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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EEST

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to climb somewhere there on some of these and tell that an optician is doing, an ordinary bomb that just falls somewhere, that is, where god will send it, roughly speaking, makes it highly accurate, such a frenzy to say, why? because this very element is, well, one very important one for the russians in the company of intimidation, precisely the intimidation of actually ukrainians, and first of all the intimidation of ukrainians who are there. to the war zone , because these are exactly the bombs that can reach kharkiv, that can be used in the assault on turetsk, for example, the time gap, all these things, and that's why they pay so much attention to these intimidation companies, that is, they behave, well , exactly like terrorists, this is an absolutely terrorist method of action, moreover, the whole thing here... this story is very enchanting, i say once again,
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this is not some ordinary person, so that it they just sent to film something, this is a very important propagandist, this is a person who was given a deputy in order to raise her, well , some personal status, more now, for example, on the tv channel russia, he hosts the show 60 minutes there with his wife, and also now yevgeny, head of the russia tv channel kiselyuk oh, dmytro kiselyov, excuse my words, he is conducting the sunday news, so dmytro kiselyov has now gone on vacation and was going to sit on vacation, he said goodbye to everyone, said that the news editor will do his release instead, but this is the whole story from fap- 3000 turned out to be so important that this sunday edition was hosted by this popov instead. that is, not some
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news anchor, as it always happened with them, but another very important propagandist, who literally sat dmytro kysialev on his at the workplace, that is, this campaign of intimidation is now becoming the most important thing for the russians, and of course, what is its essence? well, the point is how they tell about it, everything they are going to do. the tsar bomb of russian aggression, fab 300, type 34, goes on a combat mission: the most simple, destructive and highly accurate weapon that changed the course of hostilities. the opposing party still does not know how to counter. the universal
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planning correction module, as well as those bombs that fly together with the wings. a bomb that, in fact, is not enough how it differs from those used during the second world war, has become an invulnerable weapon of the 21st century. the universal module gave a second life to such archaic ammunition as the fab-3000 and any free-falling bombs. any weapon should be such that even a cadet could use it. fabzump fully complies with this principle of pilots. about the cadets and the archaic bomb, this is a big greeting to the residents of belgorod, kursk and other regions of russia, where dozens of such bombs simply fell from russian planes, somewhere they exploded, somewhere they did not blow up, somewhere else they will blow up. now you see, the residents of belgorod have an opportunity, perhaps a literal one. the opportunity
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to get a fap-3000 on the head, because that is how it will fall, and it will be for sure, not even a month will pass, when it happens, they will tell how some of their houses were destroyed as a result of ukrainian shelling, well, actually, this there will be another bomb that russia didn't deliver to the front line, they are dropping bombs very hard, but of course there is in this and really, you know, a threatening thing, because really it is now the most problematic for... the ukrainian forces is weapons, because the planes fly up to a distance of 70-50 km there, which makes them invulnerable to the systems that we currently have on the front line, they drop and drop exactly on the front line, thus destroying there are enough, it is a dangerous weapon, to say that no one knows what to do with it, no, it is known what to do with them, you just have to... kill
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the planes once more powerful western planes, which, well, work somewhat better than the russian ones , let's say it directly, and secondly, we need to bomb the airfields where these planes are stationed. such and it is necessary to bomb factories and bases, warehouses where these bombs are located, all this is well known, and you know, to a certain extent i even think that this is such a frank demonstration of russia's terrorist intentions, because in order for them not to tell their russians there about high-precision, well, all world politicians and military know that these bombs are not highly accurate, they fly anywhere, they destroy and kill civilians and generally wipe out entire cities, so basically this kind of flaunting that we will drop it even more, well in the end, it should motivate us very much, give
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us the opportunity to hit the bases, what we say, hit the territory of russia, hit further, hit where we can't reach now, i hope that this plot will become, well... simple, you know, after watching it somehow, maybe in the capitals of the world they will come to some conclusion that yes, it's time, because it's already simple, you know, listen to how it was, but if you watch the whole plot at all, you know that, maniacs, it is clear that they are maniacs who are simply obsessed with the idea of ​​destroying, destroying, erasing land, and there are no other ideas, because, as we have already heard before, the world order that they are carrying will not be liked... even the people of russia will not like it, they will only remember from it how beautiful it was when there was no such russian of the world order, and they will nostalgically remember how nice it was when the americans did fulfill their role of some kind of world policeman, well, and
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i repeat once again, this is all just a terror company, it is nothing else, the first part of it was... . a deliberate, completely thought-out blow to ohmadite, it was an attempt to kill children, and a large number of children, and it can be said that ukraine has a certain, maybe some kind of protection, indeed, heavenly, that the russians did not succeed, they really wanted to do it, they did everything for it, they just it didn't work , our anti-aircraft defense shot down most of the bombs that were flying, as a result, they didn't get there, and... the children were mostly unharmed, but they really wanted the next one, so this is well thought out, we see how they thought it out, how did they better mobilize their forces to terrorize now with these 3000 fabs, all this
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they are just terrorists and a company of terror, and this is how it should be treated, and it is necessary to understand that all this is aimed at only one thing, to... frighten dad. well, if you think that the russians have all the plans for war, they are building something like this, they have come up with something for themselves, and they do not pay attention to what is happening in ukraine, no, it is not so. every time they try to take the next aggressive step, they hope that the ukrainians have weakened, that the ukrainians have become frightened, that the ukrainians will not resist. and even in those questions, you know, which... may not seem so important to you and you will begin to say: well, there is no difference, for the russians it is literally every time a question of whether it is worth attacking the ukrainians or not, when they see resistance, they they conclude that it might not be necessary, that it might somehow
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not have an effect, as soon as they see that the ukrainians are starting, you know, to look for something, let's talk to someone there, they intensify it. they increase terror, this is the russian method of action, and here, for example, there is an interesting moment, which also very eloquent, i was literally today, i want you to just listen and evaluate for yourself those issues that you may think do not affect the battlefield, but from the point of view of the russians and their minions, they directly affect the battlefield, and the russians that's just what they understand, stumbled upon a survey that shows this rather amazing thing. people in ukraine are no longer afraid to consider themselves russian. statistics show the following. compared to 22 and 23 years. the number of schoolchildren who consider
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ukrainian as their native language decreased by 17%. with 91% to 74, although the figure in the 91st percentile is very confusing to me. among. teachers and parents, this indicator decreased by 11%, from 93, which is also amazing, to 82, can you comment on that? here, everything is so connected to the front that our successes at the front are connected with the number of people who speak russian, even so, even so, our successes, that is, russian successes at the front, are connected with the number of people who they speak in russian, says the traitor to the tsar, so remember this thought too. because when russian peace, the russian peace penetrates inside ukraine and
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ukraine loses its resistance, then this russian peace believes that it can attack and that it can terrorize, and that this terror will give some result, when it does not, when ukraine defends itself, fights back, when ukraine shows, no, we don't want any russian peace, then, you know, all these campaigns have nothing to do with it... and are they worth spending money on, well, most likely not, so think about it, it's an important question, whatever you think , that maybe something so secondary, see you, national debe on mego - this many channels, well, a lot of channels, and also... movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. enable megogo on a variety of devices without
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wires or antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts, they represent, the only discounts on eden, 20% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. fm, galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnesium 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov and invited experts give their assessment based on facts and program nose of the development of events. if you want
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to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. your city it is waiting for you, the light stays on, for dinner - what you like, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your... tommy about you they see dreams, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you,
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they pray for you, we were surprised because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard to give this is a victory, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore , when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than family. we are a nation united around you. see this week in the collaborators program. selling bloggers, like a resident
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of mykyivka, stavosom of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but how did propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? everyone makes their own choice. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is the collaborators program, about traitors who are for at the call of the heart and the wallet, they went to serve the rashi people. the occupier the bloody war unleashed by russia in ukraine showed that the internet and modern technologies have completely changed the tactics of the struggle. other fronts have appeared that also need to be defended. it is, in particular, about social networks, which rashka uses as a platform for his propaganda in order to throw the necessary message into the information space, it is enough to have a page or a telegram channel with a packed audience that reads, listens and, most importantly, listens. help the kremlin hebels hand and obedient bloggers, of course, for wooden rubles. our today's issue is about the so-called
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influencers who, through social networks , called to support the occupation of our cities, vote in... illegal referendums and help the russian invaders in every possible way, such as the blogger from makiivka vasiliev. relatives, look at the power. his full name is vasiliev yevhen gennadivych. he was born in 1993 in the city of makivka, donetsk region, where he graduated from school and college. dad was a miner, and mother was a steamroller. well, i just realized that for me, education is nothing at all, well, i don't need it. at that moment i already understood, there was a time that the director said: "look, vasiliev will not achieve anything, and only bad things await you in life. we must note that the director was not mistaken, nothing good grew out of vasiliev. when in 2014 in 2008, russia began the occupation of donetsk region, vasiliev was thought to have become
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a terrorist dpr fighter with the call sign mongol history. from this piece of the video, you might think that he is talking about the russian military, which occupied our territories, threw rockets at the civilian population, killed our civilians and soldiers, but then vasiliev explains who, in his opinion, started bombing donbas on the 14th. yes, they were in this rag, blue-yellow, all painted, and then uncle vova saw what it was... a person who stopped studying after the fifth grade, that is, thinking and even more so, logically in general, says with a serious expression on his face not about him, exactly on the kremlin's propaganda machine is designed for such. in his latest interview
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, vasiliev tells when in 2014 russia held an illegal referendum in donetsk and luhansk regions regarding their independence. as the so -called people's republics, he, of course , voted for it, after which he threw away his ukrainian passport, and in general then, as now, he is ready to hand over ukrainian patriots to the russian executioners. were there no people in your circle who remained on the side of ukraine? no, if there were, they would already be sitting somewhere in the fsb. i would immediately work on this topic. you are not afraid of this status of a knocker. imagine if there was a man in my circle , dear spy. who can spread a beacon somewhere. later , vasiliev turned from a minor militant into a toothless blogger on an electric scooter in the temporarily occupied makiivka. now he has 90,000 followers on tiktok, 122 on telegram and 236,000 on instagram. to this entire audience vasiliev promotes russian peace, carries humanitarian aid in a walking black package.
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he attributes all shelling of the civilian population to ukraine and shoots a video for the soldiers, where... thank them for protection of russian land from ukrainian fascists. and according to the schedule, thanks to putin every day as a prayer. today they went and voted. for our future, because it will be the best with such a president. yevgeny, you can thank putin before that for the fact that he destroyed all this, although with your intelligence you cannot understand the real picture. now. this blogger lives in makiivka, and we really hope that when donetsk comes under the ukrainian flag, vasiliev will be sent to our prison. it is not a fact that with his intelligence he will be able to understand his sentence, but i think cellmates will explain everything to him. our next traitor is just starting her career
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as a blogger-collaborator, but i'm sure you 've definitely heard of her. on march 9, 200. 22, russia bombed mariupol. at that time, he was hit in maternity hospital number three. one of the journalists noticed a bloodied pregnant woman near the maternity hospital. it was mariana vyshemirska. the whole world sympathized with her. but as it turns out later, the woman will choose the side of those on whose orders she and her then unborn child could have perished. mariana will vote for putin, go to parades and wear a goriv ribbon. telling that mariupol is part of russia. dear president of ukraine, volodymyr oleksandrovych, you promised that the ukrainian army would be able to protect us, but as a result, cities. then turned into a cage. until february 24 , little was known about mariana. at first, she lived in donetsk region, in the temporarily occupied makiivka. in 2020, she met her
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future husband and moved to mariupol, where she was caught up in a full-scale war. after the bloody events of march 2022, mariana disappeared from the information space for a while, and then unexpectedly began to appear in videos of a similar nature. everyone is leaving for russia. to donetsk on their own initiative, people leave both for ukraine from mariupol and for russia. everyone makes their own choice. as it turned out, mariana returned to temporarily occupied donetsk, where she began to build a career as a blogger under a tricolor rag. on the one hand , mariana positions herself as a beauty expert. she has 72,000 followers on instagram. on the other hand, as a volunteer and public figure, and this is what her page is dedicated to. in a telegram channel with 7 thousand subscribers. mariana concentrated her volunteer activities around mariupol. first, on september 1 , 2022, she visited the temporarily occupied
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mariupol and distributed balls in the color of the russian flag to the students of one of the schools. later, she wrote about how happy the children are in the seemingly peaceful mariupol. after that, the woman started carrying humanitarian aid from russia on a temporary basis. donetsk region, and later it turned out that she was almost the only one whom the russians admitted to the olenivsk colony, the place where they were then kept our captured soldiers. there, the traitor talked with one of the ukrainian defenders and later wrote a post that the fighter urged the ukrainian authorities to go to peace talks with russia. i am currently engaged in such a mission as connecting prisoners of war with their families, because i, as a mother, as a woman, as a wife, understand their pain and... fear. we remember the tragedy that the rashists staged in the olenivska colony. so i wonder how much marianna's rotten oregano is worth, whether the kremlin paid a lot for her not
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just to betray ukraine, but so cynically worked off bloody rubles. when ukraine won the oscar for the film 20 days in mariupol, the vyshemir woman in her interview for the solovyov program called the film a fair of hypocrisy. according to her, the ukrainians are allegedly making fakes about the fact that from... in the film , they used more profitable shots at the time of the evacuation, i can't call it anything other than a fair of hypocrisy. the important things are to vote for putin in the presidential elections and urge others to do so, to appear in another propaganda video in mariupol and to distribute humanitarian help with words of thanks to russia. now this saleswoman positions herself as a volunteer, an adviser. leader of the muslims of the fake lpr and a member of the so-called assembly of the peoples of eurasia. at the same time, it continues to parasitize on the sensitive topic of mariupol, as it realizes
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that its popularity will not fade, it will become unnecessary for the kremlin, which means that rubles will stop flying onto the map and it will again become a gray noun. but marianne, i have good news for you. our law enforcement agencies will definitely not forget you, and you will return to ukrainian. mariupol, where you will answer for all your actions. in your case, the carriage will definitely turn into a pumpkin, and you will go on foot, but not home, to the butcher shop. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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we have been trying to find five-year-old maksym vasyachkin, who disappeared for more than two years terrible and tragic circumstances in mariupol. in front of the boy's eyes, the russians shot his parents, he survived bombing and shelling, ended up in the occupied territory and is now... missing. when the full-scale invasion began, maksym lived with his parents in the center of mariupol, in this building at 75b prospekt myru. shells and even a bomb flew into the house. this is what happened to him in the end. and for several days, little maxim and his family hid in the basement of this house, and on march 16, 2022, they decided evacuate on your own. cars, about everything that happened next, maxima's grandmother told. my son was driving, my husband, i sat in the back with my older grandchildren and my
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younger daughter. mrs. ludmila said that they had pasted the car with stickers with the inscription children on all sides, they were driving alone, that is, not in a special evacuation column, and almost immediately the russians opened fire on their car when i raised my head, because i bent my head to the children i asked the elders and daughters, i say: just in case, bend down and bow the head of the little one. apparently late, because when i raised my head, i saw that my husband was not lying, i don’t know how, well, i only saw his back, my son-in- law was lying on him, my daughter moved her head, the baby did not respond, then i heard that the grandson was younger
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started... in his daughter's arms. due to a strong shock , the woman does not remember how long they stayed in the car after the shooting, but came to her senses when the ukrainian military was already pulling them out of the car. the wounds were very serious. what i, my daughter, i did not see, because she was sitting on my left side, so her face was covered in blood, but where got hit, i didn’t see it, it seems that the soldier also said tangentially to the child, but where exactly, but also his face was covered in blood, where exactly it got hit, i don’t know, he was first unconscious, and then he started to sob, he doesn’t have us at all even though he is 3 years old, he is with us... don't
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talk boy. fortunately, the ukrainian military, not the russians, were the first to run up to the shot car. they took mrs. lyudmila and her two older grandchildren to the nearest shelter, and the wounded maxim, his mother and father, were allegedly taken to one of the mariupol hospitals. then, in the chaos of the war, mrs. lyudmila was never able to find her grandson. of course, all this time we did not stop searching and... did everything possible to find at least some information about maksym vasyachkin, at least some clue that could inspire hope, and in the end, fortunately, such information appeared. our fall specialists found data that humanitarian aid was received in mariupol in may 2022 on the passport of maksym vasichkin's father, and
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information was also confirmed that... maksym and his father was actually hospitalized at the illichiv hospital. unfortunately, no more data could be found at this time, but this information actually inspires hope that the boy and his father survived, but perhaps due to one reason or another, they cannot get in touch and report themselves. so, if you know anything about maksym vasyachkin, please call the service hotline immediately. children at number 11630, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. we've created a resource for you to report about any crime against a child anywhere, anytime. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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we have an information day on the spresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the bodies of the three victims were recovered from under the rubble of a house in the village of zarichne in donetsk region. two women aged 44 and 64, as well as a 40-year-old man, died as a result of being hit by a russian projectile. just the day before, law enforcement officers.


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