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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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how the defense forces will liberate crimea, let's not rush, it will all happen as the defense forces plan it, again, a lot will depend on availability, but i hope that as soon as possible ukraine will restore air communication, say this is such a euphemism , air travel. with the peninsula, if serhii, serhii broke off, we will try to talk to him again, because one topic is interesting, but let me remind you that we spoke with serhii bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, you are watching beraber program, it is in ukrainian together with crimean-tatar, and it is a joint project of the crimean-tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel. my name is andriy yanitskyi. mr. sergey, i still have something for you. question, congratulations, again, yes, yes
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, great, maybe you heard, maybe you heard that the ukrainian border guards detained a ship that was entering the port of sevastopol, which was occupied, but they used various tricks for this, for example, they turned off the transmitters , and what was the captain of this ship thinking, he is also arrested, detained, that it is possible without... without any punishment to enter the occupied ports of crimea and not bear any responsibility for it, it seems to me that crimea has been occupied for 10 years, these sanctions have been in effect for 10 years, what did they dare to do, i think this captain is now thinking about where he can find a good lawyer, firstly, i would pay attention to this, to this detention of this vessel, on the other hand, i hope that this is the beginning, then... the process , about which there is a lot of
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talk, including experts in international maritime law, about the fact that everyone those who were engaged in crimes against ukraine and of such a nature, that is, stealing our grain, overloading this grain, they will be punished, well actually this is the first, maybe an example, i hope, of international law, maritime law, they will also be detained, someone will think about the fact that already... i have to say it again, it is important for me that it started, there is an evidence base, there is, unfortunately, the connection is interrupted, serhiy brachuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, as you know, there is no light in the country , there are interruptions with lights are large throughout the country, due to russian missile attacks, and that is why communication suffers, just opera. communication
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, they don't have time to recharge their stations, they don't have time to establish communication properly, that's why we work in such field conditions, well, while serhiy is not there, i understood that his opinion is that all those who stole ukrainian grain will be punished and exported it through the crimean ports, even if they tried to disguise their actions somehow, for example, to turn off these transmitters in order to they were not visible on international maps that they are in the port. crimea, but by the trajectory of the ship’s movement, one can simply guess why it approached the crimean shores, why and where it went after that, so this ruse no longer works, if before it was turned a blind eye , somehow international justice did not act, now it will begin to act , what else would i like to advise you to read or find out if you are a fan of our breber program and you know about my co-host... sum khalilova, who is
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not with us today because she is in poland, let me remind you, she is in the polish sejm with a delegation, with the leader of the crimean tatar people mustafa agadjemiv, with the head of the midjlis of the crimean tatar people ryfat chobarov, with the deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, representative of the committee on culture and spirituality mykola knyazhytskyi, they are in poland today, the deputies of the polish sejm have to vote about recognition to the crimean tatar people by the stalinist regime in 1944 during deportation, and they are currently voting for deputies, so we cannot, unfortunately, gulsum to call and show you how it happens, but you will definitely see it in the news, so here's what i wanted to say about gulsum, there is such a specialized edition "detector media", which published an interview with gulsum khalilova today, you you can read about... who she is, what kind of person she is,
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a very interesting interview, i advise you to read it for a reason, gulsum is read throughout the turkic-speaking world and in turkish. and serhii is with us again, mr. serhii, congratulations again, glad to be on the phone this time, let's try to talk, something about the theft of grain, previously it was not possible to detain these kidnappers, that is, they turned off these transmitters, exposers or whatever they are called correctly, and as if they did not get caught, as if they could report that they were not in the occupied crimea, but now it turns out that it is possible to guess that they were there , has something changed in international legislation or? what is the reason i think that precisely our partners and allies have joined this work, it is extremely important, it is common, because it is a question of global food security, here we are not only talking about ukraine, here the question and the implementation of international maritime
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legislation, including, well, someone may also find himself, god forbid, in such a situation, so i think that our allies have fruitfully started to work more fruitfully here and... and moreover, i think that there is also a security situation here , which has developed in general on the black sea, in particular, it pushes to this, that today, ours, respectively, and the defense forces that carried it out, gave such an opportunity to work to law enforcement officers, law enforcement officers can work more widely in this field, in fact, you see, go out already at sea, delay, to track, i am sure that the base of these ships, those vessels... it is with our law enforcement officers and the punishment will certainly be, do you think, can the naval forces of ukraine eventually become a guarantor of the safety of shipping in the black sea, we see that already the armed forces of ukraine were able to clear at least the western part of the black sea from
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the russian military presence, and now our drones even sometimes reach the novorossian sea, sometimes even appear in the sea of ​​azov, but... but can we claim such a role as a regional player who will ensure the safety of shipping in this region? i think it would be more correct here to talk about the fact that it will be joint work together with our allies, and god forbid, even within the framework of work, activities within the framework of the north atlantic alliance, over time, but for now we will talk about the fact that next to we can... be and should be turkey, romania, bulgaria, that everyone is interested in that, even those who do not say it openly, like ukraine, that the black sea fleet of the russian federation should not be in the black sea, maybe somewhere in novorossiysk, some small flotilla that will deal with, well, some kind of
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auxiliary flotilla right in the port of novorossiysk itself, because russia has shown that it is not just that there is no need to deal with it, it is evil. and in this case in the black sea, how many more trials will there be for the theft of the same ukrainian grain, for other crimes that were committed, then the work of judges, i think, international judges in this regard, but really, i still think, it is necessary rely on allies and it is possible to be yourself unofficial, but the leader in this case, well, and the last question, regarding the nato summit, the nato summit was held this week and... well, again, not everyone was, not everyone was happy with the conclusions that were made, they said that there would be some kind of bridge built for ukraine's accession to nato, that ukraine's future is ukraine's in nato, but
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we did not hear any concrete terms, any specifics, and regarding the fact that already now, for example, we will be accepted or will be accepted somehow gradually, first the free territories, then the territories. territories, i.e. such hopes there did not happen, were not realized, or you yourself satisfied with the results of the nato summit, and did we hear anything important there? well, i'm not satisfied, that's understandable, but i'm surprised, because i didn't have high expectations, in general, this is a jubilee summit, it will go down in history only as jubilee after the one after the ordinal number, this is another decision, you know, they are kind of at half past six . but on the other hand, we should talk about the fact that we plan to continue joining nato, and this is how it will happen, the main thing is that our allies understand that the formula for peace and security in the world, it is today invested in such notions that ukraine must win. if
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we started this war with the fact that ukraine should not lose to russia, today i think that nato does, basically for 99% of the country. understand that ukraine must win, there is only one question to which our allies have to answer, when, and precisely on this occasion to help us and work. and i hope that just as the new head of nato, when he becomes prime minister, mr. rutte, he will still bring some, will add fresh air, fresh blood to the activities of this organization, maybe the time will come, about which i personally dream that it is nato that will ask ukraine. the conversation was quite interesting, we talked with serhiy brychuk, who is the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, about the most important military events on the peninsula from took place during the past week, you are watching the berreber program, it is together in ukrainian
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translated from crimean tatar, it is a joint project of the atr tv channel and the espresso tv channel, i am andriy yanitskyi, the host of this project, our program is going on summer vacation, so there will be no broadcasts in the near future will be but we do not say goodbye to you and hope to see you again, koryushkendzhi. goodbye events: events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat... on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the premium sponsor
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of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in collaborators program. sales bloggers. as a resident of mykyivka became. the voice of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but how did the propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? everyone makes their own choice. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who went to serve the rashi occupiers at the beck and call of their hearts and wallets. the bloody war unleashed by russia in ukraine showed: the internet and modern technologies. completely changed the tactics of struggle, others appeared the fronts that also need to be defended are,
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in particular, social networks, which rashka uses as a platform for his propaganda, to throw the necessary deza into the information space, a page or a telegram channel with a packed audience that reads, listens and, most importantly, listens is enough , the kremlin goebbels are helped by tame and obedient bloggers, of course for wooden rubles. our today's issue is about the so- called... ensers, who through social networks called to support the occupation of our cities, vote in illegal referendums and to help the russian invaders in every possible way, like, for example, blogger vasiliev from makiivka. relatives, look at the power. his full name is vasiliev yevhen gennadivych. he was born in 1993 in the city of makivka, donetsk region, where he graduated from school and college. dad was a miner, and mother was a hairdresser. well, i just realized that for me studying is nothing at all, well, i don't need it. at that moment
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, i already understood, there was a time that the director said: "look, vasiliev will not achieve anything, and only bad things await you in life." we have to note, the director was not mistaken, nothing good grew out of vasiliev. when, in 2014, russia began the occupation of the donetsk region, vasiliev was briefly thought to have become a militant of the terrorist dpr with the call sign mongol. they flew in on helicopters, the city was in ruins, people, just civilians, i realized that you can't stand aside when history is being made. from this piece of video, you might think that it is talking about the russian military, which occupied our territories, threw rockets at the civilian population, killed our civilians and military, but vasiliev further explains who, in his opinion, started bombing donbas in the 14th. yes, they were. in this rag is blue-yellow, all painted, and then uncle vova saw what was happening, then, thanks to him,
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he did not stand aside, he sent troops. this nonsense is told with a serious expression by a person who stopped studying after the fifth grade, that is, thinking, and even more so, logically, not about him at all. the kremlin's propaganda machine is designed for such people. in his last interview , vasiliev tells when in the 14th year russia held illegal referendum in donetsk region and luhansk region, regarding their independence as so -called people's republics, he of course voted for it, after which he threw away his ukrainian passport in...
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makati, in the temporarily occupied makiivka. now he has 90,000 followers on tiktok, 122 on telegram and 236,000 on instagram. to this entire audience vasiliev promotes russian peace, carries humanitarian aid, a walking black package. he attributes all shelling of the civilian population to ukraine and shoots a video for the soldiers, where he thanks them for their protection russian land from ukrainian fascists. and according to the schedule, thanks to putin every day as a prayer. today, they came together and voted for our future, because it will be the best with such a president. yevgeny, you can thank putin before that for the fact that he destroyed all this, although with your intelligence you cannot understand the real picture. now this blogger is sitting
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in makiivka, and we really hope that when donetsk region will be under the ukrainian flag, vasylje. will go to our prison, it is not a fact that with his intelligence he will be able to understand his sentence, but i think he cellmates will explain everything. our next traitor is just starting her career as a blogger-collaborator, but i'm sure you 've definitely heard of her. on march 9, 2022, russia bombed mariupol, and maternity hospital number three was hit. one of the journalists noticed a bloodied pregnant woman near the maternity hospital. it was mariana vyshemirska. the whole world sympathized with her. but as it turns out, later the woman will choose the side of those on whose orders she and her then unborn child could have perished. mariana will vote for putin, go to parades and wear the goriv ribbon, saying that
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mariupol is part of russia. dear president of ukraine volodymyr oleksandrovych. you promised that the ukrainian army would be able to protect us, but as a result, the city turned into a cage. until february 24 , little was known about mariana. at first, she lived in the donetsk region in the temporarily occupied makiivka. in 2020, she met her future husband and moved to mariupol, where she was caught up in a full-scale war. after the bloody events of march 2022 mariana disappeared from the information space for a while, and then she started appearing in videos of a similar nature. everyone goes to russia, to donetsk on their own initiative. people leave both for ukraine from mariupol and for russia. everyone makes their own choice. as it turned out, mariana returned to temporarily occupied donetsk, where she began to build a career as a blogger under a tricolor rag. on the one hand,
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mariana positions herself as a beauty expert. she has 72 thousand followers on instagram. and on the other hand as a volunteer and public figure, and her page in the telegram channel with 7 thousand subscribers is dedicated to this. mariana concentrated her volunteer activities around mariupol. from the beginning of september 1 , 2022, she visited the temporarily occupied mariupol and distributed balls in the color of the russian flag to the students of one of the schools. later, she wrote about how happy the children are in the seemingly peaceful mariupol. after that, the woman began to carry humanitarian aid from russia to the temporarily occupied donetsk region, and later it turned out that she was almost the only one whom the russians allowed into the olenivsk colony, a place where then they kept our captive soldiers. there , the traitor talked with one of the ukrainian defenders and later wrote a post that the fighter urged the ukrainian authorities to go
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to peace talks with russia. i am currently engaged in such a mission as connecting prisoners of war with theirs. families, because i, as a mother, as a woman, as a wife, understand their pain and fear. we remember the tragedy that the rashists staged in the premises of the olenivska colony. so i wonder how much marianna's rotten oregano is worth, whether the kremlin paid a lot for her not just to betray ukraine, but cynically spent bloody rubles. when ukraine won the oscar for the film 20 days in mariupol, the vyshemir woman in her interview for the solovyov program called. the film is a fair of hypocrisy, according to her, ukrainians are allegedly peddling fakes about what happened in mariupol, while she is engaged in important matters. in the film, they used more profitable footage for the... evacuation, i can't call it anything other than a fair of hypocrisy. the important things are to vote for putin in the presidential election and call for it
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to do others, to appear in regular propaganda videos in mariupol and to distribute humanitarian aid with words of thanks to russia. now this zaprodanka positions herself as a volunteer, an adviser to the muslim leader of the lpr feykova and a member of the so-called assembly of the peoples of eurasia. in parallel with this, pro... continues to parasitize on the sensitive topic of mariupol, because he realizes that as soon as its popularity fades, it will become unnecessary for the kremlin, which means that the rubles will stop flying onto the map and it will again become a gray noun. but marianne, i have good news for you. our law enforcement agencies will definitely not forget you, and you will return to ukrainian mariupol, where you will answer for all your actions. in your case, the carriage will definitely turn into a pumpkin, and you? you will go on foot, but not home, to the butcher shop. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at
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this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week ether espresso. a journalist who joined the zsu. expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. premium sponsor of the national team. represents united by football,
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stronger together. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the espresso tv channel, west studio program. we will name the most important events of this week. in particular, we will analyze high international politics. we will analyze it separately. putin-medvedev ultimatums. our guests today are roman bezsmertny and mark fegin. our first guest is the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, roman bezsmertny. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, mr. antin. well, a lot of events actually fit into a certain pattern. i would now call it a triangle, that is, one of points of this triangle, this is orbán's visit to several capitals, his, so to speak, shuttle... matia and those throws that orbán made on a public and non-public level. the second point is putin's ultimatum. by de facto sending orbán, putin seemed
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to indicate his readiness to talk about something, but he himself cut off the path to retreat, because he voiced his cannibalistic plans in a geographical and not only a geographical aspect. and the third point is the kremlin's attack on okhmadite. dozens of dead civilians of our citizens. that is, as far as we understand. there will be a bloody rise in stakes, the most important thing here is the word exile orban, because it contains the answer to the question of who is prime minister viktor orban, and from here on everything is very easy to decipher, it is true that orban is not of his own free will at the initiative of appeared in kyiv, he was sent from moscow, from... the answer to what orbán said and to putin's actions was formed in the resolution documents of the nato summit, this is the sending to
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ukraine of additional anti-aircraft and anti-missile support systems, five of which the other day nine will come, which will come over time, plus everything that the united states of america will produce now on the order of the pentagon, it will be sent in this part immediately. to ukraine, but here it must be understood that at the level of responsibility it is necessary to strengthen the defense capabilities of ukraine and the need to put pressure, including on iran and china. well, it's good that everyone has already understood that iran and china are at the start of this hatred for ukraine, because they, in fact, provide russia with the necessary, extremely necessary components. microcircuits, electronics and so on, and in this regard, ukraine will not be able to do it on its own, this requires cooperation between the united states and european countries,
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work is currently underway on this. today, and as for cruelty, well, i don't know how those who are watching now, i remember this cruelty not only from the actions of the soviet union, i know it well from history, it never disappeared, this hatred of man in principles, most of all to ukrainians, it is true, it is a thing that 300 years of mutual relations between it has not gone anywhere with moscow... and kyiv and will not go anywhere as long as moscow and russia as a state exist, this is an eternal confrontation, and in this confrontation we are doomed to victory. i understand all the tragedy of the current situation, by the way, it is very well understood, including you, who was going to the nato summit, and here it is necessary to think about how to expose it to the
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same... but so far, i do not see steps of real on the part of our allies and partners, who would foresee a real defeat of russia in this war, because without such a defeat the level cruelty will float on the thermometer as the moscow führer wants it. putin's plan, which medvedev conjured up, he revealed what putin does not speak about on his own behalf, in particular , that in their... scenarios it is to provoke an internal ukrainian reaction to russian atrocities, but which would be directed at our internal - the ukrainian political, economic, and so on, establishment, in order to provoke this reaction, they will beat, and then, regardless of who comes to power, they are going to break down in subsequent cycles ukrainian sovereignty, i do not know for what
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purpose medvedev and to whom he put it. the fact is that at the moment, this fact, which has now been announced, which is periodically fired by this firebrand from moscow, they play an exclusively informational role, because i will answer you with a quote from the inaugural speech of the president. at the opening of the nato summit, who said that make no mistake, putin set himself the task of destroying the ukrainian state, destroying the ukrainian people, destroying ukrainian culture, destroying ukrainian history, but then he says: he does not stop there will stop, he will go further, from here, what the moscow snitch says, we understand,
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i understand these... world, at this stage it is just another psychological attack, in order to prevent this, it is necessary to have a strong alliance among our partners , for this we need to have common weapons, for this we need to have common troops and a common system of managing this process, but as we see, and we are going to this, well, not like that, even like a turtle, from my point of view it is much slower, in this situation ... only one thing remains, to defend oneself, secondly, to carry out a certain a policy that would allow, say, on the one hand to gain time, on the other hand to protect people as much as possible, to protect our forces as much as possible so that all these processes that are currently ongoing in nato, in ramstein, among our allies, mature to the adoption of the necessary a solution that encourages me in this regard? just
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that discussion, i cannot call it a discussion, because it is a quarrel that broke out at a meeting of the nato council, where our closest partners talked about the fact that while washington and brussels are thinking about how to do all this, and ukrainians are dying at the front and in the rear, which means that the vast majority of those who are in nato, they understand the situation, its complexity, and at least they will do everything so that... those on whom the decision depends, they will make a decision about maximum help to ukraine, i am not talking about standing next to ukraine in defense of civilization and freedom. an extremely important agreement was signed, without exaggeration, between poland and ukraine, it is about the sphere of security. we've been coming to this for a long time, maybe too long but i think that was due to writing her off as a...


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