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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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principle the costs of installing a backup power supply are promised to be compensated. such programs are already operating in kyiv, odesa and lviv. how much and when will fuel prices rise in ukraine, what will happen to electricity in the front-line settlements and why ex-intelligence officer roman chervinskyi, who was bailed yesterday, is back in court today. my greetings, anna yavomelnyk is with you, the espress team summarizes the news of the past day. three people were injured as a result of the shooting. kherson,
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the head of the region oleksandr prokudin said. the russians hit a high-rise building in one of the residential quarters of the city. a 16-year-old girl was injured. women in their 70s and 50s were also seriously injured. they were hospitalized with fractures and brain injuries. the armed forces withdrew from the village of urozhayna in donetsk region. the defense forces have secured other positions, the group's spokesman said. according to him, the command made such a decision to save the lives of our servicemen. at night, explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied crimea. there, sbu drones hit the russian base on lake donuzlav. previously, it was a combined attack of sea and air drones, which damaged a control post, a warehouse of ammunition and equipment, as well as an electrical substation. in the ministry of defense of the country
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, the terrorists announced the destruction of 33 drones over the peninsula and 10 unmanned boats in the sea. ukraine signed a ten-year security agreement with the czech republic, the president's office reported. therefore, prague will continue to help ukraine with small- and large-caliber ammunition. the agreement will also promote joint production. small arms and light weapons, drones and means of electronic warfare. also, the czech republic will be involved in the restoration of the dnipro and dnipropetrovsk region, a diplomatic mission will be opened there to strengthen cooperation and assistance. ukraine concluded another security agreement with slovenia. the document provides for the support of our state for 10 years, in particular, slovenia promises to allocate.
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an additional 5 million euros for humanitarian aid and economic recovery, as well as to cooperate in the areas of information security and jointly seek funding for projects ukrainian defense industry. the document was signed by president volodymyr zelenskyi and prime minister of slovenia robert golob on the sidelines of the summit of the european political community in great britain. allow to beat the western one. weapons on airfields in the depths of russia, volodymyr zelenskyy made such a request during his speech at the inaugural session of the european political community. today, the head of state is in great britain on a working visit with plans to sign new security agreements. meetings are also planned with king charles ii, prime minister-elect keir starmer and government officials. the more effective our
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air defense will be, the more helpless putin will be, the less restrictions we will have on the use of effective weapons, the more active russia will seek peace, the military airfields from which russian planes take off with bombs against our cities, the launch sites of russian missiles, all this must be destroyed, this will not only eliminate some targets, but also reduce russia's ability to continue the war. also on the margins of the fourth. summit of the european political volodymyr zelenskyi met with the prime minister of spain pedro sanchez. he thanked ukraine for its support. they also discussed the schedule for the arrival of weapons and further defense support for the implementation of the decisions of the first global peace summit. ursula funderlajen was re-elected as the head of the european commission. her candidacy was supported by 401 deputies of europe.
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parliament, now the politician will chair the commission for the next 5 years. let me remind you that ursela fonderlein held the position of the head of the european commission from 2019, sub. during a speech in the european parliament, she said that in this case her re-election, one of the priorities will be to support countries that plan to join the european union. fuel prices will rise. danylo hetmantsev, head of the parliamentary committee on finance, predicts that the increase in excise duty on gasoline and diesel will be within the range of 1.2 hryvnias per liter. according to him, this will lead to a sudden increase in prices for a number of goods. at the same time, hetmantsev assures that this will not affect inflation, the budget will receive an additional 2 billion 700 million monthly. this is the contribution that all of us will make to
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financing the army. look, this is all the rhetoric: let's not raise it, because people are suffering, because we all... will manage the situation today in the country, and nobody in the country wants to raise taxes today, but choosing between two additional hryvnias per liter and the salaries of the military, i i always make decisions in favor of military salaries, there will be lights, the cabinet of ministers has canceled the shutdown of electricity in front-line settlements, prime minister denys shmehal announced this. the government also specified the list. objects that are considered critically important, there will also be light. let's specify this list, the critical ones include gas, heat, electricity, water supply, drainage, hospitals. today we also add a rule that
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the power will not be cut off in populated areas, as well as objects in a 20-km zone from the border with russia, belarus and 20 km from the front-line zone. former spy roman chervinsky, who was released on bail yesterday, is back in court. now, according to a new indictment, the sbu colonel is accused of fraud. apparently, in 2020, he tried to get hold of 100 thousand dollars, pretending to be an official of the state fiscal service. the case is being considered by the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv, but as soon as they convened for the meeting, they announced a break, because the prosecutors did not... hand chervinsky a petition for the application of a preventive measure, as if they did not know about his whereabouts. for the ex-spy, they demand house arrest. they blocked assets worth uah 1 billion. the security service
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seized the property of yanukovych's friend, it is about bank accounts, four apartments in the center capital, a house, a plot of land and seven premium class cars. the figure was a confidant of the fugitive president and belonged to the banned party of regions. the former deputy went abroad at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, at the same time he organized the production of medical drugs for the russian army in the temporarily occupied horlivka in donetsk region. production taxes are also paid to the aggressor country. cigarettes were produced illegally. the police eliminated mish. regional tobacco factory, the suspects manufactured their illegal goods at kyiv, vinnytsia and mykolaiv regions, and were sold through websites and telegram channels, in large batches, under the guise of foreign brands. in general, the illegal business brought the organizers up to
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uah 30 million in profit every month. they knocked down drugs. in chernihiv, law enforcement officers exposed a criminal group, the channel. the 30-year-old organizer arranged the supply of drugs together with his accomplices. they sold psychotropic drugs through bookmarks. during the searches, the police seized sets of means for packing and packaging of prohibited substances of goods everything that was removed was sent for examination. the organizer is in a detention center. the cabinet of ministers expanded the basis for the use of stun guns by the police. now. weapons can be used during the detention of a person who is suspected of committing a criminal offense, resists, tries to escape from custody or attacks law enforcement officers. previously , police officers could use electric shockers against dangerous animals. he attacked
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a border guard with a knife. in transcarpathia, a 61-year-old man violated traffic rules, tried to escape, blocked the way for others. the car locked itself in the passenger compartment, the border guards tried to detain the man by using physical force, but the violator pulled out a knife, the western regional office of the state border guard reported. service, after a three-hour conflict, the law enforcement officers still managed to pull out and detain the intruder. read more about important on our website spresso tv, also support our youtube channel and subscribe to our social media channels. and for this minute the news editor told about the most important, then, watch the big broadcast, i leave you not only in a pleasant, but also useful campaign of the incomparable yuri fizer. for everything! ok,
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who have not submitted their data. so what will mobilization look like next? the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict and with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. good
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evening, we are from ukraine. 876 day of war, 876 the day of heroic resistance of ukrainians to the russian invasion, which began 2.5 years ago. thank you to each and every defender for holding the front and giving us the opportunity to work for you to watch. greetings, my name is yuriy fizar and everyone who watches the big broadcast from monday with... that this week, as well as the next one, i will be on the air with you, on the big broadcast, and today there will be a lot of interesting things, in particular, i will talk with experts, and about what russian terrorists are doing in... sumy, donald trump is moving towards victory, this big question well, volodymyr zelenskyi in great britain, and your favorite columns, and let's start with serhii zgurets and his military summaries of the day. serhii, congratulations, you have a word. i 'm yuriy, i congratulate our viewers. today
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, in our column, we will talk about combat operations under cover in estimates from osuv, tavriy and about... what technological projects for our defense forces are being implemented by our ukrainian venture funds. more on that in a moment. today, our military command finally gave an assessment of the situation on the left bank of the kherson region, in particular in the village of krynky. against the background of reports in the mass media that our the military withdrew from the wells and data appeared about the losses of our fighters in the battles for this area. today, the spokesman of the wasp in tavriy, dmytro lykhova , said that the situation in krynky is not as critical as some media and bloggers interpret it, and that the ukrainian defense forces continue to carry out combat missions on the left bank of the dnieper, in particular in the area
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of ​​the settlement of krynky, but in the village there is nowhere to hold the defense, it is completely destroyed. heavy shelling, our units moved to other bridgeheads and combat work on the left bank of the dnieper will continue, dmytro lykhova said. let me remind you that krynyk is located 30 km east of kherson and about 2 km from the dnipro river, this village is stretched from east to east for several kilometers along several roads and combat operations with the participation of our infantry. other territorial defense units, special operations forces began on october 14 last year, and the maximum number of our marines there was only a few hundred at the peak moments on this part of the front, but what consequences did it have, and here we have to draw such certain, well, intermediate conclusions, because the situation
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in the krynks, combat operations, in the krynks are elements of the entire combat action along the entire length. from oleshok, cossack camps and to the wells themselves. what conclusions can be drawn? well, first of all, it made it difficult for the enemy to attack the forces on the right bank and kherson itself, deprived the enemy of the initiative and the desire and opportunity to carry out actions on the right bank, such risks existed at that time. actions in the wells and on in other areas on the left bank , significant forces were withdrawn. of the enemy, which the enemy could use in other areas, a situation of such certain operational uncertainty was created for the enemy, because the appearance of marine units was perceived by the enemy and even by foreign experts, that this is a certain step towards the creation and expansion of a bridgehead for further
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offensives actions, including even an offensive on crimea, is it possible and fantastic, possible and... yes, but the enemy reacted to it because he was afraid such an offensive and even feared that the actions of our units, which were operating at that time in oleshki, the cossack camp of krynka, could cut into several parts and bind the russian groups of the dnipro under the leadership of general teplinsky, and the enemy was forced to pull up reserves to this area, to strengthen this direction with his paratroopers , even the dnipro grouping, from the time our... infantrymen began to act, it even increased in number, from somewhere it reached somewhere around 70 thousand 60, and the enemy tried to storm our units there with tanks, and armored vehicles, and personnel by force, but all this was destroyed, so it can be said that this operation caused significant losses to the enemy, including due to the developed interaction between the units
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of the marines, our artillery, drones from the right bank of the dnieper, and at the same time there were... a number of such new tactical techniques, the means of using the same drones were improved, let's remember that the magyar birds operated in this area of ​​the front, this unit from the rota stavalion, and then the regiment, and these technological solutions using ireb fpv drones, they led to the fact that the enemy suffered significant losses, during this time we had worked out certain technological techniques that are now used in other areas of the front, but... we understand that each frontier occupied or abandoned has its own logic and price, and i think that the battles on the left bank there in ukrynky, in oleshki, are unique in terms of... their complexity for our fighters who acted directly there, they were perceived as hellish, often as a one-way street, because both rotation and evacuation were extremely difficult, and sometimes
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simply impossible, and here are just these data, which the publication "investigation info" published that during the fighting on the left bank of the dnieper in the krynks , 262 ukrainian servicemen were killed, and 70-788 e... went missing and this is a very high price, but i repeat, the operation on the left bank of the dnieper both last year and now and small, and now has both logic and expediency, but the main burden of choice and actions depends on the commanders, and it depends on their conscience and skill how to balance the goal of the operation and the price that will have to be paid for it. and then we will talk about another direction, about military start-ups, about technological projects that can significantly strengthen our defensive, offensive
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capabilities of the armed forces, defense forces, and now technological breakthroughs are made both at the expense of the state and at the expense of private investments that are more sensitive to the capabilities and perspectives opened by this or that idea, new avenues are emerging in ukraine. nor funds that invest in military developments, and further we will talk about such activities using the example of the nezlamni venture fund. dmytro joins us now dubrovskyi is the co-founder of the uklon company and the nezlamni defense tech investor fund. mr. dmitri, i welcome you to the spresso channel, glad to see and hear you. congratulations, thank you very much for the invitation, it is a very, very great honor. i would like you to tell our viewers about... venture fund indomitable, by whom, for what purpose it was created and in which defense startups are the main investments of this fund now?
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this year we created this fund with together with partners co-founders of the tilt, this fund, it is two 2 million dollars, it is essentially our money was earned from both dividends and received by the co-founders, and we invested it in... the fund, and in fact, from this fund , investments will be made in startups specifically from the field of military and defense technologies, and in fact, the main condition is that we invest in those technologies, which bring the victory of ukraine closer. mr. dmytro, what specific projects are currently financed by your fund, and then we can probably talk about each project in more detail. already invested two funds, two startups, two companies, this is buntar aerospace and ailand systems, i can
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talk about them in a little more detail, in fact, let's start with the land system, as i understand it, it is the creation of an unmanned system that has a certain unique purpose, what exactly is it about, why was this direction chosen for investment? ailand systems, they are about demining, yes, demining our territories, and they have developed an interesting technology when drones, in fact, are engaged in mine detection, according to a certain algorithm, and the field is determined, for example, whether the territory is there, and they are according to a certain with an algorithm, mines are detected along a certain route, various mines, from anti-tank to infantry and... then it is much easier for sappers, when there is detection, to deal with demining. we believe that a very effective technology will preserve the life and health
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of our sappers and the territories that need to be demined, there are just a huge number of them, yes, that's why we see that this is a very promising thing, that's why we invested in it. and how much money did the fund invest in the project related to demining, with the search for mines and... and what are these funds for the company that will create this system, will use them? well, usually we invest from 200 to 500 thousand dollars, yes, here it was a little more in the company, here it was a little more than 200, here, i think that the first areas that the guys invest in are, in fact, the development of mass production, because they passed the field. corrections want to launch in a series, and i think that before the completion of products in their
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modernization and there are more technological ones. some solutions, well, the implementation of some technological solutions, and how did you find this team with this drone project for demining, how did you come up with them and why exactly did you bet on - this initiative on this team, was there any process of analyzing the expediency of those technological solutions that are implemented in this gift of mine detectors? and so we have, well, usually. the process there can be quite flexible, startups sometimes come to us there, and we find them through our networking, but there is also a systematic cooperation with the state initiative bryvan, which is essentially such an incubator for small military startups from under, let’s say, it is an initiative of the ministry of digital transformations, and they essentially give. there
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are small grants to projects so that they develop, and then we watch their presentations and the ones that are most interesting , we visit them, we communicate in more detail and in fact we give more such a large financial budget, yes, so that they can already move from production there such mvps, yes, these are essentially prototypes for serial production, mr. dmitry, and when you... let's talk about the second project, which is also related to the unmanned topic of buntar aerospace, what is the trick here, what here is a feature of technological solutions that interested you? bundar aerospace , they have two main projects, yes, there are several auxiliary ones, but the main ones, the main one is btar one, it is a large reconnaissance aircraft, yes, it
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has such technologies there. fancy things, like vertical take-off, vertical landing, very, well, it flies a very long distance, 50-70 km, anti-spoofing technology, so yes, it was also very interesting, because it is such a niche, it is very technological, and in this team there is a very interesting solutions in this regard, here is the second solution in of them is the rebel copilla software, yes... such a mission planner, a mission planner for reconnaissance drones, so we think that as an addition it is also, well, a good investment, mr. dmytro, but do you know certain time frames for your partners in the projects that you are investing in, when, conditionally speaking, the demining drone becomes, let's say, serialized after it passes the test, and when the second project, which concerns precisely bunar
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aerospace, when it... becomes serialized, are there any there are time indicators about which do you know which ones can be said? well, we expect, that is, now the boys in the first and second teams, both boys and girls, and in the first and second teams are completing field trials, and we expect that in the fall they will begin combat sorties in both the first and second teams. others, but do you have such live working contract contacts with... the defense or the general staff, in order to understand the needs that our defense forces now need, which need solutions that can be solved at the expense of certain technological projects, do you interact with these final ones consumers, our military, and yes, well , here we interact more with end consumers, we understand their needs by communicating with them, specifically with the military,
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maybe there... commanders at the level of the company battalion, and here you know how we look at efficiency, that is, we see that if some things are bought there, ordered in large quantities and there is a need, then it can be invested in, and we do not yet have such close cooperation with the ministry of defense, i think that it is more like, well, our lack of work, that is, we have to be show more... initiatives to go out to find out such things, but we cooperate with the brarevan initiative, therefore there is a certain interaction with the state and indeed with the military, and therefore we also understand their needs. if your fund invests in these two projects, significant enough finances, does that mean that you have your sights set on the future?


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