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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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by fire, for they will return and destroy them for refusing to carry out a combat order. clear. well, thanks for taking the time to join us. it was dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh national guard brigade, who told about such direct, well, literally live assaults by our cops and twin, close battles, and this, you know, well, is such a rather harsh reality of our war now. i thank you. for your attention and - stay tuned to the espresso tv channel, see you soon. yes. it is possible to update the data after july 16, which
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is provided by the concept of employee reservation and how important is the resolution of the european parliament in support of ukraine. good evening, annavamelnik and the espresso team are here to talk about the essentials of today's day. back home , ukraine returned 95 defenders from russian captivity, these are soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, the national guard, border guards, all released men, 88 privates and sergeants, seven officers. among them are 23 defenders of mariupol, according to the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war. the exchange took place through the mediation of the united arab emirates. ombudsman dmytro lobinets said that further treatment and rehabilitation await the soldiers. in general, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation , 3,405 ukrainians have been returned from enemy captivity. we are waiting for everyone at home. i do not know.
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where am i going, how will it be on the spot, i will call you, in the hospital, now for an examination in the hospital, they will give you phones, everything will call you, i will call, this one, look, they explain to me that i will go to the hospital for an examination, i have i have severe problems with my stomach, i was not hit on the ribs, i cannot breathe normally, then they will give me phones, i will come to you i will call the other's phone, be always, always be in touch, we were saved from the occupation, two children were brought back under control. territory, six-year-old maksym and 12-year-old nikita reported in the ministry of reintegration. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, they visited their grandparents in the zaporizhia and luhansk regions. after the occupation , it was not possible to evacuate the children, now they are safe. five people were injured during the russian shelling of the city of pokrovsk in donetsk region. the enemy targeted the object of social infrastructure. the building is partially destroyed direct hit. six more high-rise buildings.
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damage - reported the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin, after yesterday's shelling of the city, four people are in the hospital, among them an 18-year-old girl. the enemy attacked with three guided aerial bombs, 25 private houses, a gas pipeline and a workshop were damaged. you can update your military registration data in the reserve plus application even after july 16 , the representative said. minister of defense of ukraine kateryna chornogorenko, but this can only be done with the first authorization, that is the option is available for those who have not used the relationship before. however , the responsibility does not disappear, - the official noted, and from july 17, people who did not have time to provide information to the tcc tsp can receive a fine from 17 to 25 thousand uah.
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electronic booking was launched by the action. starting today, managers of companies that are critical to the economy or work for the needs of the defense forces will be able to book their employees in a few clicks. previously , it lasted for weeks, the employer collected papers and signatures and waited for the result. now you can submit an application on the portal. the system will automatically check and send the result regarding. of each employee in the personal account, if the answer is positive, the employee's information will be updated in the reserve plus application. the term of such a reservation is 12 months, and for companies providing the armed forces of ukraine or other military formations for the duration of the contract. instead of weeks to review documents by hand, it now only takes an hour. we eliminated the human factor and simplified the process. another
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concept of booking workers, she will consist in the fact that enterprises will be able to provide goods or services to the military free of charge for the same amount that they would have to pay to the state, - said the head of the komi. on issues of economic development dmytro natalukha. the people's deputy also clarified that the idea is still being discussed and they plan to combine it in one draft law with economic reservation. in fact, this means that for the amount of the reservation cost, for example, you want to book four employees, this is the amount of uah 80,00 per month. this service station concludes a contract with some brigade for free. money or enough profit to reserve your workers, but you have goods, jobs or services that are in demand among the military. people's deputy maryana
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bezogla filed for the second time to withdraw from the servant of the people faction. the application should be read already this week, it is reported. the deputy explained her decision as a misunderstanding of the priorities of her colleagues on the national security committee, and also accused the faction's deputies of sabotage. according to bezuglai, she cannot make her way to volodymyr zelenskyi with questions about problems in the army, i note a cornerless majoritarian. so she will not lose her mandate. the deputy already announced her withdrawal from the faction in february. intelligence officer roman chervinsky was released. from custody people's deputies report this. his lawyers and people's deputies came to meet the man at the detention center this morning to confirm the payment of the bail, because the funds for the sbu colonel were paid yesterday. let me remind you that roman chervinskyi has been under arrest since april last year, he
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is suspected of exceeding his official powers. on the eve of the appeals court kropyvnytskyi changed the preventive measure and admitted, set a bail of uah 9 million. thank you, the european parliament at the plenary session on wednesday approved by a majority of votes the resolution in support of ukraine, in which it condemned the uncoordinated foreign policy actions of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán. the resolution was supported by 495 out of 679 meps. the document condemns the recent visit of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán to russia. he did not represent the eu, and that was it. inherent violation of eu treaties and common foreign policy, the majority of the european parliament condemned hungary's abuse of its presidency of the council of the eu and called for lifting the blockade of ukraine's funding from the european peace fund. mobile operators must
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ensure the availability of communication during blackouts for 10 hours, instead of four, as was previously stated in... the order of the national center for operational-technical management of telecommunications networks. by october 1, at least 60% of base stations must be provided with autonomous backup power, and by the end of the year, 100%. from september 1, networks must have generators or batteries for operation during the first 72 hours. after scheduled repairs and overloading of nuclear fuel , the power system is connected. one of the nuclear units, the ministry of energy reported. this will add 1 to the power, which will significantly affect the stability of the power system. i would like to point out that before the full-scale invasion , 15 nuclear power plants were operating in ukraine, nine of which are now in the territories controlled by ukraine. another
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six reactors are located at the russian-occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. in july , power outages became longer due to the heat and repair work on ec. instead, the government is lazy. that after july 20 the situation will improve. recovery after the russian invaders. belgium allocates 150 million euros to ukraine for reconstruction. the money will be used to restore energy and social infrastructure in kyiv and chernihiv regions. prime minister denys shmagal signed the agreement with his belgian counterpart during an online meeting. the document simplifies the implementation of joint programs and projects, shmagal noted. also belgiysk. the development agency will open its representative office in ukraine. on that's all for me, you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv. also, subscribe to our channels on social networks, support our youtube channel and don't miss a great broadcast with
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can to express one's opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions. search for solutions: ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. 875
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the day of the heroic resistance of the ukrainian people to russian navali, the 875th day of the war. we thank our guys on the front lines for holding the front and allowing us to work for the good of ukraine. my name is yuriy fizar, today, this week and next, as you already remember, i am with you on the air. today there will be a lot of interesting things, in particular we will talk. about what to expect from today for men and women of conscription age who are subject to mobilization, why mp mykola zadorozhny is still walking freely in the session hall of the verkhovna rada of ukraine and how long will he do it, and 95 ukrainians were released from russian captivity in ukraine, and your favorite columns: the world during the war with me, money during the war with oleksandr morshchavka, and the weather from na... natalka didenko there will still be a lot of interesting things, and we will start, as always, with the military results of the day and its host serhiy zgurets.
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serhii, congratulations, you have a word. i congratulate you, yuriy, i congratulate our viewers, today we will talk about the situation on the front line, in short, about the new draft law, regarding changes in penalties for arbitrary desertion of units and how to make our mobilization appropriate to needs and opportunities. and the state and every person who is involved in this process, about it in a moment. active hostilities are now ongoing along the entire length of the front line. last day there were 112 combat clashes. of course, the dynamics are less than last week, because the natural heat has somewhat stopped the hostilities, but the hottest in a figurative sense, if you take into account the number of enemy attacks, now there are three such directions, it is siversky,
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turetsky and pokrovsky. at the last one on pokrovsky, our armed forces repulsed 24 enemy assaults, and this high pace continues today. there are sections of the front where the enemy is pressing our defense at the tactical level, somewhere we retreated, as it happened in the fields and the harvest, because there was simply nothing further to hold on to in these completely destroyed sections and in terms of fortification, the ability to hold these sections of the territory, and somewhere, our effective counterattacks of knockout and destruction are taking place. enemy like this is happening in some areas to the north, in particular from kharkiv. and at every meter of the war, the result depends on an integral combination of a sufficient number of weapons, successful or sometimes erroneous actions of commanders, the training and stability of our infantry, and for a significant number of our brigades, when we talk about infantry, for
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each fighter, the war has become so long and in fact, even an endless matter, where... you have to fight despite the fact that sometimes health and psyche simply cannot withstand such a long-term load, and here i will move on to the topic that yesterday was discussed in the parliament, where a draft law was passed in the first reading, which provides for the possibility of exempting military personnel from criminal liability for voluntarily leaving units or desertion, this issue is extremely acute and sensitive, especially if you take into account certain... figures. the statistics of the prosecutor general's office have already become public in this area, and what do these numbers say. in the 22nd year , about 10,000 criminal cases were initiated. 24,000 new investigations were initiated in 2013. and for the first six months of the 24th year, law enforcement officers
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almost 30,000 new criminal cases were opened regarding military personnel leaving combat positions or leaving military units, and this is a fairly significant number of personnel, if in general, since the 22nd year, it turns out that within 63,000 such criminal proceedings. there are various reasons for servicemen to commit such violations as voluntary abandonment of military units, ranging from the desire to temporarily evade duties to moral reasons. low psychological state, long-term stay in the combat zone actions, without rotation, there are many reasons, and sometimes, in fact, such things also apply to the military, who are actually difficult to blame for the fact that they do not have a moral haircut there, because in fact such people were the first to go to the front line, but for a long time it was simply
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are in such extremely stressful conditions, and they are just getting out of this situation yesterday in the parliament at the very time... this new bill is being discussed, which provides for a somewhat softening of the attitude to criminal responsibility, because the arbitrary abandonment of a part, in our conditions, and this is 10 days, and the punishment can be imprisonment from 5 to 12 years, and acquittals under such articles are very, very few in cases, and therefore now the draft law actually provides that if a soldier left a military unit there for the first time, then criminal responsibility ... it is not foreseen, but there is such a nuance that this must happen on the basis of an application, that the military officer must apply to the prosecutor's office or the court with readiness to return to the military unit, and such a statement must be written by the commander who is ready to take such a military officer into the service
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a fugitive, and the question arises, which commander, because if it is a question of a commander... from the part where the soldier left the battle order, then in fact it is quite difficult to count on it, and it is expected that the actual commander will be a commander or possibly of a higher level or another of a military unit that is ready to take a fugitive serviceman to continue his military service. these nuances will be implemented in the process of discussion, in the process of amendments to the bill, it is possible that this bill will already be adopted in august, and it is not a simple bill, because on the one hand, the management system should be based on responsibility and trust in the commander, and on the other hand, there should be... a law that also affects the order in terms of the execution of certain orders, so this combination is quite difficult, and its it is necessary to ensure, because, relatively speaking, what
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happened after the tightening of requirements for the military, it just caused the fact that there is a part of the military who voluntarily left the military units, and 60,000 such people, against whom criminal cases are pending, this well, a significant number, and we must look for... a way out of this situation, the same applies to our mobilization, which must be, on the one hand, fair, and on the other hand, it must take into account the needs of the state, because the defense of the country is actually an obligation responsibility of every citizen, especially in war conditions, and the question arises how to ensure this, today just passed the deadline set by law, during which citizens of ukraine were supposed to register for the army... register and clarify their registration data, according to the ministry of defense, such data have been updated today there are 4 million conscripts, including more than three within 3 million through
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the reserve plus application, and now it is interesting how we will move forward in this process, because updating the data is only the first such an important step, we need to continue to look for such, well , more flexible forms that will make... the mobilization itself fairer, more rational, when it will be possible to combine the needs of both the military and the needs of the economy of our state with the right balance, with a focus on a rather limited human resource, which should be used absolutely rational in our conditions, when the enemy has an advantage in manpower and equipment, now we will talk about this topic with our guest, we are joined by a podbulkovnik of the armed forces of ukraine. pavlo kishkar, senior officer of the ground forces command, head of the project office, accelerator of the ministry of defense of ukraine. mr. pavle, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. i congratulate you, i congratulate ukraine.
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i would like to start our conversation with how to evaluate this stage, when, in fact , the updating of data on conscripts has been completed, what is positive, what you saw the negative in this process. and what can be the further history of our mobilization to really make it fair with different assessments of this process. mr. sergey, let's start with the good. it's a good thing that the state did, it still made an electronic register of conscripts. to one degree or another, it was needed 20 years ago, and there were certain efforts to create these registers, and even jobs appeared in... the military committees of the time, unfortunately, everything was eliminated, including under the influence of an aggressive policy our enemy at the time
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therefore, i am more in favor of developing this register in the future, so that eventually an electronic summons will appear there, an office for communication with business will appear, things will appear, data updates, some other things. for example, which cannot be changed, in particular , disability or the absence of limbs, that is , things that do not require additional confirmation and further confirmation, therefore this work must be developed, i think that it is a huge piece of work carried out by the state correctly, and we need this system, this array of data keep accumulating, other the point is that society demands justice, justice consists in the fact that the state must honestly say that we do not need 24 million men from 25 to
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60 at the same time, we cannot provide them, we cannot prepare them, there are no such tasks of combatants at the front now, so that such a mass of people joined the army, we need a short, well if limited potential. a human resource for exactly the professional direction that we need, not just anyone, but a specific professional level, and for this, why i told you last time about positive booking, because business and people, first of all people, must understand this cooperation and mutual trust with the state, when i say that my business submitted documents yesterday and was automatically booked, it is not automatically... there is no need to go anywhere, our booking system does not work , it must be admitted, there are thousands involved, i insist on the word thousands or. the relevant ministry,
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the general staff and the ministry of economy, which in the end have to issue certain documents to confirm the reservation of employees of certain enterprises, but we do not need all all enterprises and all workers, well, the truth is, why not do the opposite, remove the state from there, make the register, i apologize, accessible, people. businesses can register there and book their employees, for example, for 9 or 12 months, well, for the sake of knowing, i will interrupt you a little bit, but it seems that in fact changes are taking place in this direction, but today literally before our program there were news that the reservation in action has started and that the conscripts can already start through their enterprises. book as
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it was written in just an hour, without leaving home, the press service of the ministry of economy of ukraine reports about it, and it is further written that how it should happen, but the system, mr. serhiy, these are all exceptions, you submitted an application, but the law has not been changed, the resolution of the cabinet of ministers has not been changed, you submit electronically, yes, you submitted an application electronically, but the final document should be the order of the ministry of economy that your employees are booked, this is wrong, it is fundamentally wrong, first of all, the ministry of defense is not, this is the ministry of defense , i'm sorry, the ministry of economy does not know about the urgent need for this or that personnel in the armed forces, well, she does not know, she may know what she wants to save from the point of view of the economy, yes, yes, for this , see what the business will book, maybe there are no employees at that enterprise, men, maybe they have all already left,
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of course... i am hyperbolizing, but why not turn it around, why is an official in that scheme at all, if the need for human resources, for human resources of such and such specialization is determined by the general staff, and the need for armoring the economy is determined by the ministry of economics , so give the business to say about it, look, i have 100 workers, i book them there for nine months, and then, if there is an urgent need for the state, the state tells me like a business: expensive business, sorry, i'm with you... i have to take workers, and you must be ready for that, change the security forces there as much as possible to those men who are not subject to the draft or to women, and so on. i often repeated that yes, the human resource is still in the defense system itself. we forget that a whole number of men, we are now talking about mobilization, 25-60, inside of the system itself are in positions that
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are often non-combat, let's retrain them, and they will be in combat positions, and we will transfer those positions to legal, financial, rear, and others that can be performed by women and people who are not subject to conscription, let them perform, the system itself, for example, we have nato standards, we often loudly shout about them and do nothing about it, so according to nato standards there is no such thing as an apartment. security or material security, we have these two questions thousands of people, men 25-60 with epaulettes, are doing these two things: replace them with monetary compensations, replace them with monetary compensations, replace them with monetary compensations, sorry to repeat myself, and that's it, you will get closer to nato standards, you will ensure people with tangible property and apartment security, in reality, not in words, and
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these payments will be... as fair as possible, not in the way that some people get 10 apartments, and some never get anything, we have 5 - 10% for tangible property people have non-standard sizes, they are generally not provided with material property in our army, therefore it will be fair to pay summer and winter compensation, and send these people after training to those positions, to those positions that need them. now the most armed forces of ukraine. well, if you repeatedly talked about material incentives and material solutions, then perhaps you should pass bills on private military companies in various directions, which in fact can also strengthen the potential of the weapons of the armed forces, and certain motivation on the part of such groups will be guaranteed. what do you think about it? i insist that the entire state be trained.


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