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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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this colonel, well, let's keep an eye on this high-profile case, well, it's already 4 p.m. on the clock , which means that it's news time, so we pass the floor to our colleague, anna yevii melnyk, colleague, we pass the floor and ask you to share with us what managed to find out. another exchange of prisoners took place, so how many ukrainians managed to return home, i'll start with this news, stay with us. ukraine returned 95 defenders from russian captivity - they are soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, the national guard and border guards, all released men, 88 privates and sergeants, seven officers, among them 23 defenders of mariupol, report to... the coordination
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headquarters for treatment of prisoners of war. the exchange took place through the mediation of the united arab emirates. ombudsman dmytro lubinets said that further treatment and rehabilitation await the soldiers. in general, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation , 3,405 ukrainians have been returned from enemy captivity. we are waiting for everyone at home, in ukraine. a chief was appointed to nato representative the position was taken by patrick turner, in september turner will take office and head the nato representation in ukraine, as well as perform the role of coordinator of nato interaction with the ukrainian authorities, he will be responsible for nato assistance and provide the alliance with assessments of the situation in ukraine. currently, the representative office of the alliance in ukraine is headed by karen makteer. another concept of employee reservation, it would be... businesses
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would be able to provide goods or services to the military for free, for the same amount they would have to pay the state, said the head of the committee on economic development, dmytro natalukha. the people's deputy also clarified that the idea is still being discussed and they plan to combine it in one draft law with economic reservation. in fact, this means that for the amount of the reservation cost, for example, you want to book... a group of workers, this is the amount of 80 thousand uah per month, this sto concludes a contract with some brigade for free services within the range of 80 thousand uah per month, and for this gets the right to armor four workers, that is , you do not have money or enough profit in order to book your employees, but you have goods, works or services for which there is a demand among the military, people's deputy maryana bez. for the second time submitted an application to withdraw from
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the servant of the people faction. the statement should be read this week, reports nardepka. the deputy explained her decision as a misunderstanding of the priorities of her colleagues on the national security committee, and also accused the faction's deputies of sabotage. according to bezuzla, she cannot get through to volodymyr zelenskyi with questions about problems in the army. i will note she is a bigoted majoritarian, so she... will not lose her mandate, the deputy already announced her withdrawal from the faction in february. a separate rubak unit will be created in each combat brigade of border guards. this was stated by the head of the state border service, serhiy daineko, while in the bakhmut direction in the pomsta brigade. it was on the basis of this brigade that the first structural unit of rapid response reconnaissance-strike unmanned aircraft
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complexes began to form, it was headed by the hero of ukraine dmytro oleksyuk. mobile operators must provide the availability of communication during blackouts for 10 hours instead of four, as it was before, is indicated in the order of the national center for operational-technical management of telecommunications networks. by october 1, at least 60% of base stations must be provided. autonomous backup power, and by the end of the year 100%. from september 1 , networks must have generators or batteries to operate during the first 72 hours. after planned repairs and overloading of nuclear fuel , one of the nuclear ones was connected to the power system blocks, the ministry of energy reported. this will add 1 gw of capacity, which will significantly affect the stability of the energy system - experienced. that before
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the full-scale invasion , 15 nuclear reactors were operating in ukraine, of which nine are now on the territory controlled by ukraine, and another six reactors are located in russian-occupied zaporizhzhia. ac in july , power outages became longer due to the heat and repair work at the ac. instead, the government predicts that the situation will improve after july 20. recovery after the russian invaders, belgium allocates 150 million to ukraine euros for reconstruction. the money will be used to restore energy and social infrastructure in kyiv and chernihiv regions. the agreement was signed by prime minister denys shmeha. with a belgian colleague during an online meeting, the document simplifies the implementation of joint programs and projects, shmehal noted. also, the belgian development agency will open its representative office in ukraine. at the plenary
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session, the european parliament by a majority of votes approved a resolution in support of ukraine, in which it condemned the uncoordinated foreign policy actions of the hungarian prime minister viktor orban. the resolution was supported by 495 out of 679 meps. the document condemns the recent visit of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán to russia. he did not represent the eu, and this was a flagrant violation of eu treaties and common foreign policy. the majority of the european parliament condemned hungary's abuse of its presidency of the eu council and called for the lifting of the blockade of ukraine's funding from the european peace fund. an artist from kremenchuk turns enemy ammunition into museum exhibits. natalia prus after the start of a full-scale invasion, she discovered a talent for drawing. her works are already presented in the local museum of military history, how they
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resonate with the theme of war, my colleagues will tell. he fights and acquires future exhibits. she turns them into completely civilian decorations, parades. but the history of which can be recalled only by their origin, this is the artist nataliya prus, most of the works of a woman, trophies of her husband taras with a polebay, decorated with ukrainian authenticity, for example, ork shoulder pads and knee pads, which turned from enemy ammunition into ukrainian amulet. for some reason, i don't know why, images of flowers kept coming to me, my first work was this big one, and you can see it there. that even the eyes were made big, that is, my idea was to start with the eyes as if they were a witch, yes, drowning in these terrible torments that she feels, but these witches did not work for me, in fact, for some reason, then i started dreaming of flowers, and i decided
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to transform them for amulets, i didn’t immediately understand why the bee, but when i read the description, i realized that the bullets are from this store... it’s mine, maybe i'm wrong, the bullets are like bees, and they will raise orcs, yes little ones, that is, these bees will fly out of this store and give, and give an opportunity so that this ghetto does not crawl on our land and kill our people. one of the works of the woman, which she handed over to the museum, was made on the lid of a rocket launcher. as the artist herself recalls, at first the paints did not stick to the surface at all, even after processing. but then, says the woman, she wrote words of protection for ukraine, and the colors miraculously began to form a seascape. sea, sea made separately, well, if you can see, the whole picture is matte, yes, and my meaning was such that
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the sea itself played, reflected, that is why such an image is matte here, glossy there, so that the sea seems to be alive. natalya began to engage in creativity. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, she recalls, she sold her first works in the czech republic, where she went when she helped ukrainian refugees. in addition to paintings, our heroine, like her husband, writes poems, the couple even has a joint collection. you will blossom, i promise, my dear, my little one, only you hold on, mother, my dear and beloved, my glorious ukraine, heroes who do not die, they rest in the heart. kremenchu ​​for the espresso tv channel. and read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel and meet my
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wonderful colleagues marto ulyarnyk and antin borkovskii on the air. thank you annievilnyk, well, she knows how to tone up, so martouliernyk has already gathered 10 on thursday for work. information day in rozpala, more than 4,1,400 thousand ukrainians clarified their credentials with tsnapa in 60 days, as reported in the ministry of digital, on the other hand, as far as it became clear that it will no longer be possible to update data in tsnapa from yesterday until the evening, yes, and updating is possible only in person at tcc tsp or in the reserve plus application. and in action. it is possible to check the fine from the tsc for untimely updated data, said the spokesman of the ministry of defense dmytro lazutkin today,
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but he emphasized that prosecution for an administrative violation is a certain procedure that can take a certain amount of time, and it can be from three months before one year, here is such information for our viewers. well, now ivan karychevskyi , a military expert from defense express, is contacting us, mr. ivan, congratulations . good day. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan, well, we would immediately ask you to comment on the situation in the wells with withdrawal or non-recurrence, yes, because for a couple of weeks there has been rumination and speculation on this extremely drastic topic, but our fellow journalists are already reporting with reference to their sources, that took place, the withdrawal of the contingent took place box, left bank of kherson oblast, left bank of the dnieper, yes. are the fights pretty tough, so maybe you have some additional information or maybe you have some
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thoughts of your own on the matter? here i can only share my own thoughts, because also, if, like everyone else, in anticipation of whether it will be officially confirmed or not, well , because let's put it this way, here, in principle, we can immediately push back from the fact that that if there were contacts for our media who informed about the fact, well, how did they convey about the fact possible approach. of our military chests, well , it means that it is most likely that it is, or let’s say that it is most likely, let’s rephrase it this way, that the scale of the operation of the defense forces of ukraine in the left-bank kherson region was significantly reduced, well, on the other hand , even if our troops there had to to leave that land bridgehead, the zone where our artillerymen can fire at russian positions on the left bank of the kherson region , or, more precisely, our snipers can... you are a russian on the left bank, or launch drones there, or to conduct other operations, well, it is unlikely that these
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opportunities were lost there, let's say so, so it is unlikely that the ukrainian defense forces will refuse to fire on the enemy at that turn, so it is quite possible that there will even be some kind of official announcement about whether our fighters are there on the bridgehead in krynyk, is there not, maybe it won’t even be, on the other hand, if the bridgehead had to be left for good, we are even promised certain such, you know, operational-tactical problems, because the conduct of this operation is precisely on land in the krynyk area , it helped well, according to the estimates of western analysts, it helped to suppress this group of troops, as the russians call it nepr, and the number of which, according to data from open sources , was 70,000 bayonets, it turns out that if this group has nothing to bind, then the russians these 70,000 bayonets , especially now for us , such a threatening period at the front can... be thrown in other directions, for example, to try to increase the pressure on the zaporizhia direction, or, god forbid, be thrown
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to pokrovsky in order to try there punch a hole in our defense and reach the strategically important pokrovskynivka highway, therefore, consider that regardless of, let's say, even what official interpretation the situation of the semi-coast of the kherson region will receive, we are now entering a very difficult and vulnerable period at the front, because in the russian additional forces have appeared that can create us pro... and by the way, they can't use these additional released forces to somehow force the dnipro river? you know, here the game goes both ways badly, then with on the one hand, it turns out that we were unable to establish for objective reasons, let's call it, a channel of such stable logistics that it would not create relevant problems for our troops, as well as for the russians, this is exactly the same problem, because, well, our aviation in... the south, the occupier is working there, artillery can shoot there, our drones are also working there, and you know, some of them
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there, just as we did not manage to deploy something so large-scale there, which could be called forcing, well, how it used to be imagined that you could put a pontoon there, pontoons to drive equipment, and the russians in general have the same problems, of course they can try to swim across and disembark on boats, but it seems that they already have similar attempts. there were and these attempts ended somewhat predictably, well , with such victorious relations, that the attempt, well , where, for example, the number of boats of the occupiers was destroyed and with them the manpower, look, mr. ivan, well... well, when we talk about south, so we understand that our fighters worked extremely successfully in enemy targets on the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, so they worked carefully, they worked clearly, we understand that the enemy group glorified the enemy, but not so much as not to cause us appropriate damage, that is , the enemy has enough resources there, but if
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we talk about such assessments, you know, rude , in broad strokes the situation on the southern bridgehead, that is, it... is inferior in terms of the intensity of fighting by an order of magnitude to what is happening in the east, in particular the pokrovsky direction and, in general, the line of the so-called donetsk front. you know, here for us, there is another problem after the crisis, that if before that any strikes were effective, it was not very possible to regard the occupiers in crimea as our offensive success, well, that is, our long arm gets to the center of gravity in this war, accordingly, the more in the russians... there will be problems temporarily in the occupied crimea, so it would seem closer to reaching this moment, which is formulated as a strong position of ukraine for negotiations, then now it turns out that, believe it, all any subsequent strikes of the defense forces ukraine's actions against the occupiers in crimea may have, rather, a defensive character, precisely in order to prevent the russians from blaming any
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efforts in the south, which may arise from the fact that even if we just call it that officially, for example, we have narrowed down the operation to... . kherson oblast, so you know, we have very specific challenges from this, and these specific challenges will not be compensated, even if such a miracle suddenly happens that the western allies greatly, you know, scale up the deliveries of long-range missiles and in order to increase the intensity of knocking out enemy logistics in the temporarily occupied crimea, because unfortunately there is still something to knock out, knock out and knock out, by the way, the german government has already approved the capabilities. in the draft budget for next year, but there is provision for twice as much aid to ukraine, and this is bad news, because we know, as far as memory serves, that germany is the leader among european countries in providing ukraine with one or another weaponry. you can now orient our viewers, actually, what right now, germany is providing us, and whether
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this budget has been halved for next year, it may somehow have a significant effect on, well, i don’t say what... on the front, but at least as far as the context of our provision of weapons is concerned, i release that these 4 billion euros, which germany lays down for 2025, they are keeping a kind of conditional reserve in a bucket for what they will have to pay there, because the germans have already paid us some, let’s call it long-term things, ugh, they are already going through, for example, these automated checks crch15, or there is a contract for several hundred thousand shells from rheinmetall. where is part of the bundeslohr there, or part to us, well , it already happened, and actually, why, for example, even this year, the germans had to go beyond the plan, by the way, to the figure of 8 billion euros, well, because it was, roughly speaking, for what spend this money on happiness to give us, well, the leopards are the first, some vehicles and the like, the situation here looks like this: 4
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billion euros, it is not that the germans do not want to give us money or that for something, you know, there are some internal political ones. problems, this rather about what is possible, thus further narrowing some of germany's industrial possibilities to make and supply us, well, because they even produce howitzers, this is a cycle that takes several years, it has already been started, it turns out that we should start something next, well, the germans do not have any special opportunities yet, plus there is still a certain problem in that if buldeswehr himself articulates that he is preparing for war against russia no later than 2029, and maybe , god forbid, even earlier, well, yes there is still a certain problem in that berlin somehow secretly, quietly, but for the sake of his own defense capability, he will start to invest not in us, but in himself. well, yes, there is such a feeling. on the other hand , we understand that it is possible that the enemy is also at the peak of his capabilities right now, right? and what the enemy is doing now in donetsk region is a certain proof. the question is, how long will the enemy
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have this second wind that they got, thanks to the fact that up to... they had hundreds of thousands of personnel, we understand that the mobilization of the russians is currently not at the best level, although the personnel, well let's be frank, they have enough, but, that is , we see activity in the east, the eastern part of the front, we just talked about it, and a certain weakening in the southern direction, here we can formulate a strategic threat to us in such a way that, god forbid, the russians. at least in a month or two they will be able to overcome the 6 km they have left there before reaching the highway between konstantinivka and pokrovsk, which is important for obtaining the stability of our defense, and the exit to... which will open the russians operational space for movement on these two cities let's say this, on the one hand, no one promises that it will be easy for the russians to advance, because there is still any temptation for the russians
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to advance in columns, large columns of armored vehicles, well, it fortunately ends, somewhat predictably, well, that is, they are on their way minefields, cluster shells and the like are growing, but on the other hand, if , god forbid, the russians can at least just go to this route, then they do not think that there will be a question when, so to speak, the second wind ends... even a third one will be opened there, because they are leading now are planning the war in such a way that, they say, they will squeeze us a little bit more, and in order to reach this moment, when it will seem to them that they will squeeze us now, they will clearly be ready to throw any resources, any mercenaries, there to gather any other contingents for the subjects of the russian federation, that is, we must be prepared that, unfortunately, the russians will not be ready to stop here, even if not... what western media are already in a hurry to say, but you know, russians in 2025 tanks will run out. mr. ivan, i would also like to ask you about possible new tactics of the enemy, regarding
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their attempt to bombard our state, there were recently recorded cases when the same shaheds flew into the territory of belarus, or when the russians raised bombers of the 95th ms, but no rocket launches took place. what are these maneuvers and what do you think is the logic of the enemy now, why does he resort to this? well, here you can say more , you know, it is moderately optimistic that this is a standard exacerbation for the russians for the summer, that is, when they start to do some things that may seem to them, you know , so tactically insidious, but they do not bring any practical result, well, because by and large, this is not the first and not the last during a full-scale invasion, and not even only this year, when the russians just move their... tical bombers in such a way that it caught the eye of the relevant nato intelligence structures there, and then the mine. but on the other hand, something needs to be corrected here, that if there was a message
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about the activity of the strategic aviation of the russian federation, but the missile launches did not take place, this does not mean that the russians flew into the air, perhaps they had planned a strike there, it was just that at a certain moment it was postponed, that is, you know, it may have just brought, not that the russians there in they fly idle, in relation to drones, well, it turns out, maybe they are on... use shaheds as reconnaissance, especially since certain options of such a reconnaissance nature appear, they are already embedded in them, when, if there is a shahed, there is a mobile internet modem on the shahed , so what? even our, let's say, forensic medical experts claimed that this was a trick on the nose, it allowed the russians to at least identify a targeted place where the calculations of our air defense worked, well at least in the form of mobile fire groups, but they are coming out now, but last year the russians had these flying lawn mowers, drones with a plywood body, now it turns out that they are trying to subdue the shaheds to perform similar tasks in this way, maybe they are just closer to autumn,
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when they will be standing, let's say, even so i will say that it is possible just closer to the fall, when they will prepare for a new wave of attacks on our critical infrastructure, and there will really start some such unexpected and insidious tactical steps, against which we will have to look for some real countermeasures, because that is when the biggest shaft in ... finally, mr. ivan, what do you think is the cause of the slight hitch? we understand that some days 10 years ago, the russians worked extremely actively on energy facilities, and now this wave has subsided a little, i would wouldn't have known it was an easy hitch, they are for them, how to say it, well, it will decrease a little when we say hitch. they are just trying to calculate not just engineeringly, you know, when something should be restored in us, but rather also calculate the psychological effect, when they will strike in such a way as to
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hurt us even more, because when we have a situation , when we sit without light for 4, at best 8 hours, it would seem that it hurts so much, and yet we have a certain hope, you know, that now the temperature there will drop, new blocks lead to work somehow it will be easier, but maybe you know, the russians are just guessing the moment when we think that here and there... with energy will improve with the fact that they will hit and literally hurt us, well, you know, it's like that with them tactics, so that it is not just knocking out the infrastructure, but that it is, you know, torture within the borders of our country of several tens of millions. yes, mass history is exactly what the enemy is actively working on, so we must not give in to it. ivan kirachevskyi, defense military expert express, was broadcast live on the espresso tv channel. thanks to him, and i want to give a casual reminder of our qr code, which is now. watched on the screen, we closed the preliminary collection for uah 2.5 million, and now we continue to collect funds in order to collect uah 4 million for the needs of the 93rd
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kholodny yar brigade. a project from zero to life, a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition, so we ask you to please join this collection, our defenders are fighting for a peaceful sky for us every day, and let's help them do it as efficiently as possible. and now we are going on a break, after it we will continue the espresso information day. there are discounts that represent the only discounts. 15% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable
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nom format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but how? these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. well, we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into that turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday friday at 22:00. the information day of the tv channel continues. arrives and dmytro razumkov joins us. people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in the 19th-21st years. glory to ukraine. mr. dmytro, glad to see you. glory to the heroes on loan. so what, the key story? well, it's not the most important event, but the event is bright, the event noticeable so maryana bezugla left the "servant of the people" faction. so. before that, there was
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an initiative about that. to overthrow her from the position of head of the


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