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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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a policeman, so to speak, monitoring how you assess this situation and, most importantly, how the western civilized world should react to a certain extent, this is the interference of its authorities, in the activities of other states, in what other states are doing and actually what activities are carried out, including by chinese citizens. and not on the territory of other states, isn't this essentially a violation of the national legislation of these states? you know, it's quite difficult for me to comment on this because i don't have that information, well at least some, some kind of confirmation for this, but nevertheless, i am sure that if this is true, then the countries where there is a large or small chinese diaspora should react precisely to this.
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as well as similar actions, conditionally speaking, of the same russia itself, because, you remember, there was such a whole wave of expulsions of so-called russian diplomats who, under the roof of the embassies of the diplomatic institutions of russia, were simply engaged in fraudulent activities in the first place in european countries, the united states, canada and so on. if that is what china is doing, but we must remember that... one of the doctrines china, well, i don't remember the exact name, you know, it's roughly like this, the more chinese diaspora there is around the world, the easier it will be for china to conquer this world, don't forget that in fact in every capital, and maybe even in every big city in western europe and north america, i'm not talking about the south-east. asia is what we
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call chinatown, that is, it is entire districts, and districts in which tens, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of chinese live, who actually do not, do not assimilate, that is, they live their lives, and they create these kind of enclaves, and what is done there in those enclaves, but i can only remember in new york, in manhattan it is ... well, more than a million people who live very compactly, and who actually do not communicate with the outside world, i'm not talking about the huge, well, simply colossal number of chinese students who study in the universities of all leading countries in europe and north america, this is also a kind of fifth column, which of course china can use, i'm not saying that he uses it, i have no evidence of this, but at least... such suspicions have every
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reason to exist and be true. mr. volodymyr, thank you for joining the live broadcast, the new week project, it was volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, ex-representative of ukraine to the un and former ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2020-21, so not so scary trump, as he is portrayed, at least we have to prepare for this, and understand that you... in the united states will have an effect on a very large number of processes in the world and on confrontation the russian federation of our country is also not excluded, although, once again volodymyr yelchenko emphasizes, there is no need to fall into hysteria prematurely, in principle, the world is familiar with the experience of donald trump's presidency, and i think that the blind man said, let's see, if again. and will dance, well, at least
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like that. now let's talk about the situation on the front, but before that, let's remind you that we are asking you today, do you think that trump can win the election in the united states? if so, please dial free on 0800 211 381 if you are not think that he will win, then 0800-211-382, i emphasize once again, all your calls are free. but your opinion is invaluable to us. and already traditionally in the new week we talk about the situation at the front, about the security situation, about the situation from the air. and of course, just as traditionally, we invite experts, in particular oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group. mr. oleksandr, we are glad to welcome you. good evening. good evening. mr. oleksandr, let's probably start with these. yesterday's statement of kyril budanov and
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today's statements of volodymyr zelenskyi, budanov said yesterday that there may be another offensive. in the north, in particular, he said that, actually, he said that there is no catastrophe, but of course there is such a possibility, that there could be an attack, and it will certainly not be possible to ignore it, today the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said that at the moment , currently, according to his information, such an attack is not yet possible, and... and he said that serious work has been done, in particular in kharkiv oblast, in order to make such an attack impossible offensive. how do you comment on these statements and whether any, at least provocative , actions by the russian occupiers in the northern
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direction are really possible, and in particular what we mean by the northern direction, yes, because some people yesterday, our citizens were afraid yesterday that it could also be chernihiv region, and sumy region, for example, and with... of course, kharkiv region, there , in principle, provocative actions on the border take place all the time. mr. oleksandr, please. well, provocative events on the border are constantly happening in sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast. it all depends on which one contingent, which forces and means are concentrated precisely at the enemy, near this or that area, near this or that direction. if we quote mr. budanov in particular, it should be understood here that he was not talking about... the act as of today, he was already talking in the format of considering various scenarios that may occur in the future, that is exactly what intelligence is needed for, after all , this is the analysis and planning of the situation, and one of the situations that may arise in the future is a threat from
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one of the northern directions. in turn mr. president spoke directly about the current situation, as of today there is no such threat. why , because the russians have not formed strike groups near chernihiv oblast, nor near sumy oblast, the former so -called kursk and bryansk military groups are located there, each of them has a maximum of 10,000 personnel, the bulk of human resources is concentrated in the belgorod oblast, this is the former so called the bielhorod troop group, and it is the largest. there are a little more than 40 of them, about 45 thousand personnel, that's it schedule, but the belgorod troop group, it was always one of the largest, and we can see the result of the offensive that they staged on may 10 and what they reached, they
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drove themselves into a trap, that to our northern bridgehead, this is the border with belarus, then the threat from belarus will remain until... will remain as long as the war with russia continues, this is the first moment, and as long as the so-called president of belarus is oleksandr lukashenko, who is nevertheless a dangerous personality, and in principle, as of today , groups on the territory of belarus neither the belarusian troops nor the russian troops are fixed, in turn, this does not mean that tomorrow the deliveries to the territory of belarus can begin... first , material and technical support, then human resources will accumulate, and a strike group will be formed somewhere there 50, 60, 80 thousand, this will already be a threat, but so far such phenomena are not noted,
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mr. oleksandr, if we take such consolidated statistics, it becomes clear that russian losses are simply in... the current period, they are at a colossally high level, the russians are also resorting to the use of their, very conventionally speaking, know-how, we are talking about a confirmed case of the fap-3000, and in general, the impression is that they are now trying at any cost, using any, probably, except of the nuclear component, the tools to be used in order to achieve at least some victories by... by the fall of this year, and perhaps this is connected, not excluded, to our previous topic, the elections in the united states, in case they do not achieve , let's say of the corresponding political effect in america after the election, can we talk about
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some kind of reduction and de-escalation of a purely military nature on the battlefield, de-escalation is not beneficial. to us in this case, no matter how strange it sounds, because when the russians are forced to advance, they lose much more than when they are on the defensive, that is, you. a profitable defensive tactic, a defensive strategy for waging war, since it exhausts the enemy, and i myself have repeatedly drawn the following conclusions about the russians here, that they are now fighting for nothing, and they now they are fighting against the resources that they have left as of the 24th year, the situation with the russians is, to put it mildly, not the best, we talked a lot about its infinite, many people talked about... there is an infinite resource, but in this resource has an end, maybe not lyudskyi, yes, i can agree with that, but
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their equipment is becoming less and less, ah, warehouses and storage centers with soviet tanks, with soviet bbms, they are devastated, and the 24th year on exactly in er, precisely in the sense of compensation for monthly losses to zero, this a critical year for them, because... it is in this year that compensation for losses will no longer be zero every month, but will gradually go into the red. this is precisely the period when irreversible losses will not be able to compensate for their reserves of equipment left over from the soviet union. and the russians understand this very well, the russian command will understand this, so they are trying to capture as much as possible at any cost, while they still have... this resource, because then there will be a period, or they will try to
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incline us to peace through all their pocket puppets in the world of political representatives, and they will use all kinds of methods to try to stop the active phase of hostilities, because the active phase, the intensive phase of hostilities , will not just inflict what we say, well, we say record losses in one way or another indicator they will have record losses in one metric or another that they will not be able to make up, and what does that mean? this means that the first stage - they can no longer attack, the second stage - they cannot hold the defense, and gradually they will leave their positions, which they will not be able to hold. mr. oleksandr, i wanted to talk to you more about the f-16, edition... bloomberg stated that by the end of the summer, ukraine will receive six aircraft, and
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by the end of the year there will be a total of 20 of them, everyone says that this is quite meager the number of planes, well at least six planes, that's for sure, but what do you think, if we talk about this number of planes in general, firstly, why is it such a small number, why can't our international partners deliver us a larger number. sides and secondly, if we still have 20, will it change the situation in our favor at least on some part of the front? well, why can't they send 20 immediately, it's difficult for me to answer this question, most likely it is related to the fact that how the first batch will be used, most likely the first batch will be six units used very specifically, ah. which will allow them to be placed, well, for example, on the territory of ukraine in a very
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specific format, in very specific places, but when there are already 20 of them, for this requires some more or less protected base, the same airfield, and if we are talking about an airfield protected for, well , an airfield with f-16s, which must have appropriate protection, then this protection must be at the level of the echeloned air defense of kyiv and the kyiv region. that is, a strategic object of the level of a strategic object with such a serious defense, it is quite possible that by the time we get 20 units, just such a strategic place with such and such a defense will be formed. as for use, uf-16 is enough a diverse nomenclature of weapons, and they are called multifunctional fighters for a reason. and they can perform different functions, they can strike with subsonic cruise missiles
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with aircraft type agm 158 jasm, just like su-24 our frontline bombers strike with storm shadow and scalpig missiles, so for that matter, if we get ajm158 missiles, we will to use these planes in the same way as they used su-24s, which we also don't have that many, and these planes have... the ability at long distances destroy enemy aircraft with a 120dam aim missile, that is 180 km, we can use them in this way in areas where there is a risk... use patriot air defense systems, we can use f-16 there to destroy russian tactical aircraft before they even come out in a position to strike our positions, and they even have anti-ship missiles named 119, with a range of 50-55 km plus, and in this
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case we can even use them to strike surface objects. that is, there is functionality, it diverse mr. oleksandr, as we understand it, the issue of gripans, i.e., other types of aircraft from our partners, which we can potentially receive, is still not removed, despite the fact that we understand different aircraft, different service conditions, different basing conditions, well, i suppose many other different things that are difficult to provide when all your airfields. are sweet targets for russian missiles, less so, to reinforce the f-16, how important is it to get other types of aircraft and how seriously can we talk about it now? gripen as well as f-16 - this is a light fighter, multifunctional, each of them has its pros and cons,
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for example, the gripen's minus is that there are not so many of them in service. will be more of a problem than with the f-16 due to the fact that they are not so widespread, and the range of weapons they have is much less than that of the f-16, but on the other hand gripens can use tus missiles without problems, if of course we use them we will get on the other hand, if we talk about other planes in general, then it seems to me that we should look for a different functionality, that is, a handsome fighter, i will destroy easily. a multifunctional fighter, yes a multifunctional fighter, let’s have two of them, but no, we need to look for completely other types of aircraft with a different functionality, for example, we have a problem with the su-25, this is an attack aircraft that is important for supporting the infantry under during infantry operations, of an offensive
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and defensive nature, we do not have so many of them, we need to replace them with them. what to replace them with? in this case, the a10 thunderbold, also american, are very similar in their functionality to the su-25, almost identical. and that's why we need to talk about this moment. in addition to everything else, there is another, there are other types of aviation, light aviation. the same light aviation demonstrated itself perfectly in odesa and the odesa region by destroying reconnaissance uavs, this is like the 52nd. we can make requests from our... partners for light turboprop aircraft, for example, they can be bronco turboprop attack aircraft, which are in large quantities in the usa, even if they are decommissioned, or super tocano, it would also be possible to buy them through third countries from brazil and transfer to ukraine, or transfer those that
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are available from other countries through some third country, that is, there are various options, so it seems to me that we need not... not so much a variety of single-functional aircraft, monofunctional, but precisely different functionality. well, mr. oleksandr, the nato summit, its results, today the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy at a press conference in connection with, in particular , his visit to the united states, noted that in addition to drones, we are also working on other systems that will allow us to be more... long-range, was his answer to a question about ukraine's possible development of its own long-range weapons, in addition to drones, since, well, how do we understand any public permission to strike, for example, at russian airfields, from where their planes take off and fire at ours,
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in particular, children's hospitals, we never received, i will not writes down to ask what, but in case... these are purely ukrainian developments in case it is our property, can we talk about the exclusion of any restrictions on the part of our partners, or can they still, for political, in particular, reasons and further to hold our initiative, well, our weapons are our weapons, we have issues with our partners, only with regard to western weapons, and what we are developing. we can use it independently, as we see it for ourselves, according to our, according to our tactics, strategy of use, and, by the way, we have such a serious property. i will remind you that before the full-scale invasion, there were interesting projects such as the otrk grim-2, this is not a bad operational-tactical missile complex,
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which is a ballistic missile that had a flight range of up to 500 km and had the ability even increasing this flight range. p-360 is a rocket of the neptune anti-missile defense system, we can see that it perfectly worked both on surface targets and on land, land, and at the same time it also has. future development with an increase in flight range was laid, despite the fact that this is actually a subsonic missile, but nevertheless it was quite possible to implement, increasing its flight range to more than 300 km, and therefore the question is whether we have a safe one is needed for such base developments and for such mass production, that is the question. for conducting such developments and implementing them, testing them, and engaging in their production is very difficult in the conditions in which we
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have to exist today, to survive, i would say so. mr. oleksandr, we are sincerely grateful to you for your analysis and your thoughts. oleksandr kovalenko, military and political columnist of the information resistance group, was just on the air of the espresso tv channel. and we're moving on, but before we do, we'll remind you of our poll, a poll on a very hot topic: do you think trump can win the united states election america? you can take your phones or smartphones and vote absolutely free. if you think so, please dial 0800 211 381. if you think no, then pick up the phone, dial 0.800 200. 11 382. again, all your calls are absolutely free. and we will continue now with no less resonant
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topics. we are already in direct contact with oleksiy koshel, doctor of historical sciences, political scientist, head of the committee of voters of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, good evening. glad you joined us. good evening. sir oleksiy, probably. the first topic i would like to discuss with you is possible personnel rotations, today the president of ukraine held a meeting with the heads of regional military administrations, discussed the situation in each region, we also saw in the mass media such rumors that there may be personnel rotations in government, in particular, this also applies to the prime minister of ukraine, mr. shmygal, as do you think, should we really expect, at least in the near future, the coming weeks, maybe a month, of certain personnel reshuffles in government, and not only in the government, in principle in the entire
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vertical of presidential and executive power, i would like that before we give the floor to mr. oleksiy for an answer, we heard the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, yes, directly, what it is about , please, regarding the government ones. changes, if there will be, if they will happen, you will definitely know about it, and we, if we can't just talk about the replacement of the prime minister, this suggests that there may be changes in the government, for sure maybe we are doing it process, i don’t have much time for this, to be honest, but for all the details, but we are talking with some... ministers about these or other changes, well, that’s exactly what the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky said, well and actually, let's move on
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to our question. i am 1000% sure that there will be a change, and it will be in the next few weeks, or the next few days, or the next few weeks, well, depending on how the weather will be at the bank, the second question, the resignation, what will the resignation be at... of ukraine. why do i doubt it, because in fact, in recent weeks, the prime minister has shown miracles of obedience, miracles of subordination, miracles of what can be called that there will simply not be a more obedient president in the history of ukraine. let me remind you that during the tragic events, when the russians shelled okhmadit, on the day of the great tragedy, even on the day of the great tragedy, the prime minister publicly... said that he was carrying out the president's order to evacuate the children. well, you know, it goes beyond morality and beyond common sense.
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that is, it has an automatic solution. to be the ministry of health, of the government, not to wait for the president's mandate and not to report publicly, therefore, for volodymyr zelenskyi , there will obviously not be a more tame minister, a more tame prime minister, and i think that none of his predecessors had such , so i do not rule out that mr. shmyhal can stay, i do not rule it out at all. the second, in fact, is already the third or fourth wave of possible resignations in the cabinet of ministers. this story started back in march of this year, but it has been going on for 4 and a half months now they published lists, candidates, discussed, and it all came down to one thing: who is whose person, which clan in power will get more pluses, less pluses, well , i really don't like this discussion, by the way, i didn't like today's words of the head of state, that is, he did not clearly say what are the complaints
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against... the cabinet of ministers, there are quite a lot of complaints, but they need to be voiced so that the new prime minister or the new government understands what the problem was, what needs to be fixed, what needs to be worked on, well, in fact, this is also a big problem, here i am i suspect that once again some of the members of the government will be removed blindly and appointed, well, i'm not sure what others, i mean according to characteristics, meaningful characteristics. that is, for example, i now see several key remarks to the government. first, the government is profoundly not independent, it does not make decisions independently, it does not implement independently, it cannot cough without regard to the bank. this slows down his work, this is a big minus. question number two: the government committed a very big problem in working with
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the parliament, it led. many serious ones systemic failures, i noticed that the draft law on mobilization was considered in the parliament for six months, holes were patched, i apologize, this is a legislative draft of the cabinet of ministers, and this draft bill should have been drafted only by the cabinet of ministers, it was late both in drafting, by at least a year and a half, and a failure mobilization is entirely a merit in quotation marks of our government, well, it must be remembered, ugh, these are key. tensions, this is deep lack of independence, this is a failure in key directions, this is the absence of any systemic strategic vision, this is key problems, whether the new government will be able to be more independent, well, we'll just see from the candidates, but for some reason i think that the main candidacy for the head of the cabinet of ministers and key positions in the government, it will be a manual mode of operation, this will be the main wish
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of the bank, well, that's it. the last is the lack of collective work, but i have the impression that denys shmyhal worked by himself, lived his life, the cabinet of ministers lived his life as a whole, they did not work, it was noticeable in many issues, i will not dwell on the details , the team failed, mr. oleksiy, given the opportunity, we would still like to very carefully touch on the topic of politicization in... the armed forces, it is so, to put it very generally, paraphrasing yuri butusov, i.e. the question of the influence of political decisions on decisions in the armed forces. well, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrsky, instructed to check the situation in the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk and to find out the circumstances of the recent losses among the personnel of the brigade, there are signals from the 41st brigade. from 24rka
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about the fact that certain things are happening, which on places, those who carry out these orders do not fully understand, and they do not look rational to our military themselves, in fact, yuriy butusov suggests that the armed forces of ukraine carry out certain political, well, so to speak, orders, yes, to withhold something by any means price, or make a certain... critical effect through the actions of the armed forces, are we really witnessing something like that, which is why i drew attention to the caution of discussing this topic, because we understand that we are at war, and in no way comment on the decisions of our military command, military expediency we cannot, but where is this fine line when we...


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