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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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i want to say that there is some excessive attention to this figure. it's just that the law established an obligation to update your data within 60 days. the upgradeability continues. in the code, it must be recognized that a person who has not updated his data in this period becomes a violator of the law. but at the same time, in the code of administrative offenses there is a concept of insignificance of the event, and i think that i... if some citizen is militarily obliged to update his data the next day or the day after, then the tcc will not have an obligation to bring this person to administrative responsibility, guided by the principle of insignificance of the act. ugh, quite common information, because standing in lines from 5 a.m. until night in such heat is not very easy for people, some physically cannot, so accordingly... the ministry of defense
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has already used the remote data update through the reserve+plus application four with a tail millions of conscripted citizens of ukraine, and in some part of those who have updated their data, such a situation arises, i even checked it for you and will quote, for example, the data updated, your contact details are updated, this is the first message, later the person wants to see the qr code to replace. accordingly, the paper document sends a request for information and the following message is sent from the register, and then it receives data that you are not found in the register safeguard, write to the support of the application to find out the details, well, there is no qr code in the circle , that is, there is a date when a person updated, but there is no qr code, what happens to such a person?
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let's be clear, tsc gets the right after tomorrow tomorrow literally analyze, select people who have not updated the data, it is not an obligation to bring to administrative responsibility. further, if they go down such a path, for example, that the amulet will literally print decrees on bringing them to administrative responsibility, then a citizen who properly monitors this, after receiving a mailbox, a decree on bringing administrative responsibility, discovering the opening of the executive proceeding in the automated system of executive proceedings, whether the notification in action has the right to submit a legal statement to the court in order to contest his administrative liability. the court will already analyze if the person took measures and could not do it for some technical reasons, for example, there is data, he missed the moment of entering the system.
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that he took steps to update, but due to the well-known reasons of total colossal queues at the tsc, he was not able to finish the procedure completely, i think the court will side with him and cancel this imposition of a fine. the whole thing is that the majority of citizens guided by such false reasoning that the later they update their data, the more chances they have to fall out of the control of the tsk regarding. clique with further subpoenas, postponed it until the last day. a mistake, well, frankly, because it could have been done a long time ago, but it is not an extraordinary tragedy, life goes on, and i think that the next steps will take place. by the way, queues at tsc are not due to data updates, the lion's share of citizens have renewed because of the reserve plus, and only a certain part of people, it's hard for me to explain. of which
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reasons, they chose tsnap, although the procedure for submitting information and receiving the final product there is identical to reserve plus, but they reasoned that since they will not be registered in any applications, there will be no personal data about them, this is an identical amount of information, which is provided in each case. i want to draw attention to the fact that at the end of june, on the 25th , a change was made in the resolution of the cabinet of ministers. of ukraine, where the state finally declared the method of recording the receipt of a summons by a citizen. for some reason, this was not in the law. i drew attention to this earlier, that, for example, the procedure for receiving messages about, well, which are in the chain of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle, was carefully prescribed, the most elementary procedure for receiving, fixing receipt of a summons was not received. that's right. for those who think
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that since he didn't update the data, he protected himself more from state encroachment, i don't know how they reason, uh, that's... a mistake, since the subpoena will be served and can be served locally , which he specified during the update data, or at the last declared place, and the confirmation of receipt of the warrant is a personal signature, there is a record of receipt or refusal to receive, or a record by a postal worker of the absence of a citizen at the place where he will deliver, so whoever can try to update... data today should do so and not become an automatic violator of the law, but if i now look at the explanation given the day before by mrs. chornogorenko, the deputy minister of defense, well, the person has updated and submitted all contact data, but in fact it is out of place
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place of residence, that is, she is not registered at the time, for example, when a subpoena was sent to her by mail, then what? well, it is directly written in the resolution of the cabinet of ministers. you, we, you must understand that such a requirement existed from the beginning of the war, within seven days the persons had to return to their place of residence, they had to contact the tsc. if someone has updated their data, and by the way, data from banking and internet banking was automatically pulled when you were verified. so, the message for this place, citizen, is a proper notification. and it must be understood that from this moment on he is a person who did not actually refuse to receive a summons, since he is not there, and this is a reason for prosecution for another administrative offense, and for which then this is an option,
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well, look, in all cases, we look very narrowly, we all mentioned that there is a liability for failure to update, in fact there is a liability for failure to appear on a summons to pass. military medical commission, for refusing to passing a military medical commission, well , there are many other accompanying data, and even after a person has passed a military medical commission, there is the possibility of bringing a person to criminal responsibility for evading mobilization, while everyone forgets that there is criminal responsibility under 337- and articles for violating the rules of military registration, and, for example, in practice there are already decisions where... they bring, well , for example, the mukachevo district court brought a woman doctor who registered, but refused to undergo a military medical examination commission, yes, there the criminal liability is much milder than for evasion of mobilization, but we have already analyzed that the possibility of several not receiving summonses,
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failure to update data, that is, systematic violation of the rules of military accounting established by law, can lead to criminal liability, violations in fact predict a lot, in article 210 there is a note with a single e symbol that they cannot be prosecuted for not providing information that is already in the state, and a lot of citizens, i heard such considerations, i will not update the data, since my data is already at the disposal of the state, so the issue of updating is a separate duty that was expressly prescribed in the law, and it should be fulfilled in order not to be a violator of the law. by the way, a very big issue in telegram channels is constantly spreading information about the possibility of confiscating the property of citizens, citizens who have committed administrative offenses, it comes to the point that people are calling and consulting from abroad, well, imagine, one of
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the relatives issued a military order for the property obligee, nephew, godson, there is a relative, and he does not fulfill his obligations, or does not seize her property, understand that this must be... monitored, including through an automated system of executive proceedings, through action in a timely manner or appealed fine imposed, or pay this fine and do not delay, speaking in the ukrainian language, do not drive this problem under the skin, this incitement about the possible confiscation of property, this is a small impression, this is a certain ipsohy action to disturb people, because there are other ways to.. . incidental, i.e. blocking cards and coercion in such a way as to collect payment of funds, automatically debit the fine from the person's account, then search and seize cars, stop them, and only, only then in
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the distant future, the issue of imposing such a large amount of fines on the person's real estate, housing, well it is already very remote. mr. oleg, well, you raised an important topic here, i would even like to stop here, well, let's imagine that a person did not update the data or did not do it on time, but should he? i am correct, if i understand, a fine was issued, the person did not pay this fine, a territorial fine the recruitment center is suing whether or how this happens and can a person at some point say okay okay stop let's get this over with i 'll update my details i'm ready to join the military or if there is a case in court, that's all, there is no way back, look, you are calling from different fields'. chok information, let's say first, if a person committed a violation,
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he can correct himself and update the data the next day. the tsc may or may not prosecute, since in our country, i assume, probably from 2-3 millions of citizens are still hanging in the air and have not updated their data, and therefore the state will not be able to miss such a large number of administrative cases and executive proceedings. this is purely theoretical . about the appeal of this fine, we are talking about the possibility of imposing a fine for the following violation, for example, for refusing to receive a summons, by the way, please note that the law prescribes the procedure for administrative detention. by police officers of persons, persons to whom the tsc requested to find
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and deliver such a person, as well as the cabinet of ministers in resolution 560 prescribed for itself such a right that the police have the right to detain persons who refused to receive summonses or violated the rules of military registration, well, there will be certain conflict situations on this matter, since such a right is not explicitly stated in the law, but you will understand that the right police to... citizens to the shopping center is written in the law, and this is considered by the shopping center as a real effective mechanism. if funds appear in tsc, so far i have heard that they simply never had the funds to send registered letters as required by law. each such letter must be properly issued, affixed with this sticker, and sent. employees almost have to properly, not as you know, as it often happens in our country, that you can't even read a person's last name. which made a note of neither the postman, nor where the tick was, in which, which one the cell stands, all this will also
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depend very much on this, and only after either the fine procedure, the collection of a fine for this violation, or the statutory procedure for restricting the right to drive a vehicle, this is one way of influencing people in order to they responded to the requirements of the law, others who, i'm sorry, were unlucky, who found themselves in contact with the tsc on the street, a mobilization procedure is taking place, unfortunately, this is not entirely fair, because only chance works in this case, and also pressure on workplaces, well, this is a separate story, and in conclusion, if i may just one more moment, what would you advise those who, for example, violated the initial update dates, then corrected him on... imposed a fine, or pay silently and move on further, or still appeal? well,
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look, this is incorrect advice from a lawyer, because it is clear that citizens on their own are unlikely to be able to win in court in a complaint, but you must understand that if you received a fine, you did not pay it for 15 days , and you cannot objectively pay, because you don't know about its existence, then it doubles and that's it... the amount of 50,000 will be very significant, it is obvious that a citizen should appeal to the court just because the tsc has probably violated the procedure for imposing a fine, this is a lot of work in the courts will be, it is better not to break the law, to return to the legal field as soon as possible, but this is already an individual matter, the most important thing is not to press these issues, not to drive them into obscurity, because there may be such fines... there may be several per person and these amounts will be overwhelming for a person and for her
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mr. oleg, i hope our viewers heard your useful advice, thank you, oleg mytsyk, the lawyer was in touch with us, they talked about fines for untimely updating of data and fines that may be related to mobilization, now we will talk about fines , but of a different nature, in six months, ukrainians sent more than a thousand appeals through time. so, we have just read the information that in six months there are more than a thousand appeals for violations of the language legislation, and what happens after that, what is the fate of such cases, as they develop, the staff may be, who knows, we will ask now, mr. taras, please, thank you, today is actually a historic event not only for our institution, but certainly for the whole of ukraine,
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five years since the law on ensuring the functioning of the ukrainian language as a state language, which gave a huge piece. in the protection of the constitutional language rights of the citizens of ukraine throughout the territory of the state, and today in the morning we opened the exhibition, the language of murder, which we organized together with the institute of national remembrance, talked about the fact that in the conditions war in the 11th year of the russian-ukrainian confrontation of genocide against the ukrainian people, the issue of the ukrainian language, this is also about statehood, this is also about national interests, this is also about identity and the future of ukraine, we can safely say that these 5 years are about... the assertion of the ukrainian language about the eight waves of the implementation of the language law, about the creation of two main language institutions, my appointment as the authorized representative of the protection of the state language, the creation of the national commission of state language standards, which, in addition to exams for the level of ukrainian proficiency is responsible for codification, spelling, and terminology, and of course for
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the appropriate procedures and standards of ukrainian, as a state, ukrainian as a foreign language, i want to say that yes... statistics are like that, they is different, twice, it is less than in the six months of the 23rd of last year, but this does not mean that there are fewer violations, because the structure has changed, in the regional dimension, the statistics have somewhat transformed and changed, and we see not only a surge in the transition to the ukrainian language, we see how many important documents have additionally strengthened the ukrainian language, for example, this year the state language program was finally approved, which gave impetus to the development and creation of state language courses, a course on ukrainian as an eu language is being developed. we are at the beginning of the preparation of the law on the ukrainian sign language, the laws on the media, which fixed the share of the ukrainian language on television and radio, have already come into force. this is the law on the protection of rightful owners, this is the book revolution that predicted, in that
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including colossal support of a separate sphere. of course, this is the sphere of culture. and today we see me. neither films nor series are not in the state language, instead we see a huge number of excursions, theater events, brilliant plays, productions that anschlein collects. let's not forget that the 30th article of the language law, which came into force on january 16, 2018, became important, and it is precisely about service, about small and medium-sized businesses that, even in the conditions of a full-scale invasion , understand the importance of using ukrainian language, therefore on the way... of the european community, we are working to ensure that ukrainian is available to our international partners as well, to continue speaking in ukrainian, to have access to ukrainian for our schoolchildren abroad, we continue to collect facts of linvocide in the temporarily occupied territories and to help our human rights defenders, human rights organizations and law enforcement agencies to expand the range of genocide against
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the ukrainian people by demonstrating the facts of linguicide, it's about burned books, about kidnappings. them children, about killed people for the ukrainian language, about the displacement of ukrainian from the language of the educational process, and many other important components that are also the basis of our activity and that are in the body of the main law of independent ukraine. i believe that this is a huge historical event, which also coincided with the anniversary of the declaration of ukraine, with many other factors that speak of our consolidation, unity and national identity. i wanted to tell you, mr. taras, that... we see how, in principle, sometimes voluntarily, and sometimes with gnashing of teeth, big business transfers its pages from ruskava to the ukrainian language, or service, but with certain network, internet services, everything is not so smooth here, quite often services are provided in russian, i had personal experience when i said, why
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am i served not by a state service, you are breaking the law, well, they were beaten up, hung up on, odessa... even more disgraceful, because in the parking lot , on demand, speak in the state language, regarding the parking attendant, there is this video, we will not repeat it, because it includes some abstinent language, well, it does the right thing man referring to the law on the functioning of language, he calls the police, but there is a dead end, a policeman arrives, listens to both sides and says, let him talk in russian, what to advise a citizen to do in such cases, to write 1001 appeals to you or to act in some way, after all, he did the right thing , called the law enforcement officers, the law is equal for everyone, and of course, everyone must obey it in their place, regardless of the sphere and even in private. communication, i recommend communicating in the state language, because it is about family upbringing, that including strengthening the presence of the ukrainian language, even in
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areas not regulated by law. on the fact of the situation in odesa , an official investigation has been launched at the level of the patrol police of the city of odesa, and the main office of the national police in the odesa region, we talked with the leaders on sunday, it will be brought to the personnel of the law enforcement agencies. the importance of complying with the language law, we have relevant memoranda and relevant recommendations with which we explain and demonstrate to law enforcement officers how to react in cases where you are summoned for violating the language law. instead, the situation in odesa showed another side, and we noticed this in our statistics for six months. odesa residents began to react more actively to violations of their language rights, and this includes language stability. which we lacked so much earlier in the south, east of the country, which the russian occupier looked at so contemptuously with great interest, calling
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russian-speaking people and calling the war in ukraine the protection of the so-called russian-speaking citizens, that is why odesa has changed, decommunization and decolonization processes are taking place, we have regional and local language programs, the public sector actively cooperates with us, my first representative whom we appointed in the structure of the secretariat actually... in the south of ukraine, and mrs. yaroslava is doing everything for that to protect the ukrainian language. yes , there are violations in odessa, and we record them not only in the field of internet resources, and the absence of a start page, online stores, this is a violation of the language law, and this is also the posting of russian signs, this sending information about goods and services in the state language, it is a great pity, and service in the state language is, for example, a violation in the field of education, i would say even more, not so long ago we completed state control measures and... i fined the deputies of local councils , which did not use the state language during plenary sessions, whether of district councils or councils of local communities, but
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i will say more, it was on our initiative back in the 20s and 21s that a recommendation was sent to the odesa mayor to bring in compliance with the law of ukraine statute of the city of odesa, because if you see, the anthem of the city of odesa is not presented on the website in the state language, although it is legal. it is determined that all information on the start page must be in ukrainian, and secondly, the statute of the city of odesa talks rather ambiguously about the status of the state language, about the importance of preserving national identity, so what, so i hope that the deputies of the odesa city council for the third year after our recommendations and for the 11th year of the war, they will still be able to show consolidation and make changes to structurally important documents that carry national interests for the south of ukraine and for our country, so i hope for this wisdom, i will hope that official investigations into the fact of abuses
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or possible abuses by law enforcement officers will be effectively completed, which we will inform about additionally, i think that society in this sense could also play an important role in the sense that public control, it should be over such things, and people should care about these things including, and here you already said? of course, we are state bodies like these. did you say a little about family education as a big part of the introduction of language culture? i will just ask at the end, you recently talked about a study according to which schoolchildren began to speak more russian, how did this happen, just briefly, literally, we have very little time? among the participants of the educational process, in addition to schoolchildren, there are parents and teachers, the teachers admit that they communicate with each other during breaks. and outside the classrooms or classrooms of a non-state language, then it is clear that they communicate both in russian and at home, and this is a closed circle, therefore our first
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demand to teachers and recommendation to the founders of educational institutions is to take into account the results of our research and on september 1 ensure the strict implementation of the law of ukraine on the right to learn ukrainian and apply it on the entire territory of educational institutions and in all spheres of competition, we thank you , mr. taras taras kremin. the authorized officer for the protection of the state language was in touch with us, a short pause, then informative release and we'll be back. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than 250 hryvnias, but we... offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only 149 hryvnias. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works
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