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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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to ukraine, that is, there is enough, you can see, you can see reinforcements, internal security agents, police officers for off-peak hours, right there close to the border with ukraine, where the most important, important place for help is to give, i would like to ask you about what according to the results of the nato summit, the decision was made. the decision that a nato center will be deployed or created in bydgoszcz to study the experience of the ukrainian-russian war and use the best practices of countering russia for the alliance countries, is anything known about the further or current development of this center, and how poland is currently using the experience of the war to make changes in the training of its own armed forces and to improve weapons models. which manufactures
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polish defense complexes that are used by our armed forces, so this vydgoshchi center is currently at the stage of creation, that is, it is at the stage of such an organization, of course, it will probably take some more time, but if it is not very problematic, therefore at this moment, because it must be borne in mind that the experience of this war, the experience that the armed forces of ukraine have.
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there are already certain changes that are also being taken into account by the army to polish, if it comes to preparation for a threat, mr. daryush, thank you very much for these interesting and specific explanations, i would like to remind you that it was dariusz maternyak, the head of the poland-ukraine research center, these were the main military results of that day, the broadcast will be continued by yuriy fizar , so stay tuned to espresso. well, i thank serhiy zgurets,
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as always, in detail about the military results of the day, and in particular today about military cooperation, military cooperation between ukraine and poland. we thank our polish brothers and sisters for continuing to help us, while that relations between our countries are not always what we would like them to be. well, i, we invite you to join the project from scratch to life, this is a collection of naqua. atvs for atvs for quick evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our defenders choose victory every day without leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move around as quickly as possible off-road, which means more effective performance of combat tasks. warriors who have passed more than...
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one test at zero are always ready to retaliate against the enemy. for the sake of our peace of mind, they continue to rotate positions on holidays and on weekdays. your support significantly increases the chances not only of successful execution. task, but also to return from it alive, so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. well, yes, it would seem that 4 million hryvnias is a lot, but every hryvnia of yours, if every ukrainian, every viewer of the press gives a hryvnia, will be sent for these qr codes or card numbers that you have seen on the screens, it will help us to close this collection as soon as possible, our warriors on the front lines as soon as possible. gets those atvs that are so important to them. well, let's move on to another first topic for today. so, the law of ukraine on ensuring the functioning of the ukrainian language as the state language. today is exactly 5 years since it was adopted. well, after all, it was not approved today, not on july 16.
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it was adopted, if i am correct, on april 25 , 2019. then 278 voted for him deputies 38 were against, seven abstained, did not vote, 25. on may 16, 2019, again, i remind you, 5 years ago, it was printed in the newspaper golos ukrainy, but it came into force on this very day, july 16, 2019, so 5 years this law has been in effect, i use this very word, it works, but does it function, that's exactly what i'm talking about... today i want to talk with taras shamaydai, co-coordinator of the space of freedom movement, who has already joined me on skype. mr. taras, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, the hero. here is the first question, which i really want to ask you: the law is in effect,
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that is, it has come into force, it has been in force for 5 years, but is it functioning, because there are many cases that indicate that it is not very, for example, people's deputy of ukraine, iryna herashchenko , or... yesterday or the day before yesterday, but i don't remember exactly , she wrote on her facebook page that she wanted to buy fruit in one of the fruit pavilions on pechersk, approached and asked the seller to speak to her in ukrainian, but the seller , i will use this very word here because it is somehow the best way to describe him is that he's a bit bullish and he said i can answer you either in english or in arabic if that makes you sick, so mr taras, is it functioning? this law, well, of course, the law on the state language does not just work, it directly affects the language situation and
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the national security of our country. cornerstones in general, well, in the basement of... our statehood, yes, which had a very positive impact, not only on language as a means of communication, as part of ukrainian culture, identity, in general on national unity and national security, the fact that the law is broken from time to time does not mean that it does not work, for example, the rules traffic rules are also violated, this does not mean that there are no traffic rules in ukraine, so definitely most of the providers of... language, and the ukrainian language has increased significantly, and this does not simply mean, well, as i said, the phenomenon of communication or culture there, it
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means that the russian world, russian cultural product, russian narratives have largely been displaced, and of course, the adoption of the law and its gradual... proceeding, which lasted lasted for many years, in the authorities, in the media , in the sphere of services and many other industries, it also increased the stability of our state in the conditions of a full-scale war. mr. taras, but look, you say, can i tell you, you say that the ukrainian language has become more, yes, i agree, it became more, compared to 2019, but today my colleagues and i came across an interesting study, this study was conducted by the state service for the quality of education, it is crazy... it says that in ukraine there is a tendency to decrease the use of the ukrainian language by ukrainian schoolchildren during lessons and in the breaks between them, and it is also very interesting that high school students, a third of high school students reported that
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they speak both ukrainian and russian during breaks, but mostly russian. another very brief example, one example, my own, i was riding the subway, and in front of me sat two guys, somewhere around the first and second year of the institute. that is, they were talking in russian, at some point one of them, one of them, the phone rang, he goes over and says: yes, mom, yes, i will arrive soon, i will be there soon in 15 minutes, that is, he is talking to his... russian colleague, but then switches to a ukrainian conversation with his mother. please tell me, after all, what is the problem, with whom problem? the problem is, uh, well, let's put it this way, it's not a problem that the law cannot interfere in the sphere of private communication, this is a normal sign of the civilization of our state, and it cannot be otherwise in a european democratic legal state. therefore, the law on the state language does not regulate the sphere of private communication, but regulates, that is
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, the whole essence of the law on the state language boils down to the fact that every person has the right in his own state to receive in any field of services, information of the state language, and this is precisely what is ensured by law of course, there are violations, but there are special institutions, in particular, the state language protection commissioner, to whom people can appeal to violators. a fine awaits and society as a whole supports the law, but you are absolutely correct in saying that in the field of private communication, a large part of people, including young schoolchildren, still use the russian language, and this is a problem, and that is why to solve this problem, because there is a really significant dominance in certain segments, in certain regions, in certain age groups, categories, the russian language, the language of the aggressor state, this is a huge security problem, and
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this problem, unfortunately, at the level of our state and at the level of society is largely not realized, in ukraine, unfortunately, there is no consistent systematic language policy, because language policy, systemic is not only the law on the state language, which protects people's right to language in official public spheres, it is also a policy that contributes to the fact that... small children who are born, small ukrainians, to be brought up in ukrainian language, and not their own parents, right now, right in the conditions of the war, russified their own children, and this is a mass phenomenon, it should be said that russia is an aggressor state, unlike ukraine, it has a strict and very systematic language policy, and this policy of the aggressor state is not only that it destroys our printing houses and universities there, not only that it brutally russifies the occupied territories, this policy also consists in
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the fact that russia systematically promotes its russian and russian-language cultural product. mr. taras, well then, look, yes lack of time, and then what is the problem, why can't we promote it in the same way as, for example , russia, not with the same methods as russia promotes, but in a more civilized way, but why in our country is this language policy that you are talking about not advances, well, obviously, because first of all those people who are so they don't pay enough attention to it, and we not only can, we are obliged to do it, first of all, ukraine must promote its own cultural product, diverse, especially that which is consumed on the internet, because in the internet has no borders, and russia imposes its music, its cartoons, games, products for children, products for adults, and this is very dangerous, and this is one of the main factors why some people... back to the russian language. ukraine should actively support the distribution and production and delivery
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of its books, films, music, and so on to consumers by various methods. this should be a systemic policy that is not being pursued. secondly, the threat that russian kills should be formulated in general. yes, we can't stop people from communicating privately for example, we can't ban people from smoking, can we? however, the state implements a systematic policy that smoking kills, that ... burping is harmful and implements a policy that encourages people to give up smoking themselves. you can draw such a parallel, say, with the russian language, only the russian language kills much more, and therefore it is necessary to develop such a culture, let's say, that it is generally ugly, uncivilized to address strangers in russian , even if you communicate it in yourself, that in the russian language of their own children, you are taking away their future, the future of ukraine, that is, there should be systemic... politics, both at the level of communication, at the level of formation, and at the level of supporting
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one's own cultural product, i really hope, mr. taras, that it will be so, thank you for participating in the program, it was taras shamayda, co-coordinator of the freedom space movement , and we talked with him about whether the law on ensuring the functioning of the ukrainian language as a state language is functioning, that is, i emphasize the word functioning, and not just being in force since 2019 year, let's move on to... another topic, it became known a few days ago that a group of deputies, people's deputies of ukraine, led by the fifth president, petro poroshenko, were not allowed to join. states of america, they planned to take part in the congress of the republican party, representing, of course, the ukrainian people. why was it not released, after all, about many other things? i will speak with volodymyr arev, the people's deputy of ukraine, who has already joined me. mr. volodymyr, congratulations and glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. volodymyr, the first question is whether there was
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any motivation for this refusal from the president's office, was it the same as yesterday, for example, we learned that volodymyr zelenskyi's impeachment will be, or rather, is already happening, precisely from the mass media, no one informed us about this, or were you informed, whether there was any motivation, here we are already, you know, an interesting moment, we are already calmly talking about the fact that the office of the president can manage people's deputies of ukraine, although in fact it is not a constitutional structure at all, that is, it is not written anywhere in the constitution, the office of the president it is not there, you will not find it, but... the verkhovna rada is the highest legislative body, the constitutional body of the ukrainian government, and that is why, well, by law, the office of the president cannot interfere in the work of the parliament, in reality, today stefanchuk opened absolutely all the locks and kingstons in order for the president's office to actually manage the parliament through him, and in
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this case i generally believe that... there are, after all, the demands of our western partners, we need a resolution of the european parliament regarding the situation in ukraine, which clearly states about a whole paragraph about the fact that people's deputies of ukraine have the right on their own behalf or on behalf of their parties, which they represent, and to engage in international activities and obstacles to them cannot be prevented. however, whether the obstacles remain, the resolution has not been implemented, regarding this specific trip, i think that it was simply jealousy, it turns out that the president's office does not have good relations with the republicans, and this government, it became
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the first in ukraine to violate the main the principle of cooperation with our strategic. partners the united states of america, which called bipartisanship. for ukrainian diplomacy, it was like a religion, that is, always bipartisan support for ukraine, both from the democratic party and from the republican party, regardless of who is in the white house today, whose administration, or whose, whose majority in congress, in any which of his two chambers, and in this case, we're just going to have to work with whatever administration is elected by the american people, we can't influence that, and even if some of the politicians try, like this if serhii leshchenko once did influence the elections in the united states, this is
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considered external influence under american law. responsibility, criminal prosecution, that is why ukrainian diplomacy, the ukrainian government, or diplomacy has several dimensions, it has a dimension, it has a classical dimension, so that according to the ministry of foreign affairs, it also has a parliamentary election, a dimension so that you can speak, so that you can was to convey messages from ukraine, information. directly, because that donald trump, that jidi vance, which he chose himself as a vice president in a pair for the elections, a candidate for the vice president in a pair for the elections, they both need very active work on the part of the ukrainian
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public, the ukrainian authorities and, in general , everyone. should use all opportunities to do the maximum possible and impossible to make trump change his opinion about ukraine. the usa remains our strategic partner, and without it we cannot once again go through the motions, we work with that administration, it is good, but we will not work with that one. it is bad, it actually works against the interests of ukraine, so if the people's deputies who were invited to the convention, whom you wanted to see there, with whom you wanted to talk, are not invited, then it does not work against poroshenko and... the deputies from european solidarity, this is playing against ukraine, because for those who turn this wing of the republicans against ukraine, the only additional argument is that ukraine
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is an anti-democratic state, and they are persecuting and obstructing the activities of parliamentarians there, so let's still work, let's not work with ukraine, that is, what was actually done. it was done, well, it was done badly and it was not done to poroshenko, a blow was dealt to the opportunities of ukraine and representatives of ukraine to prove their position in conversations with that wing of the republicans, which theoretically can become the administration in 2025, well, you used the word jealousy, it seems to me from the side of the office the president it seems to me that it is more fear that petro poroshenko will not go with his colleagues and that they will not create these connections just instead of the president's office, it is just interesting, but i will tell you such a thing, it is still
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it can be in a certain way and not only fear, but also jealousy, let's not forget that zelenskyi is an actor and they are very jealous of any opportunities they use. all others in order to obtain some positive, positive things for ukraine. they want to have an exclusive in this, that is, it is selfishness, at least, and in this case, eh, a wise leader would use all opportunities to be, was a successful ukraine, but an unwise leader does as zelensky does, because only he should be successful, and what will happen next with ukraine. and it seems very clear, mr. volodymyr, let's move on to another topic, the day before there was information that nabu caught the people's
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deputy from the servant of the people mykola zadorozhny for kicking back 3 4 400 00 hryvnias for the construction of a waterworks in sumy oblast, and at the same time he heads the temporary special commission of the verkhovna rada on issues of corruption and kickbacks in the construction of fortifications. here you are on your facebook, i read it described like this, this is your quote, it is so epic that i have to add there is nothing, you might still add, well , you know, as they said in the soviet union, whoever guards what, he owns it, and that's why in this case the person who investigates, well, under his leadership, the investigation is going on. possible corrupt actions in the issue of procurement of works for the construction of fortifications or the purchase of drones and she herself got into a backlash, well
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, this is obvious, at least you can call it a conflict of interests, but really it is such a cognitive dissonance that it would not be enough here, he should not have already today to lead temporarily. special commission, however, when my colleague oleksiy goncharenko spoke on this issue today, then the chairman of the meeting, skipped it out of the blue and the issue of the dismissal of a foreigner from the position of the head of the tsk on fortifications and drones, it was not put to a vote, although i do not know, well... some kind of surrealism , so absolutely surreal that i really have nothing more to add, and this surrealism, the kind
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with a green tint, has been going on for the last, the last two years, and it, as soon as the government got unlimited powers, immediately the ancient principle about... that corruption, that power corrupts, and unlimited power, absolute power corrupts absolutely, began to be embodied in life right here on the hills of pechersk, mr. volodymyr, we have three more minutes, i want more about one thing to talk to you about, intelligence officer roman chervinskyi was released on bail of 9 million hryvnias, finally 25 people's deputies and 51 people were released separately. desire to take him as bail, and it became known that it was petro poroshenko who paid this bail. in your opinion, this is only one winning moment in this fight, and i am it
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the name yes, fight with the office. of the president, is this one after all, or is this a victory after all? i will tell you briefly, and obviously we have a judicial system, it is very sensitive, they have one point, mainly the fifth one, which is very sensitive to any changes in the political system, if they feel that the government is standing firm and unyielding , then they will always listen to the authorities, if they... feel that they have already begun, let's say, to drag this authority towards the garbage can, then they will make decisions that do not correlate with the wishes of the authorities, what will happen next, i believe that the government will try to frame roman chervinskyi and do everything in order to return him to prison, accusing him of violation,
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violation of bail conditions, and we still have a whole fight ahead of us, but this is evidence of what has already appeared even there are no cracks in that monolith, but whole pieces are already falling off, and the fact that today poroshenko contributed 9 million hryvnias, without waiting for all to be collected, but the collected funds will still be offered to... manage to purchase for the military, then it just shows that we are ready to support any, any person who becomes a victim of the system, a victim of slander, a victim of fabricated cases, and in this case it is a small, intermediate, but still victory, and of course, we are very happy that roman chervinskyi managed to get out of the boot shop, maybe only for a while. and
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maybe then we will prove that he is there, we will prove it, we want to prove it, that he does not belong there at all, and he will get out of here in the near future. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, for participating in the program, it was volodymyr aryev, people's deputy of ukraine. well, then the news. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points
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of the front. shot! freedom of life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, let me start with this: ukraine will live according to new times. the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a draft law that cancels the change of clocks, which ukrainians did not like so much, from winter to summer. the decision was supported by 261 people's deputies. this year, on the last sunday of october in ukraine, the hands of the clock will be switched to winter time for the last time, we will not switch to summer time, the document has yet to be signed by the president. well, to be honest, for me personally, somehow i did not feel this difference, winter time, summer time, but in my a lot of friends who reacted very strongly to it, and it really had a very negative effect on the quality of their lives, and it
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seems to me that for... plus i don't know, i'm not an expert, i don't know how, which one the time is more suitable for ukraine, i read that it will be winter, but i don’t know, i want to hope that this is the case, and today at midnight the deadline for updating military registration data for men of conscription age expires, the ministry of defense of ukraine reminds the easiest way to update your credentials in time, do it through the app. in a plus, because in recent days there has been an uproar in territorial recruitment centers and centers for the provision of administrative services, according to the situational center of the ministry of defense, data has been updated for 4,200 thousand conscripted men and women. well , i will immediately make such a small announcement: tomorrow there will be a lawyer on the big air, who will talk about


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