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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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publications in the russian press, and they mainly refer to bezuzlu, they say, listen, well, sirskyi is already there, he is ready to surrender, ready to surrender, that is, and in the conditions of war, this is also unacceptable, because it turns out that a ukrainian politician who doesn't understand the ukrainian army well, let's be honest, she's not a military person, she can only go there to some certain secrets, secrets... she touches the parliamentary national security committee, but on the other hand, well, that is, well, you can't blame the entire military leadership either of ukraine, and actually burning with napalm is just leadership. mrs. bezugla is an ideal discrediter of any messages, meanings, and actual theses, and such an image of her was created, and i think that i consciously created it.
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all, because she always combines both the righteous and the sinful in her rhetoric. a significant part of the words that she says regarding the situation in the army, regarding the many problems that exist, they are absolutely fair, and you can hear them really from the military, you can also hear them from the expert environment, and she repeats them, and rightly repeats, but besides that , there is a lot of wrong and how this information is interpreted, how it is presented, what conclusions are drawn and what recommendations are made with the results of this, well, for example, to retire the syrian, to remove the tyrant and everything else. in this case, in fact, it can be regarded as a technology, when it can be the speaker whose task is actually to discredit the topic in general and to discredit even those true and correct critical points and for attention that exist, because if they were voiced by... then next to her
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few people want to become, and thus these words are voiced by her, they are devalued. at the same time, i am not sure that when we talk about bezugla, we can talk exclusively about her, as about a person who voices the theses that come down to her. still, based on her psychological temperament, a certain political path, most likely, this is a person who has a sufficiently high and large field of subjectivity in her words. with her actions and ultimately her temperament, ala komsomol, komsomol, soviet, he also testifies to the fact that she can be firmly convinced of certain things, and indeed, either be able to force yourself to believe in them and in the only correctness of your steps, or take such words on faith from someone in authority and then go down with them under the banner, but i would leave a large space for the fact that this is self-activity ms. bezuglovi periodically, next to the one where it is absolutely obvious that she... performed
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subordination, party, or politically dictated roles and orders for these or other theses. against the background of what is happening with mariyana bezugla and the military leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, and mariyana has already left sluga herself people there is one more people's deputy of ukraine who was expelled from the servant of the people party, this is mykola zadorozhnyi, and today he was ordered to pay bail in the amount of 3.20. we are talking about a person who is charged with receiving a bribe in the amount of uah 3,400,000. this person, who was elected in a majority district in sumy oblast, and in okhtyrka, was supposed to distribute money for the restoration of the waterworks, and the person wanted to take his 10% interest there. from this
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large contract, as a result of the nabu, they were detained on suspicion of extorting a bribe, mykola zadorozhny, who, by the way, is close to president zelenskyi, now this zadorozhny is being thrown out of the servant of the people party, making bail, well, all these things are traditional, already from these stories about the servant of the people with bribes, with suspicions, with bails, with electronic bracelets, they are already out of the number . that is, this is a party that, in addition to monopolies , also holds a monopoly on bribery, as i understand it , because there is no other way to say it, as it is, that is, monopolies imply monopolies and monopolies, well, mr. maksym, how do you assess enough in general such a long and difficult cleansing of this party, because... they all came with the slogans of defeating
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corruption, and zelensky asked why poroshenko, poroshenko's friends, have two hands, because they say that they steal, they should be cut off , or not. would president zelensky of the 24th model ask the president zelensky of the 24th year or the 19th model of the 24th year, and why do zelenskyi's friends have two hands? yes, this is a very logical question, but let's remember the evolution, so to speak, of phenomena. zelenskyi and the authorities, monologues of the servants of the people, and so on. at first, as you know, there was cinema, that is series servant of the people, then the candidate for the presidency, volodymyr zelenskyi, who, well,
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in such a specific way identified with the heroes of this series, appeared, and then they appeared. boards with very simple recipes for the renewal of the country, and then, under these slogans, a very short period of time gathered some people who were taken to bukovel and there they learned to be a deputy. do we understand where these people came from? obviously, they must have been watching the series. but it is not necessary, these people are, so to speak, the cream of our society, which when they joined the ship of the new government from different spheres, and they were not born at the moment when they became servants of the people, they
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already knew what a 10% kickback was by that time, and obviously did not forget it, being already in the deputies. what is this for? to the point that as long as this model of political life and political mobilization will be preserved in our country, i would call it that, until these rakes of hers will constantly hit the forehead of an ordinary ukrainian voter, who will believe another politician, remember another name , the next... number in the bulletin, will mark with a tick, and then say: but they are the same, because, because these people are taken from ukrainian society, and from those spheres of it, which, so to speak, are already immersed in
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this corruption, uh, well, uh- er, paternalistic, clientelistic, whatever you want to call this system, and they grew up in it. and they grew up in it to ukrainian politics, so there is no wonder why it is necessary to monitor the situation when something new appears in ukrainian society for a start, some other corporation of people who, so to speak, do not take no from where, they are not taken from the cream of the elite, so to speak, of ours, promoted by the media or simply. new masters of life, here is such a new corporation that will announce itself before the elections, long before the elections and before the formation of the party brand, it can only change, until then everything will be the same, thank you maxim, thank you, mr. oleg, one and a half minutes, very
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in short, if possible, i would generally not talk about any election rating stories today, because in... therefore, from the situation in which we are now, there is no room for an election campaign no, only after the elections and after the war there will be another reality in which a lot of things will change, and today we can only guess what this reality will be, and i think that in such a case someone will be found who will then take a list of questions, which the president, at that time , presidential candidate zelenskyi put to president poroshenko and will simply repeat them one to one to president zelenskyi. and i hope that during the time that remains, there will be significantly fewer questions that will be relevant, because today, unfortunately, there are much more of them than there should be. thank you, oleg saahakyan, maksym rozumny, were guests of our program today, thank you, gentlemen, for participating in the program, i would like to remind you that
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during our broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you, friends, whether you are preparing your home for winter without light, 24%, yes 76... no, these are the results of our television survey, friends, i will put a full stop on this, it was the verdict of provia serhiy rudenko program, take care of yourself and your relatives, and remember that what our witches will die, support the armed forces of ukraine, there will be victory, everything will be ukraine, so take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye, there are discounts , they are the only discounts on eden 20.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, attack. drones on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country
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should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:00 for espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger war is going on and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds well, we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine
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will become russia, we are countering the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest conversation format in ukraine. in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must end it and we must to win every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project, velikiy lviv talks about the most important things on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. 875 day is heroic. the opposition of the ukrainian people russian navali 875 day of the war, we thank our guys on
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the front lines for holding the front and allowing us to work for the good of ukraine. my name is yuriy fizar, today this week and next, as you already remember, i am with you on the big air, today there will be a lot of interesting things, in particular we will talk about the following. what to expect from today for men and women of conscription age who are subject to... mobilization, why mp mykola zadorozhny still freely walks through the session hall of the verkhovna rada of ukraine and how long will he do it, and 95 ukrainians were released from russian captivity in ukraine, and also your favorite columns: the world during the war with me, money during the war with oleksandr morshchevka, and the weather from natalka didenko, there will still be a lot of interesting things, and we start, as always, with the military results of the day and its host serhiy zgurets. congratulations, you have a word. i congratulate you
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yuriy, welcome to our audience, today we will talk about the situation on the front line, briefly about the new draft law on changes in the punishment for voluntary desertion of units and how to make our mobilization meet the needs and capabilities of both the state and each individual who involved in this process. more on that in a moment. "active hostilities are now going on along the entire length of the front line, last day there were 112." of combat clashes, of course, the dynamics are less than last week, because the natural heat somewhat stopped the combat actions, but the hottest in a figurative sense, if you take into account the number of enemy attacks, now there are three such directions, these are siverskyi, turetskyi and pokrovskyi, on the last one on pokrovskyi, our armed forces repelled 24
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enemy assaults, and such a high pace is maintained and today, there are sections of the front. where the enemy is pressing our defense at the tactical level, somewhere we retreated, as it happened in the wells and the harvest, because there would simply be nothing more to hold on to in these completely destroyed areas and in terms of fortification the ability to hold these areas of the territory, and somewhere our effective counterattacks are taking place to knock out and destroy the enemy, as it happens in certain areas to the north, in particular from kharkiv, and at every meter of the war the result... depends on the integral combination of a sufficient number of weapons, successful or sometimes erroneous actions of the commanders, the training and stability of our infantry, and moreover for a significant number of our brigades, when we talk about the infantry, for each soldier the war has become such a long and actually even an endless affair where it is necessary to fight
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despite the fact that sometimes health and mental health simply cannot withstand such a long-term load, and here... i will turn to the topic that was discussed in the parliament yesterday, where a bill was passed in the first reading, which provides for the possibility of exempting military personnel from criminal liability for voluntarily leaving units or desertion. this issue is extremely acute and sensitive, especially if you consider certain numbers. the statistics of the prosecutor general's office have already become public in this area, and what this... figures say for the 22nd year was violated about 10,000 criminal cases, 24,000 new investigations were initiated in 2023, and in the first half of 2024, law enforcement officers opened almost 3,000 new criminal cases related to servicemen leaving combat
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positions or leaving military units, and this is quite a significant number. personnel, if in general, then since the 22nd year it turns out that within 63 thousand such criminal proceedings. there are various reasons for servicemen to commit such violations as voluntary abandonment of military units, ranging from the desire to temporarily avoid the performance of duties, a morally low psychological state, a long-term stay in a combat zone, without rotation, there are many reasons. and sometimes, in fact, such things also apply to the military, who are actually difficult to blame for the fact that they do not have moral courage, because in fact such people were the first to go to the front line, but for a long time they have simply been in such high-stress conditions, and it is precisely based on this situation that this new draft law was discussed in the parliament yesterday,
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which provides for a somewhat softening of the attitude towards criminal... because in our conditions, voluntary abandonment of a part is 10 days, and the punishment can be imprisonment from 5 to 12 years, and acquittals under such articles, in cases very, very not enough, and therefore now the draft law actually stipulates that if a soldier leaves a military unit there for the first time, then criminal liability is not foreseen, but there is such a nuance that this... must be done on the basis of an application, that the soldier must turn to the prosecutor's office or a trial with readiness to return to a military unit, and such a statement must be written by a commander who is ready to take such a military fugitive into service, and the question arises as to which commander, because if it is a question of a commander from the unit where the soldier
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left combat orders, in fact , it is quite difficult to count on it, and it is expected that it will actually be about a commander or possibly a higher level or other military unit, who is ready to take a fugitive as a serviceman before continuing his military service, these nuances will implemented in the process of discussion, in the process of amendments to the bill, it is possible that this bill will already be adopted in august, and it is a difficult bill, because on the one hand, the management system must be based on... responsibility and trust in the commander, and on the other hand there must be a law that also affects the order from the point of view of the execution of certain orders, so this... combination is quite difficult and must be ensured, because, relatively speaking, what happened after the tightening of the requirements for the military, it is just everything was caused by the fact that there is a part
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of the military who voluntarily left the military units, and 60,000 such people, who are subject to criminal proceedings, this is a significant number, and we need to find a way out of this situation, the same applies to our mobilization, which on the one hand, it must be fair, and on the other hand , it must take into account the needs of the state, because the protection of the country is the obligation of every citizen, especially in wartime, and the question arises of how to ensure this, today the established legal the period during which citizens of ukraine were supposed to register for military registration and clarify their registration data, according to the ministry of defense , 4 million military personnel have updated such data to date , including more than three within 3 million through the reserve plus application. and now it is interesting how we will continue to move in this
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process, because updating the data is only the first such important step, then we need to look for such, well, more flexible forms that will make the mobilization itself fairer, more rational, when it will be possible to combine the needs and the needs of the economy of our state with the right balance, with a focus on a rather limited human resource, which must be used absolutely rationally in our conditions, when the enemy has an advantage in manpower and equipment. now we will talk about this topic with our guest, we are joined by the lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine pavlo kishkar, senior officer of the ground forces command, head of the project office of the accelerator of the ministry of defense of ukraine, mr. paul, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. i congratulate you, i congratulate ukraine. i would like to start our conversation with how you can evaluate this
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stage, when, in fact, the updating of data on conscripts has been completed, what positives and negatives did you see in this process and what could be, well, the further history of our mobilization, in order to really make her fair, cut. we are evaluating this process, mr. serhiy, we will start with the good, the good thing that the state did, it still made an electronic register of conscripts, to one degree or another, it was needed 20 years ago, and certain there were attempts to create these registers, and even jobs appeared in the then military commissariats, unfortunately, all that was eliminated, including under actions. aggressive policy of our enemy at that time, so i am more in favor of developing this register in the future, so that
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eventually an electronic summons will appear there, a business communication office will appear, things will appear, data updates, some things on health, for example, which cannot be changed, in particular, disability or missing limbs, that is, things that... do not require additional confirmation and further confirmation, that is why this work must be developed, i think that it is a huge piece of work carried out by the state correctly, and it is necessary to continue to accumulate this system, this array of data, another thing is that society demands justice, justice consists in the fact that the state must honestly ... to say: we don’t need 24 million men aged 25 to 60 at the same time, we can’t provide them, we can’t train them, there are no such
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combat tasks at the front now, so that such a mass of people join the army, we need a short, well if the limited human potential of the human resource is exactly in the professional direction that we need, not just anyone, but ... precisely the specific professional level, and for this, why i told you last time about positive booking, because business and people, first of all, people should understand this cooperation and mutual trust with the state, when i say that my business submitted documents yesterday, i was automatically booked, automatically, there is no need to go anywhere, our booking system does not work, it must be admitted, there for ... but thousands, i insist, thousands of officials, the specialized ministry, the general staff and the ministry of economy, which ultimately
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have to... issue certain documents to confirm the reservation of employees of certain enterprises, but we don't need all all enterprises and all employees, well, the truth is, why not do the opposite , remove the state from there, make the registry, i apologize, available, people can and businesses can register there and book their employees, for example, for 9 or 12 months. i will beat you a little bit, but it seems, in fact, in this direction a change is taking place, but today literally before our program there were news that the reservation in action has worked and that conscripts can already start booking through their enterprises, as written in just an hour without leaving home, this is reported by the press service of the ministry
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of economy of ukraine, and then it is written that... how should this happen, but the system, mr. serhiy, here are all the exceptions, you submitted an application, the law has not been changed, the resolution of the cabinet of ministers has not been changed, you submit in electronic form, yes, you submitted an application electronically, but the final document should be the order of the ministry of economy that your employees are booked, this is wrong, it is fundamentally wrong, first of all, the ministry of defense is not this ministry of defense, i apologize to the ministry of defense. does not know about the urgent need for this or that personnel in the armed forces, well, she does not know, she may know what she wants to save from the point of view of the economy, yes, yes, for this , see what the business will book, maybe there is no such company male employees, maybe they have all already left, me i am hyperbolizing, of course, but why not turn it upside down, why
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is there an official in that scheme at all, if the need... for human resources of such and such specialization is determined by the general staff, and the need for armoring the economy is determined by the ministry of economics, so let the business say about it, look, i have 100 employees , i book them there for nine months, and then, if there is an urgent need for the state, the state tells me, as a business, an expensive business, i'm sorry, i have to take employees from you, and you have to be ready for this, to change as much as possible the security forces are there for those men who are not subject to the draft or on women and so on. i often repeated that yes, there are still human resources in the defense system itself. we forget that a whole number of men, but we are now talking about mobilization. 25-60 within the system are in positions that are often called non-combat. let's retrain them, and they will be in combat positions,
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and those... we will transfer legal, financial, rear, and others that can be performed by women and people who are not subject to conscription, let them perform, the system itself, for example, we have nato standards, we often loudly shout about them and do nothing for it, so according to nato standards there is no such thing as housing security or material security, we have thousands of people, men on these two issues 25-60. with epaulettes are doing these two things: replace them with monetary compensations, replace them with monetary compensations, replace them with monetary compensations, excuse me for repeating myself, and that's it and you'll get closer to nato standards, you'll provide people with material property and housing security in reality, not in words, and these payments will be as fair as possible, and not so that some people get 10 apartments, and some never
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and nothing. in terms of material property, 5-10% of our people have non-standard sizes, they are generally not provided with material property in our army, therefore it will be fair to pay summer and winter compensation, and send these people to those positions, to those positions after training which the armed forces of ukraine need most now. well, if you repeatedly talked about material incentives and material decisions, then perhaps it is necessary... and to pass bills on private military companies in various directions, which in fact can also strengthen the potential of the weapons of the armed forces and will guarantee a certain motivation on the part of such groups, what do you think about it? first of all, i insist that the entire state should undergo training, this stresses the state itself, forces it to work, but each person must prepare for...


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