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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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ukraine is updating the rules for crossing the border for men of conscription age, what will change, when to expect fines for those who did not update their military registration data on time, and what will happen to summonses, these are the topics of today's issue, and we start with the exchange of prisoners of war that took place today, this is... svoboda live, my name is iryna sisak. good evening. ukraine and russia conducted another exchange of prisoners of war. 95 servicemen have returned to ukraine, the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war reported. this is 88 privates and sergeants, seven officers. among them, in particular, defenders of mariupol and azovstal. most of them have been in captivity since 2022. the headquarters notes that returning fighters suffer from what were
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the first emotions after the exchange, i suggest you look further. it is believed that they have returned. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. i will call, look, i will explain to me whether i will go to the hospital for an examination. i have severe problems with my stomach, i was punched in the ribs. i can't breathe normally, then they will give me a phone, and i will call you on someone else's phone. be always, be always connected. the united arab emirates became the intermediary in the exchange - noted president volodymyr zelenskyi. tetyana moskalkova, the russian commissioner for human rights, also reported on the exchange of 95 for 95 in a telegram. she added that during the exchange , she met and discussed future joint humanitarian actions with a representative of the ukrainian obbutsman's office. in... including
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related to family reunification, this is the 54th exchange of prisoners originally from a large-scale war. learn more about today's exchange now we will ask radio liberty correspondent alyona yatsyn. she met ukrainian soldiers from polon and now joins our broadcast. alyona, i congratulate you, tell me, please, how everything happened, what were the emotions, who did you manage to communicate with? congratulations, actually, i'm still a little behind... after the meeting of our military, because you know, at such meetings, usually everyone cries, both those who return and those who meet, emotions are raging, simply incredible, this time the exchange took place quite quickly, we met literally in a few hours have already met our guys, today only men returned from captivity, there were no women and all of them were military personnel, literally 15 minutes... we generally had
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a conversation with everyone when they got off the buses for the first time on ukrainian soil, saw their relatives, said hello, the guys are met by the representatives of the branches of the military, from which they actually belong, they meet everyone, someone falls to the ground, kisses the ground, there was a man today who simply restrained his emotions, everyone shouts: "glory to ukraine, in your voice, finally they can do it to do, and all of course, very, very much want to hear the voices of their relatives first. so, i suggest now to listen to the stories, to listen a little to the guys who actually came today, one of them, by the way, today is a birthday boy, he turned 59 years old, and here is such a gift, like his own.
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he got his release on his birthday, he says it's the best thing that could have happened to him, let's watch and listen to him. how old are you today? 59, this is such a gift for your birthday, a gift, you should dream about it, not everyone gets such a gift, so i am very happy, very impressed, very nice, thank you all. for your attention, for your care, thank you very much, who are you calling, father, how long has it been, 28 months, i haven't heard or seen anything at all, hello, mom, yes, i, i'm ukrainian, yes, actually, in these... shots you can see how residents of the border area,
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border villages, the area where the prisoners were met, meet the convoys with buses, people take to the streets en masse. with flags, with the flags of ukraine, with the flags of some branches of troops or units, and meet, people carry flowers, carry water, cookies in the hope that the buses will stop there and it will be possible to treat the boys, today, by the way, they stopped once and gave the boys water there, and the children ran into the bus, it was very, very tight, all these people are standing along the roads almost well, it's a few dozen'. meters, a convoy goes and in all populated areas this actually happens, the guys who go on the bus and watch all this, they all cry, you know, and well , they are so very, very tight and very real moments, but at the same time they tell very
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terrible things, those who have been released from captivity, they say about torture, they say that they were starved, that amount of food. which they were given was very, very little, they say that they drilled their legs and generally did not give them, let's say, freedom, one of the situations that they wanted everyone to hear about, once in the colony they were taken out about eight dozens of captured ukrainians were forced to shout the glory of russia or something else, and they shouted in chorus, another slogan about the president of the russian federation, after that they say that they were beaten very badly, but they do not regret it. alyona, thank you, thank you to you for the story about the details of this exchange, about the emotions of the ukrainian soldiers who returned from captivity and about the stories
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they passed on to you. thank you, it was alyona yatsina, a correspondent of radio liberty. well , we will return to the topic of the exchange today during our broadcast, we are waiting, we are waiting for the activation of the representative of the main intelligence office, from whom we can ask more details about this exchange, so stay with us, and now we move on to the next topic, to the topic of updates on the border crossing , from today, when crossing the border , military registration documents will be checked for ukrainians of conscription age, this applies to men aged 18 to 60, documents... can be both paper and electronic, - the state border service says. if there is no such document, the border guards have the right to refuse to leave ukraine. the border guards also explained that they will refuse to cross the border to those conscripts who are wanted. if a person with
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this status tries to cross the border, on the police will be called to the place and the conscript will be taken to the nearest territorial recruitment and social support center. about change. at the border crossing and what is the current situation at the checkpoints before this broadcast, my colleagues spoke with andrii demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service. let's hear what he had to say. what are the current rules for crossing the border for conscript men and what documents must they have with them? look, as of today , one and only, well, conditional demand, new, like this, has come into effect it was until yesterday. in general, from... to the categories of men who are allowed to cross the border during martial law, they did not change, as did most of the conditions that were previously prescribed in the rules for crossing the border for citizens of ukraine, or approved by government resolution no. 57. at the same time
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, the legislation on mobilization, the deadline that was given for updating data or the need to register for military registration ... expired yesterday, and border guards are also subject to the condition of checking men, citizens of ukraine aged 18 to 60, as well as in addition to those documents that were valid before, and a military registration document. in fact, starting today from zero hours, at all checkpoints where border control measures are carried out, our inspectors check the presence of a military registration document in all men. citizens of ukraine between the ages of 18 and 60, it can be a paper document, it can be an electronic document, the main thing is to comply with the conditions that define it as an electronic document, in particular, a qr code in
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the application reserve plus, in addition, those citizens, men who are subject to the condition of... omission due to postponement, due to exclusion from military registration must necessarily be indicated in their military registration documents and information about this postponement and or about exclusion military from military records, or they can additionally have a certificate issued by the territorial recruitment center that they have a deferral, this is a prescribed form, a document defined in government resolution no. 560. that is, if it is a father who has three children, then until today he could cross the border without a military ticket, but now... this military ticket is already needed, that's right, a little bit
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wrong, because in fact some citizens who had the right to cross the border, including due to a postponement , as early as may 16 , border guards checked the military registration document with the appropriate markings, but today this rule applies to all men, citizens of ukraine aged 18 to 60. actually, this also applies to persons with disabilities, it applies to drivers who carry out international transportation of goods, passengers, or those carrying out the transportation of humanitarian aid, this also applies to representatives of the railway, this also applies to representatives of the aviation and maritime industries, this applies to sportsmen, who are also prescribed in the rules for crossing the border, as persons who are given the opportunity to cross the border for ... by observing such and such conditions, they must also have
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a military registration document, only in this case they are there, well, they cannot have a postponement or some other conditions, they have be on military registration, have a military registration document, those who have the right to cross the border due to a deferral, accordingly , this deferment must be indicated in their military registration document, and as for students, they must have a military id? students generally do not fall under the condition of a pass, this category is prohibited from crossing the border, but a few months ago the government made changes to the rules for crossing the border, allowing students who are between the ages of 18 and 22 to follow the borders of ukraine to academic mobility for a period of six months. in the presence, again , of a defined list of documents, where the necessity of having
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a military registration document was also indicated earlier. and what will be done with those men who want to cross the border, but do not have a military ticket? such persons receive a refusal to cross the border. have there already been attempts by men without military registration documents to cross the border? and maybe they were delivered to tsk? well, the border guards don't deliver people to... general assembly centers, if at all a person does not fall under the condition of passage, he is simply refused at the front of the border and returns back outside the checkpoint on the territory of ukraine. if we analyze the first hours of this innovation, there from zero hours and as of the example on the 7th in the morning, we did not record that it had any significant effect on the border crossing there, that... there was a significant decrease in the number of crossings, well actually by men,
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or that it would lead to non-standard or conflict situations, most of those who came to the border at that time, they had military registration documents, of course , there were also refusals, but actually several dozen, well, actually up to 40 people were refused, as of this morning today, due to the fact that they... someone forgot their military registration document and did not take him with him despite the fact that he has it, or someone actually does not have a military registration document, so we understand that the border guards do not deliver men to the tcc, but perhaps there are mobile groups with representatives of the tcc working at the border, and if so, how many? see, regarding referral to territorial recruitment centers, then actually one of the conditions that you... defines for us is defined by the government's decrees, which
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also came into force today, besides the fact that in the presence or absence of a military registration document, we refuse a person to cross, but if through the system talisman, for example, during the verification of a person it will be found that he is located, submitted as a wanted person to the units of the national police, then again such a person will be refused further. police officers were called to the scene that they deliver this person to the territorial recruitment centers, at separate checkpoints at separate hours, i can. representatives of territorial collection centers should be present, but they do not participate in border control measures, they are there to help border guards, in case we have any questions regarding documents or information regarding people crossing the border, then we we can contact those representatives of the territorial
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picking centers that may be located in at checkpoints, but summonses at checkpoints, in fact, open or not , en masse, this does not happen, because representatives of territorial collection centers do not take part in border control measures. these will be the new rules for crossing the border for men of draft age, which came into force today. and what awaits those who did not have time to update their military registration data by july 16, we will talk about that later on our broadcast. you will be able to find out about untimely updated data, in particular, in the diya application. about it on the air dmytro lazutkin, spokesman for the ministry of defense, told rfe/rl. at the same time, he noted that all those who did not update their data by july 16 will not be fined automatically and immediately. after detection of an offense, the procedure of bringing to administrative responsibility can take from several
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months to a year, lazudin says. listen. we're not talking about everyone getting fined automatically, though. indeed, within three months from the day of discovery and up to a year from the moment of committing an administrative offense , proceedings may be opened and a fine it will be - this is a certain procedure, again , not immediately, a person will be there once again, i will mark automatically all those who have not updated by today, all those who have not updated will be automatically fined, but there must be an exchange of protocols and there must be a resolution, accordingly , people will be informed. about all fines, as they learn about fines, for example, for speeding, in that application, it will be possible to do it. well, today, i remind you, the deadline for updating military registration data provided by the law on mobilization has expired, they are no longer accepted those who want to update their data, from now on it is possible to do so only in the reserve plus application, or by coming to the shopping center. despite the end of the time allotted by law, now, as in recent
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days, near the capital shopping center azhiotazh. in general, according to the latest data from the ministry of defense. more than 4 million ukrainians have updated their data, as the deputy minister clarified, the majority did it through the reserve+n application. as a result, reserve plus submitted 3.4 million updates, including 83,500 updates abroad. we remind you that reserve plus remains the possibility to update data even after the 16th at the first authorization, for those who have not used the application before. this will allow you to get an electronic military. and do not carry papers with you, but remember that responsibility for breaking the law does not disappear. and a little more about innovations. from today, representatives of the tsc have the right to send summonses by mail. those who have not updated their data will be sent to the place of registration. and even if the person did not receive it, or refused to sign, such a summons it is considered delivered, it was explained earlier in
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the general staff. if, after receiving the summons, the conscript does not appear at the shopping center, he will be announced. wanted this status will appear in the talisman registry. those who have not updated their data can be fined from uah 17 to 25,000, or be declared wanted. but the fine does not relieve the obligation to update the documents and appear at the shopping center. the police will have the right to detain violators and take them to the shopping center. in addition , a person who has not updated the data can be temporarily restricted from driving a car through the court. about these and other innovations under which conditions will be prescribed. fines, and for which a summons can be served, let's talk in more detail with nataliya hnatyk, a lawyer at the aktom bar association. natalia, good evening to you. good evening. here, dmytro lazudin says that starting today , all those who have not updated their data will not be penalized immediately, and they are not going to, that this is a long process that can drag on for months. and how will everything
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happen then, can you explain who will be fined in the first place? well, look, indeed, as stated, it is not automatic happens, there is a certain procedure, which consists of a protocol in many cases and is the next stage of the resolution. accordingly, when we talk about the fact that it will really take some time to draw up a protocol and a resolution, but one way or another people will be held accountable, accordingly it will look like the person has updated the data and specified a valid address or . any where she does not follow, she will be informed about it, or accordingly the same resolution will be sent to this address where it is indicated. as a result, we will understand that prosecution will, yes. not immediately, not automatically, but it will happen, and resolutions will come to most people, in addition, we must understand that summonses will be sent by mail as well, and accordingly, the
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same will actually be sent to us, a resolution will be sent, and immediately we and we will appear at the shopping center, and accordingly, in the future, the processes regarding possible mobilization will also take place, and if a person comes to the shopping center on his own, for example, after july 16, today or tomorrow, to update his data, will he be fined, well, that means he will also be subject. under is this fine correct or is it already under consideration by the state civil service ? we have clearly written that we have 60 days to clarify the data, the last day was july 16, accordingly, in fact, everyone who updates the data today or in the future is considered a violator. yes, a lot of people are now talking about the note that exists in 210 and 210th edition one, this is the code on the administration of offenses, that if there is information in the registers, they should not be prosecuted, but... well, it is a note that exists in reality when a person does not updated, potentially she will still receive a fine, and then she will have to
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prove in a court of law that this information really is either in the register, or, accordingly, the information was submitted, but somehow it was not recorded there, or, accordingly, there were other reasons, what mistakes could potentially happen, but what about the one who will now update the data in the reserve plus, them too? it is possible to fine it , right? of course, we are not forbidden to send the same resolution by the same mail to the address indicated in the update, and accordingly, we received the resolution, there are 10 days to appeal it. the person, if he found out in time, of course, he can potentially start the appeal process in court . when we talk about the fact that you don't follow this address that you indicated, or , accordingly, you left something else out, we ... will find out accordingly a little later, and accordingly , it can potentially be that we will really get to a stage when already we will have this fine at the executive service, and in fact the collection will already take place, or accordingly
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, i don’t know, they will begin to count blocking there accounts and, accordingly, we will begin to realize that there is already some fine against us. nataliya, such discussions are ongoing in social networks, many discuss whether military servicemen who have not updated their data can receive a fine twice? for example, a person did not make this update after the first fine, under which conditions can it happen a second time? no, look, if we are talking about updating the data, our law clearly states that we can prosecute for one offense only once. in turn we must understand that quite often men violate not only this point about 60 days, we have various offenses regarding the fact that men did not register, or in various ways ... did not report their addresses, and potentially the tsc will try to prosecute not only in these 60 days, but when a person receives there, conditionally speaking, a protocol about this, a decision about
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this, and he thinks that this is definitely prosecution twice, then it will be a little different, you need to read it every time, that we are prescribed, which protocol, which the protocol, what is the resolution and what does it really say that we have violated, what norms of the law, well, that is, the law simply says that after the first violation. after the second it's already 25, but i'm just trying to find out this moment, so when possible, just right now we're talking about the fact that the violation happened for the first time, in the future, of course, we now have an obligation to update 60 days, updated data, announcement of mobilization, further, if they potentially come up with another norm regarding the possible clarification of this data again, this will already be a potential second violation, uh, and if, for example, a person has nowhere to pay this fine, for example, does not... work, does not have a place of employment, then what will happen, can you explain the procedure, how the state is going to collect this fine? well, look, we now have
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the same as, for example, we talk about fines, any other that occur for violating traffic rules or other violations, we have a violation, there is a responsibility for how to collect these funds , where you will already receive these funds, it is regulated by the legislator as follows: granted to the executor, the executor already forcibly collects the funds, if it does not succeed , of course, with us then, potentially , the consequences can be that the accounts will be seized and, accordingly, further consequences regarding this real estate and so on, just at first with real estate, of course, we have nothing to do with it now, but when we talk about potentially, if there will be a lot of fines someday, for example, and as they say that the amount will be more than 160. then we will be able 160 00, then we can talk about more actual responsibility. natalya, what could be the grounds when these fines turn out to be illegal, for example, if
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a person from... really goes to court, again, i have already said, and in principle a lot is said about it, we have a note that says that if the information in the register is available, then in fact it is not possible to bring a person to justice, but again, we must understand that the tsc will issue fines, will issue resolutions, and accordingly, all this will have to be proven in this court case order, and again, the question is what information we potentially... did not report, we must understand that quite often, for example, a man is registered in the city of kyiv, but lives, for example, somewhere in the city of lviv, and we should already report where he actually lives , this is exclusively his obligation, this is not the obligation of the tsk, his shell, and the actual place of residence, it is you, as a military obligee, or a conscript, or a reservist, who must inform the telcek, here i live in the city, for example, lviv, the address is this, there is another question, it interests many of those
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who... does not update the data, there are also ongoing discussions, if a person has outdated data, he is stopped on the street, then can he be immediately issued a summons and sent to the vlk on the same day, what is the current procedure after july 16? er, yes, those persons who have not updated their data with us, they are in a rather large risk zone, we must understand that it will not be like a summons, we have such a stage as administrative detention, and this happens when a person is in this... administrative search, accordingly, as a rule, such persons are detained, v is then delivered to the picking center, the only thing we must understand is that we have certain rules at all stages, and accordingly the stage of administrative detention must be correct, with the drawing up of a protocol, with fixing the time, and this must be done correctly, and not simply, as it happens now, usually even if you're potentially saying you don't agree with
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the fact that there are notes, i haven't updated. updated the data, but the police will not deal with it, they will bring you to the tsc and in the future we will deal with the consequences of the fact that a potential the person is either already mobilized or not, that is , the consequences for those who have not updated, this is actually a tag, this so-called wanted, and this wanted tag has the potential for administrative detention, and here we must understand that this is very correct to know one's rights, how it should be done correctly, it goes potentially. you should, perhaps , talk to a lawyer, for example, we have a full-fledged training on this, how it should be done correctly, and then act accordingly, so that it is according to the law, and not just detained, brought to the criminal investigation department and already then strawman mobilization in one day, without any clarifications, reasons from the line, health problems, eh, that is, the tsk and the police have the authority to pick up a person directly from the street, can you then, perhaps so briefly point by point, emphasize that it is important to pay
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attention to the person who was detained under such conditions, let me clarify, it is not ttsk employees who are detained here, but rather police officers, but they work together, usually, am i wrong, yes, yes, of course, they work together , but we can potentially violate norms and, for example, rules traffic, and at the same time information will appear that we are in this so -called search, simply, that is, so that people do not think that it is the tsk employees who are detaining them, no, it is only the police officers who are doing it, and it is going their. competencies , okay, and then what should be paid attention to, you mean, you are talking about the protocol, what else, that is, so that all this happens in the legal field? again, we have to have a protocol drawn up, in addition, we can be detained for a maximum of three hours, with a fixed time, and we also have the right to a lawyer at the stage of detention, whether it is a paid or free lawyer,
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is up to the person who... receives, accordingly, it is precisely at this stage that a lot of work is done on the part of the person to properly defend his rights, to she was informed that she was really detained, the time was recorded, this protocol was drawn up, her lawyer was called and, accordingly, that the subsequent delivery to yevtsk was correct and legal, and not as it actually looks, that a person was detained, immediately brought in, and no one understands, no way, no matter how it was delivered to the dcc. in this context, i want to ask you one last question, specifically about those who updated their data, complied with the law on time, and what should they expect now, can they be detained and taken to the shopping center, or wait for a summons to be sent to the post office? i will ask you to answer very briefly, such persons will receive summonses in the mail, they will be considered served, what was said, received, not received, accordingly , we must understand that everyone, regardless of...


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