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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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smaller power outages due to the fact that the power unit at atomka is out of repair. we hope that there will be more light in our homes. and to international support. restoration of post-russians. belgium allocates 150 million euros to ukraine for reconstruction. the money will be used to restore energy and social infrastructure in kyiv and chernihiv regions. the agreement was signed by prime minister denys shmyhal with his belgian counterpart. it happened. during the online meeting, the document simplifies the implementation of joint programs and projects, - added denys shmyhal, also, according to the agreement, the belgian development agency will open its representative office in our country. but the state special communications service obliged mobile operators to ensure long-term operation of the network during power outages. national center for operational and technical management of networks. of telecommunications updated
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the requirement to do the work of base stations under martial law. so what does this mean? mobile operators must now provide communication during power outages for 10 hours, instead of the previous four hours is. also, by december 1 of this year, at least 25% of the base stations in each region must be connected to generators, have a supply of fuel and lubricants, or be equipped with electricity. battery pack for the first 72 hours without light. state-owned oblgaz works better than firtash for firtash. oleksiy chernyshov, head of naftogaz, announced this. it is possible to maintain the stability of fuel supply even in the frontline regions, says the top manager. for years, control over distribution, which belonged to the rgk group, led to losses gas, - says chernyshov. now. efficiency
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of distribution and gas balance is more stable. let me remind you that in september 2022, naftogaz created a special company of the national operator of the gas distribution system, later, so to speak, they began to pour arrested companies into it, which in particular are related to businessman dmytro firtash. and japan will transfer more than 3 billion to ukraine'. dollars is money from revenues from frozen russian assets, it will be part of the total aid, which amounts to almost 50 billion dollars. i note that it is not non-refundable funds, this is a loan. so, the japanese mass media note that by the end of the year, the country plans to complete the plan for such financial support, and we hope that indeed, although credit money is needed by ukraine, it will come from japan more often. another
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concept is employee booking. dmytro natalukha, the head of the committee on economic development, said that the idea of ​​economic mobilization is currently being considered in the parliament. it will consist in the fact that enterprises will be able to provide goods or services to the military for free, for the same amount that should be paid to the state. the people's deputy also clarified that the idea is still being considered, they plan to combine it in one bill with economic reservation. let's listen to the direct speech. in fact, this means that for the amount of the reservation cost, for example, you want to book four employees, this is the amount of uah 80,00 per month. this service station concludes a contract with some brigade for free services within the range of uah 80,000 per month. and for this he gets the right to armor four workers. that is, in you don't have money or enough profit.
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to ban your employees, but you have goods, works or services that are in demand among the military. and now from the initiatives of deputies to concrete actions of farmers. we have denis marchuk, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, on the phone, he joins the conversation. i congratulate you. i congratulate you. mr. denis, the harvest is really actively going on now and in some places they say that they are harvesting as soon as possible. on your how intense the heat is now, although it has rained in the capital, but after all, well, temperature records still remain, to what extent does the heat affect the yield of grain and oil crops? well, if we are talking about the early grain group, which is now being actively harvested on the territory of ukraine , more than 10 million tons of early grains have already been harvested, then in principle it does not have much effect, but if you look at the spring crops that are harvested later, such as sunflower, corn . soybeans, and they
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suffered a lot, why, because it was two weeks of heat, and in fact there was not enough rain since may , but now is the peak of flowering, and accordingly, the heat interferes very much. the development of the flowering of these crops, and we will already state that today we will talk about losses, for example, in corn, in sunflower, about 35%, these are very large volumes, considering that this is southern, central ukraine, unfortunately , will be really limited, let's say volumes that we could count on under favorable weather conditions. and to what extent do you think this indicator can reduce the export potential of this season, well, new, actually. very difficult to state, because in the conditions of general export, last season we fulfilled the figure of 57, 57.5 million tons, in principle, with the indicators that we have as of today, about 77 million tons of grain oleins, which we plan
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to collect, then i think , that the share of exports should definitely not be less, but again , we will be able to give more characteristics on the state of spring crops in mid-august, then it will be clearer what we will be able to... analyze and accordingly calculate on the export potential, because it is very importantly, taking into account that in ukraine the agricultural sector really works to a greater extent on foreign markets due to the fact that we grow a lot and export a lot. well, the increase in fuel prices is really a painful topic for your industry, well , farmers are stocking up in advance for the current harvest, for the future, in particular, if we talk in the context of the increase in the price of gasoline due to the increase in excise duty, what are your expectations? this is painful, this is a painful issue, i thank you for raising it, because we are already making a lot of requests to the relevant ministries, the verkhovna rada, because this week, consideration is also expected, in particular of the draft law 11256/2, which talks
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about the gradual increase of excise taxes on fuel. if we are talking about agrarian business, then in general, from 2025, the load on 1 ha will increase by more than 5 € in the amount and producers. will be forced to pay more than uah 5.5 billion, including the reform should last until the 28th year, then payments should reach more than uah 14 billion, this is in the conditions when the grain market has been operating at a loss for the third year, and it is very difficult to compete with our neighbors , because europeans pay much less for excise duties, c of them, the average excise tax is from 20 to 60 €. today, we, as commodity workers, already pay 139.5 and there is our proposal to the law. whose initiatives, which are being amended to this draft law today, that after the end of the war, the share of excise tax for business for, let's say, those who do not use roads of general importance, should reach 50%, this is a general european practice, we we are integrating into europe and
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we are actually raising tariffs at the expense of european directives, that's why, actually, if we divide by categories who use, who do not use, then for those who do not use, the road with a total value of 100 should... get 50%. in terms of €330, we are talking about €165. and this, in principle, is exactly 5-6 times more than europeans pay, but at least it is at least some incentive to understand the business, how to survive and what to plan, and 330 is a very large burden, and i am afraid that for a small and for medium-sized businesses, these subcodes will be even small numbers. well, if we talk about difficulties for farmers, in particular in the southern regions, it continues now. harvest, and i saw, in particular , information from you that russian fpv drones are trying to destroy grain in the fields, how is the harvest going there? yes, it is very difficult there, because the people returned, people demined these lands, people began to take loans, with the help
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of partners, for example, we helped our farmers, members of the associational agricultural council there with finances or fuel, or seeds, people started to sow, now already... the active phase of harvesting, but really the enemy, realizing that the agricultural asset is what gives the opportunity to support both the economy, the economy and the country, deliberately launches fi-drones, which, unfortunately, set fire to large tracts of land, and in conditions when people demined 100 hectares and planted them, but because of such strikes already 20-30 hectares just that wheat or soy, or whatever they grow there, or canola, they just died, and it's a very big loss there, it's calculated in hundreds of thousands. uah and to summarize, i would like to hear from you an optimistic figure. what predictions, particularly associations, do they coincide with forecasts of the ministry of agrarian policy. this year, how much is expected to be harvested from grain and oil fields and how much is planned for export and, in particular, for domestic consumption? well
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, without positivity, we definitely cannot work with optimism in such conditions, moreover, the armed forces are an example for us, we definitely cannot give up. if you look at it as a whole. according to calculations, as of today, on average, we will collect about 77-78 million grain oil crops, of which a share of about 60 million will go to foreign markets in order to to receive foreign exchange revenue and, accordingly, with these funds to maintain our defense capability and repel our territory from the enemy, therefore i think that everyone should work, which is what our comrades do, but it is very important that in these conditions, when we are all together we are working so that we will be heard in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, because tomorrow, for sure, this draft law that we mentioned to you, 11256/2 on excise taxes, must be voted on, so it is very important that it be voted on with those amendments. on which we, as a business, ask because it is very important in the context of supporting and guiding joint actions, both business and
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government together. thank you for the conversation, for the initiatives from the association that you are submitting to the parliament, denys marchuk, the deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council was in touch. yuro, well, i can only thank our farmers as well, i just saw, especially this weekend, how they work in hot conditions, how they harmoniously collect grain, how quickly... in a day they clear the fields with modern equipment, take them to the elevators, well this you just watch and rejoice, there is this drive with which they do it, even in such heat, even in such difficult weather conditions, but they know what they do it for, they know what they do it for, it is the support of our defenders with foreign exchange earnings, and this is our food, i just want to wish them strength and effort in this and endurance, i will conclude the column about money during the war with this, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more later, watch us. well, thanks to oleksandr
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morshavka for the detailed information from the world money, and indeed, the efforts, strength, endurance of our farmers in this difficult time for them, what they do is very priceless, i would even call it that, well, but now, as always, we have an opportunity to find out what my colleague serhii rodenko is about. will speak with his guests in the verdict program, which will begin immediately after the end of the big broadcast at 8:00 p.m. sergey, i congratulate you, so what are the main topics and emphasis? yura, congratulations, at 8 p.m. we start the two-hour verdict, we will have two blocks of the program, in the first block of programs there will be veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, yevhen dyky and roman bezsmertny, politician and diplomat. let's talk to them about what 's going on. today on the front, in the east and in the south, what are the expectations of ukrainian intelligence
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regarding a possible russian attack from the north, meaning chernihiv and sumy regions, as well as the possibility of some local conflicts on the ukrainian-belarusian border, and of course about the politicization of the armed forces of ukraine, because over the last week, we have been watching how... different politicians are on their social media pages there are posts about syrskyi, about the armed forces of ukraine, about the fact that syrskyi seems to be ready to give in to russia there, in short, all this delusion carried by public politicians, one way or another, our experts, and most importantly, the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, have to comment volodymyr zelensky, although all these statements come from the mouth. representatives of his team, the ruling team, representatives of the monomajority,
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and of course we are interested in the future of the armed forces of ukraine, meaning in the near future, how events will develop in at the front, especially in the fall, because this is the third summer that ukraine has been asking and waiting for our western partners, f-16 fighters, the f-16 should arrive in ukraine, we are waiting for these planes that can change the course russian-ukrainian war and enable our army to more effectively oppose the russian federation. all this, let me remind you once again, will be from 8 to 9 p.m. yevhen dyky, roman bezsmertny. in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, we will have two political experts, oleg sahakyan and maksym rozumny. let's talk. about peace negotiations, about sociology, which shows that 44%
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of ukrainians are not against the beginning of negotiations, peace talks with the kremlin, whether it is true or not, as evidenced by another sociology published by the razumkov center together with the internet - published by dzerkalo tizhnya, how sociology affects society, how sociology affects the armed forces of ukraine, and most importantly what is happening in ukraine and the perception of our enemies of the russian federation, besides that, let's talk about mariana bezugla. she is after all today resigned from the service of the people, this is the person who acts as a political torpedo of the office of the president of ukraine, and now various representatives of political forces are talking about the fact that it is not normal when a person who plays in the president's team starts playing against the ukrainian military , against
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the ukrainian military leadership, and it seems that the president's office partially heard this, because... bezugla left the servant of the people, but she remains a political torpedo, and besides, let's remember one more episode about one of volodymyr zelenskyi's associates, deputy zadorozhny, a person whom nabu suspects of wanting to receive kickbacks from some construction work in vokhtyrka in sumy oblast, in okhtyrka, which suffered in 2022 from shelling by the russian... occupiers, and here is this people's deputy of ukraine, who, by the way , was at the head of the temporary commission on the fortification of ukraine, as if demanding his share in these contracts, which were placed and which were to be mastered in okhtyrka, zadorujnyi himself denies this, says that he did not take any bribes, because it is about 3 400 thousand hryvnias, what
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means like this, let's say, regular or. those in power, the regular hunting of deputies who are trying to make money during the war, we will talk about all this with maksym rozumny and oleg sahakyan, this conversation will start at 21:15, so in 14 minutes we will start our big broadcast and the big verdict, and the big broadcast with yuri fizar continues, yura, you have a word. thank you, sergey, thank you to our viewers. i will remind you once again that the verdict with serhiy rudenko at 8:00 p.m. immediately after the end of the big broadcast, watch it for sure serhiy interestingly told you about what exactly he is going to, what exactly he is going to talk about with his guests and what exactly he is going to discuss. well, now for your attention the plot: 10 years of impunity, on this day , july 17, 2014, in the sky over the ukrainian
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donbass, the russian invaders shot down a boeing 777 plane, and... the malaysia airlines company, as a result of which all 298 passengers on board died , including 80 children. about the biggest plane crash in the history of ukraine, further in the story. july 17, 2014, 283 passengers and 15 crew members occupy their seats on board boing-777, flight mh-17. at 13:30 for kyiv'. sometimes the plane departs from amsterdam and goes to the international airport of malaysia along the usual route. at 16:19 he finds himself over the territory of the so-called dpr. the crew conducts a communication session with dnipropetrovsk dispatchers, and after a few seconds it disappears from the radar forever. the falling plane scattered hundreds of fragments, they
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were scattered for 50 km. none of the 298 people survived. an international investigation established that the plane was shot down by a russian buk anti-aircraft missile system production immediately after the disaster , the separatist media announced on social networks about the successful special operation, the elimination of the ukrainian an-26. they were the first to arrive at the crash site to find and collect the black boxes, but realized that the downed plane was not a military one, but a civilian one. the russian terrorists did not allow anyone to the place of events, and... they coordinated all their actions with moscow, well, what do you have there, in short, a damn hundred-foot civilian plane, it’s understandable, and there are so many people there, debris fell right into the yards, damn it , that's what the board is like, but i haven't figured it out yet, so i wasn't near the main part, i'm just looking there where the first bodies started to fall, there are the remains of the internal
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arms of the chair, it's understandable, there's nothing, nothing at all. it took the russian media less than two hours to remove from the internet all previous reports about the downed ukrainian plane by separatists and to blame the ukrainian military for the disaster. they massively spread the version that the ukrainian armed forces wanted to shoot down putin's plane. and all this without any evidence at a distance of 10 km from the place where the plane fell, eyewitnesses saw how the russians were transporting the anti-aircraft missile cluster back to the territory of the russian federation. the buk complex on the same day , the european organization for the safety of air navigation closed the airspace of ukraine for civil aviation flights.
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the dutch security council took over the investigation. relatives of the victims demanded that the guilty be punished, and russia was urged not to obstruct the investigation. however, russian hackers tried to attack the computers of the security council of the netherlands to gain access to investigations however, this special operation... of the russian special services failed. two years later, investigators released their first report. it provided indisputable evidence that the buk installation was brought from russia. experts determined not only the exact type of missile and the place of its launch, but also compiled a list of almost a hundred suspects. however, the names of all terrorists were not declassified even 10 years after the tragedy. for the establishment of an international tribunal in the security council of the oo. 11 members of the council voted, but russia used the right of veto and blocked the establishment of the tribunal. on november 17 , 2022, the netherlands announced the verdict
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of four defendants in connection with the downing of the plane. these are russian citizens igor girkin, serhiy dubinsky, oleg pulatov and ukrainian citizen leonid kharchenko. the court sentenced them to life imprisonment and compensation to the families of the victims. for the eyes. later, the russian oleg polatov was acquitted. on may 18, 2024, the court slightly changed serhiy dubinsky's sentence, sentencing him in absentia to 14 years of imprisonment. however, the real punishment there are still no killers. espresso tv channel. horror, when you think about what the victims of the relatives who died, the relatives of the victims who... died on the side of this plane 10 years later, this is the court decision, this is how three were punished, or rather three court sentences, even if one died what is this court verdict, but they
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all understand that now these people are not sitting down, they continue to live in the territory of an aggressive country, a terrorist country, and maybe they will even laugh, but let them laugh, they must understand, i mean those three convicts about what will come hands and to them at some time, and they will sit and sit as the court sentenced them to life in a cell, i would like them to sit somewhere in some terrible, disgusting russian cell, but wherever they sit, they have to sit there, well well, i want to remind you once again that we must join in supporting our military personnel, and the espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from zero to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support donated by soldiers of the 93rd separate unit of the kholodny yar mechanized brigade. our defenders choose victory every day without leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield.
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so, quad bikes are indispensable assistants for evacuations, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible on the road, which means that you can perform combat tasks more efficiently. warriors who have already passed more than one test at zero are always ready to retaliate against the enemy. for the sake of... our peace of mind, they continue to rotate positions both on holidays and on weekdays, and your support significantly increases the chances of not only successfully completing the task, but the most important thing is to return from it alive, so join the collection, our goal is 4 million hryvnias. well, let me say once again that uah 4 million would seem to us that it is a lot, for example, for a deputy of zadoroz it is uah 5 million. it's a lot, but for us 4 million - it really can be a lot, but if each of you, even for a hryvnia, will throw the numbers that you saw on your screens or the qr codes that you
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saw on your screens, then this will speed up the closing of our collection of uah 4 million, so one more time i remind you that at 20, immediately after the end of the big broadcast, the verdict with serhii rudenko, well, next in line, the big broadcast will end first. natalka didenko, who will talk about what to expect from the weather tomorrow. i'm yuriy fizar with you, goodbye until tomorrow, be healthy and have a quiet night for all of us. synoptic, greetings to all, dear ukrainians, it seems that we have overcome the peak of the heat together with you, well, at least we are overcoming it, because the heat will start from tomorrow. to weaken, how, where, when, i will tell about this a little later, and now we will talk about rains, and no, such ordinary rains that come together with an atmospheric front or a cyclone, but there is
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also such a phenomenon as intramass precipitation, and, for example, yesterday in kyiv such rain was observed, just inside the air mass not connected with the atmospheric front, which, for example, caused quite a lot of damage, on my native street, for example, a river just flowed and, unfortunately, cars floated by, therefore, in general, precipitation can be classified according to the synoptic conditions of their formation, as i have already said , are frontal, related to atmospheric front and intramass, frontal precipitation has a different... character on different fronts, respectively, such protracted precipitation is characteristic for a warm front, for a cold front - torrential, but during the passage of a cold front, precipitation that was initially torrential can turn into a siege , but we are not talking about this now, as i already said, it is just so to speak for general information, so intramass precipitation is formed in a homogeneous air mass in its middle, because the front divides it different air masses, and this
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forms homogeneous ones. these precipitations and in an unstable air mass, convection begins, that is, the development of cumulus rain clouds, they have a showery character, in a warm stable air mass there are also layered or layered-cumulus clouds, but especially what we sometimes observe in the summer, when for a second, clouds roll in and a downpour falls, the sun is shining literally half a kilometer away, and this is such internal mass precipitation, which in literally 15-30... minutes can cause great damage, and, to be honest, their extremely difficult to forecast but this is a typical summer occurrence and please always keep a close eye on any weather reports. we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. tomorrow there will be activation, uh, magnetic storms, i won't say that they are any powerful, but nevertheless, be especially attentive, if you can be even more especially attentive to be
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such a heat to your very... feelings, well , actually, let's move on to the weather forecast, we start it traditionally from the western regions of ukraine, and i want to say that tomorrow on july 18, the west will maintain a relatively, relatively comfortable air temperature, 28-31° may be higher in transcarpathia, and there is a possibility of short rains with thunderstorms in the west, which i mentioned, in the north of ukraine tomorrow the emergency will finally begin to ease. security except for sumy oblast. in zhytomyr region, kyiv region, and chernihiv region , the air temperature may drop to 29-31°. it will still be very hot in sumy oblast. in the afternoon, there is a chance of short rains with a thunderstorm in the north, again, except for the sumy region. in the east of ukraine, the extreme heat will continue tomorrow. 35-39 and above. dry air mass, high
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fire hazard. in the central part of ukraine, there is a possibility of short rains with thunderstorms in vinnytsia and in some areas of cherkasy, it will still be very hot in the center 35-40 above zero, in vinnytsia it is a little weaker 28:30. in the southern part of ukraine, only in odesa region there is a probability of some light rain with a thunderstorm, or maybe not a small one, but at least there is such a possibility, it will be dry in kherson region, mykolaiv region, zaporizhzhia and crimea, extreme heat will linger until tomorrow and. 35-40 above zero and possibly higher, the heat will finally begin to subside tomorrow in kyiv. tomorrow in the capital, the maximum air temperature is expected to be +29 +31°, there is a chance of a short rain with a thunderstorm. on july 19, the capital will drop a few more degrees, well a few - this is very little, to be honest, the air temperature may still drop by 1-3 degrees, let's not forget that
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it will also be cooler at night, so it will be possible... it will be full lungs of air at least at night, and very important information, cont on july 19, 20 and 21, there is a possibility of easing the extreme heat to moderate in the east, south and most of the central regions, this is the nearest synoptic situation, after all, we have overcome or are overcoming the peak of heat together with you, for which i congratulate you, survived the heat, we'll survive anything, keep an eye out for updated weather forecasts on the express channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. slow advance of enemy troops. the russians are concentrating their greatest efforts on donbas, but there is unofficial information about the loss of krynok. what is happening on
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the left bank bridgehead.


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