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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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we just gave a pass to our partners to essentially avoid not to evade the decision on yes so we gave them that is someone wanted to please from our administration giving today and he showed himself to be a very constructive partner, he gave them some, well excuse me, the agreement with luxembourg on assistance in security, read the paragraph, it's not... it's not about security, well, luxembourg, with all due respect, financially, yes, but it's a statement, a political statement, it's a political document, it's not a treaty at all, it's not a treaty at all, i used to be british saw others there, now gone chased after some very dangerous thing, chased after the entourage, chased after those compacts there, and so on, key issues are pushed aside, there are no key solutions, the key decision is the situation at... the key decision is whether
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we have such institutional forces to putin understood that we will not sit down, it does not mean that we will be ready to fight there forever, but to show that from the point of view of the internal unity of the nation, the availability of resources, that we have these resources either with the help of partners or by ourselves, that is, and only when there will be irreversibility, well, it will strike to show the ability somewhere, this is another question, to show the ability somewhere. and then they can sit down and think, but no one is telling, it looks like now that there is no answer to the question of the territories of ukraine, that is, putin, we invaded donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhya, kherson regions, plus the autonomous republic of crimea, and the city of sevastopol, and what we haven't occupied yet, just give it to us, including the zaporozhye station, we took out luhansk. well, that's not all, you will also
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reduce the army, neutrality will do everything, well and so on, and the position of ukraine, nothing will happen to you, and we will de-occupy until the end, and these two positions are a war for more than one year, so if we are talking about a pause, then all the mood swings, fatigue, then unfortunately , i won't say anything, because i... i understand that people have the right to express a position, those, especially relatives, close ones, those who are fighting, but i understand the risks that now without a guarantee of security, without a nato migration, that in the case of such an intermediate decision awaits us, and the main thing, i think, is what i see in that, in that today's ruling team, they do not produce effective solutions, they
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used to produce them, now they have switched to the entourage, to the external beautiful picture, gathered how many countries, it was always this important, an element, but it is necessary to achieve some kind of final result, and this the result is not clear to me yet, that you said the president that somewhere in qatar or somewhere else we will get out, and the terms are called like that. russia's participation, well, russia's participation, you know, from my point of view is possible only with the capitulation of russia or ukraine, well, in such a total war. that's why it's all pitchfork in the water, pitchfork in the water, but here is today's situation, when there will be shells, when there will be f-16s, when there will be patriots, when we will cover up, when we will start those missiles, which, let's say, are already flying to factories , because they have traps, these are all new arrivals. the russians
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shoot when they get machines from the chinese, when they get chips from the chinese, what to do about it, how to react, that is, these are all the key points that we need to decide now. one more person continues in the last week or 10 days, i made a trip, kyiv, moscow, beijing, trump's palace, viktor orbán, the hungarian prime minister, travels between capitals, speaks between presidents, is it possible to perceive... his game as a pro-china game, even i don't know , not pro-russian, even about chinese, that is , china, europe, china, ukraine, china, russia, china, trump, and in this situation he is only a postman who carries some messages there, well, he, first of all, is pro-orban, not even pro-hungarian, i would say, well, hungarians decide, but he is definitely pro-orban, he, i call this tour, the bloody tour, because during this... peaceful trips,
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children died in ukraine, and she does not give anything, it works for herself, and in him, he used, you see, we can to talk, but he calmly enters... i am surprised that they said that he did not tell the president of ukraine where he would go next, well, that is not how it is done, you understand, when there is some kind of tour, then, well, it is not possible, if really he is in that -ta-tet didn't say, well, i think, he said, i think in te-ta-tet, well , i don't believe that orban went to moscow told the president of ukraine that he would go, moreover, he would definitely go. some information, i think we only had enough of that secret letter of orbán that he sent in brussels, everyone is reading it now, the main thing is that this is all that we told him and nothing more, so yes, he put roulette at zero, and he can win, i mean contacts with donald
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trump in case of his victory, and this access to, but he represents a country that is a member of the european union and nato, the country that presides over the european union now. they already want hungary there to deprive, well, until the end of the year, such time will be lost for such things, that is, i think that this is a factor, well, in the european parliament they form their own separate faction there with partners, well, the factor of right-wing populism is present, the factor of left-wing populism will also be present to a lesser extent , this is such a new stage, it should already be ending from my point of view. i thought that the period of such and such elections in europe and america is already coming to an end, but as you can see, it is moving into the stage of some kind of continuation, so we have to live with it, god forbid that in ukraine it ended faster than in the usa, because we
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are institutionally weaker than the united states, the united states will attract more such populism, you know, this radical populism, it is already laying down, it is already forming. there is a mood of the people, if before he followed the mood of the people, he begins to shape them, and people think that this is the right way to live, people, but i look at our situation, well, many of the deputies understand, well, they just live in the last few p for seven years and before that there was nothing in them in general, professionalism is not needed, people just need to like it properly, no, dear, if you are this, if you are a war, well, i am not talking about... well, the parliament does not play any role, yes, the parliament does not play a role, the government is fake, finland gives no answer to energy threats, one president and five-six managers, for us it is a threat, because they do not have five-six managers in america, they only have 17 intelligence services that solve
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the issue, then they will solve their question, so we need to think about it, in such conditions when the environment is radicalized, wars will continue. we can already see, only in our case it would be better, well, it would be good, it might be cynical, that after all, it was not in europe that this war started, that is why i think that we do not understand two key things, that all the answers will come to give ourselves, despite this huge dependence on supplies and financing from our partners, and secondly, what we need to understand, in general, what kind of... country do we want to defend in the future, because we, i see, what is the impression that us today management the country thinks that it will live forever in a state of war, and it will use all the restrictions of a political nature, well, it's just not covered up, it's just brazen, but political competition
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is happening, well, it's this it's it's complicated things, and it's more important for me, like many told me, and which ukraine do you defend? and why did you stay there, people who left ukraine a long time ago, so we know what kind of ukraine we stand for, we know what our interests are, and ours should be our art, our strengths, show our partners and to prove to them that we can defeat russia together, it is better to do it sooner, without prolonging the pleasure of the collapse of the putin regime for a long time, so you know, well, every time we live... with the factors that are, and every drop, it sharpens the stone , so i am an optimist in this regard, on this optimistic note we will end our conversation, thank you for the conversation, this was valery chaly, politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19
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. let's take a look at the midterm poll results to see if it's time for of ukraine's negotiations with russia - these are the results of a television survey, 14% - yes, 86% - no. there are discounts representing the only discounts on penile hell 15% in pharmacies plantain you and savings there are leftovers representing the only remainders on normoven - 10% in pharmacies traveling you and savings. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon. and with the matryk stopper , you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matryk for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film. it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not only a new item
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economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening, an unusual look at the news, good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin had done this, he would have gone to prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, but for her beyond the borders, who is china then, me, my heart aches, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15, at espresso.
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, we will talk today as an internal politics, and about the foreign policy of ukraine. today in the issue. an equation for trump, an attempt on the ex-president of the usa and his leadership. in the election race, what does this mean for ukraine and the ukrainian authorities? the fate of shmyhal's cabinet. in the near future, the verkhovna rada may consider a large block of personnel issues. does the government threaten the long-lived, full replacement. politicization of military management. combatant commanders are increasingly accused of incompetence. is it permissible to criticize the military? leadership during the war. that's all, let's talk
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for the next 45 minutes, my guests will be people's deputies of ukraine. however, before starting our conversation with people's deputies of ukraine, i suggest you, friends, to join our survey. today we ask you about the following: is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia? if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the appropriate numbers. if you think the time has come for ukraine to negotiate with russia, call 0 800 211 381, no 0800 211 382. and if you have your own opinion, please write it in comments under this video, we are interested to know your opinion. if you're watching us live on youtube, please vote with the appropriate buttons, yes, no, we're always happy to hear and know your opinion, what you think
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about it. today on our broadcast, as i already said, there will be people's deputies from... ukraine. i want to introduce our guests, this is elizaveta yasko, a people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, a member of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, mrs. elizaveta, i welcome you, thank you for being here today with us? good evening! oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the batkivshchyna faction, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on energy and housing and communal affairs, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being on the air, thank you, congratulations, good evening, and rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity and a member of the parliamentary committee on education, science and innovation. mr. rostyslav, i congratulate you, thank you for joining, i see that you are broadcasting under rather difficult conditions, thank you for after all, you are with us, thank you, good evening,
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i immediately apologize for the quality of the picture, we need 90 percent of the country in so-and-so. pictures, so unfortunately, yes, yes, unfortunately, uh, well, ladies and gentlemen, since we're asking our viewers whether they think it's time for talks between ukraine and russia, i'm going to ask in bliss poll format and you, because a poll published by the mirror of the week and conducted by the razumkov center appeared, and this poll shows that almost 44% interviewed of ukrainians spoke in favor of the beginning of peace talks with russia, against 35%, while 21% have not yet decided. what do you think about this, is it time for negotiations between ukraine and russia? let's start with mrs. elizaveta. i am convinced that, as our president says, we
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cannot enter into negotiations on the terms dictated by russia. in order to ever go to any negotiations, we need to have a position that will be supported by the majority of the international world, and for that we need peace summits, we need cooperation with various countries that do not always vote in support of ukraine, unfortunately, we are actively engaged in this, but of course, i think, any average ukrainian... will never be able to say that we are ready to forget, erase, everything that happens to us everyone, this, no need to explain, these are huge tragedies that will be reflected in the next generations, and therefore we cannot afford to just sit down for some negotiations now, they
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will not happen in the near future, thank you, mr. rostyslav, do you think is it time to negotiate? ukraine with... russia, i mentioned only one fact of a sociological survey here, but we witnessed how, over the course of several days, well-known, well, well-known, big bloggers who have millions of followers there on instagram, in particular, were pumping this topic, let's it’s enough to negotiate, we need to talk about peace, and since this topic is constantly being promoted and someone is promoting it, i don’t know, i don’t have any... any idea who it could be, either inside the state or in russia, but the fact itself, is it time for ukraine to negotiate with russia? well listen first of all, if we talk about sociology, then the absolute vast majority of citizens say that the conditions put forward by russia are not acceptable, so the fact that there is
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quite a lot about the necessity or possibility of these negotiations, it... is completely refuted by the fact that russia's position on these negotiations is not acceptable. i will tell you more, the question seems to me a little so scholastic, because russia is not going to conduct any negotiations. this and that and the situation that was best described in her time by golda meyer, the israeli prime minister said that we want to live, and they want to kill us, and that leaves little room. for a compromise, so the only way to end this war is for the russian war machine to break down, and for that we all have to work to help ukraine. we should all support the armed forces and work with partners to increase pressure on russia, sanctions, economic, any other, and increase aid to ukraine. these
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are the negotiations that are the only ones that can lead to a result and force russia to end the war against ukraine. thank you, mr. rostislav, mr. oleksiy, what do you think, is it even time to talk about peace negotiations, or is it time to say that russia... but the summit is the normal work of the president, diplomatic circles, but with regard to negotiations, today the subject of negotiations is simply absent , due to its absence, full stop. thank you, mr. oleksiy, for the brevity and accuracy of the wording, well, since it is summer, it was hot not only and remains not only for er. for europeans and ukrainians, and probably for part of the rest of the world, this is also politically heated it was summer, because there were summits, we were counting
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on some results, a meeting of the big seven, the signing of ukraine's security agreements with a number of countries, the nato anniversary summit, what will ukraine be left with in the end, what will we leave with in the fall. of the 24th year, if we do not take into account the fact that we are all suffering from the lack of electricity in time, what has ukraine achieved during this period, well, especially during these summits, because the top topic of the latest political news, during the last six months, was the jubilee summit nato, the big seven and the beginning ukraine's transition with the european union, ms. elizaveta, please. it's actually a very hot summer, not only for the weather, for the political various events, we're watching what
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's happening in the united states, what 's happening, recently happened in france, recently happened in various countries of the european union, where the european parliament elections were held, in fact quite scary, because we see that many countries are coming in force. with fairly right-wing radical views that use populist rhetoric, which very often does not support ukraine, such there is a trend, but we must also look at the facts, and the facts are that everyone, the entire european community, is at the g7 level, at the same level. which we held recently, well relatively recently a month ago, when there was an event in berlin on the restoration of ukraine, we see that simply incredible steps are being taken in
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order to build the future of europe with ukraine in peace, with an economy where we will be members of the european union, these steps everything is happening, the g7 also allocated grant funds to ukraine, to us. many different deals took place, which were signed on military cooperation, on economic cooperation, for our energy security, in fact, for the fall and winter we have quite a lot of work already done with concrete results, where we can say that ukraine will be protected, but this does not mean that we are without risks , because we are under attacks every day, so we cannot relax. thank you ma'am. elizaveta, mr. oleksiy, well, obviously, obviously, now attention will be focused on the presidential campaign in the united states of america, the assassination attempt on trump,
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the new candidacy for the vice president of the united states of the united states of america, jd vance, who is known for his cautious, i would say, position regarding ukraine, by the way, regarding china as well, what do you think, is ukraine squeezing out now. diplomacy, all that can squeeze out, and do we get what we want? diplomacy, diplomacy is trying, you understand, but in reality, i don't want to highlight this conflict once again, and it already seems to concern, on the one hand, our opponent, the political, well to some extent, eu leader poroshenko. well, these are the facts, when they don't really release him, he is authoritative, he weight weight, you see, he is heavy, heavy,
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heavy, heavy. and when they don't let him go to the congress of the republican party, there's another one, well, in my opinion, this is some kind of childish lepidity, which shows that the ukrainian government is under the impression that it doesn't fully understand the current situation, well, it doesn't fully understand the real crisis situation and does not understand what democracy is, do you understand? and now in relation to the events in the united states of america, i think that the worst... what we can do now for ukraine is to start very actively there, to make love, sorry, or with one, or try with another political force, you know? america is a very peculiar, powerful country that lives its own life, its own. ukraine is definitely not the first priority there. and in this situation, we need to prepare, what we declared.
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in recent years and months, i have been talking to both of these powerful political parties and counting on the option of the elections that the american voters will choose for themselves, it is their choice, you see, god forbid that i should start interfering or influencing or giving them advice in any way, i convinced... that in such in this context, it is necessary to pragmatically and rationally seek answers to questions about the future of ukraine, because risking relations with the united states of america depending on likes or dislikes is completely unacceptable in this situation, no matter how much we like or dislike someone, sorry. well , by the way, you mentioned, mr. oleksiy, that the delegation, well, actually, not poroshenko himself, but the delegation of european
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solidarity... was not allowed to the republican national convention in miluka, just 15 minutes ago it was on the air valery chaly, a diplomat who worked as the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in the united states of america in the 15th and 19th years, he says that it is not at all unclear what the current ukrainian authorities are counting on, if they do not release people who may be involved in... communication with the republicans, with trump, in the event of his victory, with vance, who may become, i will recall the previous incident was, the meeting with orbán, yes, as far as i understand, which is the same, well, again, i'm definitely not a fan of pyotr oleksiiovych, believe me, but in this one situation, well, don't admit that he's a heavy hitter and don't hang around somehow, but it's definitely acting against the interests of ukraine, well, he's an associate. petro
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poroshenko, rostislav pavlenko probably has his own vision of what is happening, and of course, in the context of the general field that we are currently observing, that is, when an attempt on trump can change trump's position for the better , and when biden's intransigence can also play in trump's favor, and the absence of our delegation there at this convention, how do you think it is? will affect ours communications with the united states of america in the event of trump's victory? thank you, and thank you very much to mr. oleksiy for your friendly and completely objective position, because now really hot times are coming for ukraine, and this issue is obviously not only about the weather, because now we need to influence what we can
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to influence because we can hardly hope to influence any political positions in other countries there, but we must definitely use all the possibilities of our own country in order to strengthen the position of ukraine and conveying our interests and refuting myths, and the best refutation of myths, for example, of the united states that, as the current vice-presidential candidate once wrote. that supposedly this is such a terribly corrupt and undemocratic country, poroshenko and the entire delegation had to be released in order for them to talk about the interests of ukraine, about the fact that we speak the same language and the same messages from the outside, about the fact that ukraine needs support , that we will sort out our political relations later, but now we have to survive, but alas... the failure to release
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