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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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of time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests studios, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but... how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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we are coming back, once upon a time international politics was something like news from a neighboring galaxy, now it is actually ukrainian news, only from a different angle, now we will talk with a former people's deputy, she is in her eighth term headed the foreign affairs committee of the parliament, and now she is the chairman of the board of the ants network for the protection of national interests, mrs. hanna, glory to ukraine, thank god for everything, yes, madam, mrs. hanna, we immediately start with this key moment, that one pierced ear changes the whole the composition of politics globally and in america in particular, therefore, with a taped ear, mr. trump becomes the official candidate of the republicans, and here is the series called incumbent president joe biden, candidate or not candidate remains, and every day everything more and more information absolutely.
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diametrically opposite, there are influential democrats in power, says the politician, they ask biden to withdraw, biden himself says that it is only due to the state of health, then we start the morning with the fact that joe biden's covid is confirmed once again, it is still not official candidate, the sponsors also say, we will freeze funds for the election campaign for the time being, how will this series end? well, it's actually hard to say, because there are different expert assessments and different influential democrats and sponsors, that is, we see different positions, even within the closest circle there are also opinions that are opposite to each other, but i think that it is better for ukraine not to just watch this series, give comments, but to prepare serious studies so that regardless of... who will become
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the next president ukraine, oh, ukraine, my god, who will be the next president of the united states, we clearly understood that this should not negatively affect the support of our state by the united states of america, so after the republican party convention took place, we know who already a candidate for the position of vice president, one must look for various opportunities to work. with the closest entourage, to look for ways out for wives, various influential people, to work out the possibilities of sponsors of these two parties, to talk with those states that are the largest producers of weapons, to talk about economic prospects, that is, all that to show that the defeat of russia, it is in interests... of the usa, whoever becomes the next
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head of the white house, why is it beneficial from an economic point of view also for america, because this fear that if russia loses in ukraine and one of the scenarios of disintegration will begin, it is, unfortunately, present, and that is why we need to give different arguments, why only the victory of ukraine, it is about the authority of the united states, it is about preventing new threats in those... strategic regions of the world, such as the indo-pacific region, where the us has its own priorities, so our task is to work through these information campaigns, to communicate with american society so that the level of empathy for ukraine does not decrease, because the domestic political agenda of the us, no one removed the issue of the wall, no one filmed an issue that concerns migrants in the usa and many. such as, in particular, the reduction
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of economic well-being, many other issues that are more priority for us citizens than helping ukraine. well, yes, because as we speak. about the elections in the usa, it is as if we are divided into the fact that with biden there will be support, with trump, this support will completely disappear, but in reality, american society as such, it is the same under biden, american society, and under trump american society society, i.e. you think that more work should be done, so to speak, with american citizens, and not to discuss who will be the next president, right? well, look, any of our... discussions, first of all, can be considered as interference, especially when such statements are made by the highest officials or politicians, we remember that during poroshenko's time, that now, when careless phrases, then they were interpreted, in particular in the united states
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of america, as support for one party or another, at a time when it is critically important for ukraine to have a two-party system... and for this, we have to be as careful as possible, because in our country everyone likes to evaluate candidates, evaluate who finances, or whose interests, and so on, well, i don't even want to do it myself now, because somehow it's important for us, but after returning a week having spent now in washington and seeing how hot it is there, not just on the street, but the heat in general in political life, and i think that it is impossible to recklessly allow ukraine to become a ball on the political field of american presidential debates and campaigns, but that's what you need, you need to drive to send our military veterans, it is necessary to work with religious organizations,
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especially evangelicals, baptists, to explain why i do not know, it is god's plan, that ukraine must win, and ukraine will win, and therefore it is already a responsibility. next leaders, this is our task, ms. hanna, look, you are talking about a large number of such network -horizontal connections, and by the way, your successor, who now heads the committee on foreign policy of inter-parliamentary cooperation, oleksandr mareshko, is also talking about it, that is, that it should be bicameral support, and a two-course dialogue, but also admitted that at the official level we still have an intensive. there are no dialogues with the republicans, and the question hangs in the air then, who could potentially, because you are talking about various grassroots civic initiatives, who at the highest level could be an authoritative interlocutor with the republicans from our
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side? well, actually, first of all, i believe that the ukrainian state should, and the last visit, in particular to the usa, where there were meetings with the leadership and... the democratic party and all representatives of the committees key to us, as well as the republican, and the visits to utah also show that our task is to convey to both parties that it is in the strategic interests of the united states in their national interests, because we often suffer from ukrainian-centricity, thinking that our problematic issues, provision of weapons at the front, tougher sanctions against russia, this is... what the american establishment wakes up and sleeps with, no, it's not like that, so our task is to explain, in particular, why, regardless of who will become the next president of the united states, only authority america from
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the victory of ukraine will strengthen, yes, but you all say, mrs. gano, you say our word, you say our word is our task, we, we, and i am asking you about specific... persons, that is , there is a salt of markarov, but she herself cannot to maintain a dialogue every day and not to interfere, i ask about those powerful men and women who could conduct a constant dialogue at the highest level, and not sporadic meetings for some events, for example, there are summits in washington, who can do it here, just me would advise the president, the office of the president, the ministry of foreign affairs, government especially after the nato summit, because there are different assessments of the nato summit. for example, for me , this summit is absolutely not historical, it is even a failure from the point of view of the ambitions of the north atlantic alliance to restrain the axis of evil due to the lack of historical solutions,
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in particular, giving ukraine a formal invitation, but inside ukraine there are those who believe that ukraine has received too many anti-aircraft systems defense, training. the opening of a nato office here, and so on, but despite slightly different assessments regarding the success of the nato summit inside the country, this does not mean that... that it is not necessary to gather now, and the president, it would be, i believe, an important step, to gather, without fearing the representatives and the democratic opposition, who are often under a travel ban, and it is absolutely wrong to gather foreign policy experts who were in washington, who have authority in the international arena and are engaged in professional advocacy, and finally discuss what to do next, because the second peace summit is planned, we want to... understand what and have more information, especially those people who
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defend national interests and do it effectively. that is why the president and her office of the foreign ministry, the parliament, and the veteran communities, also, this is extremely important, such organizations, i don't know, hospitalists, others, those who can travel and demand the recognition of russian aggression, have long since re-entered the dialogue within ukraine. genocide, to talk about the fact that some nato member countries still play along with the aggressor, do not block tankers with oil products and fuel the russian economy, that is, it is important that after forming a national team in ukraine, we could be with so many voices, those uncomfortable messages were conveyed by those people, such as soldiers, veterans, wounded, those who were captured, that would be one voice policy on the one hand, but clearly. what is the national interest, and not what someone wants, let's all say
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what someone needs, no, we need to understand that we are now facing a very difficult period, when there will be attempts to involve ukraine in an internal political presidential campaign, that is, there will even be various signals that let's support this or that candidate and so on further, and we have to preserve this ponad, as they say, with their ponadsha. you can say, but on the other hand, we also need to not, as they say, invest this time in working out the two parties and those candidates for president, vice president, let's see who will still be, until yesterday it was somehow more or less strategically clear, with one voice, one powerful team with two wings of american politics, but without interference. but things have actually changed a little since yesterday, because yesterday vance officially
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announced that he agreed to be the vice president the usa, and everything rushed, first we reacted in moscow, lavrov praised vance for his anti-ukrainian position and his statement, to stop any aid to ukraine, as the right decision, and lavrov is already applauding together with maria zakharova. and how do we now here, as they say, with one team, with one voice , correctly play this vance card. vance is a difficult politician, a couple of years ago he called trump the american hitler, and now he agrees to be his vice president. well, listen, as you yourself just said, he had one for a couple of years opinion, and now he is together with trump in one, as they say, company claiming for... higher power in the usa, it also seems to me that various statements during the election campaign, especially
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old statements, that is, we should distinguish between the statements of the candidates to the positions of president, vice president, and already actions, when they get power and will understand that they are responsible to the american people, that is, we should be tolerant of such a bipolar girl, to schizophrenia, i say one thing, and then do another, that is, we as society. different way, communicate with his wife our task is simply to explain now to vance, to look for the opportunities of his friends entourage, to talk to those sponsors who made it so that he got this just became a candidate for vice president, to shape public opinion, because in the united states america is still... it remains that i believe that politicians are obliged to respond, and we know that, for example, more than 50% of americans
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support ukraine's membership in nato, among the republican party there is still a very high percentage of continuing to provide military aid to ukraine, there is even a high level of support for sending troops to ukraine, so our task is not to scatter our emotional resources, to be creative in what is the name of the candidate there, and so on, but to look for opportunities to create for him, let's say, the field where there is support, where there is no support for ukraine. will be very expensive, it is much more complicated than simply giving estimates, it means that you need to gather in kyiv, strategize, work with various companies, travel to the united states of america, engage in advocacy for the interests of ukraine, this much more difficult than sitting on the air and giving ratings and thinking that you
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are influencing something, you don't need to engage in self-congratulation that you are a super genius by calling someone names or. predicting that ukraine is already a disaster with one or another candidate, mrs. hanna, thank you, because we will now be moving from america to europe, hanna govko, thank you, deputy of the previous convocation and former head of the committee on foreign affairs, and our colleague tetiana vysotska , because there are also active days in europe, now the elections for the president of the european commission are ongoing, tanya, we congratulate you and let's listen carefully, the prospects, fondern said, we are keeping our fingers crossed for her in the studio, in fact, we should really keep our fingers crossed for her, right now her program speech to the european deputies is going on, she outlines all her goals and priorities for the next 5 years, and very good that before my inclusion she already made several important statements about ukraine that i heard and can
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share with you, ursula fondeen of course stated that europe ... will continue to support ukraine for e in the event of her re-election, and there were very interesting statements for example, she said that two weeks ago one of the prime ministers of the european union went to moscow, meaning of course orbán, and he went there with a so-called peace mission, but according to ursula vonderlajen, this peace mission was nothing else , than a mission of pacification, and after that the advantages... the majority of the members of the european parliament began to applaud, that is, the speech was interrupted, and this indicates that, after all, the ukrainian majority in the european parliament, once again, is preserved, the european parliament remains pro-ukrainian, and no orban and no extremes right-wing groups cannot stop the general movement of europe to support ukraine. a few more tests
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from fonderlajen's speech, because they are important. two days after orban's visit, putin. directed its missiles at a children's hospital and a maternity hospital in kyiv - said ursula fonderlein, and it was not a mistake, it was a clear message for us, and what kind of message will the european union send in response to putin. ursula funderlein said that the european union should provide ukraine with everything it needs to win, and the european union will be with ukraine as for as long as she needs it, and this... is our message - stated ursola fondelain, that is , let's hope that she will be re-elected, because she is the president of the european commission, who is a really great friend of ukraine, who has many plans for ukraine, and let this policy continue. and the voices and applause, in principle, it can be somehow correlated,
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the procedure itself will get over for her, it assumes that she should have, if i'm not mistaken, half a plus. one vote, right? what are the prospects yes, actually, there is a little bit of it concern because she really needs 361 votes, that's 50% plus one of the number of meps, which is now 720, but if we remember the vote for ursula fonderlein when she was elected for her first term, she only got 51% of the votes, for her voted then... 300,383 deputies and 327 voted against, and this is despite the fact that the last convocation of the european parliament was less right-wing, yes, in this convocation of the european parliament, there are many more right-wing deputies, right-wing forces, extreme right-wing forces that will vote against kuruliphone, therefore
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it is quite possible that if she passes today, then again with such a result very... very precisely, last time it was 51%, maybe this time the same, and if not ursula fondelein, then who? and then it will be decided by the leaders of the european union, within a month, they will have to meet in an emergency meeting of the european council, and there all 27 leaders, including orbán, unfortunately, and including, unfortunately, fice, who has recovered, will have to decide who will the next person and candidate. sound completely different, including even roberta mytsola, who was elected president of the european parliament, because she has a lot of support in the european parliament, she received more than 500 votes on tuesday, they called oh, actually now, now
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everyone is focused on whether ursula will pass or not, and they are actually counting the votes, counting the applause in the hall , the statements count, because, for example, there is the european conservatives and reformists faction, which is considered far-right, but there, for example, goes... the party of the brothers of italy, robert, my god, the prime minister of italy, giorgi melonia and, for example, the peace of poland party, which is pro-ukrainian, then european conservatives and reformists can give votes for upsula fondelyan that will help her win, because in fact, if you take, for example, yesterday's vote, yesterday, let me remind you... the parliament approved the first resolution in the new convocation, and this resolution was dedicated to support for ukraine, ukraine,
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the need to increase support for ukraine, and just when we see the result of the vote, who voted for the ukrainian resolution, we are surprised, maybe not surprised, but with with joy, we can state that this particular parliamentary faction is small. european conservatives and reformists gave almost all their votes to ukraine, here i have them, here i even made notes, but of course i can't find them. yes, and we, we were also surprised at that time, that votes for the ukrainian resolution went from this flank, from this sector, and tell me, please, how many more? will there be time to vote and when are the results, well at least preliminary, when will we know if ursula fonderlein has a chance? so now she is
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is still speaking, here i see here on the monitor, that is, the speech is very long, after that the debate will begin, which will last more than an hour, will speak as representatives of political groups, and there we will also see who is in favor, who is against, who says what . then deputies will speak simply from their seats, and after that ursula fonder will again give the floor for the final answer, perhaps answers to some objections, because , for example, part of the accusation of corruption, why some projects were kept silent and so on, that is, also not without some such subclavian ones intrigues, and after that the deputies will go on a break and only at 1:00 p.m. local time... this is the 14th after kyiv, voting will begin, voting is secret, and this is the problem that a person can smile and say that he supports fondelaien , but to vote against,
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so the voting starts at 2 p.m. kyiv time and somewhere close to 4 p.m. we will already know the result and i hope that in the news at 4 p.m. i will include and talk about it, thank you tanya, we will look forward to the inclusion at 16 in order to already... find out the results live, we just saw ursula fondeliam from the european parliament with her speech, and we remind you that this is exactly the person who clearly and consistently supports ukraine in the war against the russian-fascist enigma, and tetyana vysotska tells us about it, thank you tanya, until the next meetings, beautiful work in the european parliament, we are going on a short break, then khrystyna parubiy with news and we will return. to you again attention, a profitable offer. order a smart
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11:00 am
strong. 10% in plantain pharmacies. bam and savings are discounts represent the only discounts on penistiel 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. 11 o'clock. it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the maximum number of hours without power due to the release of evil to the equipment at two energy facilities in 12 regions of ukraine, from eight in the morning to 10 in the evening, four rounds of blackouts will be applied. we are talking about the regions of central, southern and eastern ukraine, as well as the capital. in other areas, restrictions apply according to...


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