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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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that you joined the broadcast, thank you, congratulations, good evening, and rostislav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, member of the parliamentary committee on education, science and innovation, mr. rostislav, i congratulate you, thank you for joining, i see in in rather difficult conditions , you are on the air, thank you for still being with us, thank you, good evening, i immediately apologize for the quality of the picture, we need now 90 percent of the country in... because we ask our tv viewers whether they think or the time has come for negotiations between ukraine and russia, i will ask you in the bliss poll format, because there was a poll published by the mirror of the week, conducted by the razumkov center, and this poll shows that almost 40... 4% of the surveyed ukrainians
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were in favor of the start of peace talks with russia, against 35%, while 21% are still undecided, what do you think about this, is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, let's start with mrs. elizaveta, i am convinced that as our president says, we cannot go to negotiations on the terms that... russia in order to one day go to any negotiations, we need to have our position, which will be supported by the majority of the international world, and for this we need peace summits, we need cooperation with various countries that do not always vote in support of ukraine, unfortunately, we we are actively engaged in this, but of course, i think, any average...
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ukrainian will never be able to say that we are ready to forget, to erase everything that is happening, for all of us, these, no need to explain, are huge tragedies that will be reflected in subsequent generations, and therefore we cannot afford to just sit down for some negotiations now, they will not happen in the near future, thank you, mr. rostyslav, do you think it is time for negotiations in ukraine? with russia, and i mentioned only one fact of a sociological survey here, but we witnessed how, over the course of several days, well-known, well, well-known, big bloggers who have millions of followers there on instagram, in particular , were pumping this topic, let's agree, already enough, we need to talk about peace, and since this topic is constantly being promoted, and someone is promoting it, i don't know, i don't have... any idea who it
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could be, either inside the state or in russia, but the very fact of whether it's time for negotiations between ukraine and russia, well, listen, first of all, if we're talking about sociology , then the absolute overwhelming majority of citizens say that the conditions put forward by russia are not acceptable, so the fact that there is quite a lot about the necessity or possibility of these negotiations, it... is actually refuted by the fact that it is not an acceptable position of russia to these negotiations. i will tell you more, the question seems to me a little so scholastic, because russia is not going to conduct any negotiations. this is the situation that was best described by goldameir, the famous israeli prime minister, that we want to live, and they want to kill us, and that leaves us. room for compromise, so the only
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way to end this war is for the russian military machine to break down, and for that we all have to work to help ukraine, we all have to support the armed forces, and work with partners to increase the pressure on russia, sanctions, economic, any other, and intensified help to ukraine, these are the negotiations that are the only ones capable of... leading to a result and forcing russia to stop the war against ukraine. thank you, mr. rostislav. mr. oleksiy, what do you think, is it time to talk about peace talks at all, or is it time to say that russia should be part of the peace summit and we will agree on something there. this is exactly the normal work of the president and diplomatic kiev, but with regard to negotiations, today the subject of negotiations is simply absent. in connection with his. thank you, mr. oleksiy, for the brevity and
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accuracy of wording. well, since this summer, it was hot not only and remains not only for... europeans and ukrainians, probably also for part of the rest of the world, it was also a hot political summer, because there were summits, we were counting on some results, a meeting of the big seven , the signing of ukraine's security agreements with a number of countries, the nato anniversary summit, what will ukraine be left with in the long run, what will we be going with in the fall of 24, if we do not take into account the fact that we are all suffering from a lack of electricity now in the time that what has ukraine achieved during this period, well, especially during these summits, because the top topic of the latest
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political news during the last six months was the nato anniversary summit, the big seven and the beginning of ukraine's transition with the european union, ms. elizaveta, please. it's actually a very hot summer, not only for the weather, for the political various events, we 're watching what's happening in the united states, what's happening, recently happened in france, recently happened in various countries of the european union, where the european parliament elections were held, in fact , quite scary, because we see that many countries are coming... forces with quite right-wing radical views, which use populist rhetoric, which very often does not go in support of ukraine, there is such a tendency, but
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we must also look at the facts, and the facts in because everyone, the whole community, european at the g7 level, at the level of... those summits that we held recently, well relatively recently a month ago, when there was an event in berlin on the restoration of ukraine, we see that simply incredible steps are taking place in order to build the future of europe, ukraine in peace, with the economy, where we will be members of the european union, these steps are all taking place, the g7 also allocated funds for a grant to ukraine , many different agreements were signed in our country, which were signed on military cooperation, on economic cooperation for our energy security, in fact for autumn and winter, we have quite a lot of training already with concrete results, where we can
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say that ukraine will be protected, but this does not mean that we are without risks, because we are under attacks every day, so we cannot relax. thank you ms. elizaveta, mr. oleksiy, well obviously, obviously, now the attention will be focused on the presidential campaign in the united states of america, the assassination attempt on trump, the new candidacy for the vice president of the united states of america, jd vance, who is known for his cautious, i would say position on ukraine, by the way, on do you think that china is also squeezing out now? er, ukrainian diplomacy, all that, that can squeeze out, and do we get what we want? diplomacy, diplomacy is trying, you understand, but in fact, i don't want to
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highlight this conflict once again, and it seems concerns, on the one hand, our political opponent, well, to some extent, the eu leader. poroshenko, well, these are the facts, when they don't really release him, he's authoritative, he's a weight, a heavyweight, you understand, he's heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, and when he's not released to the congress of the republican party, there's another , well, how come to me, this is some kind of childish lepidity, which testifies to the fact that the ukrainian government is such an impression that it does not fully understand, but the current one, well, it does not fully understand. the real crisis of the situation and does not understand what democracy is, do you understand? and now in relation to besides, before the events in the united states of america, i think the worst thing we can do for ukraine right now is to start there
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very actively, er, make love, sorry, either with one or try with another political force, you know , america is, it is very peculiar. a powerful country that lives its own life, its own, ukraine is definitely not the first priority there, and in this situation we have to prepare, what we have... declared in recent years and months in talks with both powerful political parties and count on election option which the american voters will choose for themselves, it is their choice, you understand, god forbid that you start interfering or influencing or giving them advice, i... am convinced that in such a context it is necessary to pragmatically, rationally seek answers to questions about
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the future of ukraine, because to risk relations with the united states of america in general , depending on likes or dislikes, is completely unacceptable in this situation, no matter how much we like someone or not, sorry, but by the way, you mentioned, mr. oleksiy, that the delegation, well, not actually poroshenko himself, but the delegation of european solidarity'. were not allowed to attend the republican national convention in milwaukee, but just 15 minutes ago, valery chaly, a diplomat who worked as the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in the united states of america in the 15-19 years, was on the air, he says, it is not at all unclear, why that's exactly what the current ukrainian authorities are counting on, if they don't release people who might be involved. in communication with the republicans, with trump, in the event of his victory, with vance, who
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maybe, i will remind you that the previous incident was a meeting with orban, yes, as far as i understand, which is the same, well, once again, i am definitely not a fan of pyotr oleksiyovych, believe me, but in this situation, well, don’t admit that he is a heavyweight and not there are some obstacles, but this is definitely acting against the interests of ukraine. the warrior of petro poroshenko , rostislav pavlenko, probably has his own vision of what is happening, and of course in the context of the general field that we are currently observing, that is, when even an attempt on trump can change trump's position for the better, and when biden's intransigence may also play into trump's favor, and the absence of our delegation there at this convention, how do you think... will it affect our communications with the united states of america if trump wins? thank you, and thank you very much
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to mr. oleksiy for your friendly and completely objective position, because now really hot times are coming for ukraine, and this issue is obviously not only about the weather, because now we need to influence what we can to influence because we can hardly hope to influence any political parties there positions in other countries, but we should definitely use all the opportunities of our own country in order to strengthen the position of ukraine and convey our interests and refute myths, and the best refutation of myths, for example, of the united states that, as i once wrote today.. . that this is such a terribly corrupt and undemocratic country,
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it was necessary to release poroshenko and the entire delegation in order for them to speak about the interests of ukraine, about the fact that we speak the same language and the same messages from the outside, about the fact that ukraine needs support, that we will somehow figure out our political relations later, and now we have to survive, and... but unfortunately, the issue did not send its signal, and the signal is very negative, and also, you know, here we are is currently on the espresso channel, one of three channels that were arbitrarily taken off the digital airwaves and remain off, and this is also a signal, more so to the european union, although to the us as well, because there the state department has also expressed concern about this situation, now, you know, if we want... victory, then we have to disprove myths and send positive signals, and
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the easiest thing that the current government can do now is to move away from selfishness, move away from some kind of, as mr. oleksii rightly says, kindergarten, finally engage in adult politics and engage all possible forces and efforts in order to show that ukraine is capable of working miracles both on the battlefield and domestically. its policy, and so far, unfortunately, the authorities are sending completely opposite signals, and no matter how hard the diplomats try, here it seems that all three of us are talking about it, diplomats do what they can, but they can't... they can do the impossible, and the impossible can only be done by all of us ukrainians together, but i'm sorry, it must be confessed together then with all our strength, and not only there with european solidarity, homeland, voice and those , who is really trying to create a unified policy. thank you, mr. rostyslav, ms. elizaveta, well, i don't know if you know
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the reasons why this happened, and whether it should be so, that there is a monopoly and... and the monopoly decides what, what actually, what should happen, and what should not be, including in foreign policy, well, and your leader volodymyr zelenskyi, he is the person responsible for foreign policy in ukraine, maybe he can see better whether it is right or wrong, you know, it seems to me, on the air and on your channel and on others, and colleagues will confirm that i am one of those who always say that we should make the most of the parliamentary diploma. and i always support all colleagues from all factions who take a patriotic position, in that all colleagues should have maximum opportunities to work for the interests, in interests of ukraine, why this happened is not for me to comment on, but it is no secret that we
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really have a very regulated part. business trips, very often different situations arise, it does not depend on who is from which faction, and it is also not a secret that if you are a servant of the people, this does not mean that all business trips will let you go, they can be parliamentary ones weeks, there may be different circumstances under which the speaker of the verkhovna rada will accept this or that. decision, regarding the united states and the republican convention, i would said that now it is very important to take a very reasonable, very moderate and very far-sighted position. it is very important for us that we do not take a position now that we
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support one party or another, democrats or republicans, we have to be very wise, because it will immediately be... used against us, so in fact, as volodymyr zelenskyi said recently, that he is not afraid that if donald trump becomes the president of the united states, he will continue to work with the united states, and he is ready to do so, regardless what name will be in the history of the new president of the united states. it is not a matter of whether he will work with any president, and he is not afraid of anything, the only question here is that. how to correctly place the emphasis in communications from one side, with the leader of one power and another power, that is, if he meets with biden, and this is the level of two presidents, then the former president of ukraine could well meet with trump, as with the former president of the united states of america , because zelensky cannot go to
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the convention of the republican party, and probably stefanchuk can't go to the convention either, and poroshenko could, but... less so. friends, i would like to remind our friends who joined our telecast that today we have people's deputies of ukraine yelyzaveta yasko, rostyslav pavlenko and oleksiy kucherenko on the air. well, today we are conducting a survey, we ask you about this, is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, you can vote by numbers, if you think that the time has come for talks between ukraine and russia, 0800 211 380. one no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and while the united states of america is determined with the candidates for the position of president of the united states of america, we may have personnel reshuffles in the government , and as people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak says,
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next week the verkhovna rada will consider a large block of personnel appointments in the government, according to... a different person, it is not yet known whether it will be about replacing the prime minister of ukraine, the president of ukraine at yesterday's press conference, zelensky did not directly answer the question of whether prime minister denys shmyhal might lose his post in the near future, let's hear what president zelensky said. as for the change of government, if it happens, if it happens , you will definitely know about it, and we, if we can't just talk about ... the prime minister herself, it says that they can there may be changes in the government, there certainly may be, we are engaged in this process, i don't have... much time for this, to be honest i will say, but not on all the details, but we are talking with some ministers about certain changes. mr. oleksiy, you were a minister in
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the government, and you know what ministerial work is like, and you know what the verkhovna rada is like for a minister, and you know what the president is like for a minister, when president zelenskyi says that i don’t have time to think about it, we will talk with some ministers... doesn't this mean that the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the current one, has lost its subjectivity, because the verkhovna rada determines whether shmygal should be prime minister whether or not, whether to be some kind of minister or not, when i worked in the government, and it was the 7th-10th years, the situation was radically different, yuchenko was the president with his political power, a member of the coalition, and tymoshenko was the prime minister with its powerful political power was the coalition. taking this opportunity, i assure you, i appeal to all ukrainians: please, never repeat the mistake of the 19th year, do not
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make it so that there is a monopoly in the verkhovna rada, because any coalition is ten times more effective, even if there are some discussions, quarrels and so on and the like, because there is competition there, and there is a real opportunity to make decisions and be quite... independent from the office of the president, where are we in general, our government then, well, not that we did not address, we listened to the position of the president, nor his clerks, for sure there are no bologies, you understand, but it meant absolutely nothing, the government had its own position, we relied on this coalition, as a minister i personally went to all committees, took part in all committees, communicated with deputies of all different factions, and when i had ... it is necessary to pass laws so that ve the whole hall voted for it. i plowed in the verkhovna rada, talked with them. unfortunately, today zelensky is a little bit, i will correct you,
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not that he does not have the strength, time to clarify the relationship, no, he does not have time to make a decision, this is true, because we all understand, we are six months or we already hear this ballad, every week something will change, shmygal, yulia, there, like her there, svirdenko, there, minister. no one deals with debts, this is a real disaster of public administration, and the reason for it is, unfortunately, that the center of decision-making is not the verkhovna rada, as it is written in the constitution, and the decision-making center is the president and his five or six. managers, names that we have never heard from him, well , let's guess who these five or six managers are, who, by the way, have absolutely no
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constitutional or legislative authority to exercise and influence the country's management system, it is distorted, how a cybernetician by education, with a good education from kyiv state university, claims that this is the path to managerial disaster. we have had it for a long time, this administrative collapse and management disaster. thank you, mr. oleksiy, ms. elizaveta, are these possible personnel changes and reshuffles currently being discussed in the faction? i'll just remind you that the minister of information policy and culture is no longer there, well, it's been almost a year already, or already a year, or more, more, yes, oleksandr tkachenko resigned, that's it, there is no minister, there is no culture, information policy during the war is important component. is also absent, there is no vice prime minister for infrastructure and minister for regional development, why
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are these decisions so difficult to make, if there is a monomajority, then these decisions must be quick, and in the conditions of war you must make decisions, even if there is a discussion in the verkhovna rada with your opponents, as soon as we are offered... candidates for certain positions, we usually invite them to the faction, we discuss and then vote, there are never any questions about this, but who proposes candidates to you, because you, you are the highest legislative body, you, you form personnel policy, and you can ask questions to elizaveta, dear, please, elizaveta , with all due respect and sympathy to you, who offers you candidacies, if not secrets, from which office? are being promoted, if not because, look, there are no conspiracy theories here, we have a faction leader who represents what we have to
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discuss, we are... i don't know the reasons why this or that minister is not appointed at the moment, but the that it may happen next week, yes, there is a possibility, but i cannot confirm and guarantee it at the moment , whether there will be a change of the prime minister, who has been sitting in the prime minister's chair for the longest time in the history of ukraine, without resignations and... most importantly, without the program of the cabinet of ministers, personally, i will say my personal opinion that i do not see that this will happen in the near future, thank you, mr. rostyslav, how do you perceive these announced personnel changes, they have been announced for so long that to be honest, i'm not tired of talking about it, but again we're back to the fact that there will be staff reshuffles, which staff reshuffles, there were
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conversations in april and may. already july, then the holidays and september, you know, so as not to quote the well-known bitter joke there about the surplus and so on, i will refer to what mr. oleksiy said about cybernetics, about systems theory, about how systems respond to crises, and i will say that now saving the system is a fundamental change in relations, because it is already obvious that the current... system is not capable of producing an effective solution, you can refer as much as you want to the leadership of the faction and so on, but unfortunately, the leadership of the faction very often in interviews talks about the office of the president, five managers and others who should show some initiative, in fact, it seems to me that the government's time has long come of national unity, which would unite
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professionals who would be... independent from the office of the president and directly from political forces, but would work for the result, for the victory of ukraine and for the mobilization for this victory of all the forces of society, and precisely the main political forces, have the experience of working together in february, march, 22nd year, if we remember this experience and build on it the formation of the government of national unity, this would be the salvation of the system, in my deep conviction, and we will come to this sooner or later, but just time unfortunately means there are more and more losses, the most terrible losses are on the battlefield, and i would very much like to wish the president and his office, and the rest of the cabinet of ministers, to come to an understanding of reality sooner and make the decisions that
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the country needs. because we talk a lot about monomajority, but let's tell the truth, because after all, today the new york times writes about the fact that there is a de facto coalition between the servants of the people, who give 170-180 votes, but by no means 250, the remnants of the opz, who are in fact such prisoners of war who in exchange for personal inviolability is upvoted, well , by various other deputies. parts of groups and the like, which ensure voting, then let's stop fooling each other and the ukrainian people, and together we will form a joint government of unity, and it will allow solving all the problems facing the country. you know, in the context of what is happening and in these reshuffle announcements, there is another big process that we are watching, well at least four that are on the tv screen right now,
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exactly... there are witnesses to this, as one people's deputy from the servant of the people, mariana bezugla, how she torments the military leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, the military leadership of the state, that is, at first it was meritorious, now syrsky, a person who believes that she can publicly to reproach the people who wage war and become the head of the ukrainian army, that it can give them an assessment. zelensky at a press conference. stated that he would not yet evaluate the work of the commander of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi in the context of the russian breakthrough in the kharkiv region, well, obviously, this is how it was the answer to those reproaches that sounded publicly from the lips of marijana, or from the writings of marijana the cornerless, because we did not hear it from the lips, let's listen to what zelensky said, i don't think that if anyone was in syrskyi's place...


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