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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect... our lives. we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. as legislative norms change our lives. what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, well , there are a lot of events, important news arrived from the verkhovna rada, well , we will talk about the internal political situation and what our people's deputies have adopted a little later, but from september 1, so to speak, there is no gas just travel, but an extremely important story, what concerns the return of our soldiers from the front, from captivity, it happened a few days ago, and now we will... ask about the details of this
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extremely important operation. petro yatsenko, the spokesman of the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war is already in touch with us. mr. peter, we welcome you. good day. ah, yes, there is already another successful operation, and the return of ours home, it is about 95 soldiers, different units, but even this event is overgrown with certain such... scandals, it is said that among these military men who were in captivity, there may be people who collaborated with the enemy, what is known about this incident as of now, and is it confirmed at all? in general, we we always say that we are ready to return home all ukrainian servicemen who are given to us by the russian federation, an aggressor country, and of course that...
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after their return, interviews are held with all of them, special representatives of the security and defense forces carry out certain measures in order to to understand what happened, what was happening, to interview them, whether they saw someone who was considered with us and is considered missing, that is, this is a normal routine work, and of course, among the thousands, hundreds and thousands of those who we returned, on.. let me remind you that as of today we have 3,405 people have been returned, and of course there will be those who in one way or another went to collaborate with the enemy, and this is not about the question of whether to return such people or not, we are returning all of our people, but it is about the question of justice and the question of justice, if any, when we have already returned this person, interviewed and... there are fair
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grounds to believe that this person committed things that fall under the definition of crimes under ukrainian legislation, accordingly these measures will be taken and this person will be punished, but i emphasize that we return , as a coordination headquarters, we return everyone, and this is very important for us, dear mr. spokesman of the coordination headquarters, i would like to ask you... well, first of all, i would like to thank the coordination headquarters and all the involved structures and departments for the fact that it was possible to return our fighters . this is an extremely big success. i would like to ask you to share maybe some additional details, how did you manage to get the people out, what was the most difficult part, was the enemy generally going for this exchange, right? well, if we are talking about the survey until recently prisoners of war, and to what extent, how
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improperly and contrary to the geneva convention, did the enemy treat them? each exchange is a unique arrangement. a unique job, and every exchange, we have them now, this is the 54th exchange, it's kind of a special story, and they 're not like each other, and definitely all these arrangements, they're very difficult because we 're dealing with an enemy that wants to destroy us, destroy our culture, our state, us physically, and negotiations with... with such an enemy, they are very difficult, and we saw that and last year there was a pause in exchanges, quite long, almost six months, and this year we had several exchanges at the beginning of the year, in january, february, then there was a rather long pause,
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about three months, then exchanges started again, so we found certain arguments , certain proposals that succeeded. and this is very important for us, because in order to return everyone, the exchanges must continue, and if in the last six months of the 23rd year we managed to return about 900 people with a significant number of exchanges, now we have a little less exchanges than this period, but during each exchange we return more people and have returned in these six months... about 800 people, that is, we would definitely like these exchanges to be cleaner, but unfortunately, putin does not value his soldiers and soldiers who are now we have, often these are people who are with us in
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the camps, and for more than 2 years, and no one is interested in them, they do not want to return them, and only our system... the work, the work of the coordination headquarters, which is engaged in this activity, and we, as the coordination headquarters, i want to emphasize, we are the only state the authorized body that deals with this work, and there is international mediation, but all the negotiations are done by the coordination headquarters, and we try to do this work, because it is important for hundreds and thousands of our families, our citizens, who... are in a very vulnerable position , what is the officially confirmed figure for the number of ukrainian prisoners of war in the russian federation, mr. peter, and i also wanted to clarify with you, this is a very sensitive topic for many families of azov soldiers, because
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, unfortunately, azov citizens are not returned, it is such very a complex topic, very sensitive, because unfortunately the enemy does not want to give the fighters of this unit and or... somehow manage to find possible arguments for returning, because this first such vivid exchange is when the commanders who were returned were actually left, then they were kept in turkey for a long time, but they were returned to ukraine, and we understand that there are enough azov fighters also in captivity. unfortunately, the enemy does not share with us any information about those he captures, there is no official information. data, so a large part of those we return, they were listed as missing in our records, so it is quite difficult to publish any clear statistics, so we know, there is information about the majority of those who are actually in captivity, but we do not disclose it, so that this
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is not official information, regarding azov, so really the enemy, if he sees that our society is interested in returning. of this category, he will do the opposite, that is , he will not give them away, but the negotiations continue, they do not stop, for any no day, every day there is some work, and we hope that in the end there will be positive news about it, and answering the previous question, the state in which our servicemen are, means civilians, because the coordination headquarters deals with civilians as well. in which they return is very disturbing, russia does not allow representatives of the international committee of the red cross to monitor, and international support is important for us now in order to force the aggressor country to stop torture
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and allow international monitoring to the places receiving, so that our boys, our girls, they live to the moment of exchange. and their health was satisfactory, this is a very important point, well, we have seen the photos, some of the soldiers there are literally in a dystrophic state, that is, not that malnourished. and the starvation torture, it's, it's amazing, even i'm afraid to ask you about the rest of the torture that the prisoners of war suffered, instead, maybe you could share information about the role of the united arab emirates, so the mediation missions, how much, how much they were active, and whether there is a prospect the return of an additional portion of our fighters home? for us, international mediation is very important in the geneva conventions on
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issues related to the treatment of prisoners of war, there are clauses on the involvement of a third party, a neutral party, an international mediator, because it is easier to conduct negotiations this way, and we are indebted to the united arab emirates for help in organizing exchanges, for now... it is too early to talk about details, we want this mediation, successful mediation to continue, and eh, although the main work, it after all, it rests with the ukrainian state structures, but an intermediary is needed, and we are always open to any proposals, to any mediation that will allow us to make the following exchanges more often and faster and... more in volume, because our main activity is that exchanges take place, they and we
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can return our people, this work is ongoing, and the news will be clear. mr. peter, please, very briefly, finally, are there any others, maybe don't name them if it's classified information, are there any others as well foreign mediators to help bring our people home, because the vatican also promised us a lot that it would help with that, but we... we don't know if it's official, we already have part of the 53rd exchange, that exchange of civilians, where the holy see helped, we are very grateful to him for this, that is, work in this direction is also being conducted, but we will announce all possible successful mediations only after the fact of successful exchanges. thank you petro yatsenko, the spokesman of the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, was in
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live broadcast of the espresso tv channel. and let's remind you, another exchange took place every day, 95 ukrainian prisoners of war were returned home. now we will have a pause, after which we will talk about the decisions that were adopted today in the parliament. there are actually a lot of them and they need some explanation, so please wait a few minutes, we'll be back. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. ordinary light bulbs are available in stores cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works on. even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging , the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is
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well, the budget committee recommended allowing the government to suspend payments on the external public debt. i don't know, of course it's not a default, well, but as an argument in prest conversations about restructuring, it may seem a little strong, how threatening the situation is, especially considering that if, for example, our creditors do not agree to restructuring, then what? first of all, we have probably been actively discussing for the last month, so will the government be able to come to an agreement? with commercial creditors regarding our debt, which was already postponed for two years and the term of which has come, the payment of which has come, or rather it has been coming since august 1, and you know, watching this picture, i understood that there were problems, because about
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they were completely silent and did not give information from the ministry of finance or from the government, they said... from the national bank, the first deputy chairwoman, the first deputy head of the national bank that the negotiations are ongoing, in general, this is a long-term process, but success will be in these negotiations, and a lot of experts gave different assessments, i won't even name them , since the beginning of the year i wrote a lot about this debt, about the fact that even in november of last year, private creditors already had their goals organized... services for working with the ukrainian authorities regarding the recovery of the funds that ukraine should pay them, why did we not respond to this, you know, i do not accept the fact that dear questions, we are hiding, and we have a war, we are allowed everything, we will be believed , and there is nothing, nothing to ask of us, because we have no money, well
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, it does not happen, at a time when we want a positive, positive image among creditors... and this allows us to cooperate with the imf, at the same time, we are another we do irreparable things with our hands, but tonight the need to consider the draft law quickly appeared, well, in fact, only at night when they found out that this was a government draft law, and there was an alternative one to it, the government law in general only concerned the transfer of the debt to ukraautor, by the way, the debt that was voted by this government. they voted to take a lot of money for big card breeding, that is, they poured this entire project under state guarantees, and now it turns out that there is no one in this service to carry out the work. with creditors, and it is necessary to add, to make this debt within the framework of the state, general state debt, today they heard from the podium, generally unclear explanations, but god be with him,
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there is not such a catastrophic situation, although the amount is also huge, up to a billion us dollars, ms. nina, and taxes, taxes, it is definitely there, wait, i will negotiate now, and an alternative deputy appears . the draft law, which already says: let's do something with commercial debt, but where is the government, where is its position, where is the national bank, why does the deputy draft law expand the request that the cabinet of ministers addresses to us, regarding also commercial debt, that is, at night, or when it became known to someone that in fact there is a problem here too, because i, in fact, the verkhovna rada today gave me the opportunity to make... a decision on essentially extending the negotiations for another two months, because it is obvious that by
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the specified date, by august 1, they do not have time to complete them or find a compromise after all, we never received full information, because again they said that this information is closed, dear, dear mrs. nina, look, i would just like to clarify procedurally, well, the budget committee recommended, but does... still have a vote at the plenary meetings, and this is the word to suspend payments on the external state debt, that is , to suspend it is not to be refused on the one hand, but on the other hand, the key story is how our serious creditors will perceive it, that is, default, does it sound like that or does it not? today, this draft law was accepted as a basis, and in general, we really had to put in a lot of effort to get it accepted. so as not to get this actual default, so that it does not sound like it was proposed. we have proposed, and thank you to the ministry of finance, that they agreed that we
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postponed, gave this deadline for the extension of the agreement, in fact, the restructuring of this certain, it can be in any form, including until the write-off of part of the debt on these securities, only until the first.. . in october, in general , the draft law was forever, and it would be, well, a terrible and irreparable mistake, if the verkhovna rada voted with such terminology, i am sure that tomorrow we would have to re-vote, so first of all, we voted today on the basis of in general, voted with the fact that they gave the opportunity not to stop the repayment, but if necessary to stop the... repayment and continue the negotiations only until october 1, how our creditors will perceive it, we know, today the minister of finance spoke in the parliament hall,
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he said that this position is agreed with the imf, which is very good, because after all , almost all creditors agree with the position of the imf. let's talk about taxes, the excise tax on fuel will still be increased, and in addition, the military levy should be increased from 15 to 5%, but there is a whole game. dation, in which case, how much will this percentage be, that is, it turns out that the already impoverished ukrainian people will now close a hole in the budget, which someone will have to close, and the question is, well , is this really such a story without an alternative that without it nowhere, because the state does not have other levers, how to take this money somewhere, well, partners, shake the customs office, i don't know, other options, yes, you are right, you voted today. 231 votes of people's deputies for raising excise taxes on fuel, while voting, well, a certain part of servants of the people, opzzh and five votes from
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a political party, it's very strange, because everyone absolutely understood that there are no demands for our country according to the directive to bring excise tax rates closer today, that absolutely everyone is crying out for everyone. of the territorial communities of our great ukraine that this introduction will be postponed at least until the end of these blackouts and the terrible situation in the energy industry, you did not hear all this, but i hope you will hear the recording from the verkhovna rada, how they covered up all this shame, which was voted, you are a war, you don't understand it as a military person, how come this is absolutely unreasonable. and it looked cynical, but you are right, we will have fuel prices rise from september 1, of course,
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prices will rise absolutely immediately throughout the chain. we expect that somewhere inflation will be up to 10%, that is, it is generally a process that cannot be bypassed or adjusted, because it is the cost price of products and services consumed by our ukrainians, that's all, in relation to other taxes? first of all, now there is a huge draft of the law that needs to be worked out, this is what the government was afraid of all the time that we will raise taxes, and the type that raising excise taxes on... that's not all, the government's position is absolutely obvious, it seemed to them that people have a lot of money in their hands. the fact that, for example, our society is divided into such huge two categories, between which there is a big, big distance - the very rich and the very poor, then without understanding, the same taxes are set for everyone, well, there is absolutely disrespect for the citizens of ukraine, i i
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don't know where to act honestly, how to survive in this situation with a minimum pension of 5 00 i minimum payments for there, if a person does not work, 3 thousand, how to live on this money with such taxes and with such increases, but nevertheless we are waiting for another very large and in terms of volume and scope of questions before the project, this is a project about raising taxes and not... only about granting additional rights to the supervisory body, i have already looked through several pages and i am simply surprised, that is, you know that there will be such a provision for business: you give little, we will find it, we will squeeze it, if one of the experts knows how to read , it is in every norm that they add now to the tax code. as for the military levy? if it will be a special fund of the state budget that
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will go exclusively. managers who finance our armed forces, who provide our defense, should look at this gradation and think about how to act correctly, but it should definitely be a special fund, because it will be like with roads, everything goes to the general, to the general the treasury, and then it is spent wherever the authorities think, thank you, ms. nina, well, what, an extremely high-quality analysis, nina yuzhanina, was with us name. people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, so they plan to increase the military levy from 15 to 5%, and by the way, an interesting bill that was considered by the parliamentarians is about the so-called redemption from corruption, the verkhovna rada the council pushed through the bill on agreements with the investigation of corruption crimes, despite the risks
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pointed out by nabusap and anti'. the corruption committee, as reported by people's deputy zheleznyak, it is about an additional punishment in case of a deal, a fine is proposed, for example, if a person has committed a criminal offense, a criminal misdemeanor, it is 204,000 to 2 million, in the case of a particularly serious crime, the fine is from 102 million to 204 million, that is , the actual legalization of those who committed some crimes, and if they will have a certain an agreement with... with the investigation, they will pay a fine, they are free, this is the story, now i see it going around on social networks, people are trying to raise this topic so that this law does not pass in the second reading, well, let's hope that they will work it out very clearly people's deputies from taking into account the public resonance, they will make the necessary amendments, and perhaps even change the essence of this law to such an extent that such a thing will not pass, well, now that our journalist colleagues will actively work for us, we are already conveying it.
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a word to our beautiful colleague anna eva melnyk, who is already ready to share with us all the most important things, i think that maybe our colleague will tell us more about the new bills that were considered in the parliament hall today. annoyeva, we pass on the word and please share what we managed to find out about. greetings, mutual colleagues, about the most important news editor will tell more about the visit of the president of ukraine to great britain. be with us. volodymyr zelenskyy made a request to allow western weapons to hit airfields in the depths of russia during his speech at the inaugural session of europe.


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