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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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but this is not yet clothing, this is not yet the protection of one's space, one's body, ours, unfortunately, mr. kostyantyn, unfortunately, we have to finish already, kostyantyn kryvolap, an aviation expert, was on our airwaves, now the news time has passed on the spresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to colleague anya yevimalnyk, who is ready to share all the most important things with us. my friend, i congratulate you and please share with us what you have learned. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news editor will work later, i will tell you about the main thing. in particular about the consequences enemy fire and when the light situation improves, all the details later, stay with us. from now on, in the conditions of martial law, mobile operators must ensure the availability of communication. during power outages for
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10 hours, instead of four, as was previously stated in the order of the national center for operational-technical management of telecommunications networks. by october 1 , at least 60% of the base stations must be provided with autonomous backup power supplies, and by the end of the year, 100% of the networks must have electric generators or batteries to work during the first. 72 hours. after the planned repair and overloading of nuclear fuel , one of the nuclear units was connected to the power grid, the ministry of energy reported. this will add 1 gw of capacity, which will significantly affect the stability of the energy system. i would like to note that before the full-scale invasion , 15 nuclear power plants were operating in ukraine, of which the territory under the control of ukraine is now in operation. another six
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reactors are located at the russian-occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. in july, blackouts became longer because of the heat and repair works at the as. instead, the government predicts that the situation will improve after july 20. the woman was injured during the russian siege of the city of kherson. during the attack, she was on the street, she was admitted to the hospital with shrapnel wounds and... an explosive injury was reported to the local military administration. the enemy attacked the dnipro district. the shells of the occupiers damaged the minibus, broke windows, and also damaged residential buildings and cars. due to problems with the current, the conotop in sumy oblast switches to an hourly schedule water supply in the morning and evening. restrictions are introduced in two microdistricts of the city, as well as in the village of podlypny. i will provide them with water. this is done with the help of generators,
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said the mayor of the city, artem semenikhin. of course, this is very expensive for our vodokanal, because the fuel consumption is very high, but now it is so hot, and we made a decision, well, let's say, to abandon certain works on the repair of the collectors of our sewers, on the works on the repair of water pipes , etc. . just provide people with water now such a terrible heat, in such a natural anomaly, that people should have water, so today it is still in test mode, if there is any possibility of a change in the water supply schedule, and tomorrow it will definitely be from 6 in the morning to 10 in the morning and from 4 p.m. to at 10:00 p.m., unknown persons threw a grenade into the yard of the mayor of bazhanka in the mykolaiv region. late the night before
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, a man returned home by car, he did not close the gate and went to the house and heard the sound of an explosion in the yard, no one was injured, the car was damaged, the police said oblast, at the scene of the explosion, law enforcement officers removed debris from the rgd-5 grenade. the case was opened under the article of hooliganism, the culprits are being sought, they face up to seven years in prison. each combat brigade of border guards will be created. rubak subdivision. this was stated by the head of the state border service, serhiy daineko, while in the bakhmut direction in the pomsta brigade. it was on the basis of this brigade that the first structural unit of rapid response reconnaissance-strike unmanned aircraft complexes began to form. it was headed by the hero of ukraine dmytro oleksiuk it was decided to create the first subdivisions of the structure. the state border
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service is a border office of judicial response to the intelligence of an unmanned attack complex, and its experience will be introduced in all. we will provide, i know your professionalism, skill, so we count on quick results, that after all, there will be more good russians every day. a 53-year-old man was injured by an ammunition explosion in the mykolaiv region, he has a shrapnel wound in his neck. near a peaceful village, a local resident on his own cleared the field and collected dangerous objects, one of them detonated, the regional police reported, explosives technicians arrived at the scene of the incident, sappers cleared the field, neutralized cluster munitions, voh-17 and vog-25 shots, anti-tank and thermobaric
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grenades, as well as anti-personnel mines . here is this one. passes that he collected, and due to careless handling, they exploded. when it explodes, fragments scatter about 100 m, they are already ready in the case, 350 pieces of them. during an additional inspection of the field, there was an explosion 45 explosive and secondary explosive objects were discovered. people's deputy maryana bezugla filed for the second time to withdraw from the servant of the people faction. application. should be read already this week - reports bezugla. the deputy explained her decision as a misunderstanding of the priorities of her colleagues on the national security committee, and also accused the faction's deputies of sabotage. according to bezogla, she cannot make her way to volodymyr zelenskyi with questions about the problems in the army, i will point out
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that she is a majoritarian, so she will not lose her mandate. in february, the deputy already declared about leaving the faction. at the plenary session on wednesday, the european parliament by a majority of votes approved a resolution in support of ukraine, in which it condemned the uncoordinated foreign policy actions of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán. the resolution was supported by 495 out of 679 meps. the document condemns the recent visit of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán to russia. he did not represent the eu, and that was it. a serious violation of eu treaties and common foreign policy, the majority of the european parliament condemned hungary's abuse of its presidency of the eu council and called for lifting the blockade of financing ukraine from the european peace fund. the president
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of the united states, joe biden, will withdraw from the race if his health becomes a serious medical problem. he is ready to obey only. doctors' verdict, biden said during an interview on the cbs channel. the president admitted that he made a serious mistake during the debate, but clarified that he will only be a transitional candidate. if i had any health problems, if doctors came to me and said that you have this or that problem. to be honest, i think the only thing that comes with age is a little bit of... wisdom, and i think i've shown that i know how to do something for the country, but there's still a lot more that can be done, and i'm not i want to give it up. recovery after the russian occupiers, belgium allocates 150 million euros to ukraine for reconstruction, the money will go to
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the restoration of energy and social infrastructure in the kyiv and chernihiv regions. the agreement was signed by prime minister denys shmegal with his belgian counterpart during online meetings. document simplifies implementation joint programs and projects, noted shmyhal. also, the belgian development agency will open its representative office in ukraine. four dead and seven injured as a result of a large-scale road accident in the lviv region . the traffic accident occurred in the village of davydiv, lviv district. a lviv vybranivka route bus and a man truck collided. the drivers died as a result of the collision. the train and three bus passengers, the bus driver and six minibus passengers, including a four-year-old boy, were injured. saved his mistress from death, he himself spent almost two days under the rubble. rescuers pulled
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a cat from under the ruins of a residential building in myrnograd, donetsk region. the animal was not injured, but was very frightened. as the owner of the fur coat told, a few minutes before the russian shelling... he started teaching loudly and called her to another room and thus saved her life, because this is the only room that survived in the apartment, the state emergency service reported. let me remind you, on july 14 , the occupier. guided aerial bomb on a five-story building in the city, one of the entrances completely collapsed, as a result of the airstrike, three people died, seven were injured. these are the things for the moment, i'll see you soon, at 4 p.m., read more about important things on our espresso tv website, subscribe to our channels on social networks, support our youtube channel, see you soon.
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thank you, anieva melnyk, thank you news editor. 10, thirdly, we inform you about the most important thing, the kurakhiv direction can be equal to pokrovsky in terms of the number of collisions. this follows from the establishment of our general staff. well, the situation at the front until... seriously, but there are also a lot of other events. thus, president zelenskyi announced that 95 ukrainian defenders were also returned from captivity in the russian federation today. he says that they continue to work on the return of our people. the president says that those released from russian captivity are soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, the national guard, and border guards, he is grateful to our team, says zelenskyi, who is engaged in exchanges and united arabic. there for mediation in this release, no matter how difficult it was, we are looking for everyone who may be in captivity,
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we must return everyone. now we will talk, we will have mykhailo nepran, the first vice-president of the chamber of commerce and industry of ukraine, and we will talk with him about the draft law adopted by the verkhovna rada on the exemption from visa duty and vat on equipment for the energy industry. mr. mykhailo, we congratulate you. good day. glory. mr. mykhailo, well, we would like to ask you first of all about the amount of equipment that we need, so we understand that this is not just about the purchase, i don't know, separately taken by our citizens, here we are talking about condominiums, here we are talking about municipal institutions, cities, towns and so on and so on, we understand that the situation in the energy sector suggests that a lot of money is needed, but money is only one part. that there should also be an adequate amount of the necessary equipment, so there is a great energy-saving and
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energy revolution in general, which is coming, not by our will, of course, but we have what we have, but you know, any revolution always has several consequences, and to be honest , the paradox of this what-if situation not the war, but if it weren't for these tragic events of ours, then we still had... a monopolized, corrupt energy market, remember, and our business struggle was before the war, and when there was a paradoxical situation, the cost of connecting the plant, for example, in chernihiv oblast, there was more to the production of starch than the investment project for the production of the plant itself, installation, equipment and its launch, that is, it was such a closed corrupt, monopolized market by oblenergs, where strangers were simply not allowed, and only... war forced the government and pressure, including from the business community, forced to change the rules of the game and liberalized it,
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but it is not enough yet, because what is happening now is, by the way, one of the consequences of business pressure on deputies, on government officials, with that for to survive, well, they also have an understanding that the issue cannot be solved in any other way, it must be liberalized as much as possible, deliver, place, connect, enter the network, who can do what... who can do what and who can go where , you can gas generator, like such large networks, say, like epicenter or nova poshta, or something like that mid-level enterprises that said we will buy, we will not connect to ukrenergo, but we will provide ourselves and maybe even sell later to kryner, these can be cities, you said for it, and by the way, these are quite real projects, there are quite successful ones projects in khmelnytskyi, in zhytomyr , there are fewer outages than, say, in kyiv, in the neighboring one for 100 km... why, because the local community provided for itself, bought these gas generators, connected and do not take
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sugar energy, by the way, at the level of towns, villages and rural communities can also solve this, starting from small and social purpose hospital, school or fap and ending with just the population, therefore, and by the way, i would like to ask you, and this competition between gas supply and energy supply companies, it can cause the following reasons. consequences, well, i mean, this is, you know, dividing the market, and this is not a simple story, here everyone has their own interests, you know, today your colleague from financial tanks interviewed me and asked, she says, what ? consequences of energy ukraine for business, i say, you know, the first as a result, the energy market as such has died, that is, the energy traders that you are talking about, yes, and who were engaged in making agreements and selling electricity along with others, as of today, who suspended, who closed, who is in a state of waiting, because nothing to sell
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due to power outages, the market as such does not exist, therefore there will simply be no competition between them today, because no one can compete with... manufacturers, so in principle we can not worry about it, from my point of view i am very happy that we were able to break that the market, to break the market that existed, it was such a monolith that was very difficult to break through, because there was colossal money that restrained the possibility of liberalization, now it is liberalized, now it depends on you and me, depending on our capabilities, depending on your needs, you can buy or just a generator. whether to buy a plant and produce and provide without looking back to whom, well, and plus the next point, of course, this is also a matter of safety, and of course you remember these discussions and scandals that literally took place one and a half to two months ago, arriving at the tets in trypilla, in the dnipro, dniprovska tets, these are large colossal
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enterprises, which, as it turned out, are almost impossible to protect, and such small producers... there are 2-3 tons, roughly speaking, covered, hidden, concrete the raft was placed on top, and let the rocket look for it, and they will not hit it with a rocket, because the rocket is much more expensive than the equipment that they will destroy, so there is also such a question as security, and military security, and the question of energy security, this is a very good decision, for which we fought for a long time, look, mr. mykhailo, to what extent everything can become cheaper for the people, we understand that the issue... of the big economy is important, but i don't know there, the price of this or that generator that our average residents buy for themselves, or that are used by small and medium-sized businesses, at the same time here we and we are also talking about ecoflo and so on, how much everything can become cheaper and whether there is a feeling that one or another, i don't know, trading structures may try
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to saddle this market, so to speak, because it would be stupid not to use it, so to speak. the chances of making a profit there are not 10-15%, but 30%. anton, we will have an interesting situation now, you say those who wanted to make money, now, now they brought it, they brought it, yes, and you, i know, it is lying in warehouses, and it is not this one, because everyone was waiting for this one the ice is gone, oh, that's all, now everyone has driven, because in anticipation of winter , everyone knows that winter will come, the price. will grow, well , it was like that last year, there was no such excitement, because the winter passed in our country, in the 22nd year it was like that, so when there was not enough and the price was like this, then they brought it, the price fell, and now it turned out so interesting the situation, we analyzed it with experts, it turns out that the one who bought earlier based on the calculation, as you say, laid down 100, 200, 300%, and now
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turns out to be at a loss, because the one who brings it now will be 20% cheaper, well... this is such an invisible hand of the market , which regulates in this way, with investments, so to speak, the wrong period was chosen in order to invest in these batches of ecoflow or the same buetti, but let's know, well, it's just interesting, i just bought it for myself and now i'm considering the possibility buy a bigger ecoflow, because the winter is going to be too hard, and now the one i have is not heals the whole apartment, and now actually. the one i bought back in the winter of 22-23 , then it was about uah 50,000, now it costs more than uah 80,000, i.e. uah 30,000 is already on the table, but even now i was looking at the possibility of ordering a more modern model , that is, a more powerful model, then now, if you order, you have to wait until october,
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that is, it is not even available now, this is what i am saying, if we order directly from the manufacturer, and not from... resellers, that is , now that vat has been removed, the quantity will increase, and if the quantity increases, the price will fall, that is everything is regulated in an elementary and simple way, and on the other hand, yes, you can save less, you will pay 10 thousand more, but you can buy it now, who can wait, who can’t burn, he can order the way you did, he will receive it later, because the manufacturers now everyone is also looking in our direction, for them it is now chic. the big market, as they call it, the premium market, where it is all very actively bought up, because in europe they also buy, you know, how to insure yourself, but it is not like a thing of first necessity, it has become here now. with thing first necessity, so let's look with you for an interesting phenomenon, how the market works, those who fertilized before this, and now those who will bring it now, and there will be a difference of at least 20%,
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well, let's say, for such large networks as the epicenter, it's not so critical for them, they can, you know, they say, equalize this price and win with other points, but the small and medium ones who wanted to speculate can punish themselves a little. look, mr. mykhailo, i still wanted to ask you, i don't know, about the prospects, well, to do these important things investments in our energy security, so we understand that our legislation can come up with some additional tax, for example, on solar generation, well , for example, it may not be now, not now, no one will do this now, it is after the war, yes , that is, now in the near future it is still possible to take risks, but look, investments... this is always a risk and no one will ever give you a hundred percent guarantee. and if, dear viewers, someone promises you, tells you that you will deposit uah 100 and get three uah 10,000 in six months, you know that these are scammers, and
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the money you give, you won't see it later, well , all ukrainians have gone through a financial disaster thanks to pyramids and all these financial scammers, and the more tempting the offer, the less likely it is to get the money. in fact, the situation is now such that there is an understanding. authorities, that it cannot provide for everyone and everything, so in this situation there is only one thing left: save yourself, who can, and for this, you need to create conditions under which the rescue would be as comfortable as possible and as cheap as possible, so you need to use if possible, install a solar panel, and tell your parents to buy a firewood machine while it is not too expensive, because the closer winter is, the more expensive the foresters will sell it, and so we are preparing from all sides. another thing is that in
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our country, for example, during yanukovych’s time , the klyuev brothers sat there, who did not let anyone into this business. , there are solar panels all over the world, so i remember we were in the states, we were... told: yes, the wind generator, they installed it, they say, it spins, then, when the bills come from the electricity supply company, they simply subtract the energy that the wind turbine generated, why not, this is a normal situation, we will then defend our common interests, and for now let's invest in order to survive this winter comfortably. mr. mykhailo, by the way, i wanted to ask you, but during the off-season, some kind of drop in prices is predicted, because we understand that now there is a crazy demand, because of the heat, there will be a crazy demand in the winter, because there will be... it's cold, will there be a period when these prices can drop a bit and they won't be so outright cosmic? prices, prices for what? well, we have the same charging stations, generators, solar
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panels. the war will end, they will not be needed by anyone? no, i'm talking about this period, that we are experiencing heat now, and then it will be winter, and we will also have warm months, for example, september, maybe october will also be warm, well, and accordingly in this period, maybe there will be less blackouts, well this can be, maybe. now energy experts predict that they they are finishing repairs, that they will have a connection, there will be less imports, and this market is very sensitive, i remember how in the spring of 23 , journalists asked me, they say, that the overload appeared on these, on generators, on these storage tanks, what to do with them, yes, because no one needed them, the winter passed, no one bought anything for the spring, that is, this already happened, this was the peak in the winter of 22. do you remember when there were the first blackouts and disconnections, then in the spring the prices fell and they stood until the fall of 23, no one bought anything, it was just them stood and, as they say, the people did not understand what
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to do with them, then it started again, so it is such a sine wave, such a wave, will, will become more expensive, will become cheaper, what is the essence of business, to catch this wave, buy cheap, sell for expensive, finally, or not, finally, i would like to ask you whether there is a vision of the chamber of commerce and industry regarding the so-called economic reservation, whether your environment specifically made certain proposals and, in general, how you assess the prospects for the implementation of this or that civilized and fair model? well, we proceed from the fact that the president himself said that for one fighter we need three workers, so if we want to mobilize 100,000 men to the front who will fight, then who are these 3,000 who will ensure their... fighting at the front, so we have prepared proposals, we are meeting with dmytro natalukha on monday, the 22nd , we will meet, we will communicate just
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in time... he has several bills and this is one of them, or you know, i would say yes, colleagues, there is popular wisdom that says yes, if corruption cannot be overcome, it it is necessary to legalize it, if it is charged in income offices, or centers or vlk, then why should you pay someone in your pocket, then you should pay to the state, then let's establish that you pay 40,000 or 50,000 or 100,000 for an employee, and he then gets booked and not to pay those who make decisions and put them in their pockets, criminal cases are good, but we understand that this will not overcome corruption in any case, this is the first, roughly speaking, the cost of booking, the price, and the second point , this is still the definition of some strategic industries, where we say that for the security of ukraine needs this, this, this, and it is necessary from the other side, well, the driver of the minibus, as if it is not strategic, so to speak,
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but if they take all the drivers of minibuses there or trams or i don't know subway drivers well, it will happen, and on the other hand , there is some, i don’t know, person who warms his hairy paws and mines cryptocurrency on a generator, well, i’m hyperbolizing and in principle the strategic importance of him is zero zero, it’s just a hole from a bagel yes, well but there is loot, but there is loot, and accordingly you say, but on unfortunately, it is impossible to make it fair in practice. a mechanism that would suit everyone, they will still be dissatisfied, it concerns people, it concerns money, it concerns human lives, so we have a lot of discussions about what this mechanism would be, and we understand that there will be no fair mechanism, but you see , as the ministry of economy imposed on the local regional administration that they should define a list of enterprises that are of strategic importance, and that's where it starts, everyone
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says that he is a strategist. but important we, to thing, the chamber of commerce and industry of ukraine was not included in the list of strategically important enterprises, so our workers are mobilized and fighting at the front, that is why it is a very difficult, very difficult issue, very painful for society, well, in any case , i think still more important, they say that it is unfair, and on the other hand, people still pay money, so at least they should pay the state, go to war, and not into the pocket of an unscrupulous doctor or. the military, well , the question here is that, in fact, we we understand that in order to mobilize an additional number of people, they need to be provided with something, right? well, well, this is a difficult question, in fact, the answers, especially considering that the international aid goes, the financial international aid given to us, it goes exclusively to the humanitarian sphere, salaries to teachers, doctors, pensioners, and we have to
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provide the front with money ourselves. thank you, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo nepran, the first vice-president of the chamber of commerce and industry of ukraine, worked on the live broadcast of espresso, so now there is a short pause, after it we will talk about the specifics of non-fulfillment of the law on mobilization, because today, so to speak, is the first day, yes, well, woe to those who have not updated their data in the tcc and sp. wait a few minutes and we will be with you again. warning. one offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a good deal a proposal the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without
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