of the trump administration, if he really comes to power, really
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the appointment of jaydy vance, it looks so alarming, because actually he is such a clone of trump, who speaks more categorically in all the directions in which trump expressed himself, this is just about the conditions there provision of aid packages to ukraine. when these 61 billion were voted and regarding the role of the alliance and the very strategy of the united states towards the actions of europe and the support of ukraine, these positions of vance really look so categorical, but i repeat, let's wait for the integral trump's program in the vision of influence on europe and before the war with the russian federation. in any case, i hope that even with categorical approaches, the system. states is such that each party can balance the actions of the other and influence certain decisions, even the president's decision, as it was,
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in particular with the same aid package for ukraine. in any case, i understand that the risks seem to be significant for helping ukraine, but again, it is not a fact that it will actually happen under this scenario. now about the help of european countries, now european nato countries. they are already actively forming such a strategy, a strategy that tries to balance these risks, a proof trump strategy, where, relatively speaking, the strategy is protected from such risky actions by trump or his administration in the future, and it relies precisely on the fact that first , the european defense industry is expanding at a faster pace, defense spending is increasing, there are projects, in particular, the placement of american missiles in germany, which in fact... will continue to affect the security on the european continent, and one way or another, i think that this may even push european countries to help
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ukraine more actively and create preconditions so that the enemy does not advance on our territory, because then this will threaten a systemic problem for europe itself, the europeans are aware of this and they think that it is possible that the actions of trump and his vice president there will actually be an even greater push for change. in the european countries themselves and speeding up aid to ukraine, and we remember the great agreements with the g7 countries in the ukrainian plan, which was adopted against the background of the nato summit and which provides for long-term assistance to ukraine from the leading european countries, from japan and other states. i wanted to talk about certain weapons for which we have such, well , psychological hopes, the f16 is expected as a wunderwaffe from... for our armed forces, and unfortunately, we, speaking even with you, can already track our calendar, remember , mr. serhiy, was promised for the spring, postponed to
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the beginning of the summer, then. since the beginning of summer they said, well, it will definitely be by the end of july, yesterday already roughly somewhere, well, if they fly in november, then it will be fine, but i think we talked yesterday with the aviation expert crooked paw, he says that, according to his forecasts, autumn, that’s all our problems, from our side, are we here nothing to do, it's all the same, very different countries had very different speed of promises. f-16, but it turns out that none of them fulfills them. well, they also mentioned the pace of the arrival of european aid, one way or another, it is also characteristic of the situation of the pf-16, which is actually so principled and an important question regarding both expectations and real effects on the battlefield. in any case, we must understand that the influence is fundamental on the change of the situation on the f-16 battlefield in the first
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stage. dreams, but in the long run, they are successful in acquiring enough and increasing the number of aircraft, their influence will increase. now we are talking about a stage when, in such a short period of time , no country received and did not re-equip so quickly with f-16 aircraft, as is happening now and is happening with ukraine. in any case, we now expect that by the end of the year we can in total in ideal plan to get. 20 planes, by the summer, as we were told, we should get six, and by the end of the year somewhere up to 20, and the total need for planes, as zelensky said, is 128 machines. the main problems concern the training of pilots, and the situation here is actually such that our partners cannot provide a greater number of test sites and training bases, although foreign countries themselves say that, in principle
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, those pilots who were... the representation of ukraine have already undergone a certain training the level of training, in particular we say there that six exactly prepared and by the end of the year there will be up to 20 pilots, that is, it corresponds to the number of 20 machines, although in general we know that there should be two pilots for each machine, although there the f16 is a single-seater aircraft, but from the point of view of reservation, the statistics are always the same was like that, i.e. pilots, then airfields, in principle there are some airfields that can accept. in the 16th, we know that probably starokostyantynov is such a base airfield, which the enemy is now trying to constantly attack there with their curled missiles, but also other airfields that carry out, well, they are ready to receive such aircraft, well, this is a tactic, the use of these aircraft is also a difficult component, although we know that we will receive saabaria aircraft from sweden, which will precisely integrally provide intelligence to transmit data to the f-16, and all these factors,
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they have as always, it is time to move to the right on the scale, one way or another, it is likely that we will go beyond waiting for summer and move to autumn, but i hope that the statements of politicians, the netherlands, denmark, there belgium, who said that they are ready to hand over the first planes quickly, still hopefully in the summer we will see six aircraft that will be able to initially perform limited tasks, acquire tactics, and then this number will increase, and ... surely you predict that by the end of the summer at least the first f-16s will be in the sky, this differs from what we heard from mr. kryvolap, well, in fact, we now, that i, kryvolap, operate with data based on media statements from foreign sources, there is a possibility that in fact the real situation may be sergey, thank you for participating in our program, serhii zorets, director information and consulting company defense express, followed by a short pause. a minute
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of silence for the nationwide minute of silence for those killed in this terrible war between russia and ukraine. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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