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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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with end consumers, we understand their needs by communicating with them, specifically with the military, maybe there are company battalion commanders there, ah, you know how we look at efficiency, that is, we see that if some things are bought there, they order in large quantities and there is a need, so it is possible to invest in it, and we don’t have such close cooperation with the ministry of defense on... we don’t have it yet, i think it’s more if, well, our lack of work, that is, we need to show more initiative to go out to find out such things, but we cooperate with brarevan initiative, that is why there is a certain interaction with the state and indeed with the military, and that is why we also understand their needs, if your foundation invests funds in these two projects that are significant enough. finance, does this mean that in
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the long term you have in mind that these projects, if they will be serialized, will prove their effectiveness, then they will have, well, conditionally speaking, demand in the foreign market, it can be shown to foreign buyers, well, actually have there is a certain economic, political, ideological profit from this, how do you feel about it, are there such stakes in working with these projects, so for us this is a prerequisite, i.e. startups. companies, they should be focused on expansion, yes, that is , the ukrainian market, it is now very large, yes due to the fact that there is a war and a very high demand for any military products, but of course we are looking at those startups that later after after the end of the war, they consider the export of products, the sale of nato countries to countries friendly to the nato alliance, well, that is... only
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then, well, it makes sense to invest specifically in capital, in the company, and expect great, great growth. we mentioned two projects, or that all the directions that the company is currently considering, are there any non-potential solutions in the package, maybe there are other projects that can be announced now, such as the one in which your unbreakable foundation will finance, will develop about... what can be said , if such directions are already in your plans, yes indeed, we are considering different directions, we are diversifying our portfolio of companies a little, there are also tactical medicine companies, there are cyber security companies, drones, there are not only aerial scouts, but there are small ones, there are land ones, there are underwater ones, there are rap technologies, there are tracking devices, therefore... you know, we want to take a little bit
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more spectrum in order to close these industries, mr. dmytro, thank you very much for participating in our program, i really hope that all the projects in which the unbreakable fund invests will quickly reach the stage of mass production and scaling up the use of our defense forces, and this will be the impetus to hasten the victory over the enemy, i will remind our viewers that it was dmytro dobrovskyi. co-founder of uklon and the nezlamni fund and defense tech investor. and then we will briefly mention that there are others unmanned complexes, as now, which are currently being actively tested by various teams. one such, er, initiative development involves a jet-powered drone called the bullet. everyone has probably seen this video where the jet drone takes off from the... golden strip - it's
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an airplane-like device that so far has a speed of about 130 km/h, i really hope that these speed figures will be higher, because it's just created in order to carry out offensive actions on enemy drones, on enemy helicopters, and this project is developed with one of the teams, the name of the teams we don't know yet, but we see that this direction of creating systems in order to... be able to intercept enemy drones, in particular eagles, is now one of the priority directions of our donets company, i hope that after a certain time we will indeed have a serial model of such jet strike interceptor drone. we understand that there are many technical difficulties, primarily related to the development of the guidance system, because in addition to the take-off of such a model, it is necessary to provide a really reliable system for finding enemy targets and hitting, and this... will be another
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a technological challenge for such a ukrainian team, i hope that this team will overcome these challenges and indeed our defense forces will receive such a model of equipment that will allow to effectively fight... first of all with the enemy's reconnaissance drones, in particular with the same eagles and halls. these were the main military results of the day, and more international and economic news later on the big air, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgurets and his military summaries of the day, and i have to tell you that it is good that there are such companies that invest money. to create more technological weapons, the war we are going through now is not what it used to be , it is really a lot done on the fronts by artillery, infantry, we thank our guys for that, but a lot is also done with
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the help of high technologies, and the drones that serhiy was just talking about are very important for all of us, and it is very good that money is being invested in their production, and it is very good that there are some new models. and there are more and more of them coming to the fronts as soon as possible. well, now we are as usual we invite you all to join the project from zero to life, this is a collection of atvs, for quick evacuation and delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the cold ravine with a donation, our defenders choose victory every day, they do not leave. on the battlefield of the wounded and fallen, so quad bikes are indispensable assistants for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible on off-road, which means to perform combat tasks more efficiently. warriors who have passed more than one test at zero are always ready to give
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repulse the enemy, and for the sake of our peace, they continue to rotate positions on holidays and on weekdays. your support significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return it. the most important thing is that he is alive, so join the collection, our goal is 4 million hryvnias. for the fourth day in a row, i'm talking about the fact that 4 million hryvnias may seem like a very large amount to us, and maybe even an unaffordable amount for some, but when we all together as a group drop at least 1 hryvnia, and by god , drop 50 kopecks on these credit numbers cards, which you have seen on your tv screens or by qr codes. which you have seen, we will drop because even for such a small part of our income and we will collect these 4 million, very quickly we will close this collection, and they will go to quad bikes, which, as i said, are very important and very necessary for our guys on the front lines , they are waiting for them, because these are not
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only in order to successfully carry out combat missions, but also in order to evacuate from ... the front when it is necessary, and it is very difficult there, and therefore it is incredibly necessary, yes, now we let's me i hope to have a connection from one of the ukrainian regions, i have many questions for our speaker, but he is not there yet, i understand why he is not there, all these blackouts , they introduce this problem of introducing live broadcasts, because, for example, you , for example, it's a great pity, not everyone can watch live broadcasts, because of the fact that your lights are turned off, as well as our experts, sometimes they do not have the opportunity to join our broadcast in time, and therefore i really hope that from minute to minute our editors e they will contact the speaker, and i will talk about the fact
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that there is a very interesting situation in sumy oblast, which i want to discuss with him, and it is so interesting that i just want to hear from him about what he would refute. what happened, or confirmed that it actually is, and fortunately, we have a guest, this is dmytro lantushenko, the head of the public relations service of the 117th separate brigade of territorial defense of ukraine. mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. cheers to glory, congratulations. mr. dmytro, thank you, first of all, for joining us, and please help please clarify this situation. appeared on the network. information that russian subversive and intelligence groups crossed the border in butsym, tried at least to cross the border with ukraine in the sumy region, and at the same time they did it with the support of artillery, but to me, i did not serve, but it seems to me that when they enter subversively -reconnaissance groups,
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they come quietly at night so that they are not seen or heard, quietly came in, did their dirty work and left, here is such information, the state border service of ukraine denied this, said that... nothing it didn't happen, some media outlets, again, i can't verify it, but they say, citing sources, they say it did, do you have any information on that? well, you have to understand that for a long time sumyshchyna, it is actually special, if we are talking about the border area, a training ground for such military operations, every day the border areas, in general, the whole of sumyshchyna are under fire, that is why every day there is information about possible attempts to enter there drg, about the enemy's breakthrough, about artillery support there, and so on, here the main thing is to understand that... people either hear or understand in different ways, people
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perceive everything emotionally in different ways, and the sumy region has been in tension for a long time, we have already talked a lot about a possible attack on sumy, the armed forces , the defense forces there refuted them and so on, so i would advise in all these moments to trust only official sources, as of today we do not confirm the fact that yesterday on the territory of sumy oblast there were really attempts to... cross the state border, even with taking into account there aid in artillery, the defense forces are controlling this situation, maybe something seemed to someone, it was during the shelling there, or there was artillery shelling, or there was mortar shelling, and this actually happens every day on the territory of sumy oblast, but this definitely does not mean that such large forces the enemy is trying to cross the state border today, the situation. absolutely controlled by the defense force, any time they are ready in one way or another, or try
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to escalate it all, the defense force gives an adequate fight back, it happens 100%. mr. dmitry, thank you for clarifying this situation, because i say, there is a lot of information, and people need to know exactly the truth of what happened, because some people were already frightened by it, and considering the information that you have already mentioned that the russians are gathering there through sumyshchyna. launch an attack, some kind of larger attack, it's good that you 've debunked that, and i thank you, but still the question as of right now, according to the information that you have and can share, are there enough forces in russia, well , that is, are they gathering strength for someone a possible breakthrough of the hypothetical, today we have daily information from our intelligence, which... relates to possible strike groups, possible accumulation of certain troops in order to have one or another threat on
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the territory of sumy region, so i will say what happened today, no strike groups do not occur, i confirm this with certain statistical points that the number of artillery and mortar fire in recent days, and even weeks, has decreased, and on the other hand... on the other hand , the number of use of strike groups will significantly increase ipovdrones, that is, they keep these ipovdrones in order to terrorize the civilian infrastructure, in order to hit the civilian cars themselves, but literally yesterday in the bilopolsk community, an fpv drone hit a civilian car, they were driving on the road and so on, on the other hand, they also increased reconnaissance drones, this indicates... that they want to see what is happening on the territory of sumy oblast, what
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defense forces do we have here and there, what fortifications do we have there and so on, this is indeed the case, but as for artillery shelling, mortar fire shelling, there is even a certain decrease in them, in contrast to the use of their semi-drones, that is , we control this issue, and today there are no panicky moods regarding a possible escalation of the conflict in sumy oblast, or a possible breakthrough of the border in sumy oblast, well if.. . this border with russia is on the territory of the sumy region, can we say that now certain settlements there, closer to the dnipro, i'm sorry, to the kharkiv region, or closer to the chernihiv region, suffer more from this influx of drones or artillery shelling, and some less, or is it completely tension along the entire length of the border in the sumy region? er, it is a tension along the entire length of the cardboard, starting from the scribal community. which is closer to the kharkiv region, being further away in
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the yunakov community, the bilopol community and the north of the sumy region, absolutely today every de facto border community in one way or another during the day, it suffers either from shelling or from use, that is, somewhere to say that there is more shelling , and somewhere less, no, unfortunately, you can't do that say, from midnight to noon. in fact, the situation is very tense, but controlled by the defense forces. i thank you, the last question, it is true more likely to the representatives of the sumy regional civil-military administration, but... if you know this information, then maybe you will share it, but because of these shellings, which fortunately, as you said, now there are fewer of them, is there an ongoing evacuation from some settlements in the sumy region to the border areas? eh, there is actually a general information campaign of the civil administration, which says that
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that currently the stay of civilians in the border communities is in a five-kilometer zone. it is dangerous for people's lives, there is no forced evacuation to date, but there is constant communication with people, that is, those people who want to leave the five-kilometer zone, they through their united territorial communities through the military administration, in fact, they can have, but it should be noted that both the pyseriv community, which suffered from shelling a few months ago, and the bilopol community. which a few weeks ago suffered from constant shelling, mortars, mortars, artillery and so on, people are returning little by little, well, this is our life, it continues, continues, and people somehow build under the difficult conditions that exist today on the border, people also want to build and build their lives. i thank you very much for participating in the program, it was dmytro
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lantushenko, the head of the public relations service of the 100th separate, 117th separate. brigades of the territorial defense of ukraine and talked about the situation in sumy oblast, in particular this information about a possible breakthrough of the russian drg, the breakthrough, which was carried out before under the cover of artillery, mr. dmytro confirmed that it was just an informational and psychological operation, and he also said that there are significantly fewer shellings and significantly fewer drones flying over sumy oblast, but none the less. the enemy leaves no opportunity to inflict any damage on us, so all who live there, please take care of your safety when it is absolutely necessary. yes, well , let's move on to another topic, today
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the convention, congress of the republican party ends in the united states of america, here on this convention, today, well, at least until the broadcast , i did not hear him speak, but it will probably be closer, as the icing on the cake before the end of this convention , donald trump will speak, everyone is waiting for what he will say, and everyone is waiting, and what will happen next, how will there be a change in tactics, the staff of donald trump, what will be said about ukraine now, well, in general , a lot, and now i had the opportunity to talk about it with igor eisenberg, professor new york university, mr. igor, congratulations, thank you for coming from so far. glory also joined us glory to ukraine, heroes, i congratulate you, mr. yury, i congratulate all viewers of espress. mr. igor, yes, what can we expect from trump's speech, because it seems to me, personally, it seems to me that he may change his tactics a little, and the reason may be precisely a failed attempt, fortunately, a failed attempt at assassination on
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his life, what should be expected, what can be expected from his speech? well, he tweeted right after this assassination attempt last saturday that his performance was going to be different than what he had planned, that he was going to others that he will be there calling for unity, well i don't know what his speech will be, we'll see tonight, but previous speeches, particularly his vice presidential candidate vance's speech yesterday, i wouldn't say there was any change in rhetoric and the eyes hang out. it was like usual campaign speeches, but vance's speech in particular was so very confrontational, and he took cues from his boss and made a lot of outright false statements during his speech, like, for example, that he impeached biden, so to speak because biden
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approved the second invasion of the united states into iraq, well, at that time, as everyone knows. something about the war in iraq was made by president george w. bush, and so on and so forth, and you already started talking about vance, jade vance, i wanted to ask you this question later, but now, because i personally find it kind of strange, it seems this choice of jadi vance in 2019 he criticized donal until 2019 he criticized donald trump and only in 2019 he switched, well let's say. on his side began to support him and supported him candidacy for the 2020 elections, that is, in this case, there is some kind of dissonance, what is he, what is he... can you explain why trump chose this particular candidate? well , because i think that trump, he just wants to surround himself with loyalists, vance in recent years, he has not
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shown himself to be an absolute loyalist, that whatever trump wants, he will do it, and he has shown himself to be , and in fact, vance became a senator only thanks to trump, because trump supported his candidacy, he won the primaries. party thanks to the support trump and trump was very supportive of him during the election campaign in '22. he is one of the few nominees of trump who won the congressional elections himself. many of his nominations won primaries, but not then lost in congressional elections. vance won, but he is not the only one who has criticized trump before. there, say, senator cruz of texas in 15-16 years said that trump takes as soon as possible. roto, that he is a pathological liar, later, as the day before yesterday, speaking at the convention of the republican party, he said that what a happiness that i am so happy that i can
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support our such an outstanding president, we should all be happy, you know, this, this reminds me of memories from my late childhood and early youth about the congresses of the cpsu, where personally dear leonid ilyach, so, so, so... what is happiness, that we live at the same time as you, our, our dear, well, it's somehow, i don't know, after all, it's, i understand that the american pre-election conventions of both parties , they always demonstrate such enthusiasm and unity, but such performances, where only one person, like any the candidate or, because such slogans and , you know, such expressions were heard, especially from people who used to say that he was... a real liar, well, it's somehow, somehow shameful, let's put it this way, to look at this, mr. igor , you don't think that this can be some kind of situational friendship,
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well, in this case it is beneficial for them to be friends with trump, but at some point the same vance or the same tet cruz, they will see that it will not be beneficial for them to be friends with trump, and they will simply call him a liar again. i don't think it will happen, that's why that the entire republican party is completely under trump. trump has changed the party very much, over the past 10 years its composition has simply changed, especially over the past 8-9 years, starting from 2015, trump has brought to the party itself, or to the ranks of those who vote for republicans not less than 20 million people who have never gone to the polls before, we can see with you how many people voted for bush jr. twice 200, 2004, for mccain in 2008, for romney in 2000. on the 12th there is approximately the same number, plus- minus a very very small amount voters, and much more voted for trump, that is, trump brought people there, a
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lot of people, up to 20 million people, with such far-right views, or people who like right-wing populism, and the republican party made a bet on exactly this category of voters , and for them trump is an idol, an icon, i... i know how, how, how to characterize it correctly, i understand that both cruz and vance, they can be considered to be opportunists, yes, they might change their minds tomorrow, but they wouldn't have a reason to change their minds, vance wanted to make a political career in the republican party, he absolutely understood, already in the 19th year he definitely understood that this could be done only if he was completely loyal to trump. and he made his choice, and the fact is, the fact is, you understand, that in a hypothetical second trump administration, the tram will rely on people like vance, there
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will simply be no other people, there will be neither john bolton, nor herbert mcmaster, no no no no one from such people who are experienced, both internal and external politicians, and such classic republican conservatives, there they simply... will not be there because he will be surrounded by such people as vance in all positions. well, i want to tell our viewers that they did not get the impression that i am now criticizing donald trump very strongly, and i am not talking about, for example, joe biden. now we will talk about joe biden, but just so you know, for example, i have been telling everyone on the air for a long time that if i lived in the united states of america, for example, i would probably be a republican, so that i'm more of a conservative than a liberal, and, even so, i'm like a senator. mccain, i probably wouldn't vote, but not definitely, but i definitely wouldn't vote for trump, precisely because of what he's talking about, mr. igor just talked about something, yes, but now let's move on
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to the democrats, theirs. scheduled for a month later, it will be in mid-august. mr. igor, is it in view of this attempted assassination, in view of all the objections now, for example, even from the leaders of the republicans to apologize, democrats to the lower and upper house of the us congress, chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries that they are asking trump to withdraw his candidacy, is there going to be any... change of tack, they are asking biden, not trump, biden, biden, biden, yes, biden, i'm sorry, this, bye things, about the slander, i say that any person can slander, and it doesn't matter, because people all understand, but for some reason, biden's slander is very, very, very painfully perceived, you know, that's how the messages sounded yesterday, that the leaders of the democratic party schumer and jeffries, and the leaders in the congress. they
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appealed to biden and they believe that biden will not be able to win the election, and because of this the democratic party will lose not only the presidential election, the congressional election, so that biden will think about it and, so that he will step aside, ah, publicly address him adam schiff, a well-known democratic congressman, who is running now for the senate from the state of california, in fact, because ... he has an absolute chance of winning there, he will be a senator from california in the next congress. yes, such calls are being made, and biden fell ill with covid yesterday and had to to interrupt his trip, which was pre-election, he spoke in las vegas the day before yesterday, he was supposed to speak again yesterday, but he got sick and it was visible on the television footage, when he
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had to... fly from there home to delaware, when he went up to the plane, then, when he arrived, that he was sick, he didn't feel well, and that's what uncertainty makes, it seemed that she didn't go to the spadocratic party, now it makes her, again, much this uncertain, much bigger, and what will be there, it is not known, actually what, who... understood that only biden himself can withdraw from the election, withdraw from this race, no one can vote for it, because biden won the primaries from the democratic party, 14 million of the 16 million who took participation in the primaries, that is, registered democrats, the overwhelming majority, he has the overwhelming majority of votes of delegates to the democratic convention, and only he himself can withdraw. from
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the election can tell his congress delegates, who are obliged to vote for him, that they are free to vote for whomever they want, but must understand one thing, if biden leaves the election as the only real candidate, a female candidate, and who can use the money from the campaign fund, biden is kamela harris, the vice president, because they raised this money together, no other candidate will be able to use . for this money, and an election campaign without money in america, well, like everywhere else, it is impossible, but in america, it is probably especially important, because advertising on television, the organization of all election events, all these meetings with voters and so on and so on , of course, and very briefly, but it seemed that this attempt to assassinate trump, let's go back to trump, should
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raise his ratings somehow. but as we can see, well , there is no such sharp jump, according to some sociological polls, even there it only went up by one point, what do you think, why, but very briefly, yes, there is no such jump, it is not observed, well, because you understand, voters, i think the majority of voters will determine who they will vote for, well, as far as the attempt, well, he it was very unfortunate, it's very unfortunate that such things happen, but since nothing, nothing happened and well, what... what didn't happen, well somehow people, probably that's enough, reacted rather sluggishly in the sense that they would have decided to vote for trump, because, well, they would have such empathy for trump, well, this did not happen and , in fact, it did not affect sociology in any practical way, of course, thank you very much, mr. igor, for the inclusion, thank you very much for your , as always professional comments and evaluations, it was igor eisenberg, professor
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new york university, talked about trump. biden, what to expect next in the primaries?


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