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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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and find out the circumstances of the recent losses among the personnel of the brigade, there are signals from the 41st brigade, there are signals from the 24th brigade that certain things are happening, which on the ground, those who carry out these orders do not fully understand, and they do not look rational for our military themselves, yuriy butusov actually assumes that certain political, well, if we say, orders are carried out by the hands of the armed forces of ukraine, yes, to keep something at any cost, or to achieve a certain political effect through the actions of the armed forces of ukraine, are we really watching something like that, why i drew attention to the caution of discussing this topic, because we understand that we are at war, and we cannot in any way comment on the decisions of our military command, military expediency, but where is this fine line when we... as a civil society
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, we have to gradually join the processes that have been causing systemic anxiety for a long time, let's say so. you very accurately noted that the border is extremely thin, it is very difficult to see, feel and understand what is important, what can be crossed, what cannot. i would divided into two categories: criticism of the military by civilians and criticism. the military from the people who are in the armed forces or related, that is, from the military themselves, from military journalists who can be deep in the topic, from well-known volunteers who have shown effective work, it is worth listening to their criticism, here of course you also need to build a boundary, because criticism can destroy many serious processes, including trust in the armed forces, you need to be careful not to get into it...
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format of russian propaganda, but if this criticism allows saving at least one life or health of our soldiers, then it is quite natural that it is justified. at least, i carefully read all the critical statements, well, i get the impression that they allowed to save more than one life and correct many mistakes of the military, because let's be honest, everything is not perfect in the army either, and all the representatives of the command do not represent either ... a perfect picture. a lot of people with a stick mentality, a lot of people not professional managers, unsuccessful leaders. here , too, it is necessary to give credit. and we have already seen examples when, at least there , military journalists or the military themselves drew attention to the problem, and the problem was solved. that is, it is one side of the coin. therefore , i think that 99% of the criticism can be justified there. this limit is quite difficult to find.
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i actually count this limit, health, life, we cannot be more valuable, issue number two is criticism from civilians, ugh, this is the process that i do not like, and actually, this is a wave of criticism that has been raised from the side, sorry , that i i am once again mentioning maryana bezugloi, well , she is, after all, the deputy head of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, that is, she represents... the specialized committee of the parliament, on which a lot depends, on which the speed of passage of military draft laws depends , which depends on the sequence of passage of these draft laws, priorities, and by the way, the draft law, which has a lot of sins, and a lot of things i caught broke the firewood that, well, i personally did not follow the topic carefully, but i can name up to 10 bills that were late in the mass. these, but separate ones for years, due to
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actual failures in the work of this committee, some did not even appear, mr. oleksiy, if we are talking about demobilization, which did not appear, and therefore there are a lot of problems there, and by the way, the life of our military also depends on these steps, the amount of equipment depends, and there, by the way, to be honest, i think there is a joint failure of the cabinet of ministers and the specialized committee, so i think they are approximately. equally did not finalize and equally worked in quotation marks, well, actually, but returning to bezuzha, i really don’t like the new wave of bezuzha criticism against general simsky, and there is criticism, you know, blows, like in sports below the belt, there is simply devastating criticism, and again still, i believe that the materials she is currently publishing are not just worthy of the attention of the security service of ukraine. and the sbu, even upon
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the appearance of these materials in the media, should automatically open criminal proceedings. the fact that the sbu does not open, for me, this is enough of an alarm signal, and you know, i still have one opinion, i think that in this package of personnel changes in the government, at least one of the parts of the powerful teams, the powerful team is considering the issue of syrskyi. i'm not saying, he's good, he's bad, i'm not giving characteristics, but i get the impression that this wave of criticism of the army from the side of civilians, it is clearly orchestrated and aimed at the resignation of the commander o... noise, in general noise, this resignation, maybe, maybe we'll see the resignation of the secretary of defense as well, deployments, anything else, but it's very it is unpleasant that this has become public, and such political games around resignations, they pass through criticism of the armed forces, because
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this is not just personal criticism, it is not just good or bad, this is criticism from civilians, it is an undermining of trust in the armed forces , undermining confidence in mobilization. including, the consequences are quite serious, mr. oleksiy, another topic that i would not like to raise, but it has to be raised, because one way or another, in ukraine, which is moving towards the european union and nato, there must be freedom of speech and pluralism of opinion. the publication detector media, in particular, carried out its monitoring and published information that after leaving the... background, the only news of the public broadcaster, in fact , the opposition deputies, in particular from the european solidarity faction, disappeared from the airwaves, that is, we have a situation when, in fact, in the marathon, in which five tv channels, the five
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largest broadcasters of our country are currently participating, de facto people's deputies from one of the largest opposition political forces are not present. how do you rate this situation and is it generally normal in a country that, in particular, is moving towards european institutions. we literally have a few minutes, we are asking for your comment, i am asking for about two minutes before the end, well, i will tell you that we have been observing such a situation since the beginning of the 19th year, only everything accumulated and accumulated, that is, i do not remember there. .. the exception seems to be one case, when the president would have met with the leaders of deputy groups and factions, but this did not exist at all, that is, in our country, the government generally tries not to notice the opposition, but now, under the guise of war, it is very convenient to do this, throw out the opposition channels,
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throw out, throw out the position from political life, ban business trips abroad, well , i'm sorry, it's not just funny, it's harmful to the state in war conditions. it disrupts quite a lot of international events, well, actually it makes us look like deacons in front of europe and the united states, but i don’t know how to explain at the event why the members of the delegation do not come to this or that international forum, and this is practice, i don’t know , what is it for it seems, it is more like some such initial forms of monarchy, when opposition was not allowed at all, but what we will get as a result, we will get first of all serious. these blows, which i mentioned, and the second, in my opinion, is simply some completely strange dependence of the authorities on the former pro-russian parties, well, for example, the opposition platform for life, they are now actually the third members of the coalition, so we conducted an analysis of the work
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of the parliament for six months , i have reason to say that now the decisions of the verkhovna rada are made by three political forces, servant of the people, no draft law is... solely by the number of its votes, and two allies are working: the first trust group and the second - two groups of the former opposition platform for life, that is, the price of such ignoring the opposition, here is not only european solidarity, here is also part of the vote and motherland, the price of ignoring the opposition is dependence on opzh, this is a risk, i consider it quite serious. thank you, mr. oleksii, oleksii koshel, doctor of historical sciences, political scientist, head of the voters' committee. of ukraine joined the new week project, we as a reminder that today we are asking you if you think trump can win the election in the united states, right now i understand that 58% of our viewers think he can, and 42% don't think it's possible,
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zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. new week we return to the live broadcast on the espresso tv channel. and now we will have 45 minutes. analytics, discussions, conversations on topics that concern society, which
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important for our country, and which in the end need to be talked about, even if you don't want to talk about them, even if you want to bypass these topics or turn a blind eye to them, we still need to talk about them, we need to discuss them, because we are a democratic country, we are a democratic society, and there are topics we should talk about. including you, and i'll remind you before we start, there's a poll going on on our tv channel, it goes like this: do you think trump can win the election in the united states america, you can take your smartphones, phones, dial 0800 211 381 absolutely free if you think this is how trump can win the us election. and if you think not, you dial 0800, 211 382. once again
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, all this is absolutely free. at the end of this hour, we will tally up the results of your vote and see your opinions, as you think. well, now, khrystyna, i 'll give you the floor. khrystyna will talk about one of those topics that i consider important for us. thanks to andrii, and there really were quite a lot of reactions and reflections competent sources that testify to... that we are slowly crossing the line that we talked about with oleksiy koshel, the line where civil society begins to get involved in the same way in a very sensitive topic, the processes in the defense forces, especially when these processes are reviewed on a large number of testimonies have
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certain destructive characteristics, what is being said, i would like to refer to today's press conference of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, at which he stated that he will not yet evaluate the work of the commander of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi in the context breakthrough of the russians in the kharkiv region. let's listen to the president. i don't think that if anyone had been in syrsky's place, there wouldn't have been a corresponding breakthrough. i think he would be. they stopped it, well done, they did not let us occupy kharkiv without a package, well done, and then we will deal with the details when we have a pause, a pause, says the president, not the end of the war, a realistic view, judging by everything the situation, a war of insane intensity, a war
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on exhaustion continues and continues, but it would be good if to the words of the president... about the appropriateness of the moment to discuss those or other issues, the members of his own team listened in, well, for example, maryana bezugla, who still, let's say, declares her commitment to the president's decisions and opinions, but systematically systematically criticizes the command of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces of ukraine, and sometimes it , unfortunately, not a prize... it leads to some really useful shifts, changes and so on for the armed forces themselves. yuriy butusov, a military journalist, let me remind you that he also states that for some reason the quality of decision-making in the army in general deteriorates rather than improves every month, why our
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management does not correct the mistakes and does not scale the successful experience necessary to win the war because in order to give the right. answers, our leaders must formulate the questions correctly: what is the main question asked by the combrigs from the combat brigades, why are the positions lost, what is being done to restore the position, how many people are left in the squad, why have they not been used yet, what is the main question asked by the generals from the combrigs, why the positions are lost, what is done to restore the position of who will be responsible for the losses to the sbi investigator. and then mr. yuriy states the question itself, which are determined exclusively by the point of view, the point. the seating of one or another personality in the appropriate positions. there are problems that are characterized already in absolutely specific brigades. recently, the company commander of the 206th battalion of the 41st tro brigade , arman kulyk, spoke on social networks about large losses due to the decisions of the command, which, i quote, sets fantastic tasks without
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assessing the real capabilities of the personnel. as a result of such myopia, stupidity. crimes, negligence, fantastic tasks are not fulfilled, people die, fall out of line, and sometimes the appetite decreases and it comes to realistic tasks, and then there is no one to fulfill them anymore, writes kulyk. similar, similar pictures are also described by the journalist anna kalyuzhna, she reported that the kombriga of the 24th ombr, fighting during removed from the position precisely because of the refusal to fulfill the unrealistic tasks of the command, and here i would like to quote anya, only the line has barely stabilized, how the brigade is faced with fantastic tasks, and the teams that are trying to get out of realities, not fantasies, are filmed, fantastic tasks, so no one canceled, and if we talk about the 59th legendary brigade
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named after yakov handziuk, then volunteer paramedic kateryna. polishchuk , a bird who defended azovstal, was in captivity and returned from it, appeals to the president, due to the inhumane and unprofessional attitude of the commander shevchuk, i am forced to stop cooperation with this famous brigade, and not everyone has such an opportunity to resist the criminal order, which is aimed exclusively at getting extra stars this person something similar was also written the other day by alina mykhaylova, who now also collaborates with her ulf. with the 59th brigade and says that it is quite difficult to communicate with the command, in particular purely on its medical line. there are problems, the ukrainian army is a large army, and it is difficult to imagine that there would be no problems in such a living organism, on the other hand, when and at
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what moment the degree of tension increases so much, and the soldiers are so unheard of that they are forced to turn to the civil society, which is finally civil society has to get involved a little, well , if even mr. sternenko today... came out with a stream on youtube with a problem that is connected precisely with the 59th brigade, the 41st brigade, well, we can say that even volunteers are not can stand aside, what is this story about for you, andrei, at this stage? well, this story shows that the flower-bouquet period is in the war, the great war, which has been going on since the 24th. february 22, and the real war in our country has been going on since february 20, i want to remind everyone of 2014, that is, soon it will be 11 years, yes, but unfortunately, i
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will make a little digression here, unfortunately, the first seven years, so eight years, the majority of the population did not feel it, did not associate themselves with it, well , there is no war somewhere, but there is no war, for most of the war there were no politicians - for the majority, the majority of the population, well, they did not pay attention to the war, we saw the consequences of the fact that many people did not pay attention to the war. the 22nd year is a huge elation, a huge desire of people to help, to unite, to finally understand that we have an enemy, a primordial enemy, and this union, it was actually practical. at all levels of ukrainian society, from the lowest to the highest, even in power structures, even in matters of the government, the opposition, various political
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forces for some period, some small period, there was this unity, why i call it the ticket-bouquet period, because it was a certain consensus in society, in society's vision of the role of the army in society. we, unfortunately, as of now, as of now, we see that period, it actually ended, uh, it ended with those things that we talked about in our past programs, when we talked about the separation of certain people, about absolutely destructive things that are happening, but unfortunately, these destructive things are now being extended to the ukrainian army, and why, because the ukrainian army , it will not be... it can be disconnected from society, the ukrainian army, the ukrainian armed forces, the defense forces of ukraine, this is a component of ukrainian society, this is a component
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of the ukrainian state, it is also a reflection of the ukrainian state, it reflection of ukrainian society. we cannot pull away and say that we are sorry, the army is separate, the state is separate, and the people living in ukraine are separate. therefore, they are really needed here. approaches, approaches, professional approaches in order to prevent this from happening, these processes, unfortunately, did not start now, they started back in 2003 in 2023, when maryana bezugla joined the fight against zaluzhny, we remember what in general, where did it all start, when all autumn and all winter of 23-24 years we saw just a hole to open i am harassing, harassing the top military leadership in our country. we see that
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no conclusions can be drawn from this in many aspects. on the other hand , we see that there are problems that the military is signaling. because, for example, we, sitting here in the studio, are civil people, it is difficult for us to evaluate, and in general we should not give any evaluations. therefore, those, those decisions made by the military leadership, because we don't know, we don't see, we can't feel the whole picture, but when the military speaks, when the volunteers speak, when the people who are nearby speak, and they point to mistakes, to problems, to extraordinary, some things of such a semi-catastrophic nature that affect human lives. then, of course, we must reflect, we must help these people convey their position to the leadership of the state, to the leadership of the ministry of defense. well,
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because if our soldiers, who have problems, are not heard, then it will affect what, it will affect first of all at the front, it will affect people's motivation, here now there is a big problem in that, and sociological polls, by the way, which were conducted, just now, society saw today, there is a huge, demotivation of people, regarding the armed forces of ukraine. this is, this is a problem, and these are mistakes that, unfortunately, were not laid down yesterday, and not today, which were laid down back in the 22nd, 23rd year by the authorities that did not communicate, that did not explain, the laws that were not accepted, the necessary, necessary base, which should have been adopted back in the 22nd year, all this was postponed for some reason, again, for what reason political motives, because someone
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needs to score political points. either not to lose them, or not to lose them, someone has to show their face, someone is still preparing one way or another for the elections, and there is, there is a big problem now that society, and the army, and the state, they are slowly starting to to move away from one, russia is actually happy here in this case, because well... well, this is what they need. why did ukraine survive in the 22nd year? why did ukraine fight back against these moscow terrorists? ago that we united into one fist, because we overcame some of our differences, because we, because it was burning, let's say so, because, because ukrainians, well, ukrainians in general have such a trait, when at such an extreme moment ...
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at the most terrible moment, to quickly unite, to take everything into one fist and not to allow ourselves to be destroyed, but as soon as a little bit somewhere there lets in a little bit somewhere , it all starts. , it not only applies to this situation, it applies to political and of the social situation in our country in many areas, well, i will say so, on this crazy jump of the courts. ash, national restraint would probably not be able to go far, that's why it's a question of total unity, universal love for each other, lord, i remember these feelings, like now, in the moment any differences, any shortcomings are forgotten , anyone, so that everyone would survive, so that everyone would be whole, and in general it was difficult to imagine that any struggle there
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would have an unhealthy meaning. one with the other could appear again in our country, but no, we see that it appears, and that normalized, normalized this state of stress that we entered in february 2022, and even in this state, in order to survive, we must continue to change, because andrew, when we talk about our approach to the north atlantic alliance, or our rapprochement with the european union, in the perspective of entering both there and there, even in this studio we regularly emphasize, no matter how difficult it may be, but in parallel with resisting russian aggression, we also have to change, be standardized with by these organizations in order not to stop their progress with them, so it is very important to exchange and discuss, and it is very important for the ukrainian army, i would like these
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discussions to take place within the ukrainian army itself, but what to do if this communication , does not come together properly, what to do when on the one hand tomorrow is july 16, and this is the extreme limit when you can update your data for all military servicemen in the context of the recently passed mobilization law, on the other hand we understand that someone, can probably afford it. decision, because of which people are lost on this or that part of the front, and sometimes we are talking about some kind of system, again, i now refer to the authoritative opinions that have just been actually quoted to you on the air, there are other opinions, for example, a serviceman of the armed forces viktor mishchyshyn, a participant in the revolution of dignity of ukraine, a public figure, believes that criticism of the military leadership should have its limits, so as not to play along
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with the enemy, toleration on... precisely in the informational and public space of that wave.


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