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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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whether the means of communication of our mobile operators, internet providers, provide a ten-hour mode without light on the communication, whether they will fulfill this task, whether it is possible to ensure it in the current conditions, we will talk about it now, digital technology expert oleksandr glushchenko already in touch with us, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, good day, oh christmas trees, we have a problem here, a drop of rain fell directly on the camera, a lot. i will, good afternoon, but a drop of rain, you already know that, well, yes, let's hope that it will rain from a bucket, and will cool down the temperature a little, but as if it were good news, that is, i have never particularly welcomed certain, so to speak, measures of state regulation of the so-called economic activity of certain economic entities, but in this case i would like to praise our government, in particular , dezhspetzvyazuk, they took over our mobile operations. and obliged them, what
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to do, to buy generators, because in addition to the lack of light, the lack of a mobile phone connection also puts additional pressure on the psyche, that is , it's not a question of the internet here either, well, that's not the case, so to speak, we understand that our company's mobile operators are far from poor, they can afford it, especially considering the amount of money they pass through, and but but but but they will not leave, what do you think? will it be possible to fix the situation with mobile communication in this way, when there is no light in plain language? look, in this letter, the situation there concerns not only mobile operators, there are also fixed line operators. this problem is that in our country they don't analyze, they don't forecast, and we just do it we patch holes and there in the style of not very good countries, it just demands. we have to
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give something from private companies, and there is no dialogue about what you need in order for you to implement it, there is a date, you must do everything well, while we all know that electronic communications operators have a large there is a problem with the reservation of technical specialists, there are problems with the reservation of on-site repair crews, if in 2023 the state collected. market participants said: we predict that the situation will only worsen, so let's abolish vat and customs clearance of sources of uninterrupted electricity, sources of alternative electricity, let us reserve 100% of the technical staff for you, and in a year and a half we will demand from you exactly that situation, when the communication must be
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at the sites of the providers, at the base stations , in the cable for 72 hours in a row, it would be logical, but logical now is the current situation, these are things that are not correlated with each other, so i am not sure that in general the telecommunications operators will fulfill these conditions, because the big problem is with the technical staff, him there is almost none, it has already been almost completely taken away from some providers, especially small ones, if we are talking about operators in the fixed... one installer, the provider needs from six months to a year so that he can be straight-handed, so that he can lay the trunk, so that he can weld the optics, so that he understands how the equipment works, how to turn it on, turn it off, maintain it, this is a big problem. or
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did the state help telecom operators? no, it did not help in this regard, are there people? no, there are no people, are there opportunities? of course, please show me the warehouse where tens of thousands of batteries, tens of thousands of generators lie, not only that, but if we take the network architecture, we will find sites where it is technically, technologically, geographically impossible to install this additional equipment, because it just no, is there a problem with the ground. surely there is, whether there is a problem with renting space, surely there is, whether the state helped in the liberalization of all of these processes, of course, that did not help, so i would first of all talk about whether the connection in ukraine will be of poor quality, whether there will be at all, whether it will be, mr. oleksandr, and what it will be, if we take the trend, then it is too early or later, especially in the front-line regions, everything is wrong.
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they will face the problem of lack of personnel, lack of equipment, lack of people, and the connection will only degrade, ugh, look a... well, look, now with the existing current schedules of outages, which can be worse in the winter period, there are various scenarios, there are more optimistic, there are more pessimistic scenarios, well, let's move away from pessimistic scenarios, you know, it's better to prepare for the worst, and if it's better, well, in principle, it's cool, so could it be that in winter we will not have connection and how long it may not be, but what is a pessimistic schedule? well, according to those schedules and those versions that are currently circulating, that there can be two hours of light per oak, for example, well, let's say four, today and two, well, there is no special difference, that
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's right, that's right, the provider's batteries are just cannot be charged, and i generally have a question, but where in all these schemes, in all these? claims of the state to telecommunications operators of the energy sector, let's sort this tangle from the point of view of sound logic, there are electricity suppliers, and it would probably be reasonable to gather communications workers, gather electricity suppliers and create a kind of list of critical infrastructure objects on which energy companies must reserve and provide electricity, only later in case of force majeure, in case of... n, communication operators must to provide electricity with the help of alternative sources, if the energy companies cannot do it, that's what we have to talk about, because now we have the state as a service, we have communication operators, we have subscribers who are suffering, we have some
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mythical alternative sources of electricity, which should be taken from where, and the question arises, where are the energy companies, why are they not there, well , somehow we are talking about electricity without... owners of electric poles, without owners of generation, they should also be present, they are simply not in this dialogue, it's strange, yes, this is an extremely important moment, well, let's hope that somehow energy workers will be included in this scheme, look, and if we're talking about, i don't know, there are autumn scenarios, we'll understand that the enemy is cunning and insidious, that is, if they hit the generation objects, the objects. distribution over networks and so on, well , they can also hit communication objects, yes, that is, this scenario is likely, well, and on the base station, please, i’m talking, and the communication object is conditionally there base station, the support on which the optical cable hangs, there
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somewhere in the house on the roof there is a box with a candle, that's all in one word, so to speak, a flight control center or something or one of those regional centers. the internet is decentralized through cernet, yes, but mobile cellular communication? and you know, i think that in order for ukrainians to be in touch, they should first of all take care of the connection, and it is precisely fixed line operators who should come to their aid here, if you have one in your house provider with wired internet, yes, if it is optics, then you are really spoiled, you can for... ask your provider if he guarantees you 72 hours, if you have any other technology coming to your house or apartment from an apparatus or a coaxial cable, you call your provider, ask if he has reserved equipment on
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the site, if reserved, ask how many hours, uh, all you have to do is reserve your equipment, yes, if it's mon, you need miniups, a source without... power or a powerbank to connect to the router and to the optical receiver, if it's another technology, then you need to power up the router, and you you are connected, because wi-fi, because when you turn off the lights, thousands of devices automatically fall out of the wi-fi network, yes , from wi-fi and connect to base stations, of course, physics cannot be fooled, base stations are not withstand such a load, and prioritization is given to voice transmission so that the subscriber can call an ambulance or the ministry of emergency situations or the police, and the internet may light up, the lte tick will be on, but it will not be there, because the number of subscribers sitting at the base station does not allow this opportunity. also, if you, as a subscriber, already know that your
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provider has not reserved power for its equipment, you can find a competitor, connect to it, if it is already bad, you can... use the same mobile internet, but you will have to use a router with sim, for mobile internet, use an external antenna and connect to the base station. which is located at a distance of 5-10-20 km there in the hope that maybe they will provide you with the internet there, if everything is already bad, well, it remains only as an alternative starling, well, so far other alternatives to such cheap satellite internet have not been invented, but it's all money, money, money, money, money, and every citizen who wants to be connected must understand that he must have several service providers, first , that is, he must have several sims, operators in order for him to have a choice, yes, the second option, that is, he must have at least two internets in the house, one main,
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one emergency, if we are talking about fixed line operators connection, then the chances to be online increases, but all the same it all rests on electricity, because no matter how cool batteries are installed, in two or three hours they cannot charge and resume work, miracles do not happen, for example, today i have light in my house was not. well, come on, in about 10 hours the light was as much as one and a half hours, that is , everything that should have sat down, that you and i live in the same house, yes, mr. oleksandr, well, unfortunately, the situation will worsen, but thank you thank you for these professional, cool and very correct tips, we will keep in touch with you in the future. oleksandr hlushchenko, an expert in digital technologies, about the scenario, what to do, and accordingly, how to steer clear of something like this, you can steer clear of it. i think, with grandfatherly methods, such as the liar, but everyone probably
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has, or once had a radio in the kitchen that you could listen to without the light, yes, which runs on batteries, i think that now is the time to get them out of their closets somewhere for in order to check their serviceability, well, and at least get news there, something like that will be possible through this means of communication, well, back to such certain, you know, old-fashioned maybe methods and communication. but in the current conditions , you have to get out of the situation as best you can, that's why it's like this, we're going on a break now, after it we'll continue talking in our studio, so be quick, you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy, then the novelty from mattress market is just for you, meet the peina dreamlight mattress, the peina dreamlight mattress chews up all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid for sleeping just on the floor, soft,
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how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch saturday's political club, huh? works on espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yarik. in the direction of the times, the information day of the tv channel continues, well, there was an accident at a nuclear plant in russia,
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and millions of russians are without power, without energy, so it goes... about the rostov nuclear power plant, yes, and the consequences for the aggressor state , quite, quite tangible, yes, well, i think our colleagues will talk about this somewhere in the evening slot, and we let's talk about an extremely important, essential matter, our internal-ukrainian one, about decolonization, oleksandr hlushchenko, expert, oh, i'm sorry, vadym pozdnyakov, co-founder of the decolonization project, is in touch with us. ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. vadim. we would like to ask you, you know, about pushkinskopad, or, as it is better to say, about the decolonization of our state. you know, there are certain cities that are very actively doing this whole thing. well, there are certain communities where this is happening very slowly. and we understand that the ministry of culture ignores certain requirements,
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regarding the granting of a permit for the dismantling of monuments to pushkin, in particular, the one i mentioned. at the beginning, what is the matter, actually, why does the ministry of culture somehow ignore and slow down this process in your opinion? this is either sabotage or simply low-quality work, because there are a number of examples that communities submitted documents to the regional administration, which, respectively, to the ministry of culture, and regarding the dismantling of pushkin monuments, there in the city of krasnograd, kharkiv region, in the cities of tatarbuna, bilhorod, dnistrovskyi , belgrade, odesa region, i.e. kryvyi there rosie, we still have a number of memorials... pushkin, not because the communities do not want to clean them, but rather because the ministry of culture does not want, or cannot finally issue an order to remove them from the registers, so that the communities can legally do all this to do, and there is a lot of it, it's not only pushkin, it's just that he's still a nag. and look, what are our largest regions or certain cities,
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regional violators of the decommunization regime. here, look, looking at how to count, conditionally the most. the number of objects in the largest cities, it's just logical, and there are a lot of objects in dnipro, in odessa, in odessa there is, for example, still a huge image of the order of lenin, in public space, almost in the center of the city, in kyiv there are also many objects, in kharkiv , that is, the largest cities, correspondingly , they have the largest number of these monuments, despite the fact that kyiv and kharkiv have actually dismantled a huge number of objects, there are almost fifty, maybe even more, but this still means that it is necessary to dismantle more than 100 and there and there, but where do you care? the colonizers should apply, well, we we understand that very often this or that local or state institution, well there, even sometimes they simply do not react, because they do not know, that is, perhaps there is a lack of personnel, or rather full-time employees, and so on, well, plus, they behave this way to this problem, maybe a little with those, with not rolled up sleeves, well
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, accordingly, where do the activists have a... the most active is to call, and you need to make an appeal to the leadership of your local self-government bodies, where there are certain monuments or streets, and so on to push back from the answers, that is , there are a lot of various legal subtleties, that is, if some community refuses to rename something, dismantle it, it is definitely under the influence of the law, you need to contact the institute of national remembrance, or they provided an explanation to the community that, after all, it is necessary dismantle or rename, but now the situation is such that the problem with many monuments is that they are... physically in these registers of the ministry of culture, and in order not to formally violate all these laws, local councils often do not want to take responsibility and dismantle these. monuments, it is already very difficult here, because the ministry of culture is not such a bulky, unwieldy structure, which frankly delays this process, because if
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the ministry of culture and information policy issued an order to remove these conditional thousand objects, which in of us are left, then i think that we could dismantle 70-80 percent quite quickly within a few months there with the involvement of local self-government bodies, activists, etc., and otherwise, there would have been saboteurs, but i think this could also be solved quite well. operatively, that is, i do not understand what the problem is, even if it was to bring all these pushkin bitters to begin with, but look, what is the essence of this sabotage work on the part of the ministry of culture, in your opinion, it is the desire to simply somehow prioritize other needs now, is it possible that there are some outspoken people who are nostalgic for the soviet union, that is, that there is no political will. is it possible that there is another possible reason for this? to hide from this, well, because stating the fact of ignoring is one thing, but i think it is necessary to get to some essence of the question,
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what is the essence of this ignoring itself? in the vast majority - these are bureaucratic moments, that is, it is such a very public structure, where to get all all the permits, all the approvals, you have to go through a million instances, plus there is no political will, most importantly, there is no desire to do it, that is, the ministry of culture is a large structure, they occupy... a huge number of cases and , unfortunately, there is no decolonization for them a priority, because if it were a priority, it would be possible to do much more, that is, they are not particularly interested in it, that is, to say that there are some quilters sitting there, it would be an exaggeration, rather people, for whom, well, in the vast majority , this is not the case interesting, no, you just understand, but in lviv oblast, the regional administration took up this topic very actively, and there were certain problems in certain communities, people did not really accept it. well, but somehow you know, the work has gone, the movement, the movement has begun and it is good, can we somehow delegate this entire story exactly to places, so that, if the minkult somehow
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recovers from this, then let the cities and communities deal with it, are there any certain difficulties, it is meant, if these or other objects, they have a certain value there, and maybe they should be exhibits in the museum, and you cannot solve it on the spot, there is a bureaucratic problem, look at... the kyiv regional administration had the political will, that is , the political will to turn a blind eye to these bureaucratic moments, to criminal liability, even for the dismantling of these monuments ' sights, that is they still cannot be dismantled if they have a status, many went where those who wanted to, went there in 22, 23, it was all dismantled, the only problem is that a huge number of communities want to do it so that everything is legally, it is absolutely legal, that is, there is no political will and they will do it, but... out of great desire, look, the lviv regional administration had the political will, it did it, where there is no political will, it is not done there, okay, but here now would like us to
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move on to the most difficult problem which it is called criteria and not only political, but also intellectual courage, that is, it is very easy, well, procedurally it is not always possible easily, well, but it is very easy, for example, to fight or outline one or another... sights as sights russian colonization initiatives or soviet ones, for example, the soviet monument to shchors , it’s easier with him, yes, shchors is the red commander and so on, and the monument was dismantled and moved to a museum because, well, it seems that from an aesthetic point of view, the horse there is very convincing , yes, but on the other hand we have a monument russian empire narrative built, in particular , with the participation of the black hundred, yes, representatives of the imperial circles, which is one of the symbols
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of kyiv, i am talking specifically about the monument to bohdan zanovy khmelnytskyi, yes, we understand what was the motivation of the russian imperial circles, who installed it in the central kyiv square, and here's how to deal with it, that is, in its essence... the monument to khmelnytskyi, the same imperial nail driven into the body of ukrainian space, well, i, like the monument to khmelnytskyi, here is a monument shchorsu, the monument to khmelnytskyi, what about us, how can we deal with all this business? well, look, i still believe that the story with the monuments to khmelnytskyi is actually much more complicated, that is, it is clear that if we take, for example, the renaming of the city of khmelnytskyi, it was tied to the so-called reunification of ukraine with russia, under. .. anniversary, and here it is clear that it is necessary to return the city's historical name, no matter who wants it there, but still, i do not think that the figure of khmelnytskyi should be deleted from the ukrainian
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national about deleting the figure. khmelnytskyi and he is still waiting for his worthy assessment by honest ukrainian historians, because the figure is tragic and so on, no, i am talking about the monument, that is, it was erected by imperial circles with the purpose of showing that the accession of ukraine to russia, which khmelnytskyi was implementing , well, it was okay, but with that here is a more difficult point, how to be an imperial monument, it is imperial, it was created, created by imperials with an imperial... purpose, but we tolerate it, because bohdan khmelnytskyi did a lot for what , to confirm the ukrainian identity, ukrainian statehood, here, here, here, here, this is a difficult question, we have it even before this pre-treaty, even before this discussion, we, i’m sorry, did not have a discussion with bulgakov, no, well, the discussion with bulgakov is very simple, it is russian a writer born in ukraine, that is, we should not tolerate him, but we would like to deal with our
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internal... history, or, for example, there are also very difficult cases, yes, so to speak, of red ukrainians, yes, that is, people , who served the bolshevik regime, but later very often they were repressed or destroyed, or they did not end there physically, but on a moral level they were destroyed by the soviet regime, there during stalin's time, of course, there are quite a few controversial figures, but it seems to me that we should first resolve the issue. look, we still have streets named after russian figures, monuments to russian figures, i think that the discussion about certain of our historical figures will not start until a little later, that is, we are currently only forming our own pantheon and our national their national narratives, of course, a lot of questions can arise about mr. khvylovy, who fought against the army of the ukrainian people's republic,
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and now there were discussions even at... streets named after the ukrainian-soviet theater actor, yes, but it turned out that he in his memoirs he wrote that he was in the cheka, and now in lviv we have already renamed buch street, in vinnytsia they are planning, on the road they are planning, in odesa they are planning, but in some cities it has not yet matured, there the kyiv and kharkiv authorities believe that buchma is still more theatrical, than chakist, that's why they don't want to rename it, i think that the discussion about what role, who in our history among ukrainians had and who we have. to honor those we don't have, whom we include in the pantheon, who we don't include, this will be just the next series of our national awareness, our national understanding, we are just slowly approaching this, because it is surreal, but two years ago, people visited us practically in every city, even in lviv, there were dozens and dozens of names in honor of russian poets, writers, artists, and it didn’t bother anyone in particular, and
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unfortunately there were dozens of people there... there were actually a few, that is, there were also figures of soviet ukraine who were stuck somewhere because of that, by the way, forgive me, i won’t list them all , but of the russian ones, there were actually units, units, not dozens, but there are cities where there are probably much more of them, in the same one, i don’t know, in kharkiv, well, unfortunately, we don’t have time to continue this discussion , we hope that mr. vadim will be in touch with us not for the first time, so let's go, oh, for the first time, but not for the last time, i'm already tired, so the third hour of the broadcast continues, and now we'll finish it right now with antin, vadim poznyukov, thank you, co-founder of the project decolonization ukraine, he was in touch with us, violated difficult topic, we understand that the process of decolonization of our country must continue, and antin rightly noted that there is a separate question for the ukrainians, yes, who have such a very ambiguous reputation, but,
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but, but, now. we will finish for today, work for you, our colleagues will continue, so be with espresso, see you tomorrow in this studio, at the same time, take care, and there will be news soon, wait for them, and we will see you tomorrow. in ukraine, the 17th newsroom is ready to tell the main thing for this hour, annayeva melnyk is with you, greetings to all viewers of espresso. three people were injured as a result of shelling in kherson. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. the russians hit a high-rise building in one of the city's residential districts. a 16-year-old
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girl was injured, and seriously wounded.


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