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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2024 9:30pm-9:59pm EEST

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which is the same, well, once again, i am definitely not a fan of petro oleksiyovych, believe me, but in this situation, well, do not admit that he is a heavy hitter and not in any way an obstacle, but this is definitely acting against the interests of ukraine, here is an associate of petro poroshenko, rostyslav pavlenko probably has his own vision of what is happening, and of course in the context of the general field that we are currently observing, that is, when izam. on trump can change trump's position for the better , and when biden's intransigence can also play in trump's favor, and the lack of of our delegation there at this convention, how do you think it will affect our communications with the united states of america if trump wins? thank you, and thank you very much to mr. oleksiy for your friendly and... absolutely
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objective position, because now really hot times are coming for ukraine, and this issue is obviously not only about the weather, because now we need to influence what we can influence, because we can hardly hope to influence some political positions in other countries, but we definitely have to use all our opportunities. own country in order to strengthen the position of ukraine and convey our interests and refutation of myths, and the best refutation of myths, for example, of the united states that, as the current vice-presidential candidate wentz once wrote, that it is allegedly such a terribly corrupt and undemocratic country , then it was necessary to release poroshenko and the entire delegation in order for them to speak about the interests of ukraine. that from the outside we
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speak the same language and the same messages, that ukraine needs support, that in our political relations we somehow we'll figure it out later, and now we have to survive, but unfortunately, the non-release sent its signal, and the signal is very negative, and also, you know, here we are now on the air of the espresso channel, one of the three channels that were arbitrarily turned off. from digital broadcasting, remain excluded, and this is also a signal to a greater extent to the european union, although also to the us, because there the state department has also expressed concern about this situation. now, you know, if we want to win, then we have to disprove myths and send positive signals, and the easiest thing to do is what the current government can do now is to move away from selfishness, move away from some... mr. oleksiy
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rightly says kindergarten, finally engage in adult politics and use all possible forces and efforts in order to show that ukraine is capable of working miracles on the battlefield as well, and in its domestic policy, and for now, unfortunately, the authorities are sending completely opposite signals, and no matter how hard the diplomats try, here it seems that all three of us are talking about it, the diplomats are doing what they can, but they cannot do it... impossible, a the impossible can only be done by all of us ukrainians together, but i'm sorry, it must be confessed together then with all our strength, and not only there by european solidarity, homeland, voice and those who are really trying to create a unified policy. thank you, mr. rostislav, ms. elizaveta, well, i don't know if you know the reasons why this happened, and whether it should be so, that there is a monopoly and... the government decides what, what actually, what should
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happen, but that should not be, including in foreign policy, and your leader volodymyr zelenskyi, he is the person responsible for foreign policy in ukraine, maybe, maybe he can see it better, and whether it is right or wrong, you know, it seems to me both on the air and on your channel, and on others, and colleagues will confirm that i belong to those who always say that we need to use parliamentary diplomacy as much as possible, and i always support all colleagues from all factions who take a patriotic position, in that all colleagues should have maximum opportunities to work for, in the interests, in the interests of ukraine, why this happened is not for me to comment on, but it is not a secret that we have indeed, there is a highly regulated part of business trips. very often different
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situations arise, it does not depend on who is from which faction, it is also not, it is not a secret that if... that you are from the servant of the people, this does not mean that all business trips will release you, there may be parliamentary weeks, there may be different circumstances under which the speaker of the verkhovna rada will make one or another decision regarding the united states and the congress of the republican party, i would say that it is very important now, occupy a lot. is a reasonable, very moderate and very far-sighted position. to us it's very important that we don't take a position now that we support one party or the other, democrat or republican, we have to be very wise, because that will be used against us right away. therefore, in fact,
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as volodymyr zelensky recently said that he is not afraid that if donald trump becomes the president of the united states, he will continue. to work with the united states, and he is ready for it, regardless of what name will be in the history of the new president of the united states. it is not a question of whether it will work with anything president, and he is not afraid of anything, here the only question is how to correctly place the emphasis in communications from one, with the leader of one power and another power, that is, if he meets with biden, and this is the level of two presidents, then with trump. the former president of ukraine could very well meet, as with the former president of the united states of america, because zelensky cannot go to the convention of the republican party, and probably stefanchuk can't go to the convention either, and poroshenko could, but less so. friends,
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i remind our friends who joined our telecast that today we have on the air people's deputies of ukraine, elizaveta yasko, rostyslav pavlenko and oleksiy kucherenko, and we are also conducting a poll today. we ask about this, is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube , if you watch us on tv, you can vote on the numbers, if you think the time has come for ukraine to negotiate with russia, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote, and while the united states of america is determined with the candidates. to the position of president of the united states of america, we may have personnel reshuffles in the government, and as people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak says, next week the verkhovna rada will consider a large block of personnel appointments in the government, according to zheleznyak
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, it is not yet known whether the prime minister will be replaced minister of ukraine, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy did not directly answer at yesterday's press conference the question is whether prime minister denys shmyhal may lose his post in the near future, let's listen to what president zelensky said regarding government changes, if they happen, if they happen, you will definitely know about it, and we, if we can't just talk about replacing the prime minister, that suggests that there could be a change in the government, there certainly could be, we're dealing with that process, i don't have a lot of... time for that, if i will tell you honestly, but not on all the details, but we are talking with some certain changes by the ministers. mr. oleksiy, you were a minister in the government, and you know what ministerial work is like, and you know what the verkhovna rada is like for a minister, and you know what
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the president is like for a minister, when president zelenskyi says that i don’t have time to think about it, we are talking with some ministers. and this does not mean that the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the current one, has lost its subjectivity, because the verkhovna rada determines whether shmygal should be prime minister or not, whether someone should be a minister or not? when i was working in the government, and it was the 7th-10th years, the situation was radically different, there was president yuchenko with his political power, a member of the coalition, and there was prime minister tymoshenko with her powerful political power and there was a coalition, i use... on some occasion, i assure you, i am appealing to all ukrainians, please, never repeat the mistake of 19, no, it does not make it so that there is monova in the verkhovna rada, because any coalition is ten times more effective, even if there
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are some discussions, quarrels and so on and the like, because there is competition, and there is real competition the ability to make decisions and be sufficiently independent. from the president's office, where we are in general, our government then, well, not that we did not address, we listened to the position of the president, nor his clerks, certainly not a blogger there. you see, but it meant absolutely nothing. the government had its own position, we relied on this coalition, as a minister i personally went to all committees, took part in all committees, communicated with deputies of all different factions, and when i needed, laws were passed so that the entire hall voted for it. i plowed in verkhovna glad to talk to him. unfortunately, today zelensky is a little weak, i will correct you, it is not that he has no strength. time to figure out the relationship, no, he doesn't have time to
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make a decision, it's really true, because we all understand, we've been hearing this ballad for six months or more, every week something will change, shmygal, yulia is there, how is she there , there are ministers, the ministry is key without a minister, it is of kubrakiv infrastructure, the ministry is divided, it is not divided, no one deals with utilities, no one deals with heat and energy, no one deals with debts, this is... a real catastrophe of public administration, and the reason for it is one thing: unfortunately , the decision-making center is not the verkhovna rada, as it is written in the constitution, but the decision-making center is the president and his five or six managers, the names of which we have never heard from him, well , let's guess who these five or six managers are, who, by the way, have absolutely none constitutionally. or legislative authority to exercise and influence
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the country's management system, it is distorted, as if by a cybernetic education, with a good education from kyiv state university, claims that this is the path to a management disaster, it is the essence of the matter that we have had for a long time, this management collapse and management disaster. thank you, mr. oleksiy, ms. elizaveta, are the possible personnel changes and reshuffles being discussed in the faction now? i'll just remind you that the minister of information policy and culture is no longer there, well, it's been almost a year, or already a year, or more, more, yes, oleksandr tkachenko resigned, that's it, there's no minister, there's no culture, information policy during the war an important component is also missing, there is no vice prime minister for infrastructure and minister for regional development, why is it so difficult to adopt? decisions, if there is a monomajority, then these decisions must be quick, and in conditions
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of war, you must make decisions, even if there is a discussion in the verkhovna rada with your opponents, as soon as we are offered candidates for certain positions, we usually invite them to the faction, we discuss and then vote, there are never any questions about this, but who offers you candidates, because you are you. with all due respect and sympathy to you, who is offering you nominations, if not secret, from which office are you being offered, if not, look, there are no conspiracy theories here, we have a faction leader who represents what we have to discuss, we we are discussing it. as if anyone has any suggestions that can be contributed as well. unfortunately,
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at the moment, i do not know the reason why this or that minister is not appointed at the moment, but that it could happen next week, yes, there is a possibility, but i cannot confirm and guarantee it at the moment can. will there be, will there be a change of the prime minister, who has been sitting in the prime minister's chair for the longest time in the history of ukraine, without resignation, and most importantly without... the program of the cabinet of ministers, personally i will say my personal opinion that i do not see that this will happen in the near future, thank you, mr. rostyslav, how do you perceive these announced personnel changes, they have been announced for so long that , to be honest, we are not tired of it anymore , but again we return to what will be personnel reshuffles, what other personnel reshuffles, there were in april and may talk already. july, then vacations and september, you know, in order not to quote the well-known
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treasure of anecdotes there about excess and so on, i will turn to what mr. oleksii said, about cybernetics, about systems theory, about how systems respond to crises, and i will say that now saving the system is a fundamental change in relations, because it is already obvious that the current system... is not capable of producing an effective solution, you can refer as much as you want to the leadership of the faction and so on, but unfortunately, the leadership of the faction itself is very often in... the interview talks about the office the president, five managers and others who should show some initiative, but in fact, it seems to me that the time has long come for a government of national unity, which would unite professionals who would be independent from the office of the president and directly from political forces, and would work for the result
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of the victory of ukraine and the mobilization of all the forces of society for this victory. and it is precisely the main political forces that have the experience of working together in february and march of the 22nd year, so if we remember this experience and build on it the formation of the government of national unity, this is would be the salvation of the system, in my deep conviction, and we will come to that sooner or later, but simply time, unfortunately, means more and more losses. more casualties on the battlefield, and i would really like to wish the president and his office, and the rest of the cabinet of ministers , to come to an understanding of reality faster and make the decisions that the country needs, because we talk a lot about monomajority, but let's tell the truth, because in the end already
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today the new york times writes that there is a de facto coalition between the servants of the people. which they give 170-180 votes, but by no means 250, by the remnants of the opz, who are actually such prisoners of war, who in exchange for personal inviolability vote, well, there are various other deputies, parts of groups and so on, who ensure the vote, then let's maybe we will stop fooling each other and the ukrainian people, and together we will form a joint government of unity, and it will allow us to solve... the whole dream of the issues facing the country. you know, in the context of what is happening and in these announcements of personnel reshuffles, another big one is happening the process we are watching, well , at least four who are currently on the tv screen are certainly witnesses of this, as one people's deputy from the servants of the people,
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mariana bezugla, as she torments the military leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, the military leadership of the state. that is, at first it was a shill, now with syrsky, a person who believes that she can publicly reprimand the people who are waging war and are at the head of the ukrainian army, that she can give them an assessment. zelenskyi said at the press conference that he will not yet evaluate the work of the commander of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi in the context of the breakthrough of the russians in the kharkiv region, well, obviously, this was the answer to those reproaches that sounded publicly from mariyana's lips. or from the writing of maryana bezuglya, because we didn’t hear it from the lips, let’s listen to what zelenskyi said, i don’t think that if anyone was in syrskyi’s place, there wouldn’t be a corresponding breakthrough, i think he would have been, stop it, well done , were not allowed to occupy kharkiv without a package, well done, and
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then with the details... we will figure it out when we have a break. against this background, iryna veryshchuk, the deputy prime minister, urged the public not to destroy the army by criticizing individual commanders. in her post on facebook, she noted that it is necessary to destroy stupidity, irresponsibility, frivolity, and lies, but i do not appreciate undermining the discipline and fighting capacity of units. so, i appeal to politicians and other influencers, if your advocacy activities... weigh on the discipline and fighting ability of the army, then it will be against the interests of national security in the conditions of war, this is not good. mr. oleksiy, can you explain this phenomenon when people who are not part of the armed forces, or do not understand how this whole system works, but publicly allow themselves to reproach the commanders in chief, first
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one, then another, this is political jealousy for the existing ratings. the armed forces of ukraine and the level of trust they have in the army, why is this happening, well, if we are talking about this outstanding deputy, then i definitely want to thank the residents of obolonsky district, for their future elections, wish them to be very careful, as well as the residents of svyatoshynskyi district, which were presented to the verkhovna rada and another very powerful one deputy, he is walking there now with a bracelet and so on. but i don't want, you know, to comment on something, mariana, it's, well, i don't want to, i only want to say one thing, when a long period of time. some deputy is carrying something that maryana carried on zaluzhny, well, we understand, although i am certainly not narrow-minded, i understand,
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any leader in such conditions definitely makes some mistakes, that's for sure, that 's for sure, this is an extremely difficult situation , but when the dilettante starts barking, excuse me, just at the figure, well, in essence, which guarantees safety. the military security of ukraine for a long time, and we understand that from the decision-making center of this so-called deputation, the go-ahead has already been given, yaw yaw, yaw on, then definitely behind this one, sorry dog, you are sought after other great experts who allow themselves really amateurish and amateur letters in the case of the military, which is strictly prohibited, really, as far as i'm concerned. well, in general, it should be morally, you see, prohibited in such a difficult situation, you see, the same situation in the energy sector, many experts of some kind, carry nonsense about the energy sector,
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export of some kind there, endless treason and so on, and this situation, it becomes a real threat to the national security of ukraine, because the tasks for much smaller things, the servants of the people, at least you. from the faction, were deprived of positions in committees and similar things, here we see that the leadership of the verkhovna rada is simply standing firm, not putting it to a vote, and the resolutions of the committees were adopted by the colleagues themselves, so that she was removed from the post of deputy head of the committee on defense issues for a moment, security and intelligence, a draft resolution from the regulation the committee, about its responsibility for its statements and similar things, when to the point that... the position of the chairman of the verkhovna rada directly in the sector of the presidium asked that put it to a vote and everyone's position will be seen, no, they will not
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put it, then this just suggests that this office of the president is absolutely profitable and it is satisfactory, that these attacks, unfortunately, they are made with a blessing, but this is a very , very dangerous game, because from unity armed forces and... society does not depend just a victory, but the survival of ukraine. and trying to blame the military for everything is a very dangerous thing, because 100 years ago, trying to talk about traitor generals led to the fact that the front collapsed, and the bolsheviks were able to seize ukraine, so playing these games now is simply contraindicated, and that there must be responsibility. thank you, mr. rostyslav, ms. elizaveta, i would like to ask you, how does your...colleague from the faction mariana bezuglai, do you in the faction have some common vision of whether it is possible to do this, whether it is not possible to do this, and whether
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are there any forces that allow marijana bezugliy to behave in the way she behaves in relation to the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine? well, i will start with the fact that it seems to me that marianna believes that she has great power and... and she believes that it is necessary to do what she believes, the whole society already gives an assessment to this, we, and i i think that a lot of people are very worried about the fact that when someone, in this case, the guilt starts screaming treason, very strongly, very much, then of course it does not contribute to unity, i am here... i agree with my colleagues that this is very dangerous , we all hold on as much as possible so that, well, of course there are problems, of course there is
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work to be done, but we are trying to keep this unity and it is very important to support the armed forces of ukraine, both the spirit and the ideology, the idea in general, this is very important , i am already silent about the fact that such statements are indeed issued and used by russian propaganda. as a result, this is very dangerous, that is why this question is raised very often in the faction, in our party chats, most of the colleagues consider it unacceptable, how will it develop further, mariana's future, well, this is already a matter of the future, thank you, thank you, ms. elizaveta, elizaveta yasko, rostyslav pavlenko and... oleksii kucherenko were guests of our program today, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, throughout our entire edition of today's two-hour , we
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asked you, friends, about the following: is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia? so, let's look at the results of the television poll: 14% yes, 86% no. this, my friends, is the end of it, it was the verdict program, congratulations serhii rudenko, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives. goodbye. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminost uuro - urination under control. there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnesium. 10% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for
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