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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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but for internal consumption will agree, why? because constantly all the agencies inside russia, if anyone is watching, they all amplify everything that medvedev says. it varies widely everywhere. to the russians, this agenda means that we are their independence, there is something like that, that we are pretending to be some kind of negotiations, a peace process, do not interfere, we will finish them all the same. ukraine will be ours, there will be no ukrainian nation. this is final. an irreversible decision, in my opinion, they actually think so, that's what everything is designed for. i, when i talk about the futility of negotiations in any format, which is currently being discussed from switzerland to orban's initiatives on behalf of the kremlin, is because the main thesis has not been removed, that we will not stop anyway, we will achieve the same thing, that we will pretend some kind of peace now, and after a certain number of months or years, we will destroy it and follow the same scheme. as with the minsk
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agreements, that is why medvedev is released. it is no longer perceived in the west, for some time they use it to refer some signals to the west as well. on the west put an end to it. few people remember, he was even offered by european politicians from brussels. it was almost an official statement that he should be treated. a representative, it seems, is a press secretary there, whoever wants to find it on the internet, told him to undergo psychiatric treatment. such an assessment is already given, not to mention the private assessments of those who can afford frank statements. i remember the chairman of the munich conference said: how could we even communicate with this moron, he is a clinical idiot. almost in such words i exaggerate a little, but if anyone who wants can check my words. this suggests that in the west these statements are perceived only in this way. well, that's probably what they think, but medvedev is an idiot who, if... if we pay attention to him,
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react to him, then this is exactly what moscow needs, so that now all politicians rush to comment on medvedev, no one comments on him in the west, you noticed, no one comments, understanding that he really voices the intentions of the kremlin and putin himself, and there is no need to react to him, only that is what putin needs, so that he creates different narratives in different directions, different signals that should cause constant reflection. that is, to nervously shake up the european union, a mental attack, in a word, remember, people of kapeliv, you understand, at full speed we are all ready to lie down in the ukrainian black soil, but on the other hand, putin is also trying to take advantage of the situation, that is, the story about orban, that is, what he would have tried to put it into reality, that is, we understand, they launched a fake rocket and this is how the endless delusion of medvedivska rushed, but putin tried to convey it through orban one or the other of his... proposal, in which
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it is mark in fact, so because they are trying to win what they did not capture, and this causes a completely natural irony and sending us f-16, there is still the same signal, through orban they convey the following: let's agree on ukraine on my terms, and i won't go anywhere else, i'm ready to sign it on a piece of paper, i'm ready to write in such a peace agreement that there are no aggressive ... intentions towards eu and nato countries. i am ready, if you wish, i will sign. do it. four oblasts are administrative borders he also publicly announced the plan for the negotiations to be about this. the ban on ukraine joining nato, its non-aligned status, cancel all sanctions, and we will start negotiations, during which we will also agree on the rest: demilitarization, legal consolidation of these four regions, crimea is not even discussed anymore, the issue is closed, the ban on... .. this and that, the refusal of reparations,
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it will not be possible to demand reparations from russia, that will be for sure, and then i will not go to the suwalsky corridor, poland, the baltic countries and so on. but first, we saw how putin already violated similar obligations that he had imposed on himself, this had already happened, so what normal person would believe him, the minsk agreements and others, those were agreements that could be discussed for decades, but they gave the opportunity for peace, they... led to peace, from war to peace, wasn't that the goal of putin, it turns out, no, for him peace was never the goal, and whatever agreements he made, they do not pursue the main thing, they do not seek peace, the creation of conditions for a strong , safe, of the supposed peace in which a war started by one country as an aggressor is impossible, well, as participants in the agreement, we are not talking about the borders of europe, where there are countries no less aggressive than... well, putin has already
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proven many times that he does not seek peace, he does not need peace, and the price he can pay for realizing his interests can be very high. through orban, he is trying to send a really false idea, a false signal, that no, i will not go, i swear, we will fix it all, give me ukraine in fact, and you will not have problems in europe, that's it that's all, just a slight cognitive dissonance in terms of geography, i.e. we remember what they talked about plus or minus in istanbul, well, based on those sources of information and that document circulation that appeared on the internet, it was not about... seizing four additional regions, yes, that is, it was about a scenario of finlandization, demilitarization, so to speak, that is, making ukraine fully ready for the next wave of attack, yes, that is, it is very dangerous, but here it somehow
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opens up, this is a cognitive circle, here he is talks about the capture of the additional, you see, all these fancy ipso, multidirectional links, often densely contradictory. signals are also part of the plan, they start all this, kolokoltsev's plan, for example, let's immediately remind our viewers what a bell is? on the one hand, this is a russian top cop, and on the other hand, it was an emissary, possibly from the kremlin, who set foot on fertile american soil. in my opinion, most likely there was no plan, they have other channels and sources like this plan to convey, all the same, all this is needed to shake up the general situation, to create... the illusion that there is active discussion of negotiations, exchanges will take place, consultations, etc., which in reality is not on such a scale as there were consultations between washington and moscow through sullivan and borns, through naryshkin and earlier patrushev, now i don't know how it is possible, putin took on
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the mission, and nothing more, there are no consultations with the west. orbán is not the representative of the west that was entrusted with this mission, we have already discussed orbán. this is his own initiative the kremlin, which wants to have such a representative of its own. putin often responds to washington in his public statements, not to the world, not to kyiv, but to washington. his plan, which he announced on the eve of the swiss conference, with the ultimate preconditions about the four areas of sanctions and the non-aligned status of ukraine, is how he announced it for the usa, because the usa wanted something else. at those consultations, they said: let's go for some real, i emphasize real options for the plan, for which there will be a compromise, there will be no unilateral, obtaining geopolitical dividend, in the form of the actual liquidation of ukraine as a sovereign state, and he answered publicly in order to bind himself with these words,
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listen, i announced the peace plan, i cannot retreat from it now, well, we can now push away from it, i am ready to move in unconscious borders, well, don't cancel the sanctions, then here... let's do a little something, well, not to the administrative borders, give us at least two oblasts, donetsk and luhansk, and i can move on with zaporizhia and kherson. it is in closed consultations, he can say such things abandon the already announced plan. in general , he cannot understand, they say, how can i now move away from that? this is part of our general geopolitical doctrine. part of our constitution, four oblasts and crimea, non-aligned status. this is a condition of our security, although we are all perfectly aware that the security of ukraine's membership in nato is not ensured by russia, we must clearly understand this, because all the time somewhere in the west, sometimes some experts say that he does not understand security,
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maybe it is wrong, but with on the other hand, really to the borders of russia, nato, ukraine. but sorry, nato has expanded, now it is from finland to turkey, from the baltic countries. which are also members of nato, therefore, in the very essence of this requirement of non-aligned status , no security guarantee conditions are provided if russia is attacked by nato, although it is impossible to believe, it has somewhere to attack. besides, this is the war of the 21st century, no one will climb tanks from their bases, using aviation. all this can be done from other territories. it will be from the baltic region, eventually finland, sweden, romania, poland. it doesn't matter at all. geography lost its weight in questions of security, no limitrophic zones, no buffers, as putin imagines, will not provide security from the point of view of global, from the point of view of the possibility of attack, they will not provide, in the 21st century everything is remote, there is nothing
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that is directly tangential, there is no point in digging ditches on the border in russia, i mean a country like russia, not with other countries, when there are missiles behind the warheads, it doesn't... it doesn't make any sense, so it's this thesis that security is ensured by geography, it's a thesis from the middle of the 20th century, in the best case, which has not worked for a long time, so the conclusion is as follows: putin is not stupid, he understands it perfectly, he needs ukraine, he cannot allow ukraine to go west. that's all. and if this goal is precisely such that not a single piece of ukrainian land ends up in the western area, then he will fight to the end. thank you , mark, for this extremely serious warning on espresso tv and for an excellent analysis of the current situation. our guest was mark fegin, a figure of the russian opposition in exile, a well-known video blogger. former state duma deputy. well, it's time for our program
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ran out, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts. projects on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. program real front with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together! see this week in the program judicial control with tatiana shustrova: candidates for the vrp according to the presidential quota, who angered the ethics council? i have nothing to do with this record. please excuse me, but who spent millions on cars during the war? so i came to the car dealership and bought them. congratulations, you are watching court control and i by tatyana shustrova. despite the full-scale war, ukraine continues the path to the european union and does not stop in the implementation of reforms, in particular judicial reform. the competition for the selection of members of the supreme council of justice is ongoing. the ethics council elects candidates according to the president's quota. we will introduce you to the brightest candidates. but first to the news. well , there are 28 applicants for the vacant position of a member of the supreme qualification commission of judges, among the candidates are judges
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of the supreme court, the supreme anti-corruption court, a judge of the court of appeal, a judge of local judges and a retired judge. vacant position appeared in the ccc after the judge of the kyiv court of appeals, roman ignatov, resigned on march 27 at his own request. he held the position of the chairman of the central committee of the central committee of the russian federation. the competition is ongoing, the selection of members of the vkks. is carried out by a competition commission consisting of three ukrainian judges and three foreign experts in the field of law. foreign experts have the controlling vote during the voting procedure. updated in 2022 as part of the judicial reform , the supreme council of justice still does not work in full force. out of 21 members of the vrp, there are currently 17. it has a quorum and the selection of its members is ongoing. the collegial body of the state power and the judicial government. which is responsible for the honesty and transparency of the entire judiciary, the independence and professionalism of judges
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and prosecutors, consists of ten persons elected by the congress of judges of ukraine, two appointed by the president, two elected by the verkhovna rada, two more by the congress of advocates, two delegated by the all-ukrainian conference of prosecutors and two more are elected by the congress of scientists and representatives of legal higher education institutions. the chairman of the supreme court is an ex-officio member of the supreme court. currently, according to the quota of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, the republic of ukraine does not have a single representative. the selection is ongoing. 18 candidates submitted documents for participation in the competition. eight of them had interviews with the ethics council. others either arbitrarily withdrew from the competition or did not pass the preliminary stage. not all candidates have a crystal reputation. today we will tell you who is trying to get to one of the most influential and key bodies of judicial power. this is olena zaichko, a judge of the kharkiv district administrative court. she is not anymore trying for the first time. to become a member of the supreme council of justice. among her career achievements are making questionable decisions, making
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decisions while studying, which directly contradicts the law, as well as non-transparent declaration of property. in 2020, olena zaichko decided to develop 13 hectares of forest despite the seizure of this plot. according to another court decision. construction cooperative slice, which is part of the zone of influence of kharkiv deputy ihor arykh, received the permission to build. it is interesting that immediately after this decision, not adults, at that time children judges zaichko received ownership of an apartment from the kharkiv city hall with an area of ​​over 100 km. the judge also likes expensive cars. in 2021 , she bought a lexus for... almost uah 2 million. our colleagues from investigation-info received recordings of telephone conversations, probably of judge olena zaichko. the info investigation found out and released a whole material about how she goes to vorozhka there, does other strange things, but the most interesting thing is that she destroyed the disc with the audio recording of the court session. in the conversation of august 13, 2020, a woman with a similar voice
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on zaichko, discusses with a colleague the possibility of spoiling the disc with case materials. and more. ways to change the cherished judge's decision to the opposite, there is nothing to do with this record, i don't know how to comment on it, please excuse me, stop, zaichko obviously implemented the plan to change the decision, in the courtroom she signed the decision to dismiss the lawsuit, in the courtroom voiced the opposite, the members of the ethics council were interested in this story, everything recorded in the conversation matches, and the person with whom... the conversation is held also coincides, you sit in our room, you prepare a document, sign it and say what, and then when you announce, you say that the lawsuit is not satisfied, how these events happened four years ago, what motivated what, well, what motivated , why exactly this
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happened, of course i don't remember, and so throughout the interview, olena zaichko denied having anything to do with the audio recording made public by journalists, assured that she did not know the people mentioned in it and did not remember no circumstances, complete amnesia, with this baggage of olena zaichko for the second time submitted for competition to the supreme council of justice. interestingly, at the same time, she is a member of the all-ukrainian association of administrative judges, which called on the president to promise a law on the reform of the administrative court, due to the fact that it allegedly threatens the sovereignty of ukraine, as it contains instruments of influence of foreign states. in this way, zaichko is desperately trying to become a part of the reform, which he considers to violate judicial independence, not very logically. last year, despite numerous facts of dishonesty, the ethics council approved elena zaichko was a candidate for the position of a member of the vrp, but she was not elected by the verkhovna rada. in march of this year, the supreme council of justice opened a disciplinary case against zaichko. in case of
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a positive decision on it, the judge faces dismissal. soon we will find out whether olena zaichko will succeed in the end. and sit down in the dream chair, which is another candidate for the supreme council of justice, lawyer vladyslav ivashchenko. he has had his own apartment for 10 years, but is registered in a dormitory. the developer, who did not enter the property in the register, is to blame for everything. yes, i lived in it because physically, the apartment was ready, but legally, legally, i could not do it until october 23, since i did not have a confirmation. it was not entered in the real estate register until october 23, and in general lawyer vladyslav ivashchenko believes that there is no difference where a candidate for a key judicial authority is registered, whether honestly in his own large apartment where he actually lives or in dormitory? declaration of residence in ukraine is not related to
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any property rights? the place of declaration is designated. or for postal correspondence, or, for example, to exercise certain rights, including political ones. more declaration does not affect anything. vrp candidate vladyslav ivashchenko loves cars, he has a toyota rav4 and a land cruiser 150. he bought the first one after allegedly selling three old ones, and by purchasing a new rav-4 from the showroom in the midst of a full-scale war, he literally saved millions of deposits. i came to the car dealership and bought them. i have i had a current deposit of more than uah 4 million in my bank account due to the fact that in the city bombings began in kyiv, i could not withdraw this money from the bank account, and
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my wife and i decided to use part of this money to buy a new car for my wife three years ago. vladyslav ivashchenko was very lucky, she managed to purchase almost 2 hectares of land near kyiv for only 35 dollars. why does the value of a plot of land differ significantly from the market price in this area? and this is almost 10 times. since this plot of land is located outside the settlement, it is actually intended for... the introduction of agriculture, especially it had shortcomings on this plot of land, it was swampy, even for this activity, it was not quite... vladyslav ivashchenko insists on his political neutrality. tell me, please, do you consider yourself a politically neutral person? absolutely. were you a co-founder
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of any public organizations with people's deputies, were you or were you not? no, never. but in the end, he remembered how he was a co-founder of the institute of political crisis, a public organization, together with a former people's deputy. he does not think at all. important to me a former political figure applied, he asked, let's say, for his status, i put my signature so that a person simply, let's say, had a type of public organization, without registration for a certain social status, also the candidate for the vrp forgot to indicate in his declarations of membership in the national association. and the fact that he was brought to administrative responsibility for violating traffic rules, moreover, he believes that he should not have done this. let's see if it will be possible with such forgetfulness and lack of understanding of the rules
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filling out documents for vladyslav ivashchenko to sit in the prestigious seat of a member of the supreme council of justice. today i have everything. you watched judicial control, i am tetyana shostrova. tell us about the facts of corruption known to you. in the judicial system, write to the e-mail you see on the screen, or to me on facebook, we will meet in exactly a week, greetings, hello, this is the beraber together program in ukrainian, a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel ttr and the espresso tv channel, i am andriy yanitskyi, and today i i will run this program myself, mine co-host gulsum khalilova is in poland today, in the sejm, where the sejm has to
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recognize the crimean tatar genocide of the crimean tatar people by russian russia, the soviet union in the 44th year, we will keep you informed about it, but we will start traditionally with a call to subscribe to the youtube channels of the apr and espresso, like, comment on this episode, because that's how youtube works, if you watch us on youtube and want others to watch us, then please do these actions, and i encourage you to also transfer money if you see qr- code on on your screen during the money transfer program, transfer them to the 48th omba named after noman chilibikhan, this is the army unit that is specifically targeted. to liberate crimea, which has set itself the goal of liberating the occupied peninsula, we cooperate with this unit as long as this
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program exists, and we will talk first, as always, with a military expert, then on humanitarian topics, military expert serhiy bratchuk, the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, is with us today, mr. serhiu, congratulations, glory. glory to ukraine's armed forces, congratulations. glory to heroes. my question is that during the last week something interesting happened in crimea, what should be paid attention to from a military point of view, were there any surprises? there are really no surprises, but there will be surprises from the defense forces of ukraine. if we are talking in general about the processes that crimea is experiencing now, as i emphasize, it is a war zone , and this is a war zone. then the demilitarization of the temporarily occupied peninsula continues, the destruction continues, let's say yes, that anti-defense, anti-air defense umbrella, which was
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built by the russian occupiers over our temporarily occupied peninsula, we know very well that crimea was transformed, as the russians themselves said, into a corresponding cover of the sky over crimea so that... the ukrainian defense forces do not could strike, respectively, and the actual functionality is the provision of the front along the entire length of the south and not only the south, that is, the influence on the line of combat actually on the territory of the temporarily occupied kherson oblast and the zaporizhzhia region, then actually now we see that this work continues purposefully, the launchers of air defense systems in crimea are being destroyed, a very important element and i will pay special attention to it, radio engineering objects are being destroyed, that is, those objects that are ears and eyes for of the air defense system in crimea, for which
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our skies over crimea should be... more free so that it is possible, this is not an announcement, but this, well, let's say, a suitable hint, so that this sky, which will be free, it was used by other means fire damage, now i will not say what exactly, i think that attentive viewers will guess what we are talking about, in any case, the next stage will be the destruction of logistics, control points, and this work is purposeful, i want to say once again, well and a small... i will reveal a secret, not all events that take place in crimea are reported today, because of course, the work is painstaking, it took a long time, regarding the destruction of the enemy, not everything can be told today, but the enemy is definitely becoming less in crimea. well, the interesting news, which, i think, was a surprise for many, the words of volodymyr zelenskyi, the president of ukraine , that we cannot hit all objects in crimea with western weapons, it seemed to me
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that for... the ban applies only to the russian territory directly, and even then this ban has been slightly relaxed, because you can hit objects in a hundred-kilometer zone around the kharkiv region, but it turns out that there are some taboos in crimea as well, that we would be prohibited, where we are prohibited beat on the peninsula, that there is such a sensitive thing that the americans fear give us such a right? well , maybe the enemy... calques about the fact that russia was trying, at least talking about it, to have objects that will perform the function of elements of the so-called nuclear shield of the russian federation, maybe it is connected with with this, maybe with some other issues, but i think that there should be no prohibitions, no taboos for the defense forces of ukraine, not only on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, but also on those objects'.
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of the russian federation located on its territory, thus returning to the crimea, i i think that these taboos will not spread to our ukrainian peninsula, because we understand very well that crimea today and its liberation is a military-political issue, and no matter how strange it is, but precisely during a full-scale invasion, this military aspect, the military aspect, it became, perhaps, even more the main factor for the liberation of crimea than... diplomatic movements in the complex , all this will take place, and coming back to the objects you are talking about, maybe it really connected zazano, once again i say with the so-called the nuclear shield of the russian federation, there may still be some obstacles, but i hope there won't be any, because we all understand very well that all objects on the territory of crimea, which are occupied by russia, are legitimate targets for ukraine, and without the liberation of crimea, we cannot talk about the fact that our war with russia... it
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will end in victory, only the liberated crimea, as one of the liberated territories, there are donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhya, kherson oblasts, then we will say that ukraine has been liberated from the resolute, so i think this is a taboo will also be removed, and nuclear weapons facilities may be located in crimea, i have not seen evidence of this, but there were rumors that the russians actually brought nuclear weapons to crimea, well, actually, i was not talking about rumors now, i was talking about there' that at least the enemy voiced it, that the territory of crimea can be used precisely for the placement of similar weapons or elements similar to these weapons, so of course i understand that our allies and partners also want to be safe, and here intelligence works in this regard, accordingly, after all hope it's let's put it this way, the russian federation creates more informational noise in this regard, and...
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those elements that it calls as elements, i say once again, of the nuclear shield of the russian federation, they are not such on the territory of crimea. let's go back to the sky over crimea, you say that we are clearing the sky so that it can be used for good, it is good for ukraine, and in this context it is very interesting whether we will be able to use the f-16 aircraft, which we expect already this year , or maybe according to some data that... maybe they already exist somewhere there in the south, you know, i am a supporter of the fact that the first to announce the appearance of the f16 in the ukrainian sky is our enemies, who , i hope, will feel the most accurate, accurate and hard blows of our aviation, taking into account the arrival of the f16, and in the air.


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