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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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deputy minister of economy vitaly kindrativ reported, forbes ukraine writes. therefore, they can ban employees of this legal entity, the corresponding status is set for a year, the total number of companies is still being calculated, the official added. enterprises that do not yet have the status of critical importance can apply to the ministry of economy and receive this status. this is a very important recommendation from a government official. the ministry is engaged in this process. digital transformation. parliamentarians worked actively today and such an important document was adopted. the verkhovna rada supported a bill that gives the cabinet of ministers the right to introduce a moratorium on foreign debt payments. now the cabinet may not pay creditors until october 1. then, as the settlement date was determined to be august 1. in this way, the government received an additional tool of pressure. at the negotiations on
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the restructuring of eurobonds, says people's deputy roksolana pidlas. well, she also says that the international monetary fund essentially supported such an initiative, since it will contribute to strengthening the debt sustainability of our state no, yuriy, i cannot understand how the government of ukraine will be able to put pressure on creditors. creditors can put pressure on us to increase the share for restructuring in order to... squeeze as much money out of ukraine as possible, not the other way around, ukraine gets a tool of pressure, ukraine just won’t pay, cabs won’t pay, because it has such a legislative leverage all the way to the first, the cabinet needs to find the right words to talk to creditors, and the pressure here is inappropriate, precisely the pressure, the pressure is inappropriate, and especially the bloomberg agency reported today, that negotiations regarding external debt, restructuring or writing off a part have already begun, so far this is unofficial information. but
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it is not yet known what agreement the ministry of finance will reach with the owners of our eurobonds, and what will ukraine gain from this? well , let's wait and see what the outcome of these negotiations will be. let's go further. filling the budget through the sale of inefficient assets continues. the state property fund held an auction for the privatization of the kozatsky hotel on independence square in kyiv. the winner was the winner of the auction. the commercial enterprise nadiya sold the object for uah 400 million, according to a message on the website of transparent sales. the hotel became the most expensive object of privatization in the current year, despite its location in the center of the capital, well, the hotel ended in 2022 with a loss of more than uah 8 million. we hope that the new owner will be efficient and bring only profit in taxes to the budget, and also earnings for himself. but gasoline
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will be more expensive starting september 1. parliament passed a bill on raising the excise tax on fuel it will grow to the european level within four years. now the tax rate for gasoline, the tax rate for gasoline is €213.5 per 1000 liters, for diesel - €139.5. autogas is €52 per 1,000 liters. retail prices will rise gradually, experts predict. but in addition to the excise tax rate , the price will also be affected by the increase in the price of oil on the world market, the exchange rate of the dollar within our country. well, the general director of the a95 consulting group, serhiy kuyun, adds that there is no tragedy here, if the prices will rise, then not by much, here, for example, in the medium and short-term, for example, the cost of gasoline may rise by uah 1.5 per liter, diesel may...
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add about uah 2 per liter, gas is already becoming more expensive, but in fact fuel remains very expensive, but gasoline remains despite everything, despite the increase in excise duty, very profitable fuel, says serhiy kuyun. let's also listen directly to what the deputies talked about today. this is the contribution that all of us will make to finance the army. look, and here... all the rhetoric, let's not raise it, because people are suffering, because we all understand the situation in the country today, and no one in the country wants to raise taxes today, but when choosing between two additional hryvnias per liter and the salaries of the military, i always make a decision in favor of the salaries of the military, i am preparing a detailed analysis about taxes, already information has appeared that this is not the only... excise tax and not the only levy that
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will have to be paid by both ordinary ukrainians and businesses, in particular medium, small, entrepreneurship, indeed there are already many cases. on this occasion, i will prepare a detailed analysis, i think tomorrow we will put everything on the shelves, and also continue to put everything on the shelves regarding energy and the heating season, which will soon be in ukraine. roman nitsovych joins the conversation, head of programs at the dixie group research center. good evening. good evening, i greet you. mr. roman, well today really interesting information appeared from the head of naftogaz. of ukraine, he analyzed in detail, in particular, the state of underground storage facilities and enemy attacks on ground infrastructure. in your opinion, despite this is the attention of muscovites regarding the gas infrastructure, whether ukraine will have gas specifically
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for ordinary ukrainians, for household consumers, let's start from here. well , i think there are risks here, anyway, because we... we understand who we're dealing with, this enemy will stop at nothing, will only stop at a counter force, so we can't rule out attacks on gas infrastructure in the winter, especially after january 1, when it will melt and the transit will cease to take place, nevertheless, one must understand that our gas system is extensive, there are many, let's say so, the route. according to which gas can be supplied to the consumer, even if some section is knocked out. the situation is a little more complicated with the compressor stations, which are key, which provide pressure so that the gas moves through the system, we could pump it from the storages and raise it from the storages, and well, it is known that
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the passive protection strengthening project, which has been implemented since last year, does not concern only electrical substations. but also certain, let's say, elements of the gas infrastructure that are most important there, so i can say that according to my observations are being prepared, they are preparing for various scenarios and for various, let's say, blows that the enemy can deliver, but if we talk about the campaign that they conducted, tried to conduct, regarding ground infrastructure, underground storage facilities, then we do not see any significant.. . on the contrary, in april the volume of downloads was almost twice as much as the previous year, i don’t think that if these strikes could have affected
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the work, it was rather a signal to our european users, yes, which they can store their gas in ukraine in a customs warehouse, which is an additional risk for them. roman chernyshov, the head of naftogaz, said that there is really no danger to the gas storages, they are located deep enough, fuel is stored there, but if you look at the current situation, the current situation with the energy industry, nuclear power plants do emit current, that is how they produce kilowatts. but the substation distribution networks are now mostly destroyed by the enemy, such a model can be essentially with gas, because the storages... because boz is there, and if there is no infrastructure, we are without gas? well, there really are such risks, but again, i say that it is being prepared for this, just as ukrenergo was preparing for such strikes, if ukrenergo had not formed a reserve fleet
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of spare parts, including transformers, before the war, believe me, the first strikes, which were inflicted in october 2022, would be more tangible for us. therefore, i think that such preparation is also taking place here, in addition, when the transit stops, we will have many capacities that will be idle, accordingly, they can be used as donor in case damage, there is also our own production of gas pumping units in ukraine, that is, if necessary, our enterprises will be able to do it and manufacture it, and in addition, here is the repair, well, a little shorter than it can be in the electrical part, so... again, this is the most such a radical scenario, when they attack the objects of the gts. and indeed, you mentioned international partners that store, international companies that store their share of fuel in our underground storages, and what to do, for example,
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how much will this affect the future cooperation, well, i am especially interested in the completion of the contract for the transit of russian gas through ukrainian territory, or? fuel storage by international companies is a separate story, but then what can we expect from the ukrainian gts in the future from next year. this is a completely separate story, we have been providing these services for a long time, they are not connected in any way with transit, moreover, now transit is not only russian gas, but also european gas, which we move between, for example, hungary and poland , between hungary and slovakia, there between poland and romania, that is, such transit flows occur, which indicates that our gas transportation system is needed by many, not only ukrainian users, but also foreign users, and... as for the scenario without transit, this scenario has been developed for a long time, it existed, if you
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remember, back in 2019 there were all assurances, tests were conducted that it was possible, and last summer the same tests were conducted again, and the system proved its reliability even in the absence of transit, that is, it will be used by ukrainian mining companies, ukrainian gas suppliers. ukrainian gas traders and non-residents, i.e. those foreigners who will use the services of both the gts and the shdysh. thank you for the thorough analysis, we really believe that they are working on protection, we believe that international companies will also continue to rent our underground storage facilities, this is additional income for the state budget. roman nitsovych, head of programs of the group research center was in touch. i will follow the economy news. and in the future, but for today i say goodbye, the great one continues ether, watch us! thanks to oleksandr
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morshevka, who, as usual, spoke in detail about the world of money during the war. well, i have the following information for you: meetings of the verkhovna rada group on inter-parliamentary relations with poland are ongoing in poland. members of the delegation include deputies from various parties. and in particular from the eastern regions of ukraine. our correspondent maria chernyakhivska will tell you more. she is with us live from warsaw. maria, congratulations, and you have a word. congratulations. today , a number of meetings took place in warsaw, in particular in sem, with the participation of ukrainian deputies. one of them was with their polish colleagues, where elected representatives had the opportunity to discuss issues of concern face to face. the polish deputies asked a lot of questions, talked about the present of ukraine and
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the future plans of the country, the topic of education of ukrainian children in poland was also discussed. mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. please tell me what meetings were held today, what important things happened at them? well, firstly, now is a unique time. we do not know what will happen to the united states of america, but we know for sure that poland is our ally in europe, the polish right-wing party is part of the vpp in the european people's party, today rusa fonderlajen was elected, the head of the european commission, that is, the influence of polish politicians in the european union huge, and the european union is a stable supporter and ally of ukraine. because our relationship with poland is unique, there is now a unique window of opportunity to build. relationships like they never were everything is in our hands, because we are integrating into
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europe, poland is interested in its own investments to help us integrate. obviously, poland is interested in the security of the european union, and this allocation of funds is for us, and we are interested in the return of ukrainians who are here in poland to ukraine, those who cannot now, who are from the occupied territories, or from the territories of relatives occupied, so that they receive the best education, the best medicine, so that ukrainian children are not neglected here. poland has now allocated additional funds for to have teaching assistants working with ukrainian children to help them adapt to polish schools and many other important, very simple but useful initiatives we are also discussing. during these meetings these days in poland, what tasks does the ukrainian delegation set for itself? first, to actually start building new relations between ukraine and poland. our delegation is heterogeneous, we have representatives of the government and the opposition, and... kharkiv and lviv, and the occupied part of luhansk region, and kyiv, and chernihiv, and
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of course, we are establishing relations with local governments, we agree on joint training in our european integration, we agree on lobbying our interests to the european parliament, the european commission in nato, these are our main tasks, our main tasks are to make poland feel that helping us is poland's chance to preserve itself and to have the best ally in the future in the european union. thank you sir. mykola, tomorrow the ukrainian delegation continues to work in warsaw, so we will be present at these events and will report the most interesting. that's it for me that's all, colleagues to you. word, thank you to maria chernyakhivska, thank you to mykola knyazhytskyi, thank you to the entire ukrainian delegation, such relations should not be maintained, and we should continue to develop them, because they are important both for us and for poland. well, now is the time when there is an opportunity to talk with serhii rudenko, the author of the verdict program, which will be broadcast on espresso at 20:00, right
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after the big broadcast, and ask him what he will talk about today with his people. guests sergey, i congratulate you, well, what are the topics? good evening, good evening, yura, today we will talk about the war, and about europe, and about domestic politics. there will be three guests during today's broadcast from 20:00 to 21:00. general serhiy kryvonos. we will talk with him about the current situation at the front, about the political games surrounding the armed forces of ukraine, about the case of roman chervinsky, today the court chooses another one in favor. preventive measure against roman chervinsky, just a few days ago in kirovohrad, the court released former intelligence officer colonel chervinsky on bail for uah 9 million, and now they want to sentence him to house arrest, 24-hour house arrest, about how and why
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the colonels and generals of the armed forces of ukraine want to sentence him again for another case. come under political attack during the war and we will talk with serhiy kryvonos. tetyana vysotska, who is here today and generally works in the european institutions, is our vlaskor, in the european institutions, will tell us about today's vote for ursula funderley as the head of the european commission, she was re-elected, and she made a number of important statements regarding the future security structure in europe and how europe itself can continue to live under the threat of a russian attack. in addition, volodymyr tsibulko, a political expert and a person who clearly understands the internal problems of ukrainian politics, will also be our guest. at one time, tsibulko was a people's
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deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation and was an assistant and adviser to the president. yushchenko , let's talk with him about the decisions currently being adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and how and in what way these decisions affect life of the state, and of course, let's remember today's visit of volodymyr zelenskyi to london, this photo, where the new extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to great britain, general zaluzhnyi, greets zelenskyi at the airport, has already covered all ukrainian media. of london, and this is so symbolic was the photo where zaluzhnyi shook hands with zelenskyi, and here, too, is a topic for conversation about what, in fact, is this a political veil, a diplomatic veil of general zaluzhnyi, and what politics actually loses from the fact that general zaluzhnyi,
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after the post of head of the committee, he took the post of extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to velikiy. and six months of sirsky's successor as the valiant head of the armed forces of ukraine. we will talk about all this for hours. today we only have an hour program, we start in 12 minutes, and i will be happy to wait for you on my program. the big broadcast with yuri fizar continues. yura, you have a word. well , be sure to watch serhii rudenko's verdict at the end of the big broadcast at 20:00. as you heard, there will be a lot of interesting ones guests and there will be a lot of urgent and interesting topics, discussions, so don't miss it in literally 11 minutes. well, the odessa film festival is going on in the capital, traditionally many viewers gather for ukrainian premieres, and lena chechenina will tell about what was shown that day. lena, i congratulate you, and
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you have a word, tell me. yura, congratulations, greetings to our viewers and look. oh my god, yesterday i complained about the cold, and now it's hot again, but in a second, i have to remind our audience once again that the odessa film festival is being held in kyiv this year, well because in odessa we ourselves understand that it is not possible to hold such large-scale film festivals now, and this year even more so... the program consists of a ukrainian retrospective, that is, of ukrainian films that were released a year ago, 8 years ago, because even these are sometimes 10 years ago , and viewers have the opportunity to rewatch them. again on the big screen, on the one hand it is good, on the other hand i want to watch new ukrainian films, but the situation is that there are fewer and fewer of them, and
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especially if we are talking about festival films, but they still exist and their show today they showed one of the most anticipated films at this festival, and in principle, it is called gray bees, it is expected because it was shot in romania kurkova and... director dmytro moiseyev tells a film about two men who are left to live in a gray zone , this is a full-scale second story, and here they live, there are two of them, only one military man comes to them, and they have enough such relations of ideology are interesting, because they have completely different, different characters, different approaches to life, to the war, to the country, and here are the first ones the reviews that i'm here... i heard, of course, people started comparing the book with the movie, but as always, very different opinions, the movie will be
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released, i won't say exactly when, i won't give it, i won't say, but i advise you to watch it and i advise you to re-watch and re-read the book before that, i would say that the book seems to me to be more intense than the movie, maybe you will think... in a different way, let's watch it, and pashka is already full of joy, there is nothing to eat no, they don't drive me humanitarian workers at night, and they don't drive me either, well who will you be, well, i'm a military man, and i can see it, well, before the war, i already thought they had forgotten. about us, no, again, the gray area there, the gray area here, that way, that way, oh, they are playing this badminton, well, the second ukrainian candle, which
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is being shown today right now at this moment, is called god's free, and i already i've heard comparisons, you know, such that i don't like this one, but i've heard that it's, they say, a ukrainian version with a gilded book. a famous film that tells about a psychiatric hospital, how the main characters rebel there, or rather, the main character, here we are we see a film about kerala psychiatry in the 60s in the soviet union, i only managed to watch literally 20 minutes, and there the main character, who has a wife, but the father-in-law does not like him very much, the father-in-law is a psychiatrist, and therefore he decides to frame him and send him to a psychiatric hospital with the diagnosis, which, i know it in russian, is sluggish current schizophrenia, which does not actually exist, it was invented precisely in the soviet union, in order to
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give such non-existent diagnoses to people who in one way or another do not fit the system, let's let's take a look, the best government in the world. oxygen station, there are also quite a lot of different reviews. some liked it, some didn't, but if we talk about what we liked, then for sure the biggest visual part, i can really praise it, it's interesting enough, and our cinematographers are very good,
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the cinematography school, so almost every movie has a very good, good picture visual in general, that's it, and from the minuses, maybe they said that the characters are not well revealed enough, i would like more, and that it was about mostemiv, but again, the choice is yours. do and your impression is your impression, don't listen to anyone, watch ukrainian cinema and draw your own conclusions, sing along, it will also be at the ukrainian box office, well, i 've told you everything so far, i'm going to watch the crazy people, thanks to chechnya for this information , only one thing is nice that ukrainian cinematography is not just alive, it is developing and here... new premieres, you will have to go when they are in cinemas. well, that's all i have on the air, i will meet with you tomorrow, and all i have to do is pass the word to our
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to the incomparable natalka didenko. will talk about what the weather has in store for us tomorrow, see you, synoptic hello to everyone, our dear viewers, before we talk about what will happen tomorrow, let's take a look at the next meteorological day, we will share with you some interesting information that the central geophysical observatory shares with us named after boris sereznevskyi, namely, let's talk about temperature records, well... for example, in some places in the kyiv region, so we look at the chernobyl weather station, new records were recorded: the average daily air temperature - 28.2, in contrast to 26.9 in 2001, the minimum, the warmest daily temperature of 22.8 was in the same year 2001, 21.8, the maximum daily air temperature was 35.7, in 2010 it was 34.8. now let's move on to the glorious fast. the warmest
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minimum temperature of 21.9 was 20.6 in 2009 and 2011, and the maximum daily air temperature is 36.5, this is already in vyshgorod, in contrast to 2016, when 35.5 was observed, well, now there are many such records, we definitely don't keep up with them, but i think that even without statistics here, we all understand what it is summer of course, it is very hot and the air temperature exceeds historical maximums both night and day. well, we are now moving to a higher level , so to speak. taking into account the fact that
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the air mass in ukraine is gradually changing, all magnetic storms. please, especially people with cardiovascular diseases, listen more carefully to your health. well, actually the weather forecast is on the next day, i want to say right away that the anticyclone, which was stationed over ukraine and contained the extreme heat, is collapsing, and therefore already tomorrow the air temperature will begin to gradually decrease, the heat will weaken. but we are not running ahead and gradually across all regions. so, tomorrow in the western regions. a temperature of 26-28° is expected, short-term rains with thunderstorms are likely only in the carpathians, possibly in the carpathian region, the heat is already easing in the north of ukraine, and +28, +30 or even +28, +30 or even is expected from zhytomyr oblast to sumy oblast 28-29°. it will still be hot in the east, but
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not so hot. 33 is expected there, in kharkiv oblast it is possible even 32°, and luhansk oblast remains the coolest. tomorrow evening in donetsk region, closer to the azov region, there is a possibility of short-term thunderstorms. hooray. dry weather will prevail in the central part of ukraine. the air temperature in vinnytsia, for example, is somewhere around 28°c. finally, the territory is 30-34°, it is still possible up to 35 in the dnipropetrovsk region. the southern part remains. it's the hottest, but there too already such a small, such a modest tendency to ease the heat, tomorrow it will be 33-36° above zero, in zaporizhzhia, in the azov region, there is a chance of rain and thunderstorms in the evening. in kyiv tomorrow, i can't believe it myself, the maximum air temperature will fluctuate around +28°, no precipitation is expected. here is the nearest synoptic outlook with finally some less, some more relief from the heat,
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of course... keep a close eye on our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict with serhii program rudenkom the bridgeheads on the left bank are holding. marines continue to hold their positions on the other side of the dnieper, despite the fact that the village of krynky is full. destroyed by russian shelling, are the russians capable of intensifying the onslaught in the south? the second term of ursula funderlajen. the re-elected president of the european commission called for the creation of a european defense union and criticized viktor orbán for appeasing putin. will it preserve the unity of the european union? courage is crucial for peace.


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