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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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never and nothing, uh, 5-10% of our people have non-standard sizes in terms of material property, they are generally not provided with material property in our army, so it will be fair to pay summer and winter compensation, and send these people after training to those e positions, for those positions that the armed forces of ukraine need most now. well, if you repeatedly talked about material incentives. and material solutions, then it is possible, then it is necessary to pass bills on private military companies in various directions, which in fact might as well enhance the potential of the weapons of the armed forces, and some motivation from such groups would be guaranteed, what do you think? first of all, i insist that the entire state should undergo training, so it stresses the state itself, it forces it to work, but every person must prepare. to the defense
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of the homeland, whether it is a woman or a man, she must pass, and he must pass the appropriate courses, er, once again, total training and preparation for the war of people, i don’t know how it can be repeated, maybe they will hear, but without this first of all, we will attract people to the feeling that there is a war in the country, to the readiness to defend, to increase patriotism , and so on, but the first element is that everyone will be involved. second, what you mentioned about pvc. pvc is a small tool, a small one, which stimulates, first, ukrainian domestic production. i, in cooperation with some lawyers , have already prepared a bill on private military companies in air defense. this bill is such and such a tool, including for the sake of veterans who will return and will be itself. to look for jobs, it
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has been developed, and i hope that it will be voted on, because it will strengthen our air safety system with private funds, eh, with regard to working with people in general, this search for such a balanced middle, including the development a tool of private military companies. because we still don't know what we will do with veterans, as a state , we don't have such a complex, integral program, what these people will do after returning from the war, and the first thing they will do is look for work, and this layer needs to be brought up and talked about and decided right now, i don't see the possibility of postponing it, it's not the number one issue. life and death, and
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finally i would like to ask about the effectiveness of the work of the tsc itself, because in some regions there was information that in a certain region about 40 thousand conscripts had to be processed, in reality the tsc managed to sift through the data of about 4 thousand, that is, in fact, that the tck system, in fact, it is also not flexible and so, well , in fact, it is a certain brake, what can be done here change? to be changed, it must be fully electronic, the premises themselves must be transferred to some other needs, because the system is completely soviet and it is not functional, my positive from the creation of an electronic system, well , that is where it ends, because in full 20 and more to process millions of people, well, this is an almost impossible task that they set themselves. that is,
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the state cannot and cannot set such tasks that it cannot fulfill. the second, well, radically change something, well, it does not work in this form, you are with 20 million were registered there or updated, four according to your official data, and of them , almost a million are those who have already served or are currently in service, i, in particular, also updated the data in the reserve, and there are plus women. what kind of pharmacists and doctors, that is, objectively, there are under 3 million men, not a working story, that is, it is necessary to stimulate, stimulate not only with positive things, not only with salary, invitation to the army, free training, but also with negative ones, the inability to participate or hold government positions, the impossibility of driving there a car, well, this... it is already the state's decision,
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how it will stimulate here, limit it here, and this is a gingerbread and a whip, this should be, should work for the mediocre, so that people feel that it is necessary. now i say once again that the unifying factor for this can be the total training of people for military service before the war. mr. pavle, thank you very much for your clear and sometimes paradoxical accents, i think that they will be heard by our authorities and legislators, we will continue to talk about them on our broadcasts, i will remind our viewers, that it was pavlo kishkar, a lieutenant colonel of the armed forces... of ukraine, a senior officer of the ground forces command. these were the main military results of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by yuriy fizar, so stay on the spresso channel with our big broadcast.
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thanks to serhii zurts, as always, he explained in detail what is happening now, in all that is connected with russia's brazen war of aggression in ukraine. thank you to the guys who defend us, our country, our independence, our sovereignty, our territorial integrity, and by the way, serhiy has already said a few words about what i will talk about with my guest, who will join me, yesterday was the last day when the men and women of the conscript who are subject to the draft had to update their data, and now we will talk about exactly that , and what can be expected from this? good day to these men and women, but before i talk about it, as always, we urge you to join the fundraiser for the project from scratch to life, which is a fundraiser for atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the transport of ammunition.
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support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our defenders fight for victory every day, leaving no wounded or dead on the battlefield. so for evacuees. atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible on the road, which means that you can perform combat tasks more efficiently. soldiers who have already passed more than one test at ground zero are always ready to repulse the enemy, and for the sake of our peace of mind, they continue to rotate positions on holidays and on weekdays. your support makes a big difference chances not only to successfully complete the task, but most importantly - to return from it. alive, so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. i have been saying for the third day in a row: 4 million hryvnias may seem like a very large amount, but if espressoo viewers throw a hryvnia at the qr codes you saw and
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the card numbers you saw on their screens, it is already will speed up our assembly and help to finish it faster, the guys on the front lines will get the desired, necessary for them ... atvs, well, as i already announced, yesterday, july 16, it was the last day when men and women who were to be mobilized had to update their data, it could be done through the reserve plus application, otsnapakh, or at the centers in the military headquarters, well and i read the information that about 4 million ukrainians did it, but 4 million ukrainians. it seems to me, it is not enough, well, at least, it seems to me. so what to expect, what to expect now, starting today, i will talk about this with my guest, kateryna anishchenko, a lawyer. mrs. kateryna, congratulations and glory to you ukraine. glory to heroes. tell me, please, for those, it is most interesting for those
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who have not updated, for various reasons, we will not touch on the exact reasons, did not want, did not have time, it is there, but as of today , july 17, they have not updated data, what? they are waiting, well, first of all, we are waiting for fines from uah 17 to 25,000, as provided for by the law, and when talking with tsc employees, they do not deny it either. in addition, we are now awaiting summonses to be sent to the last known address of the location registration by registered mail, and accordingly, if they were not received by conscripts, and twice, if... administrative detention at the request of the utk also did not give results, we are waiting for court decisions, according to which the funds for the implementation of the law will be collected of ukraine on mobilization, as well as possible bans on driving a vehicle. well , you said that these very summonses
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can be sent through ukrposhta, and many citizens of ukraine were very afraid that this could be done through various applications. will they send them through applications? i can assume that it will be possible, in the future, since we all know that there is a resolution of the cabinet of ministers that allows... employees of the state central committee to sign subpoenas with an electronic digital signature, which will significantly speed up the process of sending subpoenas cheaper than through ukrposta and accordingly we understand very well that those citizens who updated their data and indicated their e-mail address, they can also receive a summons to this e-mail about the need to appear at the central committee for the purpose of passing of the military medical commission, those who have not updated, accordingly, if there is no e -mail, then the electronic... summons will not be sent anywhere, we heard from representatives of the ministry of defense that due to the action it is impossible, then for
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such persons who have not updated , they will wait for the summons in paper form. look, one more question, i am personally interested, a person did not update his data, he did not update it once, he received a summons, he did not respond to this summons and he received a fine for not updating it, but further she continues not to respond to any attempts to somehow motivate her, to do. is, will these fines be issued continuously? and i can assume that yes, since the law does not limit the number of fines, for one summons, one fine, then we can accordingly assume that the summons for july 17 will be one amount of fine, for july 18 it will be another amount of fine, which will be added. well, is there any moment, whether this person will be able to appeal such fines in court, in a judicial procedure, for example, she proves... wants to prove about the fact that for certain reasons, objective and subjective, she could not do it until
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july 16 inclusive, and she wants to do it through the court, is it possible? the law allows the appeal of such subpoenas, but let's be honest and objective, we have had a full-scale invasion for more than two years, yes, almost three years, to fulfill our military duty to be accounted for, we had both a demand and proof on the territory of ukraine martial law and therefore i can assume that the courts will not really take sides citizen, as there was more than enough time to go to the shopping center. in addition, there is already a judicial practice that is being formed, which is also divided 50 by 50. some say that the imposition of fines for the past period, when a person did not appear at the shopping center, for example, in the 10th year, the address of the place of residence was changed and if you don't notify the state civil service, it is impossible to attract. because it was a prohibition of the operation of the law in space and time, other courts
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say that it is a continuing offense, so the person must pay a fine. in each a specific case, the case must be understood and precisely proved in court why you did not appear before the tcc, in my subjective opinion, the proper way to defend this category of cases would be to actually prove, for example, that you could not receive this summons because you were in inpatient treatment, then the court can take it into account. i want to ask you as many questions as possible, because there are a lot of them, for example, here is such an option: a person has updated his data, for example, in the reserve plus application, well, but there are some vlks that can be pulled up there years, i don't know which ones, but if a person has not passed the new vlk, will they be fined or not, or is it enough to simply update the data? and it is enough to simply update the data so that the conscript from the reserve has an extract with him. plus or snap, but i would like to draw special attention to the fact that, as of today
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, the results of the military medical commission are valid for one year, and before that, until may 18 , the validity of the vlk was 5 years, that is, if you postponed the deadline for 5 years until may 18 , then, accordingly, you did not update the confession, like that soaked the law of that time. if we talk about today's, and those who are currently passing velka, then i emphasize once again that this is a year, so in each specific case there will be... a different amount of fine, respectively, for different positions, non-compliance with the law. and those people who are subject to mobilization, who are currently abroad, including those who already left during the full-scale invasion there legally or illegally, but remained there, can they, if they can, then where through the reserve plus to renew, that is, will they their renewal of these shall be counted data, it will be so, because they... regardless of their location, they are citizens of ukraine,
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the reserve plus application was also available to them, and they could also download it to their phone and update their data accordingly. the only thing that we understand well is that this function, yes, the option is not available to those citizens who do not have any military ticket at all, but went abroad, for example, the category of students, yes, and therefore we understand that the only way to avoid fines for them physically return to the territory of ukraine, but they will not be able to leave. because students are not allowed to cross the border. thank you very much, panikaterina, thank you for the detailed answers to these questions, which worry, well, i am sure, worry a lot of many ukrainians. will be waiting from today, from 12 o'clock at night, on july 17, for those people who, for certain reasons, subjective or objective, did not update their data in various applications, through the reserve+plus application in snaps, or for example
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military leaders, well, we have heard the answers to these questions, i hope that these, no, i am sure that these are the answers. were very useful for you, for you, so i thank kateryna anishchenko once again, and now i am joined by iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine. ms. iryna, thank you for joining and kudos to ukraine. kudos to the heroes, thank you for inviting me. mrs. iryna, the first question, very happy news. today , 95 of our guys returned to ukraine, they were exchanged and, as far as i understand, from the information i read, exchanged with the assistance of the united arab emirates, this appears to be the second exchange. which takes place with the assistance of the united arab emirates, but once, a few years ago, you very actively participated in precisely these exchanges, and these exchanges were more frequent, now they are much less. the question is for you, for a person who knows this situation very well. what is the problem? russia is slowing down this process very much, or are we somehow forcing it?
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first, any exchange is a great joy for families, it is a big thank you to everyone. involved in the exchange, primarily from ukrainian parties, of course, we thank the mediators, those countries that join this negotiation process, it is obvious that the russian federation bears full responsibility for keeping prisoners of war, moreover, in very harsh, inhumane conditions, and at the time when we were in power, i just really was engaged in the exchange of prisoners of war or political prisoners, russia did not receive information about them on... it did not provide full information, it often interrupted the exchanges, so it is a very difficult job, and today we congratulate 95 of our soldiers on the freedom, and of course it is very important that this process continued i thank you, i also really hope that this process will continue, that as many of our guys as possible will come back, i just wish that somehow more of them would come back, and i really
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hope, you know, i'll just make one remark that, that we're here , my god, when you look at these shots, they kiss the ground, i want to say that everyone who returned from captivity, whom, whom i managed to free, and we were talking about hundreds, thousands of people at the time, all of them, of course, had post-traumatic syndrome, but very often with traces of torture, or there were even cases sexual violence, and it is obvious that our joint task now is to bring russia to justice for their crimes, we are raising the issue of the release of prisoners at all international platforms, and also note that almost no civilians are included in these lists, thank god, we succeeded now, not this time, but a few weeks ago, civilians, these are precisely the crimean tatars, but 26 journalists, for example, remain in captivity, and russia does not include them in the lists, and we have to shout about it, and for this we need to strengthen inter-parliamentary diplomacy, er, it really must be done, because it is necessary to return our
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people, not only military personnel, but also civilians from this barbaric, from this barbaric country. let's move on to another topic, once again i repeat that i want as many boys as possible to return to ukraine, but there is, thank god, the ukrainian government and is finally releasing those whom it itself kept behind bars for some time without reason, such as roman chervinskyi , he was released on bail yesterday, he was supposed to be released yesterday, but was not released, was released only this morning, mrs. iryna, please tell me. what they were trying to do, i have the authority, what they were trying to do with this delay to show, to demonstrate, is it possible that they were looking for some other reason not to release him, well, i just don't understand it, everyone was waiting for him yesterday at 2:00 pm, he was released today , thank god that it was released, but what did the authorities want to achieve with this? first of all, i had the opportunity to shake mr. roman's hand, hug him, his wife, as well as our entire
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team, we congratulated mr. roman navuli, this indeed always such a very emotional feeling. when it comes to the fact that a person is released from prison, and you are right that when a person is taken out of a russian prison, that we introduced our own, when a hero, you know, must be taken out of a ukrainian prison today, well, this is not normal, you know us , in some times of yanukovych, parallels are suggested here, and unfortunately, chorvinskyi’s case is politically motivated, it is obvious that they... sucked from the finger, it is very reminiscent of the cases of general marchenko, general pavlovsky, which behind these far-fetched, completely politicized, they were also kept in prison for some fabricated cases at the bank. moreover, you are right that the bail was paid yesterday, all the deputies of european solidarity were ready to take mr. roman on bail, and i believe that it was not
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the government that released mr. roman, but only the pressure of society, the active participation of people of good will in these courts, and they were transferred to kropyvnytskyi from kyiv, in the hope that they would forget about roman there, which served justice, but you know, the wonder is not over. on this suffering of his family, as far as i am concerned it is known that the authorities are going to continue the detention against roman, other criminal cases, and this is not normal, because when you look at how mykola zadorozhny is in the parliament today, in which sab and nabu were handed suspicions for possible acts of corruption, when there are 15 people roaming around parliament, to which these suspicions were handed, and they are doing well, and they are deputies, and they, you know, without any conscience ask... give, vote, even for the road faction, they didn't really exclude, but today, it's a pity that journalists are not let in box of the press, but advocates for the road and
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a member of the servant of the people faction is displayed on the scoreboard, at this time heroes involved in unique special operations receive one and a half years in prison - this is abnormal. it is very important, here is my last remark, it seems to me that it is also symbolic that roman returned to his family, and... on the day of the 10th anniversary of the beating by russian scum, war criminals and their proxy emz-17, and i will remind you that among the criminals among those involved in this tragedy was a certain tsemakh russian proxy whom mr. roman took out in the 19th year from occupied donetsk, because he is a valuable witness, he had to testify in court about the russian beech, about the fact that these commands were given by russian officers, about the involvement of russia, the leadership in the downing of the boeing, and when this tsemakh is sent to prison without a trial, without public testimony moscow, well, you know that, and roman
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has been kept in prison for a year and a half, so it ’s not fair, i keep saying, listening to such things, that some kind of surrealism has been in ukraine for a long time with the arrival of this government, when you listen to such things and you just don’t you can understand them with common sense, you just can't. reach out by the way, you have already mentioned that i wanted to ask you about the deputy of zadorozhny, you have already mentioned, i read about this on your facebook, that during the meeting, when he was speaking, it was written that he, that he represents the servant of the people faction , it turns out that this is a lie, he was not expelled from the faction, moreover, i asked the chairman of the verkhovna rada whether you received a statement from the servant of the people faction about the expulsion of mr. zadorozhny, and unfortunately, mr. stefanchuk, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, the gentleman himself did not answer me zadorozhny said that he suspended his presence there by the faction, well, such a thing does not exist either in
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the regulations or in common sense, so tomorrow i will have to repeat my question to mr. stefanchuk, and you know, i would like too, i think we all would like to hear, well, when the servant of the people speaks the truth, they excluded him from the faction, dissociated himself from this out-of-the-way, i will not dissociate him. moreover, the plenary week has been going on for two days already, and imagine that they did not even put mr. zadorozhny's recall from the head of the tsk, which is supposed to investigate corruption and abuses at fortifications, they let in there as a traffic light, you know, like a pike in a river, a person suspected of bribery was let in as the head of the committee on abuse, we are corruption, and the tsk should have this case now also consider or not? tska should deal with the issues of abuses of fortifications, and in fact, now, in fact
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, it is not up to tsk, but the parliament, not on the road, not on the road, and this is a kind of closed circle, which actually leads to the discrediting of the work of the parliament, to devaluation of the work of those deputies who faithfully represent their constituents, and of course this is not normal, and we... well, we protest against this and will demand the recall of the trafficker from this position, i just want to wish you success, so that everything will be successful, but from what you tell, from what you have already done, from the submissions that you have already submitted and the answers that you have received, something seems to me that his case will be yet another case of the servants of the people, who still have not remain unfinished, see i yesterday i already discussed another topic with your...colleague from the faction volodymyr aryev, this is about the ban on the departure of a group of deputies representing european solidarity led by the fifth president of ukraine, petro poroshenko, to the united
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states. america in the city of mulkey, wisconsin , for the convention of the republican party. and yes, we talked to him about it, but i'm interested to hear your opinion, because look, petro poroshenko has very serious connections with the republicans. it seems to me that the servants of the people, the current leadership of ukraine, it somehow he is betting more on the democrats. why can't they understand that it is worth letting go of these people who want to... it is led by petro poroshenko who want to help ukraine, no, they leave them in ukraine and do not release them. first, to clarify, our team is aware that support for ukraine critically depends on bipartisan support. and therefore, whether we are in power or in the opposition, we have a dialogue with republicans and democrats. we actively cooperate and believe that we need to work, to clarify the situation on the... front, not
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only with our sympathizers, but also with ukrainian skeptics, to work with them, conveying the truth, paying attention to the risks that russian expansion, russian aggression, russian inadequacy, and putin's terror that the united states will have to pay more for this subjugation of the aggressor if he goes further to nato countries, and that is exactly why it was very important for us to participate in... the republican convention, moreover, we are part of the idu, it is an international democratic one an alliance that unites more than 80 center-right parties from around the world, and you know, yesterday went around the world, for example, a photo of presidential candidate trump and boris johnson, a briton, they just met at the convention, because the conservative party of britain is also part idu, and we planned,
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not only our team. to talk with the republicans there, and with the center-right parties of 50 countries of the world, which are represented there as guests, these are also the countries of the global south, these are also european countries, because we see that the support ukraine is the component that must be worked on all the time, after the convention, by the way, we had a program in washington with the democrats, and all this was blocked, it is obvious that stefanchuk is not independent in such decisions, this is the decision of the office that is still there, you know, you see... for some reason our team is your enemy, although there are no such issues with opzzh, opzzh goes on business trips, including to the united states, opzzh is a faithful partner and a reliable bank, and this is also about an ideological choice, which, well, actually , we must speak honestly about it. i think that i would advise stefanchuk to remember that he represents the verkhovna rada,
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not the office, and despite the fact that... of course the chairman of the verkhovna rada should work closely with the president's office, with the president, especially in times of war, but still after all, he should also choose the subjectivity of the parliament, because he has to prove to the office that it works for democracy, it works , strong institutions work for a strong ukraine, well , but we have a weak speaker, unfortunately, unfortunately, we have a weak speaker who is unable to defend the independence of the parliament , to me it makes me sad. ms. irina, thank you very much for including us. program, for your professional opinions and expert assessments, iryna geravchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, a very interesting conversation took place with her, well, then, as usual, at this time of the news, the premium sponsor of the national team presents. united by football,
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