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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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our colleagues from radio svoboda will pass the baton, but before that there will be a minute of silence, an all-ukrainian minute of silence for all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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time has run out for those conscripts who did not have time to update their data, what awaits them from today, and what will happen next for those who updated their data, how they will receive the summons. to the vlk or passing the vlk is already a guaranteed mobilization. in six months in ukraine more criminal cases have been opened for desertion and voluntary desertion by military units than in the previous one, whether this number will increase, what are the reasons and how the parliament plans to change the responsibility for this. you are watching svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting to join. today is 10 years old, as in the sky over donetsk. shot down passenger plane
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mh17 from amsterdam to the capital of malaysia. the boeing was shot down from the territory not controlled by ukraine by a buk installation brought from russia. at that time, putin denied any presence of his troops there. 298 people died in the downed russian rocket plane. so this event made the world pay attention to the war in ukraine. then the european union introduced economic sanctions against the russian federation for the first time. 2/3 of the dead were from the netherlands, and our colleague olena abramovich visited rotterdam and amsterdam to tell more details about these events and the results of the trials over 10 years. the almighty fredriks opens the door of his house in rotterdam to us and invites us to the hall. on the most prominent wall is a photo of her 23-year-old son bryce and daughter-in-law daisy. 17. daisy's mother
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died three months before, they wanted to disperse, go somewhere on vacation, they chose balls, we helped them buy tickets, i was still studying somewhere and i said: wait until the holidays, the first day of the holidays was july 17. bad premonitions about this trip appeared in the woman for a moment and immediately dissipated. a few days before that, i saw on the news on tv that a military plane had been shot down in the sky over ukraine. i was a little scared, i thought: "oh god, i hope this doesn't happen to the children." and then she rejected: "yes no, that can't be, they won't fly there." the ukrainian military plane that silene says was shot down over luhansk region on july 14, 2014. ukraine then immediately partially closed the sky and raised the no-fly zone to almost 10,000 meters. russia in on the night
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of july 17, civil aviation was banned in the east of ukraine at altitudes of up to 16,000 m. on that day , 160 regular international passenger flights flew at an altitude of 10,600 m. there were 298 people on board, including 80 children, their bodies were then searched for a long time in the fields around hrabovo in donetsk region, the body of one resident of the village fell from the plane onto the house, breaking through the roof. it was through this hole that the passenger of this boeing fell here, and she was lying next to me. the situation in ukraine was unique, because usually, when a crime occurs, the police block it. the entire area,
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the media has no access, no one has access, the investigation begins, here it was completely the opposite. in search of the culprits in the case of mh-17 even. went home to rostov to one of the suspects of serhiy dubinsky, however, were not opened to him, and many of the reports we made were later confirmed by the court. the criminal trial in the case of mh-17 began on march 9, 2020 in the netherlands, because 2/3 of the dead were from this country. over the course of 5.5 years, the international investigative team collected a 65,000-page case, hundreds of hours of audio and video recordings and... a number of testimonies from people whose identities have not been disclosed for security reasons. in the first hours after the downing of mh-17, russian tv channels reported on the downed ukrainian military aircraft. and when it became clear that it was a passenger plane, moscow began to put forward a number of versions. either the beech was a ukrainian sterebovli, then mh17 was shot down by
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a ukrainian su fighter, even fake satellite images were shown. so, on behalf of the ministry of defense or foreign affairs. at such a high level, this kind of nonsense was presented to the international public as if it were fact, it was ridiculous. charges were brought against four. this is oleg pulatov, a reserve lieutenant colonel of the russian airborne forces. according to the investigation, he was responsible for delivering buk to the destination together with ukrainian militant leonid kharchenko. fsb reserve colonel ihor girkin, nicknamed strilkov. he made a request to receive the rzk letters of russia, and the senior... officer of the russian gru serhiy dubinsky was responsible for the transportation of the equipment in the territory of donbas. tanks are not needed, only long-range artillery is needed, good anti-aircraft defense, because the plane worked from a high altitude, almost no system could reach it. i'll try
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tonight, if they pull me, bookem will come right there to you. dubinsky, kharchenko and ghirkin, the district court of the hague sentenced him to life imprisonment. with us, for us as families, even if they never sit behind bars, justice has had its say, and that's important, the world knows. olena abramovich, marok hajduk, radio liberty, the netherlands. from today, july 17
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, representatives of the central committee of the republic of moldova can send summonses to conscripts by mail, after updating the data. the next step is a summons to pass the vlk. if the men had time to update. military registration data, then it is sent to the already updated address. if the shopping center does not have a valid address, then they can send this summons to the place of registration, and the summons can be considered served, even if the person did not receive it in his hands or did not sign for receipt. if the conscript does not appear before the tsc after the summons, he is declared wanted. despite the fact that the deadline for updating military registration data for military personnel. connected men surfaced yesterday, they can be updated in the future, although the violator who did not update the data on time will be fined from 17 to 2.5 thousand hryvnias. more about what to expect conscripts who had time or did not have time to update their data, we ask
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our guest, dmytro lazutkin, spokesman for the ministry of defense of ukraine. mr. dmitry, congratulations, thank you for joining. my greetings, good morning. tell me why. it is possible to update the data as early as today, july 17, and in the future the application works the same way, because tsnapy no longer accepts documents from today, you stated this earlier, so we left the communication that tsnapy really worked until the end of yesterday's working day, and in fact today you can update your military registration data in tsk isp, well, you can always do it there, and for the relationship of reserve plus, which continues its operation, that... a person who does this after that, that is, now, when 60 days have passed, he can be drawn to uh of an administrative offense and accordingly be fined, but again there is a certain procedure, and we are not talking about the fact that
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everyone will be insured automatically, although it is true that within three months of the discovery and up to a year from the moment of the commission of the administrative offense, the proceedings are actually initiated. dmitry, who will be fined and how, because it is indicated that the amount of the fine is from uah 17 to 25,000, what does it depend on, and who will determine this amount? well, really, with this question... actually , we also turned to the representatives of the legal central department of the legal general staff, and lieutenant colonel garbuz also benefited from the communication regarding this . systematically continues to ignore subpoenas and violate the rules of military accounting. and thus, say yes, it goes systematically, er, and it goes to this
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administrative offense. dmitry, if conscripts still update their data, today, tomorrow, during the next weeks or months, they still have to pay this fine? well, we are starting from what is prescribed in the law, there on the updating of military and electoral data. 50 days from may 18, i want everyone to understand that the ministry of defense, in principle, does not place itself in the wake of all those who were fined. in principle, it would probably be better for us if no one was brought to administrative responsibility, so that in principle no one was among those who did not update the data, because the very purpose of this law and our goal now is to carry out the so-called check-in, yes, to update the military accounting a basis for us to understand how this system, the defense system
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of ukraine, will be built for the near future and possibly for a long time, when there is an understanding of how many people are involved in the defense, how many are studying, how many people are undergoing training accordingly, how many people are on rotations and how many are involved in the defense infrastructure , infrastructure and industry, that is, how many are prohibited, because it has a sub-line, that is exactly what everything is done for, in fact, it is not the goal to fine ... more people, the goal is to conduct this audit of the population regarding their military records and make corrections, because now there is a war, many people have changed their place of residence, many people got into such circumstances when he was forced, even without removing himself from the military registration in one place, to move somewhere else for some reason did not enter military registration and so on. tell me, how do people find out about these fines, or search? will it come, will there be any notification in the app and how much time is given to pay this fine? eh, look
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, again, about these fines, there will be a fine, it’s a certain procedure, again, it’s not a person there right away, i’ll say it again, automatically everyone is checked, everyone who hasn’t updated by today, everyone is signed out automatic fines, but there should be one protocol. and there should be a resolution, accordingly, people will learn about these fines as they learn about fines, for example, for speeding, in that case, it will be possible to do it, even for the case, and for those who have not updated this data, how, how will the state find it, if there is no current address there, for example, well, for that, actually, it was, including it was updated, people updated their data on their place of residence there. and so on in order to understand where conscripts, reservists and
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conscripts are. if a person has not updated his data, then at the place of registration he can. out of place of the last registration, as far as i understand, and dmytro, let's talk now about those who updated their data, did it in reserve plus or in tsnap, when should they expect a summons to the vlk, or will the tsc start sending them today? well , look, the mobilization processes in our country are ongoing, the nature of the questions, when we, you know, seem to have to give advice on how it is better for evaders to avoid their military duty, well, that's not quite, we're not talking about evaders, i asked about people , who have updated their data as required by law, what's next, what's the next step, that's right, people who updated their data, they fulfilled their norms, we are now talking about people who... fulfilled their norms of the law, and i know they cannot be fined for not updating, but they can be referred to
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the military medical commission and it can come with a subpoena at the already updated place of residence, which people have indicated either in the reserve plus, or in the ccc, or in sniper, that is, this cart, but again, as noted, as noted by colonel mark androsiak, director of the minister's personnel policy department. defense, currently the number of people who have updated, have clarified their data, it significantly exceeds the number of people who can and should now be involved in the... educational center well it's just impossible to process really, yeah. how much is the final figure now, how many people have updated their data on conscripts? look, about 3.700 thousand updated their data
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in the reserve plus application, about a million 3000 updated their data in ... snaps and twice less than snapakh updated the fsk, well, about 700, a little more than 700 thousand, again, the data is still being compiled, but the preliminary statistics are as follows, about 76 thousand ukrainians did it in ustasunka plus abroad. well, look, it is logically clear that such a number cannot immediately receive summonses to the vlk and go through the vlk, because there will be an even bigger collapse than we have observed these months, but what is the logic, you say, the state should know. how much, what resources does she have to conduct this audit, then this audit will be somehow to be conducted, well, an assessment of what resource, relatively speaking, there is, i apologize for saying this in relation to conscripts, well, that is , how many professionals are there in this or that field, what is their age, will an analysis be conducted, how can these people be better to mobilize, for which positions, in which brigades, in which directions,
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how will it be done, or will it just be random, selective, once a month we need to send such and such a number there. a summons to the vlk so that people pass them, that's all? well, look, i would talk again, not about the resource, but about the mobilization potential of the country, about those people who can protect this state and about those people who can be involved, involved, and here it is clear that each tsc has its own plans, there are brigades that are being recruited as a priority, at the same time parallel courses. you can say yes, there are recruiting processes in the country, and recruiting centers are opening, recruiting is carried out by the brigades themselves, i would advise people who are hesitating, who may not have decided yet, but understand that sooner or later the time will come and they will have to stand up for themselves motherland, yes, at least look for some options, monitor it and find out
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where there are vacancies that match their skills, which may not even match their military record. specialty, but a person’s military accounting specialty can change several times during service, this must be understood, and if a person works as a civilian driver in life, then perhaps you should look for it in the army, in some brigade that you heard about somewhere, you know, maybe commanders, someone you know serves, and again you trust the leadership of this brigade, maybe you should look for a vacancy there, well, again, a driver is an example, in fact, there is a huge range of opportunities to find yourself in the armed forces of ukraine. and in general in the defense forces, and we see that about 10,000 resumes are sent to recruiting centers every week, that is , it cannot be said that the information field sometimes creates such a picture that it is possible that society is for what they say, society is now categorically against any mobilization , and all those who were ready to go serve, they are already serving, they are fighting, we actually see
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picture, once again, analyzing the dynamics of applications to recruiting centers... analyzing the project be yourself on the golf ua army, we see that people are looking for an opportunity to serve and protect the motherland, once again , they are looking for units where they can do it as efficiently as possible. that is, according to your advice , it is still better to look for specific positions through recruiting and apply for them when mobilizing or signing a contract, it can be more effective than if tsc will do this distribution, correct? understand, for it is very important for a ukrainian to be the master of his own destiny, to decide for himself how his future life will go, that is, we see that the uncertainty that is present in one way or another , when a person is mobilized, when a person is invited, and when a mobilization order comes and he is sent to the training center and does not know where else he will
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serve, that is one thing, but when a person already has a letter of recommendation from the brigade, the so-called one. when a person understands what position he will go to, it is clear that he already has a completely different motivation, the army is needed right now motivated people, people who understand why they go to the army and what they will do there, that is, relatively speaking, the brigades can conduct this recruitment more effectively than the shopping centers today, the brigades are currently conducting this recruitment, quite effectively, because they know which position, they take a person, they train that person, they work with that individual and know how that person will apply. please tell me if a conscript is stopped on the street today, starting today, documents are checked, there are updated data through reserve plus or. through tsnap, there is a document, but there is no vlk, they have the right to detain this conscript and take him to the tcc to pass this vlk, or
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should they issue a summons to him there, or at all not to move him, not to touch him and a person can wait for an official invitation through the ukrainian post office to pass the highway, i'm sorry, the connection was interrupted, i'm the beginning of a question, it's a tattoo of which people have updated their data, or which people have updated, but i'm being stopped on the street, i'm a military obliged, i show reserve plus, i have data updates for the required date up to and including july 16, but there is no passing of the vlk, can the military employees of the tsk on the street just invite me to already pass the tsvlk, issue me a summons for the tsvlk, will they still look at the documents, they will let me go, and i will wait for an official notification from my shopping center. for passing vlk? well , the second form, it seems to me that it corresponds to logic, and actually, to this law, yes, because a person fulfilled the norm
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of the law within the specified period, he renewed his military registration data, she indicated her place of residence, that is , referral to the vlk can come there, and accordingly there is no point in catching this person in the middle of the street, because, well, let's... what were these rather unpleasant processes connected with also had a negative impact on the image and continue to have an impact in some places, let's be frank about the image of the armed forces of ukraine, when at checkpoints they try to pull someone out by force, although , again, the representatives of the pcc and sp are not supposed to do this, they do not have such powers, this can only be done by representatives of the police in accordance with the law, and i remind all people who have rights, yes, yes , by and large, if a person... has updated his data and it is already known in the tccsp where he lives, he can refer here in this way, and it will be normal before everything else, but of course
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the mobilization processes in the country continue, so does each tcc isp, it is clear that they have their own plan and they have the desire to carry out this plan, but again, i will remind you that the central committee after all, it is under the command of the command of the ground forces, the general staff and accordingly, this vertical is arranged like this, so about some... episodes, well, for sure, what, for sure, what would be logical and the representatives would communicate exactly. while i am not asking you about individual episodes, thank you, dmitri, for joining in and clarifying once again the norms of the law, how it will work from today. dmytro lazutkin, spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, was a guest of freedom morning, thank you. almost every 14th serviceman ran away from the military unit. this figure was calculated by dochevel journalists, comparing the reported data. the ukrainian president zelensky about the fact that 880,000 men serve in the armed forces and the number of criminal proceedings opened by the prosecutor's office since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. in the first
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half of this year, law enforcement officers across the country opened more than 29,000 new criminal cases related to the escape of servicemen, of which more than 1,800 were based on the article on voluntary desertion of a military unit and slightly more - these are 11,000 cases on desertion itself. voluntary desertion and desertion are two concepts that have differences in both consequences and intentions. the first term, which is abbreviated as szh, is when a member of the military does not intend to leave the service permanently, while desertion means that the member of the military does not plan to return to active duty. during the martial law in ukraine, the legislation provides for harsher penalties for both violations. in the case of arbitrarily leaving a military unit, a person may be waiting. prison for a period of 5 to 10 years, when it comes to desertion, the punishment can lead to imprisonment for a period of 5 to 12 years. arbitrary
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leaving a military unit is the most common offense among the military, according to the head of the supreme court of ukraine stanislav kravchenko, such cases accounted for 61% of all offenses in the ukrainian army last year. however, as lawyers note, many criminal...cases about leaving the place of service are initiated on formal grounds, such as a delay in a business trip, an error in discharge from the hospital, or loss of contact with a serviceman on the front line. on the eve of july 16, the verkhovna rada of ukraine passed the first reading the draft law, which provides for the mitigation of responsibility both for the voluntary abandonment of the unit, and for the actual desertion. it is proposed to them to allow military personnel to be released from criminal liability. who committed such an offense for the first time. also, this law suggests that those suspected of voluntarily leaving military service or desertion be allowed
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to request a change of pretrial detention. protection for continued service, and the commander of the unit will be able to decide whether to release a serviceman from responsibility. joins our broadcast andrii osadchuk, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine committee on law enforcement from the voice faction. reasons and forecasts, we will talk with you further about many of these issues related to the law. thank you, mr. andriy, for joining. i congratulate you. good morning. this year , the number of escaped servicemen from rehab increased. obligations, this number for the incomplete 24th year has already exceeded the indicators for the entire previous year, and so, as they decide, for example, there in court, whether it was voluntary abandonment of a part, or desertion, or both violations involve only criminal punishment, but under martial law? well, let's have a little time, let's look at this story a little more, so that the audience
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can understand. this story under the rubric did not happen as it was supposed to, because it is necessary to start and tell from november 22nd, it was supposedly so long ago, although in fact it was a year and a half ago, when the ministry of defense from the general staff came to my committee to the verkhovna rada, to the committee of law enforcement activities, with a persistent request to make changes to the criminal code, in the article about war crimes, disobeying an order, desertion, arbitrary... the rest, there were also some articles, with the aim of increasing responsibility as much as possible, with the aim of avoiding the possibility of courts to impose milder punishments, because according to the general rule, courts can impose milder punishments punishment than specified in the article that incriminates this person, and even there , in my opinion, conditional punishment under these articles was prohibited, although before that there were such points in
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the criminal code, and again... these sections of the criminal code code, they exist without reference to martial law. then there were difficult conversations at the committee level, and i was fundamentally against such an approach, because i was always against forceful methods of solving the issue of people management. at that time, i asked the representatives of the general staff of the name protection whether they guarantee the quality of commanders, especially of the lower ranks, because, as a rule, such offenses are committed. the military as a result of conflicts with the commanders, but nevertheless, we, the entire verkhovna rada, are trying to support the military as much as possible during these 30 months of the great war, and then we, as it were they say they broke it, and the verkhovna rada, if i 'm not mistaken, on december 13, 2022, actually tightened the screws on the part of war crimes in order to strengthen discipline, i
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then... thought for a long time, but did not take this sin upon myself , i did not vote for it. less than a year and a half has passed, and we are again, well, they come to us regularly, but in fact, on the same topic , the ministry of defense of the general staff approached us again with the request that let's do something with the central intelligence agency, because it is not a secret for anyone, only you that it was reported in the summary to our conversation that the number of szch is an arbitrary omission of a part, it is, let's say, very significant. and i also think that the state bureau of investigation, which is obliged to investigate all these crimes, simply cannot physically cope with it, and we probably do not have such an opportunity to imprison such a significant number of people at all, and so they decided to leave very, let's say, in an asymmetric way, from the academic point of view, i think that after the war,
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god willing, we will live, it will be... studied by lawyers, because in principle the szh is also arbitrary leaving a unit, and desertion has always been considered a serious crime, especially during the war, and a serious crime, it is so serious that it carries severe punishments, but we decided by consensus that in the extraordinary situation in which we find ourselves, we we have to introduce a quasi-amnesty, and the draft law that was actually voted in the first yesterday... it really gives an opportunity to a person who has committed such an offense for the first time, well, in fact it is a crime, then such a person, if there is no court verdict yet, is given opportunity to contact prosecutor's office, or apply to the court, if the case is already in court, with a statement that she is ready to return to trial.


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