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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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not that in the environment, but in an uncomfortable position, when the russians can only defend there along the northern and northern outskirts of the village itself, and therefore regrouping with the aim of returning it completely under their control for the further development of events in the direction of livka, well, logically, but is there they have such an opportunity, taking into account the fact that, in principle, the same group of lashes operates on lipka and on vovchansk. and they do not have enough resources to fully conduct a general military operation in any of these directions, it is necessary to concentrate on some one direction, if you think logically, about vovchansk, then there is the next option, so indeed they can now resume more intensive combat operations, especially since vovchansk itself is completely almost destroyed, and ... they
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regularly continue to strike with artillery and adjusted with air bombs on the city itself, which strengthens their assault actions, but still they are not so successful in city-to-city battles, so most likely they can regroup to further implement an attempt to break through in the direction bumpruvatka prilipka, that is, it is with the forcing of the seversky donets and with the west. the western, western flank, i.e. the right flank from vovchansk, and they can also break through to the east in the direction of tiche, and by forcing the wolf army, there may be a threat to the line of vovchensk farms and zibens, i.e. they can try to cover it, and that is by the way. and they tried to make
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their fire offensive in kharkiv oblast at the very beginning, and they tried from the very beginning to break through in the direction of bugruvatka-pripka in order to have the opportunity more, let's say, a comfortable forcing of the seversky donets, and the coverage of vovchansk, perhaps this is one of their plans to cover both from the left and from the right flank, i.e. from the east and... from the western part of the city itself, well that is bypassing the flanks and that's me, well, do they have the strength for this now, or do they have to get some additional reinforcements for this then, it's interesting? they certainly need reinforcements, because with the resources they currently have, they cannot conduct a successful combined military operation of an offensive nature, neither in liptsi nor in vovchansk. they can, with the resources
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they have, strengthen the assault actions, continue to maintain the level of the intensity of hostilities, but in order to completely close the issue of what happened to the lipets, what happened to vovchansk, they critically lack resources, so they, well , relatively speaking, in order to close this issue, the group of troops of the north should increase by about two times, it is interesting, yes, and why. at the same time, they also have a direction towards pokrovsky, which gives such an impression after all, well, from what we heard on at the beginning of the program, on such, you know, as the main direction, there are the most combat clashes, there, judging by everything , the largest forces are now drawn up, and there they have, well, i would say, the most, can get advantages if they succeed some plan, and here... i also have a question here, you know,
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the offensive that is being carried out on turkey, how it is interconnected with what is happening in the direction of pokrovsk, are these interconnected operations, or is this there is something separate, well, that is, if there will be reinforcement, then to somehow try to understand which one can to be a plan, but the pokrovsk direction, first of all, it's not so much... and about pokrovsk. well, that's the most important thing. the pokrovsky direction is primarily about the creation of the southern security front for the turkish direction. that is, if we now look at the map of this military bridgehead, we will see that the turkish agglomeration from the south is completely covered by russian control. and what is the situation for the russians now? arises,
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they will reach the left bank of vovchaya, to the karliv reservoir, well, that is , there is no doubt here, the question is when exactly the potential to reach it is to this river that they have, what will happen next? then they will stop, then they will have a second very important point, this is the cutting of route 05-04, the main logistical artery from pokrovsk to chasiv yar, and not only to chasivara, and to konstantinivka, and to toretsk, by the way, also, so these these are the main two tasks, the formation of the southern security face and cutting. hystic artery, and then the beginning of the toretsky offensive operation, did it happen exactly in this chronology? no, we now see the continuation of the first and second task, and at the same time they launched
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another offensive campaign against the turkish agglomeration, but at the same time there is a very important third element, and here we also have to look at ma. and we talked about the southern face of security, and it creates the possibility of storming turetsk from the south, and what about the north, which in the time of yart kostyantynka, ivanovske, klyshchivka, andriyivka is located in the north, all of this is under the control of the defense forces of ukraine. the russians did not fulfill the main task, the conditions for offensive actions were fully formed. in the turkish agglomeration, so they don't have any control over the agglomeration at all from the north right now, and that's a big problem for them because it also eats up a lot of resource, it takes a lot of
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resource to keep fighting in the temporal ravine area so that to advance along the line of ivanivske, klyshchiivka, andriivka, in order to enter the canal, to force the canal, in order to advance further, a huge resource, which should now, according to logic, be concentrated for further actions precisely on the turkish agglomeration, therefore the russians are clearly here ahead of the general implementation of their plan, they tried to do everything as quickly as possible, and those events that are currently happening in the naturets agglomeration, yes, they have the potential for advancement, and they will advance. and in the future, because i will remind you that this is where one of the most combat-capable military groups of the russian occupiers today is concentrated, it is not only the southern group of troops, which is considered one of the most combat-capable, but this is a group of military centers
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that is concentrated precisely in the pokrovsky direction their most combat-ready motorized rifle brigades 15, 21 there 30, 55, 74 and so on. and so on, as well as the units of the 90th tank division, these are the most combat-capable units of the center troop group, all the others remained in the liman direction, and therefore there is a great potential, but even as of today, as we can see, it is not enough, they are starting to slow down, because they decided to do everything at the same time, while not completing, let's say, homework, that is, they did not complete, did not fully form the southern face, did not cut 05-04, in general even almost did not form the northern face, but started an offensive campaign in the turkish direction, and how it could end for them, they will advance, the main thing here is to understand this, but the price of this advance for the russians will be
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much more expensive than if they started these offensive actions, having fully all the conditions have been formed, well, your colleague konstantin. shovyts expressed the following about this, well, his opinion, that here, or they have some kind of timing according to which they have to do something by a certain date, so they do it, well, or they they are hoping for some reserves that no one knows where, no one has seen them, but everyone is talking about them, well, let's see, thank you very much oleksandr kovalenko, we have to go on a break now, so please stay with us, we will be back. for a pause, well, let's continue the conversation with another guest. there are discounts , which are the only discounts on eden 20% in the pharmacies psyllanyik, bam and oskad. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on normoven. 10% at
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a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they are crying for you, they are praying for you, we are sorry, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how difficult victory is, and we will do everything to make it faster. to hug you, so when you're home, when we're
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together, we're more than a family, we're a nation that united around you, every week the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in... the country and the world. vitaly portnikov and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. these are war chronicles. we are coming back. i will remind you about our fee for atvs for express. evacuation of the wounded and delivery of ammunition for, without exaggeration, the heroic soldiers of the 93rd separate
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of the mechanized brigade, cold yar, this is a very important collection, because atvs are very necessary, they help save lives, help bring more ammunition, and in principle, well, it allows our fighters to be more mobile and have... that support on the battlefield , which they need, so look, there are card numbers, there are qr-codes, use them, and in fact, be sure to donate, help, the amount there is also large, but i really hope that we will collect it with you, and in we have a new guest, dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the national guard brigade rubizh, major, i congratulate you, dmitry, good day studio, good day, dear viewers, let's see where you are, what
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's going on with you, what's going on with you, well, now for such a section of responsibility, tell me, well, somehow tell us about what you have, at the moment i am directly responsible for the section of the front, which is located in the bakhmut area. our unit is carrying out tasks directly in the area of ​​the settlement of spirne, and the situation in this direction is very difficult, because there are a lot of enemies, directly there is a lot of manpower, they carry out continuous assaults, but in fact they do not stop, even at night the enemy is already storming our positions, if six months ago storming at night was something... so incredible for the enemy, now they are already storming and day and night, all assaults
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are accompanied by artillery fire, aviation, and directly supported by fpv drones and copters, which drop explosive ammunition on our units. tell me, how do you rate them now, well, it has increased in principle there there are some such numbers of which... anyway, well, from your direction, they say that there is no advance of the enemy, but behind the fact that there is no advance of the enemy, well, usually there is something that has to be... restrained somehow, well in there are no enemy advance lines in the brigade defense area, our defenders stand in their positions, but it is worth understanding that any advance, as you said, is the action of our servicemen to restrain their assaults, and unfortunately, every assault is a loss for us , both sanitary and
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irreversible, unfortunately, this is war, and this it is necessary to understand, perhaps someone still in the body does not quite understand these... there are no words of loss of positions, but behind these words there is a titanic work and, unfortunately, losses among our servicemen, so everyone should understand that it is very difficult, and it is truly a feat of every serviceman who is there now. well, i 'm sorry, i paid attention, you have a roof where you're sitting, you know, very battered, battered, you're already on... that's why you came under some, well, under some kind of attack by something or something ? no, i'm in mine now official car, which has already seen, as they say, magnificent pipes, this is a warhorse that has already experienced a lot of shelling and encounters with tanks, that's why, well, it just
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looks like this now, well, at least it's good that it's on you go ahead and... and it helps you in principle, it’s a joke, tell me, but i just saw, well, another such inclusion of yours on the air, you said that there are now enough russian drones, when you say, there have been enough , what specifically has changed, that is, are these some new drones or that there really have been more of them, well, there are actually more of them, how does it feel, how can i understand it? and this is all in the kit, these are copters that can work, fpv drones that can work at night, these are fpv drones that have become more resistant to our reba means, and directly their number has increased significantly, because well, there are a lot of them, i i i can't put a figure on how many are applied to
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our positions per day, because that statistic is added up at the end of the day, but what... there could be more, more than 60 units per the line of defense of the brigade, where we are defending, it is actually, well, conventionally speaking, the line of defense of the brigade, but i will say, i am oriented in the line of defense, in its length, and 60 copters is, well, it is a lot for you understood, this is, well, in comparison with the past... months, now it has increased many times, and 60 copters are per day, or for what per day, per day, nothing, but if you compare, well, after all, ours capabilities and russian, so how would you now evaluate this ratio in terms of copters?
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there is no parity anymore, and our advantages are also, unfortunately the enemy outnumbers us, we outnumber... quality, that's because our drone operators are the rubizh brigade, they are constantly developing, self-improving, and doing everything possible to prevent the enemy from getting to our positions, and they sometimes do such somersaults on bends, which is a wonder , i wonder how it is even possible, but the enemy has an advantage in numbers, well, about the workshops, you know, now a video is going viral on the networks where the russians show... how your colleagues work ee this one - oh, i'm afraid i'll just make a mistake, to say who where, fly by shorter into such a small hole, literally inside, and they say there, oh, what a horror, yes, they fall, i understand that so far the russians are not very successful in achieving this with the same skill, well, why not
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underestimate the enemy, if we do not overestimate the enemy, we will... make a very big mistake, because it will be a big recalculation, in fact, the enemy also has well-trained crews, both fpv drones and mavics, the same scouts, but oh well not as many as they would like, and fortunately not as many for us, but they have them, huh, and what would you say? they said in relation, well, in the work of artillery, after all, it is always such an important question, and how important it remains in general. now, in the defense area of ​​the rubizh brigade, the enemy outnumbers us in artillery systems and in the number of shells fired at our positions, well, if you take how many shells we send in
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their direction, then they are numerically superior in shelling our positions, well, if we talk about the direction of siversk at all, then you can to say that the enemy has nevertheless become quite active there, lately, at least that's what they also said that... for a while they didn't try to advance there, but it's like how is there such a constant, constant build-up, are you really observing this , well, when they talk about this build-up, is it possible that it is not so, or have some additional forces moved there, well , can you see this, it can be seen from the fact that no matter how much we destroy the enemy, it does not decrease, i will point out one example, that... and one of the divisions of the reconnaissance company of the special the assignment of our brigade held a position in the area of ​​spirny, but for a long
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time there, because it was necessary to reinforce our infantrymen, who were simply exhausted in the battles, and the scouts took on this task, and during this time, while they held the position, they more than 20 enemy servicemen were destroyed by small arms fire alone, and this did not stop them. this is only by rifle fire, more than 20, how many more were destroyed by drones, well, no one counted, because they were there both on landings and in the fields, but here is what i i say that by gunfire - it's just that in front of the positions of our scouts, 20 more than 20 bodies were counted, so this does not stop them, despite heavy losses in personnel, they continue their assault, and this can only say that... they still have a supply of this assault meat, which really wants to die on our ukrainian land, well, if they were killed with small arms, then it means that
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these were directly assault groups, and these are very close battles, of course, it's just directly face to face, so these are no longer the kind of battles that were there for a certain time, when artillery shelling was going on and all this was at a distance, and these are just assault battles directly in the trenches, on that... these are the assault measures of the enemy, unfortunately, the enemy is now using a large number of weapons that jam our surveillance copters and using using this, they approach our positions as quickly as possible, moreover, they do it without equipment, so maybe they have some new means of camouflage, which i naturally doubt, but unfortunately there are such cases, although i don't care... or on these positions are not lost there were, ugh, that is, the enemy was destroyed, and if i understood you correctly, these are exactly assaults by small groups without the involvement of any
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armored vehicles, of course, that is, they are actually now really live assaults, but they are simply throwing meat in the literal sense, wave after wave, one wave has been destroyed, another wave is already being sent, sometimes without even waiting for our servicemen to destroy them. the first assault wave they send the second, and these are assaults on foot, or are they by some other means, well, bringing the enemy as close as possible to of the front line is usually carried out on equipment, the enemy's exit directly behind their defensive lines and approaching our firing positions is carried out on foot, well , that's enough, i would say that the battles are tough in this case and for them it is... first of all, tough on foot there is simply no storming, they will either die under our fire, or they will come back and destroy them for refusing
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to carry out a combat order, it is clear, well, thank you for taking the time to join us, it was dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section brigades of the national guard of rubizh, told about such direct, well, literally live assaults of our cops and close combats, and you know that, well... such a rather harsh reality of our war now, i thank you for your attention and stay with the espresso tv channel, see you soon. we are looking for ten-year-old artur kuznytsov from the kherson region. the boy lived. in the left-bank part of the region in the city of oleshki. from the first days of the war, the settlement was occupied by the russians, and at the same time information was received about the disappearance of the child. there is
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an assumption that... that arthur could be taken to russia, but it is possible that he may still be somewhere in the occupied territories of ukraine. i really hope that with your help the child will be found. if anyone has seen artur kuznytsov or knows where he may be now, please call us immediately on the magnolia children's search hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. also, important information can be transmitted with help. chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we we continue the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. karina's epiphany was told to us by her mother. imagine, a woman does not know anything about the fate of her daughter for more than a year. i am already shouting as much as i can, this is how they tied their hands and said to swim.
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here i am at the moment... karina's parents have been divorced for a long time and live separately. the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion, she went to her father and stayed with him. this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time, says the woman, she corresponded with her daughter on social networks. but in april of last year, the connection with karina mysteriously ended. the girl stopped logging into her accounts and where is she now? no one knows, i have already written everywhere, even on this territory , in search of a child, because i don’t know where they are shouting, how to find a child, i can’t, i am an adequate mother, for me a child is my life, the girl’s mother now is also in the occupied territory, recently we contacted her again, the woman suggests that her daughter could have been taken to russia, but exactly where is unknown, so it is important
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to know even the smallest details. details: i want to appeal to everyone who has seen or knows something about my child, who has been missing and stopped coming out since april 2023, this is karina igorevna, the date of birth is 08/09/2007. if anyone has seen karina kanivets, or knows anything about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and contact the magnolia children's search service immediately. number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i am asking for my beloved child. she will see, hear me, so that she will respond, i am really waiting for this. thanks to everyone who can help. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of
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appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown, especially temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication, everyone can help find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all the photos of the missing, who knows , maybe you will recognize someone. and eventually help you find it. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and let us know, and we'll run everything possible mechanisms of criminal punishment. stopcrime ua.
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we are starting the information day on the spresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna perubiy is working in the studio. before... the children and their mother were injured as a result of the russian attack on uspenivka, in zaporizhzhia. two enemy drones hit a house where a woman and her daughters, five and 10 years old, were. all were injured by broken glass, - said the head of the region, ivan fedorov. damaged house and farm buildings. and the russians wounded two people in sumy oblast. the enemy attacked from a drone highway sumy potyvel glukhiv.


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