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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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in relation to the president of ukraine and the prime minister of great britain there, well , in fact, the entire iconoclasm is there, and because it was very often printed and continues to be printed in the posts, so for now it is so, it is at the level of such political schooling, what will become of it, how will it become trump's second number, but nothing, because trump, if he continues all this , will be shoved under a bench somewhere and will sit there silently. as long as it will take, well, there were examples of such and such a story, although later everything resulted in a very surprising result, well, president roosevelt was elected the fourth time and harry truman saw each other before roosevelt's death once before he placed truman's hand on the bible and said, "i am running for president." such cases in the history of the united states of america also happened in previous years, when they took, relatively speaking... a certain person there and took him with
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them, although in this book, which was written, let 's say, written by vance, the philosophy is basically laid out , which donald trump carries in the election campaign, this is such a message and message, a message for white working-class america, and there is a flavor of racism, and sexism, and what is not there, and by the way , the same vance, the previous one and the one before that, in fact, since 2016, he analyzed, analyzed the trump election campaign and smashed it to pieces, i will not quote, because there and he called hitler, he called trump hitler, yes, and an idiot and hitler and as well as a cynic, there in general, to be honest, when you take a look at this background, i do not know, it is obvious that it could be repaid by the fact that donald young. and you know,
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donald trump, he is very much a person in quotation marks, reader, it is unlikely that he, apart from brief references, does not know about what vance said about him. well, obviously, but vance has a great opportunity to become president in the 28th year, and obviously, with the calculation of that, well, maybe even earlier, in the event of trump's victory, because the vice president, according to the law, performs the duties of the president, when he... can't perform these duties, we have the speaker of the parliament, and there's the vice president, so basically, it's a growth position for vance, well, how could it not work out, if, if he is able to grow, sir sergey, yes, well, if he is able to grow up, yes, of course, and in fact he is a person with huge complexes, and for me, the more i get to know this figure, the more i feel sorry for him, because i understand what he has there was childhood and youth, this is despite the fact that he lived. in a prosperous
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america, but in such a state that he is not envied, under no circumstances, and it is clear that this raised him to be such, forgive me, for what i will say, let the audience forgive me such a rat-eater, you understand, what on verbally destroys everything on his way, so far he has not able to eat, but verbally he is still destroying everything, mr. roman, i also wanted to ask you about this trip of orbán, which he made to the capitals of... in kyiv, he visited moscow, beijing and flew to trump, in the european union they decided to boycott the policy of the hungarian prime minister, because hungary currently presides over the european union, and considering what orbán is doing and how he is doing it, does this indicate that he is one of the parts of the big project regarding the chineseization of europe. regarding the fact that europe
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will gradually turn into a part that will be influenced by china, through belarus, through hungary, through slovakia, perhaps through other countries, and it is not necessary to emphasize exclusively that orban flew to moscow after kyiv, because the main thing here was xi jinping and trump was next. well, i can partially agree with this and say that... mr. sergius, do you remember the duel between berlusconi and merkel for cooperation with russia, it ended very unpleasantly for both participants, now there is such a duel between orban and the president of serbia , oleksandr vučić, and they are fighting for who will play the role of china's hub in europe, but i understand very well that... that this freewoman orbán is given as much
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as they can tolerate him in the european union, now the election and appointment of key figures will be completed. including the heads of the european commission, they will sit in the offices there, i think that at least hungary will be deprived of the right to vote on certain issues for a certain period, i do not exclude that they will also be deprived of the right to preside over the european union, for all these march-throws all over the place of the world, moscow to beijing and washington, because in fact for this it was necessary to have appropriate powers, and... appropriate directives, and what orbán did was his own initiative, well, as you perfectly understand, here it is half and half, 50% he was fulfilling the instructions of the moscow fuehrer, 50% he was realizing his interests, which he has in
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the world, in his family , and he has very, very many business interests as well as corruption-mafia interests, and therefore, combining all these... components, two components, covering himself with the status of the chairman of the european union, he made this march of horseshoes, well and if you and i, together with your colleagues, try to find at least some we will not find anything about the texts of orbán's peace plan, because in these empty letters written to charles michel, well, why are they written by charles techel, because he, let's say, left, he is already, he is already, let's say, out of business, and that's why.. . you can write him, these letters are catching up with him, and the conversations about what he wrote there to the heads of states, heads of state, heads of governments, well , they remain conversations as of today, and there is more information than any content, well and
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compare the information from johnson and orban p results of the meeting with trump, and it becomes clear what trump could be talking about. and orban, well, they took pictures, maybe they had a delicious meal there, and that was the end of the whole affair. mr. roman, world leaders are talking about peace and possible peace talks in one way or another, and zelenskyi is talking about the fact that the russians can be at the second peace summit, which is planned in qatar at the end of the year, sometime in november or december , will this summit take place, or is it clear what... this peace plan is in ukraine, because we saw only three points at the first summit, the seven points fell somewhere, does this mean that the seven points that did not make it to the first peace summit will make it to the second? well, i understand that at the second peace summit
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, only the issue of energy security will be discussed, so they lost seven, now they will lose two more points, in fact, the topic of the energy dialogue, she will lead. in the form of a grain corridor, well, here you can freeze such nonsense, now you and i will both freeze it, and it will also offend those of us who are sitting in the bank, because what has been announced to date, it simply got lost in to myself and the idea of ​​the globality of the peace summit, and 10 points that were presented back in 2022, well, that's all. uh, it will only be a signal in the finale of what we said about russia being incapable of anything, and if the leaders of ukraine, the political leadership, at least manage to achieve this, well, it will be good,
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although from my point of view, the summit peace must be grown to the level of a coalition of freedom and democracy, which would essentially become a political... headquarters, a union of political heads of states, leaders of the world's states, who would unite in a coalition of freedom and democracy, as for the events that may happen , from my point of view, if i can briefly, because we have to go off the air, i already said, mr. sergey, this is a big problem, and it is unlikely to happen in the way that it is being talked about, thank you , mr. roman, it was roman bezsmertny, politician and diplomat, friends, we work in a straight line. broadcast and now let's see the interim results of the survey we are conducting, whether you are preparing your home for winter without electricity, 24% yes, 78% no. there are discounts representing the only
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order right now. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on penny steel hell 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshkad. there are discounts, which are the only discounts on mikrolax, 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to catch up economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart people. those who care about espresso in the evening. events events that are happening right now and
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affect our lives. of course, the news story reports about them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat of fr 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second half of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, and in this part we will talk about the following. right... time for negotiations. the majority of ukrainians allow peace negotiations with russia, but on the condition
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of returning to the borders of 1991. why does society tolerate evasion? there are no moral forces. the scandalous member of parliament wrote a statement about leaving the servant of the people faction. whom and why is the political torpedo attacking? cornerless suspicion of in demanding a bribe. people's deputy mykola zadorozhny was expelled from president zelensky's party. what is happening in the pro-government political force? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. i remind you that we work not only live on the espresso tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please like our pages, put an emoticon. or write a comment under this video in order for it to be promoted in
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youtube and facebook trends, and take part in our survey, because throughout our two-hour broadcast we ask you this: are you preparing your home for winter without electricity, yes no, if you have your own opinion or any comment of your own, please write below this video if you watch us on tv and you can't vote by smartphone or phone, i remind you of the phone numbers for the phone survey, if you are preparing your home for the winter without electricity, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are, at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is oleg sahakyan, political scientist, co-founder of the national platform for sustainability and cohesion. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. my greetings, glad to see and hear. on loan and maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences. mr.
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maxim, i congratulate you. thank you for joining us on the phone, because i understand that you are obviously having problems. with light, congratulations, congratulations, good evening, and as if the light appeared, now we will solve the technical issues, come on gentlemen, since we are asking our tv viewers whether they are preparing, are they preparing their homes for the winter without light, i will also ask you, since this question is relevant, obviously it is in the summer, because in the summer it is necessary to think about winter, let alone summer is hot enough. it's not easy, mr. olezh, well, actually, i'm not preparing anymore, because i was preparing even before last winter without light, and therefore plus or minus the basic set to ensure my electricity needs remains the same, and therefore you can say that i'm already i also prepared for the summer without light, thanks to which i periodically go on the air with you in particular until next winter. thank you mr
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maxim sir? maxim, can you hear us? yes, yes, i hear it, i hear it. yes, well, i prepare, of course , i think, you know, every evening without light, with a refrigerator that heats up, it, so to speak, prompts me to think. well, probably what, probably, that you need to stock up on some batteries, although, of course, you can't predict everything, and even more so, government decisions that will affect it are just as difficult to predict. thank you, mr. maxim, why me i am actually asking you, and why are we asking our viewers, because one way or another it will affect society, how ukrainians will feel about future peace negotiations or negotiations with representatives of the russian federation during the second peace summit, and there is already sociology, which was published this week by the derkalo
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tsikhya publication, the razumkov center conducted a survey on his order and about something. sociological surveys of ukrainian society show that the majority of ukrainians believe that it is time to start negotiations between ukraine and russia has already arrived, almost 44% of those polled spoke in favor of the beginning of peace negotiations, against 35%, while 21% have not yet decided, while half of ukrainians - this is 51% - insist that the minimum condition for a peace agreement with russia... should be release of ukraine from russian troops in the borders of 1991, 26% can agree to stop the war along the demarcation line at the beginning of 2022, and only 9% are ready to recognize the border along the front line at the time of the conclusion of the agreement. mr. olezh, how
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will the situation in ukrainian society affect this future. peace plan negotiations or negotiations in the format of a grain agreement, when there will be three parties, and on the one hand ukraine, turkey, for example, and russia, and in some formats it will all function as it was during the grain agreement, that is, we will not to negotiate with the russians, but there will be mediators who will conduct negotiations, as a result of which some kind of... some kind of peace agreement will be reached, you know, i will be quite, probably sharp, not to say angry in commenting on this data, because first of all in i have a question for the sociologists when they again they ask about the line that existed on february 22nd, i have a question, and is there any
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realistic situation at all, that this line has somehow been drawn somewhere, fixed or reanimated. what is its difference with the de facto front line at the moment or its being carried out simply along some parallel meridian or along some other geographical location, etc., it simply does not exist as a phenomenon, it is some kind of phantom pain, and in particular, which is replicated all the time, repeated by sociologists and not only by sociologists, such a line does not exist and will not exist, i am cool the second reality we need to recognize in this type of conflict. such as the russian-ukrainian war, diplomatic solutions are not self-sufficient and are not a mechanism for ending the war. diplomacy in such conflicts goes either by force between. read the international order as the force of international law, and then diplomacy records for itself what was achieved within the framework of the force of international institutions. as we can see, they failed the test
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with russian aggression, so international law is currently, to put it bluntly, impotent in order to force the aggressor to gave up his own ambitions, or secondly, diplomacy follows force, and accordingly then. a situation achieved by force, and in this case the situation on the front line must change, either russia will win, or ukraine will win. we see that now the coalition supporting ukraine is crumbling, ukraine is in a difficult situation, the front line is crumbling, and in the end ukraine is forced to fix the situation now in order to prevent a catastrophe? no, we don't see it. we see that russia is saving moscow and is now recording its defeats, we are already. we release ukraine, have we already liberated crimea? no, we don't see it. perhaps the trend has changed and the balance today shows that the dynamics are moving in that direction, neither has changed, neither the security
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nor the diplomatic situation currently creates space for us to talk about some kind of settlement of the russian-ukrainian war. the maximum that diplomacy can do in such conditions is to ensure a temporary truce, but what does the international experience of ceasefires in such conflicts, which... are of an existential nature, this is not a conflict, tell us? a dispute in which we did not share some gas shelf or some province or some other separate claim on which we are arguing with russia has reached the level of a military dispute, on knives. no, this is a conflict in which russia came to destroy everything that makes ukraine ukraine, actually to destroy the ukrainian state, the ukrainian nation, with the preservation of cultural, some other, etc. moments, but... somewhere it is the physical destruction of ukrainians, somewhere it is the destruction of theaters, somewhere the destruction of museums, artifacts, history in appropriation of everything else, destruction identity in this kind of conflicts, if
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a temporary ceasefire is achieved, it turns into a new round, even bloodier, such quasi-peace is always bloodier than war. and we observed this in ukraine's experience of minsk-1, minsk-2, and eventually a full-scale invasion. and therefore the illusion that some diplomatic process, in which there will be mediators, not mediators, which will be somehow designed, is a separate subdivision in political science and the science of negotiations, which is called process-design such negotiations, and in fact, whatever they may be, for now we have to state that the negotiations are nothing more than a diplomatic mechanism to strengthen our position. and not a real negotiation process in which an end to the war can be achieved, we do not have a common ground on which it is possible to agree with the russians, therefore we must
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prepare and psychologically accept the reality that this war is long enough, we, as a country, as a country , as a nation, we will live long enough in conditions of either war or the constant threat of war, and therefore the answer in 44% of people who talk about negotiations, at the same time... 91 borders of 1991, although it is more correct than in 2013, because we lived in those borders and there were violations in the 13th year, and since 1991 they have changed at least twice with moldova and romania. it is clear that we will not raise territorial disputes with our neighbors again, and these figures with evasion, like everything else, indicate that society is disoriented, it understands that achieving victory in the old paradigm of military liberation of territory ala kharkiv and kherson operations. currently there is - soft speaking romantically and idealistically, there must be another scenario for victory, and society says: "give us this scenario, give us something
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to grab onto and something that will be able to organize and unite us in achieving this, ukrainians lack a vision, and that's why it's like this, i'm sorry , porridge, it is fixed by sociologists, society is frustrated, it does not understand what to expect, it is afraid of the winter ahead, and it is disorganized in what to do in order to achieve this goal, which is supported by 91% of ukrainians, in the form of the restoration of the territory integrity and sovereignty of ukraine. thank you, mr. oleg, mr. maksym, in this situation, when it comes to future peace talks, or when putin says that let's somehow, as they think, solve this crisis, and simply put, somehow ukraine should capitulate in front of russia, if you translate what putin says, then zelensky says that we cannot decide anything about this, because we have a people, we have ukrainians, and
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ukrainians have to decide. what should we do, how should we do, or should we make concessions to moscow, or not to go, of course, when we are talking about four, about five regions of ukraine, together with the autonomous republic of crimea, then we are talking about almost a third, or how much more than 20% of the territory of ukraine should be given to the russians, if concessions are made to putin , but this poll shows that people don't quite understand and can't give an answer to zelensky. what should he do, or in this or that situation is it appropriate to talk about the fact that the people decide everything in our country, because the same people can be there in two months, when they get bored generators and when they get tired of the lack of electricity 73% say: yes , we are ready, and for zelensky to go to these negotiations, how to correlate what
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society says and... answers to sociologists, perhaps without knowing all the information, or not understanding all the processes, and what the president of ukraine or the leadership of ukraine should make, shall we say? well, since, so to speak, the issue is in the plane of such democratic mechanisms, the manifestation of the will of the people, mainly, i would mention here such an analogy with no less a fateful moment in our history, never before. uh, in 1991, as you know, there were two referendums, we well remember the results of the referendum on december 1, but before that there was a referendum in march, in which, well, according to the votes of the then election commissions or special commissions created for this referendum, it was established that the majority of the population of ukraine was in favor of...
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signing a new union treaty, which is true, at that time ukrainian politicians had already included in that survey their question about , so to speak, whether ukrainians were in favor of ukrainian statehood, in short, these two opposite decisions of the ukrainian people, by the majority of votes lead us to the opinion that both situational... factors are important, and the wording of the question itself is very important, by the way, because of the wording, because of the disputes surrounding the wording , er, in the history of independent ukraine, referendums are exactly, well, once leonid kuchma tried to use a referendum to find out the will of the people in 1999, but er... it, so to
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speak, did not answer political questions and political challenges of the time, even then even with all the efforts of the authorities, that is why such a long preamble and retreat in the historical our recent past, in order to get close to the actual results of this survey, which put many, so to speak, in front of reality, i would say it like this. about the fatigue of the ukrainian people, the population of ukraine, if you will, from the war and a certain disorientation, its people who supported the negotiations with russia can put a lot of different meanings into the concept of negotiations, and even more, even more meanings
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can be put into the concept... agreements or agreements and so on, that is actually the situation when negotiations become an instrument of politics and become an instrument of war, hybrid war. you and i remember very well, this is exactly what the negotiations were like in the framework of the so-called minsk process, in fact then i tried all the time to prove this point that... these negotiations, the minsk process should not be considered as a path to peace, they should be considered as a way, well, if not to defeat the enemy, then at least to gain an advantage, but in the current situation it is about something else, in my opinion, it is about, well, if analyze the situation according to peace plans, which are different...


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