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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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we may find ourselves in a very difficult situation, so in conclusion i will say, let it be the choice of the american people, we need to work with both directions, now it is easier, there will be two candidates, well, one is already known with the vice president, the second is not yet determined, so a paradoxical situation, the current president, and not the designated candidate since the democratic, although traditionally in america, it is logical that the current president had. but in such conditions, can you imagine, the acting president says: eh, we have a lot of turbulence, i am the acting president, i have ensure elections, i had, you remember , arsen avakov became a person who ensured elections, yes, and they actually played, the 2019 elections, let's say this, yes, and why can't there be an avakov in america, yes, well, this role can be played by joseph biden, acting. the president, as everyone
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’s influence, and here is mine, which means the successor, and i think that it is already, well, you can play, that is, everything is possible there, ratings, well, yes, how will it play out, who can overtake trump, i don’t know, it it is their business, our business, to advance the instruments funding now for next year, it is our job to protect ourselves from a pause, and it will be all right, the pause can be big, it can be, you know what, it can be just a block. the usa, what happened to them very often, it happened under trump, well, before, i give you a 90% guarantee that it will happen, and this will affect the fact that they will not be able to fully staff, well, that is, there will not be a full staff to supply us with weapons, yes, it will not be blocked, but the pace of deliveries will be different, we have to choose to convince them, they will choose now until november at the most, well, and further a... further, the pause
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may be until the inauguration, how to finance what new package, it is necessary now, well, again until april or may of the 25th year, it may all hang, well, until the whole is formed team, it can hang right from november to may, you remember, we are at the last stage and our ambassador markarova said, we will now try to push lendlis there, at first we were against it, well, we listened to the white house, in... in the end in two months, let's push through what ended up, it's simple was removed from the law, but, by the way, the fuse on leaving nato was put there, no president can now leave alone know, but everything will be fine, if trump leaves, the procedure will start, that is , don’t go to goroshka, but it doesn't mean that everything will end there with the withdrawal from nato, that's all, but the processes will begin differently, we don't have to be, we need insurance options now with europe, with the supply of weapons, with our production, we... definitely need
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to plan, unfortunately, november, december, january, february, five months we will be closed that's all, the 40 billion allocated is very good, well, the decision of the summit in washington is not enough, it's not enough, because we see the russians throw 100 per year, so we need to close this, we have the focus of attention for some reason on who will become the president, well yes, it is clear, it will be like a point... of the whole world of orientation, what to do next there, including the war, but this is not what will determine the results of this large-scale part of the war, at this time, absolutely not this, but precisely in what state it will turn out ukraine at this moment, in what state of consolidation society, in what institutional state, what kind of weapons, will we have the proverbial several hundred missiles for 1000 km, which we should have already done, that is, all this will play its key role, and... then there will already be
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external factors, no need , you don’t have to be so mean, yes, that is, by the way, russia does the same, you see, trump will come to russia, trump will not come, well yes, yes, that is, well, well, well, what do you mean, trump is there will come, will not come, how many factors are not taken into account, otherwise, in any case, trump, biden, and the main factor the situation at the front, there are weapons, there are no weapons, there are people who are trained and ready. to fight or not, there is a readiness in society to endure, not only there is a lack of electricity, which during the war, well, unfortunately, and it is understandable, but what to do next with this, how to resist it, how to give symmetrical blows, how to act, well, that is , there are a lot of internal issues, here we have to look first at the internal situation, we need to work externally in america, we need to work carefully, but... let's say it boldly,
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otherwise, this is a country that loves, well, you see who, yes, who loves determination, and i think that it was. it would be nice to think about it now, and not just wait, not just wait and discuss what the result will be. well, by the way, zelenskyi says that ukraine is ready to cooperate with any political force in the united states of america, in particular the republican party, in case of coming to power, let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. as for the end of the war, what, what vision does the potential... president, the potential president, or yes, one of the candidates for the presidency donald trump, the general things are clear to me, i think that if mr. donald trump will, will become president, we will
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work. i am not afraid of this, but i want to tell you that the majority of the republican party supports ukraine and the people of ukraine. well, here it is, in the 24th year, but we remember how zelenskyi’s presidency began in the 19th year with a conversation with trump, which was then leaked to american publications and about how trump put pressure on zelenskyi and said about that let's open the case against hunter biden of the son who was here in burism one of the founders of the campaign, and then the impeachment procedure of trump began, was this just the beginning of zelenskyi's presidency? whether or not it can somehow influence his attitude towards zelensky during trump's second campaign or arrival, of course, of course, by the way, there were a lot of different, well, misconceptions in ukraine
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about what is happening in the usa, and why they are attentive, it is actually bad for us when ukraine becomes a topic of discussion, at the same time there is also a decision of the electoral commission that ukraine did not interfere in the elections, we have more of everything they shouted about it here in ukraine, and now we know that it was an operation by the russian special services, there is confirmation, there are senate investigations, no one is talking about it in ukraine, as i hear, i constantly hear, ukraine. dear friends, here are you who made a mistake. that is, you should not make this mistake a second time. translate from one head to another. we worked like diplomats with two directions, and we still work like that. and the statement shows that understanding has come, yes? but
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the understanding of public statements and actions is completely different. trump knows what actions were taken. and personally the president and his entourage, and biden knows which ones. were done in them, i must say, unfortunately, as an ambassador, i did not succeed in convincing them, it is not necessary to climb anywhere, it is not worth it, and they climbed into some things, on july 10, 19, when the first such thing happened, that the diplomats of the us embassy were not allowed to meet in the white house, and as a result got into halep, became the cause of impeachment, so if they made conclusions, thank god, but they did not forget the second point... maybe the president of ukraine is right, donald trump, he such a person, well, in principle, what is it that is not spiteful, yes, that is, i can say that i have seen his actions, but he does not have any piety towards ukraine, he is a supporter of such and other regimes, well
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, i would say authoritarian ones, where the simpler decision is made, it is his such attitude, although he seems to be calling for democratic development, well, he likes it. such is the communication between the people and the leader, where everything is very simple, and this is also a certain challenge, i say, because it is not known what the configuration will be, whether the congress will be for the president, well, biden or trump, will you be a division of the chambers, so we still don't know much, but again what you are asking, all these institutions work there, everything is recorded, well, sometimes something. they think that no one knows anything, or they have forgotten everything, everything is recorded, and whether one candidate or another, ukraine, which is fighting and restraining the invasion of europe, russia, and ukraine, which will move to another state, these are two two different attitudes towards
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leadership of ukraine, by the way, and within ukraine, internally as well, we, as citizens of ukraine, support president zelensky, he is the commander-in-chief, but how many questions are there, well, that can be discussed, because if we do not say anything, then these mistakes can pile up so much that it will be the result of losses at the front, and this is what i am saying, this is one of the mistakes e. the president of ukraine says, we work bipartisanly, we want support, i have a simple question for the president, who will represent ukraine at the congress of republicans, well maybe, madam ambassador, thank god, then there will be a representation, but if not, what a mistake made by many european capitals, they they did not send those in the 16th year to the congress in agaiyet, by the way. there was a convention, it seems, yes, they did not send representatives there at all, not
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ambassadors, not party representatives, in philadelphia the democrats were all there, and how did it turn out for them, that they did not know how to contact the new president, nothing, at this one congress, i got a lot of opportunities to work with the team quickly, transition, quickly with the team, so that's why it's necessary... not only to talk about eternal bipartisan support, i'll tell you more, i don't even now i see such stable bipartisan support, on it's a pity, because speaking when 80 people, republicans vote against, on an obvious issue where there are common interests, it's already difficult, but what's interesting, they all feared that support for ukraine, as vance says that he, she would reduce support the american electorate. nothing like that, all the republican candidates who supported ukraine, all received a nomination for the senate, for
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the congress, well, the internal party struggle, it is very interesting, 100%, you can check, i was surprised, that is, the issue of ukraine, it is not just misleading, the voter wants it to be fair decision, the american voter understands for the first time that there is geopolitics and there is russia in ten issues, and america must be strong, strong. the tools can be different, so it is very important to resist, rely on these voters, by the way, volodymyr zelenskyi went to meet with the governors, it is very good, very good that they met at the level of the governor, because the governors often say my country, not mine states, this is my country, and they are planning bilateral relations there, but but, let's say, i'm a little worried, i i say that everything revolves around us... only the president and the implementation of all this, and how is it all, how will he get his feet
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on all these issues, well, i am a little worried about this, well, the joint production of weapons with the americans, i am worried about the program of the republicans , they wrote in the program that they will create a dome over the usa, you understand, if they implement this program, no additional system will come to us, because 64 will not be enough for them over the dome over the usa, in general, this is a crazy idea, it has already been criticized where . impossible, well, she sounds beautiful, yes from korean missiles, when these missiles arrive there, we have real ones flying, and they are from korean ones, but this is what vance is saying, he will protect america’s allies, they will take everything for themselves and give nothing, this is against ukraine, from our point of view it is a mistake and against, and from their point of view of strengthening their security, well, that is, they have their own interests, let me remind my friends that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, we conduct... surveys throughout of our broadcast, we ask you about this, whether it is time for negotiations
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between ukraine and russia, yes, no, if you are watching on youtube, the button yes, no, or your own opinion, please write in the comments under this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you see and feel that the time has come for talks between ukraine and russia (0800-211-381), no (0800-211-382). all calls to these numbers are free, vote. at the end of the program, we will summarize the results of this vote, why we are actually asking about it today and why we are conducting this survey has two events: the first is a survey that was commissioned by the mirror of the week, or rather, the mirror of the week ordered this survey from the rozumkov center, and it turned out that almost 44% of the surveyed ukrainians expressed their opinion. for the beginning of peace talks against 35%, while 21% have not yet decided,
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while, as president zelenskyi says, the plan for the implementation of all the points necessary for the second peace summit, or peace, forgive me, will be ready in november, and it is about that at this peace summit, according to the president zelenskyi, well... zelenskyi said this, and yarmak repeatedly spoke publicly about the fact that representatives of russia should be there. let's listen to what the president of ukraine is saying now. it will most likely be the first meeting. in qatar, it is about energy security, and there will be a fully prepared plan, ee about energy security, in august there will be a meeting in turkey, about free navigation, and there it will be a question of food security, and there will be a fully prepared developed plan, in september there will be
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a meeting in canada regarding the humanitarian direction prisoner exchange and return. children, and a plan will be developed there. i believe that as we have been going, according to such a plan we will continue to go. after these three points, if they work, a complete plan of all points, implementation of all points will be ready, and i set the task that in november we would have a fully ready plan, mr. valery, there was a plan. where, but the question arises again, well, the plan has 10 points, three of them were considered at the mayor's summit, the rest will be seven points at the second, let's go, let's go, well, we have plans there is no government program at all, it was not approved, we don't have a program, we, for example, say a lot that we need
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to deprive russia of the occupied seat in the un, we say, do you think, we will introduce at least an official time. no, lavrov spoke at the radbezion today, by the way, russia is presiding and i am listening, that is, you understand, we can talk about plans, summits, er, the result will not be decided there, that is the current work, by the way, she often confuses diplomatic work with general, foreign policy, foreign policy work the president, is there inter-parliamentary cooperation, maybe, there can be such summits, maybe, but eh... the problem is that the decision to end the war through negotiations requires the readiness of the parties, it can happen or when one side is completely dominant and the capitulation of the other side, or the country is ready for huge changes there, as in finland before the soviet union, in the 39th year of the winter war and after it, or,
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for example, stopped, yes, the countries stopped and both... are exhausted and pause , the war does not formally end, no some direct agreements are being signed, i can’t imagine a direct agreement zelensky putin, i can’t imagine, and not only because there is a decree by zelensky himself not to talk to putin in arenbugo decisions, but also simply, well, he’s a war criminal, he’s a war criminal, that is, he understands very well that no one will give him an indulgence, everything is fine. next, it's all a plan, energy, well, i'm sorry, i'm a little skeptical about the plan of all this separation of pieces, because i understand very well that the key question, this is the key question for me is the following, which our strength will be real, the military power of ukraine will be with help from the outside, that is, well
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, ideally, in order to defeat russia, it is necessary to involve other countries in the war, because this... parasolka, we actually created a second track, well, i say we, ukraine, these security agreements, today we discussed, and i can tell you, more and more i see that we simply gave a pass to our partners, in fact to avoid not making a decision on the north atlantic yes, we gave them, that is. well, someone wanted to please our administration, operating today, and he showed himself to be a very constructive partner, he gave them some, well, excuse me, the agreement with luxembourg on security assistance, you read the clause, it's not, it's not about security, well , luxembourg, with all due respect, financially, yes, but
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it's a statement, a political statement, it's a political document, this is not a contract at all, this is not a contract at all, i used to be british... i saw something else there, but now they left, chased after some, very dangerous thing, chased after the entourage, chased after this compact, there, well and so further, key issues are postponed, there are no key solutions, the key thing the decision - the situation at the front, the key decision, do we have such institutional forces that putin understood that we will not sit down, this does not mean that we will be ready to fight there forever, but to show that... from the point of view of internal the unity of the nation, the availability of resources, that we have these resources either with the help of partners or by ourselves, that is , only when there will be irreversibility, well, a blow. to show the ability somewhere is another question, to show the ability somewhere, and then they can sit down and think about it, but no one
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is telling, so it looks now that the question territories of ukraine in no way, there is no answer, that is, putin, we occupied donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia, four regions plus the autonomous republic of crimea, and the city of sevastopol, and... what we have not yet occupied, just give us, including the zaporizhzhia station, we they took out the luhansk petrochemical plant, zaporizhzhia and kherson, please evacuate there, but that’s not all, you will also reduce the army, neutrality will do everything, and so on, and the position of ukraine, nothing will happen to you, and we will de-occupy until the end, and these two positions are a war for more than one year, so if we are talking about a pause. about all these swinging moods of fatigue, unfortunately, i will not say anything, because i understand that people have the right to express a position and those, especially
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relatives, loved ones, those who are fighting, but i understand the risks that are now without a guarantee of safety , without the relocation of nato, what awaits us in the event of such an interim decision, and most importantly, i think that i see in that, in that... of today's ruling team, they do not produce effective solutions, they used to produce them, now they have switched on entourage, for an outwardly beautiful picture, gathered how many countries, it was always it was important, an element, but it is necessary to achieve some kind of final result, and this result is not yet obvious to me that the president said it, that somewhere in qatar or something. .. somewhere there we will get out, and the terms are called these, well, very close, very interesting, september, november, the participation of russia, well, there is
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the participation of russia, you know, from my point of view, it is possible only with the capitulation of either russia or ukraine, well, in such a total war, that's why it's all pitchforks in the water, pitchforks in the water, and here is today's situation, when there will be shells, when there will be f-16s, when there will be patriots, when we will cover up, when we will start... well, those missiles, which, let's say, are already flying to the factories, because all these new traps have been invented for them the russians shoot when they get machines from the chinese, when they get chips from the chinese, what to do about it, how to react, that is, these are all the key points that we need to decide now, one more person made a voyage in the last week or 10 days, kyiv , moscow, beijing, trump's ranch, viktor orban, hungarian prime minister. travels between capitals, speaks between presidents, can his game be perceived as a game about china, even i don't know, not pro-russia,
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even about china, that is, china, europe, china, ukraine, china, russia, china, trump, and in this situation he is only a postman who carries some messages there, well, first of all, he is pro-orban, not even pro-hungarian, i would say, well, hungarians. i'm surprised they said he didn't tell the president. countries, where he will go next, well , that's not how it's done, you know, when there's some kind of tour, well, that's not possible, if he's really in tete-tete he didn't say, well, i think, he said, i think that, well,
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well, i don't believe that orban went to moscow, he didn't tell the president of ukraine that he would go, moreover, he is definitely gathering some information, i think, in we were smart enough only to see that secret letter orban sent to brussels, everyone is reading it now, the main thing is that this is all we told him, and nothing more. so, yes, he set the roulette wheel to zero, and he can win, i mean contacts with donald trump if he wins and this access to, but he represents a country that a member of the european union and nato, the country currently presiding over the european union is hungary, well, they already want to get rid of it, well, by the end of the year it will be, well, such time will be lost for such things, that is , i think that... the factor, well, the european parliament is forming they have their own separate faction there with partners, well, the populism factor, the right, is present, the left populism factor will also be
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present. this is such a new stage, it should have already ended from my point of view, i thought that the period of such and such elections in europe and america, it has already ended, and you see it somehow goes into a continuation into a stage of some kind of continuation, so you have to live with it, god forbid that it ends faster in ukraine than in the usa, because we are institutionally weaker than the united states, the united states will pull more such and such.. . populism will continue, well, you know, this radical populism, it is already taking shape, it is already shaping the mood of the people, if before it followed the mood of the people, it is starting to shape them, and people think that this is the right way to live, people i look at our situation, well, many of the deputies understand, well, they do they have been living for the last few five years and before that there was nothing, they don't need a professional at all, they just need to do it
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right. to the people, no, dear, if you are this, if you are in the war, well, i am not talking about, well , the parliament does not play any role, yes, the parliament does not play a role, the government is fake, well, it does not give any answer to the threats of energy, one the president and 5-6 managers, this is a threat to us, because they don't have 5-6 managers in america, they only have 17 intelligence services that solve the problem, then they will solve their problem, so we have to think. about this in such conditions, when the environment is radicalized, wars will go on, we can already see, only in our case it would be good, well, it would be good, so cynical perhaps, that this war did not start in europe after all, that's why i think that we do not understand two key things, that we will have to give all the answers ourselves, despite this huge dependence on supplies and finance.
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from the side of our partners, and secondly, what we need to understand, in general, what kind of country do we want to defend in the future, because i see that i have the impression that today the country's leadership thinks that it will live in a state of war forever, and will use all the restrictions of a political nature, well, it's just not hidden, it's brazen, but political competition is happening, well, it's it's it's it's complicated things, and and for me. the most important thing, as many people told me, is which ukraine do you defend, and why did you stay there, well, here are the people who left ukraine a long time ago, so we know which ukraine we defend, we know what our interests are, and ours has be our art our strengths, to show our partners and prove to them that we can defeat russia together, it is better to do it faster, without prolonging
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the pleasure of the collapse of the regime. on putinsky for a long time, so, you know, well, every time we live with the factors that are there, and every drop, it sharpens the stone, so i am optimistic in this regard, on this optimistic note we will end our conversation, thank you for the conversation, it was valery chaly, politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19 years, friends, you have news from the bbc ahead of you, in 15 minutes we will return to the studio, we will have three people's deputies, oleksiy kucherenko, rostislav pavlenko and elizaveta yasko. we will talk about foreign and domestic politics, and let's see the results of the interim poll on whether the time has come for negotiations between ukraine and russia, these are the results of the television poll, 14% - yes, 86% - no. see you in 15 minutes, stay with us.
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for trump and against aid to ukraine, what you need to know about jay divens, candidate for vice presidents of the united states? we collected the most important and will analyze it in today's edition of the bbc, i am olga polomaryuk. if. with the candidacy of donald trump in the us presidential elections , there were practically no doubts, then the question of the vice president from the republicans remained open until the last, james david vance, or jd vance for short, who trump sees as the number two in his team. he was on the list of candidates for this nomination, but not the main favorite, and vance himself, as analysts say.


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