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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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after high school, he served in the marine corps, later worked as a military correspondent, and has a degree in political science and philosophy, as well as a law degree. back in 2016, wentz said that he did not like trump and even called him the american hitler, but in 2022, he changed his rhetoric, preparing for the senate elections, and even became a close associate of the former us leader. already in july. this year became a candidate for vice president of america. jd vance is an ardent critic of american aid to ukraine. in april, he wrote an article opposing it draft law on the provision of military support. also, the politician has repeatedly emphasized that in order to end the war with russia, ukraine must consolidate its neutral status and cede part of its territory. anyone with a brain. i know that
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it was always supposed to end in negotiations. the idea that ukraine was going to push russia back to the borders of 1991 was absurd, no one believed in it. that is why we are saying to the president and to the whole world that you should clearly articulate your ambitions. we must remember that ukraine is functional destroyed as a country. after saturday's assassination attempt on trump, the number two person in his team acquires even more importance, because in the event that something much more serious happens to the ex-president, it is vance who will be entrusted with the duties of the presidential candidate, and possibly the president of the usa. so, this is a possible vice president of the united states of america in case of victory of donald trump in the presidential elections. i would like to introduce our guest today, he is a politician, diplomat and extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 20.
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before the program, you and i talked about the day of adoption of the declaration on state sovereignty and the day of adoption of the law on language , july 16 is such an important day, well, it is no accident that i am in such a vyshyvanka, therefore , today we had a simply wonderful event with the participation of ivan zayats, who was one of the co-authors volodymyr butkevich. a well-known lawyer and oleksandr motsik, a diplomat, and andrii magera, a constitutionalist, and we talked about those times, about the document, and there is, by the way, a connection with today's present, if you like, the istanbul agreements and the declaration on state sovereignty, there are many interesting points here, do you mean neutrality, which was fixed in the declaration on the state, as we determined today, it is not fixed anywhere in ukrainian legislation, but it is in the declaration, there is no longer any, there is no longer a declaration anywhere. the intention has already ended,
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the constitution has already clearly defined the accession to nato, that is, the constitution is automatic, it is a legal document, a declaration of a more political one, and intentions are not the same as the position of the state, so today all people, who participated then, in those times, and we today, i managed to gather them together, and we put a bold dot, who opposes the issue of joining nato, he opposes the constitution. the country does not fulfill the constitution and that's all, period, no neutrality, nothing, as long as the goal, strategy, goals are defined, all officials have to fulfill this, in other words, if putin insists on neutrality and does not join ukraine in nato, it means that if a person, any person who fixes or signs a draft of any document, he goes against the basic law, it is subject to, moreover, it is subject to suspicion and criminal liability. let's
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start our conversation from the united states of america: on july 13, there was an assassination attempt on donald trump and this whole story is obviously, well , it is perceived in the world as a convincing bonus, if it did not sound strange when we talk about an attempt on life, but also that trump is gaining twists and turns in his presidential campaign, how is this story, how can it affect the course of the election campaign, and whether or not americans are so dependent on these externals, i would i will say, the effects, it is obviously a tragedy when a presidential candidate is shot, but how much, how much does it convince them to vote for trump and not for biden? well, i will say right away, we, you and i do not know this now, we need to look at sociology, because for american election campaigns, assassination attempts are not such a unique matter.
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shot directly at ronald reagan at close range, well , you know, yes, and this is not, you know, this is, so to speak, a unique case, and, but the worst did not happen. that trump is alive and these consequences are not terrible, this is just a gift of fate, i will explain to you why, god forbid, if this and this tragedy ended with the death of trump, then america, which is divided and so now, it would simply explode now, and a huge confrontation, conspiracy , who, why they killed. how it led to huge consequences, which are still being felt, yes, but we will see on the election day there on november 5 and for this period, it will also be very difficult, from my point
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of view, we still, i can't tell you , without sociology, as an american voter on it will react, you see, different opinions on this matter, from conspiratorial to such... as i expressed, that is, really, thank god that and and by the way, look, there were also joseph biden’s words right away, well and it’s good that and ukrainian politicians, and president zelensky, and poroshenko, the former president, well, who worked with trump, they all spoke out, and it is very correct, now, well, i can speculate, only putin did not speak out, by the way, only in the words of zakharova, what they say in the united states of america. well, listen to him in my way, yes, the more it will be turbulence, the better, and i think that i will take the liberty to say that it will most likely affect the readiness
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to recognize the election, in this situation donald trump, who did not really recognize the results of the previous one, well, when he lost his position, imagine ... now, how many supporters he has around him, well, let's call a spade a spade, fanatical, who simply will not say not to give, any result of the vote not to give power, that is, now to joseph biden or well, if they make a decision the other, another candidate from the democrats, must be given such a gap that there is no doubt whatsoever, and prove immediately clearly that the result of the election is such in their favor, if so. will happen, otherwise, donald trump will not simply give the election, and this is what i fear more than anything, because then it is turbulence, then it is a prolongation of political problems, we need to work with the usa on next year. the 61
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billion package that we talked about for a long time is only for this year and the beginning of the next one, and what to do next? well, i have a decision that i generally talk about in closed conversations, well, in public. the land list is needed now, while there is still an opportunity, because it was initiated by the republicans, the land list must be talked about somehow so that it becomes, perhaps , part of trump's election campaign, because there is logic, he says that i am ready to stop the war there in 24 hours, and i his logic is clear, what he will be to both sides, let's say, as they believe, well, they are pushing, let's say so, and he will push putin with threats of the maximum speedy provision of power'. if now it is accepted in the parliament, then in the congress, then i can understand that trump can use it, and how will he use it, if the new congress, for example, does not want to do it, or it will only take effect there, too, even there in next year,
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well, the elections in the congress will be the same as in the senate, so it is important for us what the configuration will be, it is important for us that there are tools. funding continues, we understand that the war, unfortunately, will not end until, well, i would say so, until the next nato summit, yes, that is, it is already visible, and therefore leverage is needed, including for any us president. now regarding the results of the elections, i claim that even in such conditions we cannot say a lot of things now, we are not americans, americans evaluate it in their own way, americans come first . well, it’s not paradoxical, not sympathy after the attempt, but prices, well, what is life like, prices, inflation, what are the educational opportunities, how much will pay for a child’s education, well, like in all countries, this is everyone’s priority, and in
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this regard, of course , i only have it now, well the concern that we're not trying to actually influence the much as we can to shape that position, particularly, for example, in the republican platform, we saw that platform, we saw what they were thinking there, and as a result, we didn't do anything. i mean from the congress, just where we talked , the vice president said everything, well, besides that, there are still many discussions, you can meet with the foreign policy and security team, you can be an ambassador, with the consent of the state department absolutely, you can political parties to participate, but we have been blocked, as far as i am concerned i understand the trip, it's terrible, it's not poroshenko, it's not about poroshenko, they blocked it. the trip of members of the parliament of ukraine, who are part of the international parliamentary union, but it so
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happened that it is an international parliamentary union, it now includes deputies of european solidarity, ivan klyma sensadze, iryna gerashchenko, this is the head of the european integration committee, the second head of the faction, i.e. ionova maria, and as a result, because of what, because of political jealousy, political competition, we can. get what we remember that yours there were no representatives at the congress, and why wasn't there, and because this is not the congress where zelenskyi or stefanchuk can come, stefanchuk will not be allowed there, but stefanchuk can block political competitors, which is what we have come to, and i know , that i did a lot of things with trump during that period as an ambassador, because i was at the congress, i talked, i talked with the team, we were able to correct some changes , we made some changes, the diaspora helped in... the gram was even corrected, i look, nothing like that it is not done, we have the impression that our
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president only does everything, he went there, yes, did some, and that's it, and nothing else, and no one will deal with it anymore, the parliament will not deal with it, then we won't deal with the likes of wenceslas, meet earlier, well yes, well, well, well, then what do we expect , we will play on the totalizer who will be the president or vice president, this is not our role, this is the choice of the american people, our role is to have levers, tools to work with anyone who will be chosen, that's what you already mentioned about j. d. vance, and we have already given this reference to the senator, young enough in the trump's team, he is 39 years old, just four months ago during a debate in the senate , he said that it is necessary to stop american aid to ukraine in favor of supporting taiwan. let's hear how vance said it, and then we'll continue the conversation. obviously,
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i'm a critic of continued aid to ukraine, but it's true that american resolve is important, and we should do everything we can to demonstrate american resolve, but you know what's more important than american resolve? you know what's more important than hitting beating ourselves in the chest like eighth-graders on... the playground and saying that we are resilient, we are strong, we can do it, much stronger than that is the ability to protect ourselves and our allies, and this is our weakness. by the way, in ukraine they emphasize the fact that he made some anti-ukrainian statements, there he allowed himself, or shall we say, did not support ukraine, as he should have supported, but they do not say that he also has a sufficiently serious anti-chinese attitude. position, which means anti-russian, obviously, so in this situation there is an obvious place
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his seat will determine how he will treat ukraine, or not? well, first of all, i don't agree with those who say that from the question of ukraine, trump chose him as his partner and, as vice president, as a partner for work, i think that, well, i understand how it happens, i see which candidate. i think two things won here, the first is financial, because we saw what the sponsorship contributions were like in the last two or three days, musk elon musk contributed 40, more than 40 million to vance, by the way, that musk who beat himself in chest and told i am not for anyone, with anyone, i am so far removed from this, no, no, he specifically contributed for this candidate, and so they did other business, there were those who played for other candidates. well, in principle, trump would have taken them, but money played a role here, this is the first thing, and secondly,
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for donald trump, he will now select, he said, the most loyal people to him, that is, why is the configuration in the senate important, that is now he is as a vice presidential candidate, he chooses himself, yes, and he has shown how he will choose, that is, a person who is as loyal as possible to him, who in matters of foreign policy... is an even bigger trumpist than trump himself. and although he was an anti-trumpist, when he called trump hitler , there was a previous time, yes, there was, he criticized it, but this speech, what did you show. i watched the speeches, he, he is very difficult for us in that he argues everything very well, he has arguments, he graduated and he is a certified person, well, a former military man, by the way, he is one of the few who has the whole set, he , he's a military man, he's famous, he's written books, he's a fool and everything, but for the main thing for me, i hear, he wants
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to show these things about ukraine logically, without emotions, he is not anti-ukrainian, no, he... he does not have any negative attitude towards ukrainians, no, he logically wants to show why, when not overwhelming force , why the money is thrown away and so on, but where he spoke, his fellow senators caught him right away, he can be caught on illogical things, he just doesn't make statements like that just in a row, no, he wants to justify all this, so i think what is here... for us it will be on the one hand, on the other, and why who said that donald trump will actively engage in foreign policy? i'll tell you when pence was there, i respect him, he had some interesting episodes of donald trump's jealousy of the vice president, and do you see a lot of kamala harris in foreign policy now?
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she performed well, you know, but we don't see her. she has in kamala harris, for example, a group of advisers, those who came from the obama administration, serious people, that is, they are also ready to play a role there, so it is not yet a fact that donald trump will give him this role, engage in foreign policy, who said, but vance, he can be the president, suddenly something will happen to trump, that is, not only something, well, let him live, that's not the point, not what happened at all. we say in the constitution, yes, in 28th he can, but imagine how much was said about pardons now, well, you remember, and the most interesting thing is that in america the president can pardon himself, but when trump in the future, well - firstly, he has not won yet, well, if he is not the president in the future, who will insure him, he chooses for the future and his entourage
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a trumpist who will continue this line and who will not touch trump, anyone. conditions, loyal attitude, everything else is derivative, so it will be difficult, you have to work with him, i don't know how it happened that we have, yes, he, i can admit , when i was an ambassador, he was a person, well in fact, you can say, a journalist, well, unknown, the book was interesting, well, interesting really not from the point of view of politics, yes, it's the way he went down, as far as i can tell, it's not pure foreign policy or geopolitics, no, that's why. .. we worked with senator portman, who was and, by the way, i will use this thanks to senator portman in vidagayo, where there are really many ukrainians, in one parma there are about 20 thousand ukrainians in one town, and we were driven by senator portman, we traveled around the state of agayev, we worked , er, andriy futei, who is an honorary consul in that state, he is an assistant
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to the senator and portman helped introduce some initiatives in the senate, because agaya is really a state. there are many ukrainians, and here suddenly in this state, there is such a candidate, that's it surprised me, because it's really very strange that such, such a change, well, but america is in such a state, it's changing, so i would, actually, to be honest, it's a challenge, it's a challenge, you don't have to think so calmly that it somehow , the challenge is that donald trump, as in the case of winning the elections, he will now choose himself. the people he wants in them, and he has already said that it could be miller, miller, i will remind you, this is his adviser, who was not missed in the last election for some position, he was an adviser in the white house, he is a possible candidate for the minister of justice, or the minister of internal affairs, or the prosecutor general, the minister of justice, this is the person who formed
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the structure of the tough migration policy, that is, you understand what is already in the program in the program. there is the most massive deportation in the entire history of america, you understand that it will be, that is, well, that is, all illegals will be deported, meaning mexicans and all those who came to the states illegally, imagine, a child lives, there is such a thing, children live, they are already students, they have graduated, they have rights, me i mean driver's license, but they don't have us citizenship, they will be kicked out after 25 years of living in the us, that's what the democrats stood for then. it's, it's going to be, well, actually, and they 're going to do it, that's what i see, they're going to do it, that's why miller was rejected by his family because they're immigrants and... his uncle said in an interview at the time, i don't understand it a guy who himself took advantage of the migrant right, and now wants to deport people
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from countries, and this will be done, and it will be very difficult for america, so if trump appoints such people in the event of his victory, it will be a challenge not only for us, believe me, for many, but, from the point of view of war, here is the fact that we are constantly, well, the main thing for us is the russian war, you know... and i don’t know, the war of attrition in biden’s concept now, it is not known how much, without a security umbrella in the form of nato, with the supply there, with the delay of weapons, well, this is also not a decision for ukraine, trump, he tends to make radical decisions, as he considers, leadership, and well , it happened twice , i saw, well, i one on... the second time, let it stay, javelin and anti-tank weapons, this is a breakthrough in the anti-aircraft blockade, it was done under him, well, no matter what they say, everything was being prepared,
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indeed, the ministry of defense was on our side, jdeb, but they actually pushed through the personal meetings of the presidents of ukraine and america, and you you know, well, the other would hardly have been able to do so there, if he had been... flexible, that is, to make a decision here, to go for it, so i don't know, the challenge will be greater, of course, in such a case, and why did they already write off the democratic candidate, i say so more cautiously, because i thought until recently joseph biden, well, he won't give up, he doesn't want to give up even now, but this situation, this black swan that arrived, yes, and i mean this case with an assassination attempt, of course he will now show sociology. "if the gap increases to 10 points, the democrats will have a question of changing the candidate, already for completely different reasons, and it can be played, here, i
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said before that there are zero chances that they will change the candidate, but now the reasons are slightly different, maybe it will be necessary to say that it is necessary to ensure peace and unity of the country, by the way, and trump sensed it, he began to state, he already filmed his speech at the convention, oh..." controversial things, biden's critics, he began to talk about the unity of the country, they felt, they already have intelligence, there is information about what is happening in the country, and they, they were afraid of this, in fact, the trumps are not, well, how afraid, the wrong word, they assessed the threat, so now only radical changes of some kind by the democrats, and perhaps also some unexpected events of this kind, will be able to turn the campaign around god is there, of course. so sharp, but the russians, the iranians, and the chinese will now try to play on this field, fanning this situation from different sides, you already mentioned zakharov started there,
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well, no wonder, no wonder, these are anti-american sentiments, and for us, everything is not the same we need to distance ourselves, i see what you and i said, by the way, i don't know if ours, our ambassador can be at the congress, whether she is there or not, but it has to be, that's it. .. if we distance ourselves and try to let everything go by itself and do not try to play an influence somewhere, well, we may find ourselves in a very difficult situation, so in conclusion i will say, let it be the choice of the american people, we need to work with both directions, now it is easier, there will be two candidates, well, one is already known with the vice president, the second is not yet determined, here is a paradoxical situation, the current president , and not a specific one... a candidate since the democratic ones, although traditionally in america it is logical that the incumbent president, but in such conditions, can you imagine, and the incumbent
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president says, we have a lot of turbulence, i am the incumbent president, i have to ensure elections, i had it, remember so, arsen avakov became, as it were, a person who ensured the elections, yes, and the whirlwinds of 2019 actually played it, let's say so, and... why can't there be an avakov in america, yes, well, joseph biden can play this role, as the current president, whom everyone considered influential, but mine means the successor, and i think that it can be played, that is, everything is possible, the ratings, well, how will it play out, who can overtake trump, i don’t know, it is their business, our business, to advance funding instruments now for next year, ours it's a matter of protecting yourself from pauses. and it will be all right, the pause may be long, it may be, you know what, it may simply be a blocking of the release of funds in the budget in the usa, something that
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happened to them very often, happened under trump. well, and before, i give you a 90% guarantee that this will happen, and this will affect the fact that they will not be able to fully e statu, well, that is, there will not be a full staff to supply us with weapons, yes , it will not be blocked, but the pace of supplies there will be others, we need to choose to convince them, they will choose now until november at the most, and that's it further, further what, further pause may be until the inauguration, how to finance? what a new package, it is needed now, well, again until april to may of the 25th year, it can all be suspended, well , until the entire team is formed, it can be suspended directly from november to may, you remember, we are at the last stage and our lady ambassador markarova said, we will now try to push through lendlease there, at first we were against it, well, we listened to the white house, in the end, in two months, let's push through, what ended up, it was simply removed from the law, but
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by the way, the fuse on... withdrawal from nato was put there, no president can now withdraw from nato alone, but everything will be fine, if trump leaves, the procedure will start, that is, do not go to goroshka, but this does not mean , that everything will end there with the withdrawal from nato, that's all, but the processes will start differently, we don't have to be, we need insurance options with europe, with the supply of weapons, with our production, we definitely need to plan, unfortunately, for november. december, january, february, 5 months, how do we close it that's all, the 40 billion allocated is very good, well , the decision of the summit in washington is not enough, it is not enough, because we see the russians throwing 100 per year, so we need to close this, we have a focus on who will become the president for some reason, well yes , it is clear, it will be such a point of orientation for the whole world, what to do next there, including the war, but...
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this is not what will determine the results of this large-scale part of the war at this time, absolutely not this, but precisely in what state ukraine will end up in this moment, in which state is the consolidation of society, in which the institutional state, what kind of weapons, will we have the proverbial several hundred missiles for a thousand kilometers, which we should have done already, that is, all this will play its key role, otherwise there will already be external factors, no need, no need to be... with such a lower value, yes , that is, by the way, russia does the same, you see, russia, trump will come, trump will not come, well, yes, that is, well, well, well, what does it mean, there trump will come, he will not come, how many other factors are not taken into account, then at any trump, biden, and the main factor is the situation on at the front, there are weapons, there are no weapons, there are people trained and ready to fight, or not, there is
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a willingness in society to endure the wrong ones. there is a lack of electricity there, which during the war, well, unfortunately, it is understandable, but what to do next with this, how to resist it, how to give symmetrical blows, how to act, well, that is, there are many internal questions, in our country we have to look at first of all, on the internal situation, we need to work externally, in america we need to work carefully, but, let's say, boldly, otherwise, this is a country that loves... well, you see who, yes, who loves determination, and i think that it would be good to think about it now, and not just wait, not just wait and discuss what the result will be. well, by the way, zelenskyi says that ukraine is ready to cooperate with any political force in the united states of america, in particular, the republican party in case of coming to power. let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. as for... ending the war,
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what, what vision does the potential president, the potential president, or yes one of the presidential candidates donald trump, the general things are clear to me, i think that if mr. donald trump will become the president, we will work, i am not afraid of it, but i want to tell you. does the majority of the republican party support ukraine and the people of ukraine? well, this is zelensky of the 24th year, but we remember how zelenskyi's presidency began in the 19th year with a conversation with trump, which was then leaked to american publications and about how trump put pressure on zelenskyi and said that , that let's open the case against hunter biden of the son who was here in burism campaign


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