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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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what is the vision of the potential president, the potential president, or one of the candidates for the presidency of donald trump, the general things are clear to me, i think that if mr. donald trump will be, will become the president, we will work, i am not afraid of it, but i want to tell you, i will support the majority of the republican party. ukraine and the people of ukraine. well, this is zelenskyi of the 24th year, but we remember how zelenskyi’s presidency began in the 19th year with a conversation with trump, which was later leaked to american publications, about how trump put pressure on zelenskyi and said that let's open the case against hunter biden of his son, who was in the campaign here in bursma, one of the founders, and then the impeachment procedure began. for trump, it
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was just the beginning of zelenskyi's presidency, or could it somehow affect his attitude to zelenskyi during the second campaign or trump's arrival or not? yes, of course, of course, well, by the way, there were a lot of different, well, misconceptions in ukraine, what is happening in the usa, and what they are paying attention to, is actually there. bad for us when ukraine becomes a topic of election discussion, and you remember, the impeachment part is all there, but now it's not like that, now it's part of the campaign, how much weapons help, yes, that's another story, besides, there is also a decision of the electoral commission that ukraine did not interfere in elections, we shouted about it the most here in ukraine, and now we know that it was an operation by the russian special services, there is confirmation, there is a senate investigation, no one talks about it... in
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ukraine, as i hear, i constantly hear, ukraine made a mistake, supported hillary clinton, that is, you should not make this mistake a second time, dear, you who made a mistake, do not translate from one head to another, we worked as diplomats with two directions, and we are still working like that now, and the statement shows that this understanding has come, yes, but the understanding of public statements and actions is completely different, trump knows what actions were taken. and personally by the president and his entourage, and biden knows what actions were taken, in them, i must say, unfortunately, as an ambassador, i did not manage to convince them, one should not get into where it is not necessary, and they got into some things, july 10, 19 year when the first was that the diplomats of the us embassy were not allowed to meet in the white house and as a result got into aleppo, became the cause of impeachment, so if they made conclusions...
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thank god, but they did not forget there. and the second point, perhaps the president of ukraine is right in saying donald trump, he is such a person, well, in principle, he is not vindictive, yes, that is, i can say that i have seen his actions, but he does not have any piety towards ukraine, he is a supporter there are more such regimes, well, i would say authoritarian ones, where the solution is simpler is accepted, this is his... attitude, although he seems to be calling for democratic development, well, he likes such communication between the people and the leader, where everything is very simple, and this is also a certain challenge, i say, because it is not known what there will be a configuration, whether the congress will be under the president, well, biden or trump, whether there will be a division of the houses, so we still don't know a lot, but again what you're asking, it's all there... the institutions are working, everything is fixed,
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well, sometimes ours think that no one knows anything, everything is recorded, and whether one candidate or the other, ukraine, which fights and restrains the invasion of russia in europe, and ukraine, which will move to another state, these are two two different attitudes towards the leadership of ukraine, as well as inside ukraine, internally as well, we, as citizens of ukraine, support president zelenskyi . he is the commander-in-chief, but there are so many questions that can be discussed, because if we do not say anything, then these mistakes can accumulate so much that it will become the result of losses at the front, and this is what i am saying, this is one of the mistakes, the president of ukraine says, we work bipartisan, we want support, i have a simple question for the president, who will represent ukraine at the congress of republicans, well, maybe, madam ambassador. thank god, then
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there will be a presentation, but if not, what a mistake made by many european capitals, they did not send to those in the 16th year. to the convention in ahaya, by the way, there was a convention at that time, it seems, yes, they did not send representatives there at all, not ambassadors, not party members, in philadelphia the democrats were all there, and how did it turn out for them, that they did not know no how to contact new president, nothing, at this one congress i got a lot of opportunities to work with the team quickly transition. quickly from the team, therefore, therefore, it is necessary not, not only to talk about eternal bipartisan support. i'll tell you more, i still don't see that kind of sustained bipartisan support, unfortunately, because it's difficult to say when 80 people,
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republicans, vote against, on an obvious issue where there is common interest, but interestingly, they were afraid, that ukraine's support. as vance says he, she will reduce american support by the voters, nothing like that, all the republican candidates who supported ukraine, all received a nomination for the senate, for the congress, well, the internal party struggle, it is very interesting, 100%, you can check, i was surprised, that is, the issue of ukraine, it is not just confuses, the voter wants a fair decision, the american voter understands, for the first time, that there is geopolitics in ten issues. there is russia, and america must be strong, strong, so the tools can be different, so it is very important to resist, rely on these voters, by the way, volodymyr zelensky went to meet with the governors, it is very good, very good that they met at the level of the governor, because the governors often
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say, my country, not my state, but my country, and they plan bilateral relations there, but in but, say, me so... it's alarming, i 'm saying that with us everything revolves around only the president, and the implementation of all this, and how is it all, how can he get his feet on all these issues? well, i'm a little worried about this, well, the joint production of weapons with the americans, i'm worried about the program republicans, they wrote in the program that they will create a dome over the usa, you understand that if they implement this program, no additional petri dish system will come to us, because 64. will not be enough for a dome over the usa, in general, at this time, it has already been criticized some, it’s impossible, well, it sounds beautiful, yes, from korean missiles, when these missiles arrive there, we have real ones, and they are from korean ones, but that’s what vance is saying, he will protect america’s allies, they
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will take everything for themselves and give nothing , it is against for ukraine, from our point of view, this is a mistake and against it, and from their point of view, strengthening their security, well, that is, they have their own interests, let me remind you, friends, that we are working. on the live air of the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, we conduct a survey throughout our broadcast, we ask you about whether it is time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, yes, no, if you are watching on youtube, the yes button no, or your own opinion, please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you see and feel that the time has come for negotiations between ukraine and russia 0800 211 381, no 0800 2011 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote , why are we actually asking about this today and why are we conducting this survey, there are two events, the first is a survey that was
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commissioned by the mirror of the week, or rather, the mirror of the week ordered this survey from the rozumko center, and what did it reveal? almost 44% of surveyed ukrainians were in favor of the start of peace talks, against 35%, while 21% have not yet decided, while, as president zelenskyi says, the plan to implement all the points necessary for the second peace summit, or peace, forgive me, will be ready in november. and it is about what is at this summit. peace according to the opinion of president zelenskyi, well , zelenskyi spoke about this and yaermak repeatedly spoke publicly about the fact that representatives of russia should be there, let's listen to what the president of ukraine is saying now. first meeting it will most likely be in qatar, it is about
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energy security, and there will be a fully prepared plan, it is about energy security, there will be a meeting in august. in turkey, regarding free navigation, and there it will be a matter of food security, and there will be a fully prepared plan, in september there will be a meeting in canada. on the humanitarian direction of the exchange of prisoners and the return of children, and there a plan will be developed. i believe that as we have been going, according to such a plan we will continue to go. after these three points, if they work, will be ready completely the plan of all points, the implementation of all points, and i set the task that in november we would have a completely ready plan. mr. valery, there will be a plan, but the question arises again, well, the plan is
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10 points, three of them were discussed at the mayor's summit, and the rest will be seven points at the second summit? come on, come on, well, plans, we have a government program at all, we don’t, it hasn’t been approved, we don’t have a withdrawal program, we, for example, say a lot that we need to deprive russia of a place... captured in the un, we say , do you think we will introduce at least officially once, no, lavrov spoke at the un security council today, by the way, russia, i don’t listen to him, that is, you understand, you can talk about plans, summits, that’s not where the result will actually be decided, it’s work in progress, by the way, it often confuses diplomatic work with general, foreign policy, the president's foreign policy or inter-parliamentary cooperation. workers can be, there can be such summits, maybe, but the problem is
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that for a solution that will end the war through negotiations, the readiness of the parties is required, this can happen either when one side completely dominates and the capitulation of the other side, or the country is ready for huge changes there, as in finland before the soviet union, in the 39th year of the winter war and after it, or... for example, stopped, yes, the countries have stopped, and both are exhausted, and are putting on a pause, the war is not formally over, no direct agreements are being signed, i don’t imagine a direct agreement now zelensky putin, i don’t imagine, and not only because there is a decree by zelensky himself not to talk to putin, orenbo decision, but also simple, well, it is a military one a criminal, this is a war criminal, that is... he understands very well that no one will give him indulgence, everything is fine. next,
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it's all plans, energy, well, excuse me, i'm a little skeptical about this whole separation of pieces, because i understand very well that the key question - for me , the key question is the following: what real strength will be the military power of ukraine and for outside help? that is, ideally. in order to defeat russia, it is necessary to involve other countries in the war, because this war was and is a challenge not only in ukraine, but only ukraine is fighting. we, one, two, parasolka, we actually created a second track, well, i say we, ukraine, this security agreement, today we discussed, and i can tell you, further and further, i see that we just gave a pass to our partners, essentially avoid. so we gave them, that is, someone wanted to please
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our administration today, and he proved to be a very constructive partner, he gave them some, well, sorry, the security assistance agreement with luxembourg, you read the paragraph, it's not, it's not about security , well luxembourg, with all due respect, financially, yes, but this is a statement, a political statement, this is a political... documents, this is not a contract at all, this is not a contract at all, i used to see others there, even though i am british, but now they have gone, they chased some, very dangerous thing, they chased after the entourage, they chased after this compact, there, well, and so on, key issues are pushed aside, there are no key decisions, the key decision is the situation at the front, the key decision is whether we have such institutional forces that putin understood, just because we don't sit down doesn't mean we're ready we will fight there forever, but to show that from the point of view of the internal unity of the nation,
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the availability of resources, that we have all the resources , whether with the help of partners or ourselves, that is, and only when there is irreversibility, well, it will strike, to show somewhere the ability, that is there is another question, somewhere to show the ability, and then they can sit down and think, but no one is telling, this is how it looks now... that there is no answer to the question of the territories of ukraine, that is, putin, we invaded donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia, kherson regions plus. the autonomous republic and the city of sevastopol and what we have not yet occupied, just give it to us, including the zaporizhia station, we took out the luhansk petron plant, zaporizhzhia and kherson, yes, please, move out there, but that's not all , above will reduce the army, neutrality do everything, well and so on, but the position of ukraine, nothing will happen to you, and we will
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de-occupy until the end, and these two positions are a war, still. not for one year, therefore, if we are talking about a break, because of all the mood swings, fatigue, then unfortunately, i have nothing i will say, because i, i understand that people have the right to express their position and those, especially relatives, close ones, those who are fighting, but i understand the risks that now without a guarantee of security, without a nato transfer, what awaits us in such a case an intermediate solution, and most importantly, i think... what i see in that, in that of today's ruling team, they do not produce effective solutions, they used to produce them, now they have switched to the entourage, to the external beautiful picture, gathered how many countries, it was always important, an element, but it must be achieved
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some kind of final result, and this result so far... it is not obvious to me that the president said this, that somewhere in qatar or somewhere there we will come out, and the terms are called such, well, very close, very interesting, the participation of russia , well, russia’s participation there, you know, from my point of view is possible only with the capitulation of either russia or ukraine, well, in such an all-out war, that’s why it’s all pitchforks in the water, pitchforks in the water, but today’s situation, when there will be shells, when i... the 16th, when will the patriots, when will we cover, when will we start those rockets that, let's say so, they are already flying to the factories, because they have all these new traps invented by the russians, they shoot when they get machines from the chinese, when they get chips from the chinese, what to do about it, how to react, that is, these are all the key points that we have to decide now, has another person
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made a voyage in the last week or 10 days, kyiv, moscow, beijing, trump's ranch, viktor orban, the hungarian prime minister, travels between capitals, speaks between presidents, can his game be perceived as a pro-china game , even i do not know, not pro-russian, even pro chinese, that is, china, europe, china , ukraine, china, russia, china, trump, and in this situation he is only a postman who brings some messages there, well... first of all , he is pro-orban, not even pro-hungarian, i would said, well, let the hungarians decide, but he is definitely pro-orbán, he, i call this tour the bloody tour, because during these peaceful trips children died in ukraine and it does not give anything, it works for itself, but he used you see, we can say whatever we want, but he calmly walks in
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yes, the cabinet, yes, that is, he has already positioned himself in this way, and... ukraine has already accepted it, i am surprised that they said that he did not tell the president of ukraine where he will go next, well, that is not how it is done, you understand. when there is a tour, well, it is not possible, if he really did not say in te-ta-tet, well, i think he said, i think in teta, well, i do not believe that orban went to moscow, did not tell the president of ukraine , that he will go, moreover, he is certainly gathering some information, i think that we have enough wits only that letter that secret orban that he sent to brussels. it's being read now, the main thing is that this is all we told him and nothing more, so yes, he bet roulette on zero, and he can win, i mean contacts with donald trump in case he wins and this access to, but he represents a country that is a member of the european union and nato, a country that
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currently presides over the european union, hungary, well, they already want to get rid of it, well, it will be by the end of the year, and such is the time. will be lost for such things, that is, i think that this is a factor, well, in the european parliament they form his separate faction there with partners, well , the factor of right-wing populism is present, the factor of left-wing populism will also be present to a lesser extent, this is such a new stage, it should have already ended from my point of view, i thought that the period of such and such elections in in europe and america, it has already ended, and as you can see, it is moving... some kind of continuation into the stage of some kind of continuation, so we have to live with it, god forbid that in ukraine it ends faster than in the usa, because we are institutional weaker than the united states, the united states more people will follow, this kind of populism will continue, well, you know, this radical populism, it is already spreading, it is already shaping
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the mood of the people, if before it followed the mood of the people, it is starting to shape them, and people think that this is the right way to live, people, i look at our situation, well, many of the deputies understand, well, they have been living for the last few five years and... there was nothing like this, they don't need a professional at all, they just need to be liked by the people, no, dear , if you are this, if you are in the war, well, i don't say there about, well, the parliament does not play any role, yes, the parliament does not play a role, the government is a fake fi, well, it does not give any answer to the threats of the energy industry, one president and five or six managers, for us it is a threat, because they do not have seven or six managers in america, they have 17 only intelligence services. who solve the problem, they will solve their problem, so we need to think about it in such conditions, when the environment is radicalized, wars will go on,
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we can already see, only in our case it would be good, well, it would be good, cynically so, in order to after all, this war did not start in europe, so i think that we do not understand two key things, that we will have to give all the answers ourselves. despite this huge dependence on supplies and financing from our partners, and the second thing is that we need to understand, in general, what kind of country do we want to defend in the future, because we, i see, what is the impression that we have today the leadership of the country thinks that will forever live in a state of war, and will use all restrictions of a political nature, well , just not covertly, just brazenly political competition. is happening, well, these are these are complicated things, and it is more important for me, as many people told me, and what kind of ukraine are you defending, and why did you
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stay there, well, here are the people who left ukraine a long time ago, so we know which we defend ukraine, we know what our interests are, and ours should be our art, our strengths to show our partners and prove to them that we can defeat russia together, it is better to do it. rather, without prolonging the pleasure of the collapse of the putinsky regime for a long time, so, you know, well, every time we live with those the factors that exist, and every single drop, it sharpens the stone, so i am an optimist in this regard, we will end our conversation on this optimistic note, thank you for the conversation, it was valery chaly, politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in the united states of america in 2015-19, let's look again... the results of a midterm poll whether it is time for ukraine to negotiate with russia are the results of a television poll: 14% yes, 86% no, there are
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two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two o'clock, to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component. serhii zgurets. but how does the world live? yuri fizer is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money. during the war oleksandr morchivka next to me and sports news i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation for two hours in the company of favorite cultural news presenters chegchenina, our tv viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters who have become movrodnidenko to many, she is ready next to me to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us , mr. mustafa, i wish you a good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast of the winter project. smart and caring in the evening for espresso. new week on espresso,
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weekly summary info. information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to put your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smolii every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. every week, the saturday political club to... helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. premium sponsor of the national team.
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united by football, stronger together! greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, today we will talk about both the internal policy and the foreign policy of ukraine. today in the issue. trump equation. an attempt on the ex-president of the usa and his leadership in the election race. what does this mean for ukraine and the ukrainian authorities? the fate of shmyhal's office. in the near future, the verkhovna rada may consider a large block of personnel issues. is the long-lived government in danger of being completely replaced?
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politicization of military and military management commanders are increasingly accused of incompetence, is it acceptable to criticize the military leadership during war? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes, my guests will be people's deputies of ukraine. however, before starting our conversation with people's deputies of ukraine, i suggest you, friends, to join our survey. today we are you. we ask about this, is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia? if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phones and vote for the relevant numbers if you think the time has come for ukraine to negotiate with russia 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​and if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments below this
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video, we are interested in... your opinion, if you 're watching us live on youtube, please vote with the appropriate buttons, yes, no, we 're always happy to hear and know your opinion, what do you think about this, today on our air, as i said, there will be people's deputies of ukraine, i want to introduce ours guests, this is yelyzaveta yasko, people's deputy of ukraine from of the people, member of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, mrs. elizaveta, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening. oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the batkivshchyna faction, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on energy and housing and communal services, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. thank you, congratulations, good evening. and rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine
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from european solidarity. member of the parliamentary committee on education, science and innovation, mr. rostislav, i congratulate you, thank you for joining, i see that you are on the air in rather difficult conditions, thank you for being with us, thank you, good evening, right away i apologize for the quality of the picture, we must now have 90 percent of the country in such and such a picture, so unfortunately, yes, yes , unfortunately, well, ladies and gentlemen, how much do we ask our tv viewers? on whether they think it is time for negotiations ukraine and russia, i will ask you in the bliss survey format, because a poll published by the mirror of the week and conducted by the razumkov center has appeared, and this poll shows that almost 4


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