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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm at yavomelnyk and this is the news. volodymyr zelenskyi arrived in great britain on a working visit. at the moment, he is participating in the summit of the european political community in plans to sign new security agreements. the president announced in his social networks. later, zelenskyi will meet with king charles ii. by the newly elected prime minister, keir starmer, and government officials, during a speech at the inaugural session of the european political community, called on the allies to allow western weapons to hit airfields in the interior of russia i appeal to all of you, to all the leaders who can contribute to this decision. these steps really need to be taken. and i turn, of course, to... the united states,
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great britain, poland and other friends. your bravery can be decisive for peace. the zsu withdrew from the village of urozhayne in donetsk region, the defense forces were entrenched in other positions, said nazar voloshyn, the spokesman for the khortytsia military group. according to him, the command made such a decision to save the lives of our servicemen. attacked with a knife border guard, in transcarpathia, a 61-year-old man violated traffic rules, tried to run away, blocked the road for traffic, locked himself in the car interior. the border guards tried to detain the man by using physical force, but the violator took out a knife. it was reported in the western regional office of the state border service. after a three-hour conflict, the law enforcement officers still managed to pull him out and detain him. the intruder 87
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men were refused travel abroad, due to the fact that they did not have military personnel with them tickets such data are for the first day since the new rules came into effect, said andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service. let me remind you that from july 17, all men aged 18 to 60 are checked for a military registration document when crossing the border. depending on whether they are eligible for deferment from mobilization or not. intelligence officer roman chervinskyi, who was released on bail yesterday, is back in court. now under a new charge. the sbu colonel is accused of fraud. apparently, in 2020 , he tried to take possession of 100 thousand dollars, pretending to be an official of the state fiscal service. considers the case. the district court
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of kyiv, but as soon as they gathered for the session , they announced a break, because the prosecutors did not hand chervinsky a request for the application of a preventive measure, as if they did not know his whereabouts. they demand house arrest for the ex-spy. they blocked assets worth uah 1 billion. the security service seized the property of yanukovych's friend. it is about bank accounts, four apartments in the center of the capital, a house. a plot of land and seven premium-class cars. the figure was a confidant in the person of the fugitive president and was a member of the banned party of regions. the former deputy went abroad at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. at the same time , he organized the production of medical drugs for the russian army in temporarily occupied horlivka in donetsk region. production taxes are also paid to the aggressor country. from the side.
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drugs were burning, law enforcement officers exposed a criminal group in chernihiv, a 30-year-old organizer along with accomplices set up a drug supply channel. they sold psychotropic drugs through bookmarks. during during searches, the police seized sets of means for packaging and packaging of prohibited goods. everything that was removed was sent for examination. the organizer is in a detention center. fuel is becoming more expensive. the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a draft law on increasing the excise duty on gasoline, diesel and gas. the new taxes will be effective from september 1. the government expects that thanks to higher excise taxes , almost 1.5 million hryvnias will be added to the state budget every month. according to experts of the fuel market, after the increase in excise duty, it is worth it expect an increase in the price of gasoline and autogas within 1.2 hryvnias per letters without crosses and
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domes in poltava oblast, in abandoned evening school buildings, created a single one for the entire community. orthodox church of ukraine. in the karlov community, more and more locals refuse to visit the churches of the moscow patriarchate and come to serve at father dmytro. he is the only priest of the ocu in this area. anna morozova will tell how the parish was founded. absorb 13 people gathered in a small room of the parish of saints peter and paul, the orthodox church of ukraine. this is the only ocu church for the entire 20,000-strong karliv community, which was opened last year for the faithful, including elena's family, who barely visits the church every sunday. my family and i
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started visiting this temple last summer, for a long time we visited other temples, but we came to the time when really it's just our family and... three people from the family are fighting, so basically the heart called and we came to the father of mr. dmitri at the fedorivska church, but thank god, we have our own church. abbot father dmytro is also the only priest. biryani since 2013 began to attend his service in the ukrainian language and gladly followed him to the first orthodox church of the karlov region. where he lived, there, he went there. only it has always been felt already. here, who wanted to go to their church, where the service is in an understandable language, one common state should be one church, i think so, and not some other one , but a purely ukrainian one. the century-old building is almost in a state of disrepair, holes in the floor, hanging wooden beams and a leaky roof destroy
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the pre-war building, both from the outside and from the inside. the first services we, we passed through the shower, summer shower, so when it rained and we... went out, it was dripping directly on our heads, we entered the temple. father dmytro says that benefactors and patrons helped to repair and equip the room of the former evening school, because before that the room was unsuitable for visits. they bought us a eucharistic set, other patrons there sponsored vestments, we bought new ones, i brought these two candlesticks from federivka, we could share them there. despite this, believers go to the building without crosses, because all other religious buildings of the community still belong to enemy church. in general , the moscow patriarchate continues to dominate the region, says metropolitan fedir of poltava and kremenchug. against 165 communities of the ocu, more than 400 churches
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of the uoc. these transitions are happening slowly. but this is a constant process, people are constantly turning to us. the process is such that they move exactly. transition people, ordinary believers, it happens less with priests, priests take such a corporate position. for now, the parish of saints peter and paul continues services in this building, and hopes for the future to build the first ocu church in the karlov community. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov from poltava for espresso tv channel. the maximum number of hours without light due to a breakdown. dnany at two energy facilities in 12 regions of ukraine from eight in the morning until 10 in the evening will apply four rounds of shutdowns, these are regions in the center, north and east of the country, as well as the capital, in other regions. restrictions apply according to the announced schedule. abnormal
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heat continues to break records. yesterday, kyiv recorded the highest temperature ever history of observations. three. in zatinka. the previous eight-year-old record exceeded the mark by 20°, the central geophysical laboratory reports. since the beginning of july, experts have recorded 13 temperature records in the capital. that's how things are at the moment, i'll see you on the 15th. read more about important things on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels. in social networks, support our youtube channel and meet my colleagues marto olyarnyk and antin borkovskii.
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glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, continues information day of the tv channel that events are extraordinary. many 10-by-2 during the next couple of hours we will inform you both about the domestic political situation and about the situation at the front. marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii live in the spresso studio and are now with us. we will be joined by our first guest mykola malomuzh, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine from 2005 to 2010, and we will talk with him about the situation at the front, in particular about the recent statement that was made public, made public by osuv and greyhound. so, the ukrainian defenders withdrew from the fertile land in donetsk region, the russian army in shchent destroyed the village and destroyed the positions of the ukrainian military in order to preserve personnel , the command made a decision. about the departure, said nazar voloshyn, the spokesman for the operational-strategic grouping of
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the khortesian troops, we will also talk about it with mr. mykola malomuzhy, and we will also talk about the difficult situation on the left bank of the dnipro in the krynyk region. mykola malomush is already in touch with us, mr. mykola, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations, heroes, glory! so, dear mr. general of the army, we would like to ask you to describe the situation in the area of ​​velika novosilka, they are continuing there, it is not far from staromayorskyi, where... the enemy has become more active, according to official information, they have already been captured, ah, the village is fertile, yes, the situation is difficult, how, how do you see now the further deployment? well , we can see that in this very sector the enemy has been co-generating the main effort for a long time and has been reporting for two days that they have captured the harvest fields, but we still held our position, destroying the enemies with a barrage of fire. who went there. but in fact the city is no longer there, there are only ruins and i can even see video
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materials, there is no one in a whole building there, in fact there are no fortified areas or powerful structures, it was difficult to create more places there, so they previously worked out fortified positions on other directions, but according to the productive ones, and it is clear that they withdrew in an organized manner in order to preserve the strength of the means of our troops, as some say there, but they also left something like that, to remain there in ruins, but without the powerful dugouts that are there it was possible to do it under fire, and even more so under buildings, but of course, there were no fire points that would provide powerful cover for the crop, well, at the moment, the enemy could cover with systematic fire, that’s exactly what we call the settlement, where practically all our commanders were located in the open fire, therefore, in this situation, the maneuver was done correctly, it is not a
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specific retreat, it was simply maneuvered from the place where there would be real losses and , of course, came to the position where more strengthened, the capabilities were strengthened, and engineering, military, well, i understood operational and even at the expense of the unit that arrived for reinforcements, mr. mykola, let’s talk about the situation near the wells, so osuv tavria about the situation regarding the wells, they say about... that, that the defense forces continue to work on the left bank of the dnieper, said dmytro lykhovi, spokesman for the operational-strategic grouping of tavriy troops. we heard a few days ago that our boxes were out. dmytro lykhovi was on our airwaves yesterday, he was not denied and did not confirm this information, but he said that actions on the left bank of the dnipro continue. how do you assess the situation there, and actually, can we now talk about such a strategic goal of activating the enemy. more southern front? well, first of all, the enemy thinks that we
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are preparing possible strategic offensive operations in the south, and is trying to throw our troops out of harm's way. putin, we remember, repeatedly said on the air that he personally indicated to seize the krynyk. he even declared on television that he had already captured six months ago, even before the inauguration, but this did not happen, our paratroopers powerfully held this settlement . and fortified districts, but the krynks themselves are not, if only, a powerful, single fortified place, we have built positions there, where we have more systematic, engineering capabilities, we have the ability to move troops, so being only in the krynks, well, these are goals instructions for cabs, airplanes and, of course , rockets, which constantly bombarded this particular settlement, it was really a difficult situation there, i talked with the commanders, just the upper and middle ranks, who were in charge there without... in the middle, our troops heroically held their positions and continue to hold in other sectors, but
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the krynks decided to leave, not only because there were no more krynks left, as well as productive ones, but on the other hand, it is necessary to enter a more systematic position for a powerful attack on the enemy, even from wells from other sectors, we inflicted huge losses on the airborne division, which was stationed there and tried to conduct offensive operations in this... sector, they increased opportunities especially fire ones, especially aviation ones, missile ones, that’s drones, that’s a complex situation, we helped our guys with all means, and uh... means, primarily artillery, missile, drones, especially advanced ones, especially ballistic ones that could destroy , at the moment, it is already a matter of the command, how to maneuver in this situation and take the landing party to where they could also suffer huge losses, and one more point, i think that once the landing party is pushed out, it still cannot be kept like that for a long time a small amount
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it is necessary either to maneuver, or to carry out additional measures and, of course, to advance in this or that sector, or alternatively. to act, well, to keep a small, so to speak, number of our troops for so long is a difficult situation, our soldiers stand bravely, but i think that we need to think about what to do next there, yes, and this is a key issue, and it concerns not only we understand, dear army general, that the enemy has now become more active in donetsk region, we have the impression that they are working out very specific dates, and this is not a matter of one or another of putin's tricks, zabaganok, so it is... the question is that the geopolitical situation in the world in general may change very significantly in the next couple of months, and that is why the enemy is most likely in such a hurry, they do not count on the loss of personnel, they are increasing ground assaults and so on and so forth , that is, it is evidence of certain specific tasks and very specific dates. as you can see, how
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the situation from this review will unfold now, taking into account orbán's feverish visits. to several capitals, well, putin is in a great hurry, him it is now necessary to recruit a pool of allies who will put pressure on the usa on, and if they change, as they think, trump, who will also become an ally, on european countries, on individual countries and the european union as a whole, but on the conditions, so to speak, defined russia regarding the signing of, so to speak, peace agreements, but they wanted the peace agreements they have today. mykola malomush, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine from 2005 to 2010 was on the air, we understand that now there is a power outage across the country, so there may be all kinds of technical, such situations, we work in a live format, live broadcast, and accordingly, anything can happen while we are waiting
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for the opportunity to add mr. mykola malomuzha, we already have the opportunity to add mr. myko. please continue eh, so in this situation putin is going above and beyond to capture more territory, to have more advantageous operational positions on the battlefield for pressure, on the one hand, he will show that, as orbán said, it will be even worse the coming weeks, and putin it it also demonstrates attacks on specific settlements, attacks on ahmadet and other cities, of course, assault operations in specific directions. donetsk, luhansk, kharkiv and zaporizhzhya, kherson regions, he needs to be shown that there will still be a shaft of fire, although i will say frankly, he is in a critical situation, i can simply say today, putin does not have those system reserves, he is just making efforts, i am blunt i will say, he bluffs more relatively, he is on the verge of being, and his followers understand this
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the military, yes, but he wants to show against this background that he still has the resources, that he will still advance, break through even in this... the situation will already demand peace, but under the conditions of russia under the pressure of precisely these factors, as if victories and the deterioration of the situation on the battlefield, that is why at the moment he is bringing in such acorbans to be mediators, so-called, who pressured from the position of the european union, he is the chairman today, although he is not authorized, but i imagine that he is the chairman of the european union, so just such pressure... is very relevant for putin, but only orban's mission, one mission, it is still weak, so it is foreseen that orban will get just such support for this peace formula, that's what we call russia, for example, with china, and putin is from the youth, the prime minister of india, further, for the body to meet, and it was planned, necessarily with trump as a possible candidate, well, not
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really a candidate, maybe the president of the usa, and to show that there is no chance, it is necessary to negotiate with. but on the terms of russia, but allow me, please, to draw attention to the last interview chairman of the russian security council dmitry medvedev, former president of the russian federation, he stated that the ukrainian state will not exist until 2034, and they are preparing the russian public for a long war in ukraine, promising that russia will complete its goal of destroying ukrainian statehood within 10 years, we understand that for them there are... two scenarios: either a grueling war for long decades, or trying to convince the west that it is necessary to negotiate, that is, there are now two such on... more reliable scenarios, no, there are three scenarios, i am a minimum, and medvedev is not the chairman, but the deputy chairman of the security council, the chairman of the security council of the russian federation, the president,
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the so-called president putin, the most important scenario, it is not to follow the lead in russia, it is the creation of these protracted wars, and medvedev is simply voices a possible scenario in terms of information operations, threatens, ukraine is, will be and no one will be able to do anything, this is strategic. position, and medvedev himself knows about it, but he set the task, says that there will be a protracted war, and ukraine and ukrainians will be destroyed, this is, so to speak, another model of threats, but the person who today is inadequate for many signs and reasons, we will not decipher today on the air, so this prospect is unrealistic, but in terms of information warfare, it is once again exposed to the heat, agree , because there will be a protracted war, the resources are not exhaustible, but i am simply exhaustible, today many analysts say that they are inexhaustible, i... russia, the leadership of russia and their troops, and the current state, they are on the edge in terms of resources and human resources, how many to recruit into the army, although there are apparently many of them, but the army has a professional staff, they
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are practically gone, we destroyed them, now they mainly recruit those mobilized for a lot of money, but in part, so to speak , they are really contract workers, and a small part of the remaining professional troops , which reveal hot spots, but it is very difficult for russia to continue waging war, but this is an advantage for us. and most importantly, there will not be the second scenario, which we are talking about, that peace agreements are conditional on russia, the support of china, turkey, orban, trump and the like. and there will be a scenario of changing the strategy of waging war with the help of our allies and our capabilities, so to speak. it will not be a protracted war, as russia wants to impose on us, the preparation of powerful strategic offensive operations, alternative, even with smaller resources, the art is not to work in such a way that on... decisive blows to pain points where russia does not expects, there may be diversionary strikes and main strikes, which will allow either the east, or the south, or the crimea
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in parallel, and of course, for this purpose and all possibilities, fire, political, economic, intelligence, well, of course, the most important strategy on the battlefield of the military, which must plan this operation and conduct it in such a way that it produces systemic effects, is today and our general staff is facing such a test, will be able to .. strike, where there will be no other scenarios, our victory will be, and putin will be forced to negotiate on the terms of international law, and china, india, trump and all the others will agree, they support the principle of international law, and sinzipin literally said the day before yesterday, that we do not support any right and sovereignty of states, china, in particular, regarding taiwan, well , what is it, ukraine is exactly the same subject of international law as china and other countries of the world. dear mr. army general, well , i would also like to ... ask you to share your thoughts on the assassination of the candidate for the presidency of the united states, donald trump, there were some elements that smelled a little bit of a show, so i don't know if
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it is or not yes, well, but the story with the ear, there is potential paint on the fingers and so on and so on so on. how can you, as a professional, evaluate the whole story? i just ska after that really it was to some extent a performance, because it was profitable to inflate. the terrorist attack was real. not a single presidential candidate and his staff, if they really want him to fight and pass, will not risk the candidate by simulating a shot, the shooter was real, the blow to the ear, the bullet hit him for real, i will say more here, professionally already, none a sniper, even the best, cannot take into account the millimeters where the candidate will turn his head, so to speak, will lean over, or a strong wind will blow. and the bullet will move by millimeters, and this is already in the head, this situation, dear mr. army general, was there a shot in the head by itself, could
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it have been some kind of unfocused shooting, yes, well, and then who checked what was there i am a trumpian, we are just saying general things, in this situation there is a shooter, weapons, bullets, and the most important thing is that... the security service, which wants the trump front, is a state and not a trump structure, then the secret service is a state, today led by biden is located, not trump, so it also monitors and finds out that it provides first aid, just like that, the fbi just like that conducts investigative actions, establishes what happened with the same ear, who shot, where the bullets came from, just like the police, who were on the spot, and most importantly, the medics who immediately provided assistance and chainsaws. hit by a bullet, is it k paint, as you say, and exactly the same in an inpatient hospital, that is, at least seven independent security and medical entities monitored or detected the effects of these hits, so that's...
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all the myths that the paint, everything else is a myth, really an attack by a real person, the reasons are being established, although there are already those who encouraged that trump constantly advocated restrictions, just such people as this shooter, closing the borders, and on he talked about it harshly at every rally, it is not enough that he will use force, powerfully and will turn back, throw out everyone who he considers to have crossed the border with mexico illegally, this causes a very powerful confrontation. i know the usa, i was just recently, i know both the trump team and the democratic team, it is powerfully provocative objection, there are many people with huge mental defects, they are ready to kill him, so at the moment it is that the reason may be who took advantage of the situation, it is necessary to investigate, here is the investigation, i think, it will prove, because there is an alternative the investigation is conducted by the secret services, the ministry of justice, the prosecutor general's office, the fbi, and the investigative
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commission. congress, where the majority, where the republicans. thank you, mykola malomush, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service from 2005 to 10 years was in live broadcast of the espresso tv channel. now we will have a break, after it we will continue our information day, there is a lot of interesting stuff ahead, so stay with us. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on entergermin, 15% in pharmacies for traveling to you and. attention, a profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works
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analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdyk with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new ones. resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.


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