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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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minute oksana savchuk , people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, ms. oksana, glad to see you. to the heroes, glory, mutual, glad to see and hear you. well, let's start with such a loud resonant news. yes, already some deputies have started to get a little stuck. well, the council supported the bill in the first reading, which will allow officials suspected of corruption should only pay a fine for the offense committed. well. well, and accordingly, what do you think is behind it, well, because people say that it is not the case, look, this was indeed on the agenda today, there was also an alternative draft law of other deputies to the cabinet, since we were actually recommended to make changes to these agreements on cooperation with the investigation, but i think to myself that in our country, as always , we put... the maximum that can be
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put there in the first reading, and then, after all, in the second reading reading, i think that it will be possible to adjust, in the end, many people submit these corrections, so that in the second reading, after all, the main thing that needs to be achieved is that, if a person even agrees to a deal with the investigation, he must reveal his accomplices , she must be punished, and there is no way that... everyone should think that he will simply fall under the ransom, that is, he will redeem himself, pay large sums of money, including for not only corruption, but also for serious crimes can be paid a large amount and not really to have a prison sentence, i really think that there were probably those who did not understand, maybe they were told there that this is a bill that they are asking us to vote on...
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european integration, etc., but really who is for what, we will to see in the second reading, because now it is only the first reading, i still hope that it will undergo changes, and we have already had them. such cases when it was resonant and by the second reading the draft law became much better. well, in the second reading today, the council abolished criminal responsibility for theft of property worth up to uah 3,000. well, actually, we have a lot of cases in the courts that concern some small thefts, but people are sometimes given five years in prison for it, that is, a disproportionate punishment and a crime, if we say so. for example, even about this draft law, which was passed in the first reading, regarding corrupt officials who committed much worse misdeeds, but can get away with a fine, so, in this aspect, it seems to me that it is quite logical. ms. oksano, we also wanted to ask you about all these tax innovations,
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now people too, you see, in social networks, excuse me, curse the government, because, well , money is not enough for many people, here also... we will have to pay additional taxes in the form of a military levy, if it is increased, that's it we already fully understand that the excise tax on fuel will become more expensive, and this in turn will lead to an increase in all prices, because now the business starts up the generators and fills them with fuel, and logistics will be more expensive, as was argued in fact, why this decision was made, or without was he at all? well, really, after all, i didn't exactly support it. increase in fuel, because i will change the excise tax on fuel, on gas, on liquefied gas, because i am convinced that all this will lead to the opposite, even more, more price increases, more and more people will be poorer, businesses will be closed, and even those self-employed people who today
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are trying to somehow make money for themselves, for their wages, they will not be able to extract, and also, as for the agrarians, it will be very difficult for them too, because at high prices, even if their price of fuel is equated to the price of fuel abroad, they still compensate the farmers there, and already today they wrote that our products will simply be uncompetitive, and there was no need to be outraged, why were polish farmers hired by the russian special services blocking the borders , when we ourselves, as they say, added fuel to the fire, we added fuel to the fire, when the fuel became more expensive, when we increased the excise tax, so the situation is really not easy, as far as the increase in taxes is concerned, er, here it is necessary to approach very carefully, because today the minister of finance spoke about the fact that
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there is a huge hole in the state budget and there is very little money, and that the excise tax on fuel will seem to everyone to be such a flower, you know. because it closes the hole in the budget, well , let's imagine, if this is actually such a bucket that needs to be filled, then it is only 10-15% of what needs to be poured there, that is , wait for new taxes, that's what we now we see that everyone does not understand what to do with it, as they wrote to me that they smoke there the cabinet of ministers, take that away from them, and in fact, people really don't understand. because there is no dialogue and no one, if they were to take it from everyone, because i am convinced that it is necessary to take away the expenses of everyone who can, in various ways, including there in the parliament, in the security forces, in the administrative corps, i mean, to reduce the extremely high
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salaries of all such people, and when all this is shown, then people will understand how it will happen, when it is ok, and for the assistants of the people's deputies to be increased so... to slander the wages, look, i did not consciously vote for this decision, i believe that it is wrong now, because i say, it is a very big split in society, really yesterday, you know, so quietly, without discussion, without anything, well, that i, for example, follow the agenda and i pay close attention to this, and there are even people's elected officials, some of whom even knew to the end what they were voting for, some did not, and they increased the payments to assistants, so this is another example of the fact that you can't say one thing with one hand, or rather , to say one thing, but to do something completely different with your hands. well, it depends on what the goal is put yourself look, i wanted to clarify with you , you hinted, so to speak, that the implementation of additional
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tax instruments is being prepared. well, you said correctly, yes, that we have big problems with the budget, the budget needs to be filled, macroeconomic stability needs to be maintained, the excess needs to be cut. expenses, yes, but we understand that this may not be a critical economy, especially considering the fact that we don't seem to do it anyway, yes, well , maybe the states will inflate and so on, and so on, something needs to be done urgently, but who... it should do, perhaps it would be worthwhile to initiate some legislative initiatives on the part of the parliament, i don't know what to do, and what other taxes should we expect? well, if we are talking about new taxes, then this is an increase in the military levy, yes, yes, yes, we know this, but maybe there are still some prospects, look, right now, right before your broadcast, i just opened a document about , what... what is proposed and accepted by the cabinet of ministers and what concerns local councils, i will tell you honestly,
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in principle there will be many different underfunded moments, and it will be possible even this cause a lack of wages, that is, if there is not enough state subsidies to cover the same salaries for educators, doctors, etc., then it will fall somewhere on some communities that... can, respectively, which cannot, then these, they will have even such things are possible, so this document will still be carefully studied, i will tell you honestly, it is very difficult to prove something in the opposition, how to make this document balanced, which taxes really need to be raised, which ones should not be raised, because there is always an appropriate number of votes, and and all they know this, and that's why everything happens in this version. ms. oksana, you said it very well. about the fact that we have a certain state sector, there are people who receive salaries from the state budget, such as doctors, teachers, and
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so on, and that a situation may arise when this money will not be enough, but we also understand that there is a certain the private sector is actually a business that makes money, and now there is also an active discussion of the issue that there will not be a fair decision regarding the reservation, it is actually about the economic reservation, about what will have to be decided... not a very fair and not very acceptable decision for everyone, but the situation is such that there is a hole in the budget that needs to be covered, and even a military levy or an increase in excise duty on fuel, they will not be able to to cover this matter, i know that i know that now, well, if they are starting to realize the fact that without economy booking, we simply have no options, but what this economy booking will be, no one is ready to say now, there are three bills, dmytro nataluk. and the head the profile committee actually submitted them, but the chairman of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stepanchuk
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, says that he believes that this law, whether the second or the third, which is currently in the parliament, will not be voted on, and he believes that it is impossible , is a fourth alternative draft law being considered or are there any possible proposals from the cabinet regarding how they see this process? it seems to me that the cabinet of ministers is constantly doing some incomprehensible secret special operations in manual mode. about the chosen companies for booking, and it suits everyone, but if speaking from the point of view of justice, although believe me, economic reservation is not about justice, it is simply about the requirement to preserve her valuable, important personnel, because even today, when we say that mobile operators are obliged to provide a ten-hour connection time, they are on the other side. they say it's good, but some of our highly qualified specialists are mobilized
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and we have no one to replace them, and we have completely different equipment, so let's decide something, that's exactly what they tell us representatives of large enterprises that actually pay taxes, they say: you take away my chief engineer, i can't pay 20 people a salary, for example, because i don't have him. so, with regard to... the reservation, it is very important that this system is clear, the rules are very clearly written, and how much tax this company has to pay, what exactly the positions should be, they are given for a certain period of time, that is, in society they have to understand, that this person, he does not have armor until the end of the war, for some period, and she can work this period, during that time, the entrepreneur can teach other people, i.e. dialogue is in this format, and this is for... it is necessary to gather several round tables, working groups, take proposals from businesses and
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come up with a general joint bill , but you noticed that, unfortunately, the servant of the people faction rejected such democratic tools that the parliament needs, discussions, hearings, they are possible, now there are a lot of methods of how they can even be done offline and online and go to joint draft laws, and it's you for... well, including business. thank you oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was on the live air of the espresso tv channel. now we are moving on. a little pause. after it, we continue. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on пенистыел 15% in pharmacies plantain to save you. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matryc toper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order the mattrik topper for a comfortable sleep
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hours of airtime, two hours of your time. to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. well, let's add it. now to our live broadcast oleksandr kraev, expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksandr, this is how the hero is glorified, i congratulate you. well, the situation in the united states, in particular, is predetermined election race, yes, well, it's already starting to clear up a bit, yes, and several characters have already appeared, including the
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same famous elon musk who supported donald trump in his, yes. so to speak, to the election campaign, we understand that 54 million dollars donated to support trump is not much, but taking into account, so to speak, the informational capacity of elon musk and not only him, i think that there is a much wider circle, well, the people who gather together with donald trump, something became clear adjust domestic policy in the united states and possibly foreign policy. in the states, the visit of boris johnson without a portfolio, so to speak, a great friend in ukraine, on the one hand, on the other hand, we understand that he, you know, as at one time we... mykhailo saakashvili begins to pollinate very different flower gardens all over the world, well, it brought his fate to trump, so trump is coming, there is
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already a certain sociology, yes, as far as we understand, it is not yet critical for biden, but there are environments that are already starting to work against biden group, rude, brutal, and so to speak, this is just the beginning, yes, in fact it looks like after the ... attempt on trump's life, he is on the horse, he is on the horse not only informationally, he not only attracts to himself maximum attention, he also feels himself in strength and exercise, he, he received essentially, from and his own supporters and in general from the population of the united states of america carte blanche. he really confirmed his image as a political martyr and a sufferer for the idea of ​​great america, and therefore all the attention that is currently directed at him is not for nothing. literally in one day after this attempt , his... percentages at the federal level increased by almost 15% of support. if we are talking about bookmakers, after all, it is also one of the tools for analyzing the chances of this
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or that candidate. now almost 70% probability is placed on his winning. biden's win is only 12.5. therefore, one way or another, but also in international relations, and in terms of finding potential sponsors, donors and even informational support. trump now has a clear lead in this race. and... therefore, accordingly, biden's team needs either find some alternative ways of influencing this situation, or really think about a potential replacement or vice president, as many have talked about, or even about replacing biden himself, because such discussions still do not subside in the democratic camp, and candidates, for example, who to replace can consider well, for now, let's start with the fact that no democratic politician will openly tell you: let's change biden, i'm ready, because so far... as long as biden remains in the race, so far, despite all the problems, he still has 43% support americans, that is, he can still win quite possibly, and then the person who
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opposed him at such a difficult stage, at such a difficult period for him, she will really erase the political future during the biden administration, but if we analyze what is said in in analytical circles, what experts close to the biden team are talking about, three names are mainly heard, that is... kamala harris, the vice president, as the most obvious replacement, well, that is, the president is being replaced by a vice president, although with harris there is huge the problem is that she has an extremely large anti-rating, because americans either simply do not know her, or directly say that she has not done anything that she should have done in the last four years. more proactive candidates are, say, the governor of california, gavin yusim, who is already considered a younger copy of biden, because both in his foreign policy program and... domestic policy, he almost 100% reproduces what biden says, it's just that he is his much younger, and he just represents the younger generation of democratic leadership, and the third
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the option, which is already being mentioned rather sidetracked with little hope for its success, is pete buttige, the minister of infrastructure, biden's personal adviser and ambassador on his personal behalf, and in principle a person with a lot of experience in both regional and federal politics, which the younger electorate really likes. party, so for now we have these three candidates, but i repeat, publicly, none of them and none of the other democratic politicians have come forward, offering themselves to replace biden, but look, mr. alexander, at at the beginning of our conversation, you mentioned that as a result of this assassination attempt, i don't know, maybe it was a pseudo-assassination or something, it was unclear, the rating increased, but it did not increase by 1.5%, it is not that much, as possible calculated in his headquarters, on the other hand, we understand that they are now with biden, the current president, on whom they pour, well, literally, well, the buckets were washed, you understand, this is uh, what is it called, not
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sexism, marta, but ageism, such an undisguised jism, then everyone begins to weave some non-existent diseases and so on, well , biden behaves normally, he is a nice person and behaves much better than... many thirty-year-old morons, so that 's the point, and maybe he should stay and, on the contrary , continue, you know, because if his under the conditions of all this criticism, his rating is basically on a par with trump's, no matter what trump produces, who he does not attract and so on, well, it is possible that this is precisely the key to the success of the current american president, this is a fairly working theory, and in fact this option. is really being considered and maybe biden will be able to play on it, but there are a few buts. biden's entire campaign was built on the expectation of a few key black swans.
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the first of them is precisely the courts. over trump, because it was expected that even if it did not stop his candidacy, it would at least remove a significant percentage of his support, especially among independent voters, precisely those so-called swing states, which are important for this election, which will determine its essence , but we see that after the decision of the supreme court on partial immunity, after this attempt, well these cases are starting to fall apart, unfortunately, the judges, especially the judges that were appointed under trump, they are finding a lot of... a lot of legal loopholes to try to overturn most of the charges against the former president, and in fact this option already ceases to work, that is, minus one tool that could, well, let's say, undermine the positions of donald trump at the federal level, and secondly, biden hoped that trump's rhetoric would eventually will become more provocative, more aggressive, and he will become toxic, both for his voters, and for his party, for the country in general, and that it is one way or another ...
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but it will bring trump to clean water and let everyone understand that exactly biden is an island of stability, and biden is a guarantee that the united states will continue to develop adequately without any additional crises, but after this attempt and after trump essentially took leadership in the information sphere, well, he is developing a completely different image for himself, he "connects people around him with with a completely different message, and therefore, for now , despite the fact that, well, i'm fat... i agree with you, biden is holding up very, very well for his age and for all the surrounding circumstances, but so far the trump campaign is showing itself well, in in the long run, trump can score a lot of additional points, which is difficult to say about biden, it is not known where he will look for a new voter, and johnson, what johnson did, so to speak, close to trump, it is about the former british prime minister, so this is actually an interesting question, for which yet
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we don't have a clear answer, we... can only appeal to certain key narratives that sounded there: firstly, we know that johnson is applying for several major international positions, both in the structure of nato and in the structure of the fund for the restoration of ukraine , so we know that in principle he wants to remain in big politics, at least at the level of international organizations, and for this purpose right now to work with trump on the issue of ukraine, because johnson himself stated that this was a key topic of their negotiations, to work with trump on the issue peace in europe, this is exactly what what he can do. appeal, well , stating that he is the most suitable person to work in these international positions. there is another side of the coin, which is now being talked about mainly by british colleagues. we know that the conservative government had no problem with donald trump, the labor government, now under keir starmer, we see that they have a good relationship in principle with the democratic joseph biden, but we also know that labor has a huge doubt treat trump, him
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adequacy opportunities to cooperate in general, and that is why britain needs someone, it needs a negotiator who can convey to trump the need for normal cooperation, who can be the liaison between labor london and republican washington, and as british colleagues say, maybe for johnson this is just the option to return the british politics, to become a kind of messenger between two governments that are not particularly prepared to understand each other, none of these theories are mutually exclusive, and therefore in principle... it is worth saying that johnson shows himself as an experienced politician, understanding that no one can find a common language with trump, and that trump is chaotic and unpredictable. johnson, who has experience working with trump and perfectly understands his psychology of actions, can help here both on an international format and in specifically british issues. thank you, oleksandr krayiv, expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism, was on the live air of the espresso tv channel. the fourth hour, 4:00 p.m., is already approaching. on
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the clock, which means that the time has come news on the espresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to anna eva melnyk's colleague and look forward to news from her. congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, ursula fondelein was re-elected as the president of the european commission, i will start with the details of this news, stay with us.


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