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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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from them it comes out, this one in the video, thank you for, as they say, accents, so on , our colleagues from radio liberty will continue the broadcast, but before that there will be an all-ukrainian national minute of silence for those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. we will observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war. that it was unleashed by russia.
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record heat, power outages, non-working refrigerators and spoiled products are familiar to all of us, but small and medium-sized businesses that need, for example, freezers... product cooling chambers are faced with a challenge today, to come up with something, to invest more money in their business so that the products do not spoil, or to close altogether, because the business becomes unprofitable. how do you deal with such challenges these days, how do you save yourself, where do you choose to store products and buy them, write in the comments below this video. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, join our broadcast, we are starting.
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due to the record heat in ukraine in recent weeks, electricity consumption has reached maximum, so say vukrenergo, the lights began to be turned off for a longer period of time, in some places there is electricity supply in populated areas for only a few hours a day. energy experts promise that the situation should improve, because starting today in some regions of ukraine, the temperature will start to decrease, and the energoatom company repaired and connected one of the power units at the nuclear plant ahead of schedule, which will help generate electricity. despite this , millions of ukrainians still have six months to go, and as you know, they struggle with the heat and blackouts every day, refrigerators and air conditioners do not work most of the time, mothers carry their small children for a walk in their arms up the stairs, they also carry strollers with them, because the elevators do not work, older people are forced to climb to the upper floors in the heat, on foot, there may also be no water on the upper floors of high-rise buildings , because the pumps do not work due to a power outage.
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storage of products has become a separate problem, this applies to shops, our apartments and houses, as well as cafes and restaurants . despite the fact that the central streets of the city, sleeping areas hum from generators, everything spoils quickly. oleg ruban, head of the main department of the state consumer service of kyiv , says that the number of complaints about spoiled products in stores and food poisoning has tripled in recent weeks, and he advises to be careful. products, but the deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, denys marchuk , generally predicts an increase in prices, primarily for dairy, meat and bakery products due to additional business costs for keeping goods fresh and alternative sources of electricity for their production. we asked our colleagues to ask people on on the streets of ukrainian cities, and how do they cope with the heat and power outages, how do they cope with it in everyday life and do they get on at home
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with ... a way out of the situation, machines, machines that are now wireless, this is the only way out now for hairdressers, what kind of entrepreneurs, fops, that are wireless machines, we have a lot of them, unfortunately, well, it’s not a pity, but it’s good, what can to get out of such situations, the lights are turned off, people go, they want a haircut and it's difficult. inconvenient, and generators thought to do or not? well, we thought, but for the time being, it’s a bit financially difficult for us to make this generator here for the hairdresser, we have to change a few things and no, well, they have a little impact, for example, if there is any breakdown, there may even be a charge, let’s come there is no light in the garage, and even in the dark you can’t see anything, but we look a little at the graphs, somehow try to adjust the fact that even if during the day the scooter is discharged or the battery is discharged, then we try, we come, we see that there is light according to the schedule there plus or minus. put on charging,
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and the same at night, it's good that we have chargers there at night that turn off, turn on independently, there 's nothing wrong with that, unfortunately, i don't have any disconnections. so that i am on the line, if there are two hospitals, and there is a kindergarten, so i’m lucky, the air conditioner works constantly, it’s ugly, how do you save yourself, how do you get out of the situation with food, well, how is the refrigerator turned off so that it doesn’t even burn, so what? hold on defeated, everything will be fine, thank you, we will win, this. these are the working-class people, we have to overcome them, survive, we walk on the street, we walk on the street, with coolers, drinks, bars, and food as in these conditions, we don’t buy a lot and that’s all because the refrigerator doesn’t
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work, food, but the streets, food we throw away, well, i... we save ourselves, well, we try to turn on the air conditioners when there is light, we try to somehow save, buy products a little at a time, but now they are already piled up in stores, that’s all, but to face the fact that it is addicting very often almost every day, especially when it comes to meat products, the milkman walks by, we run the air conditioner, we turn it on when there is... light, then we close the windows completely, lower the curtains and in this way the cold stays more or less, you can read, well, bottles with ice, and the products, because well, there is a complete problem with products in general, so we simply switched to such
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a one-day purchase regime, we do not buy anything with a reserve, just what we will eat today and everyone, by the way, in the comments i call on our viewers... and their advice, life hacks, which, like you are coping, maybe something that you just heard from people whom we asked on the streets of ukrainian cities, and they also respond to you, olena sydorenko, a professor of the state university of trade and economics, as well as an expert on the quality and safety of goods, joined our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you olena for joining, thank you radio svoboda, for always relevant topics, yes, the topic cannot be said how relevant, ladies... tell us how to check the products when we buy them, from what in general, maybe , worth in these days refuse, i have already heard such advice, just cook porridge and eat porridge, but even storing food at home in the refrigerator is already becoming problematic, refrigerators do not
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last, do not even have time to cool down, when the lights are turned off so often, yes, well, what i want to say is, first of all, i am glad for the indomitable spirit of ukrainians, we saw that... the main thing is that we will win, endure, that is the truth. secondly, i want to say that in this period, the hot period, according to my monitoring, which is long-term, of course, always more infectious diseases, food poisoning, and i want to say, one such advice from my observation at the moment, i applaud our business, i applaud our trade networks, well-known, widespread, which... provide uninterrupted power through the use of generators, and in fact i observe , that the refrigeration equipment works all the time, and this is a huge plus, that is , accordingly, the main advice regarding food products, as we have already heard in the survey
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of our ukrainians, our fellow citizens, is the main thing is not to cook in stock, that is, for today unacceptable situation. because if the blackout is 6-7 hours, you cannot guarantee a stable, stable temperature in the refrigerator, so we prepare fresh food, and it is very healthy for the family of this, it can be prepared very easily, we now have a huge selection of different vegetables in our fertile land , fruit, we buy, for example, fillets, there's chicken or whatever... meat or eggs, we buy from places where you can be sure, if you're not so sure, you have to heat it well, again, if there is an opportunity with e source of energy that you have electric or gas tiles, heat treatment
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is mandatory, if there is no possibility of heat treatment, then yes, we go to well -washed fresh salads, for example, or we can boil eggs there, when we have a source of electricity or something else for cooking, combine vegetables and protein products , nothing has changed, but well-heated protein products, that is, fish, meat, eggs and vegetables are well washed, because otherwise we will, of course, take risks in such a hot period, so these are the basic rules, and no one canceled the boards for raw food and processed ee boards on which we cut, cook, separately, please sign, just raw food, ready food, this is a rule that no one has canceled, which is
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absolutely necessary. the refrigerator chambers must be clean, if the blackout is prolonged, please wash everything well during the blackouts, and then try to open the chambers as little as possible during the blackouts, if there is anything stored there, but i do not recommend protein products. we have milk, that milk lasted. storage is a great product, but after the opening, of course, it should also be implemented as soon as possible, if the family is small, then we buy small volumes, and if more, we can buy larger volumes. the main thing is fresh food, freshly prepared, cleanly washed hands always. i emphasize dried fish, because it is always a problem of butulism, dried fish, the source, it does not undergo heat treatment, just like cold-smoked fish, so here are these products that... do not undergo heat treatment technology, they must be absolutely quality, and you can't be
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sure, you never know from where the trade network received a lie, according to the documents, it came from production, and where did it get to production, when half, or even 70% of the fish is illegally caught, you can never be sure, and even more so, you cannot be sure how this food was delivered , even if the store has all the standards, let's talk about retail chains, because i... i struggled with that, even to the extreme heat, when i started asking questions about how the products are cooled, i was sometimes yelled at by a saleswoman somewhere there, and , because i understand, see that during the day, for example, the generators work, but at night they still do not work, and there are blackouts, and whether the refrigerator-cameras can maintain the temperature is a big question, especially when it is necessary to feed food to small children, it is a double and triple responsibility, and, that is, we we ask the question, is it correct in stores? to the seller, in what condition, how are they stored, if there are doubts, then as i understand it, we do not buy, thermally, as you said, we process it, if
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you have encountered those, there are also a lot of such cases, when you bought the product, the term the shelf life is supposedly normal, but we open that yogurt to a child and it can be seen that it is spoiled, is there any point, does it make sense to go and complain to this store, and of course, absolutely only to complain, the most questions, because... uh, eh, workers of trade, trade networks, well, first of all, these are many of our partners, we cooperate with the university, as a rule, these are quite virtuous, responsible workers, but there are different ones, especially in different parts of the country, if you ask and they answer you rudely, aggressively, you can leave product and go to another store, because where food products are stored properly, you will always... be answered politely and understandingly, this is the main criterion for me, i
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ask without fail, this is the criterion, the indicator that also finally shows , whether food products are stored correctly, in addition, any refrigeration equipment must contain a thermometer, it is either on the side or in the middle, but it must be, and you can see if the temperature is stable how much... it keeps, if you buy in the morning, is there condensation, if the products were defrosted at night, it will definitely be seen whether the shape of the product is preserved, and finally, of course, we pay attention to how well the product is hermetically packed, but here it is such a thing that, for example, raw-smoked or raw-cured sausages, hermetically packed it is also a danger, because botulism clostridia, betulotoxin just on... in hermetically packaged products without air access at temperatures above +10°, so i recommend in
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any case, especially at the moment, to buy such raw-smoked, raw-dried sausages, products that are not hermetically packed, that is , products that contain packaging with perforations, this is very important, i want to say that it is always necessary, we will continue to talk on our air with business representatives about what challenges are ahead... obviously, but tell me as to whether it is dangerous to buy products in markets nowadays and how much those dangers are increasing, and there is fast food, street food, should we give it up? is it still possible for a small business, it can treat products better and have better storage conditions, than even if you make a canape for yourself at home, spend half a day with it and eat there during the day, what are your tips? here, if you only know well the seller of a small one, that is, a small business, because as a rule the conditions for maintaining
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the proper temperature are not very great, if fast food is known, i won't name it, but everyone probably understands. there are very strict quality standards, very strict, the products are stable in terms of quality, i have not heard of poisonings from large fast foods that maintain their reputation, if a small one, look at how the boards or knives are treated are used properly, because, for example, very often during this period, shawarma is also a source of poisoning, especially salmonella, because it can contaminate... both a person and products that, raw products, ready-made products on the same board, that's all it is done quickly, with this incredible spice, we are taking a big risk, i categorically do not recommend it here, but you have to look at the condition, because maybe some entrepreneur will ensure a very good condition of his business, then of course you can
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trust, i cannot say so yet, you must absolutely... watch and understand that you are taking a risk. mrs. elena, here we have a viewer lora lora, who writes in the comments that for us, who survived the terrible 90s, there are no problems at all, i do not see them, because somehow i must solve them, the main thing is not to be spineless and at least a little optimistic, so hope for the best, but there are also comments that here is a family, three small children, a business, a small shop and a husband and wife are thinking about closing it down, because it is unprofitable and very difficult save. products, and, that is there are so many stories. i thank you, ms. olena, for getting involved and giving professional advice on how to approach the products we buy today for ourselves and our children. olena sydorenko, a professor at the state university of trade and economics and an expert on product quality and safety, was our guest.
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the largest load on the energy system of ukraine is created by industrial consumers, and accordingly they are disconnected from it. electricity supply first, deputy minister of energy of ukraine mykola said about it wheeler. he calls on ukrainian businesses to use electricity sparingly, in particular, to turn off external advertising. according to kolisnyk, the government has given the industry the opportunity to import electricity. its total share can reach 30% in the off-season and up to 50% during the heating period. for example, one of the kyiv commercial and office centers switched to the purchase of imported electricity from abroad directly in order to... facilitate the work of the ukrainian energy system. now he buys it directly from four countries: slovakia, poland, romania and hungary. for small businesses, such as cafes, restaurants and grocery stores, it is much more difficult. oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, says that the power outage in combination with the heat, which has lasted for almost two weeks in most regions of ukraine,
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primarily affects food products, dairy products, meat, fish and other goods that require mandatory frosts, and vegetables, fruits and greens quickly lose their marketable appearance, but ukrainian business continues to work, institutions purchase generators, stores order less perishable goods, my colleague roman smoller will tell you more. these are the types of diesel generators that have become available now. a lifesaver for business in conditions of power outages, however, even they do not allow us to work at full capacity, - says the owner of a lviv coffee shop, even with the fact that we changed our generator to a more powerful one, well, we probably work at about 60%, that is, all coffee equipment it's hot, it doesn't work, the air conditioners don't work,
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the hood doesn't work, it's hot in the kitchen. chief confectioner oksana says: when you work in the kitchen, blackouts are especially noticeable. now it is very difficult for us to work, because the lights are constantly turned off, we have a variety of pastries, yeast dough, puff pastry, croissants are made, the heat in the kitchen is unbearable. generators are fed near every coffee shop in the center of lviv, some are indignant that they are getting tired of theirs. constant noise even in the heat, but there are many who do not mind walking around the city or sitting on a summer terrace in a cafe. and this is kyiv, the situation here. similar: u small grocery stores say they now have to order fewer perishables, especially dairy products,
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and even have to raise prices on some products to offset costs. it has a very negative effect, there is no light for 6-8 hours a day, and not only dairy products, it affects ice cream, we order little milk, butter is also little, because it spoils, well, we return everything , it turns out in... someone from depends on the generator, will there be any earnings at all? the freezer depends on the light, we we pour ice cream in there, it freezes, and if there is no light, no generator, no ice cream, no sales, so yes, without a generator or other power source, business cannot survive now, the government has provided the opportunity to buy electricity abroad directly, but this is an opportunity for big businesses and corporations, medium and small. businesses are instead offered as support a credit program for the purchase of energy equipment and the abolition of the duty on the import of electricity generating equipment. roman
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smolyar for radio liberty. we will continue talk with businesswomen, the owner of a small business of frozen semi-finished products from the khmelnytskyi region. kateryna vaskivska joined our broadcast. katerina, congratulations, thank you for joining. good morning everyone, is it possible already day, because the morning has started very. it is very early, katerina, you are optimistic, you have time for everything, a lot of work, your business, well , directly depends on the availability of electricity, it is clear how you give advice, what you do, what life hacks you do to preserve products, well you know we already are for a long time we have been dependent on turning off and on the light, that is, even when there was a total blackout, we then realized that we needed to do something about it, of course, that we also bought generators, and well, first of all, this... we want to somehow plan, you know, and schedules install, and you want to produce all the raw materials so quickly that there is nothing left,
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because, for example, it is much easier to store finished products, you can turn on several freezers there and it will all be stored, that is, on the generator, maintain the appropriate temperature regimes, but today it has become a little more difficult, because the schedules are very... already floating, and accordingly, we also try not to store raw materials at all, we try so that the girls understand what is going on, quickly , for example, to do one, two, another process, and everything to freeze, and everything to be stored exactly in the freezer, that’s why in this plan, well, it’s really difficult for us today, because we can’t to provide one generator, well, that is, it is very necessary... a powerful generator for our production, so we try to connect, i will say, one thing, then another, a third, although i can't complain yet, because we have it right here in our
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district, the lights are not turned off so often, but here where we have a store where we sell products, so we are there very often and we are always on the generator, if that is all during the day, well, if it is normal, you have to fill in that gas and work, then at night it is a little more difficult, because well... no you can be like a robot 24x7, here, and katerina, do you already have experience when products are spoiled and both the finished products and the ingredients you use to make the products, and what percentage can that be, let's say, financial losses for your business? you know, it turns out that , for example, if i am still for my products that i just made, i am sure about them, but for example, sometimes it happens that... when a supplier delivers something, then everything has to be done very carefully to check, because it could be the case that, well, he also has to adapt to all these conditions, then, accordingly, it was the case that
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we returned the local one, i understand that there are problems with the connection, probably kateryna has no electricity right now, so there may be real questions about the mobile connection, let me remind you that we are communicating with the owner of the little one. of a business from khmelnytskyi, this is kateryna vaskivska, and we will now reconnect, and kateryna tells about how her business works in these conditions, when the production of frozen products requires electricity, obviously, for storing ingredients and for storing of the manufactured products itself, you you can write now in the comments, by the way , about your experience, because i am near my house in the district, for example, i check in those stores where i am a regular customer, how products are stored there, whether the generator works only during the day, or if it is possible at night to keep these products in freezers, i ask such questions, and i also often look at
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the reaction, how much... they answer me sincerely, there are also such stories when the saleswoman can simply point and offer to smell the products, for example, there is raw meat , to check the quality or not, write in in the comments, what is your experience, kateryna vaskivska is back on our air, kateryna, please tell me if you still had such problematic moments, when you may have complained, when people bought products in your store, and then it turned out that she is spoiled, well, as for our products, which we manufacture... this has not happened, because i will say, we try very carefully to adhere to the temperature regime, so if suddenly i see that we will not have time for something, or something will be really spoiled , we will never be him well, processing, manufacturing, freezing, here, and about other products, so i understand that i even had such cases when i came to the store and bought the same product, it has good terms, but inside it is already plastered, ee
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to you... accordingly, we also try to explain to people that if suddenly something happens, we will return the funds, we, that is, we go to eh, well , to meet people, not that even to meet, we all perfectly understand that we are here all depend, i would even say, it is not from time, but from our neighbor, with whom we live, we need to adapt, because there is simply no other way, we need to maintain optimism, if only the mood, because if you fold your hands, nothing will happen at all, i am very dependent on my team, because today i have, well, 10 people who are also needed, who also need to be paid wages, and i want them to, well, they also have families and i want everything to be at a normal level, so here in such a plan, thank you, thank you , kateryna, for sharing your experience, kateryna vaskivska, owner business in khmelnytskyi region, told how
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it works now in such conditions, i also see a lot of comments, please continue to share your experience, it is very important, each of us has our own experience, our own experience of communication, selection of products and that what we faced, and we will continue to talk about challenges for business as well, natalya petrivska, executive director of the public union ukrainian food alliance, joined our broadcast, congratulations, thank you for joining, congratulations, we will talk with you as much as... already about medium and large business, and because we want to consider all areas in this sense, and it is clear that business depends in this sense, which is related to products, from the availability of electricity directly, which had to be replaced in work now and what is profitability, how much is invested in ensuring that the product does not spoil, today medium and large businesses spend money on it, so that
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in the end everything... reaches the consumer in a normal, high-quality condition? well, first of all, i want to note that the experience of 2022. 2023 showed that business really needs to prepare, and retail chains during this time equipped their own stores and warehouses with powerful generators, and today the stores work thanks to them, but it is worth noting that it has become much more difficult to actually work, because today... the day of blackouts are long-term, increasing business expenses for maintenance, diesel refueling, and repair and, if necessary, replacement of these generators. in turn, i would like to point out that today retail chains are doing everything possible in order to ensure the quality of food products. the priority, of course, is
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to preserve the quality of the speed. bulk food stored in refrigerators and freezers, so they are connected on a permanent basis. i understand that there are already examples when some chains refuse products that can spoil quickly, so should ukrainians expect any changes in this sense, that some products may simply not appear on the shelves? in fact, it is very important for us to maintain a range of products that... is located in trade networks, because we understand that ukrainian manufacturers also depend on the work of trade networks, and stable sales of their goods are also important to them, so different options can be considered here, or a change in logistics, reduction of stocks in warehouses and fast delivery to stores, reduction purchase volumes and longer time.


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