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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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10% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings are discounts represent the only discounts on pennyel 15% in pharmacies plantain you to savings. 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the maximum number of hours without electricity due to equipment failure at two energy facilities in 12 regions of ukraine from 80 in the morning to 10 in the evening , four rounds of shutdowns will be applied. we are talking about the regions of central, southern and eastern ukraine, as well as the capital. in other areas, restrictions apply according to... announced
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four shifts are scheduled from 16:00 to 22:00, at other times - three. detective roman chervinsky, who was released on bail yesterday, is back in court. now under a new charge. sbu colonels accused of fraud. apparently, in 2020, he tried to get hold of $100,000, posing as an official of the state fiscal service. considers the case in shevchenkivsky district. of kyiv, but having just gathered for the meeting, they announced a break until 12:45, because the prosecutors did not hand chervinsky a request for the application of a preventive measure, apparently not knew his whereabouts. they demand house arrest for the ex-spy. he couldn't find chervinsky yesterday, he didn't know where he was, all of ukraine knew where he was, the way he was being followed. to the place of his permanent
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stay with his family, this, this place is determined by the court decision of the relevant appellate court of the city of kropyvnytskyi, everyone knew, but the prosecutor did not know, well, it is possible that this happens, for these reasons, the prosecutor simply neglected his duties, not handed over neither the defense nor chernitskyi's stammering, in connection with this, the court session was postponed to today, to a later time in order to... give mr. chervinsky an opportunity to familiarize himself with this petition, they understood that the case would fail, that the case would fail in one and a half year, you and i made a demonstrative, let's say, our state treason, how they do all this inside, and that's why they simply want to put me under house arrest with the hands of this judge so that i don't communicate with the press, because there are a lot of applications there from such newspapers as the new york times. and to the ukrainian ones
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regions, as a result of russian shelling of donetsk region, two people died, 17 were injured. this was reported by the press service of the national police of ukraine. during the day , the occupiers shelled the region more than 2,500 times. residential buildings, enterprises, industrial buildings and 42 civilian objects were damaged. in total, 16 settlements were hit by the enemy. one person died and three others were injured due to russian shelling of the kharkiv region. at night, the kaboom enemy attacked the jammer. a private house caught fire, a 60-year-old woman died. two men aged 69 and 80 were injured. another one was injured in petropavlivka. the russians dropped a drone's ammunition on the village, oleh synogubov, the head of the region, said. the occupiers attacked kupyansk with drones and artillery. not a civilian
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car and a police official car. at night , the russians attacked ukraine with 16 shaheds and three missiles, two kh-59 and one kh-35. our defenders of the sky shot down all the drones and two kh-59 missiles. most of the targets were destroyed in the eastern direction. air defense forces worked in dnipropetrovsk, poltava, zaporizhia, kyiv and kharkiv regions. drones the enemy launched from kursk oblast, and missiles from the southern direction - the air force reported. russians wounded six residents of kherson region. during the day, the enemy shelled 16 towns and villages of the region. he aimed at an agricultural enterprise and residential quarters. four high-rise buildings and 22 private houses were damaged - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. in nivachchyna, economic. buildings
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and cars. two men were injured due to russian shelling of the border dnipropetrovsk region. the enemy struck with drones and artillery. it's hard in nikopol. jena is a two-story building and 13 private houses, two outbuildings were destroyed and six were gutted. solar panels and cars in nivychchyna. the shop was on fire, it was quickly extinguished - reported the head of the region, serhiy lesak. at night, air defense forces in dnipropetrovsk region shot down two rockets of five shaheds, in the evening the russians launched a rocket attack on the senelnikiv district, a fire broke out. the russians wounded two people in the sumy oblast, the enemy. attacked the sumy-putyvel gluhiv highway from a drone, also from drones fired at the bilopol community, five explosions were heard there, the regional military administration reported. during the day , the occupiers struck along the border 27 times, eight communities were under fire, and 44
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explosions were heard. 91 ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied luhansk region were taken to russia for so -called patriotic schools. the head of the luhansk regional military administration, artem lysogohor, informed about this. the minors will spend three weeks in the voin center in the volgograd region. they will be taught fire, tactical, engineering training, communications organizations, drone management, and will conduct propaganda classes. they prepare thoroughly, because the occupiers believe that in the terrorist lpr, every schoolchild must be ready for war. pupils. explosions rang out at night in the temporarily occupied sevastopol, anti-aircraft defense was working, - said the occupying authorities of the city. they assured that they repelled attempts to attack a surface drone. the unmanned vehicle was allegedly destroyed. it was loud at night in mirny and novoozerny. locals reported that in
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novoozerny, windows were blown out from the explosions and the light went out. propagandists assured that military exercises are taking place on the territory of the black sea region. russian partisans sabotaged a military airfield near the city of permin in russia, destroyed several units of military equipment of the russian army, the video was released by the fighters of the legion of freedom of russia. they thanked the persian underground for destroying equipment that did not even have time to reach the front. and in yekaterinburg, russia, there is power. the strategic plant of the occupiers, ural transmash, is on fire. the video was released by propaganda media. the cause of the fire is currently unknown, but this enterprise specializes in the production of military equipment, as well as machine tools and tram cars. this is the only russian enterprise that manufactures saw units.
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they did not listen to the warnings not to go fight in ukraine and died on the international day of listening. 1,130 invaders were eliminated by the armed forces of ukraine in a day, and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, more than 563 thousand invaders are listening to the moans of each other in hell, but here are seven tanks, 12 armored fighting vehicles, 54 artillery systems and almost 100 units of cars and special vehicles of the enemy will no longer make any sounds of operation, because they were destroyed by our defenders in a day. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 144 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. it is most difficult in donetsk region. there were 29 combat clashes in the turkish direction and 26 in pokrovsky. another 12 attacks were repelled by our defenders in the kurakhiv
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direction. kharkiv region is also restless. the russians attacked 20 times near hlyboky and in vovchansk district. in addition, they tried to seize it 10 times. ukrainian positions on the lymansky, siversky directions and six on the kramatorsk. unsuccessfully. over the course of a day, our aviation rocket and gunners struck twice at concentrations of military equipment and manpower of the enemy. two control points were hit - all air defense units, four radar stations and the reb stations of the occupiers. directed russian cabs to the positions of the armed forces in donetsk region. security service of ukraine detained. enemy adjuster when he wanted to cross checkpoint of the defense forces. a 49-year-old resident of kostiantynka gave the occupiers the geolocation of the artillery of the armed forces of ukraine and tried to establish the coordinates of the air defense system. he sent the data to the russian intelligence group in the telegram messenger.
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the spy faces up to eight years in prison. they profited from a humanitarian. the 52-year-old head of one. from the public organizations of the kyiv region, along with two accomplices, brought foreign mark from abroad. the car was registered as humanitarian aid, and then put up for sale on one of the internet platforms. for $15,000. the buyer was found in odessa. woman wanted to buy a car for the armed forces, - the police of odesa reported. the sellers were caught red-handed. after they handed over the car and received the money, their illegal actions were stopped by the law enforcement officers. so far, all three involved have been notified of suspicion by the investigators. the suspects face imprisonment for a term of 5 to 7 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three
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years and confiscation of property. on odesa , emergency workers rescued the exhausted from the heat a defenseless and frightened goat. a small, barely alive deer was found during the liquidation of a dry vegetation fire. the animal was watered and washed, local foresters will take care of it. because of anomalous. in the heat of the day , as many as 343 fires broke out in ecosystems in different regions, for example, in the kyiv region, for the third day in a row, emergency workers are eliminating forest litter and dry grass fires. we will summarize the morning at 12 o'clock, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, more my colleagues ulyana panasiuk and roman chaika will continue the series, don't switch! stay with the espresso team. thanks to the news team, well
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, we're picking up the baton, but before that , we'll remind you once again, because now on our screens, as soon as the qr code appears, it means that you can already point the smartphone camera, or there is a card number below it. thus will join the project from scratch to life, this is... this is a collection for atvs, they pass where equipment does not pass, this is a quick evacuation from the battle line, this is a quick supply ammunition for our defenders and specific defenders, we are talking about the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. in a word, you donate, and we continue to collect information for you, in particular, now we find out how the public initiative golk, and they are our partners kanal spresso. spoke with the association of cities of ukraine and what interesting things they learned, we will ask iryna fedoriv, ​​she is
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a journalist and the head of the public initiative golka to contact us, congratulations iryna, good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, well, look, we have such a situation that elections during the war are impossible, and it is necessary to monitor how many communities we have left without heads, and in fact, as of now, every fifth... community, almost every fifth the community was left without its leader, we cannot hold elections, and we have to think about what to do with all this, this is not a super critical situation, because we already had such a situation, in the 19th year, a year before the local elections, about 200 communities were also waiting for elections and were not appointed, when there is no mayor, then duties done by the secretary, but if the mayor can be removed by a two-thirds vote, then the secretary... is removed by 50 votes, 50% of the council plus one
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vote, and it's much easier, and just so people understand, secretaries, when they become mayor, they get access to the community budget, it becomes such a cushy position, and then secretariats can start, one is rude, one group of deputies demolishes another, it gets to the local budget, at this time there is a crisis in the community, and the legislators should think about how to normalize all this... because we cannot hold elections, but when every fifth the community is already without a head, then this is a problem, and why did such a beheading happen in our country, not everyone went to serve, well, not all, there are communities where the mayors died, there are communities where the mayors really went to serve at the front, for example, if we talk about the mayor of boryspil, well, he essentially left from the very beginning, he is a representative of european solidarity, there are other communities, demers as well, well... they decided to get involved and help the front, well, there are really different reasons, and this is not a unique story, yet
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i emphasize once, in the 19th year we have almost 200 communities were left without heads, but we have to understand what we should do with all of this next, because if, for example, we were to have another election next year, presidential elections and parliamentary elections should be held this year, there are none, we have to think, what to do next with all this, and it would be normal. introduce changes to the law, and our expert hanushchak, with whom we cooperate, he looked at this system, and one of the possible options, which i will also support, is that the secretary of the council, which... he was elected by the council, he drew up the mandate, became head, and that his passed by two-thirds, that is, the deputies made the appropriate decision that we will have this person, is it possible to have this person, or is it possible , look now, according to the law, it is not possible, but it is possible to give the secretary such powers that he becomes the head ,
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ceases to be deputies, because what is happening in our country, we generally have a systemic problem in local self-government, look, we have in the country... a president, we have a government and a head of government in the country, and we have a parliament and a speaker parliament, and what is happening in our country local, well, in local self-government, in the local council, we have a mayor, well, think of it as a president, he heads our executive committee, that is, the executive branch of government, and presides over sessions, that is, it is as if we have a prime minister at the same time came to the parliament and presided over the parliament, that is, if we have separate branches of government with... then they are all intertwined below, and we have both in peacetime and now stories are possible when the council rebels against the mayor and tries to demolish him, well in our community, for example, we experienced this five times for one term, but the secretary can be removed even more easily, in the secretary, yes, the secretary
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can be removed more easily, but in yours, for example, if we divide the seats, the council will be, for example, headed by... the secretary, and if we are talking about , that the mayor heads only the executive committee, then we will cease to have this battle between the council, the mayor, demolition, transfer, for example, the mayor himself should plan who he appoints as a deputy, should somehow plan his work, and there would be no more , and this is a key task when we talk about decentralization, not simply to transfer the powers to the places, to regulate... so that there is not this constant war for the chair of the mayor, and this is a normal story when the executive powers are separated from the powers of the council, because the executive committee must be accountable to the council, as the government is accountable to the parliament and to mix it up, well, it is very critical, we will really worry about iryna, but it will not happen
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now that there is room for work in the vision of decentralization and reform. self-government will now begin to accuse you that you are actually breaking all the steps of this, well, look, steps, it will not be possible to break the shepherds, because, well, it can be changed only after victory, because then we will also elect mayors and councils according to new rules, and now, when we are at war, we have to think about how to stabilize the system of local self-government, moreover , if we are talking about councils there... when, for example, if a deputy loses his authority and becomes the mayor of a city or community there, then a new deputy must advance to the council on the party list, that is, we do not lose anything, we have to think about how in times of war to stabilize this local self-government system of ours, because thank god we have a stable situation in the parliament, the government
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can also be appointed by the parliament, we have an elected president, the people and the international... partners agreed that we do not hold elections during wartime, because this is the constitution, but at the local level the situation can still be stabilized, and if they are deputies on the ground, when they will play, god forbid war, how to get access to the budget, well , the communities will simply stagnate from all these wars, that's it from a theoretical model to a practical one, you talked to all of them with the association of cities of ukraine, we have the option when, for example, the community does not have... functions are performed by the secretary, he assigned the party and economic functions to the local authorities very cunningly, as a result, in principle, the key is the communal sphere, social sphere, and all this then comes, well, i don't know, this tnot, collapse, we have such communities that this, well, the situation,
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we only received, so far we only received numbers due to the fact that we do not have heads of communities. in essentially every fifth community, and this needs a really deeper study on what is the situation, and perhaps, even in general , i would not like to say where our weak sides are now, and well, we just need to think about how this whole thing can be fixed in the absence of elections, because, well, we cannot guarantee communities that they next year they will get mayors or their elected heads there, and even in peacetime. i emphasize that it is relatively peaceful, when, er, lutsk was without a mayor for several years, that is, we have a regional center before 2020, it was without a mayor for several years. because we have another conflict, we have the secretary of the council must inform the parliament that there is no mayor and elections must be called, and the parliament will still think whether to appoint or not
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to appoint, taking into account the political situation, this is also a challenge even in peacetime and a big conflict of interests, i became a secretary, why should i to inform the parliament, if i have access to the budget of the city of the regional center, i can manage it, why should i deprive myself of this? and hold some kind of elections, if everything is stable with me, that is , the system really needs to be fixed here, and what do they say legalists from the point of view, well, for example, there is a decapitated community, the parliament, why can't it, for example, within the city limits, if this city is not a front-line city, because we have problems with martial law and war, security, well, let's imagine the same lutsk, well, you can safely hold elections there, is there any legislation? moments that prohibit, and parliament can do nothing, well, look, everyone agreed that when, well, i don't know how our
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legislators will solve the issue for next year, but everyone agreed that in order to stabilize the situation, we have a constitution, we do not hold elections at the national level, as they will decide, i am not national, i am within the city limits, but when the community is on tv, look, theoretically it could be done there, for example, somewhere. .. but i don’t know if the state policy will go to such a sector that elections are held somewhere and elections are not held somewhere, i will tell you more that when it comes to the election of elders, there used to be discussions, but now yesterday, the parliament passed a law, uh, and well, me as far as i had time to review, these discussions with the community are disappearing, and they explain it by the fact that we have front-line territories, well , here it is already 100%, when... we are talking about elders, there should be discussions with the community, because the community has to take part in this, it turns out that the state consolidated
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the communities, we had a little less than 1,500 of them, and there were much more, and people got used to having a chairman in their community, okay, now it is not a chairman, a secretary and also i'm sorry, not the head, but the old lady, and now i'm talking about that they won't even ask who to appoint, i.e. the people in this connection of local self-government, and well, you are talking about the whole election, and i look at the fact that we have no consultation with citizens when we talk about the appointment of elders, well, you understand , here without elders to fight back and advise citizens during the war. iryna, let's devote one last minute to the fact that we just see the problem, we don't see the solution, i mean that in places very... in many of these small local parliaments, the councils sit, well, such results were once a choice, they sit those who are now as a political force
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are banned, well, it's no secret that every opz and sharia party has its deputies in a number of cities, in the south, in the east, well, yes, the party is banned, those guys and girls said, but we're not opzzhists anymore, but we continue to remain local deputies. well, if it’s somehow strange, because it turns out that they banned the name, and not banned the political power, there are some in the vision, well, at least you talked to the assocenist of ukraine, they will ask the parliament to somehow find a way out of this corner, when you look, about it parliament is not just asking this, more precisely, the association of cities is not just asking for this, the government has already been asking for this and has been asking for it for almost two years, and there is a corresponding bill under consideration by the parliament and more than 150 of ... they say, dear parliament, consider, the parliament does not consider, you mentioned the south and the east, we have
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people elected from the opzh in the kyiv city council, in the center of the capital, and this entire circle of papovs, who installed a christmas tree on the maidan in the 13th year before the way it started, by in fact, the execution of the maidan residents, and we emphasize that this decision must be made by the parliament, and they have a corresponding governmental draft law. but there is no political will, and it turns out that when we have a question that there is a person who defended medvedchuk in some case, he is a deputy, yes, the kyiv council wants to appoint him either to the regulation commission or to a commission there that can influence on the decision on decommunization and street names in the capital, they are going to push it there, then we have to donate 3 liters of blood before each session, and we even have espresso included: from the wind on this matter, in order to prevent a vote, it is not up to each council to decide this on its own, it is precisely the responsibility of the parliament to consider
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the government draft law. well, actually, because there are such, there are, there are such local councils where they constitute the majority, even, that is, do you remember, yes, when they united, and in fact there was a pro-moscow-pro-russian majority, they remained so, the only thing they took away tags, saying that this is a batch of regions under the opzh bottle, yes, there is a problem, but we are again voiced, simply and once again, our views under the dome of the parliament, and we are still waiting, well... well, we will wait and what will we do next, we will press, well press and wait, mrs. iryna, thank you for being with the espresso audience, iryna fedoriv, ​​our journalist colleague and the head of the public initiative needle, here are such perpetias in our places, and about one more very important topic, here it is right behind my shoulders, you know, lona sherkopoli, and dnipro, and kruch and the harvest are coming, and that all this will happen
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and... and the war and the heat remain, we will talk about that in a few minutes, no don't forget to notify us, we will continue in a few minutes, there are discounts, the only discounts are on magnesium, 10% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. attention, a profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful. and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the bulb is a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage drops
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