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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from behind border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and... turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko
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from tuesday to friday from 8 to 22. see this week in the collaborators program. sales bloggers. as a resident of makiivka, the stavos of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but as a propagandist. solovyov used the mariupol madonna. everyone makes their own choice. watch on tuesday the 16th july at 5:45 p.m. collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. the broadcast continues. the situation with electricity in ukraine is tense. emergency shutdowns were introduced in three regions of ukraine. schedules do not work in zaporizhzhia, donetsk region and kirovohrad region. at the same time , today, during... the day, it is planned
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to apply four rounds of electricity restriction, that is, if, for example, there are four blackout rounds, then all of them do not work, if you have six rounds in the city, for example, as in lviv 11, 12, 2 ,1, 2,2 and so on further, then four, i have no lights and only two queues have them, well, we are monitoring the situation, of course, friends, we also remind you about our collection, it is extraordinary... it is important that you will see the qr codes on your screens now, it is a collection for of the hundredth art-reconnaissance brigade, on which we collect uah 2.5 million, together with the iryna koval charity fund, two qr codes, point your gadgets at them and a miracle happens, you go to banks or pages where you can donate these fees , which we announce here are all verified, we are responsible for them, we let's tell you about... everything we spent,
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what money, where it went, here we are talking about the assembly of mavics and components for the 100th intelligence brigade, friends, join us, because by buying drones for the army, we save the lives of the military, this is extremely important, well, in the meantime, we will show you how the joke becomes a reality, because law enforcement officers , relying on the experience of the bloody felix dzerzhynskyi. and other chekists always said: the main thing in the framework of the investigation is not to expose oneself, and yesterday we saw how this anecdote has turned into reality, the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office and the national anti-corruption bureau have exposed and caught, what do you think, which prosecutors from the attorney general's office are receiving illegitimate benefits, which they happily announce today and show
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large wads of fresh green dollars, and then i'll beat you up, questions arise, why do we have so many anti-corruption bodies, it's interesting for them to hunt and supervise each other, well, maybe this will finally balance this system of control and supervision, karma is such a strange thing, for example, in the territory of our enemies , it has been officially confirmed that in moscow. this delegation came from kim jong-un, the north koreans, and a member of the delegation, he is just from north korea's agriculture, kim kum chol did not get in touch after he felt suffocated, and he went swimming in the lake in zelenograd, swam and drowned, because in the territory where the laws of racism and neo-stalinism are in force, the juche laws, the juche laws do not work, karma will drown, that's the way it is.
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volodymyr tsibulko joins us, political expert, glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr, we are glad to see you, mr. volodymyr, we see and even hear you, but do you see us? do you hear, congratulations, well, how natural light also provides natural communication, yes, well, and a completely natural and common phenomenon is the press conference of our supreme commander and president, which he gave for the ukrainian people, well, the truth is that some people were not they weren't invited either, but we followed closely, and you also followed closely, some of the statements that were made at... this press conference, well, at least which regarding our nearest autumn future, how did you decipher from the president that this is an attempt to involve russia in peace negotiations on the basis of the autumn peace formula, did
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they find a key in the president's office, since the kremlin said: we will not come, we will not be there, well, no one looked for the key , this is such a soft... soft answer to putin's ultimatum, create and draw such circumstances so that there are no points of contact, but in general , zelensky's press conference can be characterized by an anecdotal formula, and what he came up with can to say what he wanted, i.e., well, if the bank holds such conferences, they need to hire a couple of translators, a couple of... quacks, who then made something understandable out of zelenskyi's words, that, well, what could be read more unambiguously than zelensky himself talks about this, yes, but there were also absolutely specific things for us to protect, for example, we need 28 patriot systems, however, we further
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wanted to hear how many we already have, and who is still ready for us to move towards this number, but further there was no more information, then... that is, perhaps some things at this press conference were not for the ukrainian ear, maybe something was insulted to the western partners? to be honest, i was analyzing yesterday, there were several events where it would have been possible to specifically voice what he voiced at the press conference, it was not necessary to call this press conference, that is , platforms for voicing messages for internal use, not for domestic purposes, i want to... that yesterday there was also a meeting with the heads of regional military administrations, and there were also messages about what to fight with corruption, then the day ended with a case against the people's deputy from mykola zadorozhnyi's servant,
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who was caught in the kickback of 3.4 million hryvnias, that is, zelenskyi really returned it. from the nato summit, someone is very agitated, one might say, wound up, and he started the week with a large mass of all kinds of events, thank god that the week did not start like the ones that passed with a blow to the ahmadis, but in my opinion, zelensky here is a blow to the ukrainian , prepared not only for the ukrainian consciousness no less than a blow to the ohmadit, because... the constant desire to drag russia into the peace summit looks a bit like trolling russia, well, maybe it is an acceptable form of communication with the current russian authorities.
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okay, let's move away from that press conference, we understand that time is information that is usually labeled with a name. sources, those unnamed sources have already issued a portion of this white noise quite a few times in order to divert attention from something, this conversation that those who are dissatisfied with the swindle has been going on for several weeks, these hints that maybe yulia tymoshenko will go there, or maybe we are someone else we will prepare, but we will not tell you a single word about ms. sverodenko, but usually it looks like a prelude, it is already a traditional story for flying... the society that has developed in ukraine, that someone starts to be criticized a lot, then telegram channels are connected, then everyone talks about it for a long time, the facebook community joins in, and in the end it all ends with the resignation, or it ends with nothing, so now it
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's white noise, are we really moving towards a new government? well, we are talking about sveredenko or about stefanishi, for example, irmak becomes the prime minister? and... in fact, the bank has a supertask. the fact is that, well, we can see that scandals continue to accompany the servant of the people, but in the auxiliary, deputy... groups fermentation has begun, and it seems to me that part of the majoritarians is simply beginning to understand that zelensky's political time is running out, and they need to think about the period after zelenskyi, this du began to be read so kindly, and it seems to me that this is a huge delegation that yarmak took, well... in short, you can say yermak, because with yermak went with umerov, galushchenko,
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stefanishyna, diplomats, that is, a whole group of government officials went there a week before the ukraine summit, more precisely, to the anniversary nato summit in washington, and for a whole week there they trampled thresholds somewhere, well, in kyiv, of course, they began to speculate about a change of government. but it is clear that it should be done elegantly in order to share with everyone, well, for example, which of the parliamentary groups is interested in the position of prime minister of this minister of information and culture. well, for example, opzzh, traditionally, as nestor shufrych would say, they always for freedom of speech? well, yes, but, as a rule, government coalitions are not included in order to trade air, but to trade
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at least electricity or land, so i am curious that in essence zelensky, if the government is to be rebooted, has nothing to offer, especially the deputies groups, it is clear that the same yulia tymoshenko, yulia tymoshenko, by the way, she has been voting with the authorities so diligently lately. and sometimes even at some turning points in history , new photo sessions begin to be demonstrated, that is, the smell of potential elections appears only in the air immediately some kind of movement in the homeland, but the homeland is also smaller for the minister of agro-industry, no no no no, no, no, no, no, mr. volodymyr, where did you smell the elections, that is, in a warring country, in order to do... the elections should at least be ostensibly stopped the war is one thing
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, stop the shelling, you can't win the war and the elections at the same time, that's an axiom in my opinion, and you can't hold a referendum that's not about and ignore the elections, that's what zelenskyi said that that's what the referendum is all about we will hold here for the stolen lands and force population to agree to give russia occupied. territory, but you saw, mr. volodymyr, yesterday's studies commissioned by the razumkov center, in fact, in the mirror of the week, there are already certain signs that the information seeding of the information field, that peace at any cost is already giving its 44 % ready to sacrifice ukrainians and ukrainian land, and there are two factors that the bank uses for acceptance. it's terror against the male population, street, and
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the second is electricity, and people start to break down, people start to suspect, for what we have such a punishment, but let them take away what they want to leave us in peace, well, they won't leave us in peace, the vile, meanness of the banks is that they want to give putin a piece of land, but we won't get peace, huh, but where do you think you are from? on bankova street, that they are ready to sacrifice territories, and that this is not some kind of informational attack on the president's office and that the president himself was hated, and he clearly speaks about the ukrainian victory and exit to the borders of 1991. there are two such characters from the orbit of the servant of the people, one of them is called artem dmytruk, who was noticed in his time in attacks on the military, he is so right... an orthodox deputy, and the other is yevgeniy shevchenko, who was listed as an officer of the main intelligence department, so
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they simultaneously published messages on social networks that it was necessary start negotiations, do not be afraid to give in, give something, there, that is, in essence, in essence, these are calls for surrender, yes, but they are not controlled from the office, mr. volodymyr, if we are talking about dmytrouk, then he at one time... said that he supported shary's actions in odesa. if we are talking about yevgeny shevchenko, he has always demonstrated that he loves lukashenko a little more than putin. perhaps these are external influences on... them, this does not mean that the ukrainian government's position is exactly as they wrote, we think about it, kyiv was not taken, there is access to the sea, which means, as natasha mosiychuk says, it means victory, well zelenskyy once said that we should not be as greedy as we remember, but the fact is that if yevgeny shevchenko,
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a military serviceman without a higher command the leadership voices their personal opinion on the networks, forgive me, that is, a call to surrender, then, with or without the position of the higher leadership , a military serviceman cannot demonstrate this, no one punished them, statements about the publication of these two characters by a servant of the people, well, they mine excluded both from the faction, but in any case , well, they were not enough. to politically affect the servant of the people party, but they don't say anything. so. thank you, mr. volodymyr. volodymyr tsybulko, a political expert, was with us at communication, they talked about possible personnel changes in the cabinet. but we immediately continue with our colleague, expert, polish expert marek sirant. in connection with our studio. mr. marko, we welcome you.
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hello, thank you for the invitation. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. see how interesting it is. history, we have appealed more than once, i mean, we, the authorities of ukraine, officially, through various channels, to the authorities of poland, who are already patriots, there is a threat, for example, to the western ukrainian territories, a polish f-16 missile in the air immediately, there were appeals to to jointly defend against missiles, including so that poland could help ukraine defend its airspace, then there was a statement by stoltenberg, nato secretary general, that this should be a joint nato decision, and finally they say that poland invited such an idea to be discussed, nato said no. is this how it looks today? today it looks like this, but from what i know, it is not a closed matter, there are talks, er,
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negotiations are going on, and i have to tell you more that at first, like most people in... poland and especially the generals and politicians were also against it, so i can say that today, uh, most people are in favor, even society in the last three polls on this matter and all three polls showed that the poles, as a society, are ready for such a decision, there was 50, with some support, then 60, and it fluctuates not 60, but 50 this support, that is, that is, this is a pretty good indicator, and now the question is, what will nato do, but nato, as you yourself understand , this is the states, in the states, among other words of mr. kirby, we heard that this, another reason for escalation, ugh, well, this is our magic word, which we all, it just tortured us all already, not to say more
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vulgarly, but we are cultured people here, but the truth is that... it tortured us , this escalation, escalation, that is, russia can escalate, but we cannot, well, we are clipping our own wings, we are clipping the wings of all the states that are here next to russia, because let's not escalate, at the same time, iran can escalate attacks on israel, russia's ally, at the same time it is possible to escalate north with north korea. with the belarusians, and they can escalate, and we cannot even protect ourselves and our allies, well, this is a big mistake by nato, a strategic mistake by nato, which will cost us a lot and will cost
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the ukrainians a lot, but i have hope , that sooner or later someone will stand up, in nato and among our allies, and since the attacks were a no-no-no, since the f16 were a no-no-no, maybe even now in some time the decision will be made in favor of poland and ukraine. yes, indeed, in ukrainian society had many negative thoughts about the fact that the general staff of poland, for example, when ukraine suffered from massive russian attacks. informed the citizens of poland that they were raising f-16 planes, as if they were guarding the border, but at the same time, when the missiles were flying towards... poland, they were informing that, well, we knew that these were missiles that fly to ukraine or return, ukrainian society was very indignant. at the same time,
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people registered to join the ukrainian legion in poland several thousand people, there is already such news, in your opinion, can this initiative be effective, in the sense of, can it unite the poles so that... they would also understand that ukrainians, even those who left there abroad, because i understand that in polish society there were some negative opinions about the fact that there are many ukrainian men of military age walking on polish streets, can this change the opinion about such ukrainians in poland? it's not the way that men walk on polish streets in ukrainian, but they are just shuffling beautifully in some places , it is quite revealing, and...
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the conditions when poland and other nato members will give towers to those people, they will be staffed, from a to i, and and, and these people will go to ukraine, according to their purpose , as they were trained to be a drone operator, they will be a drone operator, not sitting in a trench and fending off attacks. it will then be these, how these three factors will be done, i think everything will be fine, let's see how it will turn out in poland, i
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hope, i was skeptical at first, but i see that this is a good initiative, but we'll see how it goes, because i already know that lithuania and latvia are preparing a similar project on their territory, but who... knows how it will go in poland and our allies in the baltic countries, then it is quite possible that the same thing will be created in germany and france, we have half a minute for you to explain to us, that is, these legions, now polish, maybe lithuanian, latvians, they will be part of the armed forces of poland , this time no, they will not be part of the armed forces of poland, they will be manned, it will be the armed forces, but they won't be there... moreover, there won't be too many poles there either, because a pole cannot legally fight in other military formations, mr. marko, thank you for participating in
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our program and for the clarification, marek siran, a polish expert and our fellow journalist, about the affairs of our neighbors, in particular with the ukrainians, roman chaiko and ulyana panasiuk worked for you today, we will return to you tomorrow, further on espresso, a lot of interesting things, so do not switch and stay attention, profitable offer: order smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb. which shines even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours
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mowers in the past, choose three we... course classic or with lawn mower function. call now to order at a special discounted price. just look at how powerful our trimmers are, they can handle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time they are practically silent. no more heavy gas lawnmowers, oil or gasoline to fill up. only convenience and a well -kept plot. order now, light, powerful and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 799. offer is limited, call. there are discounts available. in pharmacies plantain to you and savings and discounts represent the only discounts on norwend express forte 10% in the pharmacies of the travel bams of tausch. see this week in the collaborators program. sales bloggers. as a resident of makiivka, he became the voice of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening.
12:00 pm
sent troops. and how did the propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? everyone makes their own choice. on tuesday, july 16, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine in khrystyna parobiy works in the studio of spresso news. an air alert continues in some regions. a few minutes ago, the air force of ukraine warned of the passage of guided air bombs in zaporizhzhia. we will report on the situation in the next issues. at night , the equipment at one of the energy facilities failed to withstand the load. due to this, the deficit in the system
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has increased - reported in. grenergo. in kharkiv sumy.


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