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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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losses would be less, not enough, enough to hold on, yes. and how do ukrainians feel about this issue? almost half, namely 44% of ukrainians who do not take part in hostilities, believe that the time has come to start official peace talks with russia. these are the results of a sociological survey conducted at the end of june by the razunkov center of sociology. commissioned by the edition of the mirror of the week, and this is the highest rate of approval of negotiations after the start of a full-scale war, sociologists note, according to 35% of respondents, it is time for negotiations has not yet arrived, many are in the gray zone, and 21% of those who are undecided. what is also interesting is that, despite people's response that they are ready for negotiations with russia, the vast majority are not ready to agree to putin's terms in these negotiations with... that
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ukraine withdraw its troops from four of its regions, they do not agree, almost 83% of ukrainians in the rear, 83% of respondents do not agree to fix the status of belonging to the four regions and crimea as russian territory; almost 77% of ukrainians do not agree to lift all western sanctions against russia, and almost 60% of ukrainians will not agree to the non-aligned and nuclear-free status of ukraine. the sociological survey was conducted from june 20 to 28 this year in various regions of ukraine, except for the occupied territories, and its authors and customers note that this survey cannot be considered the opinion of all ukrainians, it is the opinion of those who are in the body, more than 2 thousand people were interviewed. and our correspondents also talked with residents of several ukrainian cities, zaporizhzhia, kropyvnytskyi and rivne, and they talked with people about readiness for negotiations with russia and also.
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asked the following question: do you think the time has come for negotiations with russia, and if so, on what terms? let's listen to what the people answered, and i will note that this survey is not a sociological study, but it is just the separate opinions of individual ukrainians, the time has come, of course, that there are as many deaths as possible and the like, so i want returned our territory, the entire territory of ukraine. did they talk? i say, negotiations are possible only on ukraine's terms. i'm a master sergeant myself against the fire support of marines on leave. i believe that it is long past time to grow up and at least stop the fire. they won't stop, they won't, it's like that, they won't stop. ot. they will kill us until, no, not... they will finish, something had to be
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done before, it had to be decided before, but not now, as they started the war, i would like any negotiations to end with russia's signature on capitulation and payment of reparations, i don't want any negotiations with them and i just want to give them the same coin so that they also suffer like this, on the other hand i... just fear that they will destroy us and destroy us and destroy us and it will never stop. negotiations should be held on the conditions of saving people's lives, because the territories, well, ours are very important, but people's lives, i think, are even more important, because we can still return the territories, but people's lives will no longer be possible. no, and why also , a lot of effort had already been put in, many soldiers had died. that protect us, and now it's just
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a matter of erasing it all with these actions in order to go to peace, then it should have been done earlier, no matter how many deaths and such misery there is, it is not necessary to reject the fact that the world can simply force russia to make peace, what putin wants to say about us, the world can force them to make peace, and this will be an option to get out of this situation, you can write in the comments what you think about this matter, mykhailo myshchenko, deputy director of the sociological service, joins our broadcast. rosumkova, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations. mr. mykhailo, what do you think is the reason for such a dynamic that 44% of ukrainians believe that the time for negotiations has come. well, actually, we cannot ascertain any dynamics, since we did not ask the question in such a wording. this was a question commissioned by the derzka newspaper , and it was formulated in this form for the first time. therefore, we cannot know as before. answered this
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question, and tell me, in your opinion, what could be connected with such a story now, well, journalists are obviously interested in this question, because there has been a lot about it in recent months. they talk about negotiations in different languages levels, let's say like in the western media, this is the question, as we have seen in the last period and even at the level of instabloggers there , and it is talked about in society, still the fact that 44% believe that the time for negotiations has come , this is some kind of such a high indicator, how do you assess it, well, we asked another question during this survey, whether volodymyr zelensky should cancel... the decree according to which it is impossible to conduct negotiations with russia, and here during the answers to this , to this question, relatively the majority answered that this decree is not necessary cancel, that is, we see that while a relative majority says that it is time for
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negotiations, at the same time, a relative majority believes that there is no need to cancel the decree, which is impossible. these negotiations, and one in five of those who answer that it is time for negotiations, answer at the same time that there is no need to repeal the decree that would allow these negotiations, that is, we see that the opinion of our singing citizens is ambivalent, and often depends on how the question is phrased. 35% disagree with this statement, can any of these figures from... change, can there be, let's say, dynamics in the future and what does it depend on, on the successes of the armed forces of ukraine there at the front, on the help of western partners, which or that, and what they talk about on tv, relatively speaking, what it can depend on, well, of course, the situation is very
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dynamic and public opinion also changes, and first of all it changes depending on how the situation on the battlefield changes, and maybe least of all it changes depending on , what talk on tv, although this factor also affects, i cannot say that the mass media do not affect the position of citizens at all, mykhailo, tell us about the geography of these attitudes, where more and where less, well, so to speak, tired of the war, where more, in which regions are ukrainians more likely to agree with this thesis that... the time has come for negotiations, well, more often i agree in the southern region, about 60% agree that the time has come for negotiations, but at the same time in the southern region, yes just like in other regions, very much
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few people, less than 10%, agree to give up some territories during these negotiations, that is, the very fact of the negotiations can be used. this is positive, but people are not ready to make concessions, that is, there can be negotiations, but from the position of protecting ukrainian interests, and not from the position of surrendering something. in the south of ukraine, according to your research, 60% are ready for this, if we talk about ukraine in the west, 35% of the respondents would be ready for negotiations there, in the center - 49%, the distance from... plays a role here, relatively speaking , or people who are closer to hostilities, they are more tired, well, we see that the readiness for negotiations is not high in the east, as noted, as was noted most of them in the south, but i
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would not fail to focus on the answer to the question about readiness for negotiations, it is more important to... is whether people are ready to make concessions in some way, and here there is no big difference between regions, and residents of most regions, the majority of residents of all regions are not ready to make any concessions, but before our conversation, mr. mykhailo, i want now also invite the military man yuriy fedorenko, commander of the achilles 92 attack unmanned aerial systems battalion in a separate storm. we also discuss sociology and the readiness of ukrainians to talk with russia about the negotiations, but tell us what is happening at the front, what the ukrainian military thinks about it, because this topic, one way or another
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, is being raised now in the media, well, people are talking about it in rear, that's for sure, and what is happening in the army, are they talking about it, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. i will say my personal opinion, which is not fully representative, does not reflect the position of everyone of the armed forces of ukraine or the general staff, i can say that as far as the whole is concerned. and the tasks that the russian federation sets before itself. this is the complete destruction of the state of ukraine, as well as the destruction of the entire population. one way or another, the occupied territories clearly showed that the enemy physically destroys those who have at least some pro-ukrainian position, and those who were nearby, and then systematically destroys through repression and resettlement those who were allegedly, in particular, loyal to the russian federation , such citizens sent. a small amount there are also in ukraine. accordingly, any negotiation process regarding the fact that
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the russian federation remains a certain part of our territories. the war stops, we are non-aligned, demilitarized, it will destroy ukraine and destroy each of us, including the one who is watching this broadcast. ukrainians have no other choice but to keep the constant dynamics of hostilities and give opportunities to our diplomats and...politicians to attract additional support from partners, both financial to support our economy and military, and accordingly implementation implementation of additional sanctions policy against the russian federation in order to weaken it financially. only the front can provide a good prerequisite for the necessary political agreements in the future. there is an accepted option for ukraine, it is a peace plan, in particular for the president of ukraine, which is provided for. but the gradual return of all territories within the framework of the 91st year with the further
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integration of ukraine into the north atlantic alliance, as well as the entry into the european union, and this issue must be resolved in this way, work on it, endure and do everything possible, impossible, because otherwise we will not have it, will not be physically. i emphasize that we talked here about these figures of this sociological study, that the majority of ukrainians exactly... 84% are not ready to cede ukrainian territories, this is important, and they are also not ready to lose this opportunity to join nato , including that an important point, mr. yuriy, that is, i understand correctly that in general the question does not arise among the military, whether there can still be discussions, and because we are here on the one hand, we talk a lot about this survey, it is about those people who are in... who are not at war, so it is very important for us to hear the point of view of the military, each of us who is fighting for the state is clearly
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aware , once again i will repeat this thesis that the only way for us and our families to stay alive is to destroy the enemy in a field battle, to maintain a stable dynamic and to give opportunities to our diplomats to solve their tasks of ending the war by clamping down on the russian federation and holding. to the required result, namely, i repeat once again, step by step, we must return to the borders of 1991, and we must necessarily be a bloc, that is, the north atlantic alliance, the european union, this is the only way we will be able to guarantee for our children and grandchildren that there will be a peaceful sky over their heads, an independent ukraine , in any other scenario, unfortunately, there will be no ukraine, there will be no us, so it is very important, despite the complexity. sometimes injustice, despite the aggressive behavior of the enemy, the defense forces fight, fulfill the combat task and
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will continue to beat the occupiers. sir mykhailo, i have a final question for you, after the attack on khmadit there were two such discussions, the biggest reaction was, of course , another proof that russia is not stopping and its ukrainian military facilities are not enough, this is simply a terrible event that the whole world saw , on the other hand, we saw in the media and instagram bloggers, among others, who talked about the fact that it is time to negotiate, whether after such decisive events, in your opinion, it is worth conducting another study, another survey, whether the opinion of ukrainians can be like this there to radically change because of such terrible russian attacks? well, you know, i somehow didn’t notice in social networks that after the attacks on the ahmadis, they began to say more often that it is necessary to negotiate, and you know, such events are the opposite... hatred, and quite naturally, and on the contrary, no
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desire to negotiate with such people, it does not arise, well, we once had a survey, we asked if today you think that putin is hitler today, and 94% of the respondents answered that yes, putin is hitler today, and how can you negotiate with hitler, this it's important, we talked about it. because, relatively speaking, people who have their own audience and spread certain such messages, yes, they may have an influence, but on our broadcast we are glad that we managed to invite mykhailo myshchenko, a sociologist, to talk about sociological research. and yuriy fedorenko of the military, who told about what the military people around him think. thank you, gentlemen, for joining. this is svoboda ranok, we are with you every weekday from 9:00 on youtube on the radio svoboda channel, on the espresso tv channel, join us, subscribe to our social networks, this is also important. my name is kateryna nekrech,
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the light was suddenly turned off. again, it is necessary to light candles or look for a flashlight in which there is a malevolent glow. let there always be light in your home, a smart light bulb for only uah 149 works even without electricity, the offer is limited, call! good morning to everyone who joins etereoespresso, a few minutes ago there were explosions in kharkiv, the air force they are talking about the threat of using kabs, in the morning they were fired at by ochak artillery. there is damage to the market in kherson, we will have more details about these shellings in the news in a few minutes, and in the meantime we urge you - out of anger and rage to persistently report as soon as you see our qr code, it is on combat quadcopters on the mavic pro and on the mavic 3t, the answer is for our defenders, be sure
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not to forget to donate, this is a good investment in our future, we... meanwhile, we will collect information for you from our guests, i hope that we have already established contact, because ours, solemiya bobrovska, people's deputy of ukraine and member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence , is in touch with us, glory to ukraine, ms. solomiya, glory, greetings, sir solomiye, the 16th, the deadline for updating data in accordance with the law on mobilization. that in fact all the tsk and tsnapy were attacked last week by huge queues, well, well, today , too, people are standing in queues under the sun and, for example, did not have time to update what will happen to them at 12 o'clock at night? i think for them i don’t think i know, i still have 30 days or more, and
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in order not to go, there was no punishment even in... these days, because in fact, in my opinion, the ukrainians took a very conscientious and responsible approach to this task, and how it was done not only online, but also in person with pieces of paper, because we know that what is written is written on a piece of paper cannot be erased by anything, an old ukrainian tradition that it is better to have a physical barcode than online , there is still no such trust, yes, so i hope this this this this opportunity. do you have any advice to those who updated their data, but they were not found in the registers, and they did not receive, for example, in the reserve plus application. the qr code that is supposed to replace these paper documents, what should they do? you know, i know such people, how did it happen, who did it happen to? unfortunately, such
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people went physically to the tsc, so this is one chena, this is one of one with one of the tips, the second of my tips is to call the hotline and ask them to pay attention to it, because at the moment there is no other option in online mode it will be, it will be impossible, i don't want to make it up. here are some magical ways to solve problems, we understand that this is going into such a huge test mode, and in fact barcodes were far from immediately put into reserve , plus, i know how long the business had long, big problems with tck and with e-booking, by the way is also being developed and should be launched, but it is still in the development process, that is why i am saying that it would be fair and honest to give the ministry of defense time to our citizens in order to... so as not to humiliate people, and absolutely adequately, calmly give the opportunity to everyone who honestly wants to fulfill their
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duty to register. ms. solomi, i would like to hear from you such, well, you can say, advice for those who for one reason or another did not have time to update the data there by the 16th , it is obviously about millions of conscripts, do you advise to continue to stand in these queues and continue to try to at least get to the shopping center or other centers where you can update your data, or does all this mean that there will be a fine one way or another? look, i think this is the right story, because despite the fact that a person has not updated his data, or, for example, continues to ignore it, yes, he is not protected from the fact that he will not receive a summons to any of his addresses, which was previously indicated there years ago in the military. and then there will be a much different, more critical history and responsibility for the fact that the person did not appear already with a physical invitation to the shopping center. moreover, it can be
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a summons, including not only for updating data, but it can be an invitation to the vlc, or it can be an invitation and, in particular, to training center, and it's a completely different story when you don't show up, when the summons already comes with an invitation to the vlk. therefore, i believe that people... each of the citizens, who, who did not, who did not have time due to certain circumstances and reasons, should register through rrvi plus, or come physically to the utcc and still be registered , this in fact provides them with fewer problems, fewer fines, less responsibility and further events, so my advice can only be this: the task of the state, and i more... i hope once again that the ministry of defense should come out there today with a briefing and with an explanation of what to do next, but this is the right story, go through and update the data in order not to be
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in front of the state in in a worse situation and not to be brought to the training ground or to criminal responsibility, well, we must understand that updating data means specifying one's address, telephone number, e-mail address, and if the military conscript has other questions to the ccc, for example, updating military records documents, what about confirmation of reservations or postponements, well, in any case, this is another story and a different conversation too, absolutely, i want to support and thank all, by the way, the heads of enterprises who deal with their postponements or reservations today, this is not economic reservation is not exactly the story that is being talked about in the framework of legislative initiatives, but these are people who honestly actually fulfill their duties, show the ccc who is officially registered, and what resources are available, inform the provosts. in particular, their own subordinates, there are a lot of problems and a lot of nuances, together with the tsk, by the way, because very often the tsk puts pa in the wheels and deals with such very unpleasant things at a time when business is making
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concessions, absolutely openly and sincerely shows and comes to the aid of military leaders , that is why this is another category of persons, people, heads of enterprises, who honestly and conscientiously try to fulfill their duty before the state, about... a high-profile vote in your parliamentary committee regarding maryana bezuglai and her position as deputy head of the committee, she immediately reacted, said committee without action, and she does not accept her removal from office and remains, as she wrote on her facebook, the deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee, they remain the deputy chairman of the tsras committee, she was removed yesterday only from the chairmanship of
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the democratic civilian control subcommittee, ugh. it is obvious why it was removed, because already this mass of information, which is in public access, and content and form, it is unacceptable, it is unacceptable, not in and these are actually the things that should have been discussed in within the framework of the committee, in closed regimes and discussion, so i'm actually advocating a more active role for the committee here, really the committee is not taking full advantage, unfortunately very... often difficult issues are left aside and so they come out in public and you know it's not just pro-marians actually it's a lot of people , which are mobilized civilians, and the masses of people who serve today with a civilian background, cannot stand and and and and every time we see more and more comments, especially to human to to to human such problems, in particular personal, let’s talk about conbreds and
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including commanders. but so yesterday the story about maryana’s public such speeches, she found her reflections in the committee, and from the knowledge of the position from the subcommittee, reminding, and i’m a continuation, ms. solomy, and what a continuation of the story, the former representative of the president in the verkhovna rada, i’m about fedor venislavskyi, said that in connection with the publication of data, including closed meetings, i.e. secret ones, he would write a statement in... what the security service of ukraine should have responded to, but we don't know if it was a written statement, there will be a response, these statements were written, we can say that these statements were written, and so on and so forth, so far, yes, so far i have no answers i can't comment to you, but as far as i know, these statements were written, but i want to comment once again, in order to remove mariana from the post
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of deputy, a decision is needed. and not just the committee, uh, so there has to be a vote of the floor, absolutely, and let me remind you that six months ago or more it was a vote of the floor was, it was failed, accordingly, it seems to me that not only her colleagues from the president's office and , in particular, the security service should talk to mariana, because there are certain things that are generally beyond the scope of access to secret information, we leave ethics aside, but there are certain certain. information that cannot be made public in social networks or in the media. yes, thank you, mrs. solomiya, for participating in our broadcast, solomiya bobrovska, mp and member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence of our parliament, heard we all had to hear, the only thing is that nothing has changed, because yesterday's post of maryan bezugl gives his whatsapp and says, knock and they will be imprisoned, that is, write me there on whatsapp.
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just now i read the tape, they also write about the fact that an ex-intelligence officer in chervinsky, this is a person against whom a scandalous case has been opened, has been set a bail of uah 9 million, we will keep an eye on this situation, there have already been comments on social networks that this is a good sign. the result of hard work, the result of constant public attention, society was really concerned and is concerned about the case. scout chervinskyi, our colleagues are already newsmen ready to tell more operational news, khrystyna parubiy takes over the baton, christ, congratulations, what will this issue be about? thank you, colleagues, the russians shelled kherson in the morning, what is happening in the city, i will tell you in the issue, as well as the situation in other regions of ukraine and at the front, in a moment, wait. yeah!


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