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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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see you in 15 minutes, stay with us, for trump and against aid to ukraine, what do you need to know about jay divens, the candidate for vice president of the united states? we collected the most important and will analyze it in today's edition of the bbc, i am olga polamaryuk. if there were practically no doubts about the candidacy of donald trump in the us presidential elections, the question of the vice president from the republicans remained open to the last. james david vance, or jd vance for short. here's who trump sees as number two on his team. he was on the list of candidates for this nomination, but not the main favorite. the same vance, as analysts say. could help trump
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win over working-class voters, especially in industrial states where the fate of the election is decided. how was the nomination? bbc correspondent, nomiya iqbal. with visible signs of an assassination attempt, donald trump gave a triumphant cheer to the crowd. he looked restrained and agitated. the same... a little earlier, his sons arrived at the congress, they still cannot forget the events of saturday. it was terrible, i sat and watched the performance with children, and my heart almost stopped. the secret service agents did an incredible job, but what happened was just horrible. and then trump's sons added their voices to the approving chorus of congress delegates and nominated their father as a presidential candidate. the best president who ever lived, donald john trump, declares him the republican nominee. so, after
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all the controversies, accusations and condemnations, the republican party has officially nominated donald trump as their presidential candidate, and as you can see, people are very happy. joe malin sat behind the trump family. it was incredible, it was one of the best moments. i had tears, i haven't cried like that since i lost my mother. as you can see, everyone here is happy now, everyone seems to have gotten younger. popularity when his memoir of a poor childhood served as the script for a netflix movie. it's a dramatic turnaround for someone who was once a critic of trump. he previously called donald trump a terrible candidate and those who voted for him idiots. after donald trump four years ago lost the election, many republicans said that ... it was time to distance themselves
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from him, but nearly 10 years after trump first rose to the top of the republican party, it has now become the party of trump. so who is j.d. vance, he's young, only 39, an ex-marine, served in iraq, and most importantly, from a humble family, who he says is self-made. experts believe that such a person can add potential voters to trump. he is the author of a bestseller, a memoir about his childhood. and growing up in the poor the american family brought him fame, and jd vance, as a critic of trump, he once called him the american hitler, became a favorite. what remains unchanged in vance's rhetoric is his views on ukraine. he sharply criticizes the politics of kyiv, opposes military aid, voted against allocating money to ukraine in the congress, as well as against ukraine's membership in nato. what ukrainians need to know about jd vance, my colleagues gathered him on... donald
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trump, as well as the ex-president of the united states himself, jd is also known for his ambiguous statements. politico publication has already called the election of donald trump a disaster for europe and ukraine. but why? since the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, divens has opposed the provision of aid to ukraine. however, even before the start of the great war, he said the following. i will open with you. i absolutely do not care what will happen to ukraine. and his position regarding the war in ukraine has not changed. in april of this year, he published an article: mathematics does not make sense in relation to ukraine. he called aid to ukraine useless loss of resources, because neither the us nor anyone else has enough of them to end the war with a ukrainian victory, and called to spend money on solving local american problems. he strongly opposes aid to kyiv, and once often. when the
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ukrainian aid package got stuck in the us congress, he even repeated russian propaganda about the so-called yachts of ukrainian officials with western aid money. as the magazines found out. the bbc's verification department is spreading this and similar misinformation in the united states russian-linked websites pretending to be based in washington. in addition to aid , he opposes ukraine's membership in nato. in this post at x he says it is completely irresponsible. ukraine should not join nato, but to invite them during the war is to invite our people to war, and called to oppose the idea of ​​ukraine joining the alliance. earlier he said that... russia has no intention of attacking nato, and ukraine should make concessions in order to settle the war, give at least some territories to moscow, and in his opinion, it would be in the interest of the united states. he also believes that russia would not have attacked ukraine if donald
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trump had been president. this is one of his last statements. russia would not have invaded ukraine if donald trump was president. everyone agrees with that, even many of my fellow democrats, but there is a problem. now we have spent 200. billion dollars, and what is the purpose of this, what are we trying to achieve, is there a risk of escalation to nuclear war, this is what happens when foreign policy is run by a fool, and there are a lot of them in washington now. president trump has promised to negotiate with the russians and ukrainians and close this case so that america can now focus on the real problem of china. this is the biggest threat to our country, and we are busy with other things. so trump's politics are palpable in vance's statements. america first. and europe, according to him, should take care of its own security and not rely on the united states. can wentz really become a big problem for ukraine? we are talking about it with the economist, ex-minister of economy of ukraine pavlo sheremet, i congratulate you, thank you for joining, and
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so the first question will be, jd vance, as a potential vice president of the united states, how serious is this challenge for ukraine? this is certainly a challenge, because it would be better to have such a close friend of ukraine, at least one like vincent graham, another senator who convinced trump to support in the end the 60 billion that was hanging in the congress at the time, in the congress of the united states in the month of may, to unlock them, well, we have what we have now, and there is no need to panic... for several reasons, first after all, the vice president has limited influence, especially in international issues, especially in critical international issues, it is already practically well the last two vice presidents, this is the current one, the current one and the previous one confirm this, joe biden was certainly
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more active while he was vice president in the administration of president obama, but this is in view of his... many decades of experience in international politics, he dealt with ukraine, then it was difficult to say that ukraine was actually in the center of obama's attention, rather everything on the periphery, this periphery was given to vice president biden, this is the first, the second, there in your translation, i would correct it a little, because the column, i reread it today and even quoted it from the new york times, in english math does not add up, mathematics is not... it is added, here, you have translated how mathematics does not make sense, it seems to me that it is a little bit too much for an out-of-category translation, and when reading the column, i cannot say that it is balanced , she's negative, but she's not tragic, as far as i'm concerned, yes, thank you, thank you for
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remarks, we will certainly listen to this, but at the same time, in the european union , the candidacy of jady vance is already being called a disaster, and not only for ukraine, but also for europe, what do you think. is it said too loudly, well, for international politics and for the leadership role of the united states, this is of course a kind of news , he is not an interventionist, he is most likely, according to the terms that are often used now, a nativist, maybe even an isolationist , i.e. america. first and i between the booksilly elegy mountain elegy and i can others watched this movie today, his movie based on his autobiographical story, to say that this is of course this is a complex character and he has a very difficult childhood
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and you have to understand that this is ohio and kentucky, at the same time he is a very controversial character because well, on the one hand, this is the hinterland of the united... states, and he recently made such rather serious attacks on american universities, elite ones, being a product of the yale school. right, here is another such contradiction, he is categorical against, immigration, at the same time his wife is, uh, of indian origin, so, that is, as you also aptly and aptly said, he was very critical of trump in '16, but then came over to his side, that is this is a politician, this is what it looks like, well, in a political sense, a political animal, who will also feel where... there is, from where, from where, as they say, the wind blows, the wind blows, and here it is very important, i wrote about it is
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today, it is very important to have a dialogue with this circle, i don't know if it will be possible to have a dialogue with it already, but with the circle that is here, nationalists, conservatives, although they called themselves national conservatives, national conservatives, in fact their policy is quite nationalist, we in ukraine paid little attention to them, to be honest, we... a conversation with these liberal elites from the east or west coast, we we released this environment, and moreover, this environment is not only american, it is the environment of viktor orbán in hungary, the renter of fashion in india, that is, we were lucky with the vice-premier and the prime minister from italy, who was also in this at first before, but now supports politics and maybe, actually speaking, maybe it is an example when due to circumstances and due to the understanding of geopolitics in
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the broad sense of the word, people will change their short-term positions. thank you for such a meaningful, thorough answer, ex-minister of economy of ukraine pavlo sheremeta was on our air. thank you for the analysis. but in the end, what can ukraine expect from the trump-vance political duo. paul adams is a diplomat. first, the american vice president is not the one who determines foreign policy, or even plays a role in it. some kind of prominent role, but one thing is clear from the union of donald trump and jd vance: by the way, in the past he called trump a cultural hero, from which you can conclude that in the last few years jd vance has been a bet. so, it is clear that they share a similar worldview, both believe that the working class of america has been
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betrayed by the relocation of jobs abroad, that free trade and globalization have harmed america and should be abandoned. he was only one senator term, but managed to become one of the loudest voices against sending more weapons to ukraine. this is something that will cause the greatest concern among america's allies. we currently do not know for sure, what are the views of trump himself on this issue? also , maybe a trump in office will be different than a trump out of office, but it's clear that jd vance is something of a mouthpiece for everything trump's opponents fear, both at home and abroad. david lammy, british foreign secretary, for the past few months is trying to make some connections with the trump camp and even called jd vance his friend, apparently they have in common. is that they both said extremely nasty things about donald trump at one time or another. david
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lamy called him a sociopath with neo-nazi sympathies. so everything points to the possible appearance of difficulties in relations between britain and america at a time when these relations are vitally important. especially at a time when britain is making efforts to support international aid for ukraine. so 39-year-old james david vance, or jaydy wensogo trump sees for short. no. 2 on his team, he was on the list of contenders for the nomination, but not the frontrunner, but he is the one who, analysts say, could help trump attract working-class voters, especially in industrial states, where the fate of the election is decided. if you're interested in reading more, jaydy vance, an opponent of aid to ukraine, some guy who will never be for trump became his vice presidential candidate, the article on our website, read it, and that's all about it ... we're getting there tell today, subscribe to our pages in social networks, so as not to miss
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the most important news, and we will be on the air tomorrow, as always, at 9 p.m., good luck, take care. congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel. the second part of the verdict program, we will talk today about both the internal policy and the foreign policy of ukraine. today in the issue. the trump equation: an attempt on the former us president and his leadership in the election race. what does this mean for ukraine and the ukrainian authorities? the fate of shmyhal's office. in the near future, the verkhovna rada may consider a large block of personnel issues. is the long-lived government in danger of being completely replaced.
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politicization of military management. combatant commanders are increasingly accused of incompetence, whether it is acceptable to criticize military leadership during wartime. we will talk about this for the next 45 minutes, and my guests will be people's deputies of ukraine. however, before starting our conversation with people's deputies of ukraine, i suggest you, friends, to join our survey. today we ask you about is it time to negotiate? ukraine with russia. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on the appropriate numbers if you think it's time for ukraine to negotiate with russia: 0800 211 381, not 0800 211 382. and if you have your own opinion, be
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please write it in the comments below this video, we are interested to know your opinion. if you watch. us live on youtube, vote with the appropriate buttons, yes, no, we are always happy to hear and know your opinion, what you think about it. today, in as i already said, there will be people's deputies of ukraine on our broadcast, i want to introduce our guests, this is elizaveta yasko, a people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, a member of the verkhovna rada's committee on issues. of foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, ms. elizaveta, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the batkivshchyna faction, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on energy and housing and communal affairs, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast, thank you, congratulations, good evening, and
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rostislav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, member of the parliamentary committee on education, science and... ovation, mr. rostislav, congratulations you, thank you for joining, i see that you are on the air in rather difficult conditions, thank you that you are still with us, thank you, good evening, i immediately apologize for the quality of the picture, i need a car, now 90 percent of the country is in such , in such a picture, so unfortunately, yes, unfortunately well, ladies and gentlemen, since we are asking our tv viewers whether they think it is time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, i will ask you in the format of a bliss poll, because a social poll published by the mirror of the week appeared , and which was conducted by the razumkov center, and this opinion poll shows that almost 44% of surveyed ukrainians are in favor of starting
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peace talks with russia, against 35%, while 21% are still undecided, what are you? about this, is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, let's start with mrs. elizaveta, i i am convinced that, as our president says, we cannot go to negotiations on the terms dictated by russia, in order to ever go to any negotiations, we need to have our position, which will be supported by the majority between. international world, and for this we need peace summits, we need cooperation with various countries that do not always vote in support of ukraine, unfortunately, we are actively engaged in this, but of course, i think, any average ukrainian will never be able to say, that we are
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ready to forget, to cross out everything that happens to all of us. there is no need to explain this, these are huge tragedies that will be reflected in the next generations, and therefore we cannot afford to simply sit down for some negotiations now, they will not happen in the near future. thank you, mr. rostyslav, do you think it is time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, and i mentioned only one fact here, a sociological survey, but we witnessed how, over the course of several days, well-known... well, well-known big bloggers, who have millions of followers there on instagram, in particular they talked about this topic, let's negotiate, that's enough, we need to talk about peace, and... since this topic is constantly being promoted and someone is promoting it, i don't know, i don't have any, no idea who it could be, either inside
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the state or in of russia, but the fact is, is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia? well, listen, first of all, if we talk about sociology, then, uh, the absolute vast majority of citizens say that the conditions put forward by russia are not acceptable, uh, so the fact that there is quite a lot says about the necessity or there the possibility of these negotiations, it is actually refuted by the fact that russia's position on these negotiations is not acceptable. i will tell you more, the question seems to me to be a bit so schelastic, because russia is not going to conduct any negotiations, this is the situation that was best described at the time by goldameir from... the prime minister of israel, that we want to live, and they want to kill us and that leaves little room for compromise, so the only way
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to end this war is for the russian war machine to break, and for that we all have to work to help ukraine, we all we must support the armed forces and work with partners to increase pressure on russia, sanctions, economic, any and... and increase aid to ukraine. these are the negotiations that are the only ones that can lead to a result and force russia to stop the war against ukraine. thank you, mr. rostislav. mr. oleksiy, what do you think, is it time to talk about peace talks at all, or is it time to say that russia should be part of the peace summit and we will agree on something there? but this is exactly the normal work of the president and diplomats. but regarding negotiations today, the subject of negotiations is simply absent due to its absence, period. thank you, mr. oleksiy, for the brevity
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and accuracy of the wording. well, since this summer, it is hot, was not only, and remains not only for europeans and ukrainians, probably also for part of the rest of the world, it was also a hot political summer, because there were summits, we... counted on some results, a meeting of the big seven, the signing of ukraine's security agreements with a number of countries, the nato anniversary summit, what will ukraine be left with in the end, what will we go with autumn of the 24th year, if we do not take into account the fact that we are all suffering from a lack of electricity in time. what has ukraine achieved during this period, well, especially during these summits, because the top topic of the latest political news, during the last six months, was
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the anniversary summit of nato, the big seven and the beginning of ukraine's transition with the european union, ms. elizaveta, please, in fact, really very hot summer, not only for the weather, for various political events, we are watching. what is happening in the united states what is happening recently happened in france, recently what happened in various countries of the european union, where elections to the european parliament were held, is actually quite scary, because we see that in many countries forces are coming, with rather right-wing, radical views that use the populist rhetoric. which very often does not go in support of ukraine, there is such a tendency, but we must also look at the facts, the facts are that everyone,
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the entire european community is at the level of the g7, at the level of those summits that we held recently, well relatively recently a month ago , when there was an event in berlin on restoration of ukraine, we see what is happening... these are incredible steps to build the future of europe, ukraine in peace, with an economy where we will be members of the european union, these steps are all happening, the g7 also allocated funds to us as a grant to ukraine, we have there were many different agreements that were signed on military cooperation, on economic cooperation, for our energy security, so in fact... for the fall and winter, we have quite a lot of preparations already with concrete results, where we can say that ukraine will be protected, but that doesn't mean that
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we... without risks, because we are under attacks every day, so we cannot relax. thank you, ms. elizaveta. mr. oleksii, well, obviously, obviously, now the attention will be focused on the presidential campaign in the united states of america, the assassination attempt on trump, the new candidacy of the vice president of the united states of america, jd vance, who is known for his caution, i would say. positions regarding ukraine, by the way, regarding china as well, what do you think, is ukrainian diplomacy currently squeezing out all that it can squeeze out, and are we getting what we want? diplomacy, diplomacy is trying, you understand, but in reality i don't want to highlight this conflict once again, and it doesn't...
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it concerns, on the one hand, our political opponent, well, to a certain extent, the eu leader poroshenko, well, these are the facts when they don't actually release him , he is authoritative, he is a heavyweight, you understand, he is difficult, difficult, a heavyweight, and when he is not allowed to attend the congress of the republican party there is another one, well, in my opinion, this is some kind of childish lepidity, which shows that... that ukrainian the government has such an impression that it does not fully understand, but the current one well, he doesn't fully understand the real crisis of the situation and he doesn't understand what democracy is, do you understand? and now on er in relation to that, to the events of the united states of america. i think the worst thing we can do for ukraine right now is to start there very actively, er, make love, sorry, either with
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one... or try with another political force, you know? america is a very peculiar, powerful country that lives its own life, its own. ukraine is definitely not the first priority there. and in this situation, we need to prepare, what we declared in recent years and months, with both political power... parties and counting on the option of the elections that the american voters will choose for themselves, it is their choice, you understand, god forbid that you start interfering or influencing or giving them advice, i am convinced that in such a context it is necessary to pragmatically and rationally seek answers to questions about the future of ukraine, because
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risking... relations with the united states of america in general, depending on likes or dislikes, is generally unacceptable in this situation, whether we like someone or not , sorry. well, by the way, you mentioned, mr. oleksiy, that the delegation, well, actually, not poroshenko himself, but the delegation of european solidarity was not allowed to attend the republican national convention in miluka, but just 15 minutes ago valery chaly was on the air diplomat. who worked as the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in the united states of america in the 15th and 19th years, he says: it is not at all unclear what the current ukrainian authorities are counting on, if they do not release people who can be involved in communication with the republicans, with trump, in the event of his victory with vance, who may become, i will remind you,
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there was a previous incident. a meeting with orban, yes, as far as i understand, which is the same, well, once again, i’m definitely not a fan of pyotr oleksiiovych, believe me, but in this situation, well, don’t admit that he is a heavyweight and not, and somehow obstacles, well, that’s for sure to act against the interests of ukraine, well , petro poroshenko's associate, rostyslav pavlenko, probably has his own vision of what is happening, and of course, in the context of that general field that we are now... watching, that is, when the assassination of trump can change trump's position for the better, and when biden's intransigence can also play in trump's favor, and the absence of our delegation there at this convention, what do you think will it affect our communications with the united states of america if trump wins? thank you, and thank you very much
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, sir. oleksiy for friendly and e.


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