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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 8:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. do you remember the time when people listen to budanov, and then in the evening think that the northern direction this is belarus, forgetting about chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast, but now we will talk about belarus, our colleague, journalist of the belarusian service of radio liberty, valery kalinovsky, is in touch with us, mr. valery, congratulations, glory to ukraine, long live belarus, congratulations, dear friends, yes, we want to start again. in the life
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of belarusians, i.e. this is not the first foray, but finally with cotton, i.e. it is already a little bit of a new reality, because the monitor channel of the belarusian village says that in the gomel area , the russian racket has been babbling, and there were also those who who wanted to fly to bobruisk, well , they say in general that this is the fourth time that this has happened, what is the reaction of mr. lukashenka, the so-called... president of belarus? well , you know that before this only the belarusian goyun reports, and this is really on a valid resource, people who monitor what is happening, and they have already recorded four such cases when russian shaheds bypass the territory of ukraine, fly to belarus, one of of them flew even 350 km across ukraine to vitipsk and died somewhere there, maybe also fell, detonated, about the case of detonation.
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somewhere near bobruysk, 50 km from this city, it is inside belarus, it happened yesterday morning, nothing was reported to the official authorities either, although when this shahed flew over somewhere in the mogilev area, the sirens were turned off there, that is, they were also raised, it is known that planes were also raised , rotorcraft to intercept this shaykhed, this is really a new reality for belarus, but the authorities are not saying anything, well , i think... they don't understand who, who sent it and what it threatens, but for now we are more we know from osint analysts, from these resources, than from the authorities, although they react like this, it was very strange on the one hand, and even funny on the other last week, when the self-proclaimed lukashenko began to explain again from which sides, he will now show from which sides will it come.
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to bathe the ukrainian army, which was pulled so much under the borders that the army of the republic of belarus had to be pulled up to the borders, and then the next statement, oh already... the threat has already passed, we are moving back from the belarusian-ukrainian border. our border guards, that's what they said, they invented the problem themselves, they heroically overcame it themselves, why are there such stories, well, i understand that in the times of the first and second world wars it could have worked, but now with the current digitization and monitoring, when you can check all this yourself from a gadget , why play such and such idiocy with a large number of soldiers, lukashenko? like to represent them or what? well, this is a game on the political field of russia in support of russia that there seems to be a threat from the side of ukraine, declared in june, then both the border guards and the ministry of defense, and lukashenko himself, and here they sent belarusian units
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to the ukrainian border, including polonaises and such missile systems, to protect supposedly belarusian territory, as if someone there is threatening, it would be such a... campaign, all that spoke, they were answered in ukraine, and then lukashenko said and the representatives of the kgb also later, if they confirmed that there were some talks, some contacts, unofficial, some channels with the ukrainian side, and that the situation seems to have been settled, successfully, and that's why further there is no need for the kremlin to believe in such fairy tales, i don't... i don't know if the kremlin believes, but the kremlin needs such actions, it needs to distract ukrainian forces so that they are there more on the border with belarus and less there were forces in the war specifically in the donbass or somewhere else,
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so it is definitely needed for this, but i can already do this, not as an expert, but as a person who observes all this, here, and now lukashenko, when declared that... now there will be a withdrawal, that's it, but i'll talk about it later i will consult, i will talk to putin, that is , he referred to him, it is difficult to say how independent he was in all the events here, well, but after all, it is me, it is some kind of sign, well, a little bit of detente on the part of belarusians with regard to ukraine, but on the contrary , lukashenko declares something now it is being prepared from the polish side there or from the west.
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russia's missile attacks on ukraine leads to the fact that we are working intermittently... with blackout schedules, the two are dancing the tango, respectively, now there is a deficit in russia, and now blackout is being played from crimea to rostov oblast and krasnoyarsk krai, and now we learn that the baltics, the baltic states are part of the brel common energy system, it turns out that it has been like this until now, lithuania, latvia, estonia, russia and belarus in the same energy system, if they are part of it. could something similar to the rostov blackout begin in belarus? well, you know, belarus is currently experiencing an emergency situation in the south in the gomel region due to a hurricane that passed through and knocked down a lot of, let's say , lines, about 50 km
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of high-voltage power transmission lines were stopped, this is serious there was such a problem, hundreds of settlements, including mozyr and the mozyr oil refinery were without electricity for a day, the ray center is there, and still many belarusians are still there in the gomel region without electricity, and if, let's say, there was no war, and how would this mozyr be ringed up there, this is what experts say through ukraine and gomel, then he would be able to get this city, this one. to receive electrical supplies from ukraine, but there is no such thing, because this large high-voltage line, which connected belarus and ukraine, under at the beginning of the war, it was stopped, cut off, there is no such thing, and this really happened for the first time
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, probably in recent years, i do not remember such a large-scale problem, such a large-scale blackout, in fact, two days in the gomel region you... significant part of it still continues hundreds of settlements, generators were taken, troops were taken to gomel to clean up the destruction of this hurricane there, somehow to bring it back. to give people light, and we see what queues there are in this place, where people did not have water, where they somehow gathered there in their gadgets or telephones, they heard this without war, felt without war what many ukrainians have been feeling for several years, this is the problem, and how will latvia, lithuania, estonia leave again, it will be this year, it will be at such a pace six months earlier than planned. yes, of course, the belarusians in the border areas will have no one to turn to in the event of such
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an emergency, we will not prompt lukashenka to tell us that it was the ukrainians who made an agreement with the forces of nature and launched climate weapons, because he is like that there too can come to an agreement, and we also know that belarus, well, the belarusian authorities, to put it more correctly, signed several agreements with the occupation. by the authorities of crimea , our ministry of foreign affairs has already reacted, well, this is quite logical, they said that those involved will not go unpunished, but as belarusian society, because we understand that belarusian society is different than the belarusian authorities, reacts to such statements, i have i mean the signing of agreements with the occupied territory of the russians, occupied ukraine. russia, and does it tolerate, or is there still opposition to this?
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well, of course, there is opposition, there is tolerance, there are people who support lukashenko and those who support russia, these are very different, it is difficult to even conduct a sociological survey here, because in the conditions of a virtual dictatorship and the closure of all independent sociological institutes that worked in belarus, it is hard to know whether people will still tell the truth, but in general i will say that belarusians do not want war. belarusians sympathize with ukraine and belarusians do not want ukraine to tear away any eyes of the territory, and this is to develop mutual relations with them there, no i don’t know whether it’s transport or what others there are, let’s say, until recent years, it’s been 10 years since the annexation of crimea, the belarusian authorities refrained from any official contacts with crimea, the signing of any agreements, any kind of cooperation, well at least, let's put it this way, on such a large-scale level, as everything turned out now, now belarus' dependence
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on putin, the authorities of belarus, on putin, on russia, has increased, and therefore this process took place somewhat faster, rather, but still, i i don't think that even at the official level there belarus finally recognized the annexation of crimea and the fact that it is russian territory, i did not notice this, although yes, there is support, but it is so. he said now, that is, after all , after all, not all is lost, mr. valery, and for a snack, tell us whether the officers of the kgb of belarus and the military officers of the army of belarus learned to eat rice with chopsticks there, how did these belarusian-chinese eyes end - joint exercises, exchange of experience, these were not very large-scale exercises, several planes of the chinese were brought there, they were... located near the border with in poland, by the way, at the beresteysky training ground, although there is ukrainian territory nearby, and
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this training, they are already traditional, they were in the 17th, 18th, let's say, before the war, they were held three or four times, only that they have recovered now, that is, the last thing i saw, it was reported that the chinese soldiers went on an excursion to the bretsk fortress, and so they were jumping there, learning something, seriously. it did not become an event, probably, well, but at least it was possible to form a tv picture, no worse than these acrobatic numbers, pyramids and breakdowns with the head of some boards that lukashenko likes to show us in order to intimidate us. thank you very much, valery kalinovsky, a journalist from the belarusian service of radio liberty was with us, nevertheless, we remind you about our collection, you can see the qr code on your screens, please, this is a collection for which we continue to collect money, donate for toftology, from
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scratch to life, it's called, it's a collection for quads, it's an extremely important thing on the front line, which without exaggeration saves the lives of our defenders, qr codes on your screens, do you have card numbers, please let me know, and before we wait for a news release with details, we can already tell you that the colonel of the special operations forces, roman. chervinsky was released from sizo, but the kyiv city prosecutor's office handed him, i.e., his lawyers, a petition for the application of a new preventive measure. house arrest and they say that this is not about the case of the rocket attack on that airfield, the rope one, for which he was received in basements and cages, but this is allegedly for the accusation of a completed attempt to take possession of someone else's property, by means of deception in particularly large amounts, officially, you see , and this is what lawyer serhii lysenko says, in a word, even today, they
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will once again consider this petition in the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv immediately on... what they say that the date of the court session is not yet known, but the petition itself will be considered right now, as we can see in the footage, roman chervinskyi was met by his family, as well as some people's deputies who were at all the courts and actually were part of those who covered this case, high-profile, many public figures gathered here and there also not... a place near the court who supported roman chervinsky, at 11:10 we will again have the inclusion of sofia fedina, who already told us in the morning about the operational situation near the court, let's hope that everything will work out, so don't switch us at 11:10 a.m., we'll definitely turn it on and maybe even hear roman chervinsky himself, well
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, maybe we'll actually learn about the prospect, whether they'll try to take him into custody again right on the day of the report. there is such a danger, says the lawyer, but we will find out these details literally in about 20 minutes, in fact, the case is very high-profile, and it has been going to the kropyvnytskyi court since april 2024, and before that it was going on in kyiv, so we already have information that we have established contact , we have a guest head of... the community of kyiv and kyiv region, tibor tompa, in contact with us. mr. tibor, good afternoon. good day, mr. roman, good day, dear tv viewers, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i actually wanted to ask you how, well, your, our community,
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the capital, perceives this game, well, let's say what a problem wakes up orban, this is such a mixture of shuttle diplomacy and the game of preemption that he has already upset everyone in the european union with his visits, now to putin, then to the chinese communists, some say to immediately end their presidency of the european union, and in general, what kind of independent game is this, how do you assess it, mr. roman, you very... diplomatically formulated it, because what orbán is doing is our community, i personally think that this is an unworthy game, pure hype, no relation to peacemaking, to the mission peace, there is absolutely no, it is not for nothing that orvan's platform, which was created in the european parliament
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, is called putin's friends, and he has absolutely no... such a right to speak on behalf of the european union by going to moscow and other dictators, because he wants to allegedly assume the role such a peacemaker, a mediator, but forgive me, he did not ask anyone about this, how many letters did we write to him, which took into account our opinion, the kyiv community, yes... we, at one time, when we fell under the occupation, under the regime at the beginning of the full large-scale, and the aggression of the rashists, and at the same time, i personally appealed to orbán, he didn’t say a word to us, he didn’t give us any help at all, so forgive me, this is such a dishonest game,
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similar to what the hungarian fascists did in the 40s of the last century, ugh, and here it is, even further always than orban likes to visit his minister of foreign affairs sierto, here orban is talking with zelenskyi, at that time he is already calling lavrov, i am going to see you, and then he tells lavrov that ukrains are cursed, this is how they clamp down on the language rights of ukrainians of hungarian origin, just like he says as well as the russians, and lavrov says, yes, yes, let’s do it properly, and they find a common denominator, i.e. us, how much for our hungarians, this is an urgent question about which lavrov and szijártó, defenders of the language,
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szijártó would prefer would mind his own business and not touch us, i have already said this many times in hungarian, in ukrainian, and in english, that leave our hungarian community in ukraine alone, take care of your country. "okay, zarto likes talking with lavrov there, it's his personal matter, i'm absolutely against it i don't have anything, but i forbid him to talk at all about the hungarian community, how many times has it already been said, hayrto is busy with his own affairs again, he is busy with the same things with his fallen, so last night, on tuesday, he also met in new york with and again made such a hyped statement that supposedly hungary, well, everyone knows that the hungarian leadership has completely different
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relations and conclusions regarding the ukrainian -russian war, that is, what orban is proposing is the total capitulation of ukraine and the total capitulation of europe and the european union, therefore not a bridge. orbana in europe is not the place of the modern hungarian leadership to lead the european union, and the european ministers are doing it right, when they are totally boycotting the meeting so that she should lead a parliament or a body. mr. tibor, we understand that the community, the hungarian community of kyiv and the kyiv region seems to have made their choice, and you and i... have explained it, but at the same time, there is hungarian society in hungary, directly, hungarian voters who choose szijárto and orbán, in your opinion, is it possible to change theirs
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beliefs, whether it is possible to influence their beliefs to us, ukrainians, and in what diplomatic way or not, to change their opinion about ukraine, so very much so... not a question, and it really has a place, we are already in this direction, i mean attention to ukraine, the leadership of ukraine is doing a lot, has done, in establishing appropriate relations, both with the government party and with non-governmental forces, but the biggest problem of hungarian society is its mental backwardness from europe, from democratic values, unfortunately, in hungary for today... who are completely under the heel and do not see anything, because they are in orban's bubble, that is such a closed bubble, who do not hear anything, like
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budapest, big cities, of course the intelligentsia, doctors, teachers, of course they are for the normality of ukraine and do not support the body, which we need to do, for the first time. in turn, it is through transcarpathia, to displace the hostile orbanni, to antagonize those narratives that dominate, and unfortunately, they have very strong ties to transcarpathia with their ideology and influence, that is , the key region here is transcarpathia. transcarpathia must be cleared of russian narratives, only performed in hungarian from fidesz mouthpieces. that's what he tells us. tibor tompa, mr. tibor, thank you for participating in our program, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region was with us. yes, we remind
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you about our collection, the qr code remains on your screens and a small pause in the espresso broadcast, but do not switch, as there will be news, about the most important information in a few moments, khrystyna parobiy will tell. attention, a good offer, order a smart light bulb for at a special promotional price, only 149 hryvnias. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without power. the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and does not will break when dropped. the standard plinth
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11:00 am
powerful our trimmers are, fighting even the thickest. weeds and at the same time they are practically silent, no more heavy lawnmowers, oil or gasoline for refueling, only convenience and a well-kept plot, order now, light, powerful and reliable cors trimmers, only from uah 799, offer is limited, call , there are discounts, they represent the only discounts on mikrolax, 20% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings, there are discounts represent the only discounts on estizifin, 20% in travel pharmacies and savings. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna is working in the studio.


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