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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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the service station performs the functions of servicing military transport, so this is not about economic armoring, it is about the defense industry, a completely different conversation, but defense enterprises now have one hundred percent armor anyway, it is only important to prove that you have exactly military contracts, at the same time it is not necessary "necessarily from the ministry of defense, it is enough with a specific military part of the direction, that is, this issue has already been resolved, and simply the sto should then receive the status of a defense enterprise, well, in short... yes, thank you, mr. yevgeny, it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, friends, we continue our broadcast, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please like this video to help it trend on youtube and facebook. well, take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: are you preparing your home for winter without light? yes, no, everything is on youtube. simply, if you have your
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own opinion, please write it in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the relevant numbers, if you are preparing your home for winter without power 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote. we will be in touch later. bessmertnyi, ukrainian politician, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to belarus in 2010-11, people's deputy of several convocations, former member of the tripartite contact group on peaceful settlement situation in the east of ukraine. mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey. mr. roman, let's start our conversation with the united states of america, as the election campaign has started strongly this week, first. what about
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the assassination attempt on trump, then trump was officially nominated by the republicans, the candidate for the presidency of the united states of america, the name of the vice president, the future vice president of the united states of america, who will be in the event of trump's victory, is already known, this is a senator vance, what do you say about the latest events and the latest... these are not unusual events, i would say, how they can affect the elections, the final elections in the united states of america, and most importantly, whether on the ukrainian side we are sufficiently responding to such a change in the election situation in the united states of america? well, i would say that first the debate that happened between. joseph
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biden, president and candidate donald trump, the election campaign in the united states of america, it went, well, very quickly, and it seems that according to a scenario that no one could not to predict, not to predict, especially the candidates and the candidates' staffs, and this includes the assassination attempt on president trump, and no less surprising... is that he chose james david vance, a well-known figure, especially in the american ukrainian relations and relations with many other states, because he is a very colorful verbal person, known for his statements in relation to the foreign policy of the united states.
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america's assessment of the actions of the existing authorities and plans for the future, and in this situation, of course the convention, the convention that the republican party held and the upcoming convention of the democratic party is also holding, they have, as it were, an intermediate key character, however, the assassination attempt that happened in pennsylvania in a butler during a speech to... donald trump he made a very serious adjustments in the course of the election campaign, but i can say now that there is still a lot of time before the election from the point of view of the american electoral system, and anything can happen, including the replacement of candidates, candidates of the democratic party, including the change of support for donald trump, because... i have this feeling, i
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agree with many analysts here, that the current situation with the support of donald trump, it is the peak of his political career, and... this can be seen from the way the meeting took place at the convention, and how donald trump himself perceived this meeting, although it is clear that for a few more weeks he will be in a state of certain shock due to the attempt, and you will not get anywhere from this, because a person is a person, and such things pass do not pass, they will be reflected on his character, on his behavior, well, including... and the appearance vance, she will make an adjustment in the course of the election campaign, because he becomes now a participant in this election campaign, he will also conduct it in parallel, campaigning for donald trump and for himself, and the calculation here
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is clear, and the staff of donald trump, and the smaller donald trump, because it is hardly known to the general public that... the younger donald trump has known vance for a long time, from the moment when vance was noticed as the author of the famous country boy elegy, or as some translate it as the mountaineer's elegy or, well, there are several options of this translation, but still once i want to note that the younger donald trump has known vance for a long time, and i think this was a key argument in the choice of donald trump himself. candidacy of the future vice president, well, it is clear that here a 40-year-old person is a certain kind of calculation for the continuation of his stay in the presidential power of the republicans, therefore his own choice is clear, and the most interesting thing
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is the forecasts, and how will they build their relations , how he will implement his statements and program theses... and vines and donald trump, and what i want to urge everyone to do, especially in the current situation, it is very difficult and difficult to say something unequivocal from the statements of both donald trump and james david vance, because today, literally every day , what they announce is either mutually exclusive, or it looks somehow out of order, and so on, i.e. it is clear that the tension after the assassination attempt has subsided somewhat, and this is also visible from the statements of both trump and biden, as the main candidates, but there is still a long road ahead, and as wentz himself said in a recent interview and in his own post in the new
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york post that the tension that arose in the to american society, hardly an election. she will be cured, and the american people will pay dearly for it, i quoted what the future vice president himself said in my post, that is , the events there are very interesting, and it is clear that the democrats will be looking for an answer to the current decline in the approval rating of joseph biden, and this the answer will obviously be formed at the congress, although after the attempt it is hardly possible to predict. the significance of the position regarding the replacement of joseph biden's candidacy, rather an attempt on trump, if he had already fixed the trump-biden match. sir roman, in parallel with this, we are watching world leaders fly to trump, and hungarian
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prime minister viktor orban, who made this trip that is incomprehensible to official kyiv, that is , he... flew to the ukrainian capital, then flew to putin, all the way to sidzinpin , then he got to trump at the ranch, and after meeting with trump, orbán said that if he wins the election, trump is immediately ready to mediate in peace negotiations between ukraine and the russian federation, as reported by the german newspaper bilde, johnson, boris johnson, the former prime minister of great britain, also met with trump yesterday. tweeted a photo and wrote that trump would not reduce his support for ukraine in case of victory, he was glad to meet with president trump, who is in excellent shape after the shameful attempt on his life, - said johnson, we discussed
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ukraine, and i have no doubt , that he was going to be strong and decisive in supporting this country and protecting democracy, although, well, i also read an analysis of johnson's relations. and trump it is not only about ukraine, but also about the prices of the world market, the oil market, because he flew somewhere to venezuela and carried out some certain orders of trump, and obviously he is leaving. not only about ukraine, what can you say about these visitors and their trips specifically to trump, they didn’t fly to biden, well, that’s all i’ll talk about for now, if the technicians can now display both comments on the ex system, well on what will it be called there on the social network x, and trump, orban and johnson, and they would become a tool for... as is very often now, i actually said about it,
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the comments of those who visit trump, trump himself, vance differ literally in hours, they are mutually exclusive, so approximately like orban, here orban pointed out exactly like this with the lux finger about that trump will immediately deal with peace, and it will be ensured, and in a few days literally, because orban was on the 12th, yesterday was... johnson, and then the appearance of the fact that, then, trump will lay down his life to help ukraine, well , one will say, you know how, mr. serhiu, that this is a bullet that flew past trump, cured him views, and another will say that, on the one hand, johnson said as he thought it was necessary, and on the other hand orbán said as he thought it was necessary, and in this way this wave will be extinguished, and once again i want to ... sleep, to emphasize the fact that in the current situation, everything that
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the candidates and candidates for the position of vice president say is exclusively electoral in nature, and to say unequivocally that, let's say, these words are recorded in iron letters, and they will be implemented , well, this is clearly exaggerating the influence of the election campaign and the rhetoric that is there implementation powers of the president of the united states of america both in the case of orbán and in the case of johnson, i'm not talking about how others comment on it, but pay attention to the current, today's edition of the guardian, where on the front page, a huge, huge material about all vance's comments, and well-known people in the world say that it will be difficult for the british... it will be difficult, it will be difficult for nato, and it is not at all clear to ukraine what will happen after vance trump comes to power, if you
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are interested and we have time, then literally allow i have a few words to say about this young man vance, because i feel he is not perceived for what he really is. in fact, this man is sad, he has experienced a lot in his life, and this is his hatred for people. which he often pours out in his comments in relation to other states, to other politicians, is a consequence of the impoverished, poor childhood in which he grew up, because his father left, and his mother was addicted to drugs all her life, and his mother died from drugs, he was raised and sister, grandfather and grandmother, and they gave advice as best they could, that is well... thanks to his nature there, he studied well, they helped him get a job at
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the university, but his studies were as good as they could be, and then there were all these stories about yale university, so he attended school at yale university, there they made him understand that he had to work hard for life, serving in the army was a way to realize his dream, because since childhood he dreamed of being a great politician, but for... he left, joined the army, was mobilized to iraq, and his family, especially his grandfather and grandmother , and at that time his mother was still alive, he was considered an idiot for that, well that's the man this life beat him, and notice this thesis i'm saying, he just hates people for these squalors he's lived in, to date... most of his stuff that's laid out in his books, this is in fact, well, as in his time
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machaveli wrote, who cried while killing a fly, but a statesman wrote that with a clear content of such hatred for man, for a man in a state car and so on, here we have such a man before us with certain defective features, with children's complexes, and so on... the expressions that he threw there in relation to trump, and in relation to the president of ukraine, and the prime minister of great britain, there, well, in fact, the entire iconostasis is there, because it is very often... and was printed and continues to be printed in posts , so for now it’s like that, it’s at the level of such political schooling, what will happen to him, how will he become trump’s number two, and nothing, because trump, if he continues all this, he will be shoved under a bench somewhere and will sit there is as much silence as needed, well, examples of such and such
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there were stories, although then everything turned into a very and ... surprising result, well , president-elect roosevelt for the fourth time and harry truman saw each other before roosevelt's death once before he put truman's hand on the bible and said: "i am running for president ". such cases in the history of the united states of america also happened in previous years, when they took, conditionally speaking, a certain person there and took him with them, although in this book that he wrote, well, let's say, he wrote it in quotation marks. vance, in fact, laid out the philosophy that he carries in the election campaign donald trump, this is such a message and a message, a message for white working-class america, and there is a flavor of racism and sexism and what not, and by the way, the same vance, before and before that, actually since
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2016 he analyzed, analyzed the election campaign. trump and smashed him to smithereens, i will not quote, because there he called hitler, he called trump hitler, yes, well, an idiot, and hitler, as well as a cynic, there in general, to be honest, when to take it to see this background, i don't know, it is obvious that it could still be repaid the fact that donald jr. and vance are friends, because i don't see another way, and it's like, you know, donald trump, he's a person who reads in quotes, hardly. except for brief hints that he doesn't know what vance was saying about him. well, obviously, but vance has a great opportunity to become president in the 28th year, and obviously, with the calculation of that, well, maybe even earlier, in the event of trump's victory, because the vice president, according to the law, performs the duties of the president, when he cannot perform these duties. in
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we are the speaker of the parliament, and there is the vice president, so basically, this is a growth position for vance, well... how, if it doesn't work out, if, if he is able to grow, mr. sergey, because yes, yes, well , if he is able to grow up, yes, of course, and in fact he is a person with huge complexes, and for me, the more i get to know this figure, the more i feel sorry for him in a human way, because i understand what kind of childhood he had, youth, despite the fact that he lived in a prosperous america, but in such a state that he could not face it, under any conditions, and of course, that it brought up such a gift in him... for what i will say, let the audience give me such a rat-eater, you understand, who verbally destroys everything on his way, so far he is not able to eat, but verbally he is still destroying everything. mr. roman, i also wanted to ask you about orbán's trip, which he made to the capitals, visited kyiv, moscow, beijing and flew to
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trump. in the european union, they decided to boycott the flights of... the hungarian prime minister, because hungary is in the european union. , and given what orbán does and how he does it, does this indicate that he is one of the parts of the big project about the chineseization of europe, about the fact that europe will gradually turn into a part that will be influenced by china through. belarus through hungary, through slovakia, maybe through other countries, and it is not necessary to focus exclusively on the fact that orban flew to moscow after kyiv, because xi jinping was the main one here and trump was next. well, i can partially agree with this and say that, mr. serhiu, you remember the duel between
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berlusconi and merkel for cooperation with russia, and it ended very unpleasantly for both of them. participants, now there is such a duel between orbán and the president of serbia, oleksandr vučić, and they are fighting for who will play the role of the hub, the chinese in europe, but i understand very well that this freewoman o orbán is given beds, as long as they can tolerate him in european union, will now complete. for the election and appointment of key figures, including the head of the european commission, they will sit in the offices there, i think that at least hungary will be deprived of the right to vote on certain issues for a certain period of time, i do not exclude that they will also be deprived of the right to preside over the european union , for all these slurs around the world, from moscow
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to beijing and washington, because in fact, for this, it was necessary to have appropriate powers, appropriate directives, and what orbán did was his own initiative, well, as you perfectly understand, that's half of it. half, for 50%, he carried out the instructions of the moscow führer, for 50%, he realized his interests, which he has around the world, in his family, and he has a lot, a lot of both business interests and corruption-mafia interests, and from that, combining all of these two components, two components, under the guise of the actual status of the chairman of the european union, he made this march-throwing, well... if you and i, together with your colleagues, try to find at least some texts of orbán's peace plan, we will not find anything, because to all
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the empty letters written to charles michel, well, why are they written to charles michel, because he, let's say, is gone, he is already, he is already, let's just say, out of business, and that's why you can write him, these letters are catching up with him, and conversations about what he wrote there to the heads of states, heads of state state to the heads of governments, well, as of today, they still remain conversations, and there is more information than any content, well, compare the information from johnson and orban on the results of the meeting with trump and it becomes clear what trump and orban could have talked about, well, they took a picture , maybe they ate deliciously at the table there, and that was the end of the whole rich man, mr. roman, about peace. world leaders are talking about possible peace talks in one way or another, and zelenskyi says that the russians may be on
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the second peace summit, which is planned in qatar at the end of the year, will this summit take place somewhere in november or december, is it clear what this peace plan is in ukraine, because we only saw three points at the first summit, seven points fell out somewhere, does this mean , that the seven points that did not... get into the first peace summit, will get into the second? well , i understand that at the second peace summit only the issue of energy security will be discussed, so they lost seven, now they will lose two more points, in fact the topic of the energy dialogue, it will be conducted in the form of a grain corridor, well, here you can talk like that, now you and i will freeze, and she will insult us like that. that they are sitting on the bench, because what has been announced to date has simply lost the idea of ​​the globality
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of the peace summit, and the 10 points that were presented back in 2022, and all this will only be a signal in the finale that we talked about the fact that russia is not capable of anything and... and if the leaders of ukraine, the political leadership, at least manage to achieve this , well, it will not be bad, although from my point of view the peace summit must be grown to the level of a coalition of freedom and democracy, which would essentially become a political headquarters, a union of political heads of states, leaders of the world's states, who would unite in a coalition of freedom and democracy. as for the events that may happen, from my point of view it is, in short, because we have to go off the air, yes, i already said, mr.
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serhiu, this is a big problem, and it is unlikely to happen in the way that it is discussed in the future , thank you, mr. roman, it was roman bezsmertny, politician and diplomat, friends, we work in live broadcast and now let's look at the interim results of the survey we are conducting, are you preparing your home for winter without electricity, yes, 78%, no. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on magnesium, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderl, 15% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on neprobam, 10% at travel pharmacies for you and the saver. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together! vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on espresso tv channels. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the frontline component. sergey zurets. but how does the world live? the feeder is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what is outside the borders of ukraine. two hours to catch up on economic news, time to talk about wartime money. oleksandr morchyvka next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about news cultural, alina chikchenina, our art watcher is ready to tell, good evening, presenters, who have become like movidnidenko to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar people, with us
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on dear mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. ah... analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of development based on facts
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events if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents: united by football, stronger together. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second half of the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, and in this part we will talk about the following. the time is right for negotiations, the majority of ukrainians allow peace negotiations with russia, but on the condition of returning
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to the borders of... 91, why does society tolerate evasion? there are no moral forces. the scandalous member of parliament wrote a statement about leaving the "servant of the people" faction. whom and why is the political torpedo attacking without corners. suspicion of bribery. people's deputy mykola zadorozhny was expelled from president zelensky's party. what is happening in... about the ruling political force. we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. i remind you that we work not only live on the espresso tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live there, please like our pages, put an emoticon or write a comment under this video, in order for it to be promoted in youtube and
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facebook trends. well, take it. participation in our survey, because throughout our two-hour broadcast we ask you about whether you are preparing your home for winter without electricity, yes no, if you have your own opinion or any comment of your own, please write below this video if you are watching us on tv and you can vote by smartphone or phone, i remind you of the numbers for that phone, for the phone survey, if you preparing your home for the winter without electricity, 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is oleg sahakyan, political scientist, co-founder of the national platform of sustainability and cohesion. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. my greetings, glad to see and hear. on loan and maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences, mr. maksym, i congratulate you.


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